HomeMy WebLinkAbout03. Follow-up to February 17, 2017 Board Self-Assessment Workshop 3■ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District April 24, 2017 TO: ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE VIA: ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER 2 FROM: ELAINE R. BOEHME, SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT SUBJECT: BRENT IVES — FOLLOW-UP TO FEBRUARY 17, 2017 BOARD SELF- ASSESSMENT WORKSHOP The Board held a Self-Assessment workshop on February 16, 2017 facilitated by Brent Ives, Principal of BHI Management Consulting. The primary outcome of the workshop was a desire to more clearly define the Board Committee process and consider memorializing various Committee protocols. Based on feedback from the Workshop, staff has been working with Mr. Ives to develop proposed Committee Protocols and Guidelines that the Board may wish to consider incorporating into Board Policy No. BP 013 — Standing Committee Charters. A redlined version of the existing BP 013 showing the proposed new protocols is attached. Mr. Ives and staff have also recommended several changes to BP 023 — Board Ethics and Conduct, the most substantial of which would be to provide for annual Board self- assessments. Mr. Ives has proposed for the Board's consideration that every other year's assessment would cover a comprehensive array of topics, with the intervening years focusing on a specific topic. A redlined version of the existing BP 023 showing the proposed changes is attached. Finally, the proposed changes above, if adopted, would necessitate changes to Section 4. Role and Duties of the recently updated 2016 Board Member Handbook. A redlined version of proposed changes to Section 4 of the Handbook is also attached. Mr. Ives will attend the April 24, 2017 Committee meeting to discuss the next steps. The full Board is scheduled to consider the above matters when Mr. Ives addresses the July 6, 2017 Board meeting in follow-up to the Workshop. Attached Supporting Documents: 1. Redlined copy of BP 013- Standing Committee Charters 2. Redlined copy of BP 023—Board Ethics and Conduct 3. Redlined copy of 2016 Board Member Landbook ATTACHMENT 1 central Contra Costa Number: BP 013 Sanitary District Authority: Board of Directors Effective: March 6, 2014 Revised: -"111, �� gni 5 Reviewed: Initiating Dept./Div.: Administration .BOARD POLICY STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS PURPOSE To adopt charters for the District's Standing Committees. POLICY The Board has determined that it is beneficial to adopt charters for each of the District's Standing Committees below: Administration Finance Engineering & Operations Real Estate, Environmental & Planning These charters define the mission and goals of the Committees, list key staff liaisons, and set forth the Committee scope with an emphasis on policy rather than operational matters. They also include general Committee Protocols and Guidelines and provide a framework within which the Committees and staff can operate. They can be revised as needed by the Board. The General Manager will determine to which Committee items are assigned as they arise, and, in cases where certain topics may span two Committees, the General Manager may confer with the Board President for guidance. [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District] General Committee Protocols and Guidelines for Standing Committees 1 Role: The role of the Committees is advisory to the Board — Committees make recommendations to the full Board. 2. Committee Recommendations on Agendas: Staff will specify on Committee agendas what is needed from the Committee for each agenda item (e.g. Committee recommendation for Board approval; Receive the report, Provide i n p ut to staff, etc.) 3. Committee Action; For those items for which a Committee recommendation to the Board is requested, staff will proceed as follows, depending on the Committee vote: a. Committee recommendation of Board approval—The item will generally be put on the Board Consent Calendar. b. Split Committee vote— The item will proceed to the full Board (not on Consent Calendar), and the reason for the split vote will be reflected in both the Committee minutes and the position paper. For purposes of efficiency within the Committee process, should the two Committee Members find themselves at early impasse regarding their position on any committee matter, it is the policy of this Board to bring that matter to the full Board as early in the process as possible. C. Committee votes aciainst approval—The item will generally proceed to the full Board (not on Consent Calendar), and the Committee's position will be reflected in both the Committee minutes and the position paper. 4. Committee Requests for Information: When a Committee Member requests information, the Committee Members must vote on whether to proceed with the request. If the request does not receive Committee approval, staff generally will not proceed with the request. 5. Staff Responses to Committee Requests for Information: If the response is in writing, it will generally be made part of the next Committee packet. If the response is provided by staff verbally or via email to Committee Members outside of a convened meeting, staff will provide a brief announcement at the next Committee meeting. 6. Informational Reports: Informational reports (e.g. NPIDES annual report, HHW annual report, Sanitary Sewer Overflow annual report, mentorship presentations, etc.), which do not require Committee recommendation or input and which typically are presented to the full Board, will generally no longer be scheduled on Committee agendas but will go straight to the Board. 7. Standing items: The use of standing items on Committee agendas is discouraged due to potential Brown Act issues. Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 2 of 6 CHARTER ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Chair Committee Member Members: Meeting Twice a month (subject to rescheduling or cancellation) Schedule: Primary Staff General Manager Liaison: Secretary of the District Deputy General Manager Director of Budget and Finance Human Resources Manager Communication Services & Intergovernmental Relations Manager Risk Management Administrator Information Technology Manager Committee The Mission of the Administration Committee is to provide input and Mission/Goals: recommendations to the Board regarding administrative policy matters, including District policies on Human Resources matters, internal operations, outreach, information technology, and legislation that support the District's_Mission, Vision and Values and Strategic Plan Goals: • Policy development and review • Oversight of Human Resources policies/matters • Internal operations • Effective public outreach • Review of information technology policies • Legislative review • Oversight of Risk Management • Transparency Committee The Committee may review and make recommendations to the full Board. Scope: The Committee may direct the General Manager to conduct additional research on policy issues within the Committee Charter. The Committee may concur with General Manager recommendations when within General Manager authority, which will be reported to the Board as appropriate. • Develops new, or reviews and revises existing, District policies for Board consideration • Reviews and makes recommendations on Human Resources matters • Reviews and advises on internal operating issues that fall within the Committee Charter • Ensures adequate public outreach of policy-related District services and programs (outreach for specific programs may be referred to the appropriate Committee by the General Manager) • Reviews District information technology policy matters Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 3 of 6 • Reviews legislation affecting the District • Oversees Risk Management and associated legal matters Revised by March 6, 2014; July 23, 2015 Board: Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 4of6 CHARTER ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Chair Committee Member Members: Meeting Monthly (subject to rescheduling or cancellation) Schedule: Primary Staff General Manager Liaison: Secretary of the District Deputy General Manager Director of Engineering & Technical Services Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division Manager Capital Projects Division Manager Collection System Operations Division Manager Planning & Development Services Division Manager Plant Operations Division Manager Plant Maintenance Division Manager Committee The Mission of the Engineering & Operations Committee is primarily to Mission/ Goals: provide oversight and direction to staff on Board-adopted policy issues relating to the District's Capital Improvement Program and Operations consistent with the District's Mission, Vision and Values and Strategic Plan. Goals: • Fiscal sustainability • Budgetary transparency • Ensure appropriate level of internal controls • Regulatory compliance • Operational effectiveness/resilience • Oversight of District Safety Program Committee The Committee may review and make recommendations to the full Scope: Board. The Committee may direct the General Manager to conduct additional research on policy issues within the Committee Charter. The Committee may concur with General Manager recommendations when within General Manager authority, which will be reported to the Board as appropriate. • Reviews Capital Improvement Program and Budget for planning, funding and regulatory compliance, and transparency • Reviews Engineering, Plant Operations, Maintenance and Collection System Operations issues as they arise; keeps Board informed as to how these issues impact customer service and the priority of upcoming capital work • Reviews Asset Management Program • Reviews and monitors District's Safety Program • Ensures adequate public outreach of certain program-related matters within the scope of the Committee, as referred by the General Manager Revised by March 6, 2014, July 23, 2015 Board: Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 5of6 CHARTER FINANCE COMMITTEE Chair Committee Member Members: Meeting Twice a month (subject to rescheduling or cancellation) Schedule: Primary Staff General Manager Liaison: Secretary of the District Deputy General Manager Director of Budget and Finance Finance Manager Purchasing and Materials Manager Committee The Mission of the Finance Committee is primarily to provide financial Mission/ Goals: oversight and direction to staff on adopted policy issues, and to ensure fiscal sustainability of the District consistent with the District's Mission, Vision and Values and Strategic Plan. Goals: • Fiscal sustainability • Compliance with federal, state, and public financing requirements • Ensure appropriate level of internal controls • Recommend policies to safeguard the District's assets • Trans arenc Committee The Committee may review and make recommendations to the full Scope: Board. The Committee may direct the General Manager to conduct additional research on policy issues within the Committee Charter. The Committee may concur with General Manager recommendations when within General Manager authority, which will be reported to the Board as appropriate. • Provides recommendations related to the annual budget, its implementation and future projections • Reviews financial reports for completeness and accuracy • Oversees proper use of resources • Reviews development, implementation and oversight of the District's investment policies and practices • Reviews expenditures and makes recommendations to the Board • Ensures adequate public outreach of certain program-related matters within the scope of the Committee, as referred by the General Manager Revised by March 6, 2014, July 23, 2015 Board: Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 6 of 6 CHARTER REAL ESTATE, ENVIRONMENTAL & PLANNING COMMITTEE Chair Committee Member Members: Meeting Monthly (subject to cancellation or rescheduling) Schedule: Primary Staff General Manager Liaison: Secretary of the District Deputy General Manager Director of Budget and Finance Director of Engineering & Technical Services Planning & Development Services Division Manager Committee The Mission of the Real Estate, Environmental & Planning (REEP) Mission/Goals: Committee is to ensure long-range planning that supports the District's Mission, Vision and Values and Strategic Plan Goals: cost-effectively engage in resource recovery and recycling activities • Cost-effectively engage in resource recovery and recycling activities • Regulatory compliance • Appropriate use of District land, resources and facilities • Long-range planning • Transparency Committee The Committee may review and make recommendations to the full Board. Scope: The Committee may direct the General Manager to conduct additional research on policy issues within the Committee Charter. The Committee may concur with General Manager recommendations when within General Manager authority, which will be reported to the Board as appropriate. • Reviews long-range planning documents including master plans and strategic plans • Oversees the District's regulatory and permitting strategies to remain in compliance with federal, state and county regulatory requirements • Oversees use of land resources and facilities in accordance with District policies • Reviews year-end annual reports for Household Hazardous Waste, Pollution Prevention, and Recycled Water • Ensures adequate public outreach of certain program-related matters within the scope of the Committee, as referred by the General Manager Revised by March 6, 2014, July 23, 2015 Board: ATTACHMENT 2 Central Contra Costa Number: BP 023 Sanitary District Authority: Board of Directors Effective: July 7, 2016 Revised: .;<. - Reviewed: Initiating Dept./Div.: Board of Directors/ Secretary of the District BOARD POLICY BOARD ETHICS AND CONDUCT PURPOSE To promote and maintain high standards of personal and professional conduct of Board Members that reflect the mission, vision, values and goals of the District and the communities it serves. POLICY Responsibilities of Public Office CCCSD Board Members are dedicated to the concepts of effective and democratic government by responsible elected officials, including: • Upholding the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California and carry out the laws of the nation, the state and local governmental agencies; • Complying with applicable laws and policies regulating their conduct, including open government, conflict of interest, and financial disclosure laws; • Being accountable to the constituents as a top priority through impartial and independent decision making in light of the needs of the people they serve; • Creating policies and provide fiscal oversight; and • Appointing and evaluating the General Manager, Secretary of the District, and District Counsel. A. Board Ethics The Members of the Board of Directors shall conduct themselves in accordance with the following ethical standards: Number: BP 023 BOARD ETHICS AND CONDUCT Page 2 of 6 1. Act in the Public Interest. Recognizing that stewardship of the public interest must be their primary concern, Board Members will work for the common good of the people and not for any private or personal interest. They will assure fair and equal treatment of all persons, claims and transactions coming before the Board of Directors. 2. Decisions Based on Merit. Board Members shall base their decisions on the merits and substance of the matter at hand, rather than on unrelated considerations or personal interests. Board Members shall listen to and consider all evidence and information presented on a matter and refrain from reaching any final conclusion until the completion of the hearing or the discussion of the matter. 3. Conflict of Interest. Board Members shall avoid conflicts of interest. Board Members shall comply with the District's Conflict of Interest Code, the provisions of the Fair Political Practices commission Regulations and other applicable laws. 4. Gifts and Favors. Board Members shall not take any special advantage of opportunities for personal gain by virtue of their Board membership. They shall refrain from accepting gifts or benefits which are inconsistent with Fair Political Practices Commission Regulations. 5. Use of Public Resources. Board Members shall not use public resources for private gain or for personal purposes not authorized by law. 6. Advocacy. Board Members shall represent the official policies or positions of the Board of Directors to the best of their ability when designated as delegates for this purpose. When presenting their individual opinions and positions, Board Members shall explicitly state they do not represent the Board of Directors or the District, nor will they allow the inference that they do. 7. open and Public Meetings. Board Members shall adhere to the rules restricting Board decision making to properly noticed public meetings consistent with the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act found at section 54950 and following of the California Government Code. 8. Confidentiality. Board Members shall not disclose to unauthorized persons any information that legally qualifies as confidential without approval of the Board of Directors. This includes information that (1) has been received for, or during, a closed session of the Board; (2) is protected from disclosure under the attorney-client or other evidentiary privilege; or (3) is not disclosable under the Public Records Act. Board Members may make a confidential inquiry or complaint to the District Counsel, District Attorney, or grand jury concerning a perceived violation of the law, including disclosing facts to the District Counsel, District Attorney, or grand jury Number: BP 023 BOARD ETHICS AND CONDUCT Page 3 of 6 necessary to establish the alleged illegality of a District action. Prior to disclosing confidential information, however, a Board Member may first bring the matter to the attention of the full Board, in a lawful and appropriate manner, to provide an opportunity for the Board to address the alleged violation of the law. B. Board Conduct Guidelines The Board Conduct Guidelines are designed to describe the manner in which Board Members should treat one another, District staff, constituents, and others they come into contact with while representing the District. 1. Board Members Conduct with Each Other in Public Meetincis Board Members are often individuals with a wide variety of backgrounds, personalities, values, opinions and goals. Despite this diversity, all have chosen to serve the public in order to preserve and protect public health and the environment. In all cases, this common goal should be acknowledged even though individuals may not agree on every issue. (a) Honor the Bole of the Board President in Maintaining Order It is the responsibility of the Board President to keep the comments of Board Members on track during public meetings. Board Members should honor efforts by the President to focus discussion on current agenda items and reasonably manage the discussion process. If there is disagreement about the agenda or the President's actions, those objections should be voiced politely and with reason, following procedures outlined in the adopted Rosenberg's Rules of Order parliamentary procedure. (b) Practice Civility and Decorum in Discussions and Debate Difficult questions, tough challenges to a particular point of view, and criticism of ideas and information are legitimate elements of debate by a free democracy in action. Free debate does not require, nor justify, public officials making belligerent, personal, impertinent, abusive, or disparaging comments. Board Members should be respectful of other Board members' right to promote differing positions (c) Demonstrate Effective Problem-solving Approaches Board Members have a public stage and have the responsibility to show how individuals with disparate points of view can find common ground and seek a compromise that benefits the community as a whole. Board Members shall prepare themselves for meetings, listen attentively to all public discussions, and focus on the business at hand. Board Members should be mindful of the time taken in making their Number: BP 023 BOARD ETHICS AND CONDUCT Page 4 of 6 comments and accept that each Board Member should be afforded adequate time for comments. (d) Ex Pane Communications Board Members shall publicly announce to the Board any ex parte communications which have occurred that relate to matters under consideration at that Board meeting. Board Members shall also announce to the full Board when he or she has made public statements or presentations outside of a Board meeting concerning items to be addressed or discussed at the Board meeting. 2. Board Members' Conduct with the Public in Public Meetings (a) Public Attendance at Meetings Making the public feel welcome is an important part of the democratic process. No signs of partiality, prejudice or disrespect should be evident on the part of individual Board Members toward an individual participating in a public forum. Every effort should be made to be fair and impartial in listening to public testimony. Asking for clarification is appropriate, but Board Members should avoid debate and argument with the public. sibilit to ensure that the public is treated The oar President has the respo n.,., � ,,.,..., ,,..._ , appropriately and consistently. (b) Avoidance of Discriminatory Speech or Actions Board Members shall avoid statements or comments that suggest any intent to differentiate or discriminate in District actions or policy between persons or classes of the public on the basis of on race, religion, color, creed, age, marital status, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, medical condition or disability or other protected classes. I Board Members Conduct with Staff The District's success in accomplishing its mission can best be accomplished as a result of the Board providing regular direction and management staff carrying out that direction. (a) Board/General Manager Relationship The Board sets policy and the General Manager is responsible for execution of that policy. The Board provides policy direction and instructions to the General Manager on matters within the authority of the Board only by majority vote of the Board during duly convened Board meetings. Number: BP 023 BOARD ETHICS AND CONDUCT Page 5 of 6 (b) Requests for Information from Staff Most requests for information from or direction to staff should come from the Board or a Board Committee. There are times when Board Members seek additional information from staff. Good management requires that the General Manager monitors and directs the work of staff rather than individual Board Members. Board Member reguests for information, such as studies or assessments, that require more than a minimal amount of staff time shall be placed on a Board agenda fora roval by a majo-rity of the Board. If the recluest is made duri Board meetinq, the Board shall indicate at that time whether a majority of the Board wishes to proceed with obtaining the requested information. If a request comes from an individual Board Member, the request should generally start with the General Manager. The General Manager should be able to obtain the answers or involve the right person in the discussion as needed. The Secretary of the District is often able to assist Board Members with obtaining District records and other scheduling or administrative type matters. (c) No Solicitation of Political Support from Staff Elected officials should not solicit any type of political support from staff. Staff may as private citizens support political candidates of their choice, but all such activities should be done away from the District workplace during non-work hours. (d) Positive Work Environment Board Members shall support the maintenance of a positive and constructive work place environment for District employees and shall recognize their special role in dealings with employees to avoid the perception of inappropriate direction to staff. 4. Board Members ServinQ as Committee Members Board Members serving as Committee Members shall follow the conduct auidelines set forth above, and shall adhere to Board Policy BP 01 3 - Committee Charters. S. Board Self Evaluation and Assessment The Board will conduct a public self-evaluation and assessment workshop every year with alternate years beincl full assessments and otherearson focused assessment topics onL. Number: BP 023 BOARD ETHICS AND CONDUCT Page 6 of 6 54. Violation of Polio A perceived violation of this policy by a Board Member should be referred to the Board President for evaluation and consideration of any appropriate action warranted. In the case of a perceived violation by the-Board President, the matter should be referred to the Board President Pro Tem. Typically, reports, complaints or concerns of perceived violations should be shared by the Board President or Board Pro Tem with the entire Board. The Board President or Pro Tem may seek the assistance of the General Manager and/or District Counsel with regard to the process for addressing a report or complaint of a violation. A violation of this policy may be addressed by remedies available at law, including but not limited to: • Informal counseling by Board President or Board Pro Tem; • Adopting a resolution expressing disapproval of the conduct and/or censure of the Board Member; • Injunctive relief; or • Referral of the violation to the District Attorney and/or grand jury. Formal Board actions to address violations shall typically be taken in the public portion of a properly noticed Board meeting. [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District] ATTACHMENT 3 SECTION 4. Role a nd Duties Board Members' Duties and Responsibilities The Board is the legislative body that holds governing authority for the District, and its roles and responsibilities are listed below. • Develop and evaluate policies for the District; • Establish and oversee the-District's finances, budgets, programs and performance; • Provide the resources needed by management and staff to carry out District policy; • Determine the vision, mission, values and goals of the District; and • Appoint and conduct annual performance evaluations of the General Manager, District Counsel, and Secretary of the District. • Conduct annual Board self-evaluation and assessment The Board has adopted Board Policy BP 023 -Board Ethics and Conduct which sets forth its standard of conduct. A copy has been included at the end of this Section. Apart from his or her normal function as part of the Board, each individual Board Member's role and responsibilities include the following: • Act as liaison between and establish relationships with outside agencies and the public; • Represent the interests of the District's customers; and • Participate in ceremonial events as District representative. Board Members Have No Individual Authority The Board of Directors is the unit of authority within the District. Apart from his or her normal function as a part of this unit, Board Members have no individual authority. As such, they may not individually commit the District to any policy, act or expenditure. Term of Office Board Members are elected at large for four-year terms. Elections are held on the first Tuesday in November of even-numbered years and are consolidated with Contra Costa County. Terms are staggered,with either two or three seats elected during alternating election cycles. Swearing In Newly-elected or re-elected Board Members are usually sworn in at the first Board meeting in December after the results of the November election are certified by the Registrar of Voters. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District- 2016 BOARD MEMBER HANDBOOK SECTION 4 p. 1 Board Member Requests Board Member requests for informationsuch as studies or assessments, that require more than a minimal amount of staff time shall be placed on a Board-.agenda for approval,by a majori,ty of the Board. If the request is made during a Board meetina. the Board shall-indicate at that time whether a majoL Ut of the Board wishes to j)roceed with obtaining there information. President and President Pro Tem Roles and Duties In December, the Board votes to appoint a President and President Pro Tem whose one- year terms begin in January. President The Board President has no additional powers beyond those of any other Board Member. The following are the role and responsibilities of the Board President: • Serve as presiding officer at all Board meetings; • Maintain proper conduct of Board meetings; • Understand and apply the adopted Rosenberu's Rules of Order t)arliamentary procedure in meet • Run effective and efficient meetings, including but not limited to ensuring appropriate opportunities for public participation and managing the time; • Keep the Board focused on the discussion at hand and true to its proper role and responsibility; • Avoid diversions from the agenda or disruptions in the conduct of District business; • Maintain proper and appropriate parliamentary procedure [Rosenbergs Rules of Order) and agenda management (e.g. ensure that actions are taken with proper motions and seconds); • Acknowledge and diplomatically facilitate appropriate public participation in the activities of the Board; • Vote, discuss, and make motions the same as other members of the Board; however, the President only makes motions and seconds motions on occasions when Board Members are reluctant to do so; • Allow the other Board Members to complete their comments on an item before offering his or her own; • Keep the meeting discussions focused on properly-noticed agenda items and steadfastly move the Board toward making decisions; • Sign various Board-approved documents on behalf of the Board; Central Contra Costa Sanitary District- 2016 BOARD MEMBER HANDBOOK SECTION 4 p. 2 • Recommend appointments to Standing Committees,Ad Hoc Committees and representatives to outside agencies and cities; and • Act as official representative of the District for ceremonial purposes. The President recommends and the Board approves appointments to the Standing Board Committees, ad hoc committees, p and representation to cines and outside agencies. Traditionally,the appointments are for one-year terms. President Pro Tern The President Pro Tem performs all the duties of President in his or her absence. Board Committees Board Committees act in an advisory capacity to the full Board. Committee Members are held to the same standards of conduct as Board Members as described in this Handbook - Board Ethics crud Conduct and �n Board Policy BP 023 .., Standing Committees Currently, there are four Standing Committees: • Administration Committee • Engineering& Operations Committee • Finance Committee • Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Standing Committees are comprised of two Board Members (Chair and Member). Appointments to standing or other committees are generally proposed by the Board President-Elect and voted on at the end of each calendar year for the followingyear. Y Committee Charters are contained in Board Policy BP 013 - Committee Charters and attached as Exhibit 4-A. Committee meetings are usually held at the Headquarters Office Building (HOB) in Martinez and generally Occur once or twice a month. Typically, each Committee will set its annual roster of meetings at its first Committee meeting in January. The timing of the meetings depends on the needs of the District and the convenience of the Committee Members. Committee agendas are prepared and posted in accordance with the Brown Act and action minutes are prepared after each meeting. A report is given by the Committee Chair at the next Board meeting and, if action by the full Board is necessary, the item is agendized for a future Board meeting. In the event that a Committee Member is unable to attend a scheduled meeting, the meeting is usually rescheduled unless time-sensitive matters require action, in Central Contra Costa Sanitary District-2016 BOARD MEMBER HANDBOOK SECTION 4 p. 3 which case the President may appoint an Alternate Committee Member for that meeting. For purposes of efficiency within the Committee process, should the two Committee Members find themselves at earl v impasse reRarding thei,r,.,,.Vosition on any committee matter, it is the t)olio y of this Board to bring that matter to the full Board as ea,rlv in the-Drocess as possible. Ad Hoc Committees From time to time,, the Board may create ad hoc committees as needed. These differ from standing committees in that they are not subject to the Brown Act and have limited scope and duration. The President appoints members to ad hoc committees. In recent years, the District has formed ad hoc committees for such matters as the CoCo San Sustainable Farm and the complete update of the District Code. It is expected that the time necessary to fully describe the scope of the ad hoc committee work will be initiated aloe Ly with its creation. Board Liaisons and Representatives to Outside Agencies Liaisons to Cities, Towns and County Board Members are appointed to act as liaisons to all cities and towns within the District's service area and to Contra Costa County, as listed below: Alamo Moraga Concord Orinda Contra Costa County Pacheco Danville Pleasant Hill Lafayette San Ramon Martinez Walnut Creek Examples of typical Board liaison activities include periodic meetings with the Mayor and/or City Manager (usually accompanied by the General Manager) and/or presentations at a City Council meeting on the state of the District. Representatives to Outside Agencies and Organizations Board Members may also be appointed as representatives or liaisons to the following outside agencies: • California Special Districts Association - Contra Costa Chapter (CCSDA) • Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) • Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) • East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) • East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) • Mt. View Sanitary District (MVSD) • National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District-2016 BOARD MEMBER HANDBOOK SECTION 4 p. 4 • Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District (PHR&PD) Board Members receive a stipend for attendance at meetings or events at which they formally represent the District in their capacity as liaison or representative when District business is being conducted. Board Members Represent the Entire Community While the Board President appoints individual Board Members as liaisons to the County, cities and various outside agencies and organizations within the District's service area, Board Members are elected at-large by the customers in the entire service area. Therefore,they act for the community as a whole. Board Members' Role in Community Outreach As stated above, Board Members are appointed to act as liaisons for each city and town within the service area and as representatives to various other organizations and agencies. Board Members also attend functions as appropriate within their liaison areas and may make presentations to city councils and other groups as needed. Handling Inquiries/Complaints from Customers If a Board Member receives a complaint or concern from the public, it is generally recommended that he or she refer the customer to the General Manager or Secretary of the District for appropriate handling. Handling Inquiries from Media and Outside organizations If a Board Member receives an inquiry from a member of the media, it is strongly advised that the caller be referred to the Communication Services Division to assure any response is consistent with other District messaging. The District has identified the following District spokespersons who are equipped to respond to inquiries from the media, outside organizations and members of the community: Emily Barnett- Communication Services & Intergovernmental Relations Manager Phone: 229-7310 (office); 378-0355 (cell) Email: ebarnett centralsan.or Chris Carpenter- Community Affairs Representative Phone: 229-7316 (office); 212-2631 (cell) Email: ccar e nter@ centralsan.or Board Members' Rave in Emergency situations The District's Emergency Management program is comprised of four elements: plan development and maintenance, training and exercises, supplies and equipment, and coordination with other agencies. Emergency plans include the District's: • Emergency Operations Plan; • Local Hazard Mitigation Plan; and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District- 2016 BOARD MEMBER HANDBOOK SECTION 4 p. 5 • Continuity of Operations Plan. Periodically, staff provides the Board with presentations regarding the District's preparations for responding to an emergency, such as a natural disaster, to keep the Board Members informed as to where the District stands in terms of readiness for an emergency. During an actual emergency, the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) will be set up either in the Multi-Purpose Room at District Headquarters, or at the Collection System Operations offices in Walnut Creek. The Board President and the Board Members do not have a direct role in emergency operations. Their role during an emergency is to support the Director of Emergency Services and the activities of the Emergency Operation Center (EOC). The list below, excerpted from the Emergency Operations Plan, sets forth the responsibilities of the Board Members in an emergency: • Establish contact with the Director of Emergency Services (the General Manager or his designee) or report to the EOC to receive a briefing from the Director of Emergency Services on the nature and status of the emergency. • If unable to contact the Director of Emergency Services, contact the Board Liaison Office (the Secretary of the District or her assistant). • If requested by the Director of Emergency Services, serve as liaisons to other elected officials and public/community organizations. • Remain informed of emergency response activities. • Assist in releasing of public information obtained from the Director of Emergency Services or Public Information Officer with concurrence from the Director of Emergency Services. If requested by the Director of Emergency Services or the Public Information Officer, serve as a spokesperson for the District at media interviews andpress conferences. • Ratify Proclamation of Local Emergency at a special Board Meeting within seven (7) days after its issuance by the Director of Emergency Services. • Hold Board meetings as required to address legal or policy issues arising from the emergency. Board Member Meetings with General Manager The General Manager typically meets one-on-one with each Board Member on a regular basis, usually monthly. The General Manager's Executive Assistant arranges these meetings, which may be held at the District offices or offsite, at whatever time and location is preferable for each Board Member. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District- 2016 BOARD MEMBER HANDBOOK SECTION 4 p. 6 Executive Management Team The Executive Management Team consists of three positions: General Manager, Secretary of the District, and District Counsel. All three positions are appointed by and report directly to the Board. Annual performance appraisals are scheduled automatically in September of each year in accordance with Resolution No. 2015-027. (Exhibit 4-B.) General Manager's Role The terms and conditions of the General Manager's employment are expressed in a contract with the District. That contract provides that the incumbent shallp erform all duties and assume all obligations of the office of General Manager described in the job classification, and shall be subject to all pertinent provisions of the ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations and all other lawful orders and directives of the District or the Board. The District Code states that the General Manager shall: A. Establish departments and organize the functions of the District; B. Recommend rules and regulations for adoption, including specifications and requirements controlling the construction, repair, maintenance and operation of sewage systems, recycled water systems and Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility; C. Collect fees and charges, issue permits and maintain records of all transactions. The job classification for the position of General Manager is approved by the Board and specifies the required minimum qualifications, knowledge, skills and abilities as well as the duties of the position. The General Manager delegates many duties to Department Directors, managers and staff. In doing so, the General Manager remains accountable to the Board. Secretary of the District's Role The terms and conditions of the Secretary of the District's employment are expressed as a contract with the District. The job classification for the Secretary of the District is approved by the Board and specifies the required minimum qualifications, knowledge, skills and abilities as well as the duties of the position. The District Code states that the Secretary of the District shall: A. Make independent decisions as necessary to implement Board requests, decisions and official actions; B. Serve as custodian of the official records of the District; Central Contra Costa Sanitary District- 2016 BOARD MEMBER HANDBOOK SECTION 4 p. 7 C. Attend meetings of the District Board and such additional Committee meetings, conferences and hearings as may from time to time be required; D. Produce as appropriate the minutes and official records of Board and Committee actions, including those in closed session meetings,with the restriction that minute books recording the topics discussed and decisions made in closed session meetings shall be considered confidential and not subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act, Government Code Section 6250 et seq.; E. Participate and coordinate with management group in meetings and projects. The Secretary of the District acts for the Board Members in a variety of executive, administrative, legal and record-keeping functions, and is part of the District Management Team. These functions include preparation of Board and Committee agendas and minutes; compliance with applicable regulations, including the Health and Safety Code, Brown Act and Public Records Act; records management; elections; adherence to Fair Political Practices Commission requirements; ethics compliance; maintenance of Board Policies and related Administrative Procedures; and special projects. District Counsel's Role Unlike the other two Board-appointed positions, the District Counsel is not an "employee" of the District. The terms and conditions of the District Counsel's employment are expressed as a contract between the District Counsel his law firm and the District. The District Code states that the District Counsel, under direction from the Board, and in coordination with the General Manager: A. Shall act as attorney for the District as required in all matters affecting District affairs, except in those areas, or subject matters,where special counsel are from time to time employed and special responsibilities assigned to said special counsel. B. Shall,within the foregoing limitation, and in fulfilling duties as attorney for the District: attend meetings of the District Board and such additional committee meetings, conferences and,hearings as may from time to time be required to provide legal counsel and guidance; oversee application of the Brown Act to District meetings and maintain records in conformance with said Act; prepare opinions as to applicable law when required by the circumstances, or requested by the District Board or General Manager; prepare such legal documents, including contracts and conveyances, as may be required, and to prosecute and defend such litigation as the interest of the District shall require; assist officers and employees of the District by advice upon legal matters related to the administration of the District, and engage in Central Contra Costa Sanitary District- 2016 BOARD MEMBER HANDBOOK SECTION 4 p. 8 such research, studies and reports as may be indicated in the progress of his work. C. May practice law independent of District work in an office maintained at his own expense, including necessary stenographic and research services; provided, however, that such practice, and the clients represented therein, shall not conflict with his responsibility to the District. The District Code also states that the District Counsel shall be admitted to practice . law in California and have an active membership in the California State Bar. In terms of experience, the District Code states that District Counsel shall have two years' comprehensive experience in the law of special districts, eminent domain, state and federal environmental protection, state and federal grant administration, legislative draftsmanship, and conduct of public hearings. Supporting Documents A copy of the following Board Policy is included immediately following this Section: BP 023 - Board Ethics and Conduct Exhibits The exhibits listed below may be found in the digital "Dashboard" (see Section 10): 4-A B P 013- Committee Charters 4-B Resolution No. 2.015-027- Performance Appraisals for Executive Management Team Central Contra Costa Sanitary District- 2016 BOARD MEMBER HANDBOOK SECTION 4 p. 9