HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.a.1) Approve minutes of regular Board meeting held 04-06-17 5.a. entra on. tra � �sanitty S AFS MINUTES* BOARD OF DIRECTORS: PA UL H.CA USE Y 'resident REGULAR BOARD MEETING J"ES A.NVEDLY 're��de :i 'ca` 'e art Boa rd Room Thursday, April 6, 2017TAP P1 ECKI DFA WILLIAA-IS ..:.:....:::::: . 1. • .m. DRAFT Open tl Session .eira. Board R ..: :F (Video 1. ROLL CALL regular meeting t a r ' , e t e d :� � 11e 1�resi en t causer D1' s ine at 1-30 p ... ...:........... + ��� T::: �'r ► 'r�� lcf� e � t� 1 VIf1caser ........:.... .T ABSEN ;. 1Lv T., ...... ...:...:.. :::::.....:. N.. ... ..:... . ..:.. ...•.:..:... T' a au rence � le 1 ar ce. ........:: N: "" TI r me -rumen, Administrative A u ssStant in the En ineerin /Ca �tal Projects Div. n, ff + February ...:.....:.....:...... ACTION: . Welcomed Ms. Berumen. 4. PUBLIC CC`�I�fMENT` PERIOD No comments. . REQUESTS TO CONSIDER MATTERS OUT OF ORDER None. These summary y minutes are supplemented hY a corresponding video recording available on the[district's website at centr�alsan.org. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT April Q, 2017 Beard Meeting Minutes-Page 2 6. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Approve minutes of March 16, 2017 Board meeting. b. Approve expenditures dated April 6, 2017. Approval recommended by Finance Committee. C. Receive February2017 Financial Statements and Investment Reporta, p rte. Approval I r . recommended by Committee. Finance mm ttee. d. Approve a one-year extension of the current audit contract: rtr It�la A ates Certifi ccoun ed Public A tants a fif far th. . �,. ,uthorizin =to ssoci serve a n - s Central an �n San's independent auditor r d to for....::::: Ft�c (ear 2 1 1 p 0 6 7. Approval recommended ded b Finance Com .... ...... ...:,.:..: i � :t:he. Approve annual salary adjustmentfor Secre � . : �;D - r ct to track w■ . t ....:....:..:.::..........................:...:.:::.. derstd }Management Group Memorarn of Un ..........:.::.:.....::.::: f. Ado t updated Board Polis : 02 Diverse .statement.p p a t. Approval . recommended e ded b A mini d str t orn �. a on; C rn , Y t tt .......... ........ . ....... ..... .. ..... .......a.. Adopt ■ n �: ar P :Iic No a didate Statements. g 3 e C n . . . . : rec b AhJn Cir ffiffiee.: h. A utpp the ral Manage texecute a technical consultingservices .........:..:.:..:.: .....:.:........:::.. .... a r n . e :thy f att:not t ;exceed 48 ............ $ 0,000 with the team of Blue Sky ........:...:....:...:.....::...:,.. .•....:.::...:. ...::.::.::..:::::: ........... nvir E on ental In c. m i 1r IUI ...........::::... a e A onitorin LLC for air emissions testing of ....:.:..:.. ..:. .. .............. W t ;;:r e e e ubber Pili .............. ,, of ar t supportin the Solids HandlingFacilities rr ` p P ro ect D est rict Project 7 4 . Approval roval recommended by n ineeriperations Committee. . ..... .............. i. Wd a construction contract in the amount of $2,698,845 to Cratus Inc. the Iw responsive and responsible bidder for the Walnut Creek Sewer .,.,,.,.,,.:,,,..Renovations, Phase 11, District ct Pro ect 8422; find that the project is exemptt fromCaliforniaa Environmental Quality t Act (CEQA); and authorize the General al Manager to execute the contract documents subject to submittal requirements q and include up to a 10-percent contingency. Approval recommended by Engineering & operations Committee. ja Reject sole bid received for construction of the Collection System Urgent Y g Repairs, District Project 8434. Approval recommended by Engineering & Operations Committee. k. Authorize the General Manager to execute a one-year professional services agreement (1) with Associated Right of Way Services, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $96,000 with the option to extend for one additional year for a total not to exceed amount of $192,000 for right of way services under the Development Sewerage Project, District Project 8420; and (2) with KWR in an CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT April 6, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes-Page 3 amount not to exceed $91,000 with the option to extend for one additional year for a total not to exceed amount of $182,990 for right of way services under the Development Sewerage Project, District Project 8420. Approval recommended by Engineering & Operations Committee. I. Authorize the General Manager to add $800,000 to the Development Sewerage Project, District Project 8420, from the Sewer Construction Fund. Approval recommended by Engineering & Operations Committee. M. Adopt Resolution No. 2017-004 accepting and authorizing exe'cu. p a rant of easement from East Ba Municipal Utility District 1 blit g Y p Y cor oration as related to the Rancho La una 11 Pro e ` ` ubdiv�sion Job p g 1: i w f r and t 5578, located n the Town o Moraga; a au hprlrg staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Re 6061.8 :. . : $6d to a resider��nAdo t four resolutions re ardin reaI pro erf ptia tre n .nis known s (Sewer Job 55community of 55 c ndominiu6 44 located near downtown Laf ;vette` �sted be10 r _udin authorizing .........:........ g g .. . execution and recordin of .:..... efe ence g documen s: . .. .... . .. ...::....:...:. ..:. . .. 1 Re :: . 2 17- ac a t :off r 6.f::. e: cats n for sanitary } -r . 0 0 c P g: eo o a ry seer ese �ents from ' le' Hem an Inc. a Delaware ;. Gerporation Iarcel 2}; e � ng the e e ution of quitclaim deeds to I` (Parcelsn nterminatinghe New H` =e Com ars b A C1 and D and arc real, a r em l 2 e ' e C an d .......:......:: } ....:..::.::::..: pting an offer of dedication from Oak HillR so ti n 57ac a ..:.::..:: .....::..:.........: ...:. .........:: ::......... ::.:...::.:...:: ...... ...... .......... :...:.,... :....:: ....:... : LC4ftrcel3and authorizing execution of a quitclaim 7-1 dedlk Hill West Realty, LLC (Parcel E ando �a Resod:: tion No. 2 17- 7 authorizing execution of an amendment to u 0 00 t a g grant of easement with Outdo 3742 Mount Diablo LLC (Parcel 4) and authorizing execution of aquitclaim deed to Outdo 3742 Mount Diablo LLC F . and 4) Resolution No. 2017-008 authorizing execution of a quitclaim deed to Lafayette Vistas, LP (as to 80 percent), Lafayette Joseph LLC (as to 10 percent), and Lafayette Dumont LLC (as to 10percent) (Parcel B). o. Authorize the General Manager to set the 2017 Residential Recycled Water Fill Station hours of operation, as described in Option 3 of the Position Paper. Approval recommended by Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee. President Causey pulled Items 6.b. and 6.h. and Member Pilecki pulled Item 6.g. President Causey said that out of an abundance of caution, he would recuse himself from voting on Item 6.b. because he consults with recipients of several CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT April 6, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes-Page 4 checks on matters unrelated to Central San. He called for a vote on the remaining Consent Calendar items. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Pilecki and seconded by Member McGill to adopt all Consent Calendar items except 6.b., 6■g■ and fi■h. as recommended. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. President Cause exited the Board Room while the remaining Board Member Y g considered item br President Pro Tem Nejedly called for discussion .- being none, he called for avoteon the item. BOARD ACTION. Motion was made byMember W-illi:a.:r:� a d.s:ec nde y:_ . Member Pilecki to adopt Consent Calendar Item ■ � .. ammended. t ion .passed by the following vote of theBoard : i I m I AYES Members. McGill, Pilecki, Willia ed y ■ Members: None neS o ABSENT: Members: Cause r hie-'. 1 P 1 n ■P ren ause returned to the E Fibesuhis dut es as res de tres d t C y oard d ►. . :.... ................ ....... ......:..... . . . : t:cl a r:efOatioh�66mlct Counsel res ct olt : Member P ecki o hD� tr .. ............ :.:...: ...:............. 1 he h r ;yin ndidate t tem nts creates an issue !Cent A r i t eg the p ; ,a e u l� D f a eft b c funds... g ...:.. .....:..:. .. ....:...:... MK Alm said ,: �rrl fan s b� �.t interests to attract candidates from all ..............::...:::.:: .........::..... life. OIV n that Cetrin.4s a larger special district with a higher cost ..::...::.....:....:.::::... for:, ate t: ' encs than other s ecral districts subsldizrn costs o c g purpose serve: l rtrrrt blitand, for that reason he has no concerns about Wftg o pf o nds.rt belr " a O- $cOO contribution onPres , ause said that he believes the •......:.. .... to d&hdidate statements ►s too hl h he would like to see it lowered to entice .:..::..:....:...:::..: ..:....:..:::..:....:. .......... i '.....:.:.:'.:::.: future candidates as possible. Therefore, h said h would not vote iny o the f to ■ m.a� BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Pilecki and seconded by Member Nejedly to adopt Consent calendar Item 6■g-, as recommended, Motion passed by the following vote of the Board: AYES: Members: McGill, Pilecki, Williams, Nejedly NOES: Members: Causey ABSENT: Members: None With regard to Item 6.h., Member Williams noted that there are six items listed in the Background section of the Position Paper that this item will address. His question related to the fourth item; he asked if the proposed contract includes estimating CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT April 6, 2017 Beard.Meeting Minutes-Page 5 emissions and conducting health risk assessments as may become required under proposed Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) regulations. Director of Engineering & Technical Services Jean-Marc Petit confirmed that health risk assessments are included in the scope of work under the existing contract with Black & Veatch for the Solids Handling Project. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member McGill and seconded b.y Member P lecki to adopt Calendar it m G.h. Motion pass ea, u unanimo s vote of the Board. 7. REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS r I a. bene Manager a a a er g 1} Reports a Receivere rom Andr : ►n Director of Hi hMark Mn fllwi regarding h Capitala a h he o 0 0 acs c a d the Governmental Cauting� andardoad (GASB} 45 Trust :gid tither POs:.. Io rpt:Benefits P B Trust ............: an tp y } ....:.......::... ....... ...... ::......:...:..:.:........:..:. ves:ments. .:.......... UtAI ...:..:........:...... ative sages regarding passive versus active';,%,..,. n :we ..................... :envm n est e t o tris p: : : :;; I�forrnat�on on � wider range of fixed income options (liquid ...... ..:... .:..... ......:: .::':::.:..:....:..:.. . ..........:.:.::.: ............:..::.....:..::... ...:..:... t: einves General Mana er Ro er S. Bailey stated that t the Marchrch 28 17 Finance Committee meeting, a1trn tiva solutio ns g ardingpassive-versus-active investment stment opfion an the possibility ili tY of changing the investment guidelines toinclude a wider range of fixed income optionstrons and liquid alternative investments we e rdiscussed. The CommitteeCentral tt a sk d e San's Investment Manager for the DPEB Trust, Andrew Brown to provide a brief informational update to the full Board on a few other alternatives available for investment. He introduced Mr. Brown who reviewed the presentations included with the agenda materials and responded to questions from the Board Members. BOARD ACTION: Received the presentation and provided input to staff. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT .April 6, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes- Page 6 b} Update on Recycled Water Program. Program Manager for Resource Recovery Melody LaBella re vie wed the presentation included with the agenda materials. BOARD ACTION: Received the update. C) Update on Pollution Prevention Report for 2015 and. Prevention Plan f r 2 17. o D Senior Engineer Rand Schmidt revied:�ffie sentdft. g Y . . . included with theagenda ma ter►al BOARD A TI N: Received ``� date. C D . p i d} Update on Asset,:,:Management.ana e ment. Mr. Bailey pre fay : Ma meaQXvision Manager Neil . Meyer's rr ` `.` th t th' ent tion will provide a eye s com by a p. a p de b ► #u date or% eliab►l► :ef� ered Ma1teance and the ......:.:...:. :.:.::..:.::.:. er 1111 ►► h n nt stem implementation-a t cput a to a ce #ar age e Y ....:.:::.: .. ...:.::.: ohe e efatment rts are part of the A sset .. ..........,::..:::..... .....:::..... 1111 rn n lrr t0�i;...(. r�tatr n Plan to rov►de framework for a nae e t rre o ap p n efficiency n ..... ..:.. ....:. e1 San to ►rr r :ve maintenance a cie c and results p ,: Y .....:::... ►nld wrhh l > ` ► v ' hepresentationc u ed t tea endo ... ............ lei a e. g ..:....... mate na :..::..:::::...:....:.... .........:.. pn questions from the Board Members. ... .......... S':0 ARD A TI N. Received the update. C D Update on 2016 Safety Program. Reviewed by Administratione) Committee. Safety OfficerJerry Ledbetter reviewed thepresentation included with the agenda materials. BOARD ACTION: Received the update. 2} Announcements a} Public bidding on Martinez Sewer Renovations, Phase 5, District Project 8437 b} Public bidding on Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 11 , District Project 8430 c} Natural gas pre-purchase CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA .SANITARY DISTRICT April 6, 2417 Board Meeting Minutes-Page 7 d} Carl Von Stetten to present at FME World Tour 2017 in San Francisco on April 4, 2017 e} Employees to present at Reliability Conference in Las Vegas from April 24-28, 2017 f} Tim Hiteshew to present at California Water Environment Association (CWEA) Safety Conference in San Leandro May 31 2017 ; � tion Employees to attendCaliforniaa Water E vii pnt A ;� Annual Conference in Palm Springs, ,, om Apri125-:,;7 2017 h} Second annual Central San .,.a m n w. :.: .....:.... v o derw a y i No further announcem s were made meeting. g BOARD ACTION: R ve'd t e annournts. b. Counsel for::, h o eP,�;,:::J.strictt ... . ....,. .. .....:.:..... .. .....::...:..:. Mr.. orte ... .m a # ,t the lm the recent;Cl�farn►a Supreme e Co d }n declan ` bmmunrcOaj,,�cji. s an rivate deg p vices as public records will be the:sub ec pscussron a April 11, 2017 Administration Committee. Th W ht to :: Il Board for discussion at some t th" 'f 0::,M%a8 e-r oin . In ..:...::::.::::.....:......:.. a meer n . e c , aunel rs"'.wok ng with staff to develop a plan for moving r frwarause the Cdut s ruling creates a whole new set of issues that est bet ken into consideration. etaWhery District •. r(: M B f 1 oe mer vi ...:..::. ...:.:....... a ded an update an the number of Proposition 27.8 protests at have been received e ed regardin g the upcomingrate h earin on April 20,g 2017.D To date eight legally ally vale p have received. d protests h e been r i ved. Ms. Boehme also announced the fallowing upcoming Committee meetings: Administration — Tuesday, April 11 at 8:30 a.m. Engineering & Operations— Tuesday, April 11 at 1:00 p.m. d. Board Members 1} Committee Minutes a} March 14, 2017 —Administration Committee — Member McGill and Member Williams. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT April 6, 2017 Board Me a tingr Minutes-Page 8 b} March 17, 2017— Engineering & Operations Committee — Member Nejedly and President Causey. c} _March 28, 2017— Finance Committee — Member Nejedly and Member Pilecki. d} March 22, 2017 — Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee — President Causev and Member Pilecki. BARD ACTION:N. Received the Committee minutes' .- .. : f2 Reports and Announcements Board Memb r r ce meetings or conferences for which thev:r1d the stipend 6��'f6� which the District aid their expenses.' 7 7`7. Member McGill■ March 19-21 1WateReuse Cirn�a Annual Conference San Diego in n i we McMb r A,.kGfflprovid,,d'd:''A wr' A rtcovdPis announcements ....:.:....:....:..: .... . ..::.. .. . ...... :..... ...... .:::...... h,::r . 117 ■ =�� a � '€?�` S .....:... .. Mm r %Wly— IIIe beo erg ...... .... .... .......:.:... .:............:. ....:............. ... .........:. �lerner Pick No rep ........,.. ......:..::.. ....:.:.....:. . r l I '1 e W iI iam en�b National Association f Clean Water217March2122 AgenciesNational l Water Policy Forum in Washington DC. Member Williams reported that he did not a end this Forum. President Cause ■ March 21-22, 2017 - NACWA National Water Policy Forum in Washington DC President Causey reported that he did not attend this Forum. ■ March 30, 2017 - 2017 State of the Town (Danville) and Community Awards Luncheon BOARD ACTION: Received the reports and announcements.. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT April 6, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes-Page 9 3) Reguests for Stipend/Reimbursement or conference Attendance -- Authorization to receive a stipend for meeting attendance or expense reimbursement not specifically addressed in the current Board Compensation Resolution, or authorization for conference attendance not previously approved by the Board. No requests. S. E IT EMERGENCY C SITUATIONS GN S a. Continue local emer g enc Yproclaimed on March 2, 2017r fr 2017 . � e dWinter Storms, including emergency protective me saated t '' :............................ sewer lines on Miner Road in Orin da Mr. Bo.1:,,:,,,.,ailey ed that e stat last mon the Boar `` `=`1 im month �+�a ed a local emer ens:` .. Ir ..........,........ .sto damages sustained during the early Janua yr e Goverrm. ..:.:: mer encYeveo e requires that the Board to to continl ery ... . ... days until the emergency co.;:edtrhbeen a � Since Central San is stillbypass pumping alon a o h'6. r the ems condition has not Yp p p g g ; : �: ab n abated and it is Staff r S eCo rl r ° = d `i` a t the B '` ��; .� � e dote to continue the local aca emer eno �Y BOAR. TACTIC lotion v d by ale bier Pilecki and seconded by I r Mc It �ontinue focal emergency proclaimed on March 2, 2 ' irisin the 2017 er Storms. Motion passed b ...:.. .....:......:....... p Y ......:.....::::...:........ ......:...::..:: ............:...:.: .... .........:..::..:: u non ....:..:.:...:...:.:... .....:.:........::...:..::......::.. t'".6f tlh _Boaed . .:...........:........... ...... ...... .......... .:........... ... ..:.:..:.:::.... .::.:::...:. ..:.:::...:::..:.:.:...:..::: "'do 17 Na. 20 7 009 ......: ... ... designate the General Manager, Deputy Y neral n .Man er g , an Director of Finance and Administration as authorized g ...:........:.:. ee topp.,= . py_j.. for federal deral and state te financial assistance arising from thents -430 DR CA arisingfrom the 2017 Winter terderail dectred disaster FEMA 015 Mr. Bailey ed that federal government declared . � stat at the f al � a e ment decl ed a major disaster for 7 h - t e January 3 2 2017 Winter Storms and authorized the b use of Public ...... e Assistance grants to help public agencies respond to and repair dama e g occurring within that timeframe. Staff has since submitted a Request for Public Assistance which is being reviewed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). In order to proceed with the grant process, the Board must designate staff to serve as authorized agents. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Williams and seconded by Member Pilecki to adopt Resolution No. 2017-449 designating the General Manager, Deputy General Manager, and Director of Finance and Administration as authorized agents to apply for federal and state financial assistance arising from the federally declared disaster FEMA- 4301-DR-CA arising from the 2017 winter Storms. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board, CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT April 0, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes-Page 10 9. REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None. 10. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjouned at 3:41 p.m. Paul H. Causey, President of the; oof Directors n Ce tr al Contra: '` . Sancta D�str� � ct i + California n is tot County of Contra` COUNTERSIGNED: ... :.:...:..... Elaine R. Boeh CMC Boehm e:' Secretary of thb.Pi6trict : District Contra Sani.t .......:....:....... .:::.....:...:. Cortyf„contra Cosi :ta Statef Cairfornia