HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.d.1)c) Minutes-Engineering & Operations Committee held 2-22-17 9.d . 1 centra! ContraCosta Sanitaty.Disttict REGULAR.MEE` ING OFITHE BOARD R f F DIRECTORS: 7 y] f , OR CENTRAL cCOSTA PAUL1-1..CAUSE,Y SANITARY sPresident ,I�i1°trlES A.1i�E.1EULY ENGINEERING OPERATIONSPresident.Pro Tem COMMITTEE I CHAEL R.M CCILL TALC J.PIL.ECKI DAVID R.WILLIAMS M I.N U T- E PHONE: f 925)228-9500 FAX.- (925)676-722 I Wednesday, February 22, 201 ��� �.c � � .� 1:00 P.M. 2ndFloor Conference Room 5010 Imhoff Place Martinez, California Committee: Chair Jim Ne edly Member Paul Cauaey Staff Roger S. Dailey, General Manager Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager Jean--Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager (left after Item 0.) Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager Neil Meyer, Plant Maintenance Division Manager Paul Seitz, Collection System operations Division Manager Dana Larson, Senior Engineer (left after Item 0.) Craig Mizutani, Senior Engineer Clint Shima, Senior Engineer Areal Lyon, Accountant (arrived daring Item 3.) Cindy Cranzella, Senior Administrative Technician 1. Call Meeting to order Chair lllejedly called the meeting to .order der at 1:00 p.m. 2. Public Comments None. Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes February 22, 2017 Page 2 3. Receive summary of Central San's 2016 energy. usage Mr. Shima reviewed the presentation included in the.agenda materials and responded to questions. Member Ca usey requested that future reports show how sustainable Central San is on a percentage basis. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report. 4. Receive the 2010 Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow annual Report Mr. Seitz briefly re vie gyred the information included in the agenda materials. He noted a correction to be made to the CSO Highlights page of the presentation, that the total miles of cleaned sewers was 823 miles, not 850. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received and recommended Board receive report. 5. Review Recycled Water maintenance agreement betweenCentral San and Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) Mr. Bailey explained that this item was removed from the upcoming Board agenda, as he will sign off on the agreement since it is within his signing authority. COMMITTEE ACTION. None. 0. Receive update on Asset Management Program Ms. f.a wson sta ted that the computerized maintenance management system (CMM`S) replacement is substantially complete. she explained that the Treatment Plant is now live in the new system, and preventative maintenance is transitioning over. Basic training is taking place this week to general staff so they can enter work requests. She explained that GeoPortal is now connected to the.new CMMS system, and staff is continuing to make more user friendly. Ms. Lawson stated that the Reliability Centered Maintenance Pilot is now complete. The objective was to improve maintenance efficiency and functional reliability of assets. An example of the results include modifying oradding planned maintenance tasks to address functional failures identified during the evaluation. Engineering &Operations Committee.Minutes February 22, 2017 Page 3 She stated that the Collection System operations Department is replacing the CCTV software, a pro,ject that is expected to be completed over the next few months. The new software and conversion of the old video format will enable access through oeoBortal. Finally, Ms. Lawson added that the Program Management Information System (PMIS) is in progress. with the blaster Plan being completed, staff is looking to Implement a PMIS to help manage and trach the increased number of projects. A request for proposals (RFP) is in process: in the interim, a brief version will be set up until the new system is up and running. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. 7.* Review.draft Position Paper to authorize agreements for construction inspection services for Treatment Plant Capital Improvement Projects Mr. Lopez distributed an updated draft Position Paper, which highlights the charges ander Recommended.Board Action (attached). Chair Nejedly said the cost for inspection fees was high, and he would not recommend Board approval of the project. Member Causey was comfortable recommending Board approval with changes to the Position Paper to clarify that it is a one-year contract with an option to extend, and carry over unused funds. COMMITTEE ACTION: The Committee was split on this matter so It will he presented to the full Board for consideration with no Committee recommendation. 8. Review draft Position Paper to amend a professional agreement with Carollo Engineers for the Plant Energy Optimization Project, District Project 7320 Mr. Lopez stated that the current reverse osmosis!osis (RO) system that services the Cogen unit is reaching the end of its useful life. Staff is asking for an additional $65,.000 to include design of a new fro system. Member Causey stated that the business case analysis did not include any other alternatives other than replacing the RO, such as purchasing distilled water or evaluating solar energy. Mr. Petit explained that the cogeneration system relies on high duality RO water; therefore, staff did not include other options. Chair Neiedly stated that he would prefer that this project be presented to the full Board for consideration. Member Causey agreed. Engineering &Operations Committee Minutes February 22, 2017 Page 4 COMMITTEE ACTION: The Committee requested that this item be presented to the fail Board for consideration with no Committee recommendation. g. Receive raid-year status report of capital Improvement Budget (CiB) Mr. Lopez re vie wed the presentation included in the agenda materials. COMMITTEE ACTION: Deceived the report. 1-0. Deceive change Order Log, Quarterly Reports, and Bid schedules to compare budgeted versus actual costs, including project status and close-outs COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the reports. 11. Announcements a. Future scheduled meetings: Tuesday, march 7, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 9, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. b. Mr. Bailey announced that staff will most likely ask the Board to declare a state of emergency at the neat Board fleeting for the sinkhole in orinda. Staff is projecting the cost to he approximately$70,000 per month. He also announced that in the event any claims are made with respect to this issue, updates will he provided to the A dministra tion Committee. C. Mr. Lopez requested to reschedule the larch 7, 2017 committee meeting to the following week. staff will confirm a new date with chair NeJedly and Member ca user. 12. Suggestions for future agenda items a. Member causer requested that the parking lot items return on each agenda. h. Member causer suggested a quarterly or semi-annual innovation report. 13. Adjournment _ at 2:04 p.m. * Attachment . ...... ... ........ ........... ................. ................. . ... .... ............................. .. .... ....... ............. .......... ... ........ ... ........ mmi rm aao.0 . . . .......... . . ....:. . , :... .:. ....:..::. . ¢:.. Central San .. ............. ........'BOARDOF DIRECTORSr PAPER POSITIU ................. ... ...... Board Meeting Dole, March 2, 2017 Subject AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL NEIN SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH CONSOLIDATED CK INC, AND HARVEST TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. TO PROYIDE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FOR CAPITAL .IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AT THE TREATMENT PLANT Submitted . Wg p , Engineering Brad dr, Associate gn and Technical rocs/C .pt Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENOED FOR BOARD ACTIONS C. M§zut —Senior Engineer E. Lopez—Capital Projects Division Manager JM. Petit—Director of Engineering and Technical Services Roger&Salley Genora�Manager Board of Directors' (Board) authorization 'i's required for the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreementin an amount greater than $100,000. BACKGROUND,: Several construction projects have been or will be presented to the Board for award in the Capital.Improvements Budget Treatment Pleat Program. Central San staff routinely provides construction management, administration, resident engineering, and timited inspection duties for projects, and supplements with inspectors. as needed. An evaluation of the projected construction work remaining 2016-17 through FY 2017-19 indicates the need to hire up to three additional inspectors for the peak construction months a through October). Staff has estimated up to 2,500 hours f inspection services under the recently awarded Headworks Screening Upgrade project and up to 1 X500 hours for the Piping Renovations, Phase ; Fire Protection System Improvements, Phase ;Treatment Plant Energy Cogeneration Optimization; Multiple Hearth Furnace Burner Replacement, and other projects identified in the current CIB. In addition, the inspectors may also be used to support construction of projects in the recycled water and general improvement programs. On January 24, 2017, a Request for Proposals was publicly adve- itsed on Central San's website and PlanetBids, a service Central San uses to advertise electronically for solicitation of proposals. Eight firms responded with qualified and responsive proposals. After evaluating the proposals based on qualifications, fees, and rate schedules, and proximity to Central San, staff selected two of the eight firms: 1 Consolidated CK Inc. and 2 Harvest Technical Services, Inc. Page 1 of POSITION PAPER Board Meeting a March 2, 201 subject: AUTH0RIZE THE G ENERAL-MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES-AGREEMENT WITH CONSOLIDATED CM, INC. AND HARVEST TECHNICAL SERVICES CA TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AT THE TREATMENT PLANT The service Provided under these agreements aligns with Central Sea's Strategic Plan, specifically Goal No. 6, which Is t "Maintain Reliable Wastewater Infrastructure,." 4Lofo!-�ALTER-- - '.''.'..V. ::...:...'....�'.... .: :........:.. ......LTi None. The EIYAN91ALIMEAM: tot cos r construction inspection. sp cionservices s expecte.. to Teach $850,000 for three years,, The hourly rate for the proposed inspectors ranges from 3 t $124 depending on the specla Ity q ua fif 1cations required for the construction. These costs are budgeted within projects identified in the CIB, and no additional budgets are being requested. The Consolidated , Inc, agreement and Harvest Technical Services, Inc. agreement are anticipated to reach $475,000 and $375,000 respectively, it fully executed at the 61scretion of Central San, COMMITTEE RECOMMEND N: The Engineering and Operations Committee _LAT10 reviewed this subject at the meefing on February 22, 2017, and recommended approval f the agreements. RECOM MEN M:, Staff recommends the following: . Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement with Consolidated CM, Inc. with a cost celfing of $225,000 for inspection services under the Headworks Screening Upgrade, District Protect 7327, inciuding other construction projects on an -needed basis, and extend.thear p t r t years cost ceiling o $125,000 per year, . Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering- rvi agreement with Harvest Technical Services, Inc. with a.cost ceiling $125,000 for inspection services for construction rJectsnn a -needed basis, and extend the Zgreem.eht ryears. t ; 1 25,000:.per year. Page 2 of 2