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07.a.1)d) Update on Asset Management
7.a. 1 d) IV ASSET MANAGEMENT /1 UPDATE NO MAINTENANCE DIVISION r BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING APRIL 6, 2017 1 Neil Meyer Plan '"- Maintenance Division Manager 13 i OBJECTIVE Establish a framework for Central San to improve maintenance efficiency and functional reliability of assets Systematic approach to developing a comprehensive maintenance program based on asset criticality and consequence of failure Re liability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a qualitative decision methodology that identifies the most effective Preventative Maintenance (PM) task for plant equipment and systems WHEnRE RCM with a Computer Maintenance Fto d HEN Management System (CMMS) establishes a SOWT, repeatable program with documented "OW T W� processes and procedures WT Jrm 2 slam111111111 =4 0 Am da in Am Ift Y ' 9 J d 10AL r _ r N .� r J ' .; lit v : �_:tea'::+ '. 'r _ _ ,',• _-- - -- - APPROACH RCM Classical RCM • Four RCM Principles • What are the priorities • Preserve system function • How are functions defeated (failure modes) • For high critical failure modes • Define applicable tasks r . � Select most effective one RCM VS CONVENTIONAL APPROACH RCM Conventional Preserve Function Preserve Equipment -----—---- System Selection Focus-: 80/20 Rule Little Discrimination Functions and Functional Failures Functions are Not Considered Failure modes Effects Analysis Minimal Failure Mode Correlation to PM Task Selection Focus: CD and FF Tasks 'Unfocused PM Strategy 50% to 70% Reduction in Reactive Maintenance Wasted Resources 25% to 50% Reduction in Down Time Repeated Failures Increased Availability and Reliability No Deliberate Run to Failure Decisions No Consideration of Hidden Failures 5q SYSTEM SELECTION FOCUS ON SYSTEM PRIORITY Dewatering SyCentrifuge Subsystem for Pilot No. 1 Steam System,, Waste Heat Boiler Subsystem for Pilot No. 2 C CSD-PAR ETO DIAGRAM CM Wo DATA COUNTS FIGURE 5 200 ISO 10 50 _...,......_....... ............_. 1�'] t - .; Aims- cp C► G 13 + ap toj;- M ;� tri C . r+�. '�.` � V% iA -amp 46 m3j r `. Oak. �} 4/► 'J 7"* i.� i d CLM iii � r ' # fid? *A G _ IN U LA- C31 w ho a a ton SYSTEM BOUNDARY DEFINITION/ SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM DEWATERING SYSTEM Wat-er Seal Water Plant non- Pota bl e Water Lube System Oil Casing I CFG water F Flush Flush Level Switch s- 20_,,25�yo Ravi, I Solids/ Solid Cake CFG BlendFeed ed Feed Backdrive Hopper/ ► incinerator Pump/ Bowl Gear box Scroll C S1 udge Grinders ake Pump PNPW Centrifuge Foam PE Channel AL �V Suppression]' 88-95zo 480V Signals Capture Centrate r.4 i Control Power 69 Signals Room 7 ASSET AND COMPONENTS ------ Ca"ament Coaqwnertt Component ]t l 1 TVFCattgw71 € i ; i 1 Reference #D 01 74961_61 , F 1.2,3.4 BOWL RFM C,- sti- I�.-Tralai�Tat�� � CB 3RD FLOOR,-Secti �- n dare 1 4 L' �._� X881,2.3.4 F 1.2 3. BA�RRI D P-I�Y�i' E1ectf cn' x KB 3M FL R�Sec-tion3-2 CONTROLLERfgnre 2-and flon 3(in can 74811.1 3,=1 tT 1.?, _ `ENP ' :ELE 'TRI +.i -�`r In ru fltat 3RD FL OK Semon 3- COMPONENTS&PLS` n di re 3 and 4 04 ? 1,?.3, 1.?.3. �`�T DR �� C-In r In t xsnenta-tio B 3RD FLOOR,oto 3=? pine 4 0 X4$41.L 3,4 FFG!VIANETIC FLO !%2 TER C-1= Inc-Aminentatio 4 SCB 33RDFLOOR,--bion 3_42.a keurie 5 06 ?4041,2,3,4, +FFG GEARBOX A.B_C_D.E Non-I= ]%Iec1 alu,ca1 4 SCB 3RD FLOOR.fiction 3-2 5 figure 6 0^ 74931,1.3.4. F+ r 1. .3.- LUBE SIL FL S 11C N F,° P-I tr I ..At<-amentati�+ 3P FUDR;Mica 3- 1 g 2-,3,4 11 figure 7, 06 ?.4951.1w,3,4; CFG 1. 3.4 RI HTILEFT BEARD;- TRIP C-Inz Inswia=tatlo 8 SCB 3RD FLOOR;Section z 1; 8,9 a figure S and 4 09 .4004,5,6, C.FG 1.13.4 POUTION MOTOR PUT�,G N Iasi IN-I hank a1 4 SC3 3RD FLOOR:bion 3!1 figure 9 and I 10 74981. ,3 4 CFG 1.?'.3.41-71B 1�10D P-Iaw lumimentatio 4 SCB 3RD FLDDR;bion 3_2 a 4ure 10 id 11 7401.1.5.6,7 CYG 1.1.`.4 B�CKDMI Non--Ingtr Electrical 4 .SCB 3RD FLOOR,- Section'3-2 zure 11.6 and 16 1 74024.5.6.7 F 1.2_3.4 LUBE OIL Ikon Ing Mechmica1 4 SCFE 3M FLOOR.;St 3-2 y'ST -I=CHANGER figure 17 0 0' 831,?,3.4 FFG BACKD -E RPNI C-Ingf In=trumentatio 4 SCB 3RD FLDDR;.Section 3-2 a finite 4 14 ?4003A.B.C. CFG ROTATL G ELE'_%IE -T-B.0 D.E Ton-Inir NfecLam'cal 5 SCB 3'RD FLOOR;X 3-2 D.E eu 13 1 7491,.2,3,4 CFG 1.2._-_4 NLAIN MOTOR XIP P-Inst EIemica1 4 SCB 3RD FLOOR,Sectio 3_22 fi,we 14 and 16 '4005 CFO CIP HEAT E�:+�'HA�'+�ER on-Instr �I�cal 1 �C`B 3RD FLS OR SYSTEM FUNCTIONS AND FUNCTIONAL FAILURES/ FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (FMEA) Function+ I l E s 1 I. f I, t t l 6 &Ma,ba , ragolVinnagIrvi -------- Function Function/ 1 F 1 1 1 Faflue Description 1.0 Achleve 0-25%solids so that it mm,be easih,combiated uftlrir)compliance of Title f"lopa ri-y,r 1.1 Failed to meet-10!4 solids threshold 2.0 faintairr a Roiv rate that)vorlld be greater-than 50 LBS per hoar(CCCSD Avredtlr-e)wid less than 5000 LBS p er halm to be vi corl)pharlce itith Tine t'l lr-rlacefeed rate �.1 Ir�ak�111ty to 1nea alre the flow rats Y aara�� c4 t�1 L��rx sbwrr.a�.+�� �t�anE1�+�+�� l't►1t�aw�alf 9 oper�c.E mRn t� '.? Flow greater dma 5000 LBS per hour Pill IF � 2.3 Flow leer.than 950 LB-S per hour FRI1109 (TO .1.4 c�004 arfrblmap 09 C-01 L%W rm Is VsirsNMI OprluEeoa am Yn .4004 1,i' IOLrMN MOTOP +*+rnrf cowtuiL""SW +iW.V%1400 Ef 1W no n f j*mE7 b%b *1Ffw4f 3.0 Achieve SS-95 o liq tlid Coll repir 10rhir1 the cerltr'ale ca prur'e sr�atr Eat�ss;p:latEEr e�E*=wicop�l�T+�t�+tE3. 1�!►�Eam� a�Es��r ra}+las tt:fdarfd"d`.icr fx u hour�+a rtdl3crd 1tf7� smut k Mssn(:he tucrta odrutan 60 S.V19&;reg! 3.1 Failed to meet 8SO0 liquid tlu-e=,hold spYE���{ ' •' I Ma b d0*4 vr*my ifimi W U4 b!bride b 4MW 4.0 Pr-ovide Sigrlals to the coo-ol roorrz to Ilp6",s+ vA 4.1 No 51 gnat Ix-ovided 1 1 a4 cyo 1.:1.4 'VO* Ut eElotfa 0 071 1-vuel.w 1[a tt fA t gWv5M is lif Ileal of tt a%,60 VA WN.A W 0140 7#001.±,b' TO`i ION 110T07 POLUV+ sof=*to sElictoi J *aW w betcok*a fprsues XPVt(j nutryaw it uu bzrlk u prlwm i c*=V.'fd sw icl Mubiii m r."ne6n cfcsr3:ff 42 EIYoueatls sl��1s pro�Yded 1 10 {PG 1 1.J.V%13 10 01 tom U4 a 10 01 1%wants I res N.ttMpsl k WW.,cis ibm g fair WMI CVWdo" Y.uf 5.0 '-1 i i.f N103 cC.X:Lxb o Lux-Wax clow 0� pf t+n is a mW bar a;Fwva, F,w To clears Elcrrrerlrs of Certtllige �r.��t�Er,K,�caf k1h M=;c-Axexvit� a:►at tf ttabred'U'+icr IN 19 bar.this.-IbfXfd V*= 5•l C►+auot UP l�ffrt}+5 aypn'ut(:3r tE�iF la pfaieKtiftft 6t S7r.,',�f�� 141 ip st7+'tbff rwa^.t+c 7aab Irlw4 l,,aclow (bw,tcs1IN WyWM%"d 6.0 fainrailt;lrridborrrlda),%irttev7r7,.y Gfb,,*Wam* 5.1 Leal:-5 gallous per&y or mote b kli±,-wcfca&*aaE a'z1 T;it imtyDttl'ti*i io olm pNo W tti it P,*"I brei 41 10 CFO L!3.4%13 10 0) 1"ern eL 10 0)1 All Lan of sp l is c ai:cmml I VaW aoMI vnrPM)fibra Fire 14W 2.).1 I= Orvw)" +L+stC:s* oaf iR tbt++o Es f pmtil bWwtsr of FWW(t ba opffrvEjwf+y&t,itb Coq k1bsammpfoAxamtat;►12+p ow"?H rogol'.7`$kf In i it boa.Ua 14th od W34 smox 1'==%I(''11 WN to pra3uumi,d"5.Vljf Rami Tri up zxda uctr-hp, Trull Wwwry maw sfs Cb1=fi!WA nue 9X.1*J W JJ d y bu::ec w S"awl m kith Sort(OWv s i: 10 {TCr 1.:.),a t'® W04 D it Kilk 10 041 Ap Atz>us+c ow Xwo .,v"0prile116mw so 441 I'm Am rabl*b."4 /+ovstw&I It�Id�f ltbfd tbgt BpIY'a r LOGIC TREE ANALYSIS ( LTA) Failure Mode (1)Evident vident r_ Ncwrnal cooditions,r•the operators kns sorroethling has Safety or YES 4 2)Safety Or Environmental IN 0 environmental Ck"KtNzf0ilurw Mode i n failure cause a .. . . iEnviro he falkire is prrgic tree tooblem? • Outage issue the YES LNiD system Failure Mode (3)Outage ` • ■ Mode r • • • partial process • plant? Treatment P _ -level01 YES NO Minor w insignificant Outage !ilem economic• r■ rj ANALYSIS SUBSYSTEM 'S NO. 1 AND NO. 2 Waste Heat Boiler RCIVI Systems Analysis Profile Centrifuge Subsystems • Subsystem Functions 6 7 Subsystem Functional Failures 9 11 Components in Subsystem Boundary 16 25 Failure Modes Analyzed 46 63 • Critical 29 (63%) 28 (44%) • Non Critical 17 (37%) 35(56%) • Hidden 13 (28%) 7 (11%) PM Tasks Specified (Includes Run to Failure) 62 70 Active PM Tasks 53 58 Items of Interest 30 16 Note: The details for the above topics are located in the "RCM Worksaver" software that was completed by the RCM Team. ANALYSIS SUBSYSTEM ' S N4. 1 AND NO. 2 PM Task Comparison Centrifuge Waste Heat Boiler (By Failure Mode) Subsystems Subsystems I RCM Task = Current Task 0 (0%) 11 (16%) 11 RCM Task = Modified Current Task 21 (34%) 24 (34%) III RCM Specifies Task, No Current Task Exists 29 (47%) 24 (34%) IV RCM Specifies Task, Current Specifies Differ Task 3 (5%) 0 (0%) V RCM Specifies Run to Failure, Current Task Exists 1(7%) 0(0%) VI RCM Specifies Run to Failure, No Current Task Exists 8 (13%) 11 (16%) • A significant number of the study failure modes have no PM task currently. • About one-third (34%) of the study failure modes currently have PM tasks that a ree with the RCM PM tasks (11), but all of these rely on tribal knowledge to assure that they are properly executed. INTEGRATION WITH CMMS ➢ New and updated Standard .= Metrics Operating Procedures PM Update asset attributes Safety • Run to Failure Title V Regulatory • RCM Fault Cause, Action codes • Experience Centered R p rts Maintenance Pareto Diagram • Root Cause Failure Analysis Bad Actor � Review spares and warehouse Condition Assessment Score inventory t+.,. !3 STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK C:430tA t 40 f 'IJ cbs 125kv SV-A'1LAe-rV'f -aSV — Il ld Cyt K �� y �-� rC � e � _ ° '1a. 7r' .1.�' 141ve IVO areto Chart(Above)Depicts Number of WO by System ire-the Rant 20/80 Systems Bad Actors E'Beer to WeII Beliave d Sy ttms __J\ RCNI ECM Funct1t!n Df1vE'n Data 06ven Amaxiz by Ems{Team * All Likely Failure Modes Analyzed EK;sti:ng PM/PDM Results and Fllizron l VA-s.r"naEymai,-for Validation,Upgr ,des,amd:ddditionr e Ap p I l€a b1 e.an d Most Cost-Ef a ctive Tai I s Implemented ��� (TBD) +• Qualitat +e—O&M Subject loafer E*pert Te2Identif"res PCreratial ow 5t pers"Wing'T Ips: �riteri-a Perforned an syste -j upon which.ECM nowt L—dertr FICA Defect Elimination TSD ReSulaterFr.Samar,Ccwt.Prod action.Labor.airne Repeat Failures From Known Unreliable Ptart.andAw R-actio * 21 Oriented Cause&Ems:&L Procezz Analyis by Tearer Raw Vate:rials.Operations-,Wcr'kmarr ship Deign.CcOlat+ier-al Carnage a, Come When C2use-1s)Uncertain n&Ccanmq�uence High Examined as I'�ter�ed: E • Safety,Quality,Efficiency(internal ALoditl * Performed+gra?Urge Jobs,New Jobz,and Routine ALA tF * Same Cover"'&Tith Job hazard A_n2 Vit.;i CATEGORIES OF MAINTENANCE � Unpla nned PlannedMT j RM Pm PDM Reactive PreventatirAm, Predicr_ive Maintenar)ee Mai ntenanre MaiMen nanoe cm NM I rr-i p rci m e nt/ 0pti mi?ation/ Corrective Non- f�'lodif ica ton NAai nten an ��.� Ma n)Wet'1 cfl CY is ..V HIERARCHY/FEATURE/OBJECT CLASS •rti• x Featu res y . Have a geographic location Are spatially represented on a map � Examples: BasinChannel Building Fence �+�, �'- � ;�AssttYFe,ver•int�rr�l F�gwkN#� �-' " �". .� Objects Asset Vie-wet Are nspatially �����,a DT �-�-ER-3141 E hPN.-TFcJW!:= 341-- EITPaA3TRLfR4r=':--_SDA-3410 Are linked through "relationships" inCityworks 1ITPI�LIIA=. - .= ©1'PI tST�ttlds rS7Slr�"i Q�TFu'�TF'ci�fiEt,f-�JEE�-=9f eatu r "^•"ie�TM1j&T'1 xl.G S'LL'32* 0TP;W2TR,.0&!errrpRsssuREnP- , j3 3a4 C�+•r�'�L+�scrrr"=tib-3u Examples: CJTP-.,t0--2935 0TF axeAM-RAry-'z!'7 CJTPYALVe-FW Actuators OT-vAoa-W,? t:ITFvAL+re-W-: OTPYALvE-342; E PdA!.az-3,Q4 Valves FMgPumps ENHANCED ASSET REGIST, ER .. µp _ -- - A a, -.... .e.0• --w• A,.s-1 R•1:.W.•-• •r a.xf Y••r k'-. .. w. ♦-. Y J� ... _..,.. .. ,s• _.vr•Y,N.i+'.e �-.Y♦..r.. assa.�a+.a w4r, .. �� s a.r ,. .. n f+•. .tr=,..,.. ..,. w.w�a'r . e Accura f i . .� � � 1 r�ve n to r of assets .�.. ...�_ �..._ �•ier Asset attributes _. ... r.... rria.•� ,rwr•1 7,r h•.1 5 F w Fr•�i !�, 4.�• ;riS+i.w:•a'•:r1 lSl AWt i r .r.►.k. in -formation arranty I�!V•ate a ri4' 44.Y+r•+iJ !d1.r rt.. tl:i AHi f arw• i ✓f s"�.k. 'I:i4 r.2! .•a v a. -:«�N r .. .w-�. • Spares e.'� F.•mow. :.471 i•-�/1 Y.e.:1ii Wan•.fra••'-.'6'•rl.±i••__- •.w.,.. �� A'w• .'a:�4.4•R., P.;.1 +.y.:..: 7'mar rd'r r iww '�AS'!it"��lwl+-QM1!!ldVl(rpiplr =w•�.+� Asstevr tntentt Fxpivr�rAPIs .... I l s4w� esti mac. Asset Vkm*r _ warehouse . cost Alm o4.-t. 4t.r HTL n.�'�.f".,� SPlkt-•k F��rf RQss��ssfi�s y �.ra ;Y!•83 i eo-way St'3•:OwRon: a.' -:.'?' O^-r-E4K'�1�3.': •n T f)T?.'•*TRUM=-ti'TFLOW•3412 associatedwith work order :=�- rw 4my Ya a. FITRINSTRUMEKTFLOW-3= ago l L?TRNSTRUR�hiFLCW-?2$1 _yrea 4 - aO PINSTRUMENTFLO Inventoryassociated with [..�TFIN�,TRI,l Ai4Ehi'TLE4�.„1--?,�'15� f %kt txan SF:ar•- CIYRI'tSTRUM-5!PiTLF-v;L-XIP Mc^u4 Cry D-!PPMQ-TFLUME.T R;LESSUREDP.:23, warehouse stock ,�•.,I,4?wr �l'FIr-�Trs4�",�h'T��c�CufzR�-�z"•3 �44r Cor :•sae �-y.�� ` I 2.Ue lJl}-{IaTnUi,'=v^z�e:SLtRWP-3.'4 :v'ss7aaotdrts�e � R_a•r�.!w 6r4_� a Runtime r.e00 9.0 6M+wrC.w ©TPSTEA.1TP..,4R-31:54 J r� u lTrPvFT,Lxjs m5e C?TPJALk/E-3217 Mainsaver r'ftPVAL1VE_2422 1TF%PRLV--1424 -?32? LTMI%AVE_MIT Flog 6• 17 ASY ACCESS TO ASSET AND WORK ORDER HISTORY L NZ&F T es My work request7'Z. s 0-4=� V t�tus .,r...e a ++ - ..., a n...aa -.e�.. # � Treatment Plant Maintenance (TP) Schedule busters �. Work Order (WO) last X days . �� �.-..__. �.:� .�� �." : -�� 4T>. .�. +...y.. :•� � .._�. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) � .�_ �... _ .... �_s. .a.... Ws a I most due Lo;� � :�.. �. .. ..... ._. .:.. ._ - -.: . :.�.. .� .._. �.�. �..� :�.r. -1 4 a Open WO On Hold WO Closed WOH y _ _ _• -1 N INCREASED VISIBILITY TP weekly scheduled Each shop plus PS TP Major maintenance annual White board r/r�erra Furnace turnaroun .td KPI 's PM Cir!rfli! pliance ft If" it 9.a$ft,C*q P9,v ZVO A."SI&A P'r•v111%*" "Can'ear Am" ri"paft*+' Gra/1 ce"" fi.0 a••.t'7 PONf".., -"A"I :-U:1 .?'IdT 3d ft S paeaaya. raw kAhT.0, vq��A- f" -14 A b6aw Ow x%'.241 at-i xtuz-vnV n:.144 tiArjc-W od.,VAK^ "VI aer -Lk%F"it" t"ve".- .7 zz'.�.w f ety 1% '16'A %It'Kv 1 11.1-4 0 was --I S- zJ W". -Au Wti #v 't riir -'VY sIs J Yrt .41r, ;.44&r 4W—.43 WI NO P. Ow ULM4)10r�pairv*OV6% _ .Title V Regulatory _ _.�..__ ��_�_. . . _____ r gm, 1`1 W W41.f^.% ;0%4"i7 a$4 ON 8.W,b-CO *&AM LV n I a ss rt.W, N"-" Ow I" O-AW 4v opp"Se'WRAU PO&W 4'"W"O. 4RAi am g—4-W"0 dv" sm F*ww v —All4.4f a Jf.v&A .,-..".3 ff—, pop* fleet TwatT, t4wC1lai r 4 r,Fw Nft wn 4r.,N P=t fz 146 Ov t v- I,A. 1.wit PLANNING , SCHEDULING, WORK EXECUTION AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT • Enhance inspections is Readings and comments and details on assets • Fault, Action, Cause codes • Optimizations effort tracking • Quality Assurance/Quality Control of WOs • Enhanced reporting • Mobile 20 MEASURING AND MONITORING KPIs PM, T5, Safety WO compliance KPIs Last 12 Months PM, T5, Safety WO compliance last 12 Months RM by Process Pareto - Reactive WO by cost and count by process RM by Subprocess Pareto - Reactive WO by cost and count by Subprocess Backlog WO Count Backlog by Type and Shop Closed WO Hours Closed WO by Type and Shop OT WO Hours OT WO hours by Type and Shop OT WO Count OT WO count by Type and Shop Child WO from PDM Last 12 Months PDM/CBM Exception Report Bad Actors Bad Actors by Process Assets in Poor Condition Condition Scores REFERENCE INFORMATION • Can be pre-populated with WO template Naming Convention ProcedureSOP-WO Description SOP-Pri Sed Basin 1 Year Reference-O&M REF-0&M-Mfg ModelNo REF-0&M-Seepex BN512 Reference-Parts List REF-PARTS-Mfg ModelNo REF-PARTS-Seepex BN512 • OREF-Description REF-REPORT-Outfall June 2011 by URS • Can be added after WO created • Picture (e.g. to show the problem) • Reports (e.g. IR, vibration) • Sketches NEX �T--AM 5YSTEM Subsystem No. I imp ement Results Air III wow )i�> Subsystem No. 2 Imp ement Results Ion*4ww" Ulm v1spa v4K ECIAon s erns LivinPro ra ren5-YearPlan C4 9•�. PRIMARY PROCESS SYSTEM DEWAI ERING SYSTEM t■:ts ' INCINERATION SYSTEM 'kin kern �rrhes 3cR#bn ft+� a"?r.'r++ _ ._ - --- -► 4C$ F � r r f if Rot � r � Owl= Aeration Y t Air f t 43-1 V t Pow Fh)w to AK i' Y . � i�rYs S�� i I�I Primary 5ystern Functional Black Diagram 1 ti t`it 1.t �" ��� �` . e+ ��. ;��: •' him- at, tiit }; r