HomeMy WebLinkAboutENGINEERING & OPERATIONS MINUTES 09-06-16 7.d . l )a)
A6 2016
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Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
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President Pro
M I N U T E S PHONE: (925)228-9500
FAX: (925)676-7211
Tuesday, September 6, 2016 www.ceiitralsan.org
10:30 a.m.
2nd Floor Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
Chair Paul Causey
Member Tad Pilecki
General Manager Roger S. Bailey
Director of Engineering and Technical Services Jean-Marc Petit
Capital Projects Division Manager Edgar Lopez
Senior Engineer Sasha Mestetsky
Senior Administrative Technician Cindy Granzella
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Causey called the meeting to order at 11:12 a.m.
2. Public Comments
3.* Receive Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-16 Completed and Closed out capital projects
Mr. Lopez presented the information included in the agenda materials. He
explained that all the projects listed were completed and closed out in
FY 2015-16, even though some were started in previous fiscal years.
Mr. Petit distributed a spreadsheet which tracks the collection system jobs from
2003, breaking down the numbers and showing benchmarks (attached).
Member Pilecki expressed his concern that the collection system numbers are
Engineering &Operations Committee Minutes
September 6, 2016
Page 2
higher than he remembers in the past. He suggested that staff look at the five
projects in the collection system portion of the presentation, and determine what
is driving the numbers.
Mr. Lopez presented an updated slide for the Concord Recycled Water
Landscape Project (attached).
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and provided input to staff and requested
additional information on the five specified projects.
4. Review draft Position Paper to receive Fiscal Year 2015-16 Capital Improvement
Budget (CIB) June 30, 2016 Year-End Status Report
Mr. Lopez reviewed the information included in the agenda materials. He also
presented the new proposed format for CIB budget and reports, explaining that
staff will use this new spreadsheet for the next several months, while the
automated form is being created.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board receipt of the
5. Review schedule and discuss upcoming bids and awards and discuss change
orders over $50,000, if needed
Mr. Lopez explained that two projects are approaching their award dates, and he
requested an additional Committee meeting be scheduled in order to review the
bids before the October 6, 2016 Board meeting. The Committee agreed to
schedule a meeting on Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 1:30 p.m.
Mr. Lopez also requested that the October 11, 2016 Committee meeting be
rescheduled to accommodate another project. The Committee agreed to
reschedule the meeting to Friday, October 21, 2016 at 9:00 a.m.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and provided input to staff.
6. Discuss Primary Treatment Renovations Project, District Project 7285, change
order log
Mr. Lopez stated that Member Pilecki had requested an analysis of the Primary
Treatment Renovations project change orders at the May 10, 2016 Committee
meeting. The change orders were approximately$1.1 million, or 10.8% of the
total amount, and consisted of owner-initiated change orders of about$570,000,
and project-related change orders of about$538,000. Mr. Lopez explained that
some of the owner-initiated projects were added to because
Engineering &Operations Committee Minutes
September 6, 2016
Page 3
the contractor was already on site. In those cases, staff followed the standard
processes to record and track the charges to the correct projects.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and provided input to staff.
7. Announcements
a. Future scheduled meetings:
Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 1:30 p.m. (Added)
Friday, October 21, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. (rescheduled from October 11,
Tuesday, November 8, 2016 at 10:30 a.m.
Tuesday, December 6, 2016 at 10:30 a.m.
b. Consider holding a special meeting on September 22, 2016 (immediately
before or after Finance Committee meeting) to review proposals for the
Seismic Pump and Blower Upgrades, and consider rescheduling
October 11, 2016 meeting for two significant treatment plant projects,
Solids Consultant RFP and Award of Headworks Screening construction
C. Receive list of Scheduled/Parking Lot items
Chair Causey requested an update on the easements, and asked if the
work had been assigned to a summer student.
d. Mr. Lopez announced that the Pleasant Hill-Grayson Creek Trunk Sewer
project is making progress. The pipeline is about 30% complete, and the
most critical portion is done. He plans to give a construction update at a
future meeting.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcements.
8. Suggestions for future agenda items
Chair Causey requested a discussion about the implementation plan to
meet the Strategic Plan goal of 15 miles of pipeline per year.
9. Adjournment— at 12:50 p.m.
* Attachment
Item 3.
(Committee Handout)
Concord Landscape Project
Project Purpose:
Extend recycled water distribution pipelines into the
Diamond Blvd area in the City of Concord.
Scope of Work:
• Installed approximately 12,000 LF of recycled water
distribution pipeline.
• Installed one recycled water hydrant.
• Extended 36 service laterals for future landscape
irrigation conversion to recycled water.
• Connected 16 new meters and 12 customers.
Item 3.
(Committee Handout)
Design Cost(Pre Bid Expenditures)
Total Construction
Project Name Pipe Total Project Delivery Cost(TCC) Total Project Cost
Total- Construction DP# Award Year Renovated Engineering 8 Right of Way (Includes Full Time (Incudes Bid,const.
(LF) Public Relations Survey Drafting Engineering,Survey and Acquisition Management Cost Inspection) contingency and (Not including RoW)
Drafting Permits)
1 2 3 4 5=2+3+4 6 7 8=5+7 9 10=8+9
$ %of Bid Cost Total $ %of Bid Cost $ %of Bid Cost
(Column 9) (Column 9) (Column 9)
Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations,Phase 1 5428 19-Jun-03 5,000 $ 265,000 26% $214,000 21%, $ 479,000 47% $ 1,022,000 $ 1,501,000
Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations,Phase 2 5709 20-May-04 5,500 $ 210,000 18% $194,000 17% $ 404,000 35% $ 1,168,000 $ 1,572,000
Pleasant Hill Road East Improvements 5553 20-May-04 6,000 $ 260,000 14% $196,000 11% $ 456,000 25'% $ 1,817,143 $ 2,273,143
South Orinda Sewer Improvements,Phase 2 5558 19-May-05 24,200 $ 270,000 1 13% $248,000 1 12% $ 518,000 25% $ 2,094,000 $ 2,612,000
Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations,Phase 3 5929 02-Jun-05 7,100 $ 185,000 12% $303,000 19% $ 488,000 31% $ 1,595,000 $ 2,083,000
North Orinda Sewer Renovations,Phase 1 5759 16-Jun-05 10,500 $ 280,000 11% $285,000 11% $ 565,000 22% $ 2,535,000 $ 3,100,000
Danville Sewer Renovations,Phase 1 5758 18-May-06 4,900 $ 210,000 17% $197,000 16% $ 407,000 33% $ 1,243,558 $ 1,650,558
North Orinda sewer Renovations,Phase 2 5833 06-Jul-06 9,700 $ 410,000 14% $295,000 10% $ 705,000 25% $ 2,862,000 $ 3,567,000
Walnut Creek Sewer Renovation,Phase 4 5826 03-Aug-06 7,900 $ 241,000 10% $295,000 12% $ 536,000 22% $ 2,395,000 $ 2,931,000
Walnut Creek Sewer Renovation,Phase 5 5964 10-May-07 6,500 $ 140,000 10% $170,000 12% $ 310,000 21% $ 1,460,000 $ 1,800,000
North Orinda sewer Renovations,Phase 2.1 5968 07-Jun-07 3,700 $ 49,000 3% $171,000 9% $ 220,000 12% $ 1,846,000 $ 2,498,000
North Orinda sewer Renovations,Phase 3 5963 05-Jul-07 6,400 $ 149,500 14% $195,000 18% $ 344,500 32% $ 1,092,000 $ 1,439,000
Martinez Sewer Renovations,Phase 1 5975 09-Jul-07 2,650 $ 147,000 15% $120,000 12% $ 267,000 27% $ 982,000 $ 1,292,000
Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations,Phase 6 5972 03-May-08 9,800 $ 497,000 25% $230,000 12% $ 727,000 37% $ 1,970,000 $ 2,697,000
South Orinda sewer Renovations,Phase 3 5985 07-Aug-08 6,700 $ 195,000 15% $227,000 17% $ 422,000 32% $ 1,328,700 $ 1,750,700
Danville Sewer Renovations,Phase 2 5954 19-Mar-09 1,300 $ 48,000 22% $65,000 30% $ 113,000 52% $ 217,000 $ 330,000
South Orinda Sewer Renovations,Phase 4 5950 07-May-09 11,500 $ 255,000 $ 120,000 $ 375,000 27% $ 359,000 $215,000 16% $ 590,000 43%' $ 1,379,000 $ 1,969,000
Lafayette Sewer Renovations,Phase 6 5958 18-Jun-09 13,200 $ 250,000 $ 95,000 $ 345,000 21% $ 180,000 $215,000 13% $ 560,000 35% $ 1,607,000 $ 2,167,000
Pleasant Hill Sewer Renovations,Phase 1 5961 06-Aug-09 2,500 $ 122,000 $ 15,000 $ 137,000 38% $ 3,000 $77,000 21% $ 214,000 59% $ 365,000 $ 579,000
Walnut Creek Renovations,Phase 7 5974 06-Aug-09 11,000 $ -267,000 $ 68,000 $ 335,000 18% $ 157,000 $248,000 13% $ 583,000 31% $ 1,857,000 $ 2,440,000
Hall Drive Sewer Renovation,Phase 2B 5932 20-May-10 2,600 $ 212,000 $ 86,000 $ 298,000 32% $ 271,000 $117,200 13% $ 415,200 45% $ 925,270 $ 1,340,470
Martinez Sewer Renovations,Phase 3 5952 05-Aug-10 5,350 $ 259,220 $ 81,365 $ 340,585 31% $ 230,000 $298,000 27% $ 638,585 58% $ 1,102,942 $ 1,741,527
Diablo Sewer Renovations,Phase 1 5953 05-Aug-10 5,900 $ 323,000 $ 167,000 $ 490,000 32% $ 249,000 $252,000 17% $ 742,000 49% $ 1,510,000 $ 2,252,000
Lafayette-Pleasant Hill Road Trunk Sewer 5994 05-May-11 5,600 $ 259,000 $ 259,000 13% $ 6,000 $310,000 15% $ 569,000 28% $ 2,039,000 $ 2,608,000
South Orinda Sewer Renovations,Phase 5 5989 19-May-11 11,000 $ 383,000 $ 156,000 $ 539,000 30% $ 189,000 $250,000 14% $ 789,000 44% $ 1,779,000 $ 2,568,000
Lafayette Sewer Renovations,Phase 7 5990 16-Jun-11 14,000 $ 407,000 $ 106,000 $ 513,000 26% $ 35,000 $220,000 11% $ 733,000 37% $ 1,996,680 $ 2,729,680
Walnut Creek Renovations,Phase 8 5992 07-Jul-11 10,000 $ 267,000 $ 62,000 $ 329,000 21% $ 19,000 $185,000 12% $ 514,000 33% $ 1,548,700 $ 2,062,700
North Orinda Sewer Renovations,Phase 4 5973 17-May-12 14,400 $ 290,000 $ 81,000 $ 106,000 $ 477,000 26% $ 25,000 $280,000 15% $ 757,000 42% $ 1,807,000 $ 2,564,000
Walnut Creek Renovations,Phase 9 8401 21-Jun-12 12,000 $ 322,000 $ 150,000 $ 472,000 21% $ 38,000 $292,000 13% $ 764,000 33% $ 2,286,000 $ 3,050,000
Lafayette Sewer Renovations,Phase 8 8404 21-Mar-13 8,300 $ 376,000 $ 125,000 $ 501,000 32% $ 95,000 $234,000 15% $ 735,000 47% $ 1,549,500 $ 2,284,500
Diablo Sewer Renovations,Phase 2 5976 11-Jul-13 11,800 $ 290,000 $ 155,000 $ 113,000 $ 558,000 22% $ 120,000 $392,000 16% $ 950,000 385. $ 2,493,000 $ 3,443,000
North Orinda Sewer Renovations,Phase 5 8411 17-Apr-14 7,800 $ 300,000 $ 92,000 $ 103,000 $ 495,000 24% $ 70,000 $424,000 21% $ 919,000 45% $ 2,031,000 $ 2,950,000
Walnut Creek Renovations,Phase 10 8413 03-Jul-14 8,500 $ 420,000 $ 183,000 $ 148,000 $ 751,000 28% $ 33,000 $430,000 16% $ 11181,000 44% $ 2,671,000 $ 3,852,000
Lafayette Sewer Renovation,Phase 9 8421 23-Apr-15 8,500 $ 360,000 $ 150,000 $ 95,000 $ 605,000 28% $ 45,000 $380,000 18% $ 985,000 46% $ 2,124,200 $ 3,109,200
Martinez Sewer Renovation,Phase 4 8415 09-Jul-15 8,200 $ 421,002125,0001 $$ 80,000 $ 626,000 24% $ 355,000 $381,000 15% $ 1,007,000 39% $ 2,560,000 $ 3,567,000
Lafayette Sewer Renovation,Phase 10 8426 17-Mar-16 9,000 $ 327,000 $ 126,000 $ 64,000 $ 517,000 21% $ 58,000 $445,000 18% $ 962,000 38% $ 2,510,000 $ 3,472,000
North Orinda Sewer Renovation,Phase 6 8426 17-Mar-16 8,700 $ 360,000 $ 65,000 $ 85,000 $ 510,000 22% $ 40,000 $460,000 20% $ 970,000 42% $ 2,302,500 $ 3,272,500
Average: 8,316 $ 352,137 $ 122,714 $257,032 $ 609,170 $ 1,731,654 $ 2,354,540
Average for last 5 years: 9,741 $ 500,276 24% $ 83,381 $329,335 16% $ 829,611 40% $ 2,095,282 $ 2,925,808
Industry Average for Pipe Systems Projects(CA Multi-Agency LIP Benchmarking Study.Annual Report-Updated 2013.Tables 3-6 and $ 1,060,000 $ 1,060,000
7, Pages 29 and 30.) $ 760,000 $ 760,000
TCC-Total Construction Cost:construction contract,change orders,utility relocation,and construction by agency forces(CSO).
Total Project Delivery-Includes Design and Construction Management.Does not include RoW.
Public Outreach and Interagency coordination was not included in calculations of Industry Averages.
Prices are not adjusted for inflation
Printed on 09/07/16 C\User5\SMESTETS\Documents\2003-2015 Project Costs Final for E&0 9-6-16.xlsx