HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.a. Review proposed changes to BP 015 - Asset ManagementNumber: BP 015
Authority: Board of Directors
Effective: November 20, 2014
Revised: November 3, 2016
Central Contra Costa 6.a.
Sanitary District
Initiating Dept./Div.: Engineering/ Planning & DevelopmentGapital Projects
The purpose of this Board Policy is to recognize that the District
• has invested significant resources in its assets, and
• aims to optimize the management of these assets to deliver high quality and reliable
services in a sustainable manner expected by District customers with an acceptable
level of risk.
An asset pursuant to this Policy refers to both physical and software assets and wil[-heis
defined as having a replacement value greater than $5,000 and a useful life of at least two
years,, or being critic -al to operations, rogulat-ory, and/or safety requirements acrocs-a-14141-strict
Asset management is a broad strategic framework that encompasses many disciplines and
involvesinvolving the entire District. In support of its Mission, Vision, and Strategic Plan, the
District sets forth the following directives related to asset management:
Data and Knowledge
The District will maintain a comprehensive asset register to facilitate management over the
assets' lifecycles. Tho District will continually identify, collect, and provi-do overa14-quality
assurance/quality control scrooni-ng of relevant d fficicnt analyses to turn
that data into knowledge that supports sound, e-vidence-based-ciecicions regarding assets and
asset-tifc. The District will •develop -and maintain processes and procedures to sustain
knowlodge transfer throughout the -organization,
Information Systems
The District will make capital and ongoing investments sufficient to own, operate, and maintain
a reliable and state-of-the-art security -protected information management system that supports
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timely, evidence -based decision making at all levels of the organization. The District's
inform e e promote access and use by District staff in fulfillment
of their duties.
The District may invest in oontract personnel sufficient to cupport its -as -cot man -a -gement
rdated to facility
maintenance fac-kin94n.
the transfer of new or renovated assets into the as-oct registor.
Processes and Practices
The District will develop processes, procedures and practices for staff in support of this Policy
using industry accepted guidelines and practices to provide consistency across the
organization. Tho District will institute theco processes, pr o prioritize
oxpenditures with the purpose of optimizing the -quality, re
provided to its customers.
The Di -strict wilt plan and pro e torm f
maint. alft-replace, renew, or d- to
in a sustainable mi • - • e ccoptable levet of risk. The
priorities will consider the life -cycle cooial, environmental an
•e ct of individual asset decisions.
nd costs of
The District will invest in staff and implement adequate education, training, and mentoring
programs to ensure that asset management practices are widely communicated, understood,
and implemented throughout the organization. A steering committee comprised of
fewesentativec f rom n may convene quarterly, or as
needed, to lead the as -set management p e g and utilization of
asset management.
The District will establish organizational responsibility to lead and manage a comprehensive
asset management program oollection system, troatment pl
and general improvement pro -grams. The pro -gram may follow specific guidance set forth in an
Asset Managomont 1mM-erneMat-ion Pi n, coofetination
mechanisms, and resource requirements.
The Board will bo responsible for establishing levels of serviao based upon oustomer input,
adopti-n-g an -d u-pdating-poli-eiec an c. Staff will bo
e-sponsible for assisting the Board with the above IDN,Lim-p-1-ement-ing the policy, developing
procedures and pr ng, m the assets in accordance
w-ith tho
Number: BP 015
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[Original Retained by the Secretary of the District]