HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.b. Authorize entering into an agreement with Black & Veatch for presdesign of the Solids Handling Facilities Improvements ProjectCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 1, 2016 Subject: 7.b. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION FOR PREDESIGN OF THE SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Submitted By: Nathan Hodges Associate Engineer Initiating Dept./Div.: Engineering and Technical Services/ Capital Projects Division REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: C. Mizutani — Senior Engineer D. Frost — Senior Engineer E. Lopez — Capital Projects Division Manager JM. Petit — Director of Engineering and Technical Services I 4t.30.1 146:1 Roger 5. Baile General Manager ISSUE: Board of Directors' (Board) authorization is required for the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement in an amount greater than $100,000 and for budget transfers over $600,000 in the Capital Improvements Budget (CIB). BACKGROUND: The Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-17 CIB Treatment Plant Program includes several projects associated with the District's solids handling facilities, These District Projects (DPs) are as follows: • DP 7286: Centrifuge and Cake Pump Upgrades • DP 7297: Caustic Addition to Multiple Hearth Furnace (MHF) (completed) • DP 7312: Ash Facilities Improvements ■ DP 7315: Applied Research and Innovations O DP 7329: MHF Burner Upgrade (under separate contract) • DP (TBD): Wet Scrubber Replacement In addition, the 2016-2026 Ten -Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), Treatment Plant Program, includes other projects associated with the District's solids handling facilities, such as the following: • Treatment Plant Equipment Replacement • Solids Conditioning Building (SCB) Seismic Improvements • Furnace Burner Replacement (future) • New Solids Handling Facilities (future) Projects listed above in italics and all bolded are included in the proposed Solids Handling Facilities Improvements Project (Project). The other CIB projects are not Page 1of11 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 1, 2016 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION FOR PREDESIGN OF THE SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT included since one (DP 7297) is complete and the other (DP 7329) is ongoing, and the other related CIP projects are scheduled for future implementation. One of the key findings of the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP) is that the District's MHFs (incinerators) are in very good condition due to exceptional operation and maintenance practices. However, the related solids handling support facilities require replacement or upgrades to maximize the incinerators' useful life. Additionally, the incinerators themselves need to undergo significant seismic retrofits to be structurally secure, as they are not designed to withstand a major earthquake. As mentioned above, several projects have been identified in the current CIB and CIP that are related to solids handling. In addition to those projects, the CWMP has identified additional improvements, which include the following: • Piloting (Wet Scrubber and Lime Reduction) • Sludge Blending and Storage Improvements • Incinerator Seismic Upgrades • Health Risk Assessment (HRA) of the Treatment Plant The issues to be addressed in the solids process are complex and interdependent; decisions made for one process area will have an impact on other processes. Although there are several drivers for the proposed work, including addressing aging infrastructure and reducing plant energy demands, compliance assurance is paramount. For those reasons, District staff assembled a scope that combines all of these solids handling facilities elements and the incinerators into a single project. This approach will be more efficient and effective in resolving concerns and challenges with the SCB and essential processes dealing with solids handling, processing, air emission control equipment, and ash disposal equipment, as well as energy production. This Project will address four major drivers outlined in the CWMP: 1) replacing aging infrastructure; 2) capacity limitations; 3) regulatory compliance; and 4) sustainability and energy optimization. Driver 1 - Replacing Aging Infrastructure: The majority of the solids handling facilities are in the SCB, which was built in the 1970s as part of the Phase 5A project that expanded the Treatment Plant after the 1972 enactment of the Clean Water Act. Some of the facilities are over 40 -years old and nearing the end of their useful life. The centrifuges and cake pumps are roughly 25 -years old and in need of constant Page 2 of 11 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 1, 2016 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION FOR PREDESIG N OF THE SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT maintenance, and critical centrifuge components are shipped back and forth annually to Houston, Texas. The sludge blending and emergency tanks are refurbished anaerobic digesters and were constructed in the 1950s and 1960s. These repurposed tanks offer volume to store and blend primary and thickened waste activated sludge, but they are not appropriately sized for daily operations. Large tanks like the ones the District have allow for operational flexibility during incinerator switchover. However, they often create a septic sludge condition not conducive to dewatering, requiring continuous lime addition for pH control. The ash handling system also needs improvements to update aging equipment and meet current air regulations. The wet scrubber is an older technology which may have contributed to a recent notice of violation (NOV) from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), as expanded upon under Driver 3, Item 2 below. At best, the current system can only marginally meet air permit requirements. With upcoming proposed air regulations, the existing wet scrubber system will not be able to meet more stringent emission regulations and therefore, it must be replaced with more effective and energy-efficient technology that uses less water and power. Driver 2 - Capacity Limitations: As presented at the June 16, 2016 Board Workshop #2 on the CWMP, the incinerators have some capacity challenges. Lime is currently being added to the sludge blending tank for multiple reasons (pH adjustment, copper sequestering, and prevention of clinker formation in the incinerators). However, the lime adds volume and takes away from incinerator capacity and other processes like dewatering (centrifuges). The incinerators have a limited capacity which cannot be exceeded under the Title V air permit. This project will pilot test reducing and possibly eliminating lime from the solids process, which will result in Operations & Maintenance (O&M) cost savings, increased centrifuge performance, and incinerator capacity. Driver 3 - Regulatory Compliance: The following regulatory compliance challenges need to be addressed: 1. Determine optimal approach to comply with BAAQMD Draft Air Toxics Regulation 11, Rule 18. This new proposed draft rule was released in October 2016, with tentative adoption scheduled for May 2017. The proposed regulation could potentially require the District to upgrade the existing air pollution control system as well as other treatment plant processes in the next few years to reduce Page 3 of 11 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 1, 2010 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION FOR PREDESIGN OF THE SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT toxic air contaminant emissions if the Treatment Plant's cancer risk is determined to be greater than 10 in a million. This will be determined by conducting a health risk assessment (HRA). A HRA will be performed as part of this Project. Based on the results of this HRA, the District will be required to notify the public if the Treatment Plant's cancer risk is greater than 10 in a million, based on California Assembly Bill AB 2588. 2. Compliance with Existing 129 Sewage Sludge Incinerator Regulations (129 Regulations) would be addressed by implementing the following measures: a) Reduction and/or elimination of the number of events associated with the waste heat emergency bypass damper. The new 129 Regulations limit the bypass damper operation and require that each bypass event, while allowed to prevent loss of life or injury to staff or property, be reported to BAAQMD. Since the 129 Regulations became effective in March 2016, the District has had three reportable bypass events, one of which resulted in an NOV. Over the years, the District has experienced bypass events, but they were not reportable prior to the new Regulation. A new wet scrubber system will help ensure continuous compliance with the 129 Regulations, and can be designed to treat emissions that would normally bypass the incinerators' waste heat boilers and be released directly into the atmosphere without any treatment. b) Significant reduction in the use of caustic injection to the existing wet scrubbers for HCI Compliance. The existing wet scrubber for Incinerator No. 2 is ineffective at treating Hydrogen Chloride (HCI) without a significant quantity of caustic addition, which costs as much as $400,000 per year. New scrubber equipment is designed to reduce HCI and would meet the existing and upcoming permit conditions with less chemical addition. This will reduce O&M expenses and will make power and water usage more efficient. c) Tracking cost of incinerator -related improvements to avoid triggering reclassification. More stringent air pollution emission requirements are triggered by the 129 Regulations when the aggregate cost of improvements on certain incinerator -related improvements reaches 50 percent of the original incinerator facility construction cost, updated for inflation. d) Meeting new enhanced limits on visible emissions from ash handling. District staff has made recent improvements to limit fugitive visible ash emission during the outdoor ash loading process (two truckloads weekly). However, this operation would be more controlled in an enclosed facility. The emergency Page 4 of 11 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: Subject: December 1, 2016 AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION FOR PREDESIGN OF THE SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT sludge loading building was constructed for dewatered solids storage and loading if the incinerators were out of service, but it is not used on a routine basis. Modifications could be made to the building to relocate the ash loading inside this facility while keeping the original intent intact. 3. Determine new wet scrubber sidestream impacts on the District's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. It is likely that the scrubber water may require treatment to remove increased metals loads diverted to the liquid stream. One metal of concern is mercury, for which the District has an existing total maximum daily Toad limit for discharge to Suisun Bay. New scrubber technology will need to remove metals more efficiently to stay in compliance. 4. Compliance with the new Particulate Matter 2.5 micron (PM 2.5) Requirements. The new air emission equipment will need to be flexible to comply with future air emission requirements, on particulate matter such as PM 2.5. BAAQMD has recently declared non -attainment for PM 2.5. Over the next three years, BAAQMD will also be examining which existing sources need additional controls to bring the BAAQMD into attainment. The District's existing wet scrubbers were not designed to control PM2.5. 5. Compliance with Seismic Building Code Requirements. The District conducted a seismic report of its facilities in 2009, which identified several seismic design needs and code deficiencies. It also outlined and prioritized needed projects. Two of the higher priority projects are now either completed (Headquarters Office Building Seismic Upgrades) or in the construction stage (Pump and Blower Building Seismic Upgrades). One of the next critical facilities, the SCB, does not meet current building code and seismic standards. This building houses both staff and critical equipment necessary for the operation of the Treatment Plant (solids handling, dewatering, incinerators, power generation units, steam system, and other ancillary and electrical equipment). In addition, the incinerators are not designed to current seismic design standards and must be seismically evaluated if the District plans to use them for the next decade, and possibly beyond. These seismic requirements and retrofits will be evaluated and included as part of this Project. Driver 4 - sustainability and Energv Optimization: The following operational and energy improvements will be addressed: 1. The sludge blending tank currently uses pump mixing. However, because the tank was originally a digester, the tank geometry and associated pump mixing equipment are not optimized. A smaller tank design using modern and more Page 5 of 11 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 1, 2016 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION FOR PREDESIGN OF THE SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT efficient mixing equipment will reduce O&M costs, chemical addition (lime and polymer), and a significant amount of energy. 2. The existing solids dewatering process includes progressive cavity pumps (with sludge grinders), four centrifuges, cake pumps, piping and controls that feed the two incinerators at two separate locations each, or four separate locations in total. New equipment will reduce O&M costs by eliminating the currently required maintenance and reducing polymer and power consumption by approximately 50% or more. New centrifuges alone will effectively produce higher cake solids with improved centrate quality (higher solids capture), with only half the amount of energy used by the existing units. Proiect Approach As staff considered the Wet Scrubber, Centrifuge and Cake Pumps, and Ash Handling projects as part of the CWMP, it became apparent that a more comprehensive look at the entire solids process was necessary to properly design replacement or improvements. Therefore, staff is recommending combining the predesign scope of these projects, along with other related CIP projects, to determine the optimal approach in proceeding with current and future solids handling projects. The new Project will be titled "Solids Handling Facilities Improvements Project" and will be included in the current FY 2016-17 CIB. This newly defined project will include the air emission control equipment (new wet scrubber) pilot to determine the proper technology selection. This pilot test will not only validate the equipment selection and design criteria, but will also determine the best technology to optimally treat the liquid steam generated from that process as it removes impurities and metals from the air stream. This will be a critical design element as the District strives to avoid creating any inadvertent undue burden on the liquid treatment process. Pilot testing will be a critical project component to help decide the appropriate installation timing and ensure that the District remains in regulatory compliance. The Project will include a significant amount of predesign work to ensure the improvements are made to meet current reliability and regulatory needs and remain compatible with the longterm vision identified in the CWMP. Evaluations will be conducted to establish the design parameters for each solids process and associated equipment. Refer to Attachment 1 for a detailed outline of all major project elements to be addressed under this project. Page6of 11 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 1, 2016 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION FOR PREDESIGN OF THE SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Staff issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) on September 1, 2016, to the engineering consulting community and received three proposals (Black & Veatch (B&V), CH2M, and CDM Smith). Engineering and Operations staff evaluated the proposals and interviewed the consultant teams. B&V had the highest total score and is considered the best overall project fit. The agreement with B&V will include the elements listed in Attachment 1, which consist of preliminary design (10% complete) for all project elements, pilot testing support, cost estimates, technical support and modeling of the Treatment Plant HRA, and 30% design completion of key components. A preliminary B&V Scope of Work and major sub consultant list are shown in Attachment 3. At this time, staff anticipates the wet scrubber and related air pollution control improvements, centrifuges and cake pumps, and sludge blending work will proceed to 30% design and likely move forward to full detailed design. District staff plans to issue future RFP(s) for final design services and possible construction support services. Not all components of the project may be constructed at the same time, depending on the outcome and predesign recommendations. Strategic Plan: The Project aligns with the following District Strategic Plan goals: • Goal 2 — "Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements" • Goal 3 -- "Be a Fiscally Sound and Effective Water Sector Utility" • Goal 5 "Maintain a Reliable Infrastructure" • Goal 5 - "Embrace Technology, innovation, and Environmental Sustainability" FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total Project costs, if fully implemented, are estimated at $67 million (see Attachment 2 for details). The B&V agreement costs are estimated to reach up to $2 million, which is about 3% of the estimated total Project costs. The Project budgets funding this predesign effort are included in the FY 2016-17 District Budget shown below: Table 1: Project Funding Sources DP No. Project Name Used for Funding .......... 7286 Centrifuge and Cake Pumps Upgrades 7312 Ash Facility Improvements 7348 Wet Scrubber Replacement 7315 Applied Research and Innovations CIB Contingency (*) FY 016- ? Budget $500,000 $800,000 $400,000 $150,000 $150,000 Total: $2,000,000 (*) As of October 31, 2016, $010,000 remains in the FY 2016-17 contingency before applying the requested amount to this project. Page 120 128 143 130 Page 7 of 11 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 1, 2016 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION FOR PREDESIGN OF THE SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT The budgets listed in Table 1 will be transferred from existing District projects to fund the consolidated new Project, after which existing projects DP 7286, DP 7312, and DP 7348 will be closed. This agreement will help develop a more detailed predesign estimate for future construction costs to be included in the CIB. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: An alternative would be not to proceed with the agreement, which is not recommended because the action would delay staff's ability to implement the projects intended to meet existing and upcoming regulatory requirements. CEQA: Staff has concluded that this agreement is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15262 since it allows for further planning and feasibility studies for possible future actions which the District has not approved, adopted, or funded, and the outcome of these tasks will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. Approval of this action will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this agreement is exempt from CEQA. The District will conduct an environmental evaluation of any capital project that is proposed in the future as a result of this study to determine the need for any additional CEQA documentation. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this Project at the meetings on November 8, 2016 and on November 16, 2016, and recommended approval of this project and agreement. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: 1. Approve the Solids Handling Facilities Improvements Project (Project), 2. Authorize the General Manager to transfer up to $2,000,000 in the Capital Improvement Budget from existing solids projects being consolidated to fund the Project, and 3. Authorize the General Manager to execute a Professional Engineering Services Agreement with Black & Veatch Corporation in an amount up to $2,000,000 for predesign work under the Project. Page 8 of 11 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 1, 2016 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION FOR PREDESIGN OF THE SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Attached Supportinci Documents: 1. Project Elements and Drivers 2. Project Cost Estimates 3. B& V Preliminary Scope of Work and Subconsultants (for information purposes only) a. HDR, Inc. b. V&A Consulting Engineering, inc. c. Degenkolb Engineers, Inc, 4. PowerPoint Presentation Page 9of1 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: Subject: December 1, 2016 AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION FOR PREDESIGN OF THE SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Attachment 1: Project Elements and Drivers Element 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Project Elements Incinerator Air Pollution Control Equipment (including wet scrubber pilot testing) Replace Dewatering System (centrifuges, cake pumps, etc.) Driver(s) Driver 3: Regulatory Compliance Driver 1: Replacing Aging Infrastructure, and Driver 4: Sustainability and Energy Optimization 10% 30% Design Design Yes Benefits Compliance with Yes air and water regulations Yes Yes Optimize Sludge Driver 4: Sustainability and Blending and Storage Yes Yes Facilities Engineering Evaluation of Health Risk and Alternatives Analysis Lime Reduction Pilot Ash System Upgrades or Relocation Solids Conditioning Building Incinerator Seismic Upgrades Energy Optimization Driver 3: Regulatory Compliance Pilot Study No Reliability, replacement of aging equipment, addressing a lack of spare parts availability, improvement of efficiency and lowered energy cost Reliability, consistent dewatering and reduction of O&M costs Compliance with air regulations Reduction of O&M Driver 2: Capacity Limitations, costs and and delaying Pilot Study No incinerator Driver 4: Sustainability and capacity Energy Optimization deficiency improvements Driver 1: Replacing Aging Compliance with Infrastructure, and air emission regulations, and Driver 3: Regulatory replacement of Compliance aging equipment Compliance with current building/ seismic code, improvement for worker safety, and improvement of operational resiliency Compliance with current building/ seismic code, Driver 4: Sustainability and improvement for Energy Optimization worker safety, and Yes No Driver 3: Regulatory Compliance, and Yes No Driver 4: Sustainability and Energy Optimization Yes No improvement of operational resiliency Page 10 of 11 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 1, 2016 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION FOR PREDESIGN OF THE SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Attachment 2: Project Cost Estimates Project Elements 1 Incinerator Air Pollution Control Equipment Pilot Testing of Wet Scrubber, Lime Reduction and Polymer Optimization 2 Replace Dewatering System (centrifuges, cake pumps, etc.) 3 Optimize Sludge Blending and Storage Facilities 4 Health Risk Assessment (HRA) Modeling 5 Lime Reduction to reduce loadings to incinerator (monitor heavy metals -- copper, selenium in centrate and final effluent) 6 Ash System Upgrades or Relocation 7 Solids Conditioning Building Seismic Upgrades 8 Incinerator Seismic Upgrades 1 Total Estimated Project Cost Total Project Cost Estimate (*} Proposed Implementation Schedule Preliminary Design $30 Million FYs 16-18 FY 18-19 FYs 19-21 Final Design Construction $850,000 FYs 16-18 TBD TBD $12.4 Million FYs 16-18 FY 18-19 FYs 19-21 $2,9 Million $200,000 $150,000 $2.0 Million $13.5 Million $5.0 Million $67 Million FYs 16-18 FY 18-19 FYs 19-21 FY 16-17 TBD TBD FY 16-17 TBD TBD FY 16-17 FY 18-19** FYs 20-23** FY 16-17 FY 18-19** FYs 20-23** FY 16-17 FY 18-19** FYs 20-23** (*} Project Cost Estimate in 2016 $ from the CLAMP Draft CIF -- November 10, 2016 (**) To be confirmed based on preliminary design recommendations Page 11of11 Attachment 3: Scope of Work EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK (PRELIMINARY) Project Description and Drivers The District's existing solids process has performed reliably for many years. While the District is in the midst of completing a Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan that will establish long- term, future improvements to the treatment plant, including the solids process area, there are a number of immediate and near-term needs to ensure continued, reliable function of the solids handling processes. The Solids Handling Facilities Alternatives Evaluation and Predesign Project (Project) is intended to confirm and complete preliminary design for immediate (0-5 years) and near-term (5-10 years) capital improvements for the solids handling components described below. Several, separate solids projects are identified in the current Capital Improvement Budget. Due to the related nature of these projects, the District has identified the Project where the Consultant will coordinate and prepare pre -design work for solids handling facilities. Overall Project Drivers The improvements identified and included in this project are aimed at addressing the following drivers: • Ensure reliable solids handling and air pollution control until a long-term replacement of the Multiple Hearth Furnaces (MHFs) is completed in 10-20+ years. • Reduce loading to the MHFs to increase available capacity and extend the life of the MHFs. • Reliable compliance with Sewer Sludge Incinerators Maximum Achievable Control Technology (SSI MACT) 129 limits. • Manage necessary improvements to stay beneath SSI MACT 129 cost trigger that would require compliance with "Modified" MHF limits. • Reduce emissions. • Reduce water and energy usage. ENGINEER shall perform the following tasks: Task 0: Project Management Specific project management activities include: • Prepare budget, schedule, and performance baseline curve used to measure progress performance. • Prepare Quality Management Plan (QM P). • Conduct a Kick-off Meeting with the District to discuss the following topics: o Introduction of key ENGINEER and District Project team members o Summary of Project scope, work plan, schedule milestones, and deliverables o Master Plan findings and recommendations o Action items and decisions • Prepare monthly invoices, including a status report covering work completed during the current billing period. • Conduct monthly progress review meetings with the District's Project Manager to review progress, review action items and decisions. Black & Veatch October 17, 2016 Page 1 of 7 • Maintain regular communications with District Project Manager via telephone, email, and informal meetings to keep the District informed and up to date on project matters. Deliverables: • Quality Management Plan • Project Schedule • Project B1M/CAD Procedures • Agenda and minutes for meetings and workshops • Monthly invoice and status reports Assumptions: • A 4 -hour Kick-off Meeting will be held approximately 10 business days after Notice to Proceed. • on or prior to the Notice to Proceed, the District shall furnish ENGINEER the draft Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan, standard specifications, record drawings (or as - built drawings) and standard operating procedures (SOPs) of the solids handling facilities. Task 1: Preliminary Feasibility, This task shall produce planning level technical memoranda (TM) confirming the near -tern improvements required for the District's :solids handling facilities. The TMs shall address the issues, drivers, and preliminary recommended improvements described in the Project Description. Three TMs will be required: 1) Sludge Blending & Storage Improvements, 2) Dewatering System. Improvements, and 3) Solids Handling and; Air Pollution Control Improvements. Each TM shall include: • Confirm applicable technologies and impacts on configuration and layouts. • Include planning level screening, evaluation, and selection of recommended technologies based on; no_n-economic and economic criteria (capital, O&M, and lifecycle costs). • Develop design loading rates, reliability: Hand redundancy criteria, overall basis of design for new facilities • ,.and equipment (calculations, sizing, configuration, man.ufacturer's inforrnation, etc.). • Include .high-level construction sequencing recommendations with the objective of having Minimal interruption to the operation of existing solids handling processes during construction. • Include a conceptual phasing plan for maximizing the use of the recommended improvements and. facilities with potential future solids handling facilities and future air pollution control technologies. • Include 10 -percent design plans. In addition to 2-D prints, the 10 -percent submittal shall include BIM or 3-D Modeling. • Update project costs for all recommended improvements and include an implementation strategy and schedule. Implementation strategy shall consider procurement considerations and project delivery recommendations (e.g. design -build, design -bid -build, etc.) for the capital improvements. • Research and evaluate up to three alternate funding sources or opportunities such as grants, loans, and energy incentive programs. Black & Veatch October 17, 2016 Page 2 of 7 TM1 - Sludge Blending & Storage Improvements will specifically require: • Perform computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modeling on new Sludge Blending Tank (SBT) to determine optimal mixing approach. • Construct a new smaller SBT with new mixing system that is sized for projected average solids loading conditions. • Improved mixing of the SBT and. ESST to more reliably use the entire tank contents for storage during projected peak loading conditions, maintenance, and emergency conditions, and minimize adverse impacts on dewaterability. TM2 - Dewatering System Improvements will specifically require: • Lime reduction study to determine the feasibility to reduce or abandon lime usage. • Replace the existing centrifuge dewatering system [ (feed pumps, centrifuges, cake pumps). o Number, size, and phasing of new system mustbe compatible with current flows .............. . .................... and loads, and projected flows and loads, and potential future solids handling facilities. o Confirm targeted dewatered cake solids concentration and determine impacts on furnace operation, capacity, and emissions. o Determine optimal location for dewatering system with input from District staff. • Confirm centrifuge feed rates, based on information provided by the District. • Determine optimal lime (if applicable), coagulant and/or polymer dosing for optimal dewatering performance. Replace or modify existing polymer support facilities if required to accommodate a new coagulant and/or polymer. T - Solids Handling and Air Pollution Control Improvements will specifically require: • Engineer's review and validation of the furnace capacity study and evaluation performed by a separate consultant. • Complete updated capacity rating of the MHFs to confirm timing for potential improvements required to eitherr reduce iVHF solids loading and/or investigate increase of permitted furnace feed limits. • Coordinate with the District and District's other consultant on burner tuning and. optimization, and furnace capacity. • Evaluate the feasibility of afterburner design and/or combustion/hearth modifications to improve the emissions profile of toxic air contaminants (TACs). • Complete a seismic evaluation of the MHFs to determine improvements and costs to achieve current seismic design performance standards. Update the 2013.seismic study for the Solids Conditioning Building (SCB), and the costs. The basis for the seismic evaluation of the: SCB will be ASCE 41-13 (2013) -- Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of ....................... . Existing Buildings. Recommended seismic improvements must consider location of future solids handling equipment and processes. • Evaluate effectiveness of current ash handling and loading facilities and recent modifications. • Recommend improvements to ash handling and loading facilities to maintain long-term reliable performance and regulatory compliance. • Consider the modification and potential use of the existing Emergency Solids Loadout Facility for ash loading. • Confirm contaminant removals required to comply with SSI MACT 129 limits and other existing and future air pollution control requirements. • Confirm existing and future air pollution control technologies comply with existing and future air emission requirements. Current recommendation is to replace the existing wet Black & Veatch October 17, 2016 Page 3 of 7 scrubbers with new units consisting of a high turndown quench section combined with multi-venturi type scrubbers. Determine whether additional air pollution control equipment will be required (e.g. wet electrostatic precipitator, baghouse, carbon injection, metal absorption technologies, lime injection, and thermal oxidizer). Evaluate optimal layout for existing and future air pollution control train. • Perform wet scrubber pilot test to confirm equipment sizing, performance, and potential impact on scrubber water quality and related impacts to the liquid stream performance and effluent water quality. • Design the quench section of new wet scrubbers to receive direct bypass of hot MHF exhaustto avoid bypass damper events. • Evaluate scrubber water sidestream treatment technologies if required. Pilot test sidestream treatment, if required. • Evaluate improvements for improving use of the existing Solids Loadout Facility for improved emergency solids handling. • Evaluate improvements necessary to use the existing Solids Loadout Facility for ash handling and loading from existing or potentia l future incineration facility. • Evaluate improvements necessary to use the existing Solids Loadout Facility for future biosolids disposal if anaerobic digesters are constructed. Workshops: The ENGINEER will conduct 4 --hour review workshops for each TM to summarize findings and recorn r endations and receive feedback from the District. Deliverables: • TMI - Sludge Blending & Storage Improvements (Draft and Final) • TM 2 - Dewatering System Improvements (Draft and Final) • TM3 - Solids Handling and Air Pollution Control Improvements (Draft and Final) • Laser scanning, BIM model, and 10 -percent design level drawings. • Drawings and models will be developed in Autodesk 2016 products (AutoCAD, Revit). • B&V BIM/CAD standards will be used. • Agenda, presentation materials, and minutes for each workshop Assumptions: • TMs shall be submitted electronically to the District in PDF format. • For each TM, the District will review, compile comments in a single document, and return to ENGINEER within 10 business days. • TM review workshops will be held at least 5 days after ENGINEER submits draft TM to the District. • Laser scanning survey work will be based on known elevations in the Solids Conditioning Building. • I0 -percent design drawings will consist of Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs), General Arrangement Drawings, Preliminary Demolition Plans, 3D Projection View Drawings. • Class 4 Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (OPCC) will be prepared for recommended alternatives. OPCC shall be prepared to a level of accuracy consistent with the standards of the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (ACCE) International. Black & Veatch October 17, 2016 Page 4 of 7 Task 2: Consultant Services for District Pilot Testing Several tests and evaluations are required to inform the design of some of the identified solids handling improvements. These tests and evaluations include: • Evaluations: o Lime reduction study. o Dewatering polymer and coagulant optimization testing. a Wet scrubber pilot plant. The District will contract separately with the wet scrubber vendor to supply the necessary wet scrubber equipment. o Scrubber sidestream treatment pilot (if required). o Furnace capacity rating study. o CFD evaluation of the new SBT. • Testing: o Sampling and lab and air testing (over a period of five months) required to support the above evaluations will be performed by the District, with support and direction from the ENGINEER. a The ENGINEER shall coordinate with District staff on contaminant testing required to inform design of air pollution control train. Each pilot study should include a test plan. Each test plan should include: • Experimental plan summarizing the objectives and criteria to be evaluated. • Detailed description of equipment location and connections to District facilities. • Testing and sampling plan. Engineer will develop a 5-10 page draft and final summary TM (or Report) for each evaluation with input from District staff. Each TM should include: • Summary of data results. • Recommended next steps and improvements. The District's objective is for these tests and evaluations to be completed early in the work in order to develop the necessary design criteria for the Preliminary Feasibility TMs (Task 1) and to complete Preliminary Design (Task 3). It is anticipated that Task 2 will be completed in parallel with Task 1. Deliverables: • Lime reduction study report (draft and final) for inclusion in TM2 -Dewatering System Improvements. • Dewatering polymer and coagulant optimization testing report (draft and final) for inclusion in TM2 -Dewatering System Improvements. • Wet scrubber pilot plant (and scrubber sidestream pilot, if required) testing and sampling plan (draft and final) to be included in TM3 -Solids Handling and Air Pollution Control Improvements. • Validation TM (draft and final) of furnace capacity study and evaluation to be included in TM3 -Solids Handling and Air Pollution Control Improvements. • CFD model and analysis of up to three configurations of the SBT to be included in TMl - Sludge Blending & Storage Improvements Black & Veatch October 17, 2016 Page 5 of 7 Assumptions: • ENGINEER will be provided space in District's lab to perform bench -scale tests. • The District will contract separately with the wet scrubber vendor to supply the necessary wet scrubber equipment and sidestream pilot (if required). • Installation and operation of the wet scrubber pilot and possible sidestream pilot shall be performed by the District. Task 3: Preliminary Design Complete 30 -percent preliminary design plans and major equipment specifications for the following solids handling improvements: • Sludge Blending and Storage • Dewatering system (centrifuge feed pumps, centrifuges, cake pumps, dewatering polymer system, and related facilities) • Wet scrubber and scrubber water sidestream treatment (if required) The preliminary drawings shall be created using building information modeling (BIM) software to optimize the use of existing facilities and verify spatial constraints. The BIM model may be updated and utilized in final design as an optional task. There is no existing BIM or 3-D model data available for the project area. BIM or 3-D software shall be Autodesk. All 3-D models shall be provided to the District. Workshops: The ENGINEER will conduct a 6 -hour 30 -percent design review workshop to summarize findings and recommendations and receive feedback from the District. Deliverables: • BIM model and 30 -percent design level drawings • Drawings and models will be developed in Autodesk 2016 products (AutoCAD, Revit). • B&V BIM/CAD standards will be used. • 30 -percent design level major equipment specifications • °lass 3 DPCC • Preliminary construction schedule Assumptions: • For 30 -percent design drawings and specifications, the District will review, compile comments in a single document, and return to ENGINEER within 10 business days • Review comments will be addressed during the Final Design phase. • 30 -percent design drawings will consist of Demolition Drawings, Process Mechanical Plans and Sections for major equipment, 3D Projection View Drawings, Electrical Single Lines for major equipment, PFDs, and P&I-Ds. • OPCC shall be prepared to a level of accuracy consistent with the standards of ACCE International. Black & Veatch October 17, 2016 Page 6 of 7 Task 4: Final Desitn (Optional) Final design services are not currently included in the Project scope of work. However, the District reserves the right to negotiate final design services with the ENGINEER if the District determines it is the best interest to immediately begin preparation of bid documents for any of the process areas or equipment under evaluation. Task 5: Equipment Pre -Procurement (Optional) Equipment pre -procurement services are not currently included in the Project scope of work. However, the District reserves the right to negotiate pre -procurement services with the ENGINEER. Task 6: Health Risk Assessment for Draft Regulation 11, Rule 18 (Optional) Health Risk Assessment (HRA) services are not currently included in the Project scope of work. ENGINEER sees a benefit if the District is engaged proactively with the BAAQMD during the rule making process and conducts HRA in-house to gather upfront intelligence. ENGINEER proposes to assess the CCCSD Treatment Plant's associated health risk by following the methodology outlined in the draft rule. • First, Black & Veatch will utilize the CCCSD Treatment Plant's toxic emissions inventory data, which is reported annually to the BAAQMD, to conduct a Health Risk Screening Assessment (HRSA)• based on the procedures recommended by CARB/CAPCOA. • If the results of the HRSA indicate that the facility would be categorized as a high priority facility as defined by the Rule (i.e., a cancer priority score of 100 or greater or a non -cancer priority score of ten or greater), ENGINEER will conduct a full health risk assessment (HRA) in accordance with the applicable OEHHA and CARB/CAPCOA guidelines in order to determine thecancer risk and chronic/acute hazard index. Black & Veatch October 17, 2016 Page 7 of 7