HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.a. Review draft Recycled Water Proposition 218 Notice and authorize mailing of public notice of proposed recycled water rate increases 7 .a . Central San . BOAR[ OF [DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 2, 2017 Subject: REVIEW DRAFT RECYCLED WATER PROPOSITION 218 NOTICE AND AUTHORIZE MAILING OF PUBLIC NOTICE OF PROPOSED RECYCLED WATER RATE INCREASES Submitted By: Initiating Dept.lDiv.: Danea Gemmell, Administrative/Finance & Accounting Planning & Development Services Division Manager REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: E. Barnett, Communication & Gov't Relations Manager,, P. Leiber, Director of Finance &Administration ey JM. Petit, Director of Engineering &Technical ServicesCounseltf n he District/L.Alm R neer s.snag forGeneral Manager ISSUE: To comply with Proposition 218 public notice requirements, ntral San must provide 45 days` written notice to property owners prior to considering proposed Recycled Water Charge rate increases at a public hearing. BACKGROUND: At the January 28, 2017 workshop, the Board reviewed the 10-year financial and rate projections for recycled water and directed staff to proceed with preparing the Proposition 218 Notice based on a three percent annual increase in each of the next two fiscal years. The Proposition 218 Notice will be sent to all property owners.within 1,000 feet of the recycled water pipeline within Zone 1 and provide important details about the proposed two-year rate increases. SCHEDULE: In order to meet the 45-day notice requirements of Proposition 218 and hold the public hearing on April 20, 2017, the notice must be mailed to property owners no later than March 0, 2017. ALTER NATIVESMONSIDERATIONS: The Board could direct staff to male certain revisions to the Recycled Water Proposition 218 Notice prior to submitting it for printing. However, any changes to the Recycled Water Notice must be finalized at the March 2, 2017 meeting to meet the mailing deadline. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Central San proposes a three percent recycled water rate increase each year for the next two years as shown in the table below: CURRENT MAXIMUM MAXIMUM RATE PROPOSED RATE PROPOSED RATE USER GROUP (per thousand EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE gallons) JULY 13 2017 JULY 11 2018 (per thousandgallons) (per thousandgallons) Class I (former potable users) $3.48 $3.58 $3.00 • Class I I (former canal/well users) $1.88 $1.71 $1.78 Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 2, 2017 SubJect: REVIEW DRAFT RECYCLED WATER PROPOSITION 218 NOTICE AND AUTHORIZE MAILING OF PUBLIC NOTICE OF PROPOSED RECYCLED WATER RATE INCREASES COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: This matter was net reviewed by a Board Committee. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Review draft Recycled Water Proposition 218 Notice and authorize mailing of public notice of proposed rate increases for Fiscal Years 2017-18 and 2018-19. Attached Supporting Document: 1. Draft Proposition 218 Notice—Recycled Water Charge Page 2 of 2 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 1 C t 'l Contra Costa Sanl*tary Dilstrict Protecing Public Health and the EnWronmeirt 5019 Imhoff Place,Martinez,CA 94553-4392 PROPOSED TWO-YEAR RECYCLED WATER RATE INCREASE PROPOSITION 218 NOTIFICATION A PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED RATE INCREASES WILL BE HELD ON APRIL 20., 2017,AT 1L 0 P.M. AT THE DiSTRICT BOARD ROOM., 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,, MARTINEZ CA Recycled Water The Central Contra Costa SanItary District (Central San) Recycled Watef Program provides high-quality recycled water delivered through a 13-mile network of purple pipelines in Martinez, Pleasant Hill and Concord. High-volume water users voluntarily purchase recycled water from Central San for compatible uses rather than using potable water, groundwater, or canal water. Recycled water rates for customers formerly using potable water were in Itially set below the potable water rate. Rates for oustniersformerly using canal or well water were 1 nit-fa Illy set below the ca ria I wate r rate. To pro mote the contl nued u se of recycled water, Central San's recycled water rates continue to be less than the rates for previous sources of either local potable or canal water supplies- The proposed rates do not exceed the full cost of providing recycled water service when operations, maintenance and capital costs are included. In accordance with Proposition 218,, Central San is notifying property owners whose parcels currently receive recycled water a n d a d d itio n a I property Dwners i n close proxi mity to existil ng recycled water pipelines of a proposed rate increase. This notification in no way requires property owners who are not -currently recycled water Gusto risers to obtain recycled water service from Central San. Only recycled water customers are subject to pay recycled water rates. Property owners who wish to protest the proposed rate increase shoo Id follow the proved ure-outlined below, a nd clearly 1 ndilcate that they are protesti ng the increase in the recycled water fee. CURRENT& PROPOSED RECYCLED WATER RATES MAXIMUM MAXIMUM CURRENT RATE PROPOSED RATE PROPOSED RATE USER GROUP (per thousand EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE gallons) JULY 1,2017 JULY 1, 2018 (per thousand ga 11 ons) (per thousand gaflon5) Class I (former potable users) $3.48 $3.58 $3.69 Class II (former carnal/well users) $1.66 $1,71 $1.76 Rate Hearing Process Central San's Board of Directors will consider the proposed rate increases at a public hearing on: April 20, 2017 at 1:30 p.m., Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Board Room, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553. Public comments and written protests will be accepted at the public hearing. Written rprotests may be mailed or ha nd-del livered to Central Sa n prix r to the public hearing to the Secreta ry of the District at the address listed above. Written protests must include the property's address or Assessor Parcel Number and must be signedby the property owner or tenant. SCann ed'copies of signed written protest letters may be submitted by fax(925-269-2327) or email (eboehme@centralf;an.org-Subject: Prop 218 Protest). All written protests must be received prior to close of the public hearing. Additional information about filing a protest can be found on Central San's website (www.centralsan.org).