HomeMy WebLinkAbout07. Receive the 2016 Annual Report of the ICMA Deferred Compensation Plans 70 Central San BOARD OF DIRECTORS P4% Tff ��p111111111 Board Meeting Date: March 16, 2017 Subject: RECEIVE THE 2016 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 1CMA DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLANS INCLUDING THE NEW LOAN PROGRAM Submitted By. Initiating Dep t,lDi IV.., Thea Vassalfo, CPA, CMA Administration/Finance & Accounting Finance Manager REVIEWED AND RECOMMFNDED FOR BOARD A CTION- Roger S- Bailey General Martager ISSUE: The Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee (Committee) respectfully submits its 2016 Annual Report. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors approved the establishment of the Committee in January 1982. The scope of activities of the Committee includes: 0 Establishing internal administrafive procedures Educating participants regarding the Plan Reviewing emergercy withdrawal requests Reviewing investment performance of the Plan Submission of an annual report to the Board of Directors and Plan participants The Comrnittee is comprised of the following [Departmental repres-entatives- Thea Vassal`lo, Finance Manager— Chairperson David Rel Icy, Accounting, Technician III — Administration James Olympia, Environmental Compliance Inspector 11 - Engineering Joshua Whitman, 'Maintenance Crew Member 11 — Collection System Operations Chuck Burma h, Associate Control Systems Engineer— Plant Operations ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: None. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION-: The Finance Committee reviewed this item at its February 21, 2017 meeting. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Receive the Annual Report of the Deferred Compensation Plar Advisory Committee for 201.6 and provide any comments to to Attached Sup portinfl Documents-, 1- 2016 Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee Annual Report CCCSD Deferred Dorn p Summary of Asset Distribution BY PLAN AND INVESTMENT TYPE E�r��� tment TpeALENDARYEAR ENDED DECEMBER31001lCPJA 457 lCMA 457 Beneficiaries IMA 457 PTS I C MA 401(a) I CMA 01(a)Be n ef i cia rie s TOTAL % Stable ValuelCash Management S 18-,542X375 309,229 6 a13 43,683 S 29,057,391 28.93% Bonds 1,02660672 6310928 S 116585600 1.65% Guaranteed Lifetime Income 30656,500 1,42786 S 59084,363 5.06% Balan cedlAs set Al loc at io n 8t566,546 81587,057 $ 1751535603 17.08% U.S.Stock 25,803,945 6110-139 14,999,591 178,930 S 41, 605 41.40% International/Global Stock 116755186 11�2131951 $ 218890137 2.88% Specialty 21181,292 8389795 -$ 30020,086 3,00% Total Assets S 615452,515 S 611,139 3 D9,229 3738615288 222,613 $ 100,456,784 100.000 %By Plan 61.17% 0.61% 0.31% 37.69% 0.22% 100.00% Summary Dais tribut ir on by Investment Type Specialty International/Globall Stock 3.00% 2.88% Stable Value/Cash Management 28.93% U.S.Stock Oa[a nce d/Ass-e t Allo-ca filon Bonds 41-40% 17.08% 1.65% Guaranteed Lifetime Income *As of December 31, 2016 there were 21 outstanding loatis against the 457 plan totalling$331,141. ccb 02/15/17 09-49 A M N:\Acc 0u n tl-ng\G MTEM Pl\D E F E R R E D CO-M P\2016 ann u al re port\2016 Deferred-Compe nsatlo n P1 an.Advi so ry Co mm ittee Ar n u @ I R epa rt ch a its xlsx 2016 457 Plan Including Loans on page 8 Regular Employees (Contributed by Employees) Amnual Fm* ancial Report for Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan IcMAR,C 8111WIISG Pal LK SECTOR RETIREMENT SECURITY DAVID ROLLEY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SAM[ DIST Contributions: Save Time By Submitting Enrollments First 5019 IMHOFF PLACE r i m i ze p rotesinndel ays by e n s u ri ng that you r e m p I oyees a re M AR TI N E Z CA 94553-4316 enrolled in an ICMA-RC account before you submit contTibu-_111,110S. The enrollment process is quick and easy. Simply upload yo-,-.- e MP loyees' -,n f o rmatio n or enter their data d i rectly Into EZLin"<. January 1. 2016 - December 31, 2016 Account Summary TITis Period `ear-To-Date -T� Total Plan Assets $61 t783IP655.76 Beginning Balance $58,739,787.99 $58o739,787.99 0 Contributions/Other C.'edits $2,668,970,01 $2,668,97 O�0 1 D-Istributionslot h-er Debit's 43.585,593.54 -$3,585,593.54 If You Need Assistarice Fees 11,503.93 -S1,503.93 Call Your Client Services Team 800-326-7272 Gain/Loss 53,630,854.06 $3,630.854.06 Automated Access 24 -ours/7 days Ending Balance $61,462,514.59 S61,452,514.59 Website www.icmarc.org Ours tardire g Loan Baiance 533 Total Plan Assets $61r783,655.76 Total plan assets "IrIc',-des fund and active�oa.-i balances. Asset Allocation Plan Data Asset pbreem Balance Plan Name CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SAM DIST rategory of Asseft Plan Number table Va I u,e1Cas h Management 30% $18,542,374.68 1`1 an y of yo u-da to-is i nco rrect, please contact C I i-enit Servi CIS S so Bond 2% $1,026,671 M that we can update your records. Guaranteed 1_4etib Income 6% $3,656,49963 Ba.a n ced/Asse-t Al I o ca tion 14% $8,,566,546-16 U.S. Stock 42% $25,803,945-07 InternaVona-l/Giobal StoGk 3% $1.675.135.78 Spec''alty 3% $2,18',291.67 Total Assets 100% $61,452,514.59 Please review your sta ternen r ca-refuOy.If you belreve rhe.re is an error,pease rovlp,.1CMA-RC 3 r&01,132 772-"1 rah in 90 da.ys of q4jarler end- Page of 8 777 North Capitol ire et NE,WBSLhington,DC 20002-42-40 Annual Financial Report for Yotir 457, Defend Compensation Plan January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Allocation Susnirnary by Fund Percent Unitsl UnirlSh-are Ending fnvestment of Assets Shares Value Balance Stable Value/Cash Management VT PLUS Fund 30% N/A NIA S 18,2 65,381.4 VT Cash Managern grpt 0% 276,993.0800 $1.00 $276r993-08 Welcorrie 0% 0.0635 $1,74 $011 Bond VT VantagBpoint Cor End ldx 0% 19,328.4905 $11.20 $216,479.07 VT Western Ass er Core Pius Bra I% 47r5.1..1803 $11.43 S543,052.80 VT Viantagepoint Infltn Focus -d 0% 5,097.9701 $11.36 S57,91 2.93 VT PI MCO High Yield 0% 23.1746.7858 S&81 1209,226.80 Guaranteed Lifetime Income VT Retirement IncorneAdvantage 6% 240,592.1890 $1510 $3.656,499.63 Balanced/Asset Allocation `fir Van-Lagepoin-t MS Ret Inc 0% 9r 146.1331 $12,-3 $110.942.60 VT Va n-tagepo I n t M I I esion e 2010 0% 3,491-4889 $12.87 S44,935.47 VT L Va n1agepo I n+L M1 lesion&2015 0% 2,104.5207 S13.50 S28,411-02 VT"Vanlagepoirpt Milestone 2020 7% 35,437-6329 S-14.03 $497,189.99 V7 Va rxtag e poijnt Milestone 2025 1% 41,1744-8592 $14.41 $601,543.42 VT Vantagepont Milestone 2030 0% 5,555-0802 $14.98 $83,215.11 VT Van to g e point M i lento ne 2 G3 S 1% 26,697.1015 $15.29 $40-8-,198.6.8 VT Vantagepoint Mil toric 2G40 0% 14,213-6445 $15-83 $225,001.99 VT Vantagepoint Milestone 2045 0% 8rO20.0546 $17-10 $137,142--95 V-T Vantagepoint Milestone 2050 0%. 1,2110328 $14.55 $17,649-63 VT arta point Milestone 2055 0% 2.1999 $1019 $22-41 VT Va ntag e po I ni M P Cons Growth 2% 32,144.7029 $29.81 $958.233.59 VT Vantagepoirpt MP Tragi'Growth 2% 33,167-6238 S30.12 $999,611.23 VT Vantagepolat MP LT-ig-Trm Gr 3% 61,171.5763 S30.29 $1,852,8137.06 VT Vantagepop-rit MP Glb,l Eq Gir 2% 34,654,0258 530.09- S1.048,757-62 VT Puritan Fund 2% 75,452.06-02 $20.58 S .552,803.39 ":3773a*94-U01�-:XL!,-7' Page 2 of 8 3 4 5 Annual Financial Report for Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan 1cmARC BUILDING PUBLIC SECTOR January 1, 2016 December 31, 2016 RELTIRWENT SECURITY Allocation Suiniviary by Fund (coWi?ii(cd) Percent unit5l UnitlShare Ending Investment of Assets Shares Value ealance U.S.Stock VT Va ntag e po I nt Equity Income 5% 219,514,4737 $13-86 $3,042,470.50 VT I nve sca D 1 ve rs-if led Div 1% 6 $19,32 $348,639.67 VT AllianzG I NFJ Div Value 1' 20,740.3165 $16-93 $3511,133,57 W ansa point 500 Std Idx 5:1/0 '63,569.9997 $18.07 $2,955,709.91 VT Va magepo int B rd M Int I dx 8% 259,457,6817 $19.41 $5,036,073-65 VT Va niagepoiri t.G rwth,& Income 2% 58,2323563 $17.65 $1,027..808.15 VT Parnassus Core Equity 0% 3,802,6147 $39-29 S'49..404.72 VT OppenIse:mer Main Street 3% 34,959-0894 $4&59 S 1 1628..743.96 VTVa ma ge,ooll n t.Growth 2% 72.521-4177 $14.65 91,062,438.76 VT Contra f u nd 7% 44,983-3884 $98.46 $4,429,064.41 VT T R owe P rice G rowth St-oic k 1% 7,524-8850 $52.20 $392,79-9,01 VT Va n ta g 9 po-I nt Select Va I u 9 0% 7,461-5719 S1 7.00 $127,186.73 VT Gold'Sachs Mild Cap Value 0% 3,441.7 7 36.05 $124,076-A4 VT Va nta g e po I nt Agg ress lve Ops 3% 121,396--6059 S15.96 $1,937,489.83 VT AMG Tim esSqu are M Id Cap G r 2% 56.0'3-5459 S17-26 %966,793.78 VT Harbor Mid Cap Gro�vth 0% 7,6 4&0.7509 $81,40 563,930.31 VT'Vantagepolni MdIS.m Co 1dx 2% 59,76T3-032- $2437 $1,480,43,614 VT Vantage-point Discovery 1 4 ,386.9538 $15.43 $546.020.67 VT Oppenheirner 13',scoyei-y 0% 1 r779,6747 7514 $133,724.74 1 intern ati o n a I/ I oba I Stock 53 VT VaTi tagepol n t I me rna(orial 1% 34,541.14 90 $10.89 $376r 1 .12 VT Van to gepnt Ovi-seas E q I dx 1% 34,695.3229 $11,34 $393,444.97 VT Harbor International 0% 1,328-01�4 $58.26 $77,370.18 VT Diversified International I% 24,871-3970 $33,30 $828,.217.51 Speciakty VT Nuveen Real Estate Sees I% 40,525-2356 $22.07 S894.391-98 V'mage Broker 2% N/A NIA S1,286,899-6.9i Total 100% $61,452,514.59 Page 35 of 8 3 4 5 manual Financial Report for Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan January 1, 2016 - December 31,, 2016 Activity Summary by Fusid Beginning Contributionsl Distributionsl Ending Investment Balance Other Credits Other Debits Transfers Fees GzinlLoss Balance Stable Value/Cash Management VT PLUS Find $18,364,151.02 $510,777 1 -$1.rr622.344.60 S682,439-23 -$237.77 $330,596-60 $18,265,381, 9 VT CashManagement $144e51217 S76,4 81 -$412,669.79 $68,638.04 -54.76 $51.61 $276.993-08 Welcome $0.11 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 S0.00 $0.00 $0.11 Bond VT Vanta gedol nt Cor B nd I oix $170,806,11 $51,656.50 -$10.782.45 $2,434.33 -SO.13 $2,364.71 $216,479,07 VT Western Assel Core Plus Br-d $468,463.17 $4,560.00 -$Q,28-1.y 4 $66,391-25 -$-3.63 $19,933.15 $543,052.80 VT Vantagepoini lnf Itn Focused $56,489.36 S2360.00 -$2,463.33 $35a 8.5 2 $0.00 S6683.8 $57,912,9-23 VF PI MCO High Yield $81,810.13 $4,395,50 -$2,121-24 S 1'4'3,333.82 -$O.22 $11,808-8" $209,226.80 Guaranteed Lifetime Income VT Relirement In-corneAavafitage $3,154,705-52 $23,350.00 -$135,9,50.60 $366,317.66, SO.00 $178,077.05 S3,656,.499.63 Balanced/Asset Allocation VT Vantagepoint.MS Ret Inc $131,797.47 $0,100 425,573-39 -$I.710.75 $0.00 S6,429.27 $110,942.60 VT Vantagepoitnt Milestone 2010 $42,351.75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,583.72 $44,935.47 VT Vantagepoint Milestone 2015 $167,053.53 $9,000.00 -$19.981.98 -$1 X 579.38 $0.00 $B.918.85 $28,411.0. VT Vantagepoint Ilelone2020 $562,599.00 $40..46-0.00 -$2.55 4129,366.80 $0�00 $23,500-34 $497,1 R9.99 V'TVantagepoint Milestone 2025 $462,089.51 $80,250.00 -$1.31 R-00 $1100 S-39,2 05�22 .0 $601.543,42 VT Va r.ta g e pol nt Milestone 2030 S60,111.45 $24,863.29 -S7,573.29 $0.00 -550-00 $5,863-66 $83,215-11 VT Va rita g e pop-nt M 1 lestone 2 03 6 $30-9.944.12 $105.09-5A-8 -$7.068-,43 -$28,697.153 -S5,0-00 $28..975-14 $408,198.68 VT Varitager)oint Milestone 2040 $170,101-60 $37.796-00 $0J)0 -$50.1.8 $0.130 $17,154..5 ' $226,001.99 VT Van-tagepoint Milestone 2045 $91,827.89 $33.236-14 -$9,824.18 $11.049.83 -$100-00 $10,95,3.27 $137,142.95 VT Vantagepoint Milestone 2050 $7,582.78 MOO -SO.39 $9,877.55 $0-00 $189.69 $17,649.63 VT Vantagepoint.Milestone 2055 $0.00 $0.00 -30.35 $22.34 SO.00 $0,42 $22.4.1 VT Vantagepoint MP Cons Growth $948,379.61 $12,600.00 -$32,245.r-6 -526.3154.25 $0.00 $55,853.79 $958,233.59 VT Varets gepoirpt MP Trad Growth $9911,693.11 $47,296.88 -$30,705.65 -$77,048,40 -$10'7-73 $68,483,02 :39991r61 1,23 VT Va nta g e po,i nt M P L ng-Tran G r $1,920,309.14 $136,74'x.16 -$138,004.0.1 -$211,152.66, 4100-00 S145.085.4-3 $1,852r887.06 3773aA:'--9--J-0G5-.0C47 e a' 6 111111 IIID II 111 11111 1111111 111 IIIA IIF 111 11111`1 UP VIII 11 111111 11111 M]VIII 11111 Pag4 3 4 5 Annual Financial Report for YE)ur 4577Dcferred Compensation Plan [CMA-RC BIJILDING PUBLIC SECTOR RETIREWNT SKILIRIT'S January 1, 2016 - December 31, 201.6 Activity Summary by Fund (cowinrigid) Beginning Contribution sl Drs tributionsl Ending Investment Balance Other Credits Other Debits Transfer-F Fees -GainlLoss Safan ce Balanced/Asset Al I ocation fcontinaedl VT Vantagepolint M P1 IN Eq 6- $1,823,7 T 8.53 $97,901.00 430,163.02 1951,�16,37 -$125.17 $104,142.155 S1,04835T62 VT Puritan Fund $1,660,902.66 $2�,082.00 -$120,632.57 109,905.33 $0.00 $81,,356.63 S1,552,803.39 U.S.Stock V- F Vamage polm. Eclult,y Incorer e $2 r9 7 13, 6.4 0 $86.852-39 -$265.081.57 -$223,675.92 -$58.24 $468,077.54 $3.042,470.60 VT Invesco Diversif led Div $1973,088-76 $23.932-10 44Z344-63 $160,240.78 $0.00 $33,722.66 $348,639.67 C5 VT AllianzG I NFJ Div Value $327 F 556.52 $18.114.66 -S23,494-08 -$16,869-10 -S27.16 $45-,852.73 53 51 F 133.57 VT V,3 ntagepol nt 500 Sty I d x, 1 0742,857-14 $188.928-80 -S20.123.68 $802,352.66- -$104-90 $241,799.89 $2,955,709.91 VF Vantagepoint Brd Mkt Idx $3,5541-126-73 $313.880-10 -$192,041.1 9 $828,,.541.89 -$127.89 S531,694.01 $5,036,073.65 -V $9.30 $101.,591.82 $1,027,808.15 T Vantagepoint,Grw1b & Income $1,093,596�33 $41,69T54 -555,913.49 -$153,154.75 - VT Parnassus Core Equity $114,482-53 5,540.E -$101.756.43 13,874.34 S16,264.28 S1149,404.72 VT 0ppenheimer Main Street $1,524,224-02 $6.455.00 -$129,835-54 $52,794.97 -$12.47 S 175,1 1x.00 $1 628,743-98 VT Vartagepo-Int Growth $1,335.724,74 $36,825-66 -$119.466.19 -S 188,x38.61 -$38.41 -52,368-23 $1,062,438.76 VT Contfafund $5,108,700.91 $130,839.05 -$173,226-67 -S809,1611.42 -$-/79.87 $17-01.992.41 $4.429,064.41 VT T Rowe Price Growth Stock $473,500.43 $42,168,45 -$30,432.43 489,G 16,80 -$30.77 -S3,339,87 $392,799,01 VT Vartagepoint Select.Value $162,505-31 $5,354.53 -$12.688.61 -$48,946.10 -S4,96 $20,966.56 $127186-73 VT Gold Sachs Mid Cap Value $79,154.32 $5.,078.00 -$326.04 S30,064.45 -$5.48 $10,121,19 $124,076.44 VT Vantagepoint Aggressive Ops $1,674,258.86 $46.,264.82 -$47,423.82 °105,422.75 -$-4-24 $158,981.46 $1,937,489.83 VT AMC.,TimesSquafe Mid Cap Gr $1,114,991.2 7 $30,970.85 -$49.202-.47 -$206,789.38 -$20-71 $76.844.22 $966,793.78 VT Harbor Mid Cap roe 1n $1311,968.35 S4.,426.98 -$15,91 x.42 -S56.66430 -$'2-03 3127.73 $63,930.31 VF Vantagepolni Md/Sm Co Idx $1,022,798.49 $139.,472.64 -$22.489.82 $146,850 53 -$55-05 $193,859-35 $1,460,436.14 VT Vaniagepoint.Discovery $428,817-97 S 2,04 0A)0 -$56.70 -$395,200,98 -$5.41 -$35,,594.6B $0.00 VT Va n tagepoi n t D i s cove ry $90,770.92 $25,445.02 418,808,69 $319,711-21 -$15,73 $128r91 7.94 $546,,020.67 VT Oppenhell-ner Disocivery $144,439.99 $3,430-00 -512.623.03 -S5,720.51 SO.00 $4,198.29 $T33,724.74 Page 5 of .B a 4 C-; Ann-ual Financial Report for Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan January 1, 2016 - Dec orb r 31, 2016 Activity Summary by Fund (continited) Beginning Con-tributionsl Distriburionsl Ending investment Balance Oth or Credits OEher Debits Transfers Fear GainlLoss Balance Intern ation al/Global Stock VF Va n*,age poil n I i ri te rn at iona 1 $398,9:"0,40 $22F 187.77 -$47,653.32 -$3,270.91 412.15 $5,971.33 $376.153-12 VT Va nta g e p nt-0 vrs eas Eq I dx $513,055,97 $59,724.78 -$6,514.22 -$180,632.53 -S14.79 $7,825.76 $3931-444.97 VT Harbor Internaxional $78.564-04 $13,637.98 -$172.91 -$14,831.7 -$7.38 $180.20 $77,370.18 VT Diversified International $1 X5,945.-88 $34,03934 -$3,33,354.86 -$445,859.40 -$34.86 -$42,518.99 $828..2 17.51 Spy eclafty V7 NuIveen Real Estate Secs $988,747.13 $60,268.38 -$20,256 90 4201,025.1 B -S22.72 $66,681.27 $894,391.98 VantageBrokerl $334,224-84 $0.00 $0-00 $840,.933.44 SO-00 $111,741.41 51,286,899.69 Teta lAccount S58,739,787.99 $2,668,97D.01 -S3,585,593.54 SO.0 0 -S1,503.93 S3,63 0 o 854.06 S6 1 r4526 14.59 Note:Your lorok-erage account bialance reflects account activilty through the secorld to last business day:)�tkl-e cuarter. For quiirte--er-.-.i.r.-l-,rmatior, o-leasc-revievi bfa<erage accouni stati-mirrieni , .,c -- %- L-11r _:�Fl.elf—'D Arnerlirade- Activity Detail CantributionslOther CreditsDistributionsiOther Debits Contribution s $2,445,029.00 Distribut-ons -$2,656,104T87 A011-1n s S-65,0 68.88 Beneficiary Transfers -$74-72 Loan Repays (Pr inc, + Int-) $17,539.55 Loan IssIran ces -$346,824.95 Beneficiary Transfers $74 7 2 Misc. Debits -$582,589.00 Misc- Credits $41.257,810 Total $2o668,970.01 Total -$3r585,593.54 '3773&A3EV4-00S4XW7 0 6 8 1111111111111 EllMSI Ulu IIII IN X11 IIIf!11:�1111111111[11111111,MI]1111111 N A ���� of 3 4 5 Annual-Financial Report for Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan 1c, BUILDING PUBLIC SECTOR RHI REMEAT SECURITY January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Account Balance. by Source Pre-Tax 546,657,770-36 Ro:� $506,420-30 Total EmpJoVeT/Employee S47,r 1 64cl 90.66 Pre-Tax S 14288,323.93 Tobil Rollover S 1 4o288,3 23.93 Ending Balance $61,4521514.59 Contribution Summary Contributions R011417S Date Emp;ayerlEmpfoyee T�is Period $2r445,029.00 $165,068-88 01/29;'2{ 16 $225,336.00 Year To Date $2,445,029.00 $165,06&88 02129/2016 $2.09.620.00 Roth Corn t6butions $455,985.30 $0.00 03/31/2016 $196,826.00 04129/2016 $199,501.00 Activity dated outs 1 d e th e cu rre nt peri od ref I ects a djus t m e nl[s to yo u r 05104/2016 $60459.00 account to ensUre Droper cred ilting of earnings. 05f31/20 16 $201,1301.00 06M/2016 $200,062.00 07a9/2016 $207.3 95.0-0 08131/2016 $21 6,00 -.0- OW30120-16 $191-1774.00 10/3"1/2C 16 $196,518.00 1113,012016 $44 90,418.00 12/29/2016 $202,115.00 Cash Received from EmDlloye, $2,"5,029M Total Contributions $2,445,029.00 Page 7 of 8 3 4 5 Annual Fix ancilal Report for Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan January 1, 2016 - December 31 2016 Loan Report Name Count Reference Loan Interest Beginning ISS"ancel Loan VDL interest Principat Ending Co de Number Paid Balance Refinance Default Appfied as Paid Balance Principal Amount 001 $38,33 $0.00 $5,792.19 V).00 55.00 $175.03 $5617.16 001 $32.90 $0.00 $5,000-0.0 $0.00 $0.00, $2-62.36 $4,,737-64 001 $13686 $0.00 $20,685.80 $0,00 $0.00 $625.06 S20..060.74 0 0 i S1-57.58 $0.00 $16,000-00 $0.00 $0.00 $726.43 $-7 5,2 73.57 001 $126.06 so.ocl $19,355-28 $0.00 $0.00 $584.86 $18.770.42 001 $0-00 S G-Cdo S50,000.D $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 S50,000.00 00" S238.19 $O.OD $36,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,087-81 $3 4912.10 9 001 $0-00 MOO $9,603. , 24 $0.00 S0.00 $0-00 $9,503-24 001 $256.08 $0.00 $261D00.00 0.00 $0.00 $10180-41 $24,819-59 001*0 $39.71 $0-00 $4,031.99 $0.00 $0.00 WIN $3,848-02 001 $0.00 $0.00 $7,068.43 $0,00 $0.00 $7,066-43 $0.00 001 $16.54 $0.00 $2,500M- $0.00 $0-00 $75.56 $2,424.44 001 $66:67 S O M $20,000.00 $M0 $0-00 $301.67 $19..698.33 001 $53.33 $0,OCI S 16.0 Cl 0 a $0-00 $0.00 $241-34 $15,758-66 001 $209.14 $0-01D S2'.235-07 SO-00 $0-00 $964.10 $20,270.97 00-11 $74.55 $0.00 $7,570.49 $0.0 $0.00 $343,74 $7,226-75 001 $198.49 $0.00 S30,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $905.51 $29,093.49 001 $165A1 $0.00 $25,000.00 o.00 $0.00 S755.43 $24,244.57 001 $12i55 $0.00 $1,896.30 $0,.GO $0.00 $57.31 $1,838.99 001 $31.38 $0.00 S3j'186.16 $0.00 $0.00 $144.66 $3,041 50 001 $0-00 $0.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,000,.00 Total-All Loans 21 $1,855.77SO-00 $346r824,9 Tot at-Active Loans 5 $0.00 $0.00 $15,683,78 $331P141.17 20 $331,141-17 *2773aA3S[4-0U5-U047* 4 5 11111 11 HUINIIIII i���1111 11 Page 8 of 6 457 PTS P I a n Temporary Employees (Contributed by Employees) Annual Financial Report for Your 4511 Deferred Compensation Plan 1CMA R,C BUILDING PUBLIC SECTOR 03 213.7 E. RETIREMENT SECURITY DAVID R-OLLEY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SD (PTS) MENNEN& Contributions: Save Time By Submitting Enrollments First 5019 IMHOFF PLACE Minimize processing delays by ensurer g than your employees are M ASTI N EZ CA 94553-4316 enrolled in an ICMA-RC account before you submit con-.rib-itiorls. The enroll[ment process s quick and easy. Simply qpload your employees' in f o rm-a L io n or erste r th e I r data d irectlly i roto EZ Li n k. January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Account Summary This Period Yeas ro-Da,te C! Total Plan Assets $309,228.98 Beginning Balance $270..287.26 $270o2-87.26 C3 Contributions/Other Cred.I*S $126,2511,67 $126,254.67 If You Need Assistance Dist r-pbulio ns/Othe r Debits -$98.490.50 -$88.490.50 Fees -S2,007.00 -S2,007,.00 Call Your Client Services Team 800-326-7272 GainlLoss S3,184.55 S3.184.55 Automated Access 24 hours/7 days Ending Balance $309,228-98 $309o228.98 Website wwwJcmarc.o-rg Asset A11ocation ALqwt percent Balance Cat99K)?Y- of AUsseft Plan Data Stable Value/Cash fila nagemer-t 00% $309.228.98 Plan Narre C E NTRA L CO NTRA COSTA S D (PTS) Tota I Assets 100% S309,228.98 Pla-9 Number If any of your data is i nco.rrect, please cor tact Client Se.-vices so that we can update your records- Please Jevr-ew your sta temerit carefully. I't you befie ve there i's arl error, please noffy;CMA-RC at 800-325-72 72 Rag e 1 of 3 WIthin 90 41ayS Of Quarter eod, 777 North Capitol Street NE,Washington,DC 20002-4240 0 Annual Fm" ancial Report for Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan. January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Allocation Summary by Fund Percent units l unittsbare Ending Investmenr of Assets Shares value salal7ce Stable ValuelCash Management VT PLUS Fund E 0 0 NYA $309r228.98.1 Total 100% $309o22&9 8 Aefivity Suminary by Fund geginning Con trio utionsl Distribution sl Ending Investment Balance Other Credits Other Debits Transfers Fees Gairyss Balance Stable'alum Cash Management V7 PLUS Fund $270,287-26 S 12-6.250 4.6 7 3 6,4 9 0,50 U1.00 -S2.007.00 $3,184-55 $309.228.96 Total Account $27Or287.26 S126o254-67 -$88,,490.50 SO.00 -S2,007.00 $3,184-55 $309,228.98 Activity Detail ContributionslOther Credits DistributionslOther Debits Contributions $1214552.05 Dlstrbutiois -$75,950.83 Beneficiary j rari s ers -$4,1702-62 Beneficiary Tra r --q 14,702r62 Visc. Debivs -$7.637,05 Total $1126,254p67 Total -$881490.50 Account Balance by Source Pre-Tax $309,228.98 Total Employer/Empiogee $309,228.98 11 Jill Jill 11111,11111111111 Jill, 11111111:I'll 111111111111111111111111111 Page 2 of 3 Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan Annual FM* ancial Report for tia' I ct ARC BOILDING PUBM SECTOR RETIREAAFNT SECURITY January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Contribution Summary Contributions Date EmployerlEmploy-ee This Pe nod $121,552.05 01/29/2016 S4,983.43 Year To Date $121,552-05 0 21290/2 016 $8.0355-33 013112016 $8,252.36 Acilvity dated-outside ihe current perilod reflects 04/29/2,016 $6,949.22 adju toren is to you r acco u n t to en su re pro per crec.-..i n 9 05/31/2016 $9,396.06 of earnings- 06/01/2016 S66-38 G6/3 0/20?6 $13,026-18 CD 9 07113/2016 S223-31 0 7/29/201 6 $11,917-50 rw 0:8/0`�2016 $41 B-67 C�CD 08/31/2016 $17.,733.10 09/01/2016 $454.28 09 P,-3 0120 16 $11 e716.55 10/03/2016 $297.90 10/31/2016 $9,801-13 11/01/2016 $303.75 11/30/201 6 $11,903.84 12/14/2016 $29&35 12/2912016 S5.k 95.51 12/3-0/2016 $2 59-20 Cash Received from E rn p I oy e $12'.552,05 Total ContHbutioils $121,552.05 Page 3 of 3 3 4 5 457 Plan Beneficiaries Annual racial Report for Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan 1CMA-RC BU ILa11,113 PUBLIC SECTOR - L r,.�. J Y K 1T1 EWINT SKURIT�L' DAVID H O LSE CONTRA (BE NE) €ntr butio n Save Time By S u b m itti rig E n ra I I m eats First 5019 I M H O F F PLACE 1%/1nin—iz pro cessir7 delay s by ensu rir that yau r e mp[oyee s erg MARTINEZ CA 94553-4316 enrolled in an I ''IA-IAC account before you -i bm it corgi t r Ibu ti oris. The enrollment process is quick and easy. Simply upload your employees' mformatian or eater 1hei;r data directly into E Z Lk. - January1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Account Summary This Perm d Year-Ta-D-ato Total Plan Assets $611,139.2113eginning Balance $0.00 'S0.00 on-Lnbut ions/ Cher C reclilts $5B21589.00 $582,589-00 If You Gain/Loss $28,550.21 $28,550-21 Need Fading Balance $611,139.21 $611.139.21 Call Your Went Services Team 800-326-7272 Automated Access 24 h-oursR days ' psi#e vvw . cm-a rc.org Asset AJUoca-tion Asset' rcerpr Balance Ca _qo ry of ASSUM U.S- Stockr s 1 7 e Plan Data Plea Name CONTRA (BENE) Plea Number If any of your data is �necosect, please contort CI ent Services s that we can update your records. Pfease review your statemen,r carrefu y. I you be=feva jherj9.,s an error �C -,'?%'-a 600-326-,1272 Page 1 of within go days of quafter end. 777 No rth Capitol Street.N E,Was hil rrgton r DC 20002-4240 Annual Financial Report for Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Allocation Summary by Fund Percent urrital unit1shere Ending Investment of Assets Shares value Balance U.S. Stock VT Va n tagepoint E q u ity I ri come 26% 11,266-0489 $13.86 S1 56,147.44 VT Allianz G I NFJ Div Value 2% 831-79-11 $16.93 $14..082-2-7 VT Vantagepoint 500 Stk 1dx 29% 9,685-2319 $18.07 $175,012.14 VT Va ntag e po I nt Brd M k-t 1dx 3% 938-9247 $19,41 $1 SV224,53 VT Parnassus Core Equity 12% 1,792.7659 $39.29 $70,437.77 VT Oppenheimer Main Street 9% 1,204-4892 $46,59 $56.117.15 VT Vantagepoilrit Growth 12% 5,10-D.2069 $14.65 $74,718.03 VT-Van tagepoint Aggressive Ops 5% 1,981.7283 $15-96 $31,628,38 VT AMG T-ImesSquare Mild Cap Gr 2% 855-8228 $17.26 $149771.50 Total 1004°3 :961 1,r 139.27 Activity Summary by Fund Beginning Contribe tionsl Drs tribe rionsl Ending Investment Balance Other Credits Other Debits Transfers Fees GainlLoss Balance to tai e Va lue/Gas h M a n ag em ent VT PLUS Fund S0.0c $128,81 7 7 $0.00 -1 41 2 2 40.55 0'-0 a $422.84 $O.GG U.S.Stock VT Vantagepoint Equity Income $0.00 $144,881.39 $0.00 $0.00 58-00 $11,266.05 5158,147.44 VT AlillanzG[ NEJ Div Value $0.00 $12,780-38 $0.00 50.00 58.00 $1.301-89 S14,082.27 VT Vartagepoint 500 Stk Idx $0-00 $0.00 $0.00 -S 17 0,18 7.97 S100 $4,82417 S 175,012.14 VT Va.-i tag epoint B rd M ki I dx $0.00 $17,125,99 $0.00 50.00 S11010 $1,09-8.54 $18,224.53 VT Parnassus Core EqLAILY 58.00 $67,612.19 MOO $0.00 501-00 $2,825.58 $70,.437.77 VT Oppm nhe:-.comer Main Street -SO-00 $53,062-06 $0.00 $0-00 SOW $3,055.09 $56,11 117.15 VT Vantagepoini Growth S0.1510 $73,697.99 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,020.04 $74.718.03 VF Va mtagepoint Aggressive Ops $0.00 $30.,498.80 $0.00 $0-011) $().CIO 11,129.58 $31,62&38 VF AMG TimesSquare Mid Cao Gr $0.00 $-114,434-82 $0.00 $G-00 -5.0-00 $336.68 $1�,771,50 *T -70-HP-002-00O2 ge 2 M3 loin 111111111 1111i IN 11111111.11111 11111 11111111 111111 El IIIA 141111 Pa 3 4 5 Annual Financial Report for Your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan ICS-RC BUILDING PURK SECTOR RETIREMENT SECURITY January 1., 201�6 - December 31, 2016 Activity Surn mary by Fund (coati 7wed) Se_9inging contriburionsl Vis tri bu tion sf Ending Investment Balance Other Credits 01ther Debits Transfers Fees GainlLoss Balance I nternational/Global Stock W Va n1agepoi ni I rater a tion-a $41.,677.67 58-00 -3-12,9-17-42 so-cc $1,26-9-75 $0-00 Total Account $0.00 S582,5:99-00 SO.00 $0.00 SD.00 $28550.21 11+139.21 Activity Detail L6 cli inContributional0ther Credits in Distribuitiorrsl0th or Debits CD M-1sc,Credits $582.589.00 Total $582589.00 Total Account Balance by Source Pre-Tax S611,139.21 Tot Employer/Employee $611,139.21 Page 3 of 3 3 4 5 401a Plan (District Contributions) - -inual F' ancl'al Report for .Xi Your 401 Quaff d Plan MA-RC BUILDING PUBLIC SECTOR RETIREMENT SECURITY DAVID ROLLEY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANI DIST MOM Contributions: Save Time By Submitting Enrollments First 5019 IMHOFF PLACE Minimize processing ceiays cy ensuring th-a-=your arnployees are MARTINEZ CA 94553-4316 enrolled in an ICMA-RC account before you subi-nit con-7iblil ions. The earcillmart process s quick and easy. Simp[y upload your enp loyees' in f o rm at io P or e nze r-,h e I r data d I-rect ly 1 n:,o EZ Li ri,k. January 1, 2016 - December 31L. 2016 Account Summary This Period Year-To-Dow 6 a; -i Total Plan Assets $37,861,288.35 Beginning Balance S34,842,968.57 $34,842,968.57 C Contributions/Other Cred-ts $2,426,96535 S2,426,965.85 D 1 si ribul-i-o nslOth er D e I-S -$1,629,113.94 -S1,629.113.94 If You Need Assistance Fees -S 105.93 -$1 05.93 Cal I Yo ur Cl i e n.t So rvi cos Tea m 800-326-7272 Gain/Loss $2,1220,57180 $2,220,573-80 Automated Access 24 houl,s/7 days Ending Balance $37,861,288.35 $37,861 o288,35 Website www.icmarc.org Asset location Asset art Balarme C oof Asseft ategry Platt Daft Stable%falue/Cash Management 27% $10,162,103.48 P'lan Name CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SAM DIST Bona 2% $631,928-25 Plan Ntem bef Guaranteed Liiellme Inco rel 4% $1,427.862.94 BalancedlAsset Allocation 23% $8,587,057.18 I any of your data is incorrect, Please contact Client Servic-e-S so U.S. Stock 39% $141999,590.73 that we can update youc records- International[Global Stock 3% $1,213,90-1-05 Specialty 2% $838,794-7 2 Total Assets 100% $37o8fil,288.35 Filease roview your to remen r care fully.It you behave,there is an errix please-n oto 1CMA-RC a L-600-326-7272 Page 1 of 7 WOO.90 days Of quarter and. 777 N a rtb Cap itol Strew N E..WashingtDri,X 70-0,G2-4240 Annual Financial Report for Your 401 Qualffied Plan January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Mlocation Summary by Fund pere-ant unitsl unit1share Ending In westmen t of Assets Shares Value Balance Stable Value/Cash Management VT PLUS Fund 26% N/A N[A $901970.663.05 VT Ca:sI. Management I% 191,440.2000 $1.00 &19111440�20 Welcome 0% 0-1327 $1.74 $0,23 Bond VT Va n1agepoint Cc r B nci I dx I 31,516.0075 $11.20 $352,979,28 VT .Nest ern Asset Core Plus l3nd 0% 10,221,6550 $11-43 $116,833.52 VT Vantagepoini Inflin Focuse-d 0% 8,6116-4753 $11.36 $97,883,16 VT PI MCO High YINeld 0% 7,290-8386 58.81 $64,232.29 Guaranteed Lifetime Income VT Reiii-ement IncorneAdvantage 4% 98.951. 6 $15.20 S.1 142 7,8 6 2.94 Bala need/Asset Allocation VT Vantagepoint MS. Ret Inc 0% 4,617.2984 $12-13 $56,007.8-2 VT Va magepo I ni MI lesion e 2010 0% 8.398.0045 $12.87 $108..082-32 VT Va ntagepo I nt M-1 les-.on e 2-0 15 1% 13,255.2350 $13.50 $178,945.67 VT Vant agepoint Miles-,one 2020, 1% 11,330.3695 $14.03 S 15808'5 5.08 VT Vantag e-poilint MIlestone 2025 1% 33.1 50.0724 $14.41 $477.692.55 VT Vantageowt Milestooe 2030 1% 30-,44.2-3552 $a 4.98 $456,026.50 VTVantagepoint Milestone 2035 1% 30,394.4075 $15.29 $464.730.47 VT Va niagepo 1 nt.V.I I esign e 2 040 1% 30,214.8085 $15-83 $478,300.42 VT Va niagepo i nt M-11 es ton e 2,045 1% 100182 .1665 $17.10 $0185,16,11-6.4 VT Va ntag P,po I n i M 1 leston e 2050 0% 582-1963, $14.55 $8.470-96 VT Vantagepoint MP Cons GroMh 1% 12,330.4018 $29.81 S367.569-27 Ti Va n tag epo.in t M P Trail Growth 5% 63,228.26515 S30.12 31,904,434.93 VT Vantagepoint MP Lng-Trrn Gr 5% 61,025-5622 530.29 $1,846,464.26 VT Van tagepol n't M P G I E q G r 4% 54,647.0598 $30-09 $1,644,330.04 VT Puritan f=und I% 12,141.6547 $20-58 $249,875.25 3 4 5 + T 1111111 IIID ifill III I Ili 111111111 1111-1111111111111 11111 1111111 1 HE ISI IN 111111 1111 Page 2 of 7 Annual Firs arc Report for Your 401 Qualified Plan 7C BUILDING PUBLIC SECTOR RETIREMENT SECUR1TY January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Allocation Summary by Fund (Continued) Percent UniW unit1share Ending investment of Assets Shores Value Balance U.S. Stock VT Va n-..agepoi n t E q u 1 ty I ri-com e 5% 124,51T6463 Sli 3.86 $1 r725,814-56 VT Invesco Diversified Div I% 80406�1693 319.32 $162,407-20 VT Al 1"1-an zG I N FJ Div Value 1% 20,84-6-3848 $16.93 $352,929.29 VT Va n tag e poi n t 500 S-tk I dx 3% 68,793-1879 $18-07 $1,243,0912-87 VT Vantagepol nt Br-d Mki Id x 10% 190,352-4416 $19.4-11 $1694,740-86 Cd VT Va n ta g e point G rte &I ncom e 2% 40,378.8553 $17,65 $712,686,78 a; VT Iia rnass-us Core Equity 0% 1,589-8968 $39.29 1&2,467-05 VT Oppenheimer Main Street 0% 544-5609 $46-59 $25,37 1.09 VT Va ntage po I rpt G rovvth 3% 72,749.0157 $14.65 $1,065,373,07 VT Con trafund 5% 20,312.4229 $98.46 $1,999,961-18 VT T Rowe F-rl,,--e C-row-.h Stock 1% 4,174,918� $52.20 $2 7,930.7 4 VT'Vantagepoint Select Value ()vo 2,539.8666 $-7,00 $43,177. 4 VT Gold Sachs Mid Cap Value 0% 1,771,6666 $36.05 S63.868.65 VT Name gepoint Aggressive Ops 5% 108,023.7955 3 5.96 $1,724,059M VT AMG Tires s Mare Mid C a P G r 2% 47,462-2195 317.26 $819,197-92 VT Harbor Mid Cap Growth 0% 5,461D.7686 S8.40 S46.C-3 8-4 5 VT Van tag e point M d/Sm Co Ax 2% 30,550,6696 S24.77 $756,740--10 VT Van to g e point D i scovery 0% 9,822-0432 S15.43 $15",554,13 VT Oppenheirrer Discovery 0% 1,753.7827 $75,14 $131.779-22 International/Gra ball Stock VT Varata gepoirpt Imorn aTiOnal 1% 29,522.7652 $10,89 $321.502.91 VT Va ntag e p nt Ovrs ea s Eq I dx 1% 28,79"1.2885 $1 1-3 $326,493.21 V7 Harbor International 0% 2t,311,1836 $5&26 $134,649.58 VT Divefsified international 1% 12,952.1131 $3130 $431,30535 Specialty VT Nuveen Real Estate Secs I% 19,.275-7283 $22.07 5425,41 5.32 Vantage8roker I% WA N/A $413,379,39 Total 100% $37,861,288.35 Page 3 o f 7 3. 4 5 Annual Finwicial Report for Your 401 QuaEfled Plate Januar y 1, 2,016 - December 31, 2016 Activity Sunimary by Fund Beginning Con tributionsl Distri bution sl Ending Inve-stment Balance Other Credits Other Debits Transfers Fees GainlLoss Balance Stable Value/Cash Management VT PLUS Fu�d X19,703,92 4.69 $529,775.17 -$98,0,834.74 $540,281.68 -S9.98 $177,526.23 $9,970,653.05 VF Cash Managenqeni $150,346.47 $32,210.41 -$70.,000.00 $78.774.44 $,.r",,0.0a S38-88 $191 A40.20 Welcome $0.23 $0.00 $0.00 $O.Do SO-00 $0-00 $0.23 Bond VT V'arotagepoint Cor Bnd Idx $209,533.18 $23,376.67 -$6,106.06 $122,435.62 -$0.2-1 $3,740.08 $3 5 2,979.28 VT Western Asset Core Plus Bnd $1117,119-60 $9,852.14 -$16.382.79 $Z080.31, -W03 $3,840-29 $116,833-52 VT Vant ge poi rit I nf Im Focused $96,103-98 $297.76 -$2, 0.89 $0.00 $0.00 $4.302.31 $97,88116 VT PI CO High Yield $43,757.93 $5,306.7-8 -$612.-17 $9,852.81 $0.00 $5,925,941 $64,232.29 Guaranteed Lifetime Income 'V-F Retirement IncorneAdvar-i-Lage $1,063,847.90 $9.116.97 -$3,661.02 $294,205.51 $0.00 $64,353.50 .42 7,862,94 Ba lamed/Ass et A!I ocation Vr Vantagepoi i-it NIS Ret Inc $49,892-06 S31561,48 -$381.85 $0.00 SO-00 $2,93-6.13 $561-007.82 VT Van to epoi ri t M i I estone 2 010 $101,867.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 S0.00 $6.214-52 $108,082.32 VT Vaniagepert Milestorte 2015 $126.53 9.44 $57.571.79 -$1.15 -$19r830.28 $0.00 $14.,665.87 $178,945.67 VT Vamlagepoint Milestone 2020 $304.6-28.74 $19,640,47 -$3,717-89 -$165,984.94 $0.00 $4,398,70 $158,965,08 VT V-a niagepo-i nt M I I a s ton e 202 5 $349,975-00 $99,307.83 $O.00 $0.00 $0-00 $28,409.72 $477,692.55 VT Va me p o 1 rpt M I I estop e 2030 $454.6 46.13 $56,980. $0.00 -$86,807.28 SO-00 $31,207.33 $456,026-50 VT Vantagepoint Miles-"one 2035 $383.592.11 $76,609.85 $0.00 -S,311,495.34 SO-00 $34,023-85 $464,730.47 VT Va nta g e point M.-I'lestone 2040 $385,679-36 $59,943.72 -$1,749.56 -$Z644.86 513-100 x37,271.75 $478.300..42 VT Vair-tagepoint Milestone 204.5 $126.403.57 $56,459.78 $0.00 --S'4,881.43 $0.00 $15."79,72 $185,161.64 VT Vantagelc)oint Milestone 2050 $2,414-61 $5,502'.64 $0,00 $0.00 %0.00 $55171 $8,470-96 VT Vantager point MP Cons Grovvth $388..128,55 $0,00 46,389,92 -$35,170.G7 $0-00 S21,000.71 $367,56917 VT Vaniagepoint MP Trail Growth $1,796,356.65 $96,677J6 -597.486.-00 -$20,28c.1-30 $-0-00 $129,175.82 $1.9,04,434.93 VT Vantagepoint MP Lng-Terri Gr $1,920,.3-02.33 S 121.520 55 -S 2N w5-.17 9.92 -$315,148-92 $0.013 S 143,370.22 $1,848,464.26 *3773AA394-008-WN" 11111 111:1111111111111111 It 11111111 IIID 1111 HEhall 111111,111111111111 Page 4 of 7 3 4 5 Minual Financial Report for Your 401 Qualified Plan CMARC B,WD I N6 PUBLIC-5 ECTO R RETIREAENT SERRITY January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Activity Summary by Fund (con tinmed) gaginrring Contriburiarisl Distribe bort sl Etiding Investment Balance Other Credits Other Debits Transfers Fees GainlLoss Rafanc Sa lark ed/As set A I I ovation (conte naedj Vr Vantagepoiint MP GIbI Eq G-, $1,861,544.40 $1 27..740.33 -$18,664.20 -$417,496.02 -55.38 $91 e 210.9, $1,644,330.04 Vr Puritan Fund $212,594.73 S5.366.55 $0-00 $19,097.09 $0.00 $12,316-88 S249,67 5.25 U.S.Stock 0� VT Vantage poi n-t- Equity Income $1,587.8-23.99 $88,092.60 -S34,348-29 74,844.71 $0.00 S259,090.97 $1.725,814.56 VT Invesco D 1 ve rs li led D-1V $47,10416 $5,985.64 $0.00 $95,772-64 SO-00 $13,5".66 S162,407-.20 VT AillanzG I NFJ Div Value $287,873-33 $5,074.17 -$17.92 $12,900.27 10.01 $47,099-45 $352,929-29 VT Vaniagepoint 500 Stk Id x $970,951-32 $100-,1 17.45 -$66,231 y38 Sli 20,012.07 -$42-01 $1,18,285A2 $'-,243,092,8-7 VT Vaniagepoirit Brd Mkt idx $2,438,271-95 $223,.480.02 -$14,080.68 8658,705.53 $0.00 $388,364.24 X3,694,749.86 VT Vaniagepoint Grwth & Income $869,144.38 $32.04,3.91 -$40,394.55 --513,012.00 $0.00 $69,905.04 $712,686.78 VT Parnassus Core Equi iy S56,763.65 $2,416.33 $0.00 42,338,88 $0-00 $5,625.95 $62,467-05 VT Oppenheimer Main Street S21,411.63 $734.69 $0.00 $509-93 $0.00 $2F714.84 $25,371.09 VT VaTi ta g e poi nt G rowt h $ 12 2,096-36 $31,653P.69 -$6,847.85 --$82,052.57 $0.00 $923.44 $1,065,773-07 VT Con traf u A $2,039,368.60 $126,187.66 -157,713-,55 -$175.509-31 -S129 $67,649.07 $1,999,961,18 VT T Rowe Pfice Growth Stock $279,747.93 $22,429.16 -SO-00 -$84.350.69 $0.00 $104.34 $217,930.74 VT Va r ta g e pol nt elect VGlue $36,199-10 S2,747.67 S8-00 -$980.90 SO-00 $5..211-87 $43,,177.74 V7 G of d Sac hs Mid Ca p Val ue $60,633.90 S3,250.60 58.00 -S,6.768.2 5 SO.00 $6,752.40 $63.968-65 VT Va ntage po I nt Agg res s Ive 0p $1,727.606.10 $91.460.33 -$87A88.52 -$168,333-51 -80-00 $160,815-.43 $1,724.059-83 VT AMG TrnesSquare Mid Cap Gr $77911,605.18 $49.552-71 429,405.77 -$34,145,49 -S2,52 S53,59181 S819,19T92 VT Harbor VId Cap Gromh $59,637.39 $7.338-37 $0.00 -$22.764.22 58.00 $1,$26.91. $46,038A5 VT ants Point Md/Sr-r Co Idx $549,713.061 $69,956.78 -$0,03 $20,045.44 S-0.00 S 117,024.30 $756,740-10 VT Vantagepoint Discovery $1300287.22 $990.19 -$304.92 �20,,173.7 5 $0.0101 -$10.798-74 $0,00 VT Vantagepoint Discovery $26,843.13 $10,4'5.71 $1,512.33 $75,468.77 $0.00 $40,338-80 $151,554.13 VT Oppenheprner Discovery 166,979.36 $Al 3 23.34 $0.00 $0.00 -$3,112.41 $131,779,22 Page 5 -o 1 7 3 4 5 Annual Finand'al Report for Your 401 Qualified Plan January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Activity Summary by Fund (cow hiwed) Oe!qinning Con tributionsl Distributionsl Ending Investment Balance Other Credits Other Debits Transfers Fees GainlLoss Balance International/Global Stock VT Vaintagepoint Interunt ona $306,557,63 $20,-j 94.44 -$2,702.76 -$6,7''0.80 $-0-00 $4.1164-40 $321,502-97 VT Vantagepnt Owseas Eq lx $469.227-63 $25,450-20 424,599.13 -$151,123.51 -S2.40 $7,540.42 $326,493,21 VT Harbor Intematy onal $173,850.95 $13,093,61 S0.00 _$51,976.34 SO.00 -$318.64 $124,649.56 VT D-Nefstfied Irite rnat,oriall $4 59,4 3 2,633 $52,215.44 -$22,857.37 439,08176 -S4.10 -$18,397-49 $431 r305.35 Specialty VT Nuveen Real Estate Secs $424.446.66 S2 7,-6 4 2.17 410.202,53 -S40,55 8.71 $G-oo $24,085.74 $425,415.33 VantageBraker l $102,759.17 $0.00 $0.00 S283,744.80 $0.00 $26,875-42 $413,379.39 Total Account S34,842,968.57 S2,426,965.85 -S1,629,113.34 $0.00 -9105.93 S2,2201573.80 S37,861,288.35 1. Note,Your bi-okerage accourt t,,alarce reflects account activity through tl)e secord to I-ast 16LSH-Iess day of tr-%e q:Ljarte,, or qjarter-enc[ !-for please rev ycmjf briokeFage accourt statement or-contact TD Arnerarade. Activity Detail - Con tributions lOther Credits DistributionslOther Debits GD nz-ri b ut-10-ri S $7,943,626.49 D I s-,.r lo:j ti ons -$l..339,322-06 Ro I 1-j ns $406,449,1 Benef c ary Transfers -$76,890.21 Beneficiary Transfers 576,8N�21 Misc. Debits 4212,901.67 Total S2 426,916 5.85 Total -811629p113.94 Account Balance by Source Total Employer $34,332,55,4.43 Pre-Tax $3,528.733.92 Total RGI(over S3o528e733.92 Ending Balance SVP861o288.35 i I 1111 0111111111!11111111'1111 Ili]Mil 1111111 1111111111 IR IN 11111 IIIA 11111 IN IN IIE U Page 6 of 7 3 4 5 Annual Financial Report for Your 40 1 Qualified Plait 1CMA- llltDIII"PUBLIC SECTOR R E TI R EMENT SECURITY January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Contribution Summary Contributions Roll-ins Date Employer ThiPe.iod S 1 943.6 26.49 40 0,449 15 01/29/2016 $167,010.14 s ' Year TO Date S 1,943,626.49 $406.449-15 02/29/2016 S 190.,504.1 03/31/2016 S 164,3 08-63 -mer,.s to you�r 04129/2016 Activity dated ouls'de the current perilod ref ec*,s adjus $165,720-23 account to ensure proper crecti-ting of earr, r-gs. 05/31/2016 $T68r749.09 06/30/2016 $171,355.47 07/29/2016 $197,160.26 C, 0 08/31/2016 $165,970-30 6 Oil 09/3012016 $178,1101,46 V -0/2412016 $683.61 0/3112016 $145,627.49 i 1130/2016 $124,048.19 12/29j20'6 $103,557.50 Cash Received from Employer $7,943,626-49 Total Contributions $1 r943,626.49 Plage 7 of 7 3 4 5 Z101, a Plan Beneficiaries Annual nand l Report for Your 401 Qualified.Plan C RC t A, BUILDING PU BLI.(SECTOR RETIREMENT SECURITY DID ROLLE �- CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SD(BENE) o ntr%b uti ren ,Save Time By Submitting Enrollments Frrsi _ 5019 IMHOFF PLACE Mir,mize processing delays by ensuring thai your employees are MARTINEZ CA 94553_4316 enr ailI nd in an ICMA-RC account before you suQrnpt coninbudores. The enrollment p rotes ':s quick n d easy. Simply u pl o a b OUT employees' rn fo rmat io n or enter th le i r data b irect:y i roto E Lin . January nu 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 AccountSummary This Period Yea.—To-Date Total Pl n Assets $222,612.94 �.�� ���g ontribu ions/ ,her Credits $212.901-67 $212,901.67 If You Need i+ Ending B.alance $222r6112.94 2 r61 . Call Your Client Services Team 800-326-7272 AU 7 om,a ted Access 24 hours/7 days Website www.icmarc.OTg Asset .tel l ctio , Asset rcen Balance Category of Assam Stable Value/Cash I anagE?men L 20 X3,683.41 Plan Total Assets 100% $222,612.94 Plan Name CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA D( ENE) Plan Number if any of your data is incorrect, please contact Ghent Semites so that we can update your records. Please revrew your staiernent carefully_If you bei reve tbere is an error;pease nclify 1 o ..-rR a-900-326-7272 Fags 1 ci3 within 90 days of a a der + . 777 North Capitd street NE,Washington.DC 20002-4240 Annual Financial Report for Your 401 Qualified Plan J rtua ry 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Allocation Summary by Fund Percent Unitsl Ujai rlShare Ending Investment of Assets Shares Value Balance Stable Value/Gash Management VT PLUS r--Lr,-' 20% N/A N[A $43,683.41 U.S.Stock VT I nvesco Diver 4fied-Div 35% 4,045-5236 $19.32 $78,15-9.52 VT 'fan tagepoi rpt 500 Stk 1 x 31% 34810-7801 $18.07 $68,660-80 VT Van ta g epoln t Bird M ki I dx 7% 8402506 $19A1 $.63G9�26 VT Contra f und 3% 77.7541 $98.46 $7,655.67' VT AMG TimesSquare Mild Cap Gr 4% 460.2709 $17.26 $7.944.26 Total 100% $2221-612.94 Activity Summary by Fund Beginning Con tributionsl Distributions l Ending Investment Balance Oth or Credits Other Debits Transfers Fees Gain&ass Befance Stable Value/Cash Wlana!qement 383 VT PLUS FL..-i.:i $0.0 0 S8-'�985,35 $0.010 .933-39 SO-00 $63,1.45 ' r6 .41 Balanced/Asset Allocation VT Van tagepoint MP Lng-Trm Gr $0-00 $'161421.63 $0.00 4`18,421 M S3.3 0 $0.00 VIF Vantagepoint MP Glb1 Eq Gr SO-00 $18,664.20 $0.00 -$18,664-20 53.00 $0.00 $0,00 U.S.Stock VT Invesm Diversified DIV $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 $75,023.75 $0.00 $3,135,77 $78,159.52 VT Vantagepoint 500 Stk 1dx $0.00 S-66,231.36 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $Z629-44 $68,860.80 VT Va ntage pail r B rd M kt lei x $0.00 $0.00 :30.00 $K351.48 $0.00 $1,957,78 $16,309.26 VT on tra fu nd $0.00 $0,00 $10.00 S71175.74 $0.00 $479-93 $71,655,67 VT AM G Ti mesSquare Mid Cap Gr $0.00 $0.00 S7,175.74 $0.00 $768.54 $7,944.28 *'3773,1A304-0Cr5-W03' 11 1 ge 2 3 IIIIIIII It ii III 11111 41 HE,1111 111111 11.11-III IIIA,IIIII III[]IIII11111111IIIII11111111 IN Paof 3 4 5 Annual Financial Report for Your 401 Qualified Plan 1CMA-RC OIJILDING PUBLIC SECTOR RETIREMENT SECURITY January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Activfty Summary by Fund (cost tinited) Beginning con trib urierisl Distriburiansl Ending Investment saiance Dther Credits Other Debits Trans Pers Fees Ga it Balance International/Global Stock VT Va nta g e p nt wseas E a d x $0.00 $24,59913 $0.00 -S 24,707-49 $0.00 $108.36 $0.00 Total Account $0.00 $212,901-67 SO.00 $0.00 $0.00 89,711.27 $22,2,612.94 Activity Detail Contribe tionslOther Credits Di-stribution sl0the-r Debits M Ise.Credits $212,901.67 Total S212,9011.67 Total :$0.00 Account Balance by Source Total Employer S222o612.94 Pane 3 -o' 3 3 4 5 Fund Performance And Fees (Fund performance results are the same for both the 457 and 401 a plans, therefore only the 457 results are shown in an effort to eliminate redundancy) The following report also discloses the expense ratios by fund, and changes to the fund lineup that occurred during 2016. 1CMS-FSC EZLink Page I of 12 Fund Performance Fund Performance FUnd PaSr Pe-ff&rTWrKe,05 ShOWn,iS nO gWrMee of how the Fvodwoll per in thefioure.The loerformance shovin ho5 been oormalizedfor periods greater thuxt one year. In ve s rm en t reg ums and prem ipal valoe wj;O fluavare..so rhot an imesir-orrs sharez when redeemed,may be worth more or i1eys than rheir or igr?&cost-For current performaoice,visit wwkm a rc.org. Quarterly Report as of 12/31/2016 2 Show Benchmarks Show Nt Stable ValuelCash- Management EX PE N 5 E RATIO QT'R. EN DIED 1 S 10 SINCE INCIEPTI ON WIND"ME I BENCHP.IARK 1 V311116 im WAR YLAR YEAR INCEPTI ON DATE GROSS NET VT PLUS.Fur A&IN-c 2.06qi- 3.00 Oct 2013 0.71% 0.71% 64A Mt US 3-Mio.T-R-W findex(Annua4zedP 0,34% 0.33% D.3 3:3pb 0.121% Suer.m a ry and holdings dings i nformation is available for the PLUS Fu rid on a rno-nthly basis.V ew PLUS Fg nd in fa rmation,Cred id ng rate for month en di ng 01/3112017 i�s 1.86% yj Casji WangZQrn r, 0.01% 0.02% 102% 0.100% 032M.- Mar 1999 0,43% 0.43% F ibbofsor?US 3&Day T-Bil;i`ndex--' 0.06% 0.20% 0.20% 0.06% 0-67% Crane GuverrrmEnir Rewif Wrrey.Wooer Fund Mcfee 0.01 we 0.03% 0.03% 0.02% 0.63%. The 7-Day Yields below more closely refl ect-Lhe current earnings of ti'e VT Cash Management In a n the returns above.VT Cash Ma nage rner.t y0elds for the Perp ori ending 12J3,1/2016 7 Day C u rre nt Yie[d,- 0-14% 7 Day Effec-tiv e Yie Id: n1a Bond httos:Yezfink-j c m arc.or e;;r)l anfinvestnients/fund P c dorm ance.i sp 02/15/17 IC LA-} EZLink Page of 12 QTR. EXPi N SE RATIO ENDED 1 5 '10 SINCE INCEPTION FUN DNAME i BENCHMARK 1231il 6 YTO V EAR. YLAR YEAR INCEPTION DATE G ROSS NET 'r vafl1a-7c-po in Cord Idx", 0,-03%) 2-47% ZA7% i-99% 4.1(1% Apr 1999 0-249b 0,19%. BiOomberg Bardoys U.S.Agg 13ofpdl 1frdev.'?.5 (2-98%) 2.65% 2.6 Y-A 2139 4.34% - 11T Westearn r Cir e Plus and"c;.it" (2.2996) 4.-7,B% 438%. - 2.27% Jan 20TS 0.5 2 0.45% fuciemberg Uordayi U.S-Agg Bond;ndex2.!!- (2.98%) 21-65% 2.65% 2.2-3% 4-34% - WrnOngSCor Onfermp-dia re-Tem gvmr- (2.54%) 3.23% 3.23% 2.61% 410% 'r-Vin Lo"e g is i L ri Nn Focu5,MA:D- 1- X2.49%) 4.51% 4.51% 0.50% 3,84% Oct 2013 0.55% 0.55% Blomberg Rardays U.S,Treasury Inflavon- (2AI%) 4.69% 4.68% 039% 4.36% Linked Bond Index(Spyies-07-'? Mamiqstar Inflalfon-Prarecred 9-arrdZ-5 (1.65%) 4.5 Tqn 4.59u. 0.42% 3,439+ VT PI W-W-High Yieldlk 1,I.9. 1.1 D% 12.42% 12.429 6.46% 6.23% Jtj 12002 &81 n1a B*fA ML US Mgh Yield H-B Can-st Mdex-L a 1.216% 14 32% 114.72% T05% 6.-9496 Mornr ogsror High We?d 8-omf4;- 1.69% 13,30% 1330% E17% 5.9c% Guaranteed Lifetime income QTFL EXPENS E RAT[O E ND-E D 1 S 1 SINCIE INCE PTIO hr FUND NAME I BENCHMARK YTD YEA R YEAR YEAR INCEPTION DATE G ROSS JY ET V7 R-er-remen 1:Inc omeAdjanjage- 5.36% 5.361% 6.61% 6-81% kj4g,2010 131% 1-71% Custom genchfnarP 0.85% 7,04% 7.o4gfi 82BIX - - Balanced/Asset Allocation QTP,- ERRE N SE RATIO E DED 10 SINCE INCEPTION FUJYD NAME?BENCH MARK 12/31116 YTID YEAR TIM YEAR INCEPTIC N DATE G .USS NET VT Vanw=i nc M S Re t in&�RI (0,1 JS Dk) C-75% 5.75% 4.2516 3.73% C_75% Oct 2013 0.67% 0.67% 8100mbe-rg sordes U.S.I.rrr Agg gond oadex:!- 1.97% T.97% 1,95% 4.-DD% https:Ilezl i A.i ctia arc.org/plardiDN-estmentsifundPerformanc e.i so 0'?/1-V 17 WMA-RC EZLink- Page 3) of 12 EXPENSE PATIO QTR. ENDED 10 SINCE INCEPTION FUND NAME I BENCHMARK 12J31116 YTD YF-AR YEAR YEAR I NCEPTI-0 N WE IG PC 5S NET 0 r'7ah- 4.74% Cusrom Reparhmark" ((JAL.2%) ,5_67% 'D.t:i - .0%Mornongsror Forger-Dote Reorem-,PnC (0.R8%) 5'.i 0% 4.3"% 3.58% Ir va ricalTnoint M ilescone 20".OA 0 (0-16%) 6.1110% 6�f 0% 5.80% 4.26% ocr2o-3 OA7% Cl.67. Moomberg Bard'U-S-1nf.Agg Rend IndexZ Ic (2.05%) 1.97% 1.97% 1,95% 4.00% Custom Benchroork" 0.09% 6.09% -6.09% 7.29% Mornfngswr Target-Date 2000-207[P 057%) 5,86% 5.86% 5.77% Vr Vanl,&Mpint.V'jy.sto r e D.07% 6.47% 6A7% 6.53% 4,29 - Oct 2013 0-69% 0.68% ftomberg BarclGrys U.S.Im. Bond?r?dex-:l' (2.05%) 1.97% 1�97% 1.9596 4.00% Corr-om genchmar*" 0A8% 6.68% 6_68% 8.08% 5.44% Morningstar Torget-Dare 2015� (0.40%) 6.12% 6-12% 6.53% 4.10% VT Va,gtagepoir r M ileS�,Qne 2C[2QA,0. ., 0-214. 6.77% 6,77% 7.42% 4.42% Oct 2013 0.69% 0.69% -W-500 lndexa- 3824 141.96% 11.96% 14.66% 6.95% -Cvst*m Benchmafkl I 0_87% 7.37% 7.37% 9.02% 5.5:S% MorAingstar Targer-Date202CF- (0.35%) 6.23% &23% 6.48% 3.71% V-1 Va nra C!2npi r)t.M i leszang 2025-l',D-1` 0.56% T46% 7.46% 9.26% 4.59%, Oct.2013 0.70% 0.709 S&P 500 ondex'. 3.821% 11.969, 14.66%, -6.95% Cuslorn Benchmark'' 1.26% B.1 Z-A 8.12-% 9.B91"t 5.72zb Oeforningvar Targei-Dote 2025'-`- 0.0.2% G,73% 6.73% 7.66% 3,93% VT Vantg3Ze --nt M -93% po d&store 103D', 10 0.74% 7,93% 7 9.D496 4.73% Oct 2013 0.72% 0.72% S&P Soo indevz 3.82% 11.96% 11.96% x-4.66 : 6-951*, Cosrom Ber-chm-ark", 1.7D% 833% 8_83% 10.66%, 5,879+ _6 hforningsior Torger-Dale 20307' 0.34% 7.33% 7-33% 8.06%. 188%. VT Vartag,ejpoLp_t_N4 i-esrone 2035,1-D-K P 0,92% 836% 8-36% 990% 4.92% 0a 2013 0,74% 0.74% 59-P 500 Index!---'' 3.82% 1L96% 11-96% 4,66ch. 15.95% casrom 2.12% 9.61% 5.61% 1,38% 610% Mornongstar Targer-Dare 2035,� 0.75% 7.57% 7.57% 8.94% 4.15% httDs:/�czlink-.icmarc.org/t)l-anlinvestments/fundPerfunnance.isp 02115/17 ICMA-RC EZLink Page 4 of 12 QTR. EXP E NSE KATIO EN DEP SINCE INCEFTIGN FUND NAME I BEN CHMARK 12131116 YTD YEAR YEAR YEAR. I NCEPTIO N DATE GROSS N ET VT VantagESD o i n t 10 it esrsne 204f','- 14J 1.34 13t 8.87% 8..87% Oct 2 07 3 C,.76�b 0-76Pv: S&P 500 onfirex,: 3.RZA 11.95% 11.96% 14�66'h 6.95%, CU-StOm 8enchmork,3Z 59% 10.311% 10.31%. 11.8" 6.264 M-Orriingstar Target-Date 204041 0-86% 7.95% 7.95% &99% 4.04% Yj Vag W&epoi rt MA st-on e 404D�l- 1-60% 9.13% 9.13% 1 M2% - 9.?1% Oct 2013 Cl.7 7tva 0.770% S&P 500 fndeKZ,l 3.92% 11.96% T 1.96% 14-6646 6.95% - Cc srom aenchrnarklj 2.95% 10.8ft 1 D. 12.03% - MombigStar Taraer-Dote 20451-1 1-08aeb 7-93% 7.93% 9.61% 4.22% VT VanLaMpoirl-M id!gstppe 205 T-61% 9-32% 932% - - 9.17% F-eb 2014 0.79% 0.79% S&P 500 Ind exz'2 3.a2% 1 1.96%. 11.96% 14,66% 6-95% Cusfam Rewnchmark'3 3WA 10,88% 10.88% - - M0rjV%uq--r'Tr Target-..Dare M5046 01.99% :8-22% 922% 934% 4.07% VT Van amc:i r t m i esmn-e L055A.D.R 4 1.55% 9.3691 9.36% - - 9-36% Nov 2016 32% 0.89% S&P 500 foduz- 3.82% 11.96% 11,96% 14.66% 6.95% - Cosrom 6eAchmcrkl-1 3.OD% 10.88% 10.88% - - Momirfur Target-Dare 20-554,1 1.15% 8.00% &00% 5-64% VT Van M P Cons CLLA 0.11 0.07% 6-20% 6.20% 5 A 9 uY., 4-14% Oct- 2013 0.70% OJ0% 8100M-Meg Barn C?a)-fs U,5.Irpt Agg Rond k?dexr-7-', (2,05%) 1.97% 1.97% i.95%, 4-OD% Custom Benchmark" (0.03%) 5.45% 5.45% 6.90r4h 5.22% M-orningstar A.Wcorion-30%to 5-01,16.EquttyZ-6 (0-20%) 6.62% 6.62% 5.68% 4,06% VT'far rageQoi PC M P Tre 0 G rQyD-11 0. , - -60% 4.68% 57% 726% 726% 7 AhA- Oct 2013 0.72:% 0.72% S SOO index-'`2 3.82% 11.96% 1111.96% 14.66% 5-95% Custom Benchmark-' 1.06% 7.75% 7.75% 9.21% 5.79% Monimpror Allocutior?-50,46 ro 7096 fqvityL% 0.,99% 7.34% 7-34% 8.04% 4M% VT Varata gepa in t M P Lre-Trm Gr^, 1.03% 8-26% &Z6% 4.97F6 Oct 2013 0.76% 0.76% S&P Soo ff?drw- -3-82% 11,96% 11.96% 14.66% 6-95% https://ezlink.icmarc.org/plan/investrnents/fundPerformance._Isp 02115/17 ICMA-RC EZLI'nk Page 5 of 12 EXPENSERATIC qTsL ENDED a 5 in SINCE INCEPTION FUND NAME I BENCHMARK I V31 116 YrD YEAR YEAR YE P. INCEPTION DATE GROSS NET .I Z, Cu-siom Benchrnork'-� 1.94% 9.315.1b 9.36% 10-96% 6.05% Mor.rpingstarNImmon--70%to 85%.Equoty,2-6 1.27% 7.93% 7.93 8490% 4.22% Vr Vanage pant M P GI bl Ea Ge-C-0 0.03% 5.99% 5.99% 10-37% 4.72% Oct 2013 0.80% 0.8016, MSC;A Index 71 1.19% 7.86% 7.86% 9-36% IS6% Custom Benchmark's 1-66% 9-06% 9.06% '11.98% 5.72% Morning-star Wori'd Smack=6 (0-37%) 5"34% 5,541% 9.24% 3,66% Vr-Purka:n:3,Fucaq,-1- 0.33 5,03% 5.03% 10,14% 5.89% Ap-1999 0.36% 0.5616 S 500 IndeX7-7 3-82ry', 11.96° 11.96% 14.66% 6.95% Moraingsurr Alfor.orion--5096 to 70%Equft)F7-'" 0.99% 7,34c.-;. 7.34% 9.04% 4.8" U.S.Stock EXPENSE RATID QTR. ENDED 1 5 10 SINCE INCEP'"Oly FUND NAME I BENCH MARK 12'31118 YTD YEAR YEAR Y I NCIEF"ON DA-rE G ROSS NET Vr Vaniggepoint Egg i1y Income&0-IL M S.72% t 7.16% 17.16% 12,01% 553% Oct 2013 0-61%. 0.6 1% Russeli 1000 Vo;ue'rrdex 17.34% 17.34% 14.80% 5.72% MorniqgsWr Large Voluc--'a634% 14,81% 14.81% 12,97% 5,38% VF Invesco Diversified Q �.d 5.031 14,61% 14.61% - - 9.9CA Dec 0'f3 0.59% 0.53% S&P 500 WdexZ 17 3,82% 1 1.A6% 11.96% 14.66% 6.95% Mr rniropror urge VnWe�a634%. 14,81% 14.91% 12.97% 5.38% V-p AJ lianzGi N Fl Divval ue R 8.744 16-01% 16.019b 11-32% Jul 2 0.98% 0.83% pmeil TOM Value Fylr(ex2- F, 6.68% 17,34% 17.34% 14.80.4 5.72% MOrning-SW LOrgf 634016 14.91% 14.91% 12.971* 5.39% VT Va ntageoi rpt 500 Stk:dxk 3.85% 11.82% 11.82% 14A5% 6.74% Apr 1999 0.23% 0.18% S&P 500 kprfex2,-1-' 3.82% 11. 11-96% 14.66% 6.9596 Vr Vantage point B rd M kt IdXO-IL 3 4.1 r-o;b 12.5 940, 12-59% 14A3% 7.G4% Apr 1999 0.23% 0.18% his-.//e.zlitil .icmarc.ori2/Dlan'invests ents,/fu rid Performance.i s t) 02/15/17 1CMA-RC EZLink Page 6 of 12.0 Qm EXPENSE RATIO ENDED 1. 5 10 SINCE INCEPTION FUND NAME f REMCNMARX 12131/16 YEAR YEAR YEAR INCE"IDN DATE -FLOSS NET ft 6 ssell 3000 index.17 4-219 12.74% 12-74% 14,67% 7.07 W-Vantagg-pDint income-Er." 4.25% 11.22% 11-22% 13-97% 6,79% s Oct 2013 -0.67% 0,677 - r-ra S&P 500 Mde.VZ'� 1 11.90-,-.82% 11.96% 14-66% 6.95% momringslar forge Blendr-r 3.86% 10.37% 10.37% 13.18% 6.07% VT P4rnassjs Core EquILy' f 2-20% 10.40% 10.40% - - 5.38% Nov 20M OM46 0.87I N, S&P 500 Index.-'.- 3.32% 11496% 14.66% 6.95% Morninfsror Large Wend' 3.86% 10.37°x: 10.37% 13.18% 6.07%. VT QapanfiL-imer Marn Srreet� 4.27% 11. 14.57% - 14-66% Dec 2011 ok% M99 S&P 50.0?Y?dex7 3.82% 11,96% 11.96% 14A6% 6.95% - Miorntojgstar Large Bks-nd-- 3-86% 10.37% 10.37% 1318% 6.079 VT Vanragepgint QMwttvk D. 0 (1.48%) (0-07%) �0-07%) 12.06%. 4M% Oct 2013 0.70% 0.70% Rtissell 7000 Gnmth 1.01% 7.0896 7.08% 14.549 8-339 Mamipgsiar Large Gria wrh2,It (0-279 ) 3.2-3% 3.23% 12.94% 6.91% VT Contrat u ndhlil,I,-I-m (0.55%) 3.34% 3.34% 13A6% 7.U% Apr 1999 0.71% .0.719h 3.829x} 11.96% 11.96% 14.66% 6.95% Morningstar Large Gro-Nrh" (0.27%) 123% 3.23% 12.949 6.91*L. Dec2004 0.92% 0-9296 VT 7 Rowe P ricv:�G,owth SLQckA,1�K1--4 0.00% 1.159 1.15% 14-88111. 7-669 SMI SDO fadex7-1 7 182% 1'1.9 % 11.96% 14.66% 6.95% Wmingstar Large Growth-' (0.27%) 123% 3.23% 12,94% 6.97% VT Va magepoint Sel ect Val Uex CIA'.14 0 4.62% 14-32% 14-32% 12,63% - 7.07% Oct 2013 0.87% 0.87% Russel;Midcap Wve Wdex7-"1 5.52% 20M% 20-00% 75,70%, 7.59% warm tar Mid-cap vooue�5 620% 18-06% 18.06% 13.81% 6.76% - VT G21d Sachs Mid IQ,YQJue�11, 5.61 1;6 13.1-3% 13.1391, - - 6.09% De%,--20 j 3 0.9'96 0.1911% Rassell Midcap Volve;ndex2.'a 5.52% 20M% 2-D.00,;.,b 15.70% 7.59% - Mornong,sror.1.1id-Cap Value2-I& &80% 18-06% 1&06% 13.8 1% 6.76% Vr Vapla�epg-n I Aggress bM Qnsok D.IL".a 1.66% 9.9996 9-99% 12.5996 6.13% Ocr.2013 0.619% 0.699r h1tps-pflez1ink.icmarc.ory i nve stments/fimd Performanc e.i sp /plan/' 07/15/17 1CMA-RC EZLink Page 7 of 12 EXP EN5 E RATIO QTR. ENDE D SINCE INCEPTI GN FUND NAME I BENCHMARK 12AII16 Kip VF-AR YEAR YEAR INCEPTIO N DATE GR1155 NET Ros-sO Modcap Gromit?nd-ex- O 0.46% 7.33% 7.33% 13.51% 7.93% Mornm .gsror Mid-Cap Growth' 0,75%, 6.x]3% 6.03% 11.79% &79% VT AMG Times SAuare Mid Cap Gr&q.M.0 0-47% 7--26% 7.26% - - 5.4o% Dec 2013 1.23% 1.23% R-ussell ftdcap Grow Index'-N 0-46% 733% 7.33% 1151% 7.83% Morrringstar Mcf-Cop Growrhl-r,, 0.75% 6.03% 6.03% 11-7199., 6-79% - VT Ho hof-M id-Co:p Growt J,'.'.0 (3-34%) 0.48% 0,48% 12-1794, - 6.48% Jul 2008 1.11% 1,11% RusseH Wrap Grcwth IndeK2--m 0.46% 733% 7-33% 115.1% 7.83% - Mornirvior Mid-Cap Grmvfi-`= 0.75% 6-039 6.03% 11,79% 6.79% V-T--Y.aviW,QgQLinj-N-1-d!5rrj-Co-WXA"P.a 6.08% 17.56% 17.56% 14.64% &00%. Apr 1999 0-24% 019% Russel?2.500 findex-�z' 6.12% 17.59% 17-59% 14.54% 7.69% - Vr Vantagepoint Disc&decyA E�.11.P 7.98% 19.61% 19.61% 13.53% - 6.5'9' Oa 20i 3 0-72% 0.72% Russefi 2"kdaz zz 8.83% 21A1% 21.31% 14.46% T07% Marningoar Smfi Rkndr-5 9.491 20J8% 20.78% 13.52% 6.7,9% - W-Oppen hechi me r Di sc-overyk-1 V.P 4.49% 4.49% - - 4.29% Sep 2013 0.87% 0.87% Rysseil 2000 GrowTh tj?dex:-22 3-570.t 1132% 11-329b 13.774% 7.76% - Moming5rar 5r aft GrovAh-13 3.34% 11.20% 11.210% 12.33% 7.08% International/Global Stack EXPENSE RAM QTR- ENDED 1 5 10 SINCE WCEPTIO N FUND NAME I BENCH MARK. 1 111 YTID 'YEAR YEAR YEAA INCEPTION DATE GROSS DIET (4.39%) 1-02% 1.02% 6.T,0% 1.18% Oct 2013 M86% 0.86% (0,71%) 1.00% 1.00% -&53% 0.75% WmOnptar Foreign Large Hlend2-15 (122%) 039% 0.79% 5.75% 0.54% VTy!pQjg.v,tpo,l:QvrseAsEQ 1.07% 1.07% 6329b 037% Apr 1999 0.30% 0.25% WO EAFF'Index(NerJP- 1.00% 1.00° 6.53% [0.75% hf1nc;--//e7.]*1nk.ie :a.rc,.org/nlaniin��e,.-,,trnents/.fundPe-rformance.is-D 02/15/17 ICMA-KC EZL]nk Page 8 of 12 QTR. EXPE N 5E RATIO ENDED SINCE INCEPTtON FUNID NAME I IIENCHILIRK 12J31116 ym YEAR YEAR YEAR INCEPTFUN DATE OR ass NET W Ha rbor I nLernaflonal k (4-36%) (0-01%) A En.5 7 Der-20D8 1.03% 1.01% �%61--;-�- - MSCI EAFE Hmfex(Net)z Y-1 (0-71 W.) 1-00% 1.0" 6.53°x, 0.754a PuTningstar Forel Large Nerpor-G (2.Z2%) 0.79% 0.79% S.75%, 0-54% I .rr Divers1"led InteMationa[A 1".K-", 14.739b) (3.73%� (3.731°0 7.52% 1.30% Dec 2004 'x.05% 1.05% MS- FSI FF j'.qdex(Afeff-N (0.71%) 1-00% 1,00% 6.53% 0.75 Y., Momingsior ForeV Large Gravghl-E X5.67%) (2.14%) (2.14%) 6.15% 1.43% Specialty qTR� EXPENSE RATIO ENDED 10 SINCE 1111 C EPTION FUND NAME I BENCHMARK 12`31116 VTO YEAR YEM YEAR INCEPMCM DATE GROSS INE7 -.,een ftaf Estate Secsk. 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Cri-Emn,fiAges maybe sLtod DDS"mt rolmn is The po-mt4ty ftt the fdtwzrm.mr:m)*pf its ineyesmmrif a wW broi the reforms awfoo m-arhet.ki t*pM djjjffemAr 4ypCtf-qfsinmnbow expwr ,U of ot.OwWj-cw marpw aW umdMwfcvffj4ux e i r.c cmpansorr w rh e-mxwker a?gemepYFix eh arr4*,gr oATh szmU how pejomwa b5 chr,- a r ft. h7,w so es q ecarwrur e;rw ms*r an 0 vaW v aM bave ptrfwame o tv!r.,, dLa--ngpwM-s of ecammic irecovery So;h vyks rpNVg-p mi oml"c4jzrmDr.*", rhe iovevirg si*ut5ed-byafumd its aur offm-a,-,Mar. -0.15&L-jfir to wverwi-form j)fFrev{vrids ro.e im*-virg sr�ies,fmr are inftivor At F.Ame d a Fd'",!5rffeo rroderimirof T.Rmw Pw GroLeg?rK--0FMh rs rmerved 0.rM7pMFL&.Fd;U*Ma".Rjp_5 0 qpar.- Fwdi rhw kwesr pjrfMW0Y in kmikegreme;tdh Owit rs cunxwrpw*amrkmwd*A mwSfwn1:S in Wger,McNre enov,%-S4 ge 04-f 0-110/&**m kwe f-kvi%um a W art,gv'r e ra*5ub,,a-r ro greww&d kers p rMkTaNe pdC:t d?4 OPS&W rhe NeCLNkMY Of h3fP1 MnWQTiYe7!rL A005 tr.-3T MWEV pnr;Xy�y Aq Compgroes Ir.V12.5op gre-wer 1-1-rkmarl 45 L-.,SrLvmr-dyapmX-law w iftavvzmerja vi Wpm Ywri!-r5tablishird rompamm FQviry Cortirma's&,SmwL<i3i;1fd-zGn0n comoaoms F J3rV gejjffCjpy:5LAW q(vrmiitrf 4:w1vrw1&"f-D oha*rg ecapmw mochim AUck-vwpN<apAWawjom Com*04m MW have ffwt,hfplr4F5.91 0&ft'T)-4wF,Iftwie dip rmf rucwces cind fez;ciperienced.1naropmenr lrani m L w9pamm. S�!or.hrWs 4e-1 fa be tj.-Airrmd mavvokX*Ow tfkw br"d marke becaw-e&fy are gerier(Aly Mss dvervffr-d Ord Moire vokOk vmm 0"m lAro 0 jlw.n,.k EXPENSE Disclosures anwn,,fimdof aailerYM n"rvrdjur;j&,..ftm r;Eftf fo Me LriGlertiemLe farmlVia,r"jmjw adidiaed.No 1r3r&mffE%w apfund ft'a a170d P:TPe++ . WAIVER Disclosures a..4 wm"rwo-expense wax m wes fcR,vias Mill w3de�fwW amo cirri&rAft�04--WOIT &A c<wrrarf oar efipef.6e"i*r posts,N rhsAffRPF arjdffiimgfimid arca'.,virimirp(rip on Q-31-2= c-An ejr�wr.-5,v Norm or reimbue5itvru .F.-a r*f rkjdftr ave IV rti-C-e4w qAnr-Dvnpwe ai-XwemLstgnt data.Av aoakior4r ir,0c&,mzT4r;.rqr00-ng F,,,, pe am reav lf�pluricts pyowauzi- aC A cora reamora f etxpma wwwff res rs*0i&ILmol urdeg Am7d and whexxre wr 0640-NI7. e,A c an rfu mm 0 upmw wohmr em is ftar rhis fm's 4j7der6fing jum 4xW wr r,evp fie art TO-3 F-1D 17. 1 A cwirmc.we a4wam woiwi exists fiat this rv-na's.undo" V NW-mal wilY r-xpu-r ew 05-01-2017- B E N C H MARK D i sclos urea https:/Y'eziink-.icmare.orV,/plar�inNyestments/fiindPe-rt"orniance..isp- 02-1115/17 ICMA-RC EZLInk Page 10 of 12 T- Tft 130 W LA 3.kkvtm irreunuyw Mix,OS M"grfwd q a sn&U.5 Areaswry DAI JSwe pvrCit med m err bq--- :,-jrh marah nn al hem 1w 03 flefflawk at WMch'"L,-rh r•LISJ-e is:50mnd ram d imp a r-ewlie isrst.Lp-TN IRSLer sew(A.d @00 mvr..-h.5 OM Mmirl o immire)p dmLp-cktsev w,but r.,OrbqmOd,Wdaysjram Me XFftlan-er date. 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The 19RKwr4f-r9 ftrdays dAl imermtdoare AffrigWe&ad,rimer car&�3z g urn-Vnwrif grcde 01 fiked 97 w TOywerl Me-rcisreTt berd-Nirpart t5 camofym 84A.WenrAY Lyri-ch J-3 Year 0 Covparate&-Gopwrlmvm meyJ 1- �abm" VSwe Bywreict— Rmr6qU.S.Trm &rms 4 A S&P SM indeg,ftsvA)V-OTj 1r.crex-a*d M SCO AM vt UNA rmili?ir A%W 0 1n wMh red pvc-ET-IqM-rh at-1wTeVWnd 60 dw hmirpt akm o r3 Far r".im eT,s"azes Vww mams rwes M" Al 7he-SAP SM Om&.v ahn`srs of 5M cmpmAm mprE5emrrqgfgWr cWftWL?aj,'no go I U Cks vocmd rp the _j PX 196r rmtorn benc-Mr,-ark A compfftsed of&w gofA Merrde tyrwh?-3 Fear M C-orpai-urr&6owirrm-ew Oder,Xxwurg Sawrell'tVs-L,5 AVT @gWe Owd fildirA,5S 13 SO triAusmY 20=5.Vlctpx.&W MX?ALWA e3 !YK)Yy NrWJ jA wvighited per cemiragez rhar caff-p--cono ro Me Nsroncd fa"CdQCWTOnstow ON assref CW.--;4s Owse widawr,rparer,r Me ACSCT M Cmrv-ry ftrrd Jrodew rRoU is a fterjNbor-m*aEd awiker cWrraUzarponi t%v,.gMd O.eufjr Hw-iF sksiViied ro rrcasw-e-F%,e 1 rC rel enc-vfjhTc and mi;d cop je 114 "rp:s ofaT&-kqed Ono&Twiying MO*M ME drefr WPFVOV OfOM&,FtMftX Mr1reeM drAdewt fate die,*aLgto7 tate;ump?ru rwe imUbDwml jr rzh3 who do fw bier rocitell m n%3.6Wr ruwtiw zirew.res- T:S W CL=rm befLflil"47A ii CD"WisCd Of Dhf SO 50 jrAdeY,Aissel 2000t 4nd-r.%01tv MsCrAcwi e.ir UM mr6ex wev Jfl wriew petcenrages-fw curer paqa ra rhi!Nsraac-1 r----.--.7- rimes trp_-� i rpdeM repFesm, M Thr ftSW 100"Vakte Midew ffmwwwes Ow perfmrmonce of Me Aarge-cup v-!3Axr.;p&mmr of IN u 5 pqzjTe unwrse k irmhmkF Thtwe qLaW KrWt Mtb'bWV.preCR-W-bOalt rOLM3*CMd kWer eAp-S.-r-Ed SXOWJI VU&W!L 17,Ow ft&5W3WM Wax axkpdm mndrnv.=res me peilouric"ce of rhe'OLrMr�Ow UjL tAk*Cradled ronpumm-s bawd-on moqrkK CUPLifabW 7rrion al upe fi%%wXu&tp"A eqwry M&AW The#?uw�j rw". Gnmo km*x mmvmffn me pcq&mmxe of rhe U-1 equily Lor-live.r5c.rt lorfules npmw RlrzpV POW fridaz romper"en with hWw pmce-ra-biwk Yvt*:;md Atw /DrecasredpmwM miker, nw�sw#Afw:�--aper Va6e end"meoswip-s#w xwrfO""wwX Othr Wur sermem air The U.S.eqviry urrWrme.ft frxWfs amse RwSsely W&vp-v Mr awipamars mr.11 rawr prkit- bix*rwjvt5 undlmwu Me Ra5w.N Afdcupl Grewth kxkx err emwes rhepW lWnMMRL q rhe mW-cop s-mw:h:sqmw&of rAL,U.S.equir 2a y anwpfre�It kXk&A"y 4 hol&Pus w re M..dr,,pt•;,kox�Ompmics WAh Agh er Awr--=-Mook Farms Mtd hgh ar 21. Me Ru4W?25COT%l nwizwes rtirpeformwxe RI On 5apaU m mo-tqp iqm.mr of v*t S OQWW UnMML CGMYmr,-,Ie lre�ircr.r-rd rD m-vm;d-CqL W RM04251"TO 0XV.1 rs-a 5a&fl qrrhe Arzrlf JN*ft rrNAM&Id mckets 2_50 Ofjhf_jrnOMM SeCLAVirip 4�1rm* (he RLM*Jf 300M WE,<based Ong rombWWw ty rher mwW cv.,LmM w AimynbmOvp, 2.2 1 he Av-sse 1 f 2000-It err*x rn i?,wj ire5-dw p eqWrAoAce of&r s7npgci:p segAwr q(n.v a rx eqLaly teA&Tm e-TW&m e T,2&M We+5 isi 3 ubw of rlre ft sse.11 3W"kxfffw,and-rxAmAm qppmy&Twei�Z WO ol thie srrm0w wartim based uA a,-oTmlrmtwr,-cTM&xmwker ccpmWcwmw index nwm6tr:zhm 23nre At.-s5eir.2COn Gfoporb,irdiem T.Tawifes rAf pef1w-moficir ollhose klzmeO 2COCq mr.parms wrrh fmghi!r-pw-v-fib bcwA irofts-on-d whim TJX MM Eu rcvm ALutTmWA3 For Easr(E TJ kidex f.Pkrj iQAW mWev-capToummir.inder-of-Ea uirs-m-w4res cbm is avvgWO to Mmse-we I'Are fqhul'v (Ir c4ewlitried atiwkexrkjdD:qg 24 alxv uSL a"Carroda W rwt vr;s i oA qj th rs on frommm dmOm ds cM-r Me dedurTion al vwrhhoMffg rar--%,ui f,ig o ram rme orpkat*to xpam4esden r irdaft=4wl fflwmmrs WFO do ro r b&Wn ft,"dovbk wo Mvv (rd4wrty. .25-.%e&IlXf US RST it reflec rs rh i?*&-qo re cm in on-aw per amort re 0 RR 7-5(Rv GLI Ls=r Ormutm.m r Tnisw rNif Q vrri.d PsWop,i7kri a nm rxV pmJ haps;f/eAnk.icmatc.orgy'plan-bvestments.4and P c rtorm ante sp 02/15/17 ICMA-RC E7Link- Page l] of 12 r,�:-re a --Teem i---i v:e.-r cwe camp&rre M.Ornmdon mW be a&mVw-d by cKdjjW bekw. * Mak i ng Sou nd Investment Dec isions:A Retirement I nvfntm en t G u i de * Retirement Investment Guide-Addifignal Information Aq 1"a of s W A,]re o 3 Vitt 0 1 s c L-j yj re Oc rj.-q(,r-Zs c kfcy,e.f vm r.-rg. httt)s://ezlink.icmarc.orv-/r)lan/'investments,?'fundPerformance-i sp 020115/17 ICMA-RC EZLin k Page 12 of 12 https://ezlink.icmare.orc,y,/planiinvestments�ffundPerformance.isp 02/15/17