HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.d. Amend BP 015-Asset Management and BP 016-SecurityCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER 5.d. Board Meeting Date: November 3, 2016 Subject: PROPOSED REVISIONS TO BOARD POLICY NO. BP 015 - ASSET MANAGEMENT AND BOARD POLICY NO. BP 016 - SECURITY MEMBERS Submitted By: Elaine R. Boehme Initiating Dept./Div.: Secretary of the District REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: Kent Alm Counsel for the District 1 %A) (7) siLL. RogerS. Bailey1 9 General Manager ISSUE: Staff has been directed to present existing Board Policies to the Administration Committee for biennial review and submit proposed revisions to the Board for consideration. BACKGROUND: Staff has been directed to take existing Board Policies to the Administration Committee every two years for review. If changes are proposed by staff or the Committee, the changes are scheduled for consideration by the Board. Member Williams has previously stated his opinion that Board policies and procedures should be separate documents, and the Board should focus on high-level policies rather than procedures. The Committee keeps this objective in mind when reviewing existing policies. At its meetings of October 7 and October 24, 2016 the Administration Committee reviewed Board Policy No. BP 015 - Asset Management, and Board Policy No. BP 016 - Security. The Committee recommended Board approval of minor changes, including removing procedural matters from the Policies. A strikeout version of the Policies showing the proposed revisions is attached. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. ALTERNATIVES / CONSIDERATIONS: The Board may provide other direction to staff. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Administration Committee reviewed the Policies on October 7 and October 24, 2016 and recommended Board approval of the revisions. POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 3, 2016 Subject: PROPOSED REVISIONS TO BOARD POLICY NO. BP 015 - ASSET MANAGEMENT AND BOARD POLICY NO. BP 016 - SECURITY MEMBERS RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve the recommended changes to Board Policy No. BP 015 - Asset Management and Board Policy No. BP 016 - Security. Attached Suvoortinq Documents: 1. Strikeout of BP 015, Asset Management 2. Strikeout of BP 016, Security Page 2 of 2 Number: BP 015 Authority: Board of Directors Effective: November 20, 2014 Revised: November 3, 2016 Reviewed: ATTACHMENT 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District www.centralsan.org Initiating Dept./Div.: Engineering/ Planning & DevelopmentGap-ital Projects BOARD POLICY ASSET MANAGEMENT PURPOSE The purpose of this Board Policy is to recognize that the District • has invested significant resources in its assets, and • aims to optimize the management of these assets to deliver high quality and reliable services in a sustainable manner expected by District customers with an acceptable level of risk. DEFINITION An asset pursuant to this Policy refers to both physical and software assets and will beis defined as having a replacement value greater than $5,000 and a useful life of at least two years, or being critical to operations, reglatory, and/or safety requirements across-a-14-Distriet functions: POLICY Asset management is a broad strategic framework that encompasses many disciplines anizi involvesinvolving the entire District. In support of its Mission, Vision, and Strategic Plan, the District sets forth the following directives related to asset management: Data and Knowledge The District will maintain a comprehensive asset register to facilitate management over the assets' lifecycles. The District will continually identify, colloct, and provide-Gverati-quality assurance/quality-control sereen-iftwef relovant data, an-cl-wil-l-ap-ply-sufficient analys-e-s to turn that data into knowtodge that -supports sound, evidence -based decisions regarding assets and asset life. The DistriGtwill-d-cvolop-and m-aintain processes and procedures -to -sustain kri-ewl-edgc-tcansfer-th-re-ughout the organization. Information Systems The District will make capital and ongoing investments sufficient to own, operate, and maintain a reliable and state-of-the-art security -protected information management system that supports Number: BP 015 ASSET MANAGEMENT Page 2 of 3 timely, evidence -based decision making at all levels of the organization. The District's information systorns will be deployed to promote access and use by District staff ire f6 lfillment of their duties. Contracting The District may invest in c the trafor of new or • r Processes and Practices ,Jct management at/construction contracts rcla-tod to r ongoing financial, and operations and maintenanco tr _ - o the asset register. The District will develop processes, procedures and practices for staff in support of this Policy using industry accepted guidelines and practices to provide consistency across the organization. The District will institute these procosses, procedures and praGtiees to priaritize evpenctiture with the -purpose of op- imizing the quality, reliability, and affordability of services provided to its ouS-t-0mers- Tho D+ctrict ill pia - - - . e = - ' - -' _ _ - rm funding to appropriately utilize, maintain, replaco, renew, or docommission assets to deliver high quality and reliable services in a susta-inablo manner for customers with an accotable level k. The analysi-s of risk and priorities will consider the life -cyclo the -broader impact of individual asset decisions. People +- = e The District will invest in staff and implement adequate education, training, and mentoring programs to ensure that asset management practices are widely communicated, understood, and implemented throughout the organization. A steering co o comprised of representativec from various workgroups in the organization m needed, to load tho asset management p r d -to assuro prop ` i nd util+za-tion of asset management. Organization The District will establish organizational responsibility to lead and manage a comprehensive asset management program _ _ - m, troatme-nt plant, roc ycl e waterr, and g = _ - ... ' :. , .! _ _ e - -- . The program m nco set forth in an Asset Management Implementation P1 , coordination mechanismc, and • rosou rco roquirement The Board w 41 bo responsible for establishing levels of servico based upon cus-tomor input, adopting - r r ' ' _' - d budgets, and exercising ctowa d ship of assets. Staff will be o for assisting tho Board with tho aovo• by implementing the policy, developing procedures and pr�ti n s, and operating, maintaining and replacing -the assets in accordance with the policy. Number: BP 015 ASSET MANAGEMENT Page 3 of 3 [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District] Number: BP 016 Authority: Board of Directors Effective: December 4, 2014 Revised: November 3, 2016 Reviewed: Initiating Dept./Div.: Risk Management BOARD POLICY SECURITY PURPOSE ATTACHMENT 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District www.centraisan.org To maintain a level of security sufficient to provide a securesafe workplace for District employees and visitors and to prevent or mitigate loss or damage to District assets and critical infrastructure from internal or external threats. POLICY • It is the District's policy to proactively protect its employees, systems, facilities and property from threats, loss and damage. • The District will monitor and maintain systems, contracts and procedures to ensure an appropriate level of address security is achievedissue-s-en-a-elaily basis. • The District will also create, maintain, and enforce access control procedures for employees, visitors, contractors and vendors to limit access based on appropriate authorization. • The District will employ these and other physical and procedural controls to prevent, reduce and mitigate the impacts of such risks. • The District will prioritize security projects and related work -for critical assets to minimize impacts on critical assetslaistrict operations. The District will -utilize appropriate capital-farAtiec and-cquipmont-to-enhanGe the District's ability to deter, detect, delay and assess criminal -actions, RESPONSIBILITIES The General Manager is authorized to establish and implement procedures to support this policy. [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District]