HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.d.1)d) Minutes-Administration Committee held 2-23-17 .9l d
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SANITARY President
TRATION TT ,I�1'�IES A,?ITE.I�'I�L YS Co President Pro TeM
Thursday, February 23 2017 PHONE: ���5����-s5�a
FAX: (925)372-01.92
9:00 a.m. www.centralsa n.org
Executive Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
Chair Mike McGill
Member David Williams
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Elaine R. Boehrne, Secretary of the district
Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager
Phil L.eiber, Director of Finance and Administration
Emily Barnett, Communications and Intergovernmental Relations Manager
Teii O'Malley, Human Resources Manager
Shari Deutsch, Disk Management Administrator
Jerry Ledbetter, Safety officer (left after Item 4.)
Gonna Anderson, Assistant to the Secretary of the District
1. call Meeting to order
Chair McGN called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.rte.
2. Public Comments
. Risk Management — Loss control Report, discuss any outstanding claims and
new claims, if any
Ms. Deutsch reviewed the report with the Committee and responded to
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report%
Administration Committee Minutes
February 23, 2017:
Page 2
4. Receive.annual summary of.Central San's 2016 Safety Program
Mr. Ledbetter reviewed the presentation included with the agenda materials and
responded to questions.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information.
5, 'Receive second quarter update on Strategic Plan Tracking
Ms. Sasaki reviewed the tracking report included with the agenda materials.
With regard to the Coal 1 metric for the number of participants at speakers'
bureau presentations, Member Williams sought an explanation for the ,sero
entries for the first and second quarters. lb's. Barnett said the tern "speakers'
bureau"does not adequately describe Central San's current outreach efforts, the
focus of which have been to utilize more innovative and creative approaches to
outreach rather than speakers'bureaus. These approaches include Board
Member liaison events, public workshops in conjunction with the Comprehensive
Waste wa ter Master Ilan, televised interviews that reach larger populations, and
social media, which is part of a more multigenerational approach. These efforts
do not necessarily fit the described metric so they were not included. She noted,
however, that the figures will be adjusted in the next tracking report.
With regard to the Coal 4 metric for the percentage of performance evaluations
completed on time, the Committee saw this as a very important metric. Ms.
O'Malley said this is an ongoing issue. she and her stab`are currently evaluating
the obstacles and will assess options for improvement.
With regard to the metrics 1, 3 and 4 under Coal 6, Member Williams suggested
they be revisited during the next strategic planning cycle to the extent that staff
really exercises no control over then.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update and provided input to staff.
6. Review of following Board Policies:
a. Biennial review of Board Policy {BP} 001 — Employee Computer Loan
Mr. Naber expressed the view that at some point in the future the Board
may wish to consider this policy obsolete because it was developed during
a time when computers cost much more than at present. Ms. O'Malley
confirmed that she would,need to meet and confer with the bargaining
units if the policy were to be eliminated. Also, since there are.currently 14
Administration Committee Minutes
February 23, 2017
Page 3
outstanding loans, four of which were taken out during the last fiscal year,
he would not recommend eliminating it at this time. .
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended no changes.
b. Biennial review of Board Policy (BP) 002 -- Diversity Statement
Ms. Boehme said the only staff-recommended change to the Diversity
'ta temen t was to change "'men"and "women"to "people."
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval with the
proposed wording change.
C. Draft Board Policy (BP) 028 -- Cost Sharing of candidate Statements
Ms. Boehme said this new policy was developed at the suggestion of the
Committee to capture past practice in a policy format.
Member Williams suggested minor heading changes and the elimination
of the last sentence of the draft policy.
Chair McGill suggested that a sentence be added to the background
section to reflect the Board's stated desire to encourage healthy
participation in the election process. Member Williams agreed.
It was confirmed that this matter should be placed on the upcoming Board
Consent calendar.
Mr. Bailey commented that in follow-up to matters raised at last week's special
Board meeting on the Board's self-evaluation, an item will be added to a future
Administration committee agenda to discuss possible protocols to be
incorporated into existing BP 013- Standing Committee charters.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approvaL
7. review Gantt chart of activities leading up to 2017 Labor Negotiations
Ms. Sasaki and Ms. O'Malley responded to questions from the Committee.
Ms. O'Malley said the bargaining units recently requested that Human Resources
conduct a presentation on the benefits central San offers to all employees. As a
result, two presentations covering all benefits, including pension, health and
retiree benefits were given yesterday to employees at the Martinez campus.
Both sessions were very well attended. The same presentation will be given to
Administration Committee Minutes
February 23, 2017
'age 4
CSO employees in Walnut Creek next week and a video recording of the
sessions and the presentation-rnaten'al will-he put on the intranet.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed the Gantt chart.
8. Announcements
a. Future scheduled meetings:
Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at.8:30 a.m.
Tuesday, April 11 1 2017 at 8:30 a.m.
Monday, April 24, 2017 at 8:30 a.m.
b. Mr. Bailey provided an update on the sinkhole situation on Miner Road in
orind'a. He said staff will bring an emergency iters before the Board next
week to proclaim the existence of a local emergency and to authorize the
expenditure of funds necessary to maintain emergency protective
measures and to perform repairs to the damaged sewer lures.
0. suggestions for future agenda items
10. Adjournment--at 11:01 a.m.