HomeMy WebLinkAbout05. Review of Cost Sharing of Candidate Statements 50 Central San February 1 , 2017 TO: ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE FROM: ELAINE BOEHME, SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT SUBJECT: REVIEW OF COST SHARING OF CANDIDATE STATEMENTS Issue The Board of Directors has requested that the past practice of requiring that candidates pay $500 towards the cost of publication of their Statement at the time of filing be reviewed to determine if changes should be made prior to the 2018 election. Background Information Prior to each election, the Board of Directors must reaffirm or modify the District's regulations regarding the word limit, payment of costs, and payment of a deposit for Candidate Statements. In 1996, due to prohibitively high costs compared to other agencies, the Board voted to have the District share in the cost of publication of Candidate Statements. For the 2016 election, the Board re-adopted regulations requiring that candidates pay $500 towards the cost of publication of their Statement at the time of filing their nomination papers, that the balance be paid by the District after the election costs were determined, and that the Statement be limited to 250 words. The estimated cost for each Candidate Statement for the 2016 election is $1 ,967. Candidate statements over 250 words would be double in price. Below is information regarding other agencies' cost-sharing of candidate statements for the 2016 election. N:\ADMINSUP\ADMIN\DIST-SEC\ELECTIONS\Review of Cost Sharing of Candidate Statements.doo COST-SHARING OF CANDIDATE STATEMENTS Agency Estimated Cost of 2016 Candidate Statement Candidate Statement Cost-Sharin AC Transit $ 823 Candidate pays first S800 CCWD Division 3 $583 Candidate pays full cost of Division 4 $455 statement Division 5 $471 Central San $1,967 Candidate pays first $500, agency pays rest DSRSD $ 223 Candidate pays up to $450, agency pays reo.-,f,. EBMUD $ 807 Candidate pays up to $1 ,000, agency pays anything_over EBRPD Ward 1 $935 Candidate pays up to $1 ,000, Ward 2 $567 agency pays anything_over Ironhouse Sanitary $ 231 Candidate pays full cost of District statement Mt. View Sanitary $ 175 Candidate pays full cost of District statement West County $ 423 Candidate pays full cost of Wastewater statement Historical Cost of CCCSD Candidate Statements Year No. of Statements Cost per Statement Candidate Share District Share 2016 4 statements $1 ,967 (est.) $500 $5,868 (est.) 2014 No election $ 0 $ 0 $0 2012 6 statements $2,219 $500 $10,314 2010 4 statements $37420 $500 $113680 Central San Total Election Cost Year 2016 (4 statements) 2014 No election $ 620 2012 (6 statements) $ 270,000 2010 (4 statements) $ 174,000 N:IADMINSUP\ADMIN\DIST-SEC\ELECTIONS\Review of Cost Sharing of Candidate Statements.doe . . ATTACHMENT C-CAN DI DATE STATE'IIS ENT-� COST ESTI MATES November 8, 2016 ,. A,T E--,;;. ..... ............... .............................. Acalanes Union High . $743.00 2S0 Candidate -...__..._.___,11,-.._..............w...- -...... �..,....... _- ..- .......... .--....-..-...-- 1.1 I——,-.""".". .... .. . Antioch Unified - $503.0D 250 Candidate .--..................,....-............................................ .. .... . ...w-_.,.... ..............._....-...._............w............................_.. -.......-......._............,-."............- --- --- w . .... . Brentwood Union $327.00 250 Candidate .................._............................... ..............1..........1.11...... ......_ .....- ---......_............._............._......._..--..--.. ........_-..�- .............. .....-...........-. .-..- - Byron Union $127.00 250 Candidate - -------I -- ---- - ----- - - .-- --. -......-".---1.,,...-1.1-_II.�.�.I!.SI:.I!I............- -- . _ _...... ....... Canyon Elementary $53.00 25D Candidate Chabot--Las Positas Community College-�Ward 7 $71.00 250 Candidate . . . ; ; .. ; Contra Costa Board of Education . . .I . .1. : Area 1 $019.00 250 Candidate Area 3 $1,047.00 :_ ... .... .1.........1..1...1 .,..._ ...........,..,..,.._................W........,.,_........... _- Contra Costa Community College . 1141ard 2 $1,311.0❑ 250 Candidate �kA.A�A�- Ward 5 $903.00 .....- .. ...... .. . .... .............".., .............................._....-....-..........---...-----1- 1' 1...1......,----.-..-.-....-..-------.. .1.1....1....1.... _....--...- 111 ....... . . . .. . .......I..I.eI.eI�I.eIeIIII...II�..eII.IIxI;..1.­IIi John Swett Unified $17.00 250 Candidate Ik. .................._... '--•------ -- --- -- Knightsen Elementary $71.00 250 Candidate -.".-,-1.". 111.1.....-........,.... ..N.w....._ ­_ 1 ......-......�.. s.._- ._-...�......_.�......... ......... ...._.............................--.-.�..-.._r....... .-.- H,.. Lafayette $231.00 250 Candidate = .1111..., ,1..111. ,_.. ........_.._....... ......_....w,.._.._..-._...-...-__...._ry,,.._-.,.1-111.---•. .. .............................._.--............... .........I...­ Liberty Union High $55'9.00 250 Candidate Livermore valley Joint Unified . _1111 ....- Shared with Alameda $03.00 250 Candidate �...:..:......_...._..._...-., - .... ..... ....... _.. __.-;.- �-.._.....ry 1111.�.............w...........w.....- Martinez Unified $223.00 250 C . ,1111-1.111-.......-.-1111.. Moraga $159.00 2.50 Candidate r ..1111. w.... ............... ....................._._......-....--...,.-_............................_. .1.1..1..1.._-... .._ _111 1.. ftllt. diablo Unified $1,271.0❑ 250 Candidate m r.r...... .. ..........-. ...............-.._........... ..1.1....... ...... .........-._.-. ,....----....-�.........-.._ .._ . .... ]akley Union Elementary $207.00 250 Candidate w. .-........-1111..-.._........-1111.-1111_- _.........,.,_. Orinda Union $183.00 250 Candidate . -"-,-._.....--,......-...-.._. �....v...-..�-..._..-.,-r--.._- �. �.-..-.....n.- .._.......-M».N-.._.w --a.-..-_..-,-- .�_a-_ « r.. _ _._._ Y..m_._.- ri_.. ... . ...... Pittsburg Unified $253.00 250 Candidate :.:_1.,..1....-.-....-_..--................. .... -- ......-.................... ­­._.­--­­.1­i San Ramon Valley Unified $823.00 250 Candidate .,........................ ..-_._... .._ -.-..._......- w . . ....�. ,,-,11.1.., .-.�_. ...1111 ..-�- ..i. _ - - Walnut Creek $351.00 250 Candidate . .....-.....-....._._............._..._.........._...........w.......-............W. ...-�.._...................._-..,..........�._........_....._...._....... .....-._..........................�..........- .._1.....111. ..wti..- -- --.._......__.. -,-,w..........µ.»... ....!.i.�Z..i.�Z-.Z�;-!;-.;-.;-.;.I-k-I.I-1.k-k-kkk-,-k._k.-1--,I�._k--.,-._-.- _1111_ West Contra Costa Unified $1,071.00 250 Candidate .- '::'+14�:'.'.' .:I:. i�': �.:'...:.:. '1:111..•.,:..�'.�...:.:.��.....��'. ......'... .:.: ......::"....:::.':::".'.:'::':::.:.:::::':::::::.:.::::::.::::.:'::'':.....:....;:1 11.1::.:....:1:'11 1::'::::: 1 1:1::1'1:'1:1 1 ::.. .':.... .:: ':::...'::.:.::::::'::.::i:::.:'::11:1:1:::-'.::::'.;::::::;:::::'.:::::::::'.:::'..............::':::.''1:'::'.::1:::1:'::1'::..::.::::':::::.::.:':..::::.::::.::':...::..:":::' ..11:11. .:..:..::...:.:..::...::.:::..:..::.:..:..::.::. .:.: ...11'11.' '.::..: k. ... ::. :...:.::.::... ........'.1::.......:....... :':.:;............:':'.:.::::::::::;:.1::1:1::':1 .. .. .- ..:. ... .... . . ': C T: T AT .�1T At t : ... 1. i:.': ...................................,............... ..................-.....-.....-....--......,....-........................................;....................................................... ..,.....................,.....,..............,................ .. ..... ......-...............-.............1111.... .....i Alameda-Contra Costa Transit F Candidate pays .....,...A-. t Large-�Shared--w- ith Alameda C1.1ounty $823.00 250 one time in Ward 1--Shared with Alameda County $823.00 : County of domicile. _ ..1 .........-­­ ....1......­­....... .v..........._.._............_..........._..... ................_....-............--............... ....- .­ Ambrose . Ambrose Recreation&Park $135.00 250 Candidate -w w__. _,-w.:�.W.._...w-.w�.�M --m m.�..,-..._.:.:,.y y.::.:_..,w._:s._-a_a . --_ r r...,.. _..-.e __1111._._.w....w_...._...µ 1111.. �..�...:....,.......,........1111 Bethel Island Municipal Improvement $71.00 250 Candidate ............................_._...._-,.,..w._.._. u...._.........._..........-.«V................. w...-......-.._.......w...................._.-1111..__.------ -- �..,.....,...__._...--..- ....".. ...............,..,........................-..._.... 111...............-.._... Byron Sanitary $03.00 25D Candidate . .. ..,. 1111.._. 1111.................._.....__ ._.I......_......_..............I——.......- . . .. Byron Bethany Irrigation . Division 2 $71.00 250 Candidate Castle Rock County Water - . ;- $53.00 250 1. Candidate jkkIkjk *'Allard limit is 250 unless otherwise determined by the resolution from the district. C-1 .:. ''' ..:..;,...... .... Central Contra Costa Sanitary $1,967.00 250 Candidate .................... ........... ----Contra Costa water Division 3 $553.00 . Division 4 $455.00 250 Candidate Division 5 s $471.00 .................. ------- .............. Crockett Community Services $79.00 h ... 250 Candidate Diablo Community Services $03.001 250 Candidate ......Dia........1­1,:�blo Wat.............................er $22...... ............................ ........ -----------.................. ............­­­-.13.00------------------- 2S..........a............................... ..................Candidate Town of Dis.............covery Ba......y Community Serv.................ices.................. $127.00 250 Candidate ...............Dublin-San Raman Services 250 Candidate Shared with Alameda County $223-00 Candidate pays one East Bay Municipal Utility $507.00 250 time in County of Ward 1 domicile, East Bay Regional Park Candidate pays one Ward 1 $935.00 250 time in County of Ward 2 $557.00 domicile. { East Contra Costa Irrigation Division 1 $135.00 Division 2 $127.00 250 Candidate Division 3 $143.00 s a..Division.«..5. .._.. $159.00_.. ......._...-...._...-...._.-....-.-.-..............--..-......-....--...-.-... . .._ _............ ........................ Green Valley Recreation&Park _ $63.00 250 Candidate Ironhouse Sanitary $231.00 250 Candidate Kensington Fire Protection $95.030 250 Candidate .......................... Kensington Police&Community Services $95.00 250 Candidate Knightsen Town Community Services $03.00 250 Candidate .... .........._�........Mm ..._..... _ �..........._........._..�......_.- _...._........_ _._ _.M................ Las Medan�os Community Healthcare..........­,­...­­-­-­­­1 $391.00 250 Candidate ................. ...................................................... Moraga—Orinda Fire Protection 3 Division 2 $95.00 250 Candidate Division 5 $103.00 _.......-. .._-.,..__............ w..... -- H..._ _...., w............_ uµ..-a..._...._.....u. ._-._._.........w.-. ......... _.............w...-... Mt.View Sanitary $175.00 250 Candidate ............................._............................._........._......__......w....�..........._ Y.. ..... Pleasant Hill Recreation&Park $271.00 250 Candidate ;....,.,a...-..,..... ..._....._----------------- ......_._....��......-.-._.-_..... _..._.. -_ __..._...__._....._._......._............_ --_ ........N. _._...... .-.­­­­-_­,­_­_.11...- Rodeo Sanitary $95.00 250 Candidate Roden--Hercules Fire Protection3 $21.5.030 250 � Candidate Rollingwnvd�-�Itlilart..Park Rec. & Park`.........-�.�....�...�.�.� 1. 7 _.....,,,_.�.�..�_�$ .�1C3�.w.�.�.._.. , ..-..-.,.,�... 250 � �..m.,..� .._ M-._�_.Candidate��..w-.���.�. ------- ............ ------- .......... San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit _... Candidate pays one. District 1 $2,107.00 250 time in.County of District 3 $519.00 District 7 $991.00 domicile, _.- - . .- -. -.- ------- u__ -... - -- _.. San Ramon Valley Fire Protection $515.00 250 Candidate �.....-. ..-.......................................,...........-.._..-...........-.... v... _-.....-..........-.-......................... _..... ._.. �.,.-................... ...... ........M...._............................. ...-.; Stege Sanitary 3. $255.00 250 Candidate _,..,......... ....._...... _. ._ .� ....,..u....,.... _ b., _,_. ...,... _.. «._....... ... ....� ..�ww....._ �...�..._....,.-.w, West Contra Costa Healthcare $1,119.00 250 Candidate w.._ _.-....-......._.--. .._.....................--.._.-.. ..-.-......-.-..-.......-_..,...-_ ._.._.. .-_... -....._._ .. -...._..._.. _....... _.-- West County 1frt�astewater $423.00 250 Candidate *Word limit is 250 unless otherwise determined by the resolution from the district. C-2 >:, .. ..................................... .................... ....... . ... .... ...... ...... ...k ............... ........ . ....................I...... ............ � �: #" Antioch $479.01 250 Candidate ........................................Brentwood $319.00 250 Candidate . _....._:.........--_....__.._., ...,..._........... ........._., ....-......._.:.._..................._._.............:....:._.. _..__... ............................... u... Clayton.................... $127.00 250 Candidate Concord $599.000 250 Candidate ---------------------------------- ...................................... _.............. Danville $319.00 250 Candidate .. - .........,....._.....,...,,,,.... ,,.i.....,..,...,..,..,...,...»..................................v,.u-x.,....-. ._o........ El Cerrito...... = $1..............91........0Q 250 Candidate ....Hercules - $275.00 250 Candidate Lafayette - $215.00 250 Candidate Martinez = $263...00 250 Candidate Moraga $251.00 250 Candidate Oakley ...... $215.00 250 Candidate Orinda $183.00 250 Candidate Pinole $151.00 250 Candidate Pittsburg $303.00 250 Candidate Pleasant Hill $239.00 2.50 Candidate Richmond $471.00 250 Candidate .....-- ......... San Pablo $143.00 3 250 Candidate San Ramon $383.00 250 Candidate t Walnut Creek $447.00 250 Candidate = -------------- *ltll'ord limit is 2.50 unless otherwise determined by the resolution from the city. f ti t: C-3