HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.a. Adopt Resolution commending outgoing Board President Tad J. Pilecki for his service 5.a.
WHEREAS, Tad J. Pilecki was appointed to serve as President of the Board of
Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) for 2016; and
WHEREAS, under the able leadership of President Pilecki, Central San accomplished
significant goals and objectives, promoting the mission, vision, and values of the District
as a high-performance organization that provides exceptional customer service and
regulatory compliance at responsible rates; and
WHEREAS, Central San celebrated its 70th anniversary with a successful, educational,
and fun open house for over 1,000 Central San customers and stakeholders; and
WHEREAS, under his leadership the Board of Directors adopted new policies on
Recycled Water, Board Ethics and Conduct, Occupational Health and Safety, and
Legislative Advocacy; and
WHEREAS, President Pilecki also served as Chair of the Board's Finance Committee,
providing oversight and review of Central San's compliance with federal, state, and
public financing requirements; and as a member of the Board's Engineering and
Operations Committee, ensuring appropriate levels of internal controls, and regulatory
compliance; and
WHEREAS, for Fiscal Year 2016-17, the Board of Directors adopted a consolidated
budget document that for the first time incorporates Central San's Strategic Plan Goals
and Initiatives, a separate section for the Recycled Water Program, and changes to the
Capital Improvement Program to replace budget allocations with individual project
budgets; and
WHEREAS, under his leadership, Central San authorized the establishment of a 115
Pension Trust to further reduce the unfunded liability to the District, providing flexibility
and more control over asset allocation; and
WHEREAS, during his tenure, the Central San Academy was launched, providing
customers a six-week course covering all facets of Central San, which garnered the
2016 award for Exceptional Public Outreach and Advocacy from the California Special
District Association; and
WHEREAS, during his Presidency, Central San implemented a Mentorship Program in
alignment with the District's Strategic Plan and ongoing efforts to provide development
opportunities for District staff; and
WHEREAS, with his support, staff completed Central San's Wholesale Recycled Water
Opportunities Study, which identified potential recycled water projects with large year-
round demands, and continues working to further develop the opportunities identified in
the study; and
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Resolution No. 2017-001
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WHEREAS, under his leadership, the District's Treatment Plant met all the
requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit
and received the Platinum 18-Peak Performance Award from the National Association
of Clean Water Agencies; and
WHEREAS, under his purview, for the 15th consecutive year, Central San was awarded
the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report by the Government Finance Officers
Association of the United States and Canada; and
WHEREAS, under his leadership, the Pipeline newsletter was recognized by the
California Association of Public Information Officials with the Award of Distinction for an
external newsletter; and
WHEREAS, during his term as President, Central San was recognized as a Champion
of Youth Advocacy by Earn and Learn East Bay, an agency founded by the Workforce
Development Board of Contra Costa County, for the District's commitment to providing
internship opportunities for students; and
WHEREAS, under his direction, the Board of Directors supported District rebranding by
implementing a process to update the logo and tagline, and standardize the use of
Central San as the agency's identifier; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Tad J. Pilecki is hereby commended for
his distinguished service and leadership at Central San during his year as Board
President, resulting in the continued success of this high-performance, innovative, and
fiscally responsible organization that protects the public health and the environment
every day.
PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 12th day of January, 2017.
Paul H. Causey
President of the Board of Directors
Michael R. McGill
James A. Nejedly
David R. Williams
Elaine R. Boehme, CMC
Secretary of the District