HomeMy WebLinkAbout03. Review COR Solutions' organic recycling proposal for Central San Buffer Land(0) CONCENTRIC DEVELOPivIENT GROUP Bay Area Rail and Waterway Transport Distribution 3. Solutions There are eight major redevelopments in the Bay Area that need to use water and rail access to efficiently transport their building, raw, and disposable materials. CDG and COR Solutions would like to create an asset recovery process that does not currently exist in the U.S. A few examples of our asset recovery processes are: — We will perform an extraction process by separating the bitumen out of the asphalt materials which allows the developers to reuse the aggregate back onsite at 100%. We will then sell the bitumen back to a Aggregate company for repurpose. — We will sell reclaimed water to the developers for dust control on their developments. — We will use the sewage sludge to make bio swale and energy fuel pellets. CDG and COR Solutions has identified four ideal locations in Contra Costa County that we would like to create asset recovery sites: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Martinez), City of Martinez, Dow Chemical (Pittsburgh), and the Wilbur -Gaylord property (Antioch). le(b) CONCENTRIC 11%EutfsPrvIC-NT View of Future Development Sites Candlestick Park / Hunters Point Redevelopment Treasure Island Redevelopment So u ions Oakland Army Base Redevelopment 77. -44etit: T •••• + -•• Concord Weapons Station Redevelopment 10) CONCENTRIC DLVELOPMENT GPOLIP View of Future Development Sites Alameda Naval Base Redevelopment Oak To Ninth Street Redevelopment Napa Pipe Redevelopment Inr•-•-4 . . — ,441.7 j. Mare Island Naval Base Redevelopment Solutions .0: '‘. o•to7..Z.H. 4 , 1 41111116.611.-LiikaLlianni.LAL.L.A. hi, Id L.,. .WM61.1 LLJ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District - Martinez The blue area will he accepting raw materials that consist of asphalt vrindings, concrete. clean fill, compost, and dredge material from the Martinez Marina. This is also the area where we will mix our material together to create bio swale, clay bricks. clay blocks. and aggregate base. The red line area is the conveyer system. After we have created our product, we will send the final product to our staging area for pick up (green area). The purple line shows where 5ft berms will be located. Materials That Will Be Imported Into The Site Asphalt, Cement, Soil, Sand, and Wood Sludge Dewatering Machine Pellet Manufacturing Equipment Line Fuel Pellet Process Sludge Drying Machine Completed Fuel Energy Pellets UMW. Biomass Generator • The Biomass Generator (BG100) is a new and highly efficient technology • It is capable of producing up to 100kW of renewable electricity and 150kW of renewable heat Cfalbotess Five Ingredients To Create Bio Swale Dirt 12" min. clepth Bioretention Soil Mix Sand Dredge Material Compost River Rock Compacted Subgrade 4"- 8" Drainage Fill in Filter Fabric Aggregate / SIO. RETENTION SWALE SID -RETENTION SCiL PERfOWED PIPE MULCH GRAVEL SASE The green area represents the dredging and pumping operation The red area represents the solids-liquids separation facility for the Martinez Marina and also the conveying system to the rail cars. The orange line represents the rail car transport to the CCCSD mixing facility The red area represents the solids -liquids separation facility for the Martinez Marina and also the conveying system to the rail cars. ASAP CONNECTION FOR OTHER DREDGING VESSELS 12' to 18' PIPELINE u 2 TO POND 1C 0 2 0 0,I- DRED E D MATERIAL SEPARATION & MIXING FACILITY - OPTION A SANDZAPPER'S DREDGED WATER DISCHARGE PAD :DREDGED D MATERIAL f � SHAKER'S DREDGED WATER MUD o � PAD - CONDITIONER'S DRYER'S PAD - PAD ----,L:?_tDcr LOS LONG ARM EXCAVATOR WITH SUBMERSIBLE PUMP TO CONSTRUCTION DREDGED SOLIDS DRY DREDGED SOLIDS n / DREDGED L.„( SOLIDS TO BAY POND2 MIXER TO MIXER IMP' JAMMO IIIConstruction Debris (C&D) Waste (asphalt paving & roof shingles) Wilbur Gaylord Site - Antioch II Clean Fill (Hanson Sunol Concord) Conveyer System 1 • • e ear -4, • Ile g Google 4 MUM Napa Pipe Project. They need 400,000 CY of fill Concord Naval Weapons Station. They need 1.7 million CY or nu, Mare Island Conimerc Development. They nt. 500,00 CY of fill. Pato 1Y,friirfe Ref4e eio There are eight major developments that need approximately 1 1 .8 million yards of soil. Oakland Army Base is currently accepting commercial spec fill — tipping fee $100 per truck load. Napa Pipe is allowing to dump for free and anyone willing to barge or rail over 10,000 CY, they are paying $2 a yard. You will need to stock pile it. lc to Foot freyes - Lucas Va annwoo(1 National Ser [fore — ;#-A- SRn atienena Alameda, Treasure Island, and Mare Island are currently not active. Treasure Island Development, Rumor is i hat they need +2 million CY of fill (-jokier' Gate riation fi'ecre a ti on ea Golf f the Fara:Cones Maiine Sanctuary ord. Pleasant l'4,h fr Clayton WainutCreek - f.5fiayette • a\n 1,4oraga." * • ".• 1.13!9, Danville 4)1S inlElamoni 0 1 eati2fo Oakland Army Base. They need 1.3 million CY Of fill. Candlestick Park / Hunters Point. They need 2 million CY of fill. Oak To 9th / Brooklyn Basin. They need 1.5 million CY of fill. Sari Fraviscp State o Fish arc Game Refuge Ft3 'who Ccrral de eira 0 Nanada Alameda Naval Base Development. They need 2 million CY of fill. 4-• Napa Pipe Project . They need 400,000 CY of rin Transfer Facility: Wilbur Gaylord Site Mare Island Commercial Development. They need 500,00 CY of fill. Concord Naval Weapons Station. They need 1.7 million CY Of fill. Treasure Island Development. Rumor is that they need +2 million CY of fill asval l.Mafiriwood NfrLSanfa vereta . San Rafael. Greenbrae 'CO Mill Varleiy .Sausalrto ver Colden Gate Istatima) RecteatIon: e . tihso \ -orld • , fti..ernto Hiirs Berkeley • Emie.yydle • -onco,rd! 0 Pleasa9111,11 WaIiiitCreek Talayetteiek .• Oakland Army Base. They need 1.3 million CY of fill. Cu( of the I at Ames Mamie Sanctuary Aia Vorap. ' ()anvil - 44 Tas,vrat, an iiarnOn 14, 0 e ndro. Oak To 9" Brooklyn Basin. They need 1.5 million CY of fill. Candlestick Park / Hunters Point. They need 2 million CY of fill. San Ftancisco Bay Rancisco •CIO ,, if ,, i31,0 •F Nith ISCO tal,. n . San F,aPc sh Gitame RefugS e ''' V ' •,.. ohS,' . Rancho Comut'arMateo ;•,,) \ ,• - *V* Ert r ado 4 , •!:-„Sanl3artpiz AidWoOd'elt . Alameda Naval Base Development. They need 2 million CY of fill. Transport Process Via Waterways 1. The developers will be responsible for barging , loading costs, and transport to the Wilbur Gaylord Site. Concentric Development Group & COR Solutions will be responsible for the offload of the C&D from the barge onto a conveyer system and stockpiled into a neat pile for reload. 3. Lehigh Hanson Aggregate will be responsible for the loading of clean fill into the trucks. The developer is responsible for the cost of the transport of clean fill back to the Wilbur Gaylord Site. 4. Concentric Development Group & COR Solutions are responsible for unloading the clean fill from the trucks to the conveyer system onto the barge back to the developers site. 5. Concentric Development Group & COR Solutions will be responsible for the reload of the C&D into the trucks to be transferred back to Lehigh Hanson Aggregate facility. The material will he unloaded and processed to separate the hitumenitar and aggregates. They will reload and repeat the process . Transfer Facility: Wilbur Gaylord Site Sign in Piltsbur Fa Flax 1 Mt 'ams!pais 4 Bass Watershed Sta nson,�Beac tettiramtripais Stare Park MUti t ar.'{ MiO Vsk • lleasar .f}1111 .. Park ) i• Cost; Centre= • Niir,sti CI eek . Albaliye, - } ,a layette 'i .., s�kir,y�. r = erkeley. i' r., ''watt. ?.4 • : ., :+l . t flilda � ,.-. ,ill,; x „�-`..,, i y- , ''‘':',. , _,.• -,,,Plit ir pn xr errr°ore lIle + li , Cr+ny4n .F,toFaga ��f.dS Trat7ljJrlfi r-,�* c,,, b!uf f "< 'e %p o i c; Pr. ° ",f,,,Enl111q t �, "tonal Qc�rlYlf�� .cr •':I i� r'>re5er F + 5S f ``ie.1aC I�}�` , 'S safito ', s ,d I rrd', A1amE'f _ r ► Anthony ''j Chabot Bay I=arnr Regional Park _t 'r3tr:l �fr[1f(.1. Oak r:° . international Airport ,j' �Y ii re Pasanto asanion1 ` r' idge +nal PO: -.. #3run 1. We have 2.5 million cubic yards of clean fill at the Hanson Aggregate Mid Pacific location in Concord, This will be transported to the Wilbur Gaylord Site. 2. We have 8 million cubic yards corning from the Hanson Aggregate Sunol Quarry location transported to the Wilbur Gaylord Site. 3. Depending on which facility that we are receiving the clean f ill from will determine where the C&D will be transferred to. {i fl i A';(1,9 Re$trie Google Hanson Aggregate is familiar with building a large conveyor system. Their Sunol location has a 9 mile conveyer system that runs both sides of Hwy 680. We would set up a similar conveyer system so there would not be any truck traffic on your docks. Asset Recovery Site - #4 Dow Chemical — Pittsburg, CA Recycling Gone Bad - A Sea of Plastic Waste Most people have either touched, thrown away, and/or recycled plastic once in their lifetime. • I 4 or rms. What Do You See? At mospher ic cl-eporsitAori Ammonia vol ati I ization - 1.1111.11.1.111 Ma riculture YV4 4 Corn frier< I Al animal .fer ti I'zer n iI IA 11 14 foclicleijorp frilltou Surface runoff ,I-.4140400050.*Ir St r in aquifor Groundwater AIL • Cif on sgeglamaiswa. 'yen Sludge 1 I nicllurstry .. .sii•P"'" so' VINOINNWF Combustion, 1111 1111 1111 NI Sparsely 1111 bui p area Town 7:21111111111111111111IL a _ I. • • r.:431.1..) 11 ki • • , .11 COM bUYSIDor) ‘474,::91164'01 0 0 What Do You See? Aillatd),4,0411 M�erc�i�r ►• .1 a 1 iii J � TrrK� (iri ,,wo...1 •r►•! ill, .0 • , rr NI w mu f to,kk,vig„, 4--4Ro KIN „... friltn4 terPP' Wm111 ='...;teRa *pm silOy Wit -we a of og MINT,Ow I 414 [04.41. v. PIr*►wr*t,r* • tuv fI 1.4044 40 Mil 11, The Five Necessities of Life 1.Air 2.Food 3.Water 4.Land 5.Waste