HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.a. Consider rebranding process, including possibly changing the name of the District8.a. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 17, 2016 Subject: DISTRICT BRAND ASSESSMENT REPORT Submitted By: y Initiating Dept/Div.: Emily Barnett Administration Communication Services & Intergovernmental Relations Manager REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: 1 r,►..+.s,, ii Roger S. Bat y General Manager ISSUE: Should the District consider a rebranding effort to create connectivity between the work and services the District provides to help increase customer awareness? BACKGROUND: At the July 17, 2014 Board meeting, it was the consensus of the Board to agendize a discussion on the possibility of changing the District's name, with such discussion to first take place with the Administration Committee. With the addition of a new Communication Services and Intergovernmental Relations Manager in August 2015, a number of informational items have been provided to aid the Board in making a decision on a District renaming and rebranding effort. The informational items included: 1. On October 23, 2015, the District contracted with FM3 to conduct comprehensive customer research that tested, among many things, the District's name recognition. 2. On December 16, 2015, the District contracted with Fineman PR to conduct research to develop a Brand Assessment Report. 3. On January 28, 2016 the Board was presented with the results of the FM3's comprehensive customer research. Travis Taylor, Executive Vice President of Fineman PR, and his team have worked closely with the Communication Services Division for information sharing throughout this research process. On April 11, 2016, Mr. Taylor presented the results of the Brand Assessment Report (see Attachment 2) to the Administration Committee. The Administration Committee requested further information on timing of the possible brand assessment process and metrics to determine success should the District implement a rebranding process. Mr. Taylor presented these follow-up items at the June 30, 2016 Administration Committee meeting, after which the Committee recommended that the Board direct staff to proceed with the rebranding process, including possibly changing the name of the District. Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 17, 2016 Subject: DISTRICT BRAND ASSESSMENT REPORT If the Board wishes to proceed, Board action is needed to provide direction to staff. Staff is not making a recommendation; however, Fineman PR has provided a recommendation as part of its Brand Assessment Report. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: See alternatives below. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Consultant fees to develop the Brand Assessment Report (see Attachment 2) and associated Board and Committee presentations totaled $20,000. Consultant fees for developing a brand strategy would be approximately $10,000- $15,000. Branding consultant fees for developing a new name, logo, tagline and style guidelines would be approximately $7,000-$10,000. For collateral materials and signage changes, internal costs would be approximately $175,000 (excluding labor). The total cost of the rebranding process would be approximately $102,000-$200,000, not including labor for the collateral material and signage changes. A detailed cost breakdown is included on p. 11 of the Brand Assessment Report. If a rebranding process were initiated, it would necessitate full integration with the District's current multifaceted outreach efforts requiring District labor and resources. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Administration Committee reviewed this information on April 11 and June 30, 2016 and, as noted above, recommended that the Board direct staff to proceed with the rebranding process, including possibly changing the name of the District. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Receive the presentation and take one of the following actions: 1) Direct staff to proceed with the rebranding process, including possibly changing the name of the District; or 2) Direct staff to proceed with the rebranding process, leaving the name of the District unchanged; or 3) Provide some other direction to staff; or 4) Take no action. Attached Supporting Documents: 1. Fineman PR Presentation on Brand Assessment Report 2. Fineman PR Brand Assessment Report Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 'INEAAANPRO) Brand Assessment Report More than a name or a logo: a brand is a set of memories - impressions Et expectations - in customers' minds Pfr Creating predefined, positive impressions helps to mitigate the risk of the District being defined negatively by others - you only get one chance to create a positive "first impression." oP, Brand expressions • Identity (name/logo/color palette/fonts) Messaging Website Signage • Collateral materials Customer Research Lack of Brand Awareness ► Homeowners in CCCSD's service territory are largely unaware of the District's brand. Three out of four homeowners are not familiar with CCCSD and no homeowner correctly named the agency. 2/3 HAVE READ OF RESIDENTS OF RESIDENTS 3/4 HOMEOWNERS ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH CCCSD THE "PIPELINE" NEWSLETTERci Customer Research .10. 6,1 ,.1 a _1 , L6.611111.1.611161,11Millilthrg LARNE aLill 1144,.. Tepid Satisfaction 0. When aided by a description of CCCSD, nine out of 10 homeowners were satisfied with CCCSD's services; however, only half the homeowners were satisfied with CCCSD's "keeping the public informed about the wastewater and sewer systems." In focus groups and stakeholder interviews, homeowners did not bring up or cite any specific issues with the District - "No news is usually good news." Customer Researc Cost Matters Nearly three out of four homeowners don't know how much they pay per year for sewer service. When respondents learned about associated rate increases, support dropped but remained broad (74 percent). Support decreased 20 percentage points between a $4 rate increase and $8. Stakeholders asked about several factors regarding the District's consideration of rate increases. Customer Research Support Increases with Information ► All responses that followed the provision of additional information were more favorable than unaided responses. OF SATISFACTION COMES FROM HAVING Brand Environment =Ploftaith....1.1111.mmeansim Rate increases in each of the last two years. CWMP might result in the need for significant infrastructure investments and corresponding rate increases. Locally, some districts have changed their names by shortening them, e.g., Delta Diablo. Others have elected to maintain their official name but promote a different brand, such as Regional San (Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District). Regional San - Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District • Problem: SRCSD believed its average customer did not necessarily understand or see value in its wastewater treatment service, as customers paid tittle attention to what happens "after the flush." ▪ Branding Sotution: SRCSD launched an ongoing communications and branding program to build ratepayer trust, awareness and understanding of the District and its wastewater treatment plant upgrade project. • Case Findings: In the first three years, Regional San achieved its stated program goats. 4.! NEW Water - Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District 0. Problem: GBMSD had served homeowners in Wisconsin for over 80 years but concluded that its name was Long, unwieldy and no Longer reflected the variety of services it provided. • Branding Solution: GBMSD developed a new brand name, NEW Water, to better represent its innovative approach and the range of its services (NEW also stands for Northeastern Wisconsin). 0. Case Findings: By using the NEW Water label, GBMSD created an umbrella brand to cover its various services while positioning the District as innovative and forward -thinking. II - 7: 4:L""'"."*.:iFrc-, 4 4 41 ,. "Itti • , ,• , 6 ( 2 46- , 0 : 41t e . * t c. . • to , , t? ,.. - 0 ,. . e apv • . . 4 . , r 4 -4, iP7's 0- 0 • • 0%, • • t 1 4 • 9 6 0 , * • utt 0.0 tio (.0 -u • J Rebranding Process Brand Audit • The process of consensus building begins with proprietary brand audit exercises conducted online with internal and external audiences. ▪ This stage of the project is important in establishing basic groundwork for brand strategy devetopment and determining the extent to which the key players believe change is necessary. Brand Workshop A brand workshop wilt be conducted with up to 16 key brand stakeholders. A facilitator guides participants through a series of exercises to achieve consensus on the future brand essence (what you want the organization to stand for) and other key brand strategy components. /0 Rama - Currently, the CCCSD name does not accurately represent the District's breadth of services or reflect its mission, vision, values or goals. Logo Et Style Guidelines The current name is built into the existing logo - Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. If CCCSD decides to change its brand name, the logo will also need to change or be modified. CCCSD does not have discernable style guidelines (color palette, type fonts, etc.). The total cost of developing a brand strategy, name, tagline and style guidelines, designing a new logo, and updating building/outdoor signage and collateral materials woutd be approximately $192,000 to $200,000, excluding labor for collateral materials and costs associated with a public information program. The District is already welt -positioned to save costs associated with a public information program, which can benefit from CWMP-related outreach and in-house resources. Cost Breakdown Based on CCCSD's current assets and research already conducted, developing a brand strategy would cost approximately $10,000 to $15,000. Developing a new name, tagline, logo and style guidelines would cost approximately $7,000 to $10,000. For collateral materials and signage, CCCSD estimates approximately $175,000 (excluding labor). Branding Options Full Rebranding Partial Rebranding No Rebranding Recommendations (1/4„, yhdr-t,g, We recommend developing a brand strategy to determine the extent to which CCCSD should refine its various brand elements. Elements deemed consistent with the brand strategy will not change; however, other items, such as the brand name and logo, will likely change. By going through the rebranding development process, the District wilt have clear benchmarks to evaluate ideas at each step along the way. 41 • Rebranding L Objectives ELM 1 ..11J ilEnt1.11AEALIE1.... I ,L.a..Laa. EL 11-1E , 1 , L O.' Build a positive reputation for CCCSD by increasing awareness of, and favorability toward, the District among its customers. • Increase recognition and satisfaction of District services. ▪ Create support for potential District rate increases resulting from the CWMP. • Align CCCSD brand elements with the District's mission, vision, values and goals. ▪ Position the District as an innovative, forward -Looking utility focused on great service. it0L Leverage District communications initiatives underway, including planned CWMP-retated outreach and updates to the District's website and Intranet, to save costs associated with a public information program. Elements to be Rebrandeu 110 Identity - name/logo/color palette/fonts Messaging Style - brand guidelines Signage, videos and collateral materials, including letterhead, Pipeline newsletter, Lateral Connection newsletter, website, intranet Measurement 1,1 A I 1,1146., -1- . 1th _ 1111.11. • Quantitative and Qualitative Research 0* External o• Internal 10 Basetine quantitative telephone survey (completed Nov. 2015) 0., Baseline stakeholder meetings and focus groups (completed Jan. 2016 and Nov. 2015, respectively) Annual tracking surveys 0. Baseline email survey to all employees Annual tracking surveys CCCSD website • Unique visits 0. Length of visits Pages visited InitiaIBenchmarks_12 ..yeAL..5.) Targets based on rebranding and public information program using existing resources; to coincide with CWMP outreach and District communications planning . Increase the percentage of customers who claim to be either "very familiar" or "somewhat familiar" with the District by 5 percent. 2. Increase percentage of customers who can correctty name the District for wastewater treatment to 10 percent. 3. Increase satisfaction of CCCSD services among customers by 5 percent without the aid of a detailed description of the services. 4. Increase support for CWMP after learning about associated rate increases by 5 percent. 5. Increase satisfaction of the District keeping the public informed about wastewater and sewer systems by 10 percent. 6. Benchmarks may be adjusted following 2017 customer brand survey. /6 y 30-45 days - Form rebranding committee; conduct employee survey and analyze results 30-45 days - Develop brand strategy (Le., conduct brand audit and brand workshop) 60-90 days - Develop brand name, logo, messaging, style guidelines and design signageicoltaterat materials 30-45 days - Conduct customer brand survey 30-45 days - Develop strategic rebranding public information plan Ranges may vary depending on scheduling, review process and approvals ATTACHMENT 2 Arte CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BRAND ASSESSMENT REPORT CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BRAND ASSESSMENT REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) asked Fineman PR to assess the District's brand equity and report on the potential benefits of or drawbacks to rebranding the District. We reviewed CCCSD's quantitative and qualitative research and internal data to conduct the following brand assessment. We identified four themes from CCCSD's research that pertain to the advantages or disadvantages of a possible rebranding. 1. Customer households in the District are largely unaware of the District's brand. 2. While customers are generally satisfied with the service they receive, rnuch of their satisfaction is attributable to their lack of knowledge about the District or the absence of issues with it, a situation that could change if CCCSD significantly increased rates in the future. 3. Most customers are unaware of how much they pay for sewer service, and their support for rate increases might well be affected by the amount of any increase and by a litany of concerns they would want to see addressed beforehand. 4. Customers are likely to be more receptive to CCCSD initiatives and better understand its services when provided with more information. We understand that CCCSD has implemented rate increases in each of the last two years. In addition, CCCSD is currently undergoing a Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP) process, which may result in the need for significant infrastructure investments and corresponding, successive rate increases. Given the above, we recommend that CCCSD move forward with developing a brand strategy to clearly define the District's "brand essence" and achieve consensus on its various brand elements. Going through this process will identify which aspects of the District's brand can remain as they are and which may need to change. Rebranding will create the opportunity to raise awareness of the District's crucial and evolving purpose and develop new, positive perceptions. In addition, rebranding will draw greater attention to the information disseminated from the District, which, as the research has shown, is essential to preparing the groundwork for a better reception to CCCSD initiatives. The District is currently known by employees and customers as Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, CCCSD and/or Central San. None of these names clearly describe the services provided by the District or accurately convey its mission, vision, values or goals. Since the current name is built into the existing logo, any name change will require a new or modified logo. According to California Health and Safety Code 6501, "By resolution, the board may change the name of the District. Any name resulting from a change shall include the words 'Sanitary District' or shall be a name that is descriptive of the functions of the District." Some California districts have changed their names by shortening them, e.g., Delta Diablo (previously Delta Diablo Sanitary District). Others have elected to maintain their official name but promote a different brand, such as Regional San (Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District). We recommend avoiding choosing a name before developing a brand strategy, as the name and other assets will be evaluated as part of the rebranding process. CCCSD has already conducted extensive quantitative and qualitative research, updated its mission, vision and values statements, and conducted an internal audit on the costs of select rebranding elements, all of which will expedite the rebranding process and lower associated costs. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BRAND ASSESSMENT REPORT SITUATIO \ ANALYSIS BACKGROUND More than 70 years ago, central Contra Costa County was facing one of the worst pollution disasters in California. The community pulled together and, in 1946, established the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to serve the rural area's farms, orchards and small towns. Today, CCCSD serves over 470,000 residential and business customers in 13 cities, towns and unincorporated areas. Facing myriad changes, from population growth and regulatory changes to industry developments and technological advances, CCCSD has sought to keep pace with a rapidly evolving environment while maintaining its core functions and delivering excellent service. Following the development of a comprehensive Strategic Business Plan, CCCSD proactively engaged with community members and key stakeholders, conducting both quantitative and qualitative research, including a customer survey and focus groups as well as one-on-one stakeholder interviews, to determine perceptions of CCCSD. After analyzing this research and additional CCCSD data, Fineman PR, at the District's request, conducted a brand assessment to help CCCSD chart its future course, including a potential rebranding. RESEARCH FINDINGS Four themes pertinent to assessing the CCCSD brand emerged from the District's research. 1. LACK OF BRAND AWARENESS Results Homeowners in CCCSD's service territory are largely unaware of the District's brand. Three out of four homeowners are not familiar with CCCSD and no homeowner correctly named the agency. In addition, homeowners are confused about CCCSD's services; when presented with CCCSD's name, 12 percent of homeowners thought the District provides garbage disposal services and others did not recall any services provided by the District. However, when prompted, nearly two-thirds of residents say they have read the "Pipeline" newsletter (64 percent). Of those familiar with it, 95 percent find it to be informative. In one-on-one stakeholder interviews where all the stakeholders had heard of CCCSD prior to the interview, some participants "were confused about the difference between Central San and Contra Costa Water District." A. A.. A. AIL .A. A.. A. A. A. 314 HOMEOWNERS ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH CCCSD 2/3 OF RESIDENTS HAVE READ ci THE "PIPELINE" NEWSLETTER Analysis Brand awareness is a key prerequisite for brand equity — the value and goodwill that the public associates with a brand. CCCSD's near-total absence of brand awareness is a major concern, especially given the District's 70 -year history and identifiable customer universe. There is also a significant disconnect between awareness of the Pipeline newsletter and the CCCSD brand, which demonstrates a clear need to better promote the CCCSD brand in its newsletter. In deciding whether to rebrand the District, a primary consideration is the value of the current brand; in this case, brand awareness will not be a roadblock to rebranding. Regardless of the District's decision on rebranding, it will be important to develop and implement a public information program to raise awareness of either the current or the new brand — the essence of what it stands for and why people should care. 2. TEPID SATISFACTION Results When aided by a description of CCCSD, nine out of 10 homeowners were satisfied with CCCSD's services; however, only half the homeowners were satisfied with CCCSD's "keeping the public informed about the wastewater and sewer systems" and only 43 percent were satisfied with the District's efforts to "help •••••••• • • 3 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BRAND ASSESSMENT REPORT OF SATISFACTION COMES FROM HAVING residents learn homtoreducewaterpoUution.^The area of highest drssatisfaction (26 percent) came from ^planning for future wastewater treatment regu|adons.~ A niajonty of homeowners reported their satisfaction is general in nature or stems from not having issues with the District (67 percent). Horneowners mentioned how they 'don't hear about them" and '1 don't have to caII them, so to rne that is a perfect service. In the focus groups, homeowners maintained the theme of not having specific issues with the District. As onehomeovvnersaid'^GeneraUyvvhenyoudon't hear bad thinBs'theyanadoingagoodjob.^A|so.inthe one-on-one stakeholder interviews, some explained tkat^nonewsisusuaUygoodnews.~ Analysis While homeowners are satisfied with CCCSD services, much of their satisfaction derives from their lack of issues with the District. This is flimsy support that does not really indicate brand trust. As conditions change — e.g., after future rate increases and service changes following completion of the CWMP and tighter regulations — CCCSD will be under greater scrutiny and could face opposition to efforts to gain additional funding. When homeowners don't understand the benefits provided by the District, asking them for more money is likely to be harder than if they did. 3. COST MATTERS Results Nearly three out cf four homeowners dont know how much they pay per year for sewer service. When presented with a basic description of the CWMP, 87 percent support it as described; however, focus group participants voiced some concern that "regulations may change and costs may increase leading to higher rates than andcipated ^ When respondents Iearned about associated rate increases, support dropped but remained broad (74 percent). Support dropped 20 percentage points between a $4 rate ncrease (87 percent) and $8 (67 percent). Focus groups showed even more willingness to pay higher amounts' which could be the result of supporting information about the rate increases and ongoing discussion among homeowners. Stakeholders were asked in one-on-one interviews what questions they would need answered to justify investments in infrastructure that would likely result in hi gher sewer rates. Several stakeholders wanted to know exactly how much the rates would be raised and be provided with detailed reporting of how the funds would be used and what type of wastewater technology was researched and chosenIn addition, they asked for several considerations in deciding whether to increase rates: • Comparison of rates to other local agencies • Investments versus regulations/mandates • Seismic safety improvements • Comparison of administrative costs including pensions/salaries versus facilities/equipment • Inclusion of range of treatment technologies that can be incorporated to achieve the desired results including nutrient reduction • Third party to look at the useful life of the facilities and their conditions in a scientific manner a Looking into spreading out investments but locking in current costs • Addressing increasing population • Addressing climate change/uncertain future conditions • Need for CCCSD to prove that investments must be made and prioritized • Need for ongoing public engagement and openness °°°°°•°O.~°"0 4 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SAN ITARY DISTRICT BRAND ASSESSMENT REPORT Analysis Support for a rate increase is encouraging, but a higher ncrease (greater than $8) and/or series of increases could dramatically weaken support. Addressing the factors outlined by stakehoiders will heip to make the case for rate increases, but CCCSD should also work to build its reputation among customers and instill greater trust in the District. If CCCSD decides to rebrand, one consideration will be the timing of potential rate increases. If rate increases are announced during or right on the heels of rebranding, some homeowners may question whether funds for rebranding could have been better used to essen the burden on homeowners. 4. SUPPORT INCREASES WITH INFORMATION Results All responses that followed the provision of additional information were more favorable than unaided ,esponses.|nadditiontotheinscanceanotedobove' CCCSD tested homeowner attitudes toward recycled water and disposal of "biosolids." Three out of four homeowners are at Ieast somewhat familiar with "recycled water" and nine in 10 homeowners support increasing the use of recycled water in the county. lrrigation, gardening and Iandscaping were viewed by far as the most acceptable uses of recycled water (98 percent). Half of homeowners believe recycled water, with advanced treatment, is acceptable as safe drinking water. With more information' support for drinking water increased to 61 percent. When rnformed of alternatives for the disposal of biosolids, homeowners strongly supported their use for agricultural purposes (87 percent); fewer than haif the respondents supported disposing ofthem inalandfill (46 percent). Analysis While most homeowners in the District are aware ofthe Pipeline newsletter confusion remains regarding the CCCSD brand, its services and its plans for the future. Any rebranding would need to be paired with an effective public education program to inform the public of CCCSD's new identity and purpose. Even if CCCSD does not rebrand, we recommend conducting a public education program to inform homeowners about CCCSD services. Given the complexity of some of these issues, a targeted campaign involving several communrcations channels and clear, consistent messaging would be helpful. This program could coincide with outreach efforts on the CWMP. BRAND'ENVIRONMENT We understand that CCCSD has implemented rate increases in each of the Iast two years. In addition, CCCSD is currently undergoing a CWMP process, which might result in the need for significant infrastructure investments and corresponding rate increases. According to California Health and Safety Code 6501, "By resolution, the board may change the name ofthe District. Any name resulting from a change shall include the words 'Sanitary District' or shall be a name that is descriptive of the functions of the District.^ Locally, some districts have changed their names by shortening them, e.g.' Delta Diablo (previously Delta Diablo Sanitary District). Delta Diablo's shortened name reflected what the District believed was its "already weIIknown and highly respected brand.^|naddition' the District developed a new logo and adopted a new tagline, "Transforming Wastewater to Resources." Others have elected to maintain their official name but promote a different brand, such as Regional San (Sacramento Regional County San itation District). Across California, sanitation agency names vary but generally comprise the location/service area of the agency and acombination oFthe following: � Sanitary District / Sanitation District / Sanitation Agency • Wastewater District / Wastewater Authority • Community Services District / Services District • Municipal Utility District / Public Utility Authority • Irrigation District / Water District • Sewer District / Sewer Authority • Wastewater Reclamation Facility • Water Pollution Control Agency � Wastewater Source Control � Water Quality Control • Environmental Services • Reclamation Authority • Sanitation & Flood Control District • Clean Water • 5 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BRAND ASSESSMENT REPORT CASE STUDIES C everal sanitary districts across the country have rebranded or undertaken partial rebranding. The case studies below, sourced in part from online research and two publications listed in the resources section of this report, may be instructive in CCCSD's consideration of rebranding. Regional San - Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District PROBLEM SRCSD believed its average customer did not necessarily understand or see value in its wastewater treatment service, as customers paid little attention to what happens "after the flush." In order to build the facilities the District required, it planned to significantly raise monthly rates over the following nine years. However, the District said that customers often failed to see improvements, repairs and rehabilitation to sewer infrastructure as improving their service; therefore, rate increases often met with opposition. BRANDING SOLUTION SRCSD launched an ongoing communications and branding program to build ratepayer trust, awareness and understanding of the District and its wastewater treatment plant upgrade project. The District used in-house staff and resources to implement various aspects of its plan over the nine-year program and retained outside vendor services to establish the program brand, design elements and support activities. In the first year, the District delivered simple, meaningful and credible messages through diversified channels with appropriate impact to gain audience attention and interest so people understood why plant upgrades and rate increases were necessary. The team launched the SewerSense microsite, including a series of videos featuring key District personnel, as a quick and easy resource for stakeholders and ratepayers. In the second year, the District rebranded to "Regional San," with a tagline of "Taking the Waste out of Water," and named its plant upgrade project "EchoWater Project," with a tagline of "Bringing Water Back." The District held a launch event to formally introduce the EchoWater project and shifted from planning to implementation with distribution of a District -wide mailer, radio advertising and stakeholder engagement. The District also created a project mascot, Otto the OwI. In the third year, the District expanded communications, including the second installment of a project mailer, targeted advertising, and continued stakeholder engagement and media relations. CASE FINDINGS Regional San's rebranding coincided with its EchoWater Project launch, which helped to tie the rebranding to a larger effort. In the first three years, Regional San achieved its stated program goals. Research, including focus groups, stakeholder meetings and telephone surveys, helped the District determine what the project meant to customers and how much they understood about why it was necessary. In addition, research helped the District assess communication methods, potential rate impacts, and customer awareness and satisfaction. NEW WATER Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District PROBLEM GBMSD had served homeowners in Wisconsin for over 80 years but concluded that its name was long, unwieldy and no longer reflected the variety of services it provided. According to Tricia Garrison, GBMSD's communications and education coordinator, the District was "the best kept secret in Green Bay." Facing increasing environmental regulations, infrastructure upgrades and rate increases, GBMSD sought a change. BRANDING SOLUTION GBMSD developed a new brand name, NEW Water, to better represent its innovative approach and the range of its services (NEW also stands for Northeastern Wisconsin). The brand reflects the agency's "new attitude of viewing materials received as a resource to be recovered, rather than a waste with which to dispose." Alongside this shift toward innovation and sustainability, the agency was also seeking regional partnerships. The new name coincided with an updated mission statement and several high-profile CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BRAND ASSESSMENT REPOPT developments meant to create a more sustainable region. GBMSD maintained its full name due to the legal hurdles associated with a complete change but now promotes its new brand as the primary driver of its public identity. CASE FINDINGS A new brand name does not require a listing of specific services. By using the NEW Water label, GBMSD created an umbrella brand to cover its various services while positioning the District as innovative and forward -thinking. GBMSD also tied its rebranding Iaunch to several significant initiatives, helping increase awareness and unclerstanding of its new messaging among its customers. Garrison recommends taking a holistic approach to rebranding and involving employees from the beginning of the process. Buter County Department of Environrnenta|Serv|ces(BCDES) PROBLEM BCDES wanted to carify its brand identity and come up with creative and cost-effective platforms to communicate with its residents (in Ohio). The agency's main problem was weak name and service recognition. "Environmental Semices^ did not cover the wide range of waste management, recychng and water treatment services it provides. BRANDING SOLUTION The management team began by creating a series of branding statements to encompass the ways that residents of Butier County could depend on the BCDES. To make sure residents read the statements, the BCDES used bill inserts to highlight its role within the community. When residents received bilis, they aiso received several short, concise branding messages regarding the agency's motto, mission statement and activities. CASE FINDINGS When districts communicate with residential customers, it is important to make branding messages cfear and concise. BCDES communicated important messages quickly and educated customers on how it was serving the community's needs. In addition, by including a branding message with each billing statement, the agency made sure its new messages would reach their intended target. Orange County Santation District (OCSD) PROBLEM Residents of Orange County, California, perceived OCSD as a disjointed and inefcient agency. There were numerous public examples of internal conflicts between the board and staff regarding rate increases and other policy decisions. To complicate this internal tension, the District was in the middle of a sixth consecutive year of rate increases. With ratepayers and staff appearing to disagree with many of the board's decisions, the agency planned to make several agency -wide changes to energize its image and regain trust. BRANDING SOLUTION To redefine its brand image, OCSD began with its employees. The board clarified decision-making roles within the organization and made the process more collaborative while reaffirming board leadership. Public information officers were tasked with highlighting the innovative policy decisions rnade by staff members as well as the Iong-term planning of the board. Eventually, increased communication with staff and the public became a standard element of its brand identity. CASE FINDINGS For OCSD, rebranding development began with employees and decision makers. OCSD banked on consumer recognition of the agency's internal characteristics. By positioning staff as experts who enjoy participating in the agency, OCSD branded itself as a more collaborative, community -oriented entity. In addition, OCSD's rebranding efforts were unveiled to the public in steps; residents are more likely to trust an identity change if they can see the numerous steps taken. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BRAND ASSESSMENT REPORT REBRANDING PROCESS INTRODUCTION Rebranding is akin to launching an organization anew with a greater, refreshed purpose. Branding expressions may include a new name, logo, color palette, fonts and other elements. If you decide to move forward with a rebranding, we recommend developing a brand strategy that will clearly define the desired impressions you want the new brand to represent. A formal brand strategy will not only serve as a motivating inspiration for creating the branding expressions, but will also act as a set of criteria by which the proposed names, logos, etc. can be judged. The brand strategy development process will also help create consensus among senior brand stakeholders. WHEN THIS APPROACH LS NEEDED Every organization should have a clear definition of what it wants to stand for in the eyes of its core audience and the world — a "brand essence." Without a brand essence, an organization will not have a reliable guide for its future growth and development. If just one of the following statements is true for CCCSD, then a brand strategy development process may be beneficial: • "So many variations on what the new name could be, but how do we decide what's right?" • "Ask what this organization is all about and everyone will have a different answer — sometimes even conflicting opinions." • "We've all got a gut feel about what we want to stand for — we just can't crystallize it into a single powerful thought." Major companies have benefited from this brand strategy development approach, including: • Disney • AOL • Hewlett-Packard • Visa • Boston Consulting Group • Miller Genuine Draft • Scion • Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino • Pentax Cameras We have worked with several local organizations on this process, including: • City of San Jose (environmental initiatives) • City of Sunrrale (municipal organization) • Santa Clara University • Palo Alto University • Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley • • * • • • • • • • • • • • 8 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BRAND ASSESSMENT REPORT STAGE 1: BRAND AUDIT The process of consensus building begins with proprietary brand audit exercises conducted online with internal and externa audiences. This stage of the project is important in establishing the basic groundwork for brand strategy development and determining not only how the key players think as a group, but also the extent to which they believe change is necessary. STAGE 2: BRAND WORKSHOP A brand workshop will be conducted with up to 16 key brand stakeholders. A facilitator guides participants through a series of exercises to achieve consensus on the future brand essence (what you want the organization to stand for) and other key brand strategy components. TIMELINE The development of a brand strategy the product that the audit and workshop(s) prepare for — takes approximately one month. BRAND ASSETS CCCSD has already conducted extensive quantitative and qualitative research, updated its mission, vision and values, and conducted an internal audit on costs associated with select rebranding elements, which will expedite the rebranding process. VISION To be a high-performance organization that provides exceptional customer service and regulatory compliance at responsible rates. MISSION To protect public health and the environment. VALUES • People • Value customers and employees • Respect each other • Work as a team • Celebrate our successes and learn from our challenges • Leadership and Commitment • Work effectively and efficiently • Promote a passionate and empowered workforce • Encourage continuous growth and development • Inspire dedication and top-quality results • Community • Value water sector partners • Foster excellent community relationships • Be open, transparent and accessible • Build partnerships • Understand service level expectations • Principles • Be truthful and honest • Be fair, kind and friendly • Take ownership and responsibility GOALS • Provide exceptional customer service • Strive to meet regulatory requirements • Be a fiscally sound and effective water sector utility • Develop and retain a highly trained and innovative workforce • Maintain a reliable infrastructure • Embrace technology, innovation and environmental sustainability •••••••••••••• 9 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BRAND ASSESSMENT REPORT NAME District employees and customers know the District by different names — Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, CCCSD and/or Central San. The District website, www.centralsan.org, includes all three variations of the District name. Currently, the CCCSD name does not accurately represent the District's breadth of services or reflect its mission, vision, values or goals. In addition to current brand names, other names have been suggested. • C3 Pure/Pure C3 • Central Contra Costa Clean Water Resources • Central Contra Costa Renewable Enterprises • Central Contra Costa Renewable Resources • Central Contra Costa Resources • Central Contra Costa Sanitary District • Central Contra Costa Water Resources • Central County Resources and Recovery • Central Diablo Resources Recovery Agency • Central Future Resources Agency • Central San • Central San Renewable Resources Agency • Central San Resources Agency • Central San Water • Clean Water for Central County • Clean Water of Central County • Clean Water of Central San • Clean Water Resources • Clean Water Utility Services • Diablo Resources Group • Diablo Water and Energy Resources • East Caldecott New Water • East Caldecott Resources • Environmental Resources Agency • Environmental Water of Contra Costa • Environmental Water of the Future • Full Cycle Water • Future Water Agency • Future Water Resources • Iron Horse Renewable Resources • John Muir Renewable Resources • John Muir Water • Mount Diablo Water Resources • Muir Water Resources • Recyclable Resources of Contra Costa • Sustainable Water of Contra Costa • Tomorrow's Water and Energy • Water Resource Utility • Water Resources Agency • Water Resources of the Future • Water Service Agency • Water Services of Central County We recommend avoiding choosing a name before developing a brand strategy, as the name and other assets will need to be evaluated following completion of the process. LOGO The current name is built into the existing logo — Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. If CCCSD decides to change its brand name, the logo will also need to change or be modified. (A modification might retain the green hills and/or pipeline but change the words and letters in the current design.) STYLE GUIDELINES CCCSD does not have discernable style guidelines (color palette, type fonts, etc.), but uses various shades of blue as a primary color in external materials. Shades of green are used as a secondary color. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BRAND ASSESSMENT REPORT COSTS T hetota|cos o[deve|opnBabnandatrategy,name'taB|ineandstveguidehnes^designinganew|ogoand updating building/outdoor signage and collateral materials would be approximately $192,000 to $200,000, excluding labor for collateral materials and costs associated with a public information program. The District is already well-positioned to save costs associated with a public information program, which can benefitfromCVVMP're|etedoutneachandinhousenasources'inc|udingCCCSD'svideognapher, graphic designer, writer and community relations, media relations and educational programs personnel. In addition, CCCSD could promote a new brand in its Pipeline newsletter, Lateral Connection newsletter, website, Intranet, social media platforms and at plant tours and public events. COST BREAKDOWN Based on CCCSD's current assets and research already conducted, developing a brand strategy would cost approximately $1[\OOOto$15'OOO. Developing a new name, logo, tagline and style guidelines would cost approximately $7,000 to $10'000. For collateral materials and signage, CCCSD estimates approximately $175,000 (excluding labor): • Printing- Items to be reprinted as needed; additional cost for new plates would be minimal. � Letterhead • Business cards • Envelopes • Educational materials • Business forms • Si8naBe • Directional $500 for new black and white street signs directing traffic to the site • Recycled vveter-two large signs at plant - approximately $500 • HHVV-$5'OQDfor new HHVVinformational sign and outreach messages on the side of the build/ng • Building Signage • HOB/Board Room/Other - exterior lettering $22,500 • Board Room -interior|ettering $5.000 ° Pond - concrete wall $25.000 ° CSO - concrete sign $15'000 • Pumping Stations - $75,000 • Manholes - Could be changed as they need to be replaced during renovations, which would take several years. • Vehicle graphics - $80/vehic|e X 104 vehicles = $8,320 (plus labor to remove and replace) � Clothing • Uniforms/Patches $9,000 • Personal gear - The District has purchased polos, jackets, orange t -shirts, 6/uet'sh/rts' and safety vests with its logo. These could be replaced as needed or all at once. To replace all at once, each department would need to be polled for quantities. °°•°°°°• •°••°°11 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BRAND ASSESSMENT REPORT BRANDING OPTIONS FULL REBRANDING Advantages • Allows the District to take a step-by-step approach • Provides opportunity to decide at conclusion of brand strategy process how best to proceed • Addresses issues raised in the District's quantitative and qualitative research • Positions the District as an innovative, forward -focused utility • Helps the District build reputation and trust in advance of potentially significant, successive rate increases • Could coincide with the District's redesign of its website and Intranet • Could coincide with CWMP outreach, saving potential costs associated with a stand-alone public information program • Helps the District better align its brand with its newly adopted vision, values and goals Disadvantages • Further expenditures could be seen as wasted if the District later abandons the rebranding process • Could detract from the District's focus on the CWMP and other initiatives underway PARTIAL REBRANDING Advantages • Saves costs by using existing research and in-house resources • Builds on work already conducted by the District, including its updated mission, vision, values and goals • Presents opportunity to launch a more comprehensive rebranding effort in conjunction with the District's 75th anniversary Disadvantages • Might result in a superficial rebranding that does not address the root cause of perceived issues identified in the research • Without a brand strategy, the District will not have a reliable set of benchmarks from which to evaluate rebranding suggestions NO REBRANDING Advantages • No additional funds or staff resources will be needed Disadvantages • Will not address issues identified in the District's research, such as a lack of brand awareness and tepid satisfaction • If CCCSD needs to increase rates substantially in the future, there will be no solid brand foundation on which customers can identify and place their trust F P RO) CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BRAND ASSESSMENT REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS \Alt e recommend developing a brand strategy to determine the extent to which CCCSD should refine its various brand elements. Elements deemed consistent with the brand strategy will not change; however, other items, such as the brand name and logo, will likely change. By going through the rebranding development process, the District will have clear benchmarks to evaluate ideas at each step along the way. 4 13 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BRAND ASSESSMENT REPORT ADDITIONAL RESOURCES * Building the Wastewater Utility Brand: Practical Advice for Increasing Trust, Support and Investment; Southern California Alliance of Publicly Owned Treatment Works (2008) • http://utiiitybraniding.netipdfs/BranclingManualf--,NALPDF.pdf • Communicating the Value of Water: An Introductory Guide for Water Utilities; Water Research Foundation (2009) * http://vvww.waterrf.org/PublicReportLibrary/91222.pdf 15 jps1Stieet - Suitc_62.0 • Salt2 cisctoKalifornia ....... -,:i.......,,,,,,,,,, - ,T -E i 415.3 9 2.1000 FAX 415.3921099 WWW.FINEMAMPR.CONI - _ 7.-lakJ :-... '..-- • e .s -.5 ipo.el • • • -411,4zizt ----