HomeMy WebLinkAbout08. Review draft Position Paper to amend a professional agreement with Carollo Engineers for the Plant Energy Optimization Project, District Project 7320 Central San 80 BOARD O F DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER D Board Meeting Date: March 2, 2017 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT AMENDMENT WITH CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR DESIGN AND BIDDING SERVICES FOR THE PLANT OPTIMIZATION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 7320 Submitted By: Initiating Dept.lDiv.: Craig Mizutani, Senior Engineer Engineering and Technical Services/Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: E. Lopez-Capital Projects Division Manager JM. Petit- Director of Engineering and Technical Services Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE: Board of Directors' (Board) authorization is required for the General Manager to execute amendments to any agreement above 15% of the original agreement amount. BACKGROUND: On November 3, 2016, the Board authorized the General Manager to revise Agreement No. 044520 with Carollo Engineers, Inc. to increase the cost ceiling from $29,495 to $120,000 for design services under the Plant Energy,Optimization Project, District Project 7320. The original agreement scope of work was to determine the feasibility of adding a Carbon Monoxide (CO) Catalyst for the reduction of CO emissions from Central San's gas turbine-driven cogeneration system. It was also recommended to add evaporative cooling to the cogeneration system intake air to increase fuel efficiency. Both improvements have a combined payback of three years or less and provide an increased reliability in operating the system under the CO permit requirements. The agreement was increased to $120,000 for the design phase of the project. During the design work, staff determined that the existing reverse osmosis (RO) unit that supplies pu rif ied water to the cogeneration unit NOx system now needs to be replaced as part of this project. The design planned to use the existing RO system to supply high- quality water to the new evaporative cooling system. The existing RO unit is over 20-years old and has been operating at reduced capacity due to several recent membrane failures. There is no redundancy for the existing RO unit. An inspection by the manufacturer's representative for the RO unit revealed that the unit is almost obsolete. Although membranes may still be available, newer technology is recommended for the unit that increases membrane life by up to five times compared to the existing RO unit. In addition, the proposed evaporative cooling system requires the use of the RO unit or an alternate system for water due to an increase in water demand. An additional $65,000 is requested to include the design of the new RO system in coordination with the evaporative cooling system. The new RO system will include two independent units to provide full redundancy and will meet the existing demand for NOx Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date. M arch 2, 2017 subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT AMENDMENT WITH CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR DESIGN AND BIDDING SERVICES FOR THE PLANT OPTIMIZATION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 7320 control and the new demand for the evaporative cooling system. The additional design services include project meetings, field investigations, bidding support, and additional control system design associated with the new evaporative cooler and turbine requirements. Including the RO unit replacement increases the reliability of operating the cogeneration system and is energy efficient. The project economic analysis has been updated with a new business case. The project now has apayback of approximately 3.4 years, as detailed in Attachment 1 , Updated Project Business Case Analysis. This project aligns with Central San's Strategic Plan Goal 6, Strategy 4, to optimize energy efficiency. The replacement of the RO unit meets Strategic Plan Goal 5, Strategies 1 and 2, manage assets optimally through their lifecycle and facilitate long-term capital renewal and replacement. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: Continue to operate and repair the existing RO unit at an increased frequency and not include its replacement in the project, which is not recommended. The RO system is required to meet NOx emissions requirements of the Cogeneration. The evaporative cooler also requires RO quality water. Replacing the existing RO system with a new, larger system with built-in redundancy, that would incorporate the design requirements of both the existing NOx system and the new evaporative cooler, is the most cost-effective approach compared to operating two independent systems (one existing and one new). FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The current total project cost estimate is $1 ,115,000, which includes design, bidding, construction, contingency, and construction management services. This project is included in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-17 Capital Improvement Budget on page 133 with a total project budget of $1 ,400,000. To date, the approved budget is $718,000, and no additional funding is required at this time. Staff will present the final project budget at time of award. The work is estimated to be completed in November 2017. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this subject at the meeting on February 22, 2017, and recommended approval of the agreement amendment. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement amendment with Carollo Engineers to increase the cost ceiling from $120,000 to $185,000 to provide additional design and bidding support for the Plant Energy Optimization Project, District Project 7320. Attached SyMortinq Document.- 1. Updated Project Business Case Analysis Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT 1 Updated Project Business Case Analysis Date: 2/15/2017 Eve 1.9L Project: TP Energy-Cogen Optimization Prepared By: Chathu Abeyrathna JChecked By: Sarwan Wason BUSINESS CASE ANALYSIS Updated Project Costs Do Nothing including new RD units Capitan Costs For 1st Year: Planning/Design Costs $Q $2881000 Direct Equipment Costs $0 $300,000 Construction Costs $0 $275,000 CM Costs $0 $252,000 O&M Costs For 1st Year; District Staff Time Cost $25,044 $32,500 Solar PM Additional Cost $0 $p Chemical Costs $0 $0 Additional Steam Generation Costs $120,000 $0 RO Membrane Replacement Costs $61200 $0 PG&E Costs $600,000 $320,000 Natural Gas Costs $1,880,004 $1,944,000 OW Costs for Year 1 $2,631,000 $2,297,000 Capital Costs for Year 1 $0 $1,115,000 Net Present Value for 10 years $250179,000 $237482,000 'ot Recommended Recommended Assumptions: Discount Rate,f 4.00% Based upon CWMP Basis of Cost TM 3 O&M Cost Inflation Rate,% 2.60% Based on 2011-2015 Average CPI Capital Costs Inflation Rate,% 2.50% Based on 2011-2015 Average ENR CCI PG&E Cost Inflation Rate,%4 4.72% Based on 2012-2016 normalized PG&E Average Total Rate($/KWh) Cost of Natural Gas $51MMBTU Increased Aux Boiler demand 16.8 million lbs of Aux boilers can produce 870 lbs of steam 1 year stew m/M M BTU Natural Gas Cost Inflation Rate,% 4.00% _ {-0.42 }inflation from 2002-201.6 Lifecycle period,years 10 years Run Cogen as-is producing—2.3MW and continue increased PG&E Dv Nothing import.Use existing R(7 Unit. Updated Project Costs including new RU units Add CO Catalyst,Evaporative Cooler and replace RG unit for reliability