HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.a.1)c) Receive Mentorship Program Presentation-Ornan Nwansi: Plant Maintenance Staff Development Checklist 9.a . 1 c elln. DISTRICT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM PLANT MAINTENANCE STAFF DEVELOPMENT CHECKLIST I 1p- Board of Directors Meeting March 2, 2017 Ornan Nwansl tip Collection System Operations Division Maintenance Crew Member II I' PRESENTATION OUTLINE Background • Purpose Maintenance Division • Approach • Output • Recommendations • Acknowledge ents • Questions Alt, BACKGROUND The project selection was based on alignment with the 2016- 17 Strategic Plan Goal4 Develop and retain a highly trained and innovative workforce ➢ Goal 5 Maintain a reliable infrastructure PURPOSE MAINTENANCE DIVISION Provide maintenance support to the Treatment Plant, HHW, Annex, Laboratory, 19 Pumping Stations and 3 Metering Stations Maintenance of 6,000, assets ➢ Administration and implementation of the Preventative Maintenance Program Perform predictive maintenance including oil analysis, vibration analysis, ultrasound and thermograph Administer multiple annual contracts with outside service providers APPROACH Develop two Training and Development Checklist templates • Machine Shop • Mech- ani cal Shop 5 OUTPUT AINING AND EVELOPMENT CHECKLIST CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PLANT MAINTENANCE DIVISION MACHINE 5H4R MacHIrursr rRAIrrrrrG An+D DEVELOPMENT cHEcxLIs r r I� ti y � MACHINE SHOP PERFORMANCE STANDAR S Machine Sho P Wormance Standards AMzndarw $AaftWcm*" -Be or.the job.dk*ssW in proper adtrre,a-lid iready Ic-wik at the start :r my the shift VVbr5k Day' Twos, I 5-mtinL"ww breakstliarlirg at 1 W..Uhrs a ric 1430hrsL am one The -m jute te I u rch"z k st3 ft g a I I quaRyof being hor*starhd having 9-rorg error p•ln:ip*s,rrof al upr,01-ness. 30. 2004ws� If leavirq the Raw Mr any rusm.you n"d to inky-n Y.<Wjf-SLrPem'-sx. Exarnpie- The WohmShap starts deaninj;up at approxtrnately-I hr We%take a 15- F Inform-yoursjzar-.-so,of aryi r-stakes made a.-ic any tck�l:s or ecup-nenj rnkT,.LAe break ah,'43OP-s.Then vee iead to We ticker Foom for a shy-er before tl or I ost leaving the Piariw 15DOP-a. M1000 is hall YOL cannot mike a mita ke you wyeir d3 air1'�kn zverycrw"q%akewFees arrest � kes:'trot eye"e admits thern I cast.Wor replace wineftng W lldwl Iriaw The szndardshal;b-e-abe lo peft"wdt onsiriopon No M- your super Asor'w its broken or rnissv9- ur)dKsta-id and neftrr 1-ie task rah ralrs Quanta--t is to be Judged on connp4eu-d robs. Qua-ldy m%%cornpleied within tokTanoe as'e9paered The w r-,pete we cf s*A exp wed c f a po fe sw nal. • �racl,cnall to+-.M 5,.01=,-.W5. Doi x DO1 callouts for tearing Fts ane y be 6ampies- ODC-to be deft n-w ed in d iYW aak. Chan=your txft a nJ eqt,-pr-*i1~you mw ownplefe:j a lcb-or Altitude. operatv-i. ■ R e-,r embef 1-h a t there ere*PD r.-N1 ach al*ft Y4*m a ny new I oCe"i-dQ 11%E awe a 50--ndO&ShW WW*nyW*who(*mvs.10 us is a wManer. r-a�he you hava,isl w4ttated Pay atleftan lo a I Mqw*1. Leawe the miacWe as serYK*a.ft%as yoj wou'd want it-upon ertefing. Sclaervew of a ly recliLt-As.1 nalt requite�Lf_'1--e Of r"atefial. De be rn re 11'*pk-"linc he as to p rooW,. 'T Me me r 6 EW m u rie ou s arwJ respecTu I to al A thing W-a!-na:Prnet-wg b­eVe,or cs belief than sorrelhing else Vie hwoe IPCS-a'qpe br"ming pa "t-drat are used fir learning pLrposas Thekr a-e small par-p-&-%teat w-1 rform Ki-ol types e.equio—erl-procedu,es.oir lnfcrm your SUpeftiaor wrw-a you l­eye completed Ow job. operaWn5. 7ime Hard inany papenvork.lRc%dLng dr3wn9s, voumay keepao*ytory wom Woe.l be afford-,d JOL YC•61 for.hrs Thee m w timeline on f nshlr-gl.list an exl;Wal on Te fc�,reace of rrkcwUV forward. Sallety.- Fc�a tie Sa*ty Dice s.and c-Drnrn-on sin . IA.- I v E m-r, MACHINE SHOP RAINING AND DEVELOPMENT STATUS SHEET Machine Shop,Trainiiinq a n d Development States Sheet The I'chrinle Shop Tra in ing Status.Sheet is designed to p rawide a syste m to 1 ra ck an individual Main1ena rre Technician's tram ing and deYODPMent progress. Thee mployee is hraiinedby a iia chinist_ The Ma crin:st a rsu res.that the em ployee has become N miliar vyRh the sa fe function of the mach7i nes i n the Machin e S nop. The Mach-in ist is, responsible for a nsurirrcg that the em pl ayee i s a Ne to perform rudi menta ryf operations on each machine in a safe rnanar_Supervisors a nsu re thol the Machinist has trained the Machine Sbop new e°mp"ee In surae nt approved procedures- u pervisorS W c a the new VacNne Shop em,Noyee with the Machine Sho p Trai n ing flus She.*s. Ea6h em p1loyree is re!SpDrisi ble fo r ma irrtaining the Wcttiine° Shop Training Statis Sale ets until a I have been com pleted. Upon cam pletiDn,ittie Supervisorand the Machine Shop new employee%wi l meek arid re- eve the Machine Shop Training Statis.Shtiee is and dismiss any further tra ini rig,if necessary- If no nliirr ed training is necessary,the Suple rwris r will sign and Me the Machine S ho p Trai ning Status Sheets- 1. heets_1o The.Machine Sbop new.-a mphyee is respon Bible for- Requesting cr:Requesting the Machine Shop Training Status Sheet to be signed off by the Machin ist upon.a cg firing the ability to pe do rrti the q3ecified skill sell_. 2- The Machinist is responsible for: • Training the new emproyee. Ensuring th at Uw new empkyyee ca n perto rm 1he required tasks in a safe manner w Ile rneetlrra l he required standards. passing the employee by signing the status sheet fc r ea ch specified shill set. Re co m mending N rther train ing o r requiring t,ie em plDye a to perforin a certain task to demonstrate competence.The new emplayee should not pass if the Knowledge rs not demonstrated pf-oleo+'. 3. The Supervisor is responsible toE • Approval of the Va chine Shop Training,Statin Sheet after reviewaingthe new erg pfae performance- Iwo .14 MEASURING Training Dem on strate knowledge of,p ro per u se of,a rd satisfactory ab 1 lily i n th e Co rn pleted Approved following areas: Date and 1. Call-pers(Digital. Dial and VeFnieF) 2. Micrometer(0-n Develop ent 3. Height Gage(Vernier and Digiita� Status Sheets 4. Gauge Blocks 5. Scales in inches arr-d millimeters 6. Thread Gauges MACHINE SHOP EQUIPMENT SKILLS 7. Bore Gauges De ma in strate Know I edge of,pro p e r U S-e of,and satisf acto ry,obi 1 ity i n th e fa I I o ng Completed Approved area s= Date CUTTER C LEANT N G 8. Spring Gauges E-5 TO P SPEED FEED SAP EMY TOOLING and FIX7URIES 9. Internal Micromters 1. Shear 2. Smak 3. Rails 4. Fed es I Grinder 5. CaFbide Grinders 6. Su rface Grinder 7 Horizontal Saadsaw a- Vzftacall Ran clsaw G. 1DFi I I Press 10, Radial Ofj I I 11 Velrtkar onr 12, Hortmntal MW 13. 13 inch Lathe 14� 22 inch Lathe IS- 26 inch Lathre 48= KEY FABRICATION SKILLS Demonstrate knowledge of,proper use of,and satisfactory-ability in the following Co rn p I eted Approved .8 ar-eas: D,31-e FIP E SAFETY ROTATION -SEQUENCE TEM' PE Training 1 Drill Motor I 2. A-I Grinder an 3. Beft Sander 4. VI Wheel Development Buffer 5. Iron Wcxker S. IMIG WekkK Status Sheets 7'. 'r*WoOder S. ArcWaldeF R. Oxygen Acetylene Putti n 10. 0-xYgen Acetylene Weliding ASSET OVERHAUL AND RE BUILD CROSS TRAINING 11 Spot Welder If The Trainee desires.learning techniques n Dern on strate Ian owl ed g eDf,D-1sassem bly,repa i r a rad reassern bly of th e Completed Approved Graq WeldIng,this could be consIdered. I following assets: Date 1 (OPT)BFaz i" -_C ll=.Q-"Il."Os G rin de r"Ma cho�Iebnster) 2 (OPT)SiNer Braz-iinq 0 (OPITI G a rz,Welding 2. Sludge G finder(Muff in Mo rsterel I Cake Pump Gear Box 4. CentrLge Gear Box 5. Hypo Pumps(13,C,DJ:DK;DII 6. Centrifugal Overhung zlun-ps 7- SpI I#Case Pumps i4U ADDITIONALS ILL D DEVELOPMENT AREAS Training Trainingand development r Areas of Asset Management such as CondifiDin Based and COM PI end Ap p roved and Fred ict 1 Ye Martens nce tech n olog!es and Deta IS Date Failure analysis: ILaser Alignment Development 2. Utrasound Status. Sheets 3. ibratna[os(OPT) 4. Thermography(OPT) 5. Other tech n ologiles(OPT) (list) CERTIFICATIONS 6. Root Cause Fall ute Analysis(OPT) Cerfificabons Completed Approved L ever Date I CWEA(OP90 2. Iding(OPIT.., 3. Boom T rum�(OP7) 4 Vibraticn Analysis(OPT) 5. Laser Alignment(OPT) 6 Utrasound(OFF) T Therm cgraphy fOPT) 8. Other tec h no Ies(0 PF)(list) id[F 0 a Training and Development Status Sheets KEY SUPERVISORY FUNCTIONS Demonstrate know[Oge of,proper use of.and satisfactory abillity in the Completed A p proved -following subjects: D ate 1- 'VVeekJy Schedule X_ Montly Re port 3. CIVIMS—Create,Approve.and kr_"e'lose Work Orders 4. Obtain procurement card—Vaininq;,sta-terrent,and reconciliation 5. Employee claims for Workers Compensation benefits E I n6denVAccAent I nvestigation Report _T ?. Near Viss Report 8. Farm lar With HT z_Mur basing Renu iSitions 9. Familiar wits OTIS 10. Familiar +ith vendors a rd contracts used by the shop 11. Fa m-fliar with shop accounts 12. Famiar vA mon&illy financials—checv,year-to date shop budget V RECOMMENDATIONS Develop Checklist for all Other Shops ➢ Electrical Shop ➢ Buildings and. Grounds ➢ Instrument Shop ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • Mentor Plant Maintenance Division Manager Neil Meyer • Senior Engineer Clint Shima • Machine Shop Supervisor Lee Sutherland • Mechanical Shoo Supervisor Matthew Mahoney THANK 44- r 4i