HomeMy WebLinkAboutENGINEERING & OPERATIONS MINUTES 09-22-16 13.d . l )c) rNCentral Costy Sanitary . ..................... . SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD of DIRECTORS: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA TAD.I.PILECKI President SANITARY DISTRICT PAUL H.CA USE Y ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS President Pro Tera COMMITTEE MICHAEL R.MCGILL .TAMES A.NEIEDLY DAVID R.WILLIAMS M I N U T E S PHONE: 925 228-9500 FAX: (925)676-7211 Thursday, September 22, 2010 www.centralsan.org 1:00 P.M. 2nd Floor Conference Room 5010 Imhoff Place Martinez, California Committee: Chair Paul Cauaey Member Tad Pilecki Invited guests Vivian Housen of Vivian Housen and Associates (left after Item 3.) Tom Ewert of Complete Project Solutions, Inc. (CPS) (left after Item 5.) Sta ff. General Manager Roger S. Bailey Deputy General Manager Ann Sasaki Director of.Engineering and Technical Services Jean-Marc Petit Capital Projects Division Manager Edgar Lopez Collection System operations Division Manager Paul Seitz (left after Item 3.) Planning & Development'Services Division Manager Danea Gemmell Senior Engineer Craig Mizutani . Senior Administrative Technician Cindy Granzella 1. Call Meeting to order Chair Ca usey called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. 2. Public Comments None. Engineering &Operations Committee Minutes September 22, 2016 Page 2 3. Receive presentation on collection system of the Future --presentation by Vivian Housen of Vivian Housen and Associates Mr. Seitz explained that the collection System Operations Division was invited to participate in the Collection System of the Future workgroup, led by Ms. Housen. The workgroup concluded in August. Ms. Housen was present to go over the findings with the Committee. She is scheduled to present to the full Board next month. Ms. Housen presented the information included in the agenda materials. She reviewed the goals of the workgroup, explaining that the focus was to discuss management.topics and how to improve as industry leaders. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the presentation. 4.* Receive update on the District's Seismic Evaluation and Improvements Program Mr. Lopez presented the information included in the agenda materials, which identified the Concord-Green valley Fault and its proximity to the treatment plant, at approximately 700 feet from the property line. Mr. Lopez also provided an additional slide showing the Concord Fault history and design criteria (attached). Mr. Fwert clarified that the focus and the design criteria was based on the Concord Fault because the impact to the District from any major earthquake along that fault would be much greater than any other nearby fault in the Bay Area. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the presentation. 5. Review Draft Position Paper to award a construction contract to the successful Guaranteed Maximum Price proposer for the Pump and Slower Building seismic Upgrades, District Project 7291 Mr. Petit reminded the committee that this project went to bid in March; however, no bids were received so staff initiated a crew process of soliciting proposals with a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP). Mr. Lopez stated that staff contacted multiple contractors, and ultimately received three proposals. They were evaluated based on overall weight of 40% on qualifications,.and 60% on GMP pricing. Staff recommends awarding the GMP contract to Manito Construction, Inc. Engineering&Operations Committee.Minutes September 22, 2016 Page 3 Mr. Lopez explained that the budget is higher than originally projected and, in order to complete the job, a.transfer of$829,000 from the Capital Improvement Budget contingency account will be necessary. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board'approval. 6. Review Draft Position Paper to award a construction contract for the Kiewit Property Paving Project, District Project 7360 Mr. Lopez reviewed the information included in the agenda materials, and responded to questions. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval. 7. Review Draft Position Paper to conduct and hold a public hearing to adopt a resolution increasing the construction contract retention to 10% for the Headworks Screening Upgrade, District Project 7327 Mr. Mizutani reviewed the presentation included in the agenda materials, and responded to questions. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval. 8. Announcements a. Request for Proposals (RFP) — Solids Handling Facilities Predesign Mr. Lopez announced that a RFP has been issued for professional consultant services with an emphasis on alternative analysis and predesign work for several treatment plant solids handling projects in the Capital Improvement Program. . The projects include the wet scrubber replacement, centrifuge and cake pump replacement, sludge blending, furnace improvements, solids conditioning building and.furnace seismic cost updates, and ash handling. The budget for this RFP may reach up to $1.5 million. b. Future scheduled meetings: Friday, October 21, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, November 3, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, December 6, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. Engineering &operations Committee Minutes September 22, 2010 Page 4 9. Suggestions for future agenda items None. 10. Tour of Garden Level Improvements at Headquarters Office Building (HOB) Due to time constraints, this Item was postponed until the next Committee meeting. 11. Adjournment— at 2:47 p.m. * Attachment Item 4. (Committee Handout) CONCORD FAULT SEISMIC HISTORY AND DESIGN CRITERIA • Limited data exists for Concord Fault • Last recorded activity on fault in October 24, 1954, with Magnitude 5.4 earthquake • Design Criteria Magnitude 6.7 Mw 10% chance of earthquake in next 50 years • USGS Research Data corroborates criteria Concord fault section: 6.5 Mw w/110 yrs. recurrence Green Valley fault section: 6.7 Mw w/150 yrs. recurrence Combined fault: 6.9 Mw w/180 yrs. recurrence oil