HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.b. Authorize the Board President to participate with Contra Costa Water District's Board President on an opinion/editorial piece regarding the State's new draft water use framework 7. b. Central San BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: January 12, 2017 Subject AUTHORIZE THE BOARD PRESIDENT TO PARTICIPATE WITH CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT'S BOARD PRESIDENT ON AN OPINION/ EDITORIAL PIECE REGARDING THE STATE'S NEW DRAFT WATER USE FRAMEWORK Submitted By. Initiating Dept./Div.: Emily Barnett, Communication and Administration/Communication Services Intergovernmental Relations Manager Melody LaBella, Resource Recovery Engineering & Technical Services Program Manager Department/Resource Rec ery REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: I .0 Q. Roger S.Bailey General Manager ISSUE: CCWD has invited Central San to develop and issue a joint opinion/editorial regarding the State's newly proposed water use efficiency framework under the signatures of the each District's Board President. Board approval is required to authorize the Board President to endorse opinion pieces on behalf of Central San. BACKGROUND: On May 9, 2016, State Executive Order B-37-16 (EO) was issued. The EO built on temporary statewide emergency conservation requirements and tasked State agencies with establishing a long-term framework for water conservation and drought planning. The EO also directed the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board), California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), and California Energy Commission (CEC) — collectively referred to as the "EO Agencies" — to summarize in a report a framework for implementing the EO and incorporating water conservation as a way of life for all Californians. On November 30, 2016, the EO agencies released a draft copy of the proposed framework, which promotes efficient use of the State's water resources in all communities, whether conditions are wet or dry, and prepares the State for longer and more severe drought cycles in the future. The draft framework can be found here: http://www.water.ca.gov/wateruseefficiency/conservation/docs/EO B-37-16 Report.pdf Rather than measuring water savings as a reduction from a chosen baseline, the new standards will take into account the unique climatic, demographic and land-use characteristics of each urban water agency's service area, regardless of the water source. This approach represents a fundamental shift in reducing water use. The State Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: January 12, 2017 Subject AUTHORIZE THE BOARD PRESIDENT TO PARTICIPATE WITH CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT'S BOARD PRESIDENT ON AN OPINION/ EDITORIAL PIECE REGARDING THE STATE'S NEW DRAFT WATER USE FRAMEWORK believes the new targets will ensure all urban water is used efficiently and will facilitate conservation measures. While conservation is essential, the unfortunate aspect of this newly proposed approach is that all water is treated equally. Urban water agencies had previously been able to take credit for recycled water usage as reduced potable water consumption; however, the new framework applies the same efficiency standards to recycled water. As a result, prior investments in local water supplies (like recycled water) are devalued in that they would no longer be counted as a direct potable water offset. In addition, the prior incentive to develop new recycled water projects to meet the State's required 20 percent reduction in urban water use by 2020 is eliminated. The opinion/editorial piece jointly drafted by CCWD and Central San helps address concerns with the new framework, particularly as it relates to local control of water/recycled water projects and the diminution of investments in recycled water and elimination of incentives to develop new recycled water projects. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could elect to not participate in an opinion/editorial piece; however, the Board has expressed interest in finding ways to work collaboratively with sister agencies and expand the use of recycled water. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Due to the short timeframe, it was not possible to review this item with a Board Committee prior to seeking full Board approval. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the Board President to participate with Contra Costa Water District's Board President an opinion/editorial piece regarding the State's new draft water use framework. Attached Supoortinq Document: 1. Proposed opinion/editorial piece Page 2 of 2 Target: 650 Word Count: 671 TITLE: to be determined By Lisa Borba (CCWD Board President)and Paul Causey(Central San Board President) Concord—One significant takeaway from this drought is that investments in local, resilient water supplies are imperative to get through extended dry periods. In the most recent drought, customers have sacrificed and conserved. Locally, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's (Central San) recycled water efforts combined with Contra Costa Water District's(CCWD)conservation, storage,and regional connections have helped navigate several dry/drought years. As state officials examine long-term water use efficiency regulations that propose major changes to the state's authority over local water use,we are concerned that they are not giving proper recognition for investments in recycled water, and you, as a paying customer should be too. State officials have recently released a new water use efficiency framework entitled, "Making Water Conservation a California Way of Life." This framework outlines a new approach to the state's regulatory oversight on residential water use and targets to which local water agencies will be held accountable.This is a change from the previous regulation of 20%conservation by 2020, and would implement more complex measurements of local water use and conservation goals.This step by the state raises concerns about taking over local control and overlooking unique conditions depending on location. CCWD provided comments to the state regarding concerns about how new regulations would be enforced and accounted for on a local basis-including how recycled water is accounted for as part of a local supply. CCWD and Central San agree that the state's proposed framework diminishes existing investments made in recycled water and eliminates incentives to invest in future recycled water projects.This should be amended. CCWD has worked with Central San and others to implement projects to provide recycled water for landscape irrigation and industrial use. In fact, approximately 10%of all CCWD's water demand is met with recycled water provided by local wastewater agencies. Central San has been delivering recycled water since the 1970s and is currently providing over 200 million gallons of recycled water annually to commercial and irrigation customers in Pleasant Hill,Concord and Martinez. During the drought, Central San opened fill stations for residents to access free recycled water for use at their homes.The response from residents was tremendous with nearly two thousand residents signing up for the program and faithfully filling their containers and totes to bring home recycled water for lawns and landscapes.This was new for residents and the response shows another valued service that can be met with recycled water. Recycled water will play a significant role in new development as well.With the need for separate pipes to distribute recycled water, it is difficult to implement in existing neighborhoods without major disruptions, and it is expensive to dig up streets to lay down miles of new pipes and other facilities. New planned developments, like the Concord Reuse Project at the old Concord Naval Weapons Station site, provide fresh opportunity to lay out the pipes and pumps before the roads, homes and businesses are built. CCWD and Central San have joined with the City of Concord,to use recycled water for public parks, medians and commercial/residential landscaping for the Concord Reuse Project. CCWD and Central San are concerned that the state's proposed framework for regulations does not adequately credit local water systems for using alternative sources like recycled water. In effect,the state will be taking away years of customer's investments in their local water supply projects, significantly devaluing these investments.The framework is also missing an opportunity to provide incentives for local agencies to invest in new recycled water projects.We need to ensure the state hears our concerns and makes changes accordingly to support customer's investments in a reliable water supply. We need to avoid heavy-handed state approaches that rob local water agencies' ability to implement projects that make sense for our community. We encourage residents to contact their state representatives and support us in protecting local control.