HomeMy WebLinkAboutENGINEERING & OPERATIONS MINUTES 10-21-16al Contra Costa Sanitarv Distr 8.d.1 )a) SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES Friday, October 21, 2016 9:00 a.m. 2nd Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California Committee: Chair Paul Causey Member Tad Pilecki BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Invited quests: Sarwan Wason, Senior Vice President, Carollo Engineers (left after Item 6.) Staff: General Manager Roger S. Bailey Deputy General Manager Ann Sasaki Director of Engineering and Technical Services Jean -Marc Petit Capital Projects Division Manager Edgar Lopez Plant Maintenance Division Manager Neil Meyer (left after Item 6.) Senior Engineer Dana Lawson (left after Item 3.) Senior Engineer Sasha Mestetsky Senior Engineer Craig Mizutani Senior Engineer Clint Shima (left after Item 6.) Associate Engineer Nancy Molina (present for Item 6.) Accountant Amal Lyon Senior Administrative Technician Cindy Granzelia 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair Causey called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. TAD J. PILECKI President PAUL II. CAUSEY President Pro Tem MICHAEL R. MCGILL JAMES A. NEJEDLY DAVID R. WILLIAMS PHONE: (925) 228-9500 FAX: (925) 676-7211 www.centralsamorg Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes October 21, 2016 Page 2 2. Public Comments None. 3. Receive update on the Asset Management Program Ms. Lawson reviewed the information included in the agenda materials. Chair Causey and Member Pilecki requested that an update be provided to the Board to review the cost and time savings of the newly implemented computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), including efficiencies gained from the use of tablets in the field. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. 4.* Review project costs for sewer renovation projects closed in Fiscal Year 2015-16 Mr. Lopez distributed copies of the presentation that he reviewed (attached). Mr. Petit explained that a presentation was provided at the September 6, 2016 Committee meeting showing all projects that were closed out in Fiscal Year 2015-16. This presentation focused on the four closed out projects with the largest variances. Chair Causey referred to the permit fees for the walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 10, District Project (DP) 8413, and asked if there was a way to eliminate or decrease the fees with the cities. Mr. Bailey acknowledged that it could be a good future policy discussion to have with the Board on how to approach the issue. COMMITTEE ACTION: Discussed and provided input to staff. 5.* Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract, and amend an existing agreement with Brown and Caldwell for as -needed construction services for construction of the Headworks Screening Upgrade, District Project 7327 Mr. Lopez distributed a revised draft Position Paper, which included final numbers from the bid opening (attached). COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval. 6.* Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to transfer up to $550,000 and execute a professional engineering agreement with Carollo Engineers for design services for the Plant Energy Optimization Project, District Project 7320 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes October 21, 2016 Page 3 This item was taken out of order immediately following Item 3. Mr. Shima presented slides on the history of how this project began (attached). He explained that the District received a carbon monoxide violation last April and, after multiple tests with Solar Turbine on the engine, i Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes October 21, 2016 Page 4 11. Tour of Garden Level Improvements at Headquarters Office Building (HOB) Immediately upon adjournment, Mr. Lopez led the Committee Members on a tour of recent improvements made on the HOB Garden Level. 12. Adjournment — at 10:51 a.m. * Attachment FY 2015-16 Closed Sewer Renovation Project Costs Review October 21,2016 Engineering and Operations Committee Meeting Edgar J. Lopez, PE Capital Projects Division Manager Item 4. (Committee Handout) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting Public Health and the Environment Collection System Projects Closed - Reviewed Project Project Title Total Number Expenditures 8404 Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Ph. 8 $2,951,730 8411 N. Orinda Sewer Renovations, Ph. 5 $2,771,989 8413 Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, $3,791,443 Ph. 10 8421 Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Ph. 9 $3,063,582 1 Lafayette Ph. 8 - DP 8404 Costs Breakdown Construction Contract Permits Change Orders* Total Construction Right -of -Way Survey (Design and ROW related) Design Construction Services Total Project Expenditures * Included claim settlement and legal $1,321,305 $ 19,438 $ 547.332 (41%) $1,888,075 (100%) $ 148,515 (7.8%) $ 125,000 (6.6%) $ 376,000 (19.9%) $ 414.140*(21.9%) $2,951,730 North Orinda Ph. 5 - DP 8413 Costs Breakdown Construction Contract Permits Change Orders* Total Construction Right -of -Way Survey (Design and ROW related) Design Construction Services* Total Project Expenditures * Not typical due to La Espiral incident $1,748,505 $ 11,136 $ (40.500) (-2.3%1 $1,719,141 (100%) $ 79,141 (4.6%) $ 92,000 (5.3%) $ 403,000 (23.5%) $ 478.707 (27.8%) $2,771,989 2 Walnut Creek Ph. 10 - DP 8413 Costs Breakdown Construction Contract $2,288,000 Permits $ 62,266 Change Orders $ 221.994 (9.6%1 Total Construction $2,572,260 (100%) Right -of -Way $ 34,169 (1.3%) Survey (Design and ROW related) $ 182,000 (7.0%) Design $ 568,000 (222,0%) Construction Services $ 435.014 (16.9%) Total Project Expenditures $3,791,443 Lafayette Ph. 9 - DP 8421 Costs Breakdown Construction Contract Permits Change Orders Total Construction Right -of -Way Survey (Design and ROW related) Design Construction Services Total Project Expenditures $1,812,211 $ 5,898 $ 216.479 (11.9%1 $2,034,588 (100%) $ 47,714 (2.3%) $ 120,000 (5.9%) $ 482,000 (23.6%) $ 379.280 (18.6%1 $3,063,582 3 Conclusions • Older projects, Lafayette Ph. 8 and N. Orinda Ph. 5, are atypical for cost comparison due to very low bids, and both had major issues during construction. • Survey and ROW work have been evaluated since Walnut Creek Ph. 10, and Capital Projects has implemented several alternatives to increase efficiency and lower costs. • Design and Construction management costs have been improving and continue to be below the industry average for pipeline construction. Questions? 4 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS Item 5 - POSITION PAPER (Committee Handout) Board Meeting Date: November 3, 2016 Subject: DRAFT AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH W.M. LYLES CO.; AND AUTHORIZE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT AMENDMENT WITH BROWN AND CALDWELL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE HEADWORKS SCREENING UPGRADE, DISTRICT PROJECT 7327 Submitted By: Brad Leidecker, Associate Engineer REWEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: Initiating Dept./Div.: Engineering and Technical Services/Capital Projects C. Mizutani — Senior Engineer E. Lopez Capital Projects Division Manager JM. Petit — Director of Engineering and Technical Services Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE: On October 19, 2016, four (4) sealed bids were received and opened for the construction of the Headworks Screening Upgrade, District Project 7327. The Board of Directors (Board) must award the contract, or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. Authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to SUBMITTAL requirements, and revise an existing professional engineering agreement in an amount greater than $100,000. BACKGROUND: The Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) Priority Ranking for this project is critical and the work aligns with the District's Strategic Plan, specifically Goal No. 6, which is "Maintain a Reliable Wastewater Infrastructure." The project will install four new multi -rake bar screens with fine openings to replace the existing climber screens and grinders, a screenings conveyance sluiceway, washer compactors, and a screenings disposal facility. Two of the existing climber screens and grinders will be rebuilt and installed in the Headworks wet weather channels for more operational reliability and process redundancy. The project work area is shown in Attachment 1. This project will significantly improve the following challenges: • Grinding of the screenings results in several negative impacts, such as increased plastics and floatables in the liquid and solid streams, and equipment fouling throughout the treatment plant. • The existing screens are not enclosed. The new screening removal equipment and new enclosed facilities were designed to reduce odor issues. Page 1 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 3, 2016 Subject AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH W.M. LYLES CO.; AND AUTHORIZE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT AMENDMENT WITH BROWN AND CALDWELL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE HEADWORKS SCREENING UPGRADE, DISTRICT PROJECT 7327 • Maintaining and sourcing replacement parts for the existing screens and grinders is becoming more difficult and expensive. Brown and Caldwell (B&C) is the design engineer and prepared the plans and specifications for the project. The Engineer's estimate for construction is $6,500,000. This project was advertised on September 15 and 22, 2016. Four sealed bids ranging from $5,191,000 to $5,585,000 were received and publicly opened on October 19, 2016. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that W.M. Lyles Co. is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder with a bid amount of $5,191,000, A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 2. District staff will administer the construction contract, provide construction management, oversee consultant services, provide control system integration, and coordinate activities with Plant Operations. District staff recommends retaining B&C to provide support services during the construction phase of this project, which includes reviewing shop drawings and submittals, responding to design questions, evaluating change order requests, performing site visits to verify design compliance, controls integration support, structural inspections, and other related activities. An as -needed construction support services agreement amendment with a cost ceiling of $360,000 has been negotiated with B&C for this project. To date, the total cost ceiling for the B&C agreement is at $1,090,000, which includes design and construction support services of the Substation 16 Switchgear (Sub 16) Replacement project and design services for the Headworks Screening Upgrade project. The proposed agreement revision will increase the total agreement cost ceiling to $1,450,000. CEQA: Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15302, since it involves replacement of existing public facilities at the same location and with the same purpose. Approval of this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total project cost of the Headworks Screening Upgrade is anticipated to be $8,220,000, which includes planning, design, consultant fees, bid price, construction, contingency, and construction management as shown in Page 2 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 3, 2016 Subject AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH W.M. LYLES CO.; AND AUTHORIZE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT AMENDMENT WITH BROWN AND CALDWELL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE HEADWORKS SCREENING UPGRADE, DISTRICT PROJECT 7327 Attachment 3. This project is included in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-17 District Budget on page 137 with a total estimated project budget of $8,400,000. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: Reject all bids, which is not recommended. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this subject at its meeting on October 21, 2016, and recommended approval of this project. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Staff recommends the following: 1. Find that the project is exempt from CEQA, 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $5,191,000 for the construction of the Headworks Screening Upgrade, District Project 7327, to W.M. Lyles Co., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, 3. Authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to SUBMITTAL requirements, and 4. Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement amendment with Brown and Caldwell to increase the cost ceiling from $1,090,000 to $1,450,000 to provide as -needed construction services. Attached Suoaortina Documents: 1. Project Location Map 2. Summary of Bids 3. Post -Bid I Preconstruction Estimate Page 3 of 6 0 100 200 FEET CONSTRUCTION STAGING AREA fr ATTACHMENT 1 HEADWORKS SCREENING UPGRADE DISTRICT PROJECT 7327 LOCATION MAP CLAF ERS (SOU ) U .• t a PUMP AND BLOWER BUILDING �, � „�.�. �.�.. � •; •I "1111 SOLIDS NDITION BUILDIN •,.Ya �•r F! 1'...-- ,•fit r [ POD MHOFF PLACE O8 HEADWORKS ,j I if l PRIMARY SEDIMENTATION TANKS PROJECT AREA \\ Page 4 of 6 ATTACHMENT 2 HEADWORKS SCREENING UPGRADE DISTRICT PROJECT 7327 SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO.: 7327 DATE: OCTOBER 19, 2016/2PM PROJECT NAME: HEADWORKS SCREENING UPGRADE PROJECT LOCATION: 5019 IMHOFF PLACE, MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA NO. OF ADDENDA: 2 ENGINEER ESTIMATE: $8,500,000 NO. BIDDER BID PRICE W.M.Lyles Company 1 $5,191,000 West Sacramento, CA 95691 GSE Construction Company, Inc. 2 $5,418,000 Livermore, CA 94551 Myers and Sons Construction LP 3 $5,563,500 Sacramento, CA 95834 C. Overaa and Company 4 $5,585,000 Richmond, CA 94801 BIDS OPENED BY: Elaine R. Boehme, CMC DATE: October 19. 2016 Page 5 of 6 ATTACHMENT 3 HEADWORKS SCREENING UPGRADE DISTRICT PROJECT 7327 POST -BID / PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE No. Item Description 1. CONSTRUCTION a. Construction Contract b. Contingency at 15% c. Permit SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION 2. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT a. District Forces - Construction Management - Survey - Operations Support - Control System Integration b. Consultants - B&C Construction Services - Inspection - Material Testing - Geotechnical and others SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 3. PREBID EXPENDITURES a. Engineering and Operations Support (Planning, Design, Consultant Fees) SUBTOTAL - PREBID EXPENDITURES 4. TOTAL PROJECT COST Amounts $5,191,000 $778,000 $5,000 $5,974,000 $360,000 $15,000 $120,000 $80,000 $360,000 $300,000 $50,000 $11,000 $1,296,000 $950,000 $950+000 $8,220,000 % Construction Cost 100% 21.7% 15.9% Page 6 of 6 Item 6. (Committee Handout) ENERGY OPTIMIZATION PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT 7320 RECENT OPERATION HISTORY ZN) • Notice of Violations from BAAQMD in April 2016 for CO CO not continuously monitored (only two year -cycle) • Staff reduced power output to stay within compliance • Air emissions fest in May and engine tuning by Solar Turbine • Warranty letter in August to Solar Turbine ->Two additional testing and tunings to verify engine emission parameters by Solar Turbine • Concluded: Engine within specifications 1 PROJECT BACKGROUND • Project initiated for potential treatment plant improvements that increase energy efficiency and decrease emissions • Researched past and new alternatives • Carollo Engineers (Sarwan Wason — original designer) reviewed alternatives (with business case evaluations) • Two improvements identified with quick pay backs: • Improvement 1: CO Emission Reduction • Improvement 2: Energy Optimization • Total estimated project cost $600,000 IMPROVEMENT 1: CO EMISSION REDUCTION CO CATALYST • Allow operation at higher loads • Allows operations more flexibility • Reduce emissions, 50-75%, reduction of CO • Payback period is approximately three years • Installed in ducting 10/25/2016 2 CO CATALYST LOCATION IMPROVEMENT 2: ENERGY OPTIMIZATION EVAPORATIVE COOLER • Carollo Engineers Technical Memorandum • Allows more power generation in summer when peak costs are high • Installed in air inlet room • Payback period calculated at three years 10/25/2016 3 EVAPORATIVE COOLER AT INLET STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS • Authorize General Manager to transfer up to $550,000 this fiscal year for Energy Optimization Project (District Project 7320) • Staff will proceed with design and bid project • Design contract with Carollo Engineers 10/25/2016 4 1 PROGRAM /GM185L4 Modified In Excel _ „ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET REPORT ACCOUNTING CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT' .„, _ PERIOD ENDING: 09/30/2016 PERIOD 3/2017 .„.. • , NAV . Item 6 (Committee Handout, ....• • Ofpg-1„, • .„. PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL - FY 2016-17 Budget TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL„, •.• ...• PROJ . BUDGETS = EXPENDTrURES PROJECT - Approved E. Adjustments - BUDGET -TO -DATE SPENT IN REMAINING • • r • •• • . • • ••• • rtr. • .4. • • I r • • • ... • - • • • • ••••••.• -PYS frit 2015-16) PYS (FY 201546) CARRY-FORWARn. .Budget FY 2016-17 , THRU FY' 2016-17 FY 2016-17 • • . BUDGET ,W.APAINOM • NO PROJECT TITLE PrEV„ „M9M.„„ • 7285 Primary Treatment Renovation ............. ... ...,............„_•„..........,..,... ...•,.........„.„.„..•...„,...„.„........„....,......„, 7286 Centrifuge & Cake Pumps ..........„......,,,....„............ ..• . . ... .... ...•„.•....„ ..........,,..,...., ...„, „„........„.• $ 14„868,112 14 695 729 1 172,383 50 000 I 1 222,383 5463;2065 165,5T, 128,000 86,061 1 41,939 i 500000 ....,.....,,„„„.......,.......„,......•.............. „„ ,.......... .•.. . • • „.........„...,...,....,..,.•,„....„..„..••.....................,•••....••...•„„.„...„„. 1 541,989 98 414 7291 Pump & Slower Bldg Seisrnit Upgrade 695,000 678 125 i 16 875 , _ 2„990,090 Z916,875 2,851239 ; 7292 Switchgear Refubishment - Ph 2 • ....................... • ......,........... ....., .. ., • _ ..., •,, . • 32.0000 2.80„596 1 , 100,00' 0 139 404 65,636 ' 751 I 138 653 ..• .••••• • ••.• • • • ,. 7297 Caustic Addition to MHF 1,421„600 1,377,126 1 39,404 . 38,138 44,474 _._50,000___,...._ (50,000) __441,474_,,,,,,,....,,,...,,,...,,._ ..q,3,36 1 •_, „.....,......„...„...........,,....,, , . , ••.....•......„.............. • ••• ,,,..,_•...„.. ...,:„.......,,,.............,„,„•,,„,...,_••„....,......, ..._.."„..... 7301 Treament Plant Planning 2,W1,464 2,601,464 I 350,000 . 350,000 , :„,,,,,,,„,.......,,,..,,,.,...„....95,050...1........__.,...,_50_,„,_. ,..„,.. ...., ...., ,_..„.„,,_......„„....:•...••,.... , . „ • „ .. • ., .,..•.....,....„.„, .. ..•,.. ....,• ,..,...................,_ .. ......., ..._ .. ......_ _. • , „ ,••• , •• w ..,_,........„.. ..„.•••••••••••.. 7304 instr *it Controls PLC Upgrade 335,000 272,662 i 62,338 100,000 162,33812,355 149,985 7310 Pepin Renovations - Phase 9 (Closed in FY 2015-16) 1,569,410 1 1 569 410 1 - 25,000 1 •(25,000} i .......•,_.......•••..................... 7311 Safety Enhancement Ph 4 ... ...,.....•,,, ...............,„.....„.............. •.. . • 340,000 _338,945 i 1,055 150,00.0 I 151,055 •-• 1 151,055., ,IP 7312 *sic Facility Improvements 90,000 81,956 J 8,0444 800,000 1 808,044 115, . 3,212 I - 1,655 1 804,832 7314 Urgent Repairs „... ........................... .... „. . ,.... ., _ . ........,_ - 5,000 .- I 5,000 110,000 „ 000 113,345 • 7315 Applied Research and Innovations 232,274 195,738 175,000 1 211,536 ' 1,545 1 7317 TPlant Control System Network Upgrades .....,, ... • ..........__...............,... • ... • ........_, . .................. .........::..........,..... ..... 36,536 • .. .. ... 2,425 i 220.29:971951 . 160,000 i ' 134,860 ' 25,140 100,000 I .., ......• 357,180 1 125,140 i 7319 Laboratory Upgrades & Repair 471500[114,320 700,000 _. • .............., ... 814,3Z0 227,018 ' 587,302 7320 Plant Energy Optimization ,0‹:-.-.. ........ ........• ......._ .... . .._. .•. .... ,.., • ....... .... .................._ . _,... ,............_•. _ ........_,.... ...• . ...... ...,....: 91 179 1 •......................... (1,179 578,000 .,, --, - 626,821 , . - 19,898 ...•., • ...„,„_., ,...„..,...., ..........,.... . ... _..... 7322 Fire Protection System Ph2 ,,,,..., 240,000 99,9991 88.898 ' 50 000 751,102 73,309 W6776,799233 7324 Sub '16 Switchgear Replacement ..„......•.,.........,..........• ......... „.. ,.. ... ........... ...,...r. . !.• .. , 6 000 687,472 151,102 .. , . ..,.........„.....,. ..... „, ...,,,..„........... .....„, , .,....,...,,..... ....„, • • . .., .......„ • . ,....,. .. . ......,, ,,... , ,..,..., .......,,,,,,,,,,,...............,„,..,,,,_••...........,..„ 600,000 528 2,144000 1 (188,pp0) 1,956,528,,_,,, 1,056,5,25 _ 900,003 . ..•• .. „....•• ..,„ . .. „,,....•••..•••• 7326 Equipment Replacement FY 15 -FY 24 406000 49„102 460,000 i ... ,• . . .„. ...... ...••• • ......,_ ...... ..... ,.. •,... . „ .• .. •••••• , .. •.• , ....., ..,....„ • ....... .. .,...... ...--------- - - 4- '7327 Illeadwork'sSyee„ni_ng ,, _, 900,090 .. 756,172 3569,8, ....•,_„......... ,..,, 1 600 000 i t 1,743,828 509,102 .....,,,,.......,....„„, .„..„.,....„.„,,,,,,..„...............„,,.........„.„,,,,..,,,,,„. (45°1:9267°7)i. 1,785,795 458,832 143,82 I, 7329 MHF Burner Upgrade , 290,372 46,385 I,.„„ 53,615 270,000,4.._ , .,, .„, , ,,„ „,„„„‘„ ,,„ . ,. , 33,243 7330 Png Renovation Phase 9 " 1 " I ‘. 241,000 1 • 244900. r , 204,603 20,000 12 631 1 300,000 , •• ........„..,.•:,............„ 3q,397„, ,•„•„•„......„•.,...••••.•...,..,...„ ,••., ...... • . .• „ , . •.,.,.... , „ ...„.... • , ,,,, ..„,. , „ „„, ••,..„..,,,,,,••.„_,„......, „..,,,,,,,....„..„. , ..„„ . ..,•„....„,..„.,„.„,„,.„,„...... .......,. . ,, ,•.„„ ......... ••,„.....,.. ...•„:,.. .„. , ......,..........,...,•„....:......... „.....,........., ....,,...,•• .,,..„....„„_... .., • „ . .., ,•••.•,•••• .•., , . • 7,369 ..............,.•................•.. .,„„„•„„ • .• ...........,..•••• .•••,...• ,.... .•,.......„,... ••, . .. ,..........„___.,..., 307,369 434 306,935 7339 Plant Control System I/0 Replacement 7341WC/prayson Creek Levee Rehab .. 150,000 150,000 - . 150,000 ,,,,..,..„.„....„,„ .„._. .„ ..... „........,.._,..• _ • . . . . .. ...... „.•,....• . • _.........................„..............- ... 7343 TP Master Plan 1,715,000, 1,712,568 800,000 .............................. 7348 Wet Scrubber Re lacement - LT - 1 2,432 • . 400,000 ,.. 400,000 -...- ". 1..iiiit:, 0, ,, .,.7 ' -,'''''''""1. 1°?;()°° ,,i•••'',N•4114.'.1-.<,.1'rgg k ' , :4;.• ,;111.:'1..5.-;11.111113,121.:' 1',"8M41'''' Inr-lounnI7 ' ,,,,"•,, , ,...i....... , ...,„ „, -.--ii, - • ••..- ,. ., . , . . • . • 10, ,1-17779" CAUserAelopeOppData\local\ 4c 0 ft Winciovvs\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\TYCVIINCl\Capital Project report Period 3 FY 16 17.xisx Sept 16