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03.a. Old Business
r - Central Contra CostaSanitary 'District April 25, 2017 TO: FINANCE COMMITTEE VIA: ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER PHILIP R. LEIBER, DIRECTOR OF FINANCED ADMINISTRATIO FROM: THEA VASSALLO, FINANCE MANAGER SUBJECT: INFORMATION REQUESTED ON PURCHASING CARD CHARGES At the March 28th Finance Committee meeting, committee members inquired about purchasing card charges related to parts to repair Central San vehicles and charges related to operational supplies. Some of the items are for the CSO vehicle fleet and others for day-to-day operation at the plant. Parts/supplies include the following: ■ B att e ry ■ Propane for the forklift • Brake light switch ■ Starters ■ Front/Rear brake shoes • Gaskets • Cables • Keys • Paint • Paint brushes • Buckets The operational supplies are the equivalent of office supplies but an item that is needed to complete a task outside the office. The description is mainly used by Plant Operations, Pump Stations, and Collection System operations. There are a host of other charges for vehicles that are detailed in the Central San Procurement Card Transaction Logs that are attached. TV:slc Finance Manager Drive/information Requested on PCard Purchases for Vehicles at CSO and PDD operational Supplies CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PROCUREMENT CARD TRANSACTION N LO G MONTwYEAR: -: .. 7 -7 Flew PAGE OF.J CARDHOLDER NAME: -� ..,.._..�,.- ..... , I)EPARTMENT/DIVISI©N: / C.) APPROVINO OFFICIAL PROJECT NUMBER RECEIPT PURCHASE PHONE ITEM DATE VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASED ITEM OR-JOB DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT ACCOUN4,;e:— T NUMBER INTERNET D DISPUTE 2 3 .r`1 7 JI.-D � ost fl �00 erf 10.70 7 10 0 b 9 ftp dc- 08 3 q-1 4 8 r 10 FV Ive. 12 14 ID 15 1.41-1 01- -rrvc* W-cm?&j A23?01 /,0. 3�0 1fi Cr s 44%CSCA, a�LCLf ZI 39c)3 `77 10,54D 0-46 1ax24#L 20 TOTAL: '746%5�'�� stet+em ust Match the total on the monthly ent,less any disputed Items) ACCOUNT#: - - r - AMOUNT: - PURCHASE -r CI-iA E SUMf►IIAAY. t"� �' ACCOUNT#: . -D'61 ID aL AMOUNT; 1rrq PURCHASE SUMMARY: ACCOUNT*., AMOUNT: PURCHASE SUMMARY: ACCOUNT#: AMOUNT: PURCHASE SUMMARY: .a TOTAL , (Total must m match the total provided above and the total on monthly SWw"011485 k Charges for the assl+gned Cardholder have been verified. All charge slips,receipts and credit receipts have been matched and charges property coded to the correct-general ledger account. The billing statement has been reviawed with the Cardholder and aff charges andtor-credits are correct as billed. Any disputed items are listed on the attached Statement of Questioned stern Farm. All materials,gods and sumlles have-been received,inspectad and used for official Distflct business. All pumheses have been made In compllancae with CARDHOLDER!SIGNATURE the District's PurchasingPollcles and procedures and competitive sealed bids or R P proposeils or quvtallans were not required for any of the listed purchases. For telephone or Internet orders,check'PhonelInternet'column and attach Tal+ephorefinterrret APPROVING Order/Credit Receipt Form In lieu of a recelpt OPOICIAL SIONATU CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY` DISTRICT PROCUREMENT CARD TRANSACTION.-..� O LOG MONTI-WEAR: PAGE OF CARDHOLDER NAME �� DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: APPROVING C?FFICIAL.- M 'l , PROJECT NUMBER -RECEIPT PURCHASE PHONE fTEM DATE VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASED ITEM OR.SOB DESCRIPTION- NUMBER AMOUNT ACCOUNT NU MHER IN7ER'NET DISPUTED .-Nmg . i� 'q ?.19 2 {-7 (61�L- �Q6 4 L3 4u drr F0 4Q VROVST-4f?CAQ_ k6S -, - ,q4 t � [ ..... _"0&j Le gow fn; 1,;Z5(o7b 33 1*6ak 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 r:1B 19 41 20 TOTAL: , (Total must match the-totBI on the monthly statement,less any disputed Items) ACCOUNT AMOUNT: ta2 V PURCHASE SUMMARY: ■ � r . ACCOUNT#: AMOUNT: PURCHASE SUMMARY. ACCOUNT#: AMOUNT: _., PURCHASE SUMMARY: ACCOUNT#: AMOUNT: PURCHASE SUMMARY: TOTAL (Total must match the total provided above and the total on monthly statement,less any disputed it�r�� Charges for the assigned Cardholder have been verified. All charge slips,receipts and credit receipts have been matched and charges properly coded to the correct general ledger account. The billing statement has �. been reviewed with the Cardholder and all charges anWor credits are correct as billed. Any disputed items are listed on the attached Statement of Questioned liern form. All materials,goods and supplies have been Cal received,Inspected and used for official District business. All purchases have been made in compliance with CARDHOLDER SIGNATURELIM6� the District's Purchasing Policies and procedures and competitive sealed gids or proposals or quotations were Date not required for any of they listed purchases. - For telephone or Intemet orders,check"Phonelintemet"column and attach TelephoneAntemet APPROVING OrderlCredit Receipt Form In lieu of a receipt. OFFICIAL SIGNATURE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PROCUREMENT CARD TIIAlMSA ON LOG MONTHNEAR: '(� PAGE y OF CARDHOLDER NAME: - et DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: = •J " APPROVING OFFICIAL- PROJECT NUMBER RECEIPT PURCHASE PHONE ITEM DATE VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASED ITEM OH-JOB DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT ACCOUNT NUMBER INTERNET DISPUTED X101. AP43ro- 1-7 L1,4(.0 0300410- D16-va- 2 Ada AD 64 JIL 7--(41 A 8 40 10%j3 t� 3 A 14 gla,,C _ ",tt ? Nr I 4 I&kA e &AM&C JQ PA 4-1 37ZYP-5QNf' b05 IDA� 120-14- 7 M v kk_-L14 I A*,- V_'& P 'O'd n's 8 1+ AV14V ,� -2:UO g11.3b -030.0 11c� -0A. 9 A !,40t io A r+5 -EG 15 — JEW st !ft :bnh' j A4 qj5*75� 11 inbA It i , r # b v - . is-k. maps. 14 15 ths r.%—41 .4 0 ss .0-A ILI 54 mk 07 16 t'r cd 17 I 004AK vow �►! �' 18 19 ?❑ Notal must match tha total'on the monthly L.TOTAL: ' statement,less any disputed Items} ACC3UNT#: .. „.� �, AMaUvT. PURCHASE SUMMARY: Art40�'&4� ���►�► � �� ACCOUNT +a 80 0 400 It ''q a AMDUh1T. PURCHASE SUMMARY: �` ,��"� • .. I .� PURCHASE SUMMARY: �. ik� V� •I a JOL ACC�UfVT#: �1 - AMOUNT: ir ACCOUNT* PURCHASE SUMMARY: � v CL ............. TOTAL •o (Total must match the total provided a nd the total on monthly statement,less any disputed items) Charges for the assigned Cardholder have been verified. All charge slips,receipts and credit receipts have been matched and charges propgrfy coded to the correct general ledger account. The billing statement has been reviewed wlth the-Cardholder End all charges andfor'credlts are correct as billed. Any disputed hams are listed on the attached Staterrlent of Questioned Item forma. All materials,gDods and supplies have been received,inspected and used fbr official aisMct busliess. All purchases have been made In compilence with CARDHOLDER SIGNATUR Date i the DlsMcrs PUrchasing•Policles and prowdures-and competitive sealed bids or proposals or quotaUons were not raqulred for any of the listed purchases. For telephone or Intemet orders,check'Phonefintemet'column and attach TelaphoneAntemet APPROVING i OrdedCredit Ret etpt Form In Neu of a recefpt. OFFICIAL SIGNATURE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PROCUREMENT CARD TRANSACTION LOG MONTH/YEAR: January 2017 PAGE 1 OF 1 CARDHOLDER NAME_ Steve Borrelli DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: POD APPROVING OFFICIAL: Dave Robbins PROJECT NUMBER RECEIPT PURCHASE PHONE ITEM DATE VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASED ITEM OR JOB DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT ACCOUNT NUMBER INTERNET DISPUTED 1 12/23/15 RADWELL INT LEVEL CONTROLLER FOR ASH WO C58495 INV2682139 955.00 0010 408200603 I 2 12122/16 LAMONS GASKET CO GASKETS FOR LEVEL PROBES GASKETS M000073598 410.91 00104408201103 I 3 12130/16 MOTION INDUSTRIES SPARE BLADDERS FOR Hl PRES HI DISCHARGE CA32-741974 2853.87 00104408201103 P 4 1105117 DELTA INSTRUMENTS NEW OXYGEN CONTROLLER REPLACE 02 CONT 8962 2791.30 00104408201103 P 5 1120/17 INSTRUMART PRESSURE SWITCHES HI PRES.SVIWITCHES CS646524 1062.19 00104408201103 fi 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 (Total must match the total On the monthly TOTAL: 8043.27 statement,less any disputed Items) ACCOUNT#: 00104408200603 AMOUNT, 955.00 PURCHASE SUMMARY: General Repairs ACCOUNT* 00104408201103 AMOUNT; 7088.27 PURCHASE SUMMARY: Operating Supplies ACCOUNT#- 00104408200604 AMOUNT, a PURCHASE SUMMARY Outside Repairs ACCOUNT*. 00104408200902 AMOUNT 0 PURCHASE SUMMARY: Miscellaneous TOTAL. 8043.27 Notal must match the total provided above and the total on monthly statement,less any disputed items] Charges for the assigned Cardholder have been verified. All charge rge sli ps,receipts and Credit receipts have been matched and charges properly ccrded to the correct general ledger account The billing statement has been reviewed with the Cardholder and all charges and/or credits are correct as billed. � � An disputed sputed mems are lusted on the attached Statement of Questioned Item form. All materials,goods and supplies have been received.inspected and used for of cal District business. All purchases have been made in compliance with CARDHOLDER SIGNATURE Steve ate 211/2017 the District's Purchasing Policies and procedures and competitive sealed bids or proposals or quotations were not required for any of the listed purchases. -� For telephone or Internet orders,check"Phonellnternet"column and attach Telephonelinternet APPROVING + Order/Credit Receipt Form In Ileu of a receipt.. OFFICIAL SIGNATURE Datie