HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.d. Receive the 2016 Annual Report of the ICMA Deferred Compensation Plans 6odo Central San BOARD OF [DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 2, 2017 Subject.- RECEIVE THE 2016 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ICDA DEFERRED C-OMPENSATION FLANS INCLUDING THE NEW LOAN PROGRAM Submitted By: Initiating Dept.lDiv.: Thea 'vassal lo, CPA, CMA Administration/Finance & Accounting Finance Manager Aft RE VIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION; Roger S, Bahay Gen.eral Manapr ISSUE: The Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee (Committee) respectfully submits its 2016 Annual Report, BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors approved the establishment of the Committee in January 1982. The scope of activities of the Committee includes: 0 Establish ire internal administrative procedures 00 Educating participants regarding the Plan 0 Reviewing emergency withdrawal requests 0 Reviering investment performance of the Plan 0 Submission of an annual report to the Board of Directors and Plan participants The Committee is comprised of the following Departmental representatives: 0 Thea Vassallo, Finance Manager— Chairperson David Rol ley, Accounting Technician III — Adm inIstration James Olympia, Environmental Compliance Inspector 11 - Engineering Joshua Whitman, Maintenance Crew Member 11 — Collection System Operations Chuck Burnash, Associate Control Systems Engineer— Plant Operations ALTERNATIVE S/CONSIDER-ATIONS: Jorge. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Finance Committee reviewed this [tern at its February 21, 2017 meeting. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Receive the Annual Report of the Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee for 2016 and provide any comments to staff, Attached SW ,potling Document: 1. 2016 Deferred Compensation Plan Adv1SoryCDMM1'ttee Annual Poport ATTACHMENT i C C C SD Deferred Comp Su m mart'of Asset D ist ri b ut i c n BY PLAN AND INVESTMENT TYPE I Fnvestm,ent Type CALENDAR YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2016 IA 457 IMA 457 Beneficiarles a 457 PTS ICMA 401(a) 1CMA 401(a) Beneficiaries TOTAL % Sta ble Va 1 ue[Cash M ana gement 185542a375 309,229 10,1629103 43.683 S 2 9'O 7, 91 28.93% Bonds 1102.51672 6319928 1 r658,6 0 0 1.65 Guaranteed Lifetirne Income 39656500 11427,863 53.084,363 5.06% BalancedlAsset Allocation 81566,546 89587,057 $ 171153,603 17.08% U,S.Stock 25,803,945 611,139 149999,591 178,930 S 4115-93.605 41.40% Int rnat i c na I/G1 o bal to k 1 p67511 8 6 11213,951 S 2,889,137 2.88% S pecia Ity 211819292 8389795 S 35020,086 3.00% Tota I Assets 61,452,515 S 6119139 309,229 37o86111288 2225613 S 100,456,784 100.00% %By Plan 61,17% 0.61% 0.31% 37.69% 0.22% "100.00% Summary Distribution by Investment Type International/Global Stock Sts ble,Va I u e/Cas h Ma ria -e me nt 2.88% 28.93% U.S.stock—// Ba la rice d/Asset Al locat ion —Bonds 4 1.4 0% 17.09% 1.65% G ua rantee d'Lifetime Income 5.06% As of December 31,2 016 there were 21 oUntSta nding loans against the 457 plan totalling$331,141, ccb 02/15/17 09:49 AM N: ccounti n gNG MTEM P I\D E F E R R E D COM P1\2 016 an nua I report\2016 Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Co m milftee An nu al Report charts xl$x 21016 457 Plan Including Loans on page 8 Regular Employees (Contributed by Employees) Annual Financial Rep ort for Your 457 Deferred om p rY at on Plan 1CMARCi RETIREhIEUT SECURITY -' DAVID R t_.LEY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANI DIST o ntributions:Sa va Time By Submitti rig En ra I I ren eats FP rst 5013 I M H O F F PLACE i n i ren ire processing delays by ensuring that your ren pI oe o s are MARTINEZ CA 94 553-4316 enrolled in an ICMA-RC account before you submit corrtr butior's. The enrollment process is quick and easy, Simply upload your rrn p I-oy-ees' i n f orfT ation or a rite f.h e i r data d Ere t i roto EZ Li n - J ntiary 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Account Summary This P erjoroYearj To-Da to Total Plan t' 1,F 7 , Beginning Balance $58,739,787.99 $58,739,787.99 Cor:-ibutborns/ Ener Credits $2,668,970.01 $2,668,970.3 e D is#r-pbu tlo r s/ t h e r Deb-its -33r585,593.54 _; +585,593. 4 If You Need Assistance Fees -$1,503-93 - 1.503. 3 Call Your Client Services Team 900-32&7272 Ga i n/Loss 33,630,854-06 $3, 3or854,06 Automated Access 24 ho urs days Ending Balance 1,452,514.59 $61,452,514.5 Website www.icmarc.org Outstanding Loan Ba'ka nce S 33 1,1 it'--"7 Total Plan Assets $61,783,655.7 Teal plan a s sets inch-,ides'F uu d and active loan balances. Platt Data Asset Allocation Plan Nanne CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SAN I DIST asset Percent Balance Plan Number Carlegaxy of Assets tab,e Value/Cash Management 30% $18,542.3-1---'r 68 If any of your data is Incorrect, please contact Client Services so Bon d 2% $1,026,671. that we can update you-records. u a ra n e e d L'ifetime Income 6% $3,656,499E63 Ba la roc ed/A s set Al I ooa ti o n 14% $81,566,546-16 U.S. Stook 42% $25,803,945.07 -International/Global Stook 3% $1,675,185-78 .specialty 3% $2,181,291.67 Total Assets 100% 61 x ,r 14.59 Please revre w your sta reale-n 1 carefulk''- if you be.lrava there is an error,please nordy CMA-RC a r SO-OLFrage 1 of rtfrrn 90 days of quarter end. N 0 rth Cap it€wl S1 reel NE,,Wad hington,DC 20002-4240 Annual Financial Report for Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Allocation Summary by Fund Percent unitsi UnitlShare Ending Investment of Assets Shares Value Balance Stable Value/Cash Management VT PLUS Fund VT Cash Manageme.r., 30% N/A N/A S 18,265,38"'..49 0% 276,993-0800 $7.00 $276.99108 Welcome 0% 0.0 35, $1.74 $0.11 Bond VT Vantagepoi rpt Cor Bnd Idx 0% 19,328.49-0 5 $11.20 $216,479.07 VT Western As s e t kCo re P I us B nd 1.% 47,511.1803 $11,43 $5-43,052.80 VT Varitagepoint.Infitn Focused 0% 5,097.9701 $11.36 $57,912-93 V-T PINGO High Yield 0% 23,748-7858 $a.-81 $209,226W Guaranteed Lifetime Income �.'7 Re-.i-----�ent IncomeAcvanr.age 6% 240.592.1890 $15,20 $3,6561499.63 Balanced'/Asset AI Location VT Van iagepolint.MS Ret Inc 0% 9 r 146.1331 $12.13 $110,.942-60 VT Van tag a.poln t M i Ce s tone 2 910 0% 3r491 A889 $12.87 $44.935.47 VT Va n-tagepain t M I I e s ton e 2 0115 0% 2,104,5207 $13.50 SM 41 1-02 VT Van-tagepoint Milestone 2020 1% 35,437.6329 S141.03 S497,189,99 VT VantagepoiFit Milestone 2025 1% 41,744-B592 S-4.41 $601,.543.42 VT Vantagepoint Milestone 2030 0% 5,555,0802 S'4.98 $83,215,11 VTepoVantao int M-ilestane 2035 1% 26,697,1015,r $15,29 $408,196.53 , VT Va n to g e point M i jestone 2 04G 0% 14,213.6446 $15.8 3 $2 2 5.001-99 VT Vantagepolint Mllestor)e 2045 0% B4O20.0546 $17,10 $1371142-95 VT Vantagepoint Milestone 2050 0% 1,213.0328 $14-55 $17,649-83 VT Vantagepoinj Milestone 2055 .0% 2.1-999 $10. $22.41 VT Vantagepoint MP Cons Growth 2% 32,144.7029 $29.81 5958.233-59 VT Va niagepo I n t M P Tray!G irowth 2% 33,187.6238 $30.12 $999,511,23 VT Vantagepoir.: M P Laq-Tirm Gr 3% 61.1171.5763 S30.29 $1.352,837.06 VT Vastag epolpt M P GIbI Eq Gr 2% 34,854.0258 $30-09 S'.048,757.62 VT Puritan Fund 2% 75.452.0602 $20.58 S S 15.3,22,3 0 3.3 9 `3772aA394-005-�''V.7- III I f111 IIII Flage 2 of 8 3 4 5 Annual Financial Report for Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan icm-RC BUILDING PJBLIC SE(TOR RENREMENT SECORiTY J a nuary 1, 2016 - Decem be r 31, 2016 AMocation Summary by Fund (contimied) Percent unites UnitlShare Ending 1"Vestmerpt of Ass&ts Shares Value Balance U.S. Stock VT Van tagepo'n t Equity I ncom e 5% 2-'9,514.4737 $13,86 $3,042,470.60 VT Invesco Diversified Div 1% -8,045.5316 $19.32 $348,639Z7 VT AI-I1anzGI NFJ Div Value 1% 20,740-3165 $16.93 $351,133.57 VT Vantage point 500 SCIS Idx 5% 163,569-9997 $'8.07 S2,955..709.91 VT Van ta g e pol nt Brd M ki I dx 8% 259,457-6817 $,i9lAi S6,036,073-65 VT Vantagepoint Grwth &Income 2% 58,232-7563 S'7-65 S11.02 308.15 VT Parnassus Core Equity 0% 3,802-6147 539-29 $1.49.404.72 VT 0 ppe!-i h e imer Main Street 3% 34,959--0894 S46.59 $1,628.743.98 VT Va nta a e po-nt Growth 2% 72,521-4177 S14.65 $1,062,438.76 \i7 Contrafund 7% 44,983-3884 598.46 $4,429,064.41 VT T Rowe Price GrowVi SZook 1% 7,524.8850 552,20 $392,799--0'1 VT Vantagepoint-Selec*L Value 0% 7,481.5719 $17.00 $127,18633 VT Golo Sa�hs Mid Cap Value 0% 3,441-7872 $36.05 $124,076-44 VT Vantagepoint Aggressive Ops 3% 121,396.6059 $15.96 $1.-937,489.83 VT AM G Ti m esSq ua re M id Cap Gr 2% 56,013.5459 $17.26 $966,793.78 VT Harbor Mid Cap Growth 0% 7,610.7509 $8.4-D $63,93U1 VT Va nia gepoint id/ tel C o Wx 2% 59,767.3032 $24-77 $1,,480,436-14 VT Van tagepoirpt Discovery I% 35,386-9538 $15.43 $546,020.67 VT Oppenheir-ner Discovery 0% 10779 747 $75-14 $133,724.74 International/Global Stock V7 Vantagepoint in-ternatioral I% 34,541-1490 $1 0.89 S376,151 12 VT Vantagepni Ovi-seas Eq 1dx I' 34,695.3229 $11.34 $393,444,97 VT Harbor InternatiDnal 0% 1,328-01 $58.26 $77,3X 18 VT Diversified International 1% 24,871.3970 $33.30 S828,217.51 Specialty VT'Nuveen Real Estate Secs 1% 40,525,2356 $22.07 $894,391.98, Vaniage6roIse r 2% N/A N/A $1,286,.899,69 Total I DO% $61 452,514.59 Page 3 of 8 .3 .4 Armual Financial Report for Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan January 1.r 2016 - December 31, 2016 Activity Summary by Futad Beginning contributionsl Distributionsl Ending Invast ment piance Other Credits Other Debits Transfers Fees GainlLoss Baiance Stable Value/Cash Management VT PLUS Fund $18,.364,151-02 $510.7 7 TO 1 41,622.344-60 $682,439.23 -$237,77 S330,596-60 $18,265.381-49 VT Cash Managerreft i $144,512.17 $760465.81 -$'2.669.79 $68,638.04 -$4.76 $51-61 $276,993-08 VVelcome Mao $0-00 $0.00 S000 $0-00 Bond \fT Vanzagepaint Cor Bred Id x $170,806,11 $51,,65&50 410,782.45 S2,434,33 -SO.Al 3 $2,364.71 $2 16..179.07 VT We stem Asset Co re P I us B n d $4,68.,463.17 $4,560-00 -$6,2 81.-14 $56,391.25 4'3.63 $19,933.15 $543,052.80 VT Varitagapoint Infitn Focused $56,489-36 $2.860.00 -$2,463.33 $358-52 $0.00 S668-M $57,912,93 VT IHigh i e l $8 810.111 $4,395.50 -$280 .121,24 $113,333-82 -$0.22 S11, 6.61 $209,226.80 PMCO Yd Guaranteed Lifetime Income VF Retve rn.Pn i I rcom r- -a r%q $3,154r705.52 S23,350-00 -$66,950.60 $366,317.66 S0.00 S178,07TO5 $3,656,r-199.63 BalancedlAsset Allocation VT VaRiagepolint MS Rej Inc $131,797.47 $0.00 -$25..573-39 -S 11.710!.75 $0.00 $6,429.27 $110,942-60 VT Van to g e point M illestone 2 010 $42.,351.75 $0.00 SO.00 $0-00 $0.00 S2,583-72 $44,935,47 VT Vant agepoint Milestone 2015 81 7,D53-53 S9.000.0-D -$79.9sl.98 -$136.579,38 $0.00 $8,918.85 $28e41 1.02 VT Vantag epoint Milestone 2020 $562,599-00 $40,460,00 -$2.55 -$.129,3 0 8.80 $O.00 $23,5013.34 $497,189.99 \/T Vantagepoin! Milestone 2025 $482.0,89.51 $80,250.00 -$1.31 SO-00 13,0..0 0 $39,205.22 $6-01,,543.42 VT Vantagepoin: Milestone 2030 $60,1 M 1.45 $24,663.29 -S,7.573-29 $0.00 -S50.00 $U63-66 $83,215-11 VT Va ntage po I nt VF-ale fore 2035 $309,944.12 $105,-095.48 47.068.43 -$28,(397.63 -550.00 S28,975.�4 $408,198.68 VT Va nta g e pa-Int Millestone 2 04 0 $170,101-61) $37,796,00, $0.00 -IS50.18 $0.00 $17 IN 154.57 $225,1001.99 VT Vantagapoint IVII-e-stone 2045 $91,827-89 $33,23 .14 -$ ,824:18 $11,049-83 -S-;00.00 $1 Gr953.27 $137JI42-95 VT Vantagepoint Milestone 2050 $7,682.78 $0.00 -$-U9 S9,877.55 SO-00 $189.69: $17.649.63 VT Van-tagapoir n t M 1 lento ne 2 0 5 5 SO.00 $0.00 -SO.35 $22-34 SO-00 $0.42 $22-41 VT Vantagepoirit MP Cons Growth S948,,379-61 $12,600.00 -$32r245.56 -$26..354.25 S0-00 $55,853.79 $958,233-59 VT Va n-lagepo I n t M P Trad C-rowth $991,693.1 1 $47,296.88 -$30,705.65 .--S-77,048.40 -$107,73 $68,483.02 S999,61'-23 VF Vantagepoint MP Lng-Trm Gr $1,920,309.14 $136,749.16 -$138.004.01 -S211,152.66 -$1 CO.00 $114 5,085,43 $1,852..887-06 ` + i 1111111 rlll'��III IIII illll I�C�I=.III 1,1111 111111i 111111111'11,111 IIID III 11111111'111111111.11111111 Page 4 of 8 3 4 5 gnu al Fm' ancial Report for Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan 1CMARC M, BUILDIN6 PUBLIC SECTOR RETIRFMFNT SECURITY January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Activity Suint inary by Fund (cowimfed) Beyinnin,q Contributionsl Distribu-tion sl Ending Investment Balance Other Credits Other Debits Transfers Fees GainlLoss Balance Ba I a need/Asset A I I ocatTo n (con 6n ued) VT Vantagepoi nt MP GlIbIl Eq Gr $1,.828,718.53 $97,901.00 --S3` ,163.02 -$951,716.37 $1040142-65 $1,048,,757.62 VT Feu alta ri Fund $1,680,902.66 $21,082-00 4120,632 7 -$1109,.905.33 $0.00 $81,356-63 $1,552F803.39 U.S. Stock .5 VT Van to g a poll nt E Pty.,rbc o m e $2,976,356.40 $86,852.39 -$265,081.5.7 -S223r6-75.92 .8.24 "468,077.54 $3,042,470.60 VT I nvesco Diver sif I e d D I V $1 73.08B,.76 $231932-10 -$42,,344.63 Sli 60,240.78 $0.00 S33,722.66 S348,639.67 VT XlianzG� NFJ Div Value $327,556.52 $18,1 14.66 -$23,.494.08 -$16,869.10 -$27.16 S45, x 2.73 S351,1 .57 VT Va r-,ta g e poil nt 500 5 tk Pd x $1,742,857.14 $188,928-80 -$20,123.68 $802,352-66 -$104..90 5241,799.89 $2,955,709.91 VT Va r-ta g e pol nt Brd Mkt Id $3,554,126.73 $3-3 ra 80.10 -S 192,041.19 5828,5411.89 -$127.89 $531,694.8 $5.036,073.65 VT Va nta g e pa-1 nt Groh &I nco rn e S",093,596.33 S4-'r697-54 -$55,9"3.4 9 -S 153,154 J 49-30 $101,591-82 $1.027,808-15 VT Para assus Core Equity $114,482.53 $6,541D.00 -$101,756.213 S 1 11 3,874.34 St 0.0 0 $16,264-28 $149.,404.72 VT Oppenheimer Main Street $1,524,224.02 $6,455.00 -$129,835-5>4 .$52,794.97 -$-2.47 $175,118-00 $7,628,74198 -!go VT Vantagepoint,Gfowth $1,335,724.74 $36,825.66 -$'19,466.19 -91 88.23&81 -$36-41 -S2.3?38.23 $1,062,439,76 VT Contratund $5,108,700.91 S130.339.05 4173,226.67 -S809,161 A2 -$79.87 $17'.992.41 $4,1429,064.41 VT T Rowe Price Grow-th Stock $473,500.43 $4.2,168.45 -$30.432.43. -S89,01 6.80 -$30.77 -$3r389.87 $392r799.01 VF Va ntagep6int Se I e ct Value $1620505.31 55,354.53 412,68-8,61 -548,946.10 -$4,9-6 $20,966-56 $1,27,186,33 VT,Gold Sachs M'rd Cap%Ialue $79,154.32 35,078-00 -$326.04 530,054.45 $10,121.19 $124rO76.44 VT Va:ntagspoint Aggressive Ops $1,674,,258-86 $46,264.82 -$47.1423.82 $105,422,75 -S .24 $158,981,46 S1,937,489M VT M Tiu re WI I -d Cap Gr $1,114,991-27 $30,970-65 -$49.,202.47 -$206,78938 -S20,71 $76,844.22 $966,793.79 AG mes Sq a L VT Harbor Mid Ca-D Growth $131,968-35 S4,42&98 -S15,918.E -$56,664.30 -$-'2,.o3 $127.73 $63,95 .31 VT Vs n t@ g e pol nt M d/S m Co 11-dx $1,822,798-4 "39,472-64 -$22,489.82 $146,8.50.53 -$ 5.05 $193r859.35 $1.1480,436.14 VT Va rLta g e poi nt Di scooy $428,817-97 $2,040.00 -$56-70 -$395,200-98 -$35,594.88 S&OC VT Va nta g e pe-1 nt Discovery $90,770-92 $25,445.02 -$118,808,69 $319,711.21 -S",5.73 $128,917.94 $546,020.67 VT Oppenheimer Discovery $144,439-99 $3,430-00 -$12,62103 -S5,720.51 SOM $40198.29 $133,724.74 Page 5 of 8 3 4 5 Annual Financial Report for Your 4-5)77 Deferred Conipeiisation Plan January I r 2016 - De em kir 31, 2016 Activity Summary by Fund (cowhwed) Beginnin_q Con tributionsl Dis tributionsl Ending investment Balance Other Credits Other Debits Transfers FeasGainlLoss Balance Internal-ionall/Glotial Stock VT Vanta g e po,i n t ante - gyral' $398,930,40 $22,787,77 -$47,653.32 -$3,270.91 -$12-15 $5.971-33 $376.1153-12 VT Van tagep n t Ours e s Eq I dx $513,055.97 S59P 7 24.78 -$6,514.22 -$18001632-53 -$14.79 $7325.76 $393.444-97 VT Harbor International $78,564.04 $ 8,687..96 -$j 72.9, -$14,831.75 -S7.36 $180.20 $7 7,370.16 VT Diversified International $1,315,945.88 $34,039.74 -$33,354-86 -$445.859.40 -S `.Lc;-6 442,5118.99 $828,217.51 Specialty VT Nuveen Real Esiate Secs $988,747.13 $600268-38 -520,256.90 -S2010025.1`8 -$22-72 $66,681-27 $894,:391-98 Ve ntage BTo k e r $334,224.84 $0.00 $0.00 58400EY33.44 $0.00 $111,741 Al $1,286,899.69 Total Accu unt $58r739,787.99 !t2fifiBrM.01 -S3,585,593.54 $0.00 -S1,503.93 S3,630,854.06 61..452#5 14.5 1 Note:Yov brokerage account bala;ncereflects acount activity through the second to last business day of the quarter. For quanar-end intormation,please revievy YOU brokerage account staterms er, cr contact TD Ameritrade. Activity Detail Contributionsl0ther Credits Distrib"tion sloth er Debits Conlributions $2,445,029..00 D I s i r-1 b u-L'I 0 r'5_ -$2o 656.104.87 Roll-Ins $165.068-88 Beneficilary Transfers 4$74.72 Loan Repays 1,Prirc. + irit,) $17,539-55 Loan 1ssuancj:&s -$346,824-95 Beneficiary Transfers S74.72 M-1sc- Debits 4582,589.00 Misc-Credits $41,257.86 Total $2,668,970.01 Total -$3,.585,593-54 J.-'3 8 A-3 S4d D 54M-17F Illi 111111 Iff 111111111111111 1II11�1011 Ul 111111111 ILII 111.1'1111111 Page 6 of 8 3 4 5 Aumual Finandal Report for Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan Im - RC -C I A BURRING PUBUC SECTOR January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 RETIRFMINT SE(UR[TY Account-Balance ky Source PTV-Tax $46,657.7 7 0.36 Rot-i $5 0 6,A2 0.30 Total ErnploVer/Employee $47,164,.190.60- Pre-Tax $14,288,323,013 Total Rollover $14,288w323.93 Ending Balance 614 +514.5 Contribution Summary Contrio uVons gulf-ins Date EmpfoyerMmpfoyee This Period S2,44�-,029.00 $-.65"068.88 01129/2016 $2 .5,3-36 00 Year To Date S2,445,029.00 $165,069-88 02129f2016 $209.62 0.0 0 Roth Contributions $455,985.30 MOO 03/31,12016 $19U26.00 0412912016 $199,501.00 Acl 1v i ty dated o uIsIde the c u rre r t pe nod ref leets ad ustments to ya u r 05/04/2010 r SI 6,459.0 0 account to ensure pro per ffedl-ling of earn'ings. 05/31/2016 $201"001.00 -06130/2016 $200,062-00 07/280,o 07r395.00 0 8/31/20'0 6 $216,004.00 774.00 GW30/20"16 $,,,91 F 10/31/2016 S1,9,6,518.00 11 r3012 016 $190,418.00 12129/2016 $202,115-00 Cash Ri.mce-lved frorn Employer S-21445,029.00 Total Contributions S2445,029,00 Page 7 of 8 3 4 5 Annual Financial Report for Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan J an u a ry 1 2016 - Decem ber 3 1,f 2016 Loan Report Name Count Reference Loan InterestBeginning Issuancel Loan DDL tnterest Cc de Numbep Paid Balance Refinance Default Applied as Ending P.a;d Balance Principal Amount S38.33 $0.00 35,792-19 $0.00 $0.00 $175-03 $5,617. 001 $32.90 :30.00 35,000M $0.00 $0.100 S262M S4,73 7.04 GO i $136.86 $0.00 $20,685.80 $0.00 SO-00 $625.06 $20,060,74 00' 157,536 $0.00 $16.000M $0.00 $0.00 $726.43 $15,273.57 001 $126.06 SO-00 $19,355.28 SO.00 $0.00 $564.86 $18770.42 001 9100 $0.00 S5 01000.08 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $50. 001 52-38-1 91 S0.00 $36,OOG.00 $0.00 $01.00 S1,087-81 $34,912.19 001 MOD SO.00 :S9,503,24 $0.00 SOM 10-00 $9,503.2,1 001 S256.08 SO-00 S26,000,00 SO $0,00 $1,180.41 $2-4,819.50 00' $39-71 $0.00 $4,031.99 $0.00 SOM $183-07 S3,848.9�2j 001 $O.DQ $0.00 S7,068.43 $0.00 MOO $7,068.43 $0-00 001 $16.54 $0.00 $2,500M S0.00 $0-00 $75-56 $2,424.44 001 $66.67 $0.00 S20,000.00 WOO $0.00 $301-67 $19,698.33 001 S53.33 $0.00 $16.000.00 $0-00 $0.00 $241.34 $15,758-66 001 $209.14 $om $21,235-07 SO.00 $0-00 $9 64.10 $20,270.97 00', $74.55 $0.00 $7,57 .49 $0-00 50-00 $343.74 $7,226.75 001 S 19 8.4%0-r $0.00 $30,000.00 $0.00 MOO $906-51 $29,093,49 COT $1 65A1 SOM -MoQUU.0-0 SO.00 50-00 $755.43 $24.244-57 001 $12.55 $0.00 $1,896.30 SOM $0.00 $57,31 $1,838M 0011 $37.36 $0-.00 $3d 186-16 $0,00 $0M $144.66 $3.041.50 001 $0-00 S0.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 :M00 $0.00 S20,000.00 Total -All Loans 21 $1,855.77 10.00 5346,:924.95 $0.00 $0.00 :583 $ 1,141-17 Total-Active Loans 20 15,6 .78 33 $331,141-17 +3177JM394-005-UCM7* 1111 �EIIP 11 II��111111 U1 Dill[11111110 IIIA INII III"RE UP 11111 IT1.11111111 Ra a e, 8 ,�= r}ry{ 457 PTS Plan Temporary Employees (Contributed by Employees) anul Financial Report for Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan h ict 13 010111 G PUBLIC -ECTO R RE11MENT SHURIT11, DAVID R LLEY n Eir CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA D (PTS[ on �tributl o n s:Save Time By u�lr mi ti ng En rel I m t st I' 1 I �H OFF PLACE irir> e prir� IInIrlr that MARTINEZ 94553-4316 enrolled in an ICMA- -RC account before you submit contributions. The �� I�enrollment� r�f process rr��ti�n��� I I��k r��I�i dataeasal-r� tlyups€�ad your - jnuary 1, 2016 i December 31, 2016 Account Summary i This Pario d `ear-T"-Daae Total Plea Assets $309+228.9 . Beginning BIane $270,287.26 $270287.26 ontrlbutron /Other Credits $126,254.67 $126.254.67 � �'� � Assistance D I st rlbu t I�I� �'Oth r D e c I.5 -$88.490.50 -$88,490.50 -$21 0 D7.00 -$2.007.00 Call Your Clien,t Services Team 800-3-26-7272 Gain/Loss $3,184.55 $3,184.55 Ajtcniatee'-Access 24 hours/7 days Ending Balance $309228.95 $309,228.98 Website www.icmarc.org Asset Allocation Asset n-e Halanm cawg-ary of Assets Plea Data table Va i u a/ a sl- Manageme..nt 100 $309,228.93 Plan Name CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA.SD(RTS) Tota I Assets 100% S309,228.98 Plan Numbec f any of yon r- data its into rre ct, p l a se c o- C!i e r-Services so th at we can u pdate you r raco rid s. PWse review your sta iarieri i ca-refully. if you belie ve there js ari error,please notify fi A-RC at SW26-72 72 Page 'I of olhin 90 days of quarter end. 777 N o rtb Capitol Street NE,Washington,DC 20002-4240 Annual Financial Report for Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan January 1,2016 - December 31, 2016 Allocation Summary by Fund Percent unhw Urrit/Share Endin:q investment of Assets Shares vaiue Balance Stable Value/Cash Management 2!3.-1 VT PLUS Fund 100 err ".y".A 11,.-.r S, Total 100% S309,.228.98 Activity Sununary by Fund BegFnning Contributionsl Distributionsl Ending Investment Balance Other Credits Other Vebits Transfers Fees GainlLoss Balance Stable Value/Cash Management VT FILUS F j n d $270.287.26 $126,254.67 488,490.50 $0.00 42,007.00 $3,184.55 $309,228.98 Total Accu urpt $27Qo287.26 $126,254.67 -$88,490.50 $0.00 42o007.0D S3,184-55 S309228.98 Activity Detail Contrite tionslOther Credits Distr;butianslOther Debits contribufio�ns $121,552.05 Dlstnbutlor.s -$75,9150. '2 B e nef 1 ciary Tra asters $4,702-62 Bcnr-f'.c,..:)ry Transfers -$4,702-62 Misc. Debits -$7,837.05 TOW S126,254.67 Total -$89,490.50 Account Balance by Source P r .e--ax $309.228-98 Total 'Employer/Employee $3091,228.98 *377XQ04-001-0025" g e 2 of 3 1111111 iiiw 11 F IIII111 1111 I 11111 1111`11111 11i111[1 1111 11111111'11111111111[111 IIII Armual Financial Report for Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan 1CMARC BUILDING PUBLIC SECTOR RETIREMENT S E WRITY January 1., 2016 - December 31, 2016 Contribution Summary Contributions Date EmplayerlEmpieyee This Period S'21,552.05 01/29/2016 $4,983.43 Year To Date -S-'21,552.G5 02129/2016 $8.1355-33 03131/2016 $3,252-36 Activity dated oulsicie the current peflod reflects 0412 9/2 016 $60949-22 add ustr to your accGuret to erisure proper creel!-,Ing 05f31/2016 $9r396-06 of earn -gs, 06/01/2016 $66.38 06/30/2016 $13.026.18 07/13/2016 S223,31 07/2912016 $11,917-50 L6 C4 io 08/01/2016 $41 B-67 C3, °0:8/3 1/201 16 S,-,71J733-1 0 09/0112016 $4 5f1.2 8 0!9/30/2016 S`1,716.55 1010312016 $297.90 10131/2016 $9,80 A.13 11/01/2016 $303.76 11/30/2016 $11,903-84 12/14/2016 $298-35 12/2912016 S5,195.51 1213012016 $259.20 Cash Received from Employer $121,552.05 Total Contributions S121,,552.05 Page 3 of 3 ,3 4 E) 457 Plan Beneficiaries Annual Financial Report for Your 7 Deferred Compensation Plan C -RCMA BUILDING PUBLIC SEC10 R ;f_:_A-1,7 — RETIREMENT SECURITY DAVID ROLLEY NIRA ti BENE I .i Contributions: ave Time By Submitting Enrollments First � 501 I M H F F PLACE in im i ze p roce in g d e I aya by e ns L,W n p that you I en JoyreMARTINEZ A 94553-4316 w0 ied n an vI AR C�account be-fore u u s u� i t contributions. Thee enrollment process is quick and easy_ Sirmply upload your employees' information or enter their data directly into E LInk- Jamin 1, 2016 - Dmin� 1, 1 Account Summary - This Period Year-To-D-a to CN Total Plan sets $611,139.21 O.0 $0.00egr Contributions/Other Credits $582,589.00 $58,21589.00 Gain/Loss $28,550.21 $28,550.21 If You Need AssistanceEnding Balance 11r 139.2 1 $611,139.21 Call Your Clieni Services Team 800-326-7272 Automated ccess 24 hour /7 days website www.i1icmarc..or-9 Asset AL11ocation met Pericent Balance Calory of Assam U.SS-r.0 ckrti 100% $611,139.2' m Plan Data Total Assets 100 S 611,13 9.21 Plan Narne CONTRA (BENE) Plan Number T any of your da La-is i n co rre -, please contact Client Services so thatwe can update your re-coma. Please review your sta tem-en t carelufly. If you belie ve there�s an efrar,please nota 'CMA-SRC a t 800-32&7272 Pace I o` othrn 90 days of quarter end- 777 N o rth Cap itol Street N E,Washi ng Coir,,DC 2OW2-4,240 Annual Financial Report for Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan January 1 2016 - December 31, 2016 Allocation Su,inirnary by Fund Percent Unitsl UnitlShare Ending Investment of Assets Shares value Balance U.S.Stack VT Vartagepoirpt Equ-ity Income 2 6 1,266.0489 $13.86 $1561147.44 VTAffi-anzGl NFJ Div Val-ue 2% 831-7941 $16-93 $1.4,082,27 VT Van tag epoin t 500 Sik I dx 29% 9,685.281 $18.07 $175,01214 V-T Vantagepoint Brd Mk*, Id x 3% 938-9247 $19.41 S18,224.53 VT Parnassus Core Equity 12% 1.792-7659 S39-29 870.,43-7.77 VT Oppenheilmer Ma-In Street 9% 1,204-4892 S46.59 556,117,15 VT Vantagepoint Growth 12-% 5,100-2069 $14,65- $74r71:8.03 VT Vantagepoint Aggressive Ops 5% 1,981.7263 $15.96 $31,628-38 VT ASG Tipme-sSquare Mid Cap Gr 2% 855-3228 $17.26 $141771,550 Total 100% $611,139.21 Activity Sunimary liy Futid Beginning Con tributiores' Distributi-onsl Ending Investment Balance Other Credits Other Debits Transfers Fees Gair Xas-s Eralance Stable Value/Cash Management VT PLUS Fund $0.00 $126,817.71 $0 00 -S"27,240.55 $0.00 $422.84 $0.00 U.S. Stock VT anis point Equi-ty Income $0.00 $144.88139 50.00 $0-00 $G.-OO $11,26&05 $156,147A4 VT AllianzG I NFJ Div Value $0.00 $"2..7 80-38 50.00 $0-00 50.00 1,8}1.89 $14.062.27 VT Va ntagepo I ni 50 0 Stk[dx $0.00 S0,00 $000 $170,187,97 SO.00 $4,824.17 $175,012.14 VT Va ntagepo I ni B rd M kt 1dx $0.00 $17,125.99 $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 $7.098.54 $18,224-53 VT Parnassus Core Equity $0.00 $67.612.19 $0-00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,825-56 $70,437.77 VT Oppenheimer Main Street $0.00 $53,062.06 $0.00 so,00 $0-00 $U55-09 $56,1 11 7 15 T`anti epoEnt Growth $0.00 $73,697.99 $0-00 $0-00 o,0 $1,020.04 $74,778.03 VT Nims Agg ressi ve Ops S01.00 $30,498-80 $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 $1,129.,,58 $31,628-39 VT AMG Timess quare Mid Cap G- SO.00 S14,434-82 30.00 $0-0-D $0.00 $336.68 $14,771,50 Page 2 of 3 4 5 Annual Financial Report for Your 457 Deferred Comps its afiot-i Plan 1cmA-R,C B U I LN G POB Ll C SECTOR RICE11REMPIT SMUTY January 1F 2016 - December 31, 2016 Activity Summary by Fund (continiied) Beginnin-9 contributionsl Dis tributi-on sl Endin 9 Inve.stment Ba lance Other Cre-dits Other Debits Tra ns fers Fees Bala."'ce International/Global Slock �.q Vantagepo-nt International $0-00 $41.677.67 $0.00 -&-1211947.42 50.00 $1,269.75 SO-00 Total Account $0.00 $582,589.00 SO.00 $0.00 SO.00MrS50.21 S61 1 139.21 Activity Detail Can tributionsl0ther Credits Distribe tionslOthen Debits V s c. Cres $5 8 2,589-00 Total S582,583.00 Total SO.00 Account Balance by Source Pre-Tax $611.139-21 Total Employer/Employee 9611,139.21 Page 3- of 3 3 4 5 401a Plan (District Contributions) ,Aimual Fm' ancial Report ffi r Your 401 Qualified Plan Ic"RC B U I L 01 N G PORK E(TOR R TI R EAI E N T SECURITY DAVID R LLEY CENTRAL O N TFC COSTA SAN I DIST Contributions: I T ntiins:Save Time Submitting Enrollments First 5019 I HO F F PLACE Minimize processing delays by en u ri ng that your employees are MART]N EZ CA 945 53-4316 ertrolled in ars ICMA-RC,account before you ubmit contributions. - T he en r l i m a nt process Is q u ic k a nd easy. S i Imply upload you r employees' information or eater their daia directly into E LIrnI . i January 1, 2016 - t a e rb r 31, 2016 Account Summary This Period Year-To-Date Total Plan Asserts $37x861,288.3 - ! 57 CA Con trlbb.at;ori ,1 ther Creedits $2,426,965-85 r4 6,965,85 istributions/Other Debits -$1,629,113.94 -$1,629.113.94 If You Need Assistance # es -$105.93 "' -Sl�W 93 Ca I I You r CI rent ervices Te a m 0-326-7272Gain/Loss $2,220,573-80 Aute,-r a Lend AcccI s 24 hoursR day-3 Ending Balance X37,8 111 f288.35 S37,861,288.35 e s www.i t cma rc.org Asset Allocation Asset rnf la torr ofAssets Plan Data Stable Vakre[ ah Management 7% $10,162,103-48 � Plan Na me CENTRAL CONTRA COSTAI DIST Bond 2% $631,928-25 Plan Number Guarariteed L';fe1 ire Income 4 o $1,427,862-94 � Balanced/Asset Allocation 2 % 587,037.1 If any of your data i incorrecT, please cep,act ":exit ervioes so U-S. Slock 39% $14,999.590,73 that vve can update your pre-cord . I ntern a t-io na IIS Soba I StDGk 8% $1,213,951-05 101 P-CIL c.°aY $838,79A.72 Total Assists 100% $37,86lo288.35 'lease review your statement carefully.ff y' befieve there� �������,pleas&J'���r��;CMA-RC��800-326- � Fuge 1 of 7 within 90 days of quarter end- 777 North Capitrol Streel NE,Wash i n9to ria DC 20002-4240 Annuail Fm' ancial Report for Your 401 Qualified Plan J a nuary 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Allocation Summary by Fund Percent unifel UnitlShare Ending Investment o f Assets Shares Value Balance Sta b le Va I ue/Cash Ma n aq e m ent VT PLUS Fund 26% N/A NIA S9,970,66105 VT Cash Management 113/0 191.,440.2000 $1.00 $191,44G.20 Welcome 0% 0.1327 $1.74 $0 23 Bond VT Vantagepoint Cor l3nd ldx I% 31,516-0075 $11.20 S352,.979.28 VT Western Asset Core Plus Bnd 0% 10.221-6550 $1?.43 S�16,833.52 VT Van to g e point I niltin Foc used 0% 8,616.4753 $11.36 $97,883.16 VT PIMCO High Yield T-1/a U90.8386 $64,232-29 Guaranteed LfPati ren e Income VT Re-Jrement IncomeAdvantag e 4% 93,951.2395 $15-20 $1,427.662-94 Balanced/Asset Allocation VT Vantagepoint MS Rez Inc 0% 4,617.2984 $12.13 $5 6r 0 07.82 T" anta g epoint M I l.esto n e 9-818 0% 8,398.0045 $12,87 $105,082,32 VT'Vantagepornt Milestone 2015 1% 13,255-2350 $1-3.50 $1 78,945.67 VT Vaniagepoint Mile-stone 2020 1% 11,330-3695 $14.03 $158,968.88 VT Vanlagepoint Milestone 2025 1% 33,150.0724 $14.41 $477,692-55 VT Vantagepoint Milestone 2030 1% 30,442-3552 $14.98 $456,026-50 VT Vantagepoirpt Milleston e 2035 1% 30,394.4075 $15.29 $464.730-47 VT Vantagepoirpt Iii lestone 2040 1% 30,214.8OB5 S'5.63 $478,300.42 VT Va r is g e point Milestone 2 045 1% 10,828.1666 -S"�'M7.10 $165,161.64 VT Van tag e DoInt M 1!es to r 2 05,0 0% 582,1963 V 41,55- SM 70-96 O'Vaniagepoint. P Cons Growth 1% 12,330.4018 $�9-81 $367,569-27 VT VanlagepGi n t M P Trad G rowth 5% 63,22&2 515 $30-12 $1,904,4:34-93 VT Via n iagepa 1 nt M P Ling-Trim G r 5% 61,02.5-5622 $3-0,29 $1,848,464.26 VT Va ntagep o 1 ni M P G IN Eq G r 4% 54,647-0598 $30,09 $10644,330-04 VT Puritan Fund 1% 12,141.6547 $20-56 $249,875-25 4 5 � '� �' '` 1111111 11,11 IIIA 1,111111111111 1 1111 G 11111110 1111 1111 Page 2 of 7 3 Annual Franc ial Report for Your 401 Qualffied Plan 1CMAR- C BUILDING PUBLIC SECTOR RETIMUNT SE(URITY January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Allocation Summa airy by Fund (Condnited) Pe.rc-ent ullits/ uslit1share Ending Investment of Assets Shares Value Balance U.S. Stock VT Va rata g e point Equ ity I nco m e 5% 124,517-6463 $13.86 $1,725,814-56 VT invesco Liver fired Div 11% 8,406.1693 $19-32 $162,407-20 VT All la nzG i. N FJ Di-'Va I ue 1% 20.B.16,3848 $1 6-M $352r929-29 VT Va ntage point 500 Stk Wx 3% 68,793.1879 $1 6.07 $4',243,092.87 VT Vantactepoin! Brd Mkt Id x 10% 90,352.4416 S 19-41 $3,694r740,.B6 VT VantagepoinlGirwth & Income 2% 40,378.8553 117.65 $712,68&78 VT Parnassus or Equity 0% 1,589.8968 $39.29 $62p467.05 VT Opperifielmer Main Street 0% 544-5609 $46.5-9 $25,371,09 VT Van tage ouiqt Growli-i 3% 72..749.0157 $14.65 S1,065.773.07 Ti ContratLind 5% 20,312.4229 $98.46 S1,999.961,18 V-1 T Rowe Price Growth Stock I% 4.174.9181 S52.20 $217.930.74 VT Van lag-epoint Select Value 0% 2,539.8666 $17.00 $43,177.74 VT Gold Sachs M-0 Cap Value 0% 1,771-6686 SW05 $63,,668.65 VT Vantagepoint Aggressive Ops 5% 108,023.7955 515-96 $1,724,059,83 Vr AMG Tilm es Squ are M I d.Cap G r 2% 47,462,2195 S17.26 $819,197.92 VT Harbor Mild Cap Growth 0% 5,480.7686 S8.40 $46,03-8.45 VT Va rata g e P o I nt Mcl/S m Co I d x 2% 30,550.6-696 $24.77 $7561740.10 VT Va n kage pu 1 r i Discavei y 0% 9,822.0432 $15A3 $1511564.13 VT Oppennelmer Di cove 0% 1.753,.7827 $75.14 $131.7791-22 International/Global Stock VT Vantagepoint Inte,rr-ationat 1 Wo 29r622.7652 $10.8 1,502,91 VT Van iagePit Nrseas Eq Idx 1% 28,7912885 $11.34 S326,493.21 VT Harbor 1:nternatlonal G% 2,311.1836 $58.26 $134,649.58 VT Diversified International 1% 12,952-1131 $33.30 5431,.30 5.35 Speel alty S-,7 Nuveen Meal Estate Seras I% 19,275.7283 522.07 $425.415.33 Vantag.e Broke.- 1% N/A NIA $4`3,379.39 Total 100% $37,861 r288-35 Page 3- o-4 7 3 4 -5 Annual Financial Report for Your 401 Qualified Plan January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2076 Activity Summary by Fund lleginnh7q Cantributionsl firs tributionsl Ending Investment Balance Other Credits Other Debits Transfers Fees Gain'tass Balance Slable Value/Cash Management VT PLUS Fund $9,703,924-69 S529,775.17 -$980,8334.74 S540,281-68 -59.98 $177'1 526.23 $9,970,663-05 VT Cash lel anagemen- $150,346,47 $32,210-41 -$70,000.0,0 $78,.874.44 -$30.00 $38.88 S 191,440-20 Wel co-me $0.23 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.00 $0.00 $0.23 Bond VT Vantagepoint Cor Bnd rd x $209,533.18 $23,376-67 -$6,-06.06 $122,435-62 -SO-21 $3,740-138 $35Z979.28 VT Wesj=r-i Asset Core Plus Bred $117,449.60 $9,862.14 -$16,382.79 $2,080.31 -$6-03 $3,840-29 $116,833-52 VT Vcar tagepoint Inflin Focuseei, $96,103-98 $297.76 42,820.89 $0.00 S 0)DO $4,302.3' $97,883-16 VT PIMC-0 High Yield- $43,757.93 $5,306.7B -$612.17 r,952.81 5-0.00 S5.926,94 $64,232-29 Guaranteed Lifetime Income VT Retirement'-comeAdvantage $1,063,847.90 S9,116,97 -$3,661-02 $294,205.51 SO-00 $64,353.58 $1,427,862.94 Balanced/Asset Allocation VT Vantagepoint VIS Ret Inc $49,8 2.0 6 $3r56',48 -&381.85 S-0.00 $0.00 $2,936-13 $56,007-82 VT Va nta g e Poi nt M eston e 2010 $101.867.80 SID.00 $0.00 $().00 $0.00 $6,214-52 $108,08-2.32 VT Vantagepoirpt W_ L-3--stone 2015 $126,539.44 $5-7,571.79 -$1.15 -$19,830.28 $O.00 114,665.87 $178,9-45.6) VT Va-ntagepoilrpt Milestone 2020 $304,628.74 $19,640-47 43.717 A89 �65r984.94 $0.00 $4,398,70 $156,965.08 VT Van tagepoint Milestone 2025 S349.975.00 $99.307.83 $0.00 $0,00 $O.00 $28,409.72 $477,692.55 VT Vaniagepoini Milestone 2030 S454,.646-13 $56.980.32 $0.00 -S8B,80T2B $0.00 $31,207.33 $456.026.50 VT Vantagepoi rpt Milestone 2035 S383,592.1 1 $78,609-85 $0.00 1-9i,31 d 4 95.34 SO-00 $34,023.85 $464,730.47 VT Va n to po 1 nt M I le s-r,on e 2040 $385,679.36 $59,9-43.72 -$1,749.5-6 -$2,844.86 ISO.0 0 $37,271,76 $47U00-42 VT Vantage int Mdestone 2045 $126,403.57 $58.459.78 $0.00 414,831,43 33.00 $15.'.79-72 $185,16-1-64 VT Va rata g e point Mi-lestone 2050 $2,414,61 $6,502.64 $0.00 $0.00 S0.00 $55171 $8,470.96 VT Varna g e point ITP Cors G rowO $388,123.55 O.OD -36,389-92 -$35,170.07 $O.00 S21,000.71 S3367,569.27 VT Van tagepoint MP Trad Growth $1,796,3W65 $96.6)7.76 -$97,486.00 -$20,289.30 $0.00 S1 17 5.82 S 1,904A 34.9:3 VT Van tag000int IVIP Ling-Trm Gr $1,920,302.33 $121.520-55 -32*,579-92 -$315,148.92 $0.00 $143..370-22 $1,848,464.26 377al I I Page 4 of 7 3 4 5 Annual Financial Report for Your 401 Qualified Plan C -R t A C BUILD11%PUBLIC IN WIREAkENT SECURITY January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Acflvity Summary by Fund (continued) Beginning Con tributionsl Distriburionsl Ending Investment Balance Other Credirs Other Debilts Transfers Fees GainlLass Balance Ba I a need/Asset A 11ocatio n (confin ued) 644 - - $1,644,330-04VTVantagepoint MP GIN Eq Gr $1,81,!5 .40 127.)40. $ , . , . , VT Purita-n Fund $212,594-73 $5,866.55 $0.00 $1.9,097.09 $0.00 $12,316.88 $249,875.25 U.S. Stock VT Vantagepaint Equi-ty Income $1.5-87.823-99 $88.092.60 -$34.,348.29 -$174,844.71 $0,00 $259.090-97 $1,725,814.56 VT Invesco diversified Div S.4 T 104-26 $5,985.64 $0-00 S95.772-64 SO-00 $13,544.66 $162,40T20 VT A1111a nzG I N FJ Div Valba $287,873.33 $5,074.17 -$17.92 $1 2.90G-2 7 -$ '01 $47,099.45 $352,929.29 Vr Vantagepoint 600 Stk ldx $970,951.32 $100,117.45 -$66,231.38 $120,012.07 -$42V $118,.285.42 $1.,243,092.67 VT Va ntag e poi nt Brd M kt I dx $2,438,271,.95 $223,480.02 -$14,080.88 $658.705.53 $0.00 $388,364.24 $3,594,740.85 \IT Vantage point Grwth &I nome $669,144.38 $32,043.91, 440P39-4.55 -$18.012]DID $0.00 $69,905.04, $712,686.78 VT Parnassus Core Equity $56,763.65 S2,416.33 MOO -S2,33&8B $0,00 $5,625.95 $62,467.05 VT OppenheimerMain Street $21 1-411.63 $734-69 $0.00 $509.83 SO.00 $2..714,84 $25,371.09 VT Vantagepoini Growth $1,122,096.36 $31,653-69 -$6,847,85 -$62,0-57-.57 SO-00 $923.44 $1,065,773.07 VT Contra"und $2,039,368.60 $1 26,187.66 -S57.731.55 -$175,.509.31 -S3.29 $67,649-07 $1,999,961.18 W T Rowe Price Growth Stock $279,747-93 $22,429.16 $0-00 -$84,350.69 S-0.00 $104�34 $217,931174 VT Vauta gepoint Select Value $36,199.110 $2",747.67 $0,00 4980-90 $0.00 $5,211-87 $43,777,74 Vr Gold$arhs Mid Cap Value $60o633.90 $3,250.60 $0.0-0 -$6r 768.25 SID-00 $16,752.40 $63,868-65 VF Van tog epoint Aggressive Ops $1,72 7.6G5.10 $911-460.33 -$87,488.52 -$t68,333.51 MOO $160.815-43 $1324,059�83 9 Vf AMG Time sSqVI uare A C-ap Gr $779,605-18 $49,552.71 -$29,405,x 7 -$34#-14 5.4 9 4 $53,593-81 $51 ,197.922�52 VT Harbor Mid Cap Growth $59,637-39 $7,338.37 $0.00 -$22e764.22 $0.00 $1,826-91 $46,038.45 VT Vantagepoint Md/Sm-Co 1dx $549,713-6-" $69,956.78 -$o.o3 $20,045.44 $0.00 $117,024-30 $756,740.10 VT Van to g e poli rpt Di stove ry $130,287.22 $990.19 -$304.92 -S 120,17 3.7 5 SCI-00 -:$1.0 F 798.74 $0.00 VT Va rets g e poi rpt Di scovery $26,843.18 $i 0,415,77 -$1,512.33 $750468.77 $0.00 S40,338-90 $151,554.13 VT Oppenheimer-Discovery $1166,079.36 813,123.34 $0.00 -544.31 1�07 S8°-0D -$3,112.41 $131,779.22 Page 5 of 7 3 4 5 Ai-inual Financial Repo-rt for Yotir 401 Qualified Plan January 1., 2016 - December 31.r 2016 Activity Summary by Fund (Cowilliged) Beginning Cantributionsl Vistributionsl Ending Investment Balance Other Credits Other Debits Transfers Fees Gair lLoss Bafarpoe fiflemetionat/GIota l Stock VT Vaniagepoint I rite mation a 1 $306,557.63 $20,194.44 -$2,702.76 46,71 GAO $0.00 $4,1464A0 $321,502-91 VT Va n1agelan t'Fors ea s Eq I d x $469,227,63 S250450.20 -$2 4,59 Q_P.13 1 51J 2 3.5 1 -$2.40 $7,540-42 $326.,493-21 VT Harbor Inie-,irnational $173,850.95 S-311093.61 $&00 15' 9-76.34 $0.00 4318-64 $134,64158 VT Diversified International $4-59,432.63 552,215,44 -$22r857.37 -S---"c_'.G 8 x.76 4410 -$18,397.49 $43 1,305.35 Specialty VT Nuveen Real Esiate Secs $424P448.66 $27,642.17 -$10,202.53 -$40,,558.71 SO.00 $241IG85.74 $425,415-33 VantkagelBrokerl V 02P75 A 7 $0.00 $0.00 $28-3,744..80 SOM $26p8/5.42 $4113 379.39 Total Account $34,842,968.57 .r r965. -Slr629011:3.94 SO.00 -$105.93 $2r22Dr573.80 $37,661,288.35 1. Note:Your bro?<e(age account balance reflects account ac!lvity through the secDnd to Iasi 13usiress bay of the q.j�_--i­T-P CLA-Iter-end information-, olease review your brci<erage account statement N contaci TD Arneritrade- Acofivity Detail ContributionslOther Credits Distributions101-her Debits C0jjrtr: jjt' i b ions $1.943,626.49 D-ds--ibu1-.ons n6 Roll-I ns $406,449.15 Beneficiary Tran sfers -$7.6,B90-21 Beneficiary TransfiElIrs $76,890.21 Misc. Debits -$212.901,6 7 Total S2,42 6,965.8 5 Total -S1,629,113.94 Account Balance by Source Total Employer S34,332,554.43 Pro-]Fax $3,528,733.92 Total Rollover $3,528.1733.92 Ery dling Balance $37,861,288.35 �37734IA31914-00a-00244 Page 6 of7 111111 11111 1111' 111If(1111111 III 11111 11111 14V 1111111111 J01111 111!ILII 3 -4 Annual Financial Report for Your 401 Qualified Plan IcmARC' BUILDING PUBIK SECTOR RETIREMINT SESU RITY January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Contribution Summary Contributions Roll-ins Dare Employer Th s Period $1,943,626-.49 $406,449.15 0'/29/2016 $4167,0'0.14 ",-'ear To Date $1 r943,626-4q $-406..449.15 OW 9/2016 $190,534.12 03/3112016 $164,3.08.63 Activ ity dated ou is I d e th e c u rre nit pe riod reflects a a j,u st rr e n is to yc-u r 04/29/2016 $165,720,23 account to ensure proper crediting of earnings_ 05/31f2016 -S'l 68,749.09 06130/20 16 $171,355.47 07129 2016 $197 r 160.26 W31/2016 $165,970.30 L6 09/30/2016 $178,901-46 10/24/2016 $683.61 10/3112016 $145,627.49 11/3-0/2016 $124,048.19 1 2/29f2 G 16 $103.,557.50 C ash Baca-1ved f rom E mp loye- S11,943,62-6.49 Tota I Co ntrTb utions S1,943,626-49 Page 7 of 7 A 5 401a Plan Beneficiaries Annual Financial Report for Your 401 QuaRfied Plan lict BUILDING P UB LK SE(TOR RETIREMENT E(tI R ITS DAVID R L LEY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA D(BE NEI ontributw n,s Save Time By S u b m itti ng E n ro i 1 m eats 1~i rst 6019 I M H F F PLACE I n i mi e prec es s i ng delays by ein sU ri ng th at yo r e m pI oyee s a reIST I N E 94553-4316 enrolled in an I -RC ac-count before yoursub---- -contributions- MA Tie enrollment process i s q u 1e k and easy. Simply upload your i employees' inform atior or,eater their data directly into FZ LInk. i Jain 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 - Account Summer This Period Year-To-Date Total Plan Assets $222,612.94 � ����� B�Ian � 0.00 0,00 CD ontributions/Cither Cred, $212,901.67 12,901.67 Gain/Loss S9,7'1.27 $9.711 27 If You Need AssistanceEnding Balance $222..612.94 $222,612.94 Call Your Client Services Team 800-326-7272 Automated cc es s 24 hours f 7 days Website www.icmare.org Asset ocation Asset permm Balance ofd Stable Value/Cash Management g% $43168141 � Plan Data U.S. --ock 80% "7:31929.53 Total Assets 100% S222,612.94 Plan Narre CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA D(BENE) Plan Number I f a ny of you r data its incorrect, p I ease car.act Client Servi ee s s e that.weGan update your recd rd . Reale fevfew your statement refufly.If you be4eve there.�s an error,please notify JCW-RC J -RCa800-326-?272 Page 1 of within go days of cua rte..end. 777 Nath Capitol Street NE..Washington,a-C 200-02-424 Annual Financial Report for Your 401 Qualified Plan J a n ua ry 1, 2016 - Decem ber 31., 2016 Allocation Summary by Fund Percent 07itSl UnitIS-hare Ending Investment of Assets Shares Value Balance Stable Value/Cash Management VT PLUS Fund 20%- N/A NIA '543.683,41 U.S. Stock VT I nvesco Di vers 1 f ied D'iv 35% 4 r()45.5 238 $19-32 $78.'59.52 VT Va n1agepo I nt 500 Stk Id. 31% 3r;81 0-7801 $18,07 $68.860.80 VT Va ntaq epc 1 ni B rd M kt 'dx 7% 840.2506 $19.41 $163C9-26 VT Contrafund 3% 77-7541 $9&46 S7,655.67 VT AMG TlmesSquare Mid Cap Gr 4% 460-2709 S'7,26 S7.944-28 Total 100% S222,612.94 Activity Summary by Fund Beginning contributionsl Distributionsl Ending Investment Balance Other Credits OMUF 00bitS Transfers Fees Gsinss valance Stabi is Va I ue/Cash Ma nag em e nt VT PLUS Fun=d $0-00 $84,986-35 :30,00 -$41,933.39 $0.00 $637.45 $43,6 8-3. BalartcedlAsset Allocation I I -S1 8,421.63 VT Va n1ag e po r� M P L ng-TFM G r $0.00 $18,42 11�63 $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 $0,00 VT Vantagepoin-r.M P'Glbl Eq Gr $0-00 $1 6r66A.2 0 $0.00 -S"8,66410 $0-00 $0.010 $0-00 U.S.Stock VT Invesco Divers 4led Div SOM $0.00 WOO $75.,023.75 SO-00 $3.135.77 578,159.52 VT Van tag epaint 500 Sjk lcfx $0.00 $66,231.36 $000 $000 SO.00 $2,629,44 $68,860.80 VT Van tagepoi-n t Br M kt Ids. _50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14,3511.48 $0.00 $1,957.78 $16,309.26 VT Corotraiund S0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,1 75.74 $0.00 $479.93 $71F655.67 VT AMG TimesSquare 1 Cap Gr 9.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7.175.74 $0.00 $76&54 $7,944.28 -37734.4"(14-CO5.0002"" I Page 2 of 3 3 4 5 Annual Financial Report for Your 401 Quafified Plan -.1044N 1CMARC BUILDING PUBLIC SECTOR RETIREAAFNT SECURITY J-anuary 1, 2,016 - December 31, 2016 Activity Summary by Fund (coWinited) Beginning Con trib utio nsl Distribe tion sl Ending low"tr"nt Balance Other Credits 0-ther Debits Transfers Fees Gain-&oss Balance International/Glabal Stock VT Vantagept Owseas Eq ad x $0.00 $24,599-13 SO-00 -$24,707.49 $0.00 $108.36 WOO Tota I Account $0.00 $212,901.67 SO.00 $0.00 $0.00 S%7111.27 $222,612.94 Activity Detail r�Lre C. ContributionslOther Credits Dis trig u tion slOth er Debits M I S C.,. Crud $212,901.67 Total S212,901.67 Total $0.00 Account Balance by Source Total Employer $222,612.94 Page 3 of 3 Fund Performance And Fees (Fund performance results are the same for both the 457 and 401 a plans, therefore only the 457 results are shown in an effort to eliminate redundancy) The following report also discloses the expense ratios by fund, and changes to the fund lineup that occurred during 2016. ICMA-RC L..Ink Page I of 12 GP Fund Performance Fund Perfcomrkance FU r-d,cost P er�fb rM a ore,as sft Wn'.is r?0 guo ra are e of ho w r fi e Fo n d MP In e rfo rm in rhe fu to re.The perjWrn a are s h o wn hv s h e et)-a nn,u a hz Ld for periods gr e are r than 0 n e year. fn ves Fm en t returns o n rf p ro n cip of vWu e wV0 flu cTuarpr sr that on fn ves ro r's shared ared wh e n redeemed,may be A,orth more or I es s f h o n Eh e fr ori gi n tyl cos.For current perfb mance,vl s o www.kmarr-arg. Quarterly Report as of 12/31/2016 [A Show Ben chmarks Sh awl Most Recent Mon thly Rep q Stable Value/Cash Ma n agemen t EXPENSE RATIO QTIL ENDED 1 5 10 SINCE INCtI11710N FUND NAME I DEN CH MARK 12121116 Y FAR YIE.Aft YEAR :INCEPTION DATE GROSS NET VT PLUS Fundi�c-c' 1.99% 1.82% 1,82% 2.06% 3.0 VA Ora 2013 0.-71 GKI 0.71% 6ofA W US 3-Mo.T-8fl1 oadex(AnnijaUe-e4V 0,34% 033% 0.33% 0.12% 0_a T-A Sum mary-and bold in informatioTk is avai lable to r the PILUS Fund-o n a monthly basis.V ewe PLUS Fund!nfonmatig r,--.Credit!rig rate For rn onth end ing 015 1 IZO17 is 1.86% Vr Cash M afiag_emenr. 0.01% 0.02% O.W% 0-00% D.72% Ver 1999 OA3% 0.43% Ibbotson US 30-Doy T-6110 todexi.-2 0.06% 0-20% 0.20% 0-.406% D.6796 Crcr.ne Goverornern ReraJ hforrey Wrke 0.01% 41-03% 0.03% 0-02% 0.63% Fund fndex' The 7-Day Yields bel ow more cosely refl ect the current earn-Ings of the VT Cash N!a rhagernent tha n the returr s abov-2.%T Cash NO,a nagernent yields fc�r the peri c-d ,ending 12/3112016 7 D a y C u rre,nt Yield: 0.14% 7 D a y Effective Yteld: n1a Bond httn-;-.Fe 711-n k Ir ,9rc.-n-r�y/nlanJinve.ctmentg./fundPerfortnance.isr) 0 211.5 17 1CMA-RC EZLink Page 2 of 12 QTk EXPENSE STI 0 ELIDE® s 10 SINCE INC!EPTION FUND NAME I BMCKMAAK 12J31116 YTO YEAR YEAR YEAR I NCEPTION DATE GRGss NET Y-T Vap�raa,RPQIIII Co-r End I W'r; (3.03)�) 24746 2-47% 1.99% 4..1(11* Apr 1999 0.24% 0-1 n Womberg Barclays U.S.A&&md ftdeK2-r, 2--65% 2.65% 2.2-3% 4.34% VT Westeru Ar-,I"b a5et Core PrLF--,Bnd-"- (2.2 ) 4.78% 4,78% - 127 q6- Jan 2015 0.52906 0.45% 2-65%, 2.65%� '2.23% 4,34% &OVMbefff garcOwyS US.Ago Bond fnd"z (2.9 8 1% Morar-n,crsrcr,j'nrerme&L7re-TE!fm Bonar-6 (2.54%t 3-23% 3.23% 2.61% 4.10% VT Va nracrepc-int I nf tr-'QC uer (2-499fi) 4-5-196 4a51% 0.50% 3.MY- Ort 2 013 0,55% 0.-5-5-1010 g gfoumbf!rg Barchys U.S.Treosory Wflarf on- (2.41%) 4.68% 4.-6EV% 0.89% 4,36% brrked good In (Series-W-, M-arnirptoir inflotion-Prorecred Board'6 0.65%� 4.59% k5 0.42% 3.43 Vr PIMCD Ffish NeW-,Q 1�I-c 1.10% 12A27% 12.42%. 6,46% 6.23% jur2002 0.8 1 BofA Mt US High Yield B8-8 Go=Ind'ewl F 1.26% 14-72% 14-72% 7.05% 6-94eh hforrungstar High YiOd Boad-,1 1.69% 13-30% 13.3D% 6.17% 5.9C% Guaranteed Lifetime Income QTR- EXPENSE RATIO ENIDED 1 5 10 SINCE I N CEPTION FUND NAME t BENCHMARK 1 V31 ii G YTD YEAR YEAR YEAR INCEPTION DATE GROSS VT Retsement-n rr eAdSf f etaW 0.0 -36%-41'. 5.36% 6.611% 6-8 1:�', A icr 2-31 C, 17 91-- cust-am Benchmore- D.85% 7-0 4% 8.28% Bala ncedlAsset Allocation QTR. EXPENSE FLATID ENDED 1 SINCE FIV CEPTION FUND NAh%i RE N.CHKARK 12J31116 VTO YEAR YEAR YEAR INCEPTIO N DATE C-P.0 ss NET VT Vantagepoi r r I.-LS Le-1 I r:C°`-A'-1 5.75% 5.75% 4.25% 1739 f-,C[7C',3 6.67% 0.67% ftomberg gorOoyss U.5 fntAgg&nd indeK2 1c- .4 1.1j7% 1.97% 1.95% 4.DOr% https4-//ezlink.icmarc.org/plan/inv.estments/fundPerformance.isp 09/1 V1 7 lCMS-RC EZLink Page -3 of 12 EXPENSE RATIO qTR. ENDED 1 5 10 S IMCE MCEPTION FUND NAM E I IDENCHMAM 12nills YT-D YEAR YEAR YE" INCEPTION DATE GRGSS N El- C Lis to rr.fien ch M irrK 5,67% 5-67% 5.53% 4.74% Morning-cror Tar -Diode Refirement6 (a-ga%) 5-10% S-10% 4.314 3.58% V�Vantagepoi nt IM6estgne 201 D -7,1,1 (0-16%) 6.10% 6,10% 5.80% 4.26% Oct 201� 0.57% 0.6799., Ribomblefg RcrdU.&?nrAgg Bond Orrdex' �2-05%) 1.97% 1.-9,T;b 1.95% 4.OD*, Custorn Jrrchrnark` 0.09% 6.0946 6-09% 7.28 Ok, 5.409A. Mornip .prar Tai -r-Dare 2000-201OP-5 10.57%) 5.86% 5.96% 5.77%. 3.649 VT Ywlap-eipo-nt M iiestong �.Y.D.R 13.07% 6.47% 6.479 6-53% 4-29% Oct 2013 0-68ch 0.63% Movmberg Rof daymi U.S.;at I&Bond fndex-2 10 (2.05%) 1.97% 1.97% 1.959b 4.DD% Custom Be.rxhmark,1 0.48% 6.U% 6.68% &CLEM &44% Morningstair Torget-Dote 2075-c-- (0.40%) 6-12% 6.12% 6,53% 4.10% Ir Va ntagg g:Qi,.nt N1 ilega re 202ON7'1 0,21% 6-779 6.77% 7.42% 4.42% Oct 2013 0.69% 0.69% S&P 500 Index! 3.92% 1 i.96% 1 T-96% 14,66% 6.S5% Custom Benchmark" G.87% 7-37% 7-37 9.02% 5.58%. Mof ningsror Targ-er-Dare 7020 5 �G.35%) 6-23% 6.21% 6.4896 3.71 Vi Vanznepoi n 'V�leswne 202-5-l-'-'1 0,56% 7-469b 7-46%. 8,2 6 1R.- 4.5 Oct 2013 0.709 0.70% 59-P 500 fndexz 3.82% 11-96% 11-96" 14.664 6.95%: _ Custom 5%- Custom Rei-,chmark-'- 1.26% &12% 0-1 Db 9.99%, 5 72% Morn&r % 6-73% 7�66% 3.93% vror Targer-Dare 202S4 6 D.02% 6.73 VTVaFij"epg`nt Miiesione293V-40-10 0.74% 7.93% 7.93% 9.04 4-73% Oct'2013 (1.72% 0.72% S&P 500 Or?de,%2.1 3.82% 11.96% 11,9696 14.66% .6-95% Casiam Benchmork" 1.70% 8.83% 8.83% 10.66;t 5.87% Mcwtingslar Tor-get-Nota.4-030:- 0.344., 7.33% 7.33% 8.06% 3.88% vr v it MilemTtt 203-51*0-lj 0.92% 8-3696 8.3.6% 9.809 4.92% Oct 2013 D-74% M74% S&P 54V Indetz- 3.82* 11-96% 11.96 14.66% &95% Cvoom Benchmark' 2.1241. 9-61%, 9.61%, 11-38% 6,10% Mornfnggsrar-Torgez-Dote 2035 7-5-71-j 7.5746 a.94% 4.15% h"s /fiezlin k.iemarc.oray/lDlanAnve stments/fundPe rfonnance.1 SP 02/15/17 ICN4A-RC Eink Paye 4 of 12 0M EXPEiNSE RAM ENOED 1 5 10 SINCE WC E PTI 13 N FUND NAME I BEN MHKAILK YEAR YM YEAR 1INCEPTION DATE GRO-13 14-ET VT Vanr-ag- e of r r Mi leSLQQg2&Q!qDx,D. -34% 8-97% 8.87% 1 CL369b 5,13% 0Ct 2013 OF 76% (1,7691 S&P Mo fr.di?XZI 12 3.92% 11.136% 11.96% 14,66% 6,9y,% - Custom Benchrnoirkl`° 2-5996 10.31% 10-31% 11.86% 6.26% Mrnir.ptar Farg-pt-Datf!204(y- 0.86% 7.95% 7-95% 9.99,116 VT Vancpgepoi nc M�ICS[One 2045,rl 6iy:h 9.13% 9.13% 10-52% 9-11 Oct 2013 0.77% 0.77% S&P Soo index' 3.-&2% 11.96% 1.96% 14-66% -6,95% Cosrofn Benchmark: 2.95% '.0.80% 10.80% 12.03% - Mornirptur Target-Date 2045-' 1.08% 7.93% 7.93% 9.61 4.22% VT Vanr.aReQQi nc I-Al-esEgne 2050k-ul KI 1.61% 9-3296 9.32% - 9.12% Feb 2014 4.79% 0-79% S&P 500 index? 3.B2% I t.,M% $1,96% 14-66% 6-95:6 C-Ustom 3.00% 10.88% 1 MurnOngstar Tcrr&r-Dore 2!0507-6 0.99% EL22% 8,22% 9.34% 4,07% - V`Van of nr 1.4jestone 2055A,ID-".)L a 1,559h 9,30b 9-36% Nov 201-6 2.329 0 89% S&P 500 Index-? 3.92% 11.969 11.96% -Cusmm Hienchmork' 3.00% 1 D.88% Mor-90r7gsrsl Farger-Date ASS,- 1.1'5% &009% 5.64%. VT V-antagepoi nt V P Curs Grow&A D (1-07% 6.24:°wl- 6.20% 5.49% 4.14% Oct 2013 0.70% 0.70% -Ribo(re-b-srg Hordoys U.S.inn Agg i9and?rtdex2-10 (2.05%) T.97% 1.97% 1,95% 4.00% Comm Benchmark" (0.103%1 5.45% 5.45% 6.90% 5.22% MarnOng-star Afbcarinn-30%to 50%Equity-7-5 (0.20%) G-62%. 6-62% 5.68% 4.06% VT Van nt V.P Tra d-GrQAthk D D U�57% 7.2&% 7.26% 7.60% 4,68% Oct 2013 -0.72% D.72% S&P Sao Index: 3.92'x- 11.96% ft.96,14" 14.66% E95% CUs om Henchmork" 1.06$.,- 7.75% 7-75% 9.21% 5.7 Mornirpror ARocarion--50,7*to 70%Equiry=,� 0-99% 7-34% 7.3% 9.04% 4.80% Mlancageppi n r MP Lr.e-Trm GT--.D- 1.03* 8.26% 8.26% 9.06% 4.97% Oct 2D 3 10-76%. 0.7-6% S.&P 500 dad -L 12 3.829fi 11.96% 11.96% 14,66% 6.95% https-.Iiezhnk-.icmarc.org/plaiVinvestments.11"fundPerformance.,is.p 02JI 5/17 Paue 5 of 12 ICMA-RC EZLink EXPENS'E R-ATFO QTFL EN DEV 1 5 1.0 SINCE INCEPTION FUND NAME f BENCHMARK 12131 f 16 YEAR YEAR YEAR INCEPTI 0 N DATE GROSS NIFT Cusum Benchmark'3 1.94% 9.316% 9.36% 10-86% 6.05% Mormogslar Atlocotiarr-7096 to 85%Equity,2-1 1.27% 7.93a.6 7.93% 8-&D% 4.22 V�Vaawggggin%MP Q[bl Ea180% 0-80% 0,0396 S.99% 5-919%. 1037% 4,72% Oct 2Dl 3 1 AnG ACM Index(Nety, 1.19% 7.86% 7,9696- 9.36% 3.56% cuss m Benchm crrk,� 1.66% 9.06% 9.06,46, 11.88% 5.72% 0-40Fr.iogsror world SrockZ 11 (0-37%) 5.54% 5.54% 9.24% 3.664 'VT P,�j r i r..,J)FUO_A It L 0.33% 5.0a% 5.03% 10.14%, 5.89% Apr 1999 0.56% 0-56% S&P 500 Md3.82% 11.96% 11.969b 14.664 6.95% Mom-'n,moi,-Aftcation--50%to 70%Fquiry: OL99% 7.344 7.34% 8.04%. 4,aO% U.S.StDck EXPENSE RATJO QTR. ENDED 1 5 10 5 INCE I N CEPTION FUND NAME)HENCHMARX 12J31 M6 YTD YEAR YEAR YEAR INCEPTION DATE GROSS N El Vr'Va ntaUpgint Eguijy I ncorne 5.72-4., 17,16% 17-16% 12.0116c S.534. - OcE 2013 0.61% C. Russeg 1000 Wve Indexz IF, 6.6846 17.34% 17-34� 14.Eoq� 5.72%. MamingsrorLorgc VWUW-11-6 6.34% 14-81% 14-81% 12,97% 538% V-i Invesco DiveFs-.Ped D[vA-K 14d 5.03b 14.61% 14.61% - - 9.99% Dec 2073 0.59% 0.58% W.500 index' 3.82% 11.96% 11.96%, 4.,66% 6.9 Y-A - Morn�ngsror turge'Voluez 16 6.m% 14.81% 14.81% 12.97% 538% - [-Div Val u e K 8.74% 16.01% IL 6 12.48% id 2009 .01% 11.32% - 0.93% Russ E 000 Volije Ondek2-116 &68% 17.34% 17.34% 14.90% 5-72% gstur Large Values 5 6.34° 14.81% 1-4.814 12 97% 53a% VT Vp-r&epo.int 500 Stk ldxA,"i 3.85% 11.82% 11.82% 14.45% 6-74'b Apr 11399 (1,23% ma% S&P 500PIdei-'. 3,824 11.96°6 11.96% 14.66% 6.95% VT Va aLaUppint Bid M ktilde. 4.'9% $21-59% 12.59% 14.43% T04% Apr 1S99 6°.23% 0.'9% '6"-nQ-fle-71ink irrmarr nru/nlqn/jnv-eqtrnPnt%7,./fj I n d Pe.rforM an Ce.i sn 02/15/17 1CMA-RC EZLink Pacre 6 of 12 ATF" !EXPENSE RATIO ENDED 1 5 10 SI NCE rr%rCEPTIO N FUND NAME f BOYCHMARK YT9 YEAR YEAR YF-AR INCEPTION CATE GROSS NIFT ROSS 0130 00?.ri dexz'y 4.2"!t 2.74 1234% 14.67)b 7.07% Yj Va rtagepp int Grwth&Lftomek R 4.25-% 1.22%. T1.22% 13-979b 6,79v--k 0-Ct 20*,3 0.67% 0W 67 S&P Soo orlde;c--1 11 3, 11,96% 11.96% 14-66 , 6.9.51% Marnir?Vor Large Wend'- 3.a6% 1037% 10.37% 13.18% 6.07% - VT Parfl!@ssus Core EqL.i 2.20% 10.40% 10.40% - - 5-38% Nov 2014 0.88% 0887% S&P 500 ind"2. 3,82% 11.96% 11,96% 14-66% 6.95% - Momingstar Lor e.Bfendz t 3.869 1037% '-0.37% 1119% 6.07% - MQppenheirrer M:ain$jret' 4.27% 11.70% 11.70% 14-57% - 14.66% Dec 20 1*1 0.69% 0.6w. S&P 500 0-adex-z,-- 182% 11,96% 11,96% 14A6% 6.95%. - Marningstor torge ajend2-6 3.86% 10.379b 1037% T3.118% 6.07% VT Vantage Doi nt C 2rwth4, (1.48%) (0.07%) (0.07%) 1106% 4.82% Oct 2013 0.7n, 0.7D% Russell 1000 Grcmctp fndexz�"' 1.011 7.08% 7.08% 14.50% 83a - Morninggar Low-Growth-li 3.23% 3-23% 12.94% 6-91'' W Comrafijn .g�,'-"-:- Alp-1999 0.71% 0.77% 3.34% 334% 13.46% S&-p 504)fndw-i= 3.BZA 1-..Q&gtl 11,96% 14.66% &135% Momingstar forge GrowW v (0.27%) 3.23% 3-23% 12.94% 6.914 VT T Rowe Pricet-Grgygh 22LKA 11 0.00% 1.15%. 1.15% 14.89% 7.66% Dec 2004 0-92% 0.92% 5&P Soo krdexll!2 3-82% 11-969 11,96% 14,66%, &95* 3-2)3% 12.94% 6,91-14 Morn&pgstor Large GrowtW (0-27-.60 3-23% - %f-Van of r!.t Se:ect Va lue.'L 4.62% 14-32%. 1432% 12.63% 7.01% Oct 20I 3 0,87% O 87% Russeil Midcap Volve 0d .19 5.52% 20.00% M00% 15.70% 7.59% - Aftmingger 114id-Cop Vajue2 6 6.80% 18.06% 18.06% 13.811% 6.76% - VT GOPsi-Sar hs-M id Calp Va I je_I'-IA-0 5-61% 13.13% 13-13% - - 6.094 Der-2013 0,91 ().49 T V. Russefi Midcorp Va.'rye YndW 20-00% 20-00% t 5.7046 7,59% - Monorjwror Mid-Cap Value z 6.490%. 18.061-h I E.06% 13,81% 6.76% W Vd aLage2gi n r AZUUsky�A-D.I V D 1.66% 9.99% 9.99% 12.59% .6.13% Or-t 2013 0,69%. 0.69% http s //e lir .icmarc.orgYplan/inv-e stine ntsdundPef formance.i sp 02115/17 Paoe 7 o 12 Ti - EZLInfk EXPENSE RATIO ENDED 1 5 143 SINCE INCEPTION FUND NAME BENCHMARK 1 M111 YEAR YEAR YEAR INCEPTION DATE GROSS N ET RussaOl?Ajdcop Gromth Index'21) 0.46% 7.339b 7.33% 13.51% 7.a3qp,,. Momings,rar MW-Cop Growth7-6 035% E03% 6.03% T 1.79%, 6-7-9:% - - - �,23% 1.23% VT ANI G TifngsAuare Mid'LqL-Q-rA CTAT--A 1x26% 7.26% 5.40% Dec 2013 RusseR 10tdcap Growth Orrdex7 20 A6%6% 7.33% 7.3316' 13.51% 7-83% - Mor-nongstcrr 0d-Cap-Growth2-1 0.75% 6.03% 5,03% 11.79% 6.79% VT Harbor VW Ca 12 Gro-r,nh.1,P-r�a f334%) D.49%. 0,48% 12.1 T* 6-48%. Ju 12008 1.11 1-11% RusseU Mid-cup Growth Jade-e- 0.46% 7.33% 7.33% 1151% 7.83% marrringsla-r Mfd-cap Grovah.A= 0.75% 15,03% 6.03% 11.79% &79% VTVanugeWint rpt dlSrn Co 1-dx;,, 6.084. 1 7.5C,% 1-7-56% 14.64% 8.00%. AP r 1 TY9 0.24% DA9% 17-59% 14,54% 7.6 9 4, - RvsseJl 250G,Dudek' 15.12% 17.59% V-VG nragrapoi nt Qiscpve[y� P 7:98% 19.61% 19-61% 13.53% - 639% Oa 2013 0.72% D.729E. Rusself 2WO Ondex2 2' &931A. 2131% 21.31% 14,46% 7.07% Moroingmr-Snwl?WerRF- 9 AT-et- 20.7ft 2038% 13-52%. 6.79%- - V7 QpVenh Pimmer DiscoveF)e- (0-92%) 4.49% 4A9% - - 4.29% Sep 2013 0.9-7% 0.87% RusseH 2000 Growth Owdext 23 3,57% 1132% 11.32% 13-74% 7.76% mornngsror SMOP GrowlW-6 3.34% 11.20% 11.20% 12-33% TOR% International/Global Stock EXPEW RATIO QT R- ENIM0 1 5 10 SINCE I N CEPTION FUND N.AME I BENCHMARK 1 Z(3 111-6 y7l) YEAA YEAR V EAR INCEPTION 11JAn GROSS NET VT Var.cap-epoint I n Lgrrgiogal",D-K 11 (4.39%) 1.02% 1.02% 6.10% 1.1 a% Oct 2013 0.86% it.86% MS C?EA FE�n dex,M e W-14 (0.71%) 1,Do% 1.00%, 6.5346 0.75% Marrvogsiar Foreign Large Bfendl-' (2-221%), 0.7"' 0.79% 5.75% 0.54% VT Va ntage p nI:0-irseas Ig j XA,IL K.a 0.57% LL_ �1�515%) '�.07% 1.07% E32% Apr 1999 0,30% 0.25% MS0 EAFE�m1ex(Me fY---'A (0.710,61 1.1313% 1.03% 6.53% 0.75% httn,q-/)P,7]i n k ip.m arr orLir/nlan,-inveqtme-nts/fiindPe-rfon-nante.i.st) 02/15/17 IGMA-RC EZLink Page 8 of 12 qTR. EXPENSE RATIO ENDED 9 5 10 SINCE tNICEMON FUND NAME f BENCH MARK IMI116 WTQ YEAR YEAP YEAR INCEPTION DATE GROSS INET I-arbar nternatonalA F,K. -4.31 E 0.014{x) 4.61% 8-51'=u Dec 2008 -.03% 1-01% MSC?EAFE?ndex (171%) 1.00% 1.00% -6-53% 0.75% Murniagstar Foroge?Lorge 8,'end- (2.22%) 0,79% 0.79% 5.7 5� 0.54% 'V7D�grsifiedP.nr,erraT�c%n.�l� (4-73%) (173%) (3.73%) 7.52% 1.30% Del-,2DO4 1.05% ix56 USCI WE lrpd-f!x feet)'-2- (0-71%) 1- 1-00% 6.53% U-75% MOrRingSUrr FOffign hlrg-e GrOWO[2= (5.676) (2.14OA-) SPELCialty QTR- EXPEP4SE FtAT110 ENDED 1 D SINCE INCEPTION FUN D NAME�BENCHMARK I Islyl 6 YTD VTAFt YEAR Y INCEPTIC3 N DATE 6 ROSS NIET VT N ween Rent Estare Secs-�- (2.91 6,79% 6.77-A. 11.71% Jul 2009 1,05q7, i-.33% IVS0 us REM 1114'g fGrass)a Z5 9 to-%) 8.60% 8.601-16, 11.86% 4.96% Momingsicf Reof E:=re"--' �2.60%j 6.89 Zk- 6.89% 1QZ4% 4,29% G E N E RAL D i scl osu res fmilm ap6imz i 15red ewr emmn ja*of Ttm n mw owf Apfiwwwnan Wx gy.*.,L-W wiec=OwW owmmv-ImewntpT apro n -f-awcwaW-Ow 5 rh 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Cznwm fiffxrs rare-he sab,-Erf�Z*rmt whmh 47 rhe passimfy&Crh*.tp Efin ffApmmmm4vdwi--v wW-,ruO Ow rewris ofiti't OWOMA-marvirrL In Me PGW,a ftmrw Opes ewnen cw CYOM M of au.F:pe)w rr%n w CA-0 am2typelftworml re 4p,COWOUViS4 ra C a the roo r*1 51 g p ri er Er?FO r ENdmip te.greWh&WA3 hffW W40MW bar dU my ate fixer vvges 0!ecom"IC erpmumn and vokm nmky bow pKun7wd&-j", durprg.cwlaci Olei.-Mmmw wovery.8wh sero,may go ire OM our offtrmN,w,.-O L&W f?y a-kwd gs-Ow%V,fvwor,CWF fuw is J-Jreir"0 rim auperoan atherifrurich rhor�w irivesfimg sryJm mw are onfmw. 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EXPENSE Disclosures 1*vrsr ei'rhv-9 WW� r fivxt5-or ur ce& GYP j%d fM Urd F-WWAI 1AM .o lig rqd re red An-mm Re as E-re w th e-urx*tharg Pyr ds L15 sckm we durunmrM ftv Gd*`60�-AWfrhXmm r WAIVER DIsclosu res a A roil rracm,,mr-gi;isiaw Aemw.r€m i3 fai Mvjkmd�u.nden)-x7fied and wlfexwe m C�-10-2917- N A com mae.uoJ exper,-:-e 4 Cr w e emembr etws fiArds Lj.vWiywg,&rtd a n d oil!4nrcwe m I A r e a,e.ra�wowr ov rem itursomwa LF n&in&4* dbE ra M.-Cyn-'e'Of da'a Fm o*MMM ftftwmmc-m rqcr6rang',".fand'sfems mduai-i;;icjs:,t(rwvvvR3 pktme mad rhe ft*d1pTvspcmm- A roArfamaW expim-em mm Msm fw e�fiw-Hft Lmxk"WW and wil P-vpwr m 16, 2'7. e.A ramnamag-ADer-w wanmr exam jbr U;gsjwmft LwKAu**gftoAd and wil etqwe oin 20-P-2011 7. 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Uw"W US I-Mlannh Trezlvy SW ffidex 6knd of.0-Vrt*U,!F6 Irrfizv* cr P-iw OR*rxinvT wid OWN ew a.&v rMilro-k air*%Nkb arre vvr as 0-Tok,7 drit-I rd,"&.".1 me%* se kcw nam T rmurs efved raO nw 01 is Oer howng v mr-urery dare rkm e!sr to,i5ur rxg bpqvid 0 ejDp Ir om,Pw-reW fe- Cffffa6l?k#NnWDcu?kxludI rig bvt rpt NrxiAtd Ax C%rjorrunre ar ash prpeTfwnwncr eviWair l" by k4oraw Vsra,,mr,0 20M.All rw-h!r .. ,rewrierd This ir5kwrrwidri:',la iS)wqpfiMfY is *kvp-.ptil`im&iv in conrewpeim6aem 0 rucy mole be roplev W.&StrrbLett wwId r3.1.5 rICC woo-rvewV ro be acc-LonErre,L-vrna;r,.F cr jrnee,WiThm u c4chn.&pxprrjr17 fdm am eespomihop w&-v ft I-X: n -ar i r&sts ay,9j ra from a"y use of mfmmaw-re.W rnwgswgn rq hiqvred rnide-mmik Lif Atonwigsrw,i r.C. Me Ibta!yari Amx*wn 05 J0-Lrk7y'r4)I-if ftW412rftXYISuA!S CfttftrrWriCe qj 17 SWWrj5Stk-qj-mjw;r.9nj,rg firms W wt.khrrAiguire-c cense z ra,bur ntz be7ojx-,cqp rr"nth cram Or rebakwmvig Ale�r aF(Ar is pwc eras ed�the beekvift or Oxe jrr.onth:m-4Y N-fal far 0 fio N my nA,;of L4 end a M v man rat#mT Is so kY on r0ed irm a r-t%*;sw�--wp- -4 The a"&Yveirmno-t Rerm(wow ./Nparkeffu r.d VOtx LS fr!Lkl ayeroge alrp7ffr.emem r ire mY mw.vy Amht-f irn LAml ANW9 tra r-A ed by Corarre 5- FW MOM"&jrckrys U5 Aggi-egive Arid endEh4cenri.-93 Lf-S J6.rwr im raAv W LI ro-ps, Pw Fuvidll Momijff�ar CaTrgrry AKyW it.3 grOUP QffiLrnd�M#:tf3 SMtQr J%JM�MV.nf ObpCVrff.S ard arIO,r. mwm pIdNjurics W-!'Vepry M6'Aiwrigswr rods fry esnivin axexVies bad or.-ufift%d�.heturkal JLDwrgL W.91nombmg,ikirdua V-S.rrrennury vkRanon-LOW Sand alvistm OJOIT US Areasm'Aro",Fw n%md cw bemr,hamngaf,cr awe t2fM rmnwip 7� wyesi"wgrude y on ff aE wtv $250 rnoAsr, YN nws-L ri,ferenre xkarofin rW.I it J-'ftefornwr d p-bmar Shadirry e.'r,rlc''it.- T?w 800 IJS KrF.cleW 98-5 Coriwrnnwa InoeiF rfai*3 rXe w OB8-arrd 2-famaj%xrd X-eccvw lee mn,;C5.a4.,c'0!G custom c;f Owfunik.-.9 r* tri AeAwi rcr Fano Lnve=.71 n*IgA red !,tiff carrnp%4 To."hig%w" 9. rarff F at om(.0 01 ne furhm Ond&W n-sLra r"n?4rke.+,_ct--Xls.gwk.jv rji L-,-wge.o ikcaDaris for the VT r r rr.v ir :7 d or the MCFkL-I rode-ges C}r 1tv JAM ds r h av?,66-2 P?rcem rqp-Nbawiom ro-zi�& 0%-r!S;xv"ffdexea or rhe rr-.Gvjfer%qdIv:r5 w.17 ,--h n r%F- wl The ffcm ffw Sw rare A&Vqwe ft4 D--*D,MW9N 01 A-,R7wA,gradp J S.ford rmccrws enotim wWh�of I to T*)nvr3L T FL he tldmv btAhw*c" ds"Wpwrd of!be"Awl*to-uh F-3 Veor US CG-rpa4rWe&43 13 viarn MwT OAdEK akxw Dug 8n rrkzp u'& ft-wre Fari Of ft*%Hlvarnewq gordar-4)S, m ry Infl ohon-fm"d Bo rrff WK&nL P>Wk-,-,k W 5W in du.A ussa 29MID kwvx"hWj AC -eif OSA 0-%der OVtrj An wogrdeV verceWqM�W OucreST,ao er ev the bztcvmwO nnwn cAbruvwa fo6r tW inne rkmsff rhes2 i rapxps rew.-n�. rw.The W 500�ndex consi=of 5 W compmks rep rps 1!rimg WgET rcpjraM?tOom*d cl- 4 X- jr.jr&U.S W oembiwivit is com;wered of N!Oci.(A AkirrAY ty?xb 1-3 Vew VS Carp]r"L &&avernmer.*ilivfx 6k-vLl r,,-t5e rg Bar.:tears;lj-5.AWqlir,e 5oin Ef i m ex.S&9 590 frh*-x Ru we 20OC19 kideo.COW MC?ACM-n 6SIL O*x MOJ Jn wap rte'pffrewcVs thw ccwtVorod f a The h6tw-wW taFp-talkwinitiom*iilv aoiff cims-L-. r*pre-sp� Fhe AGOA0.1 Com,Worlu inwir Net)r§a,free fihm-aW-Oed mcwkerzaptafumen winir.L-rd indeir Owr is desq"d rL,er*nswe Eherom-io mariken PVfjOnMr,?,O 61 kvpt CVW m4 rqp%Wnents 0,1`deveAm-d!aW ffwrrng mmrhem rhr neT varsKm q rhLs irpdrx rel rwem me deawatoo q;qiffI1-XOdI"g-raxm L?sir%g.i?mrxrare nov-r.-si*w iwFeir-otronvY-Tvtwcvv Who do X=ber;Nfirf.rov dc%&e"aril wor reixrom W, cwturin beric NnOFA 6 rano rlse-d Qr Chu-W SW 91*�jwbsmjl Adext-n?W MW ACrIeTeir USA order OW)in rv-L-w-e--pumd ra dm hismimaiii farm r a*xaOM,*dwapw ckmes T.vs� irdomn iro-vxtse-ff. 11V w 0 pow"E.SQhje frxvx r.-Vasicis Orpfffan-iffixLp OfAtArp-mip vuAm TRgawqr of the uS eqtricy mwime-er mrikmm5 ril-ase Fusseff r :E frxxrii avr*wmes wO kwey'rine-w-bm*rmai-id Mpkvr Pirpip.--trd rvwr.h wars. 7 TTr,-RLmmff-XO(M mdex ffv-%4m aW invizurey OV.Defarriniarim ey,rho-xirgor 3WO U.S pvbrjdyVm*d roLmVurm bmea m, rLIXMeWuLrPg Ir n-65V.Anria l porWr? the ffiwZWOLe-615,eqwry fflarka is Tht Ruswff MOOZ Gn:qAdi Inagez iwt%uwes", p,,,r,,,.,..af the Wge-rna.c r.rowh 4ip-grieeor cr Me US.&ZLWpurwivww%O w uvcVdff ti-ias#Aae*0"10 MdL-Y twpwirei wth hepr zfn:e--ro4�wk,a"am Pghtri fwMr5!,?Zr gr0*0 6UAAI-. The hLIS-Telr wd":9 lir .4tnXtown the mrfarffxuim of fide frwci-o:;p Lojoe sqMm cSr r r eQUOYDrwer-cd-IT Nxwdei thorn-Ov.;s6i IW-,tk*vffj Tridenp ramparAs wil."i km w- prWp4srn;,rMj&S Zr4 bMtpr 26L Rm kussiO MdrziP�Gwm i*dex m.*zLorei wfz"Wa4fe q[rhe -cApymwth sEgmvTtqAt US 94bwyunr.T.r3z+Lndwff Thar.--RUSWH Adrapb A%Ckx rwoanwx wM':higML,.rprKv4r-ho,-tk ra rpm ara i% r Iran ar.re-c rhe sancta ro n*iI-cWsrVrmY4r al#v"Malty urmwy--.P--romorma*n*-red to os 74441-v*17ko-ftrSiW25W'kv-knr?s vx&kmet cfi ft RwwAWJ0=ftx4w ard undixXin apprumnafrp ./zsmafebt s S&Cw.,,Jie5 111,09!RUSSE111 XVO'�&W"baWd OA L?COMA)awwr Qj trA!Lr rrjCLrwDvftArDrfOA OW Carrvirirmidold JThwIwqtv. pperftvmaH�e of ihe art-ccs v-seyrimqr of r-'r equ.rf im6wye-The R=t�920W&Odu is-dr Rumgrl FQX! ft;dex,and bAiudn apy3rex imar re*2,.rM q,'Thp iffvAmll iuritw5 bawd-am a cw6maw q:hwn-fflr*er cap aW curreor,nde-ii r*eq-. t--Tt a 23L Fkv Rmm*.ZQOft-CwoNfjl ihlex crew j"rhe pf,-,4On7KWX7 Of MO-5 F';?L-!S'W 11 4?"�r oerwrie:i m, rh h pnU-T*-bx*o abiV5 aqd-h igher P"V ed graw&wnfiivs i"be MMT Rrmpe&,VraAaS 1 it F9 r Ez7yr tEel F.FJ fr,arx rne�is a fte-p pIroe.uipsTo r- -F r CO 01*X-0"f CqUfjY!ec-4wirks#-wT;5 Awgmeed ii rear Qwre of etwword mi:vkrm exw-C%v 24 011?if 5-Land Crmruda Tile rer vfvikw Ofthis indar 7 c%9 c wi#itx%dfr79 rGIA-_us rig L-,rix rare app?cab k To-rrm-rinkkW tnvftffionW wm--mm mrft do wt bcnfftpara dcoubiE rL-wo.kion 18 Wer.kwestimm 7russi via r own,develayx n rpd r M. now AWOMAm- htips://ezlink--icmarc.org ,,jplan/investments/fLindPerfomiance.-ISP 02/15/17 fCtvLk-RC EZLink- Page I I of 12 a t ob nedb 1� y x- hm /Okki-rig efaw Making Sound Inaves tm- ent-DeCi s ions,.A Retirement Investment Guide Retirement lnve�tmenc Guide—Additional Information jare..rtifynrW hues flul ink.i cmare.orQ/-nl an/i nv-e stments/fundPerfornmnee.i siD 02/15 it 7 ICMA-RC EZLink Page 12 of 1.2 https://ezlink.icmarc.org�plart."inNtmentsl-'fundPerformance.i:sp 02/1-")-/17