HomeMy WebLinkAbout04. Review draft Position Paper to authorize GM to execute professional engineering services agreement for Solids Handling Facilities Alternatives Evaluation and PredesignCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER 4. Board Meeting Date: November 17, 2016 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AGREEMENT WITH BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION FOR THE SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITIES ALTERNATIVES EVALUATION AND PREDESIGN Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div.: Nathan Hodges Associate Engineer Engineering and Technical Services/ Capital Projects Division REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: C. Mizutani — Senior Engineer D. Frost — Senior Engineer E. Lopez — Capital Projects Division Manager JM. Petit — Director of Engineering and Technical Services Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE: Board of Directors' (Board) authorization is required for the General Manager to execute a professional engineering agreement in an amount greater than $100,000. BACKGROUND: The Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) Priority Ranking for the projects comprising the Solids Handling Facilities Evaluation and Predesign ranges from very high to critical, and the projects align with the District's Strategic Plan, specifically the following goals: • Goal No. 2 — "Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements" • Goal No. 3 — "Be a Fiscally Sound and Effective Water Sector Utility" • Goal No. 5 — "Maintain a Reliable Infrastructure" • Goal No. 6 — "Embrace Technology, Innovation, and Environmental Sustainability" For many years, the wet scrubber and centrifuge projects have been included in the annual CIB/CIP. These projects were driven by reliability and regulatory concerns. Parts availability for the centrifuges and cake pumps are becoming problematic, and the wet scrubbers are near the end of their useful life and cannot reliably meet existing emissions requirements or meet upcoming and potential future emissions requirements. As District staff considered these projects, it became apparent that a more comprehensive look at the entire solids process was necessary to properly design improvements or replacement. One of the findings of the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP) is that the District's multiple hearth furnaces (incinerators) are in good physical condition but that related solids handling support facilities require upgrades or replacement to maximize the useful life of the furnaces. In addition to the wet scrubber and centrifuges that Page 1 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 17, 2016 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AGREEMENT WITH BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION FOR THE SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITIES ALTERNATIVES EVALUATION AND PREDESIGN were identified in the current CIB/C1P, the CWMP recommends additional improvements to the following process areas required to continue operation of the District's existing solids handling facility: ■ Potential additional air pollution control equipment and scrubber water sidestream treatment ■ Lime System • Sludge Blending Tank and Emergency Sludge Storage Tank • Ash System • Multiple Hearth Furnaces (MHF) and Solids Conditioning Building Seismic The issues to be addressed in the solids process areas are complex and interdependent - decisions made for one process area will have an impact on other processes. Although there are several drivers for this project, including addressing aging infrastructure and reducing plant energy demands, Compliance Assurance is paramount. The scope and timing of this project was coordinated with the District's CWMP and is consistent with the recommended Tong -term plan for the District's solids handling facilities. Summary of Regulatory Compliance Drivers: The following regulatory compliance challenges are to be addressed by this project: • Determine optimal approach to comply with BAAQMD Draft Air Toxics Regulation 11, Rule 18. Draft Rule released in October 2016 and tentative adoption scheduled for May 2017. The new Regulation can potentially require the District to upgrade the existing air pollution control train in the next few years to reduce toxic air contaminant emissions, and to notify the public if the treatment plant's cancer risk is greater than 10 in a million, based on the results of a health risk assessment. • Compliance with Existing 129 Sewage Sludge Incinerator Regulations — eliminating usage of emergency bypass damper of the waste heat boiler. The new 129 Sewage Sludge Incinerator Regulations (129 Regulations) limit the bypass damper operation and require each bypass opening event be reported to BAAQMD. Since the effective date of the 129 Regulations in March 2016, the District has had three reportable compliance activities, one of which resulted in a violation of this new requirement. A new wet scrubber system can Page 2 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 17, 2016 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AGREEMENT WITH BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION FOR THE SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITIES ALTERNATIVES EVALUATION AND PREDESIGN be designed to treat emissions that would normally bypass the furnaces' waste heat boilers and be released directly into the atmosphere without any treatment. A new wet scrubber system will help ensure continuous compliance with the existing 129 Sewage Sludge Incinerator Regulations. • Compliance with Existing 129 Sewage Sludge Incinerator Regulations — reduce or eliminate daily caustic injection to reduce cost of compliance with hydrogen chloride (HCI) emissions. The existing wet scrubber for Furnace No. 2 is ineffective at treating HCI without caustic addition. The ongoing chemical cost for the caustic system is as much as $400,000 per year. • Determine air pollution control sidestream impacts on compliance with the District's NPDES permit. For example, scrubber water sidestream treatment may be required to remove increased metals loads diverted to the liquid stream when a new scrubber with higher metals removal efficiency is installed. One metal of concern is mercury, because the District has an existing Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) limit for mercury discharge to Suisun Bay. • Select equipment flexible for complying with future air emission requirements such as PM2.5. BAAQMD was recently declared non -attainment for PM2.5. Over the next three years, BAAQMD will be examining which existing sources need additional controls to bring the BAAQMD into attainment. The District's existing wet scrubbers were not designed to control PM2.5. • Compliance with Existing 129 Sewage Sludge Incinerator Regulations — Track MHF-related improvements to avoid triggering incinerator reclassification. More stringent air pollution emission requirements are triggered by the 129 Sewage Sludge Incinerator Regulations when the aggregate cost of improvements on certain MHF-related improvements reaches 50 percent of the original MHF facility construction cost. Project Approach This project will conduct the pilot testing and predesign work to ensure the appropriate improvements are made to meet current reliability and regulatory needs, and also remain compatible with the long-term vision identified in the CW MP. Evaluations will be conducted to establish the design parameters for each solids process and associated equipment. Pilot testing will be a critical component of the evaluation work. Air pollution control (APC) equipment testing will be important in Page3of6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 17, 2016 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AGREEMENT WITH BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION FOR THE SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITIES ALTERNATIVES EVALUATION AND PREDESIGN determining performance requirements for equipment, establishing expected removal efficiencies, and determining whether or not sidestream treatment is required and confirming the proper sidestream treatment technology. This information will help drive the decision making to select the appropriate equipment and timing of installation such that the District remains in regulatory compliance. District staff issued a formal Request for Proposals (RFP) on September 1, 2016, to the engineering consulting community and received three proposals (Black & Veatch, CH2M, and CDM Smith). Engineering and Operations staff evaluated the proposals and interviewed the consultant teams. Black & Veatch (B&V) had the highest total score and is considered the best overall fit for the project. The agreement with Black _& Veatch will include pilot testing support, cost estimates, and predesign work of key project components to a 30% level of design completion (see list of project elements below). District staff plans to issue future RFP(s) for Final Design services and possible construction support services. At this time, staff anticipates the wet scrubber and related air pollution control improvements, centrifuges and cake pumps, and sludge blending tanks work will proceed to 30% design and will move forward with construction. Not all components of the project may be constructed at the same time. Major project elements to be addressed under this agreement to achieve Compliance Assurance include: Project Element Driver 10% Design Included in Agreement 30% Design Included in Agreement Air Pollution Control Equipment for Furnaces (e.g., wet scrubber, Comply with Air and scrubber waterYes Yes Liquid Regulations sidestream treatment, wet electrostatic precipitator, mercury module) Replace Dewatering System (centrifuges, cake pumps, etc.) Reliable Solids Handling, Replace Aging Equipment Yes Yes and Lack of Spare Parts Availability Page 4 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 17, 2016 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AGREEMENT WITH BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION FOR THE SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITIES ALTERNATIVES EVALUATION AND PREDESIGN Optimize Sludge Blending and Storage Facilities Engineering Evaluation of Health Risk and Alternatives Analysis Lime Reduction/Elimination Pilot Ash System Upgrades or Relocation Solids Conditioning Building and MHF Seismic Upgrades Reliable, Consistent Dewatering and Reduce O&M Costs Yes Yes Yes Yes Comply with Air N/A — Pilot Regulations Study/Evaluation Reduce O&M Costs and Delay Furnace Capacity Deficiency Comply with Air Emission Regulations, Yes No Replace Aging Equipment Comply with Current Building/Seismic Code, Improve Worker Safety, Improve Operational Resiliency N/A — Pilot Study/Evaluation Yes No The air pollution control equipment, dewatering equipment, solids storage/blending/lime system, and associated pilot and risk modeling work have been identified as the early work to be completed under the proposed consulting agreement. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The B&V agreement costs are estimated to total up to $2,000,000. The projects funding this work are included in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-17 District Budget, with estimated budgets as follows: DP No. Project Name FY 2016-17 Total Project Page Budget Budget 7286 Centrifuge and Cake Pumps Upgrades $500,000 $2,600,000 120 7312 Ash Facility Improvements $800,000 $2,200,000 128 7348 Wet Scrubber Replacement $400,000 $9,500,000 143 Totals: $1,700,000 $14,300,000 Total spending this fiscal year is expected to reach $1,700,000, which includes consultant fees, pilot costs, and District staff time. A portion of the B&V agreement will be paid under the following fiscal year budget under the same projects. This agreement will help develop a more detailed, predesign cost estimate for these projects to be Page5of6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 17, 2016 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AGREEMENT WITH BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION FOR THE SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITIES ALTERNATIVES EVALUATION AND PREDESIGN included in upcoming CIBs. Construction cost estimates for this work will be developed to confirm the final total project budget required. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: An alternative would be not to proceed with the agreement, which is not recommended because the action would delay staff's ability to implement the projects and meet existing and upcoming new regulatory requirements. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this project at the meeting on November 8, 2016, and recommended award of the agreement. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a Professional Engineering Agreement with Black & Veatch Corporation up to $2,000,000 for the Solids Handling Facilities Alternatives Evaluation and Predesign. Page6of6 SOLIDS HANDLING IMPROVEMENTS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITIES ALTERNATIVES EVALUATION AND PRE -DESIGN Engineering and Operations Committee Meeting November 8, 2016 Jean -Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager Nathan Hodges, Associate Engineer OVERVIEW • Project Elements identified in Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) and confirmed in Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP) at June 16, 2016 Board Workshop • Issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) on September 1, 2016 • Three consultant teams submitted proposals and were interviewed • Selected Black & Veatch (138N) • Request authorization for General Manager to sign an agreement with B&V 1 MULTIPLE COMPONENTS TO ADDRESS NEAR-TERM NEEDS Emergency Loadout/Ash Loading Pilot Testing Sludge Blending /Storage Seismic Improvements Dewatering Improvements Air Quality Control Equipment Improvements • Existing Ash Loadout PROJECT DRIVERS Maintain regulatory compliance 11 del 2 PROJECT EMBRACES CCCSD STRATEGIC GOALS P :f.,.1 ,ite, 5. Maintain a Reliable Infrastructure 6. Embrace Technology, Innovation, and Environmental Sustainability 1. 2. Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements 3. Be a Fiscally Sound and Effective Water Sector Utility 4. KEY FINDINGS 6* - NEED FOR DEVELOPING A PLAN FOR REPLACEMENT OF MULTIPLE HEARTH FURNACES (MHF) * From June 16, 2016 Board Workshop 3 MHF CONSIDERATIONS AND RISKS Condition Permitted Capacity Upcoming/Future Regulatory Drivers 1111111111111 Solids Handling Independence Reliable Capacity Regulatory Risk 1111.111•11.111111 Seismic SS! MACT 129 Cost Trigger Energy SOLIDS DRIVERS FLOW CHART Testing & Studies • Lime Reduction • Capacity Testing • • Regulatory OEHHA AB2588 Evaluation Updated Risk • Risk Modeling Factors • • Pilot Innovative •Updated Health Technologies Risk Assessment & TBACT Near -Term * CO2 Emission CIP Projects Regulations under BACT ▪ Permitted Capacity Limit & BACT/TBACT/ MACT 129 Potential Regulatory Drivers • Wet Scrubber • Scrubber Water Treatment • Ash System • Centrifuges • Cake Pumps • Storage/Mixing AND/OR AND/OR * From June 16, 2016 Board Workshop Maximize Use of Existing MHF • Seismic Improvements • Implement BACT & TBACT Projects • Regulatory Risk Early Implementation of Digesters • Reduced MHF Regulatory Risk • Improved Energy Profile Split Stream Solids Demonstration Project • Pending pilot test results • Improved Energy Profile 4 MASTER PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS - 6* • ImplementAll 0-5 year Studies and Projects: • Implement Recommended Mixing & Storage Tank Improvements to Handle Peak Day Loads • Replace Centrifuges and Cake Pumps • Initiate Lime Reduction & Capacity Testing As Soon As Possible to Confirm Capacity Trigger Timing & Feasibility • Pilot Innovative Solids Technologies • Seismic Improvements to Solids Handling Building • Wet scrubber pilot and replacement * From June 16, 2016 Board Workshop MASTER PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS - 6* (CONTINUED) • Use Alternative S2: Digestion Followed By Fluidized Bed Incineration As The Long-term Replacement Of The Multiple Hearth Furnaces • Continue With Ash Disposal • Re -Evaluating These Recommendations in -5 Years After Further Piloting is Complete & Regulatory Timing is More Clear • Include Placeholder in CIP for Early Implementation of two Anaerobic Digesters (-10 years) & Related Support Equipment • Include Placeholder in CIP for Ultimate Implementation of Remaining 2 Digesters & One Fluidized Bed Incinerator (10-20 years) * From June 16, 2016 Board Workshop 5 CONSULTANT SCOPE OF WORK • Assist staff with testing (lime reduction, air pollution control pilot, capacity testing) • Perform risk modeling to assess District approach on draft BAAQMD rule 11-18 • Complete 1O% preliminary design on improvements to maintain existing solids facilities: Solids Storage/Blending Facilities Dewatering Facilities Air Pollution Control Equipment Ash Handling Seismic Improvements for Solids Building and Furnaces • Complete 30% preliminary design for: Solids Storage/Blending Facilities Dewatering Facilities Air Pollution Control Equipment CONSULTANT SELECTION PROCESS • Issued RFP on September 1, 2016 • Three consultant teams submitted proposals and were interviewed: [If BLACK &VEATCH Building a world of difference. Clam CIDivi Smith S 6 B&V SELECTED FOR SOLIDS PROJECT BLACK & VEATCH BY THE NUMBERS $30b PROJECTS IN • 100 2015 REVENUE COUNTRIES PROJECTS IN 6 CONTINENTS EOLINOED IN 0.40 i 1 I NJ a Y RATE 11K+ 0.60 GLOBAL WORKFORCE LOST TIME INCIDENT RATE FORGES "AMERICAS LARGEST PRIVATE COMPANIES.. A LEADING GLOBAL ENGINEERING, CONSULTING & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1 1 "endm.11.1..,.x, I • \ fl PROJECT APPROACH ism • .�Nit ■ • 1. TECHNICAL DISCUSSION OF PROJECT CHALLENGES/OPPORTUNITIES: PILOT TESTING Sludge Blending Tank Pilot Testing , Seismic Design Emergency Loadout Centrifuge Replacement • 4444 Air Quality Control Equipment Ash Loadout CONFIDENCE IN COMPLIANCE THROUGH PILOT TESTING Potential Future Space for Mg Caustic Addition HCI & 502 PM2.5, Lead, Cadmium PM10, HCI, 502 Photo & Graphic Courtesy of EnviroCare International S INTEGRATED TESTING TO MINIMIZE FUTURE COSTS AND IMPACT ON PLANT OPERATIONS Integrated Test Plan Workshop Normal SBT, Centrifuge, MHF Operation Altered MHF Operation CFD Modeling Bench -Scale Testing Owe Centrifuge Testing Cen trate Test .t Centrituge Upgrade Mixing Upgrades SBT LIME/ CENTRIFUGE MHF Duct Connections Procurement Permitting Full Scale MHF Test on Reduced Lime Sludge Install Pilot Equipment Scrubber Pilot MHF Capacity Test Air Emissions Test Grubber Effluent Test SCRUBBER PROJECT INCLUDES RISK ASSESSMENT Slop &A,r AtA ACS CCCSD Performs Emissions Inventory Source Testing Plan & Source Testing EMISSIONS INVENTORY CCCSD Performs Site -wide Unmitigated Health Risk Assessment Pilot Wet Scrubber, Wet ESP, Hg Module on Options for Highest Priority Emissions Sources Evaluate Implementation, Construction Cost, O&M, Constructability 2017 HEALTH RISK RISK ASSESSMENT REDUCTION IMPLEMENTATI N PLAN 2017-2021 2018-2022 111fitig ted j Site -wide Health Rise Assessnner;t ■ irtiple Bottom Line Air Plus Evaluation to Quality Select Capital Control Projects for Capital Regulation 11, Rule Plans 18 Compliance Seek BAAQMD Approval for Mitigated HRA 2019-2025 implementation 9 2. TECHNICAL DISCUSSION OF PROJECT CHALLENGES/OPPORTUNITIES: AIR QUALITY CONTROL EQUIPMENT Sludge Blending Tank Emergency -\\\ Loadout Seismic Design Pilot Testing • Centrifuge Replacement •Air Quality Control Equipment Ash Loadout THERE ARE SEVERAL AIR QUALITY CONTROL DRIVERS • Reliable Compliance with SSI MACT/Existing 129 Sewage Sludge Incinerator Regulations: Avoid Use of Bypass Damper Hydrogen Chloride Emissions (reduce caustic chemical costs) • Compliance with new BAAQMD Draft Regulation 11, Rule 18 • Compliance with future air regulatory requirements (e.g. PM2.5) 10 BAAQMD ISSUED DRAFT REGULATION 11, RULE 18 - OCTOBER 2016 Reduction of Risk from Air Toxic Emissions at Existing Facilities BAAQMD conducts HRA to determine risk action levels • Cancer risk (10/Million) • Chronic hazard index (1.0) • Acute hazard index (1.0) BAAQMD communicates required action plan • Path to compliance (3 years or Tess) • Address sources of risk • TBA R CT or • Individual sources under significant risk threshold (1/M, 0.2, 0.2) ZVI BAAQMD IMPLEMENTATION ESTABLISHES A RAPID SCHEDULE FOR AIR TOXICS MITIGATION Phase 1 Phase 2 2017 EMISSIONS INVENTORY Prioritization Score > 10 2017-2018 2019-2021 HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT 2018-2019 2021-2022 RISK REDUCTION PLAN Exceedance of Thresholds Triggers Mandatory Plan and Schedule 2019-2022 2022-2025 Capita! Plans IMPLEMENTATION CIL 11 Emissions Source PROACTIVE APPROACH TO COMPLIANCE Community Air Risk Evaluation (CARE) designated areas • Attend BAAQMD Workshop in November 2016 • Help District engage BAAQMD during rule development • Leverage B&V experience with • HRAs: • ->Intelligence gathering to identify sources of risk • -›Engineering solutions for reducing risk • Rely on B&V combustion sources experience EVALUATING ALTERNATIVES FOR TOXICS REDUCTION FROM MAJOR CONTRIBUTORS WILL COST- EFFECTIVELY AVOID RISK ACTION LEVEL TRIGGERS Incinerators Primary Sedimentation Secondary Treatment Potential Toxic Air Contaminant Mitigation Measures Contaminants Reduced Wet scrubber Metals Wet ESP Toxic Organics Afterburner Cover & Treat Toxic Organics (Bioscrubber, Biofilter, H25 Carbon) Cover & Treat (Biofilter, Carbon) Toxic Organics 12 PRE -DESIGN OF THE VENTURIPAK WET SCRUBBER HAS SIGNIFICANT IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES • Limited floor space and height • Existing 3 -ft thick concrete floors • System pressure drop different (ID fan replacement) • WHB bypass • Complex routing • Scrubber quench designed for variable inlet gas temperatures • Modification to caustic injection 111 s • —7• -, —.411 io1 LJ Existing Furnace Arrangement with VenturiPak WHB Outiet Damper 1 I. D. Fan :/-Emergency \ Bypass Damper WHB Bypass Duct , (connetted to Su WAR., WHB Bypass Damper VenturiPak Scrubber .Cquent h cle5ign. for PAH F out. comporatuve) 3. TECHNICAL DISCUSSION OF PROJECT CHALLENGES/OPPORTUNITIES: SLUDGE BLEND TANKS AND CENTRIFUGE Seismic Design Emergency Loadout Sludge Blending Tank Pilot Testing-, 40. Centrifuge Replacement Air Quality Control Equipment • Ash Loadout 13 SLUDGE BLENDING TANK IMPROVEMENTS WILL PROVIDE MORE STABLE DEWATERING OPERATIONS • Size new tank for average loading LIIJ4 ,4 Overflow level • Use existing SBT and ESST for EL,136.41 peak events • CFD modeling to design upgrades and new tank • Optimize tank size and location to ------ EL11730 accommodate future solids improvements Example output from CFD Model for improved mixing 2015,Ayrrooe.Operatiog towel Mirkm um Lcve INIvong.Alc.re, aye!) EEL, 99.91 -yn Example output from CFD Model for existing tank mixing Existing SBT RE -PURPOSING CURRENT ASSETS ENHANCES FLEXIBILITY SLUDGE BLENDING TANK I I • From DAFTs Primary Sludge Repurpose Existing Tank TVVAS Storage TWAS Pumps To Emergency 4' Sludge Holding New Btend Tank Lime Addition (if necessary) • To Centrifuges Option for TWAS & primary sludge storage 14 NEW CENTRIFUGE SYSTEMS WILL PROVIDE RELIABLE AND STABLE FEED TO THE FURNACES Reliability: Operability: • Evaluate appropriate • Optimal polymer dose and design criteria, including stable cake feed provided duty/standby via automation Maintainability: • Maintenance access • Address electrical room overburden/safety issues • Higher cake solids at reduced energy usage Constructability: • Utilize 3D laser scan for as- builts • Construction phasing to help maintain plant operations IMPROVEMENTS IN CAKE PUMPING SYSTEMS • Existing piston pumps at end of life • Solution: Recommend new cake piston pumps • Benefit: Lower life cycle pumping costs Improved reliability and operability 15 4. TECHNICAL DISCUSSION OF PROJECT CHALLENGES/OPPORTUNITIES: ASH LOADOUT AND EMERGENCY LOADOUT Emergency Loadout Sludge Blending Tank Seismic Design Centrifuge Replacement Air Quality Control Equipment Ash Loadout Pilot Testing— Aro UTILIZING EXISTING ASSET ADDS FLEXIBILITY Option for improved ash and dewatered cake loadout • Duty/standby silos for ash loadout •Silo for dewatered cake loadout Addition of bag filters Addition of ash conditioner Minimize visible ash emissions 16 MODIFYING EXISTING SLUDGE LOADOUT FACILITY TO COST-EFFECTIVELY MINIMIZE FUGITIVE ASH EXISTING ASH x STORAGE BAE (New) (New) --EXISTING �I� CONVEYOR DENSE PHASE TRANSPORTER — (New) ASH CONDITIONER (New) RETRACTABLE LOADOUT SPOUT EXISTING SLUDGE SILOS DUMPSTER wi LEVELER Existing Sludge Loadout Facility TRUCK SCALE 5. TECHNICAL DISCUSSION OF PROJECT CHALLENGES/OPPORTUNITIES: SEISMIC DESIGN OF SLUDGE LOADING BUILDING AND OF MHFs Emergency Loadout Sludge Blending Tank Nti Seismic Design Pilot Testing --- Centrifuge Replacement Air Quality Control Equipment Ash Loadout 17 IMPROVING RELIABILITY WITH SEISMIC UPGRADES • Confirm Target Seismic Performance levels for building and MHFs • Update building seismic evaluation for the following: Target Seismic Performance Level ASCE 41-13 Seismic Evaluation & Upgrade Standard New short term and long term SCB equipment modifications • Update and further develop base isolation concepts for MHFs Solids Conditioning Building QUALITY & SCHEDULE 18 USE OF 3D CAD DESIGN WILL BE USED TO DELIVER A QUALITY PROGRAM THAT MEETS EXPECTATIONS 3D DESIGN IMPROVES COLLABORATION AND DESIGN ACCURACY • Facilitates District review of preliminary design alternatives Cake conveyance/storage concept to improve operational flexibility • Drives exceptional quality design Interference detection and observation "Walk through" for District review of operations access and maintenance space and hoisting provisions • Leverage 3D model to develop construction phasing and help maintain plant operations • Facilitates cost estimating 1 ' -r -L • 19 PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE PROJECT MANAGEMENT & SUPPORT TASKS Prot KICK-OFF man. wm4 STAKEHOLD(. LASCF SC4Inning SIM Mode. -9 PRELIMINARY FEASIBILITY TM -1: SLUDGE BLENDING & STORAGE TM -2: DEWATERING SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS TM.3; SOUDSHANDLINC&AJP POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT PILOT TESTING LIME STUDY WET SCRUBBER PILOT (EVALUATIONS TESTING) SIDE STR EAM PILOT (IF REQUIRED) PRE -DESIGN (30%) 2017 HEE • * • TM1 WORKSHOP WORKSHOP TM3 WORKSHOP Included in TM2 • WEEKLY COORDINATION & MONTHLY PROGRESS MEETINGS THROUGHOUT PROJECT QUESTIONS? 20