HomeMy WebLinkAbout07. First Quarter Fiscal Year 2016-17 quarterly update on Strategic Plan Tracking7. crOCD ummummi. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District November 7, 2016 TO: ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE VIA: ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER rl FROM: ANN SASAKI, DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGEFO/' SUBJECT: STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES AND KEY PERFORMANCE METRIC PROGRESS REPORTS — FY 2016-17 FIRST QUARTER Attached are the Strategic Plan Key Success Measures and Key Performance Metrics Process Reports for the first quarter of FY 2016-17. The legend colors indicate the following: 0 Completed 0 On Task 0 Off Task 0 At Risk Comments are included to provide additional information regarding progress and/or exceptions. RSB:AS:amt Attachments NAPOSUP\Board of Directors\Board - Administration Committee\2016\Strategic Plan Memo 2016-17 ist Quarter 11-07-16.docx Strategy Foster Customer Engagement and Awareness . 1. 1.111 • Initiative Invest in business process changes and technologies to effectively increase access to District information and promote customer care, convenience and self-service. Increase customer understanding and support for key issues facing the District. Build and maintain relationships with Federal, State and local elected officials and key stakeholder groups. Provide high quality customer service. FY 2016-17 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 1 PROVIDE EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE Key Success Measures Update website to increase customer engagement. efficiency in customer -District processes. and showcase the District as an industry leader. Install kiosk in District Lobby (e.g. live Board meetings, website information, service information, touch screen station). Develop and monitor growth of social media. Evaluate and improve process for managing District electronic records, including email. Conduct and track outreach for the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP). Conduct external presentations that highlight District services and key initiatives through speaker's bureaus and other presentations. Conduct facility tours and track the number of people participating. Develop videos and public service announcements to communicate important District information, programs and services. Track number of meetings with elected officials and stakeholders Host an annual signature event that includes legislators and stakeholders. Plan presentations for Board Members to present to City Councils and community groups of their liaison cities. Provide staff with Public Records Act training. Respond to all customer field requests within 20 minutes during work hours. Conduct annual customer service sensitivity training to all District staff. Conduct annual political sensitivity training for all District management and supervisory staff. Monitor customer feedback and identify trends and areas for improvement. 0 Completed 0 On Task /st 2nd 3rd 4th QTR QTR QTR QTR Performance in Achieving Success Measures Status, Comments and Exceptions 151 QTR—Website RFP near completion. 1st QTR — TV installed for educational purpose. Will also be live -streaming Board meetings and using internet for time.gov for bid openings. 1st QTR — Social media continues to be active, gaining followers, delivering relevant content that reaffirms our pollution prevention messages and commitment to environmental sustainability. In fact, the District's most recent Twitter follower is Lenni Montiel the UN Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development. 1st QTR — CWMP messaging training to leadership has been completed. A plan that creates a streamlined process between Proposition 218 rates, improving Proposition 218 outreach material/community — stakeholder meetings, seed planting the CWMP, and full CWMP outreach has been ' developed. Final Board approval will determine the specific timing of some of these items. Others are in process. 151 QTR — Speakers bureau presentations are off target as we will ramp up for our Proposition 218 and CWMP outreach. It is important to note that the 70th Anniversary Event provided hundreds of informal speakers bureau interactions between District staff and customers not counted in this metric. 1st QTR — The 70'n Anniversary Event allowed for this metric to be completed in one day. Although that event was unusual and accounted for large influx of people touring the Plant, we will continue to exceed this item as we will give tours continuously. 151 QTR — Videos Completed: 70m Anniversary Event videos (3), and CSDA Academy. Videos in Process: Central San Academy, OPD Superhero, and CWMP outreach. 151 QTR — This item is on target and ongoing. 151 QTR 70"n Anniversary Event completed! 1 st QTR — This item is on target and ongoing. 1st QTR — Average response time is 35 minutes. 151 QTR — Customer service sensitivity training scheduled for January 2017. 151 QTR — Developing curriculum with anticipate rollout lst Quarter 2017. 1st QTR — Most customer feedback at this time has been related to construction communication, especially the large Grayson Creek project in Pleasant Hill. We have provided increased door-to-door communication with all affected residents and made presentations to the Pleasant Hill City Council. 0 Off Task 0 At Risk Page 1 Strategy Improve Interdepartmental Collaboration Initiative Foster employees' understanding of District operations and their role in our success. Increase internal partnerships. FY 2016-17 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 1 PROVIDE EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE Key Success Measures Communicate important District initiatives and information to employees via print and electronic communication. Solicit feedback from employees on efficiency of District operations, and implement viable solutions. Continue review and streamlining of existing Board policies, and assist with development of new Board policies as may be necessary. Develop multi -divisional teams for implementation of Board -approved recommendations from the CWMP. Develop multi -divisional teams to implement District -wide business process efficiency projects. Continue the Information Technology (IT) Leadership Committee. Completed 0 On Task 1 st QTR 2nd QTR 3rd QTR 4th QTR Performance in Achieving Success Measures Status, Comments and Exceptions 1st QTR — District information and updates are shared with employees through the monthly Lateral Connection (employee newsletter). 0 Off Task At Risk Page 2 FY 2016-17 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 2 STRIVE TO MET REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 11111111.111 1.1.11111 Strategy Strive to Achieve 100% Permit Compliance in Air, Water, Land and Other Regulations Strive to Minimize the Number of Sanitary Sewer Overflows Initiative Renew treatment plant NPDES permit which expires on March 31. 2017 Meet existing regulations and plan for future regulations. Foster relationships with regulatory agencies. Monitor and track, proposed and pending legislation and regulatory changes that may impact District operations. Actively manage greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the most cost effective and responsible manner. Complete the collection system scheduled maintenance on time and optimize cleaning schedules to improve efficiencies. Continue the pipeline condition assessment and cleaning quality assurance program using the system -wide CCTV program. Key Success Measures Prepare application and submit application to the RWQCB on or before September 30, 2016. Obtain new permit. Comply with all permit requirements for air, wastewater discharges and recycled water. Develop a comprehensive regulatory permit matrix (i.e., current permits with which the District must comply) and track compliance on a quarterly basis. Provide an annual regulatory update to the Board. Actively participate in meetings of BACWA and the RWQCB. Participate in relevant meetings and workshops with regulatory agencies. Communicate directly with Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), State Water Resource Control Board (SWRCB), Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), California Air Resources Board (CARB) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) staff, as needed. Develop an internal system to track relevant proposed legislation/regulations. Analyze, review and comment on relevant proposed legislation/regulations, as appropriate Actively participate in professional associations (National Association of Clean Water Agencies [NACWA], Water Environment Federation [WEF], California Association of Sanitation Agencies [CASA], Bay Area Clean Water Agencies [BACWA], California Water Environment Association [CWEA], etc.). Keep CO2e anthropogenic GHG emissions below 25,000 metric tons. Prepare internal monthly GHG emission inventory updates. Prepare and submit annual GHC emission inventory to CARB. Prepare internal annual inventory summary and verification report. Clean at least 800 miles of sewer lines per year. Complete scheduled maintenance on time for at least 95% of the schedules. Televise at least 150 miles of sewer lines per year. Identify emergency pipeline projects and include them in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Perform CCTV QA/QC on 3% of lines cleaned on an annual basis with a goal of having at least a 98% passing rate. 0 Completed 0 On Task st 2nd 3rd 4th QTR QTR QTR QTR Status, Comments and Exceptions 1st QTR — Application prepared and submitted to the RWQCB on September 28, 2016. Performance in Achieving Success Measures 0 Off Task lst QTR — New permit anticipated Spring 2017. 1st QTR — Developed and finalized a comprehensive regulatory permit matrix. Tracking on a quarterly basis is ongoing. lst QTR — On target and ongoing. Board presentations on priority legislation and state commissions ongoing. 1st QTR — Current CCTV passing rate is 95.4%. 0 At Risk Page 3 FY 2016-17 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 3 BE A FISCALLY SOUND AND EFFECTIVE WATER SECTOR UTILITY Strategy Conduct Long Range Financial Planning Manage Costs Initiative Ensure rate structure is consistent with cost of service principles. Improve the application and processing of capacity fees for consistency across user classes. Develop a long-range debt management policy. Develop alternatives for new revenues and funding sources (i.e. interagency agreements, services, recycled water). Perform targeted audits of critical/high-risk functions or processes. Perform optimization studies of treatment plant and field operations to reduce costs. Evaluate and implement risk management practices to minimize loss. Key Success Measures Perform rate study to support the Board -approved recommendations from the CWMP. Review and implement a new rate structure for mixed-use businesses. Develop a public outreach strategy associated with the rate study and its recommendations. Conduct annual capacity fee audits to ensure appropriate fees are assessed and collected. Conduct annual review of business establishments to ensure consistent use with existing permits and capacity fees paid. Present draft debt management policy to Board by June 2017 • Policy will consider intergenerational equity and the prudent use of debt to stabilize long-term rates. Develop alternative scenarios to utilize debt prudently to optimize the financing of the Board -approved recommendations from the CWMP. Identify District services that could be offered to other regional public agencies and implement feasible alternatives. Identify and pursue State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan grant opportunities, as appropriate. Identify high-cost/high-risk functions. Perform at least three audits of high-risk function (FY 2016-18). Identify treatment plant and field processes for optimization. Perform optimization studies on at least three of the processes identified (FY 2016-18). Identify and implement lessons learned from previous losses (FY 2016-18 Reduce average cost of overflow claims. Offer temporary modified duty to employees with occupational injuries. Provide an Annual Risk Management Report to the Board. 0 Completed 15t 2nd 3rd 4th QTR QTR QTR QTR 0 On Task 0 Off Task Performance in Achieving Success Measures Status, Comments and Exceptions 1st QTR — In progress. A Board Workshop on rates and the CWMP is scheduled for November 10, 2016. QTR — This item is on target. Staff is working on a robust outreach program that will include an information letter to business customers, one business stakeholder meeting, and a minimum of one residential outreach meeting within the service area. 1st QTR — Working with PFM. 1st QTR — Presented to the Board on September 1, 2016. 0 At Risk Page 4 Strategy Ensure Adequate Staffing and Training to Meet Current and Future Operational Levels Enhance Relationship with Employees and Bargaining Units Initiative Assess, develop, and implement District -wide training needs. Develop and train our future leaders. Cultivate a positive work culture and promote teamwork. Sustain and grow collaborative relationships with the labor bargaining units. FY 2016-17 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 4 DEVELOP AND RETAIN A HIGHLY TRAINED AND INNOVATIVE WORKFORCE 1st 2nd 3rd 4th QTR QTR QTR QTR Key Success Measures Hire Training Coordinator position. Develop and implement a training plan for each business section (FY 2016-18). Develop and implement a training plan for each employee classification (FY 2016-18). Continue to encourage and track the usage of outside training and tuition reimbursement programs. Continue the Leadership and Supervisors Academies (alternating years). Implement the Mentorship Program. Implement Team -Building Program for the Management Team. Implement one-on-one coaching sessions for Management Team. Establish and communicate clear performance expectations and standards. Regularly assess and communicate performance against standards. Solicit feedback on employee satisfaction and engagement, and implement viable suggestions. Promote opportunities for cross -divisional work teams. Provide opportunities to recognize high -performing teams at Department meetings and Board meetings. Continue the General Manager lunches with the Division workgroups. Continue the Lateral Connection employee newsletter. Continue the General Manager lunches with the bargaining representatives. Continue the Labor Management Committee meetings. Engage the bargaining units in informal discussions on collaborative solutions to workplace issues. 0 Completed 0 On Task 1116* 0 Off Task Performance in Achieving Success Measures Status, Comments and Exceptions ist QTR — On hold. lst QTR — Next Leadership Academy scheduled for March 2017. 1st QTR Mentorship Program was implemented July 2016. Mentees will be providing updates on their projects at a future Board meeting. The first session of the program will be completed in June 2017. 15t QTR — Manager Team Building Workshop held September 2016. ist QTR — Management coaching sessions implemented August 2016. 0 At Risk Page 5 Strategy Meet or Exceed Industry Safety Standards Initiative Achieve consistent improvement on State of California and Bay Area industry injury rate. Enhance the safety culture through improved training and communications. FY 2016-17 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 4 DEVELOP AND RETAIN A HIGHLY TRAINED AND INNOVATIVE WORKFORCE 1st 2nd 3rd 4th QTR QTR QTR QTR Key Success Measures Continue monitoring of accidentlincident causation including type, mechanism, and body part to identify and mitigate hazards. Continue providing accidentlincident analysis summary to the District Safety Committee and Safety Teams on a monthly basis to inform members about accident/incident causation and corrective measures. Continue providing accident/incident analysis summary to District Management Team on a quarterly basis to inform Managers of their respective workgroups performance, accident causation, and corrective measures. Continue providing an Annual Safety Report to the Board. Continue conducting regulatory required safety training. Continue conducting training based upon accidentlincident causal factors, new processes, equipment, or procedures. Continue providing relevant safety information to personnel via the Safety Corner in the Lateral Connection. Continue providing upcoming safety-related legislation and regulations to supervisors and managers via the Cal/OSHA Reporter and safety updates. Implement safety training/tracking system. 0 Completed 0 On Task Performance in Achieving Success Measures Status, Comments and Exceptions 1 st QTR — A Safety column is included in each monthly publication of the Lateral Connection. 0 Off Task 0 At Risk Page 6 FY 2016-17 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT • GOAL 5 MAINTAIN A RELIABLE INFRASTRUCTURE • • I I I Il• I I Strategy Manage Assets Optimally Throughout Their Lifecycle Facilitate Long -Term Capital Renewal and Replacement Initiative Implement Board -approved recommendations from the CWMP and Condition Assessment. Update the Consequence of Failure Matrices. Implement the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Program. Manage and maintain current equipment and vehicle fleet to provide maximum value. Integrate the data from the Asset Management Program into the analysis of long term capital improvement needs based on the Board -approved CWMP. Implement business cases evaluations, including life -cycle cost into proposals for new CIP projects to determine the most cost-effective projects and solutions for projects that were not identified in the approved CWMP or the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB). Key Success Measures Implement prioritized CWMP and Condition Assessment recommendations that are maintenance -related and incorporate these into the maintenance schedule (e.g., corrective work orders) or adjust maintenance activities (e.g., Preventative Maintenance Plan) as appropriate. Implement the capital improvement projects identified in the CWMP consistent with Board -approved recommendations. Review and update the Consequence of Failure Matrices by June 2017. Train staff on RCM analysis and software. Perform RCM on at least five treatment plant process systems (FY 2016-18). Maintain uptime for vehicles and equipment greater than 95%. Install automated vehicle location (AVL) on all District vehicles. Develop and implement diagnostics associated with AVL. Complete the implementation of InfoMaster software to determine prioritization of collection system pipe replacement based on likelihood and consequence of failures factors. Develop a business process to incorporate long-term (10 plus years) renewal and replacement schedules into the CIP based on the Board -approved CWMP. Coordinate near term CIP projects identified in the condition assessment findings with the Board -approved CWMP. Adopt a Business Case Evaluation Process (FY 2016-17) for new projects not already identified in the CIB or Board -approved CWMP. Prepare Business Case Evaluations for all large projects of $1 million if not already identified in the CIB or Board -approved CWMP. 0 Completed 1st 2nd 3rd 4th QTR QTR QTR QTR 0 On Task 0 Off Task Performance in Achieving Success Measures Status, Comments and Exceptions 151 QTR — Completed formal training on the RCM process and software. 15' QTR — Completed the first pilot on one subsystem in the dewatering process. Working on the second pilot for one subsystem in the steam system; identified other subsystems/systems for analysis moving forward. 0 At Risk Page 7 Strategy Protect District Personnel and Assets from Threats and Emergencies Protect District Personnel and Assets from Threats and Emergencies Initiative Enhance our capability to mitigate, prepare, respond and recover from emergencies. Evaluate and implement appropriate improvements to our Security Program to meet new or evolving threats. FY 2016-17 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 5 MAINTAIN A RELIABLE INFRASTRUCTURE Key Success Measures Implement the minimum readiness requirements of the Continuity Plan. Add one continuity, field and treatment plant practical exercise to the Emergency Management Training Program. Complete the five-year update to the multi -jurisdictional Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) (Contra Costa County, State, FEMA). Update the Emergency Operations Plan. Provide an annual Emergency Management Report to the Board. Relocate the data center to a more secure location (FY 2016-18). Explore cloud -based systems such as email ad cloud backup solutions. Develop a Comprehensive Security Master Plan. Conduct physical security assessments of the Martinez and Walnut Creek facilities. Consolidate security monitoring at all District facilities. Enhance the security culture through improved communication. Upgrade treatment plant -site network and network equipment to create redundant paths. Develop and implement critical IT security policy/procedure. 0 Completed 0 On Task 1st 2nd 3rd QTR QTR QTR 0 Off Task 4th QTR Performance in Achieving Success Measures Status, Comments and Exceptions lst QTR — The Continuity of Operations Plan was not completed last year, but is on track for completion in FY 2016-17. However, the delay now leaves less time between plan completion and the target date for implementing minimum readiness requirements. It is possible that the remaining time will not be sufficient to meet this goal. 1st QTR — Staff and management decided not to take any action on this item until a more detailed security assessment was completed. The Board will be reviewing the proposal for the more detailed assessment at its November 3, 2016, meeting. Task 4 of that assessment includes recommendations for consolidating security monitoring. Progress toward this item will depend on the assessment findings and available funding. 0 At Risk Page 8 Strategy Augment the Region's Water Supply Evaluate Business Processes and Optimize Business Operations Encourage the Review and Testing of Promising and Leading Technology Reduce Reliance on Non -Renewable Energy initiative Explore partnering opportunities (e.g. Contra Costa Water District [CCWD] and East Bay Municipal Utility District [EBMUD1). Develop a Satellite Recycled Water Facilities (SRWF) Program. Perform business process mapping and re-engineering. Expand and improve the use of cost effective mobile computing and communication technologies. Continue developing and investing in cost effective innovation, technology, and applied research and development. Explore opportunities for self - generation, conservation and efficiency based on the Board - approved CWMP. FY 2016-17 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 6 EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Key Success Measures Complete wholesale opportunities next steps. Work with regional partners to develop water supply opportunities. Support regional development of local water supply. Complete the Facilities Planning Study, or other alternative, for the Diablo Country Club's (DCC) SWRF project. Finalize the agreement for DCC SWRF project. Submit the application for a State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan for the DCC project, if applicable. Implement Automated Timekeeping Program. Update Purchasing Policy and Procedures to incorporate best practices and simplify the process. Work with the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) vendor to implement targeted improvements to processes as identified. Acquire and roll out cost-effective mobile devices for appropriate staff. Train staff on the use of Computerize Maintenance Management Software (CMMS) mobile devices. Implement mobile applications • CMMS (FY2016-17) Meet quarterly with the Applied Research Committee to promote innovation and continuous improvement Track and assign resources to implement applied research projects as recommended by the Board -approved CWMP or staff. Develop energy self-sufficiency assessment. Develop criteria for the evaluation of energy generation projects. Prepare an Energy Policy to be approved by the Board. Track and review energy usage and explore options to optimize energy efficiency. 0 Completed 0 On Task 1st 2nd 3rd 4th QTR QTR QTR QTR 0 Off Task Performance in Achieving Success Measures Status, Comments and Exceptions 151 QTR — Revision to Success Measure: Complete the CEQA process for the Diablo Country Club's (DCC) SWRF Project. 151 QTR — The Planning Agreement has been executed, but there will be a future Agreement for Operations and Property Transfer (if the project moves forward after CEQA). 15' QTR — In our Board approved Planning Agreement with DCC, DCC is responsible for obtaining private financing. Therefore, Success Measure has been completed. 15' QTR — IT staff is working with CSO supervisors on pilot testing of mobile devices. Full rollout anticipated in December 2016. ist QTR — Established an in-house staff committee to discuss and assign pilot projects. 1st QTR — Conducted as part of CWMP. 0 At Risk Page 9 FY 2016-17 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY PERFORMANCE METRICS PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 1 PROVIDE EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE Metric FY 2016-18 Target Average onsite response time for collection system Less than 20 minutes emergency calls, during working hours Average onsite response time for collection system Less than 30 minutes emergency calls, after hours Average customer service rating for emergency calls At least 3.8 out of 4.0 Average customer satisfaction rating on construction Greater than 95% projects Average customer satisfaction rating on permit counter Greater than 95% interactions Number of students served by our education programs Number of District employees attending annual customer service training Number of participants on treatment plant tours Greater than 2,200 per year At least 50% of all District staff Greater than 150 participants per year Number of participants at speaker bureau presentations Greater than 400 participants per year Number of students attending Citizens Academy Greater than 30 participants per session 0 Completed 1st QTR 35 Minutes 36.25 Minutes 3.94 None Received 100% 32 0 (Zero) 340 Target Met 0 (Zero) 19 Applications Received as of 09/30/2016. 0 On Task 2nd QTR 0 Off Task 3rd QTR 4th QTR 49 At Risk Comments / Issues 15t QTR — Construction in progress. 15t QTR — Six surveys received July -September. 1st QTR — Schools are out of session during summer months. Fall and spring months will account for the majority of the students served. We are in the process of changing educational outreach contractors to meet the Strategic Plan metrics. 15t QTR — Next Customer Service Training scheduled for January 2017. 1st QTR — The 70m Anniversary Open House, an every -five -year -event, accounted for 301 participants receiving tours in a single day. This is an anomaly and should be taken into consideration as an unusual occurrence that is far above our annual stretch goal. 1st QTR — Coming months will see a substantial increase in speaker bureau activity in alignment with our outreach objectives for Proposition 218 and the CWMP. 151 QTR—do a large marketing push in the beginning of 2017. Next Citizens Academy is scheduled for April 2017. Page 1 Metric NPDES compliance Title V compliance Recycled Water Title 22 Compliance Sanitary sewer overflows Spills to public water FY 2016-17 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY PERFORMANCE METRICS PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 2 STRIVE TO MEET REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS FY 2016-18 Target 1tQTR Zero violations Zero violations Zero violations , Less than 3.0 spills per 100 miles of pipeline Less than 3 Percent of spills less than 500 gallons Greater than 95% Pipeline cleaning schedules completed on time Greater than 95% Pipeline cleaning quality assurance/quality control On at least 3% of pipeline cleaned on an annual basis (QA/QC) Pipeline cleaning QAIQC passing rate Greater than 98% Annual source controls inspections completed on time 100% Target Met Target Met Target Met 0.6 0 (Zero) 89% 99.30% 3% 95.40% Target Met • Completed 0 On Task 2dQTR 3rdQTR 4th QTR Comments / Issues 0 Off Task • At Risk 1st QTR — At 100% of goal for pretreatment inspections and sampling, and the inspections we provide under service contract for Contra Costa Clean Water Program and Mt. View Sanitary District. _ _ Page 2 FY 2016-17 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY PERFORMANCE METRICS PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 3 BE A FISCALLY SOUND AND EFFECTIVE WATER SECTOR UTILITY Metric FY 2016-18 Target 1 st QTR 2"d QTR 3rd QTR 4th QTR Comments 1 Issues Standard and Poor's Credit Rating AAA. Debt service coverage ratio Greater than 2.0 times Maintain service affordability Actual reserves as a percentage of target. Operating expenditures as a percentage of operating budget Workers Compensation experience modifier Return to work Self-insurance reserves as a percentage of target Sewer Service Charge Less than median of Bay Area agencies 100% Greater than 90% Less than 1.0 Provide modified duty for greater than 80% of occupational injuries 100% Target Met Target Met Target Met Target Met To be Determined Completed 0 On Task 0 Off Task At Risk 1st QTR — Rating confirmed. Working with PFM to keep current Standard and Poor's rating, raise Moody's rating, and possibly request Fitch rating. 1st QTR — Will review as part of the CWMP process. 1st QTR — Expenditures vary monthly and by season. No issues at this time. Page 3 FY 2016-17 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY PERFORMANCE METRICS PROGRESS REPORT ,GOAL 4 DEVELOP AND RETAIN A HIGHLY TRAINED AND INNOVATIVE WORKFORCE Metric Average time to fill vacancy (from request to hire) Percentage turnover rate to remain at or below industry average Average annual training hours per employee Track in FY 2016-17, set target for FY 2017-18 Actual versus budgeted usage of tuition reimbursement Greater than 80% Percentage of performance evaluations completed on 100% time Employee injury and illness lost time incident rate FY 2016-18 Target Less than 60 days Less than 3.4% Less than BLS California Sewage Treatment Facilities Rate (7.4) 1$t QTR 73 2.5% 6.03 per FTE 54% 49% 1.1 Completed 0 On Task 2"d QTR 3rd QTR 4th QTR 0 Off Task Era At Risk Comments / Issues Page 4 Metric Safety work orders completed on time Regulatory Title V work orders completed on time Planned treatment plant preventative maintenance completed on time Complete implementation of Infomaster Miles of pipeline replaced Capital expenditures as a percentage of capital budgeted cash flow Information system uptime (excluding planned maintenance) Data backup and recovery FY 2016-18 Target 100% 100% Greater than 95% By first quarter of 2017 Greater than 1% of assets Greater than 90% 100% Zero lost data FY 2016-17 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY PERFORMANCE METRICS PROGRESS REPORT so Completed GOAL 5 MAINTAIN A RELIABLE INFRASTRUCTURE 1st QTR 100% 95.1% 88.9% On Target Projecting <1% On Target Goal Not Met Goal Met. On Task 2nd QTR 0 Off Task 3rd QTR 4th QTR • At Risk Comments Issues lst QTR — Discussed at Master Plan Collection System Workshop. Replacement rate varies 0.5%-2.0%. 1st QTR — New projects bidding and Pump and Blower Building Project has been awarded. 1st QTR — Overall network and systems were up 100% of the time. However, there were two localized incidents that affected a small percentage of users for a total of approximately 40 minutes during the year. Our uptime was 99.9997% this quarter. _ . Page 5 Metric Total gallons of recycled water distributed to external customers Maximum residential fill station customer wait time FY 2016-17 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY PERFORMANCE METRICS PROGRESS REPORT GOAL 6 EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY FY 2016-18 Target Greater than 240 million gallons per year 15 minutes Gallons of recycled water distributed at the residential fill Greater than 14 million gallons per year station Gallons of recycled water distributed at truck fill program Greater than 4 million gallons per year kWh of electricity produced Greater than 18 million kWh per year (reported as a rolling average) kWh of solar power produced at CSO and HHW Greater than 200 kWh per year (reported as a rolling average) Pilot test new and promising technology Greater than 3 pilot tests or reviews per year Present research papers and findings Greater than 3 papers per year 0 Completed IStQTR 46% of Total Goal <5 minutes 26% of Total Goal 19% of Total Goal On Target Not Yet Online. Tell yet Met On Ta)yet 0 On Task 2nd QTR 0 Off Task 3rd QTR 4th QTR 0 At Risk Comments 1 Issues 1st QTR 103,448,701 gallons 1st QTR — 3,744,224 gallons(16, 584 visits) 1st QTR — 154,316 gallons 1St QTR — 21.1 million kWh 15t QTR — Systems anticipated to be operational in December 2016. Commercial Operation Date is scheduled for January 31, 2017. 1St QTR • Currently in discussion with three vendors for potential pilots. • Submitted one grant proposal to DOE for Hydrothermal Processing Solids Handling Pilot. • Summary of two evaluations targeted for completion next quarter (filter capacity testing and ultraviolet transmittance evaluation). • Other efforts in progress (SRT control, DO reduction study, and lime reduction study). 1st QTR Two Papers/presentations completed: • ColdFusion Summit Conference, "Powering GIS Operations with ColdFusion," by Carl Von Stetten • WE&RF ENER11 R13, "Guidelines for Utilities Wishing to Conduct Pilot -Scale Demonstrations," published by IWA, Dan Frost — Project Steering Committee Member Two additional abstracts submitted to conferences awaiting approval (WEF Collection Systems and WEF Residuals and Biosolids). Page 6