HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINANCE MINUTES 02-21-17 9odsl
dna contra costa Semler :District
CENTRAL CONTRA c sT Pr'estdertt
President Pro Tem
PHONE: (925)228-9500
IMAX: (925)372-0.192
Tuesday, February 21, 2017 www.centralsan.org
1;00 P.M.
Executive Conference Froom
5019 Imhoff P lace
Martinez, California
Chair Jim Nejedly
Member Tad Pileoki
Invited guests:
Andrew Brown, Director, HighMark Capital Management deft after Item 4.c.)
Mitch Barker, Executive vice President, PARS (left after Item 4.c.)
ta .-Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager
Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration
Stephanie King, Purchasing and Materials Manager
Thea vassallo, Finance Manager
Todd Smithey, Finance Administrator
Cindy Granzella, Senior Administrative Technician
1. call Meeting to order
Chair Nejed`ly called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m.
2. Public Comments
3. old Business
a. Review staff's response to questions regarding expenditures at the
January 2017 meeting:
Finance committee Minutes
February 21, 2017
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#212392 $3,25.7.00. Aqua-Science Lhair lllejedly requested a brief report on
12/29/16 why this study could not have been
handled in-house.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed staff's responses.
4. , Meet with representatives of HighMark capital Management and the Public
Agency Retirement Services (PARS) to discuss: (60 minutes)
a. Quarterly updates on OPEl3 Trust (Q3 9/30/16 and Q4 12/31/16 reports)
Mr. Brown reviewed the information included in the agenda materials, with
a focus on the fourth quarter, and responded to questions.
b. PFM Asset Management LLGs independent review of the GASB 45 Trust
and OPER (Other Pest-Employment Benefits) Trust investments, and
Mr. Brown stated that in looking at the 12-month return period, the fixed
income market returned 6.2%, the raid cap investments exceeded the
benchmark, and small caps underperformed, as it was a disappointing last
six months. He explained that acture managers have had a hard time
adding value through investing to generate returns alcove their added
costs. Rather than gaiting for things to change, HighMark has made
changes. .He explained that HighMark is not waiting for acture
management to come around; they are using a hybrid approach, and they
are open to new gays of thinking for managing these assets.
Mr. Brown also referred to PFM's analysis, stating that asset allocation is
more important than the contrast between passive and acture
Mr. Bailey suggested that Mr. Brown return to the Committee for a
discussion on the alternative solutions regarding the passive versus active
investment option. Member Pilecki said he would also like more
information on a wider range of fixed income options.
C. Overview and discussion of PARS section 115 Pension Rate stabilization
Program and cost
Mr. Barker reviewed the presentation included in the agenda materials,
and responded to questions.
COMMITTEE ACTION: [discussed, provided input to staff, and requested
that Mr. Brown return to discuss alternative solutions.
Finance Committee Minutes
February 21, 2017
Page 3
5. Expenditures
a. Review Expenditures
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval.
Requested additional information on the following:
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#213192 $1,344.00 Alex Le Member Pilecki requested additional
. 1/12/17 information on a refund of a permit fee.
#213392 $955.00 Wonder Ice Chair Nejedly requested the cost
. 1/26/17 Cream, Inc. breakdown of the 70th Anniversar event.
#213554 $15 0.99 lie i n h o It Chair Nejedly questioned if this was a
2/9/17 En ineen monthcharge:
b. Review Procurement Card (P-Card) Statements
Chair Nejedly had several questions on charges. Ms. vassallo said she
would research the charges, and report back at the next meeting.
COMMITTEE ACTION-: Reviewed and requested additional information.
5. Review January 2017 Financial Statements and investment Reports
Mr. Leiber explained that last month the Committee was provided both the old
and new formats of the Financial Statements, arra this month it is a blend of both
reports. Staff willcontinue to refine the format over time.
Ms. vassallo stated that year-to-date Operations and Maintenance (0&M)
revenues are $440.,000 under budget, mainly due to a shortage in the first sewer
service charge installment. O&M expenses are running a $3.2 million favorable
variance due to labor, repairs, maintenance, and outside services. Sewer
construction revenues are running a $1.8 million unfavorable variance due to the
shortage in the first sewer service charge installment. Sever construction
expenses, or capital sending, is $17.5million, or #7. of budget.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval.
7. Receive the 2015 Annual Report of the ICMA Deferred Compensation Plans
Ms. vassallo reviewed the report included in the agenda materials. Member
Pilecki asked why the 457 PTS Marr (Temporary Employees) fees are so high in
Finance Committee Minutes
February 21, 2017
Page 4
comparison to the other funds. Ms. vassallo will follow up with Kim Hammond
and report back...
COMM TTE'E ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval.
8. Review and discuss Budget Calendar and General Manager merno.to staff
Mr. Leiter explained that the internal budget process has commenced. staff is
currently working on pass one, and will have several reviews during March. The
inten tion is to have a flat►budget, with a few focused exceptions.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and provided input to staff.
9. Announcements
a. Future scheduled meetings:
Tuesday, larch 28, 20,17 at 1:0o p.m.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017 at 1:99 p.m.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 1:00 p.m.
10. suggestions for future agenda items
11. Adjournment.— at 2:34 P.M..