HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.a.1)d) (Part 1) Receive Succession Planning Summary Report 9.a. l )d) Part 1 SUCCESSION PLANNING SUMMARY REPORT 14 a or., Y f s �T s �M i dfr - � ti pip Prepared by: I Succession Wz� November 2 1, 20 7 Succession Planning Summary Report TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS■a..■■.FaFat.F.Fs.FFe �.Fi#.itFttt+F*,*ir..�.a..i•Fa.yiaat�F+Mi#iy�##ibiFibaii7taF.t.!*#�iii..i#b■........■ INTRODUCTIONa■■■■■■■■■■■wow***wls.riiiriiititi44■■■■■■MEMO■apan as■i.iaiir+w&ii+■■■■■■mom■.Ell*■■awoo gymmme*orsirb#r.■■■■**..I■ ASSESSMENT Mi#i .F■F■!*ii1.#fiiiL#iiiiiiaia..iiai..}*t** DISTRICT-WIDE A E E T RESULTS ULT .........+.+li.ititi...i■a■�.i......,,....��.�+.�,ili*i.iFtYa4 ADMINISTRATION DE■ RTMENT..ii.i...ai....a.ib#sbt***i#iFi.i.dim■,i, i i i i i&WM$1f#ff77.i.#* II Sf.man 1 m a tiLon Technology............*6% F,a■�■..f.............■�***i�#f�i�lbb�le....■...a...E�b F.rb bil.l��lr�#�i+��.i FIri n c V++..0.43.....1,&*, F•.b■■■d!■il■■■■■■■■■a■■■■aiilm4ilb!***4##4#$FFiaiiFbttFi.bbb.a■.■tatt1#if ■■■■■■t..OLDER■ri■r■■0■■■it##400Fbr qq■■q■■ Purchasing andMaterials Services.............................................*.�*F*�.......�i*w��aFi#.�...■■.a.■aattaiirl++7iil�*FFFF■.F Communication a ry Ices and Inter oyernmenta l ,....■a.■a.■b4 RiskManagement............................. l.l..iliiii F+Frti!.it..r�..�.#7■****Rfiti#i•F.i#Fif■,ii.i.....i..r.aa.aa.........aaa br++*y..........Now 10 Administrativeuppo1 1■.....■...■..............EiiF#F.i.��..t.�ta.it■•.aasl�4i!!l11l.�iii i�Fiiifiia F,iiit......a■a+ab..r...■****�p�i a*���*FFFr■....a■ 1 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE �� '��I T...�.�.rrr�r�r�ra..i.■■■■■■a■■■■.�Frr■�#a�r�#+.i�F.t,e■b■■■■aa���. 12 Office of the Secretary of the District........ i.....i..,r.�......+..■.ar•1 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT,.d 6 4 6 d 616 l tFr07afilF tii•■ar ara■ara.■ Fr ♦ .i.....aaaaa■+*ra■s#atb�.a+t�F�...■ri i i Wt .. . b i r ti.*. 1 Capital Projects Division ......................... 44 1 Environmental and Regulatory Regula o 1 Compliance ompliancr DI 1sAon....■................ ** ��iFr,■*r........a.ai.■i4.#+ 1; Planning and Development Services DivIsI n 18 OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT l..........■. ._•.art.#,F.#iriaiisiriiiii■• 22 r*l.rifi.iiiiiiiie■+.■■■.■.......*�■i*iilFi4iii*+.+t Administration **r**+.••Operations •s***•.......■■....rr..■riiit■i....■■faa#i Fiiii#F##FF..■......rrar#ri*******....Fi■iiiiietii.i■ii■a.t.,■,i.bit.....r+a lflF Fii i+■■e�■ Collection Systems �.J stes p e 1 atI 1.#1 1 Division.................... 24 1 c I 1 1 Operations Division••...... MliR.tl ititliFFiFFi.i....r.a■a.ara■at.s..a****iii FilkfiFFSY......a■...!Ff■r.i•..■..i�aaa&&anal F,a■it■■,f 8 i1nt a inten F 4.,i■4ce Division■•+.•.a.!!*li.�i++yfst Ft.■F■.a..■..i•aaaaatl►��i+F.iiii�i i�t*a.r.,...it..........■ai,■a■...■1l i�iiiiii FiiYii..it...■...,ilr*! HUMANEUE ...Frit i,iilf.f�fiy fi.*.Yii'tFiiiiiiii�i tiii�i....'i7*^lf�lf!*.itFi�1.i i�■�.ti�■r■r■ 37 �.■PF�•�iJlill IF�I rllN#..rFrtF�Ftiii#�i�i�ii�*}f SAFETY ............... �■***i***��#i+tiii7iii7aliiii,irararr,FaraaitiF Page I Succession Planning Summary Reporl ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report would not be completed without the dedication and efforts of the following District staff. Thank you to the Succession Planning Committee members, Sub-Committee members, and staff volunteers. Succession Planning Committee Sub-Committee Members Roger Bailey David Clayfon Chris Carpenter Donea Gemmell Imran Chaudhary Nick Hansen Rita Cheng Starlin Jones Dan Frost Paul Kelly Chris Sawa rd KIt OhIman William Grant Anita . eft Jeff Skinner Nick Hansen Kim Stahl Colleen Henry PI Turnhom Rick Hernandez Shencie Howard Doo g Little Terrina. Manor Staff Volunteers Nicole Marshall Neil Meyer Deborah Harris Craig mizutani Ann Sasaki Nancy Molina Grace Voldepenas Twila Mullenix Tri Nguyen Velisci Parks Randy Schmidt Paul Seitz Greg St. John Christopher Thomas Questions? Please refer any questions regarding this report to Succession Planning Ccmmittee Chair, Greg St. John, and Succession Planning Committee Co-Chair, Rita Cheng. Page 2 Succession Planning Surnmary Reporl INTRODUCTION The Succession P I ann in g Comm ittee (S P Q w a s f orma I ized in the spring of 2 014 with the goal of 1 d entif y in g critical functions within the District that a re most susceptible to risks associated w ith unforeseen em p I oyee departure, and to work with Management to develop a plan to mitigate those organizational risks. In 2015, the SPC conducted interviews and pre-interview assessment surveys to identif y areas of risk due to potential emp)oyee departure and opportunities to improve in the current organizationcill structure to address succession planning. The interviews were conducted by members of the SPC,SPC Sub-Committee, and staff volunteers. The following chapters in this report will guide you through the assessment process, and its application throughout the organization, including the Departments and their respective Divisions and workgroups. ASSESSMENT PROCESS The assessment process included a Gap Analysis and a VulneraMity Ancilysis conducted for each Department. The details for each analysis are described as follows: Orap Analysis This section describes four types of organi zcitional gaps that need to be addressed. Suggestions for knowledge transfer, professional development, as well as cross-training are identified under JA Recommendations," Cross-Training Gop.+ Cross-training is needed to fully understand the workgroup's critical job functions and ensure business continuity if a team member has a long-term absence or deparivre from the District. Experience Gap: Specific work experience or knowledge is required for a position that current members within the workgroup may not be able to obtain within their job series. Supervisory Gap: To prepare for a promotion to ci supeiryicor y level, supervisory experience is required that current members within the work roup cannot obtain within their job series. Job Description Update Needed: Current job description does not accurately reflect the job requirements. Vulnerability Analysis The Vulnerability Analysis identified positions in critical functional areas that have moderately-high to high employee departure risks and consequence of impact, with minimal to zero redundancy to support the positions in the event of sudden departures or retirements. These vulnerable positions require immedlote osi attention from Management. The Vulnerability Analysis was a numerical assessment of the three vulnerability factors-. level of departure risks, consequence of impact, and staffing redundancy. A formiula was used to evaluate and identify the highly-vulnerable positions. Page 3 Success'Ion Planning Summ ary Report DISTRICT-WIDE ASSESSMENT RESULTS The results from the Gap Analysis and the Vulnerability Analysis are summarized in the following pages. The findings and recorn mend ations are outlined vnder each Department and its respective Divisions and workgrovps. Page 4 Succession Planning Summary Report ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT MM Information Technology Experience Gap Programme- Analyst Cross-Training Gap Finance Cross-Training Gap None Purchasing and Materials Supervisory Gap Two Senior Buyers Services Communication Services and Supervisory Gap None Intergovernmental Relati ions Cross-Training Gc Risk Management Job Description Gap Risk Management Technician Cross-Training Gap Administrative Support Cross-Training Gap Senior Adminisfraflye Job Description Gap Technician Information Technology E Gap Arolysis - Findings ■ Experience Gap The Project ManagerlBusiness AnQlysf position provides prolect management technical expertise to run District prciects. The responsibilities of this poiifion are to help the District understand whal technologies are avo0able and help provide guictance on whether they are applicable and Fn the best interest of the District. The incumbent in this position would benefit from additional technical project management tram ing. Cross-Training Gap There is currently one Programmer Analyst providing website support and ober functions. Cross-fraining wifh other staff members is a viable option to provide redundancy for website support and other functions performed by the Progrommer Analysrt. Vulnerability Analysis - Findings ■ Programmer Analyst Page 5 Saccession Planning Summary Rcaport a Positron curt-ently held by Ted Barry. 0 Moderate depodure risk, high consequence of impact, and zero redundancy. a Ted is the sole administrator of the District's Svngvard1Navifine 1HTE sy-stern, This system is becoming obsolete, As a result, the skills necessary to support this system are not corrimonly found in the information technology industry. In the event of Ted's sudden departure from the Dis tr I c f under the current made of opera t?on, it world be Very dif ficu I t to find a suitable replacement, and the District currenfly hos no backup for him. E Reccimrnendcitiori5 0 Provide- additional training to the Project Manager/Business Analyst in order to build technical project management expertise. 8 Provide cross-training between Programmer Analyst and other Information Technology staff. 0 Provide cross-troining opportunities for Information Technology Superyisor to learn the administration and hardware of the Sungcard/Naniline/HTE system. rl C1[I C t 0 Gap Analysis - Findings Cross-Training Gap E The Payroll Analyst pos;fiori does not hGve adeqrote backup, and it is extremely inconvenient for the Poyroil Analysi to take extended time-off during the payroll cycle. Some backup can be provided by the Finance Administrator- s The Account;ng Technician 1/11 and Accounting Technician If/positions are not currenfly cross trained to substantially assist each other in their respective rojeSr and responsibilities. As cf result, any sudden departure from the District, including refiremen ts, could adversely impact the operations. S There is a fackof opportunify for the Accounting Techniciuns to gain supervisory experience and c fork of cross-fraining opportunities within the workgroup. 0 Vulnerability Analysis - Find i,rigs E one 6 Recommenda.tions N Provide cross-traire ling and SunGard training for the functions provided by the Payroll Analyst. 6 Provide for cross-training between the Accounting Technicians. poge 6 Succession Planning Summary Report E Consider using the automatic delegations to delegate down in the orgiani zational chart to promote cross-training and leadership. The District has emphasized the Leadership Academy and training. Delegating downward would allow staff to utilize these skills when they have an opportunity, and they would have more opportunity to nicke decisions and coardinate the efforts of staff. This could be utilized for vacation delegations depending an worklocid. N Implement cross-training at the department level., have staff come up with the top three important functions they perform and make that a starting point for Standard Operating Procedures. a Implement District-wide efforts to sponsor a succession training day once a month to assist in continuous efforts. Purchasing and MoJeriols Services E Gap Artoly-519 - Findings ■ Supervisory Gap a The Buyer Series position cannon obtcr;n the seven years of oxo-the-job superv;sort' experience needed to compete for the Purchasing and Material Sery;ces Manager position. However, ffiere is no current operationol need to have a supervisory position amongst the Buyers because fhis is a small workgroup of three staff who are directly supervised by the Purchasing and Material Services Manager. 4 The Senior Materials Coordinator may exercise technical supervision over lower level p iwn tions in the orkgroup, but does not have aopportunity to gain the direct supervisory osr experience needed to compete for the Materiols Services Supervisor position. The Senior Materials Coordinator is ossigned more complex tasks than the Materials Coordinotor. Currently there is no operational need to have a lead position because there is a Supervisor directly over the three employees in Hiis work group, 8 Vulnera billty Analy-4-'Iis - Findings N Senior Buyer • Position currently held by Chris Newkirk • High departure risk, high consequence of impact, and two redundant positions 0 Senior Buyer ■ P 0 S i h ori c urren fly held b y Porro M c M Ilion ■ ModeratelY high h deporture risk, moderatel high consequence of impact, and two Y redundant positions. Doge 7 Succession Planning Summary Report M Recommendations ■ Consider making the Purchasing and Materials.Manager position's minimum qualifications the sam e as other r sfmIIar ma no g er positions at the District, specifically in regards to the supervisory experience required. For example, the Purchasing and Materials Manager position currently requires eight r years of experience with five years supervisory experience. Consider aligning the Purchasing and Materials Manager's supervisory experience requirement with other higher-level management positions, such as the Human Resources Manager, Plant Operations Dilvision Manager, Plant MaIntencince Division Manager, and Collection System Operations Manager, which require five years of experience with no superyisory experience. This would help address the supervisory gap Identified previously under the Gap Analysis. commu,F11calian Services and Intergovernmental Relations E Gap Analysis - Findings E Supervisory Gap ■ The Community Affairs Representative position lacks the opportunity to obtain supervisory experience needed to advance to a managerial posifion. This could affect several business needs of the organization whl*ch are primarity handled by the Supervisor and which require supervisory oversight far implementation. These ir7clude high-level strategic communications planning., multi-year outreach for malar-Disfrict initiatives, government relations, legislative advocacy, and issues management. 0 Cross-Training Gap ■ The work group would benefit from additional cross-training for communication services arid hiter governmental reed fiores areas. Currently there is no long-term backup for ffiese functions. Vulnerobtlity Analysis - Findings 0 No highly-vulnerabl'e, positions that need immediate attention. ■ Provide cross-training to help increase knowledge of the work involved in all agyre os of the wort roup to ensure business continuity and to help prepare an employee for supervisory roles that include work the employee cannot completely obtain within their job series. The cross-training should include all areas covered within the workgroup including: construction outreach, emergency management, crisis communications, media relations, social and new rredia outreach, educational programming, customer engagement, public policy, government Page 8 Succession Planning Summary Report relations, agency relations, legislative odvoccicy, stakeholder engagement, strategic communications planning and community relations. Poge 9 5 vcces don P la n ni nq Su m ma ry Repori Risk Management W Gap Analysi-s - Findings N Job DescrlptTon Update Needed Currently, the job description for both Risk Management Adminisfrator and Risk Management Technician clo not reflect current duties. 0 Cross-Traiiiing Gap Risk Management Technician needs cross-training (i.e., claims management risk, financing., litigation, insurance and fade rriniter, contract f a w and risk transfer, emergency management, construction risk, public entity liabilifie s,, and defenses). R Vulnercibility Analysis - Findings ■ Risk Management Technician * Position currently held by Ruth Bennett. * High departure risk, moderate consequence of impuct, and zero redundancy. R Recoilirriendations • Update current job descriptions to reflect District's business needs. • Provide cross-training for risk and insurance subjects. Administrative Support E Gap Analysis - Findings 0 Cross-Training Gap ■ Currently, the Front Desk is staffed during normal business hours. The Senior Administrative Technician is assigned to fulfill that responsibifity, As a result, if is difficult for the Senior Administrative Technician to participate in tramings or cross-fraining. Each Senior Administrative Technician has o specialty;however, cross-frainirig is currently in progress for the two Admirustrative Technicians and a Senior Administrative Assistant. 0 Job Description Update Needed ■ There is one Executive Assistant, two Senior Administrative Technicians, and one Senior Administrative Assistant supporting the Admlnisfra6on Department{ each of which has distinct duties card assignments. Page 10 Succession Planning Summary Report Vulnerability Analysis Findings Senior Administrative Technician * Position currently held by Sylvio Gray. * High deparfure risk, moderate consequence of impact,,and several possfions that could cover the front desk for a hinited time. Recommendations * Continue the cross-tura in in g f o r the E xecutive Assista n t pos ition with both the Se n i o r Administrative Assistant and Senior Administrative Technicians positions. * Consider adding specicilization within the job description of the Senior Administrative Technician. * Provide cross-training for the front desk position. Page I Succession Planning Surnmaty Report OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT The Secrefory of the District, the General Manager, and the 01 trice Counsel positions are appointed by the Board of Directors. The Secretor y of the District reports direc tly to the B oard of Directors. The Of fice of the Secre fory of the Disfricf resides within the Administrotion Deparlinent for financicil accounting purposes. a 4L re Office of the Secretary o None Secreta ry of the District the District 0 Gap Analysis - Findings, Currently there are no gaps. 0 Vulnerability Analysis - Findings Secretary of the District w Position currently het cl by Eicfine Boehine. a Moderate departure risk, high consequence of impact, and one recjundant position. 0 Recommend a flons Provide opportunity for the Senior Administrative Technicicir to attend the District's Superyiscry Accidemy to help build supervisory skills. Provide additional cross-training to provide more backup in case of retirement. Page 12 Succession Planning Summary Report ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Capital Projects Divirsion i`ffnerobleTosi�ions Collection System Program Experience Gap None Cross-Training Gap Treatment Plant Program Experience Gap None Cross-Training Gap Collection System Program 0 Gap Analysis - Fndlngs Experience and Cross-Training Gaps * Staff is currently sized to perform in-house design of sewer renovotion projects-f however, if the workload (replacement rate) increases due to the Comprehensive Waste water Master- Pion f erPion, then more outside services will likely be considered. Staff's involvement ill multiple projects will be increased'and training may be needed to implement a larger program. * Workload befween the Capital Progroms has varied in tyre post and most likely Witt cominue to Yory. DeveLapin g Engineers with a wider range of experience and knowledge will benefit the District as programs increase or decrease, and new projects are developed. Rototi Ing Engineers and Engineering Ass is tan ts between programs will alto w for more flexibility and overall District experience to help implement the Capital Programs, * Capitat Projects administrative procedures are detailed and complex. Additional cross- training is needed between adannistrctive positions in the District to prepare for future retirements or seasonal assistance. Vulnerability Atiolysis - Findings .6 No highly-yulnerable positions that need irnnnedlate attention. Recomrnend of ions a Provide opportunities for Engineers to take on additional responsibilities.. Provide mcnagsemen t or supervisory training, mentorship, and leadership training programs. 0 Provide cross-training opportunities between the Land Surveyor and the two Assistant Land Surveyors. Page 13 Suc-cession Planning Surnmaty Report • Continue to provide cross-training between all Capital Programs. • Continue to provide cross-training between administrative positions to provide back-up. Treatment Plant Program 0 Gap Ano ly-sis - Findings Experience and Cross-Training Gaps Similar to the Coflectioti System Progrom, Engineers and Engineering Assiskirifs would benefit from cross-training or rotational opportunities to increase the flexibility to assign project teams in off programs. Engineering Assistants from the Collection Systems and Treatment Flom workgroups have lirnited over-ria p in their job duties. 0 Vulnerability Anolysis - Findings No hfghly-vulnerah(e positions that need *mrnedkate attention. A Recommendations Continue to provide staff with more opportunities to develop and cross train through classes or on the job experience. Page 14 Succession Planning Summary Repoe Environmental and Regulatory Conipliance Division 6. e Positions Household Hazardous Waste Experience Gori None Collection Facility Laboratory Cross-Training Gap Laboratory Superintendent Experience Gap Senior Chemist Environmental Compliance Experience Gap EC Superintendent Supervisory Gap Regulatory Compliance Cross-Training Gap Senior Engineer Household Hazardous Waste _Collectioii Facility • Gap Analysis - Finding Experience Gap ■ Additional training is needed to prepare Household Hazardous Waste Technicians to filt Senior Household Hazorrdous `ms iuste Technj cicfn positions that may become suddenly vocant. • Vulne�abillty Analysis - Findlng� ■ No highly-vulnerable positions that need immediate attention. 0 Recommendation-. M Provide support training and fill vacant positions. Provide temporary staff to fill Vacancies until open positions can be permanently filled. a Continue cross-training and professional development opportunities. Laboratory M Gap Arcitysis - Finding!, ■ Cross-Training Gap ■ irnportanf analyses .such as semi-volatile organics, volatile organics, mefols, UMS, and QA1QC have no staffing redundancy. Cross-train is opportunities are needed. A cross- training program should be-designed and 1-mplemented. Page 15 Succession Planning Summary Report Experience Gap Cross-train n g can to k e an e x tended per iod of time f o r C he m is ts to rea ch an adeq VC1 fe competency leve/. 0, Vulnerability Analysis- Findings * Laboratory Superintendent Position currently held by Mary Lou.Esparto. Moderate departure risk, high consequence of impact, an n7inimal redundancy. * Laboratory Senior Chemist Posf'tion currently held by Tri Nguyen. Moderafely high departure risk, high consequence of impact, and Minimal redundancy. Current Sent-or Chemist is neoring retirement and this leads to a lack of staffing redundancy, Recomineyciotions Deveta p strategies to address the cross-training of the more cornplex laboratory analyses, such as metals analysis, semi-volatile organics analysis, volatile organics Gina lysis, LIMS, and QA/QC. Consider using a Trcnsifional Position for a Senior Chemist position when the-current Senior Cherinist is within 6-12 months of planned retirement. This will allow proper knowledge transfer and improve staffing redundancy, Environmental Compliance 2 Gap Analysis - FindIfICIS Supervisory and Experience Gaps One of the mininium qualifications for the Environmental Compliance Superintendent position is five years of supervisory experience. Currently, fhere are no staff under the Environmental Compliance Superintendent who have an opportunity to gain the supervisory experience. The Senior Environmental Compliance Inspectors do not have supervisory authority;and therefore, there is no ability to promote from within fo the Environmental Compliance Superintendent position. This can potentially cause a lack of business continuity. D Vulnerability Analysis - Findings Environmental Compliance Superintendent R Position currently held by Timothy Potter. 0 High cporture risk, high consequence of impact, and zero redundancy. Page 16 Succession Planning Summary Report 0 Reco mmenclatiolls Develop sirategie5 for cross-traini'ng. A cross-training program should be designed and implemented. ■ Provide professional development opportunities to address succession planning. Provide Senior Environmental Compliance Inspectors with the opportunity to gain additional experience in supervision through lead responsibilities. ■ Consider modifying the minimum qualificationto include a combination of training and experience to substitute for supervisory experience Requilatory Corn.pliance * Gap Analysis - Fitidings ■ Cross-Training Gap The Regulatory Work roup has taken succession planning acfions via cross-training, sfandord operating procedures., and professional development, It is beneficial to continue the cross-train n. efforts between the Associate Engineer, currently held by Rico Cheng, and the Staff Engineer, currently held by Robert Hess, to ensure business effectiveness and coverage. There is a Tetnporary Staff Eng(in eer, held by Khang Nguyen, supperting the daily functions of the workgroup. * Vulnerability nal 5TH - Findings ■ Regulatory Compliance Senior Engineer M Position currently held by Randy Schmidt. a High departure risk, moderately high consequence of irripact, and ni;nirnaf redundancy. 0 Recommendations Consider using a Transitional Position for a Senior Engineer position when the current Senior Engineer is within 6-12 months of planned retirement. This will allow proper knowledge transfer and improve stuffing redundancy. ■ Provide cross-training and professional development opportunities within the workgroup. Page 17' Succession Planning Summary Report Planning and Development Services Division Group - Positions Planning and Applied Cross-Training Gap Assistant Engineer Research Supervisory Gap Associate Engineer Asset Management Job Description Gap Maintenance Planner Supervisory Gap Senior Engineer Rates and Fees Cross-Training Gap None a Development Services Cross-Training Gap Senior Engineer Experience Gap Cross-Training Gap Planning and Applied Research 0 Gap Analysis - Findings ■ Cross-Training Gap ■ Planning and Applied Research has three Associate Engineers each of which specializes in Collection Systems, Treatment Plant, or Recycled Water. Associate Engineers need experience in all three specializations to provide business continuity in the case of an unexpected leave of absence for the Senior Engineer position. ■ Planning and Applied Research has two Assistant Engineers. Hydraulic !Modeling is currently being performed by one person. If that person were away from the District for an extended period of time or were to leave the District,there would be inadequate backup to provide the same hydraulic modeling services as are currently provided. ■ Supervisory Cap ■ Planning and Applied Research has three Associate Engineers; however, there are only two Assistant Engineers. This results in one Associate Engineer not being able to gain direct supervisory experience of an Assistant Engineer and limits this Associate Engineer's ability to provide business continuity in the case of an unexpected leave of absence for the Senior Engineer position ■ Vulnerability Analysis - Findings ■ Collection System Planning Associate Engineer ■ Position currently held by Michael Penny. Page 18 Succession Planning Summary Report ■ High departure risk, moderately high consequence of impact, and zero reciundancy. Assistant Engineer 0 Position currently held by Justin Waples M Moderate departure risk, moderofely high consequence of impact, and zero redundancy. 0 Consider using a Transitional Position for an Associate Engineer position when the current Collection System Planning Associate Engineer is within 6-12 months of planned retirement. This will allow proper knowl�edge transfer and improve operational effectiveness. 0 Provide cross-training, software training, and professional development opportunities within the work roup. E Corsi d er mod if ging the m in i rr urn q u a I if 1cation s to incl ude a com bination of tra inin g a nd experience to substitute for supervisory experierce. Asset Managrement M Gap Analysis - Fitidings * Job Description Update Needed After thesplit of the Engineering Supporting Group, the Engineering Technician 1/11/111 p sition in the Asset Mono ge me n t work gro up focuses on spa tia f G I S ana I ys is grid no t drof tin g The 1e descr iption hos riot bee ri revised, * Supervisory Gap The GIS/CMMS Administrator position requires supervisory experience and three years of GIS Analyst experience. There is no method to gain supervisory experience needed for a person in the GIS Analyst position, Allowing a substitution for supervisory ex r e c Pe i 1) e creates a succession plan for in-house staff by ailowing them to compete for the position orad leverages the investment the District has aiready made in ex;stf'l)g staff and utilizes their- ins ti#u!ttonal heirinstif0ional knowledge. 0 VvInetabillty Analysis - Findings ■ Maintenance Planner 0 Position currently held by PJ Tornhom. a Moderate departure risk and zero redundancy. ■ Senior Engineer , a PoSifLion currentiy held by Dona Lawson. & Moderate departure risk, high consequence of impact, and zero redundoncy, Pope 19 Succession Planniing Summary Reporl U p d ate j o b descri ption of En g i ne e ri n g Tech n i c!a in categ o ry to better cla rif y their new roles in the GIS/CMMS workgroup. Re-eycluate Asset Management staffing after the Asset Management Implementation P[an cind the GIS/ CMMS implernentation is complete. The work.grovp will settle into a Lk nicintenance mode." Consider allowing a combination of training and experience to be substituted for superyisrory experience for the GIS/CMMS Administrator position. 0 The work for the Maintenance Planner position could revert back to Plant Maintenance and Collection System Operations if the Maintenance Planner position were to become vacant. 0 Planning Engineers, Collection Systern Operations Senior Engineer, and Picint Maintenance Senior Engineer can absorb the roles and re5ponsibillities if the Senior Engineer position were to become vaccint. Rates and Fees X Gop Anaiysits - Findings Cross-Troining Gap There are two Engineering Assistanf III positions for Sewer Billing and Manning, and one Engineering Assistant 1/11 for Rates and Charges, oil of which report to a Senior Engineer. A Cross-Training Pilof Program is currently underway to promote business continuity. 2 VvInerability Ancitysis - Findings 0 No hilghly-vulnerable positions that need immediate attention. 0 Recommendations Make Cross-Training Pilot Program pernianent to help prepare workgroup for departures and retirements. 0 Development Services 0 Gap Analysis - Findings K Cross-Training Gap A Cross-Training Pdot Program is currentfy underway to cross frain the Engineerijig Assistant I/it's wit6 the Engineering Assistant III's in the Division. This will allow for posil, Ion backup and prepare participants for possible promotion. ff Experience Gap Page 20 Succession Planning Summary Report Both Developnient Services Supervisors for the Perrvit Counter and for Construction Inspection possess a concentration of skills without adequate back-up. ■ Cross-Training Gap Consider providing cross-frainu)g in the Right-of-Way Section to build the speclulized skills needed for possible retirement of fhe Senior Engineer for Development Services and a Senior Right-of-Way Agent. Being sublect motter experts, Right-of-Way professionols need to have o specific skill set, Vulnerability Analysis - Findings Senior Engineer 0 Position currently held by Tom Godsee y. 0 Moderate departure risk, high consequence of impact, and zero redundancy. Recommend ahof15. 0 Make Cross-TroinIng Pilot Program permanent to help prepare group for departures and retirements. 0 Cross train individuals to assist the Development Services Pert-nit Counter staff and provide assistance to the Development Services Supervisor. a Evaluate Development Services organizational structure and determine future professional Engineer staffing needs for supervising the Development Services wort roup. N Provide cross-training for staff to build skills needed to supervise the Right-of-Way workgroup and plan for retirement of a Senior Right-of-Way Agent. Page 21 ucc ssio n Pla n ni n 9 Summary Re OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Ad m inistration Wine le Positions amp Administration ross-Trainireq Gop Administrative Services Supervisor Experience Gap Supervisory ci Admin't stration N Gap Ancilysis - Findings ■ Cross-Training Gap ■ Crass-training is needed for supporting Laboratory, Regulatory Comphance, and Safety related duties. Experience Gap If Prornoted to an Administrafive Services Supervisor, Administrative Assisfoots would reed training ori how to support a Direct r eputy eneral Manager (personnel issuesl re/ationshl p devel prnenrt{ calendorin9, "think in g ahead,"addi tionaI or ganiz atoonaI skills, fc.)i a Supervisory Gap Currently one Administrative Assistant has been delegated duties when the Supervisor is away from the District. However, it may he an interest in the future to the other A ra nis tratiYe Assistant in the greup to gain additional supervisory experience. The clmr ristr-artive Assistant will need to receive additi onai tr inin s and be delegated duties when the Admin strotivFe Services Supervisor is away from the District. ■ Vulnerability Analysis - Findings ■ Administrative Services Supervisor Position currently held by Angela Ta Bari. High departure risk, moderate consequence e f irapact, and z er e redundancy. Page 22 Success*lon Planniing Summary Report 0 Recommendations Provide cross-training within workgroup in anticipation for of Admi'nistrative, Services Supervisor's retirement. Address focus ureas of development (i.e., HTE, budget process, and business and leadership development). • Delegate duties to both Administrative Assistants when Administrative Services Supervisor is away from the District to a I low for training opportunities. Al so, prord e both Admin 1 strati Ve Assistants opportunities to provide support to the Deputy General Maria gerr regularly meet w ith staff to discuss performance and career development opportunities. Paas2 3 Succession Planning Surnmary Deport Collection Systems OperationsDivision o Fleet Services Cross-Training Gap Vehicle and Equipment Supervisor Field Operations Cross-Training Gap Maintenancrew Leader Experience Gap Administrative Support Supervisory Go p Administrative Services Supervisor Crass-Training Gap CCTV and CMMS Cross-Training Gap Senior Engineer Administrative Technician Fleet services 0 Gap naffs;s - Findings ■ Cross-Training Ga p ■ Vehicle and Equipment Mechanic needs experience and training to compete for Vehicle and Equipment Supervisor position, particularly to get experience working on supervisory and confidential matters. M v'ulner'ability Anal sis - Findings ■ Vehicle and Equipment Supervisor * Position currently het En;ck Wright. * Moderate departure e risk, moderate consequence of impact, and back-up provided by two redundant positions. ■ Recommendations * Provide cross-training rotation program and/or supervisory training to gain the needed experience. Page 24 Succession Planning Summary Report Field- Operations 0 Gap Analysis - Finding N Cross-Training Gap All Supervisors should be fornifiar enough with each other's work roup to provide adequate coverage in case of extended absence. Muintenance Crew Leaders need to gait)experience with personnel issues. Currently, Maintenance Crew Leaders do not have the Opportunity -to fill in for their Supervisors or get Out-Of-Class Pay while the Supervisor is on feave. 0 Experience Gap ■ Currently Maintenance Crew Members [is do not hove the opportunity to goin fhe three yeors of re.quired experience needed to advance to Cons trution Equipment Operator. When a job requires two operators on a crew, Maintenance Crew Members hove less opportunity to gain the needed experience. ■ CCTV Supervisor needs to provide additional cr=oss-fraining to current staff on how to operate the three different CCTV vehictes. Vulnerability Analysis - Findings ■ Maintenance Crew Leader a Position currently held by Don Bartlett. a High departure r�sk, inoder ate consequence of Unpact, arid back-up provided by two redundant positions. Recommend ation s Provide cross-training between the four Superyisor positions and Maintenance Crew Leaders. ■ Provide additional time so that Maintenance Crew Members can gain the necessary experience to provide business continuity in case of extended absence fram the District. ■ Provide cross-training for CCTV work,group in order to provide redundancy and backup. brei native Support 0 Gap Analysis - Findings ■ Supervisory Gap ■ Adniinistrative Services Supervisor rec4u.ires two years of lead or supervisory experience. This experience is not offered to the Adm inistrut;wee Assistants of the District. Page zz) Succession Planning Summary Report Cross-Training Gap Administrative Assistant position needs cross-froj+ofng or mentoring directly reloted to CSO tasks, confidential matters, and supervisory traininq. E Vulnerability Analysis - Findings Administrative Services Supervisor a This position is currently Yacant and is being filled by a temporary employee pending the results of the District-wide. classification study. 0 Moderate departure risk f moderate consequence of impact* and redundoncy provided by one redundont position. 0 Provide a combination of training and supervisory experience for the Administrative Assistant position. E Provide cross-training to allow Administrative Assistant to worl< on corif idential matters required by Administrative Services Supervisor position. CCTV and CMMS 0 Gap Analysis - Finding5 Cross-Training Gap Collection Systems Maintenance Scheduler and Administrative Technician do not have the opportunity to supervise or gain experience with confidential matters. N Vutnerability Analysis - Firidings 0 Senior Eng'ineer • Position currently held by Alex Rozvf. • High departure risk, moderate consequence of impact, and zero redundancy. E Administrative Technician * Position was held by Dolly Flanders. Ms. Flanders refted, and Me position is waiting to he filled. * Hi gh consequence of impact, and back-up proy'ded by two redundant positions. n Recommendations ■ Provide additional cross-training to allow Collection Systems Maintenance Scheduler and Administrotive Technician to gain experience with confidential matters and provide supervisory traitnling- Poe 26 Succession Planning Summary Report Consider using a Transitional Position for a Senior Engineer position when the current Senior Engineer is within 6-12 months of planned retirement. This will allow proper knowledge transfer and improve staffing redundancy. ■ Provide cross-training to allow other Administrative Technicians to gain experience for this position. Poge 27 Succession Planning Summary Report Plant Operations Divcion 14 Control System Cross-Training Gap Associate Control Systems Engineer Experience Go Associate Control Systems Engineer Control Systems Technicion Senior Engineer Operations Experience Gap Shift Superviscr/Operations Coordinator Supervisory Gap Proritrol/Control Systems * Gap Analysis - Finclip gs Experience Gap a The current Staff Engineer positron was filled in 2 01 using a Transitional Position to allow for cross-training in preparo6on for the August 20 16 retirement of the Associate Cartrol S ys terns En gineer (pre v io us I y held b y D cry it He f fiefin ger)- A ddi flo n al experience and devetopment is needed for Me Staff Engineer to reliably perform all Controls ystern related tasks and be eligible for advancement. 0 The other Associcite Control Systems Engineer (currently held by Chuck Burnash) has no direct report or ba ck-up co v era ge, and ibis current arron 9 e m en t does not ally W far succession planning. The Associate Engineer is not gaining the supervisory experience necessary to take on the Senior Engineer position in the future should the existing Senior Engineer depart or is on an extended absence from the Dstrict. Cross-Training Gap The current Senior Engineer has been in the positton for iess than five years and cat) benefit from additional cross-train n , supervisory deyefopment and technical develop"leof opportunities. The position requires an in-depth knowledge of various Process Control/Control System components. * Vulnerobility Analysis - Flrtding5 Associate Control Systems Engineer * Posr'tion currently held by Chuck Burnash. * Moderotely high departure risk high consequence of impact, and zero redundancy. Page 28 Succession Planning Summary Reparf • Control Systems Technician a Position currently held by Mike Furtado. 0 Moderate departore risk, moderately high consequence, of impact, and zero redundoncy. • Senior Engineer a Position currently held by Note Morales. R Moderate departure risk, moderately high conseqvence of impoct, and zero redundancy. 0 Recommendations Although the current Staff Engineer is under filling the Associate Control Systems Engineer that retired 'in August 2016, the Staff Engineer has limited experience and does not fully support all the critical Control Systenn functions. In order to cover the gap left by the recent retirement and to address the vulnerability associated any future departures, a Transitional Position for ars Associate Engineer starting in FY,2 0 16-1 7s hers leen approved. Provide cross-training professional development within the workgroup. Provide additional training opportunities, specifically related to Treatment Plant, Pumping Station, DYNAC, Wonderware, and PLC's. Cvrrent Staff Engineer should continue to learn the critical functions of this position. Prepare knowledge transfer documentations., such as Standard Operating Procedures. Cross train the Instrument Shop staff and the Control Systems Technician to increase coverage and promote knowledge retention. Operations M Gap Analysis- Findings 0 Experience Gap There is a large gop befween the Supervisors primary responsibility of daily treatment plop opera tions orad the more administrative tosks of the Superintendents positions. The Supervisors do not often hrive the opportunity to porticipate in odministrative projects ects and decision making due to shift work. 0 Supervisory Gap ■ The Shift Svwyi-sor job description requires two years of supervisory experience. Currently, Plant Operators do not have an internal avenue to gain the necessary two years of experience to meet the (nininium qualifications for the Shift Supervisor position. In the next six years, 70 percent of the Shift Supervisors are expected to retire. The Shift Supervisor has two primary job functions: 1) supervising a crew of Plant(Dperafors in a te6niccfl capacity to ensure safe operotions and regulatory compliance;and 2) developing Plant Operation staff to be technically cc)rape ient to operate the Treourian t Plant. To accomplish both of these job functions, 5 131 f I Sul.-)ervisors need sound decision moking, Page 29 Svccesslon Planning Summary Report leadership, and interpersonal skills that can be partially acquired through fro ining and m en taring. To all dere top S h ift S uperyis o rs, there m us f be an oven Ue f or P ton t Opera for S to practice fhe superyision of o crew in a supervisory capacity under the direction of a current Shift Supervisor. Development of future Shift Supervisors will help ens ure safe operafions and regulatory eco mpBance in the future. El Vulnerability Analysis - Findings ■ Shift Supervisor/Operations Coordinator ff Position currently held by Bruce Dobey, 0 High departure risk,, moderately high consequence of impact, and minima)redunclaricy. M Recommendations 0 Consider a Transitional Position to address future retirement of Operations Coordinator Bruce Dobefir. This would allow Shift Supervisors to rotate through a supert'iso rt' position that would more closely support the Superintendent. 0 Capture institutional knowledge that is not already captured in the Operations Standard Operating Procedures. 2 Develop cross-training opportunities for Senior Plant Operators, Page 30 Succession Planning Summary Report Plc + F nt a rpt . Dior si on Vulnerable Positions Igo Pumping Stati o n Cross-Training Gap Pumping tions Supervisor Reliability EngineeringCross-Training Gap - _ Assistant En g ineer Supervisory Gap Buildings and Grounds Crass-Training Gap Buildings and Grounds Supervisor Experience Gop Electrical Shop Crass-Training Gap None Experience Gap p Instrument Slop Cross-training Ga p Instrument Shap Supervisor Supervisory Gap Machine Shap Experience Gap Nave Supervisory Gap Mechanical Shop Crass-Training Gap Mechanical Supervisor Pumping Station 9 Gap Analysis - Findings ■ Cross-tra-lining Gap Pumping Station Operafor Ills can benefit fr oin ad&f onai crass-framing in su, ery' isary role, Additional cross-tra nr'n of Pumping Station staff on the operation of the North and West Bumping Stations is necessary. M Vulnerability Analysis - Findings ■ Pumping Stations Supervisor Position currently held by Leo Gonzalez. Moderate departure risk, high consequence of inn act, arra'some back up on the key functions wifh the two Pumping Station Operofor Ills. Page 3 1 Succession Planning Summary Report 0 Pecommenclations Continue to allow Pumping Stations Operators to fill in to gain experience in supervisory role when Supervisor is away from the District. Continue to train Pumping Stations Operator IN on key functions of the supervisor's position. Continue to provide cross-training opportunities within the Pumping Station work roup to address key functions that have not been covered already by Pumping Station Operator Ills. Continued cross-training is needed on both North and West sides to address back up coverage and vunerability. Currently, a process is in place. Consider utilizing cs Transitional Position to address future retirement of Pumping Station Supervisor. Reliability Engineering 0 Gap Ancilysis - Find in • Supervisory Gap E -Cui-rentiy the three Maintenoxi e Plaiiners are non-supervisory positiot)s. • Cross-Training Gap The current Assistant Engineer position, held by Mark Cavaliero, has some back up on key functions with the Main fenance planners and the Electrical shop stoff. 0 Vulrerabitit y Anot ysis - Flndinq,,, Assistant Engineer Position currenfly held by Mork Cavallero. Moderately high deporture risk, high consequence of impact, and some back up on key functions with the Mainteriance planners and the Electrical Shop staff. 0 Recomrnenclution s 0 The new Maintenarice Planner will help the current workgroup to manage the high workload with numerous projects and initiatives currently underway. The work roup will continue to provide cross-training between the Maintenance Planners and other staff to capture institutional knowledge and to create additionol depth of staff trained on key functions within the team. a The Electrical Shop will also continue to cross train staff on key functions within the team and with Assistant Engineer Mark CavaVero and others in the Reliability Engineering work roup on an as needed basis. Update job description to reflect duties. Cross train in other areas of Reliability Engineering are needed. Page 3'2- Succession Planning Summary Report 0 Continue to update Standard Operation Procedures and other support documentation in these areas. 0 Consider utilizing a Transitional Position to address future retirement of Assistant Engineer. Plant Maltitenance - All 0 Gap Analysis - Findings Cross-Training Gap ■ At least two of the Shop SUperrvisors have expressed interest in the Mointencince Superintendent role. 0 Recommendation Encourage staff, especially Supervisors., to attend the District's Supervisory Academy. To address succession planning, Plant Maintenance Superintendent should develop a detailed list for typical Superintendent-related tasks ( i.e., contracts, monthly reports, and timesheets). Buildings and Grounds 0 Gap Analysis - Findings a Cross-Training Gap There is a lack of cross-troming on administrative respons ibih ties and on the critical lob fun C tia ns- a Experience Gap ■ Experfenc:e m c-i hroud range of skiffs for Mar't)tenance Crew Leader is needed. 0 Vulnerability Analysis - Findings or 1130dings and Grounds Supervisor * Position currently held by Roy Manes. * Moderate departure risk, moderately high consequence of impact, and no redundancy. 0 R ecommend at ions Cross-training is recommended on critical functions; deyelop check list o-f tasks that documents the individual exposure.to. key functions of the Shop. ■ Rotate more staff into the Maintenance Crew Leader and Supervisor position for cross- training. Succession Planning Summary Report W Provide the Maintenance Crew Leader with additional responsl[bilifles and a variety of tasks and projects to address the experience gap and to cover for Building and Grounds Supervisor during his absence. a Provide a bigger role to the Maintencince Crew Leader in planning and distributing the workload in Buildings and Grounds Shop. N Provide cross-training opportunities for Maintenance Crew Leader, and other staff to learn the critical functions. Electrical Shop 8 (-':Pop Analysis - Findings * Cross-Training Gap Cross-troining is needed for Puniping Station electrical and high volfc1ge (HV) skills. Currently, only two Electrical Technicians can cover the HV side.. * Experience Gap ■ Currently, only two Electrical Technicians fill the supervisor y position. Electrical Shop Svperviso-r has expressed interest in the Maintenance Superintendent position. 2 Vvtnerablhly Analysis- Findings 0 No highly-vulnerable positions that need immediate attention. 6 Recommenclotions E Continue developing cross-frainiriq opportunities for electrical and HV skills. IN Encourage staff, especially Electrical Shop Supervisor, to attend the District's Supervisory Academy as well as Star 12 courses offered by Skill Path Seminars. Instrument Shop 8 Gap Analysis - Findings Cross-Training Gap Cross-training is needed to oddress possible retirement of Instrument Shop Supervisor Bruce Lewis in 2017. Currently, Instrument Technician Steve Boreth can cover the responsiNfifies of the Supervisor during his absence. Instrument Technician Tim Francis ;s now being rotated in when Supervisor away from the District. ■ Supervisory Gap ffistrument Shop Supervisor may retire in the next few years. Instrurnent Techn;cians need supervisory experience in order to provide business continuity. Page 3.4 Succession Planning Summary Reporf Vulner-obility Analysis - Findings ■ Instrument Shop Supervisor 0 Position currently held by Bruce Lewis. E High departure risk, high consequence of impact, and some redundancy, Recommendations • As it gets closer to 2017, utilize a Transitional Position to cover the Supervisor's retirement. • Provide more time for all Instrument Technicians to become familiar with supervisory responsibilities and cross train on core tasks. Instrument Techn16ans should consider attending the District's Supervisory Acciderny. • Develop a checklist to help identify and focus on core skills when cross-training (i.e., cross- training staff related to Pumping Station responsibilities). Machine Shop 8- GapAncilysis - Findings ■ Experience and Supervisory Gap Currently, Machinist Bill Bowers can fill in for fhe Mechanical Supervisor position held by Lee Sutherland. Lee Sutherland is mentoring Bill Bowers; however, additional'supervisory experience is needed for 8111 Bowers to meet the minimum qualifications for the position. MaChi4Sf nj Blil Bowers recently completed the District's Supervisor Academy and plops to attend other training events as necessary or available. 8 Vulnerability Ancilr:-,is - Findings 'a No highly-yulnerable positions that need immediate attention. 6 Recommendations • Identify other opportunities for Machinists to develop supervisory skills and cross train with the Mechanical Shop. Machinist can also consider acquVing (:cilifarnici Water Environment Association's Mechanical Technician III credentials to further their professional growth. • Develop a checklist to help identify and focus on core skills when cross-training. Page 35 Succession Planning Svmmory Report Mechanical Shop 0 Gap Analysis - Fbidings ■ Cross-Training Ge Currently., on�y three of the seven Maintenance Technicians are prepared to cover for Maintenance Supervisor. Job Description Update Needed a Current job.description is outdated for Mechanical Supervisor. N Vulnerability Analysis - Findings Mechanical Supervisor • Pos;fion was held by Toni Brown who retired in September 20 1 6. The position was filled in October 2016 and is currently held by Mofthew Mahoney. • Moderate departure risk, high consequence of impact, and moderate redundancy. 0 Recommendations 0 Develop ct checklist to help identify and focus on core skills when cross-training. § Provide cross-training opportunities for Maintenance Technicians to learn the critical functions of the Mechanical Supervisor role. Maintenance Technicians should consider attending the District's Supervisory Academy. E Provide the opportunity for all Supervisors to fil'I in during the Supervisor's absence, and cross train on key functions of the position. Page 36 Succession Planning Summary Report HUMAN RESOURCES Group Human Resources Cross-Training Gap None Human Resources 0 Gap Analysis - Findings ■ Cross.-Training Gap Cros-s-froining is needed in the areas of benefits, adminisfration and labor relations, and payroll processing for the Human Resources Analysts and Senior AclminostraKve Technician. 0 Vulnerability Analysis - Find ings M No highly-vulnerable positions that need immedicite attention. 0 Recommendations ■ Provide cross-training opportunities within the warkgroup, and devetop Standard Operating Procedures to capture knowledge, especially in the areas of benefits with minimal staffing redundancy. Pogo 37 Succession Planning ummar Report SLEETY Group Group Gaps Vulnerable Positions Safety Cress-Training Gap None Supervisory Gap a fety E Gap Analysis - Findings ■ Cross-Train ing a p ■ Cross-training is neecled between Operations Safety pecicrtists to adequately cover responsibilities of Collection System Operations and the Treatment Plant, These positions have been isolated and have very little back-up support, ■ Afthough the Collection System Operations and the Treatment Plant classification for the Operations Safety Specialist position is the ome, the types of experiences fences care different. Collection System Operations reeds a higher concentration in construction relafed safety, confined spaces* and traffic control, The Treatment Plant reeds a higher concentration in Hazardous Material safety, foc out tct out procedures, confined space entry, and process safety. Job descripfions were updated in July 201 . Supervisory Gap The Sofety Group is very small with two Operations Safety Specialists and the Safety Officer- (Supervisor). There is no opporfunity for the Operotions Safety Specialists to gain lead experience in order to meet the niinim.um qualifications to provide business continuity in case of a .sudden departure of the Safety Officer. The District would have to seek consultonf support until the position could be reffiled, 0 Vulnerability Anolysis - Findll'1 ■ No highly-vulnerable position s that need immediate o ttentien. 0 Recornmeiidotions ' Provide cross-training opportunities within the workgroup, and develop Standard Operating Procedures to capture knowledge, especially in the areas of benefits with minimal staffing redundancy. Page 38