HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINANCE MINUTES 03-28-17 7.d . 1
CentraiContra costa Sa it
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President Pro Tem
,PHONE: (925)228-9500
FAX: (925)372-01 92
Tuesday, March 28, 2017 www.centralsan.org
1.00 p,rn.
Executive Conference Doom
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
Chair Jim Ne edly
Member Tad Pi eckii
Invited guests:
Andrew Brown, Director, HighMark Capital Management (left after Item 4.b.)
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager
Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration
Stephanie Ding, Purchasing and Materials Manager
Thea vassallo, Finance Manager
Cindy Cranzella, Senior Administrative Technician
1. Call Meeting to order
Chair-Nejedly called the meeting to order at 1.-00 p.m.
2. Public Comments
3. Old Business
a. Review staff's responses to questions regarding expenditures at the
February 2017 meeting:
Finance Committee Minutes
March 28, 2017
Page 2
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#213192� $1%1344.00 Ilex Le
Member 'ilecki.regc�ested additional
1/12/17 information on a refund of a permit fee.
#213392 $955.60 ' Wonder ice Chiair Nejedly requested the cost
1125/17 Cream, Inca breakdown of the 70th Anniversary
#213554 $150.00 e, n bola Clair I' e edly questioned if this was a
2/9/17Engineering month charge.
b. Review staff's responses to questions regarding Procurement Card (P-
Card) charges at the February 2017 meeting
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed staff's responses.
4. Andrew Brown of HighMark Capital Management to present on following issues
regarding Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 45 Trust and
OPEB Trust investments:
a. More information on a wider range of fixed income options
Mr. Brown re vie wed the presentation provided in the agenda materials.
He explained that portfolio diversification and risk reduction are two
reasons for exploring liquid alternative investments, which are securities
traded as mutual funds or exchange-traded funds that irk vol ve strategies
other than taking a long position in stocks or bonds. The presentation
provided a potential addition to the Central San GASB 45 Frust of seven
such liquid alternative mutual funds, which would be funded by
reallocating 12% of the overall portfolio currently invested in fixed income
instruments. lir. Brown reviewed the impact on portfolio returns over the
past one- and three-year periods had these investments been in place, as
well as the impact on measures of portfolio risk. It was noted that these
investments have higher expense ratios, and the addition of them to the
portfolio would increase the overall expense ratio by 10 oasis points.
Member Pilecki inquired of Mr. Bailey and Mr. Leiber their views on the
topic, and both agreed that no recommendation was being made at this
time to add the liquid alternative investments to the portfolio, but additional
exploration could be warranted. It was noted that changes to Board Policy
No. BB 005—Statement of Investment Policy would be-needed should
such investments be added, and that this would require Board approval.
Member Pilecki expressed interest in receiving further information.
Finance Committee Minutes
March 2$, 2017
Page 3
b. Alternative solutions regarding passive-versus-active investment options
Mr. Brown explained that by switching certain current actively managed
investments to similar passively managed'funds, central San could save a
material portion of expenses. He recommended this as a possibility for US
raid- and large-capitalization stocks as well as Real Estate Investment
"rusts (REITs), but discouraged it for international and Us small-
capitalization stock funds.
The Committee Members and staff agreed that movements in this direction
appeared advisable. Discussion was held on whether Board approval was
required to implement any such changes. Mr. Brown indicated that he
currently had the authority to make such changes. Mr. Bailey suggested
bringing information on this topic, and the liquid alternative investments to
the fall Board for heir information and potential feedback to.staff. chair
lllejedly and Member Pilecki agreed. Accordingly, Mr. Brown agreed to
present the information to the full Board at the April 0, 2017 meeting.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Discussed, provided input to staff, and
recommended that the information be presented to the full Board.
5. Expenditures
a. Review Expenditures
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval.
Requested additional information on the following:
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#l213636 $91,677.08 U S Bank chair Neiedly requested further
2/16117 (Procurement information on multiple charges
Cards) described as `Parts to repair District
vehicles" and noted several line items
described as !`operational supplies.Yl
6. Review February 2017 Financial Statements and-investment Reports
Ms. Vassallo stated that year-to-date operations and Maintenance (O&M)
revenues are $340,000 under budget, mainly due to a shortfall in the first sewer
service charge installment. O&M expenses are running a $3.9 million favorable
variance due to labor, repairs, maintenance, and outside services. Sewer
construction revenues are running a $2 million unfavorable variance due to the
shortfall in the first sewer service charge installment sewer construction
expenses, or capital spending, is $19.3 million, or 52.6% of budget. Member
Pilecki voiced concern at having spent only 52.0% of the capitalsending budget
Finance Committee ttee Minutes
March 28, 2017
Page 4
within the first two-thirds of the year, especially with a rate hearings approaching.
Mr. Bailey reassured him.that staff will look at year-end trends. Member Pilecki
would like to have that information available at or before the rate hearing.
Additionally, Member Pilecki requested that staff review the Recycled Dater
charges and line item budgets to improve the accuracy of such budgets
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Beard approval.
7. Deceive follow-up information as to why higher fees are charged for the PTs (for
temporary, part-time.employees) 1CMA Deferred Compensation Plan in
comparison to other ICMA plans
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information.
8. Review draft Position Paper request approval of a one-year extension of the
existing contract for audit services with Maze & Associates
Ms. vassallo explained that the requested extension is for one-year only. staff is
currently starting the process of requesting proposals for subsequent years.
Member Pilecki requested that this he noted in the position paper to the Board.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval..
9. Announcements
a. Future scheduled meetings:
Tuesday, April 25, 2017 at 1:00 p.m.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 1:00 p.m.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 1:00 p.m.
10. suggestions for future agenda items
11. Adjournment at 2:03 p.m.