HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.c. Adopt Resolution of Application to initiate proceedings re District Annexation 191-Faria Preserve West-San Ramon 6.c.
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Board Meeting Date: September 15, 2016
Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div.:
Russell B. Leavitt Engineering & Technical Services /
Engineering Assistant III Planning & Development Services
T. Brightbill—Senior Engineer
D. Gemmell—Planning & Development Services Division Mgr.
Kent Alm 4-Roger
"e-4 S.Bailey
Counsel for the District General Manager
ISSUE: A Resolution of Application is required to request the Contra Costa Local
Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to initiate boundary reorganization
BACKGROUND: On February 19, 2009, LAFCO approved the Faria Preserve
Reorganization, which annexed 289± acres to the City of San Ramon, 276± acres to the
District and 255± acres to East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD). At that time, a
9.7 acre parcel along the western border of the Faria Preserve Community residential
development project area was not included in the annexation to the District and EBMUD
because no development was proposed on the parcel. Recent project design revisions
have resulted in the need to relocate approximately 17 townhouse units to the 9.7 acre
To remedy this project's need for a nominal annexation adjustment, the applicant (Faria
Preserve, LLC) has petitioned the District to process this proposed boundary
reorganization to annex the 9.7 acre parcel to both the District and EBMUD so that
these residential units may receive sanitary sewer service and potable water service.
The residential units were part of the original total approved by the City of San Ramon,
for which service by the District and EBMUD was already considered. Furthermore, in
its 2009 reorganization, LAFCO approved District and EBMUD service to these units in
their original location. The parcel proposed for annexation is within the District's and
EBMUD's Spheres of Influence. Attachment 1 shows the project area and the parcel
proposed for annexation.
Staff has drafted a Resolution of Application requesting that LAFCO initiate boundary
reorganization proceedings for the one annexation area. This area is described below:
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Board Meeting Date: September 15, 2016
• Annexation Area 191-1 is comprised of one parcel along the western side of the
Faria Preserve Community development area. A portion of the parcel has been
approved for development by the City of San Ramon as part of the Faria
Preserve Community residential subdivision project.
Project History
2006: San Ramon City Council certified the Northwest Specific Plan 1 Faria Preserve
Community Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for 786 homes (single- and multi-
family) in four neighborhoods, community facilities and open space, and associated
grading and infrastructure improvements on an approximately 290-acre site located
adjacent to City Limits, within the City's Urban Growth Boundary.
2007: The East Bay Regional Parks District (EBRPD) and the Sierra Club filed suits
challenging certain approvals required for development of the Faria Preserve
2008: The Faria Preserve proponents, EBRPD, Sierra Club, the City of San Ramon,
and the landowners and applicants for the Faria Preserve Community entered into two
settlement agreements requiring minor modifications to the Faria Preserve project.
The City of San Ramon approved an Addendum to the EIR
2009: Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) approved the Faria
Preserve Reorganization, annexing the Faria Preserve Project Area to the City of San
Ramon, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and the East Bay Municipal Utility
2012-14: Following a change in ownership and several community workshops and
City commission meetings, more project changes were made, including reducing the
size to 740 residential units and relocating the project entryway. The City adopted a
Mitigated Negative Declaration to address these changes, which included redesigning
the project such that approximately 17 townhouse units were placed on a parcel which
had not been annexed to the District and EBMUD as part of the 2009 LAFCO action.
CEQA: District staff has concluded that the environmental impacts of annexing the
properties in Annexation Area 191-1 to the District and EBMUD are adequately
addressed in the project's environmental documents authored by the City of San
Ramon (as Lead Agency). A copy of each document is available at its accompanying
link shown in Attachment 2.
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Board Meeting Date: September 15, 2016
Prior to approving the project and subsequent changes, the City of San Ramon certified
or approved each document and approved what it considered to be appropriate
Findings of Fact, mitigation measures and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Programs. These determinations are summarized in Attachment 2 as well.
As a Responsible Agency, the District Board will need to make comparable
determinations in order to approve the proposed annexation. Adoption of the
recommended resolution will establish the Board of Directors' independent findings that
the Board has reviewed and considered the above-named environmental documents
and agrees with findings of the Lead Agency pertaining to Findings of Fact, adoption of
mitigation measures, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Programs.
ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could decline to initiate boundary
reorganization for these areas, which would require that the property owners apply
directly to LAFCO for annexation to the District and EBMUD.
FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The District incurs costs to prepare annexation applications
and pays fees to LAFCO, the County Surveyor, the County Clerk, and the State Board
of Equalization for annexation processing. All annexation costs are tracked and
recovered as "annexation charges". For large annexations (10 or more subdivision lots)
and reorganizations, the property owner provides a deposit and is charged an
annexation charge equal to the District's actual administrative and related costs to
process the annexation.
COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: This matter was not reviewed by a Board
RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a Resolution of Application (Attachment 3)
to initiate LAFCO boundary reorganization proceedings for District Annexation 191,
including the finding that the Board has reviewed and considered the various CEQA
documents for the Faria Preserve Community project and agrees with findings of the
City of San Ramon (the Lead Agency) pertaining to Findings of Fact, adoption of
mitigation measures, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Programs
Attached Supportinq Documents:
1. District Annexation 191 Boundary Reorganization, Areal, Danville Map
2. Links to City Of San Ramon Environmental Documents for the Faria Preserve Community Project
3. Resolution of Application
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City of San Ramon, Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community Draft
Environmental Impact Report (EIR), July 2006
http://www.san ramon.ca.gov/faria/images/NWSPFariaDEI RwithAppendices.pdf
City of San Ramon, Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR Response
to Comments, October 2006
The 2006 City Of San Ramon's determinations for these documents certified the
draft and final environmental impact report for the proposed Northwest Specific Plan
and Faria Preserve Project, and adopting CEQA findings, a Statement of Overriding
Considerations and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting. The City found that the
only significant impacts remaining after Project mitigation was inconsistency with
2005 Ozone Strategy (Impact AQ-2) and increased emissions of criteria air
pollutants (Impact AQ-3). The City found that the signfiicant, adverse impacts of the
project were acceptable in light of the project's econimic, legal, social, technological,
environmental and other consideration and are an overriding consideration
independently warranting approval, including the provision of open space, a range of
residential land uses, affordable housing, and road and utility improvements.
City of San Ramon, Addendum to the Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve
Community EIR, June 2008
The 2008 City Of San Ramon's determinations for this document approved an
Addendum to the Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR and
project changes, in accordance with a legal settlement with East Bay Regional Parks
District and the Sierra Club. The changes reduced the amount of developed area
and increased open space and park access. No revisions to the conclusions of the
2006 EIR impact analysis were found to be necessary as a result of thse changes..
City of San Ramon, Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, Faria Preserve
Community Project, December 2013
http://www.sanramon.ca.gov/faria/images/dismnd1 21713.pdf
The 2014 City of San Ramon's determinations for this document adopted an Initial
Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and approved several changes to the Faria
Preserve Development. These changes included a reduction in the number of
housing units and a relocation of the project's entryway from Deerwood Road to
Purdue Roads. The City found that the changes, as mitigated, would not result in
any signficant environemntal impacts.
WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) proposes to initiate
proceedings pursuant to the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization
Act of 2000 for a change of organization; and
WHEREAS, the annexation proposal consists of annexing of one "single area," as
defined by the State Board of Equalization, generally adjacent to the existing CCCSD
and East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) boundary, as shown on Exhibit 3-1 as
proposed Annexation Area 191-1 and by this reference incorporated herein, comprising
a total of 9.7 acres, more or less to CCCSD and EBMUD; and
WHEREAS, the change of organization is proposed for the following reasons:
1 . One parcel, containing approximately 17 approved residential units, has
been organized into one "annexation area" to allow potable water and
sanitary sewer service to an approved, but unconstructed, residential
subdivision (Faria Preserve Community Project);
2. The property is within CCCSD's Sphere of Influence for sewer service and
EBMUD's Sphere of Influence for water;
3. The property is within the City of San Ramon's Urban Growth Boundary,
although outside Contra Costa County's Urban Limit Line;
4. Upon annexation, CCCSD and EBMUD will assume responsibility for
maintenance and operation of public facilities required to provide service to
the area proposed to be annexed;
5. CCCSD and EBMUD require that properties be annexed to receive utility
service; and
6. No other sewer or water agency can reasonably serve this area.
WHEREAS, Contra Costa County is the only affected county (the area proposed for
annexation to CCCSD and EBMUD is in the City of San Ramon) and no other sewering
or water agencies are involved; and
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Resolution No. 2016-03 8
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WHEREAS, the area proposed for annexation to CCCSD and EBMUD has fewer than
12 registered voters residing therein and, therefore, is "not inhabited" under LAFCO's
criterion; and
WHEREAS, if the annexation is approved, all of the provisions of the CCCSD Code and
EBMUD Regulations Governing Water Service to Customers will become applicable to
the properties annexed; and
WHEREAS, no water service can be provided to the Areas to be annexed to EBMUD
without the prior approval of the United States Bureau of Reclamation; and
WHEREAS, staff has concluded that the environmental impacts of annexing the
properties in Annexation Area 191-1 to CCCSD and EBMUD have been adequately
addressed in the several environmental documents listed in Exhibit 3-2 and certified and
approved by the City of San Ramon between 2006 and 2014.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the CCCSD as
THAT CCCSD staff is directed to submit this Resolution of Application requesting that
the Contra Costa County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) initiate
boundary reorganization proceedings for the one area shown on Exhibit 3-1 as
proposed Annexation Area 191-1 hereof, as authorized and in the manner required
under the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Reorganization Act of 2000, together with a complete
application package including all other required information, geographical descriptions,
maps, forms, questionnaires, indemnification agreement, fees, and a mailing list of
affected property owners, and of all other property owners and registered voters who
reside within 300 feet of the proposed annexation area; and
THAT it is not the current practice of CCCSD or EBMUD to compel property owners to
connect their properties to the public sewer or water system involuntarily; and
THAT adoption of this resolution will establish the CCCSD Board of Directors'
independent findings that the Board has reviewed and considered the environmental
documents for the Faria Preserve Community Project and agrees with findings of the
City of San Ramon (the Lead Agency) pertaining to Findings of Fact, adoption of
mitigation measures, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Programs (see Exhibit
3-3); and
THAT CCCSD staff is directed to file any necessary CEQA documents with Contra
Costa County.
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Resolution No. 2016-03$
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PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of September, 2016, by the Board of Directors
of the CCCSD by the following vote:
AYES: Members:
NOES: Members:
ABSENT: Members:
Tad J. Pilecki
President of the Board of Directors
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Elaine R. Boehme, CMC
Secretary of the District
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Approved as to form:
Kenton L. Alm, Esq.
Counsel for the District
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City of San Ramon, Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community Draft
Environmental Impact Report (EIR), July 2006
http:Hwww.san ramon.ca.gov/faria/images/NWSPFariaDEI RwithAppendices.pdf
City of San Ramon, Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
Response to Comments, October 2006
City of San Ramon, Addendum to the Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve
Community EIR, June 2008
City of San Ramon, Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, Faria
Preserve Community Project, December 2013
http://www.sanramon.ca.gov/faria/images/dismndl 21713.pdf
(CITY OF SAN RAMON RESOLUTION NOS. 2006-171, 2008-132 AND 2014-093)
The full 94-page Resolution No. 2006-171 adopted by the City of San Ramon on
November 28, 2006 certifying the environmental impact report for the proposed
Northwest Specific Plan and Faria Preserve Project, and adopting CEQA findings, a
Statement of Overriding Considerations and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program is attached in its entirety.
The full six-page Resolution No. 2008-132 adopted by the City of San Ramon on
June 24, 2008 approving the Settlement-related refinements to the Faria Preserve
Community "Reduced Neighborhood 'A' Footprint" and related refinements (APNS:
208-240-048; 208-240-005; 208-260-046; 208-250-011; and 208-240-039 is
attached in its entirety.
The full 92-page Resolution No. 2014-093 adopted by the City of San Ramon
On September 23, 2014 Upholding Planning Commission Resolution No. 05-14 and
Adopting the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 12-250-004), and
Hereby Approving the Faria Preserve Development Associated with Vesting
Tentative Map 9342 (Major Subdivision 12-900-002); Development Plan
Amendment 12-310-003; and Architectural Review AR (12-200-046) (APNS: 208-
240-005, -007, -008, -052 to -055, -057, -058, 208-260-046, And 208-250-011) is
attached in its entirety.
WHEREAS, tlhlea Cityl cif Sart' Ramon] as the Bead AgenicA causead a Drafil
F rnmircanmiend al Implacat Rlepcart ('13rafll EIR17) and Rllesppnsea to Commends to be Teparead, to
detarmine if thle rT apKased Northwest Splecific Plan and thea Banda Priesenie Riojeut (togetblar
thea "Brojeact"; caould blame a signifrcaanat irriplact art' tlbb enimiranmond, in acacordance wailIH thea
California Ernmiranmeanial Quality Act ("'CEQA") and the Guidelinasa fan thea
]Impllleamentationiofthe California Eniuinonrrentall Qualit3iAcat ("CEQA Guidehneas"); and
WHEREAS, a Notice of Rieplarataion (1"NICR") ofIthe Diiaft F IRI was filet waitbl tha
Planning Clommiosion on June IQ 2004 and was ainculated fcari public oommert i from Jlur.ie
14, 200E and Jlu lyl 14, 200( . Noticas fbr the NC P were mailed to othlen agencieas (loca] and
Fed aral) and to int cu eAed plensons. Noticaes fon tbb NOR were also plod ad on k lyl 21, 200(,
at City Hall, tho Community)Cendar, Senian Clcar.iteri, and tha City websita. Comrnients wcaie
raeceivad ora tho NCIH and werae sublsaequenatlyl ina rplorated inia the Draft EIRII; and
WHEREAS, a Noticaea of Compilation ("NOC") and cciplies of the Llriafll FIRI waerie
distriibluted to the State Clearinghouse on JlulM 21, 2006 as we'll as local) and State
respicarnsiblle and trustee agcanuies. THe ccimmernts of suohl persons and agencaieasi were
soughlt, including tlyl duiact ccammiuniicat ior.i to agaricM staff. Additionial ccapiesa oflthle Dlraft
EIRII weiie distribluted tlyl the City to persons and agernoiesi Nabka raquasted them; and
WHEREAS, an affiiaial forty-five(45] c ay plutllia reauiew r1miod for the Dhiaft F]IRI
was established tlyl the Statea Glaaringhlouso, thea offiiaia] piutlba iiemiew period ocacunied from
Jlulyl 21, 2(1(16 to Sepltemiticai 7, 2(1(16; and
WHEREAS, a Noticae oflAuaillablilait3i ("NCA") was daistnitlutead to all resplonsibllea
aria truistl Baca agaricios, othleri :local avid Aederiall agernaiesa, interested grcaupls, organizations,
and individuals on July) 21, 2006 fbr thea Braf11 EIRII. ']thea NCA was also sant to all
rasaidmicacka within a 1(1(10 Riot radiusi oflthle subj1 act rFcapierty and anAinie whlo hlad reglueastled
to lie included on the mailing list far tha Pnojeact. Coppes of the NC A w atie post ad at Cit31
Hall, thle Community Centuar, Senior Centicni, and thle City weblsite. ']thea NCA satated thlat
the City ofISan Ramori had completed tile Dliiaft EIIR and thlal copies werea amailable at tile
City of San Ramon) Planning Serviicas Dlaplartmunl, 2226 Caminca Ramon, San Ramon, at
thlei Seniioii Canner, tile Communily Centeni, tile City ClIcakl and tile Aublica Library. It als a
stat ec that tile document was ploAed on the City's waNiite; and
WHEREAS, on Septcmben 5, 2006, the City Planning Commission hleld a public
homing to iieccivae public laslimoniy Yiegarding Ilia accuiacyl and adequacyl of lhlea Diiafl EIR.
Tlhu tiianscniiplt from this l eiaring a s welll a,i ra,plonises to ccimments made at thlei hleiaring area
included in tile Final EIIR; and
WHEREAS, on Ocatobcni 27, 2006, tile City)disivibulad Resplonses to Clcanurients ori
tile I1rafi EIR Ica alll eommeanting agencies and ma do tile Ru,aponse,a to Comments aviailab:Iea
to Zhu public at tile Planning Survices Dleplartmunit and at tile Community)Cunteui; and
WHEREAS, th a Planning Commissior.i Held a duly noticaed pubhlc hcaaring to
iiemiew and discuss the Final HIR ori Ncavcambeii 7, 2006; and
WHEREAS, tile HIR ccinsist,a ofI thle Dhiaft HIR, tl*a Final EIR - Mesplcanses to
Comments on tile Dlna fl Ell F� including applendiceas, and any docauments on mal caria:ls
inecarplorated in thea EIR by iiefeneneu; and
WHEREAS, thea City ncaviewcad, caommenled on and apppiovad alll dcauumarVi and
mateiiia:ls pneparcad byl and iielied uplor.i byl it,a con,ulltants in ppieparing tile HIR; and
WHEREAS, tile EIM evaluated all plotemitial envaironimantal implacats lhlat could
ncsult from Zhu apppioual cif th a Projact (and in plarticulan focused on plotentiallly signiflcaant
impacts), alturnativos to thea Pip.*Iocat and mcaasuncas designed to mitigate or avioid tile
potomiallly,iignificant impacats ofIha Project; and
WHEREAS, whlene appllicaable, m tigation mea sines were identified to raducae Ihcase
implactsi tca a ]less-than-significaant lleme:l or to amoid thcase impa cats; and
WHEREAS, thlea City Counail caeartifius thlat tile mitigation mewives set ftarli in tl>lea
Mitigation Monil caning and Muplorting Program ("MIVIMRP'), ablacahled to this resolution as
Exhibit EI, are speacifica and eaniforcaeablea and aria incaorponated into Ilia Pipjeci; and
WHEREAS, tHo City Council caertifiles that tile MMRP satisf las tlic nequirumients
ofICEQA; and
WHEREAS, tile EIIR was ppiepared, published, caircaullated and ruuiewed and
completed in accordance wi1lil thlc nequiruments ofICHQA, the CEQA Guidulines avid thea
San Raman Zoning Code, and cowitituvlcas an adequato, accurate, objucativie and complete
EIM in accandanee wilhl tile requirumenls cif CEQA, tHo CEQA Guidelinles and lhlea San
Ramon coning Code; and
Pagel a cif)/
WHEREAS, the EIR Yief acts thlo independent judgmero and anaa,]Np is of lhca City cif
San Mamcan;
WHERF]AS, thea HIR rieflocts lhlci beast eifforb of the Cliityl cif San Ramon la
undertake all neasoniably feasiblo and prudent acliom to di:iccivor, analylzo, disclose and
mitigalci all potentiallM significiant cirrviinonmentall impact,, of thea Piiojciat; and
WHEREAS, thlca EIM has been priesent& to the CitM Councai:l and the Cily Clcauncia
has raeviowed and comdderaed tl*i irafbrimtiona contained thlenoin anal in the necoiid
supporting thle EIR prion to making thlcase findings ori laking aeaticin can thle plrioposied Prbjecat
and rielated app:licalionis thlerielo.
WHIEREA S,, lhca Flanning Commission has rieccimmended ceartifioation of the EIR
b3i thea CAM Clcauncil based an 1h a findings contained in Flarmaing Commisi,6on Resolution
Na. 22-06 and the CECA Findingsi, adopted cin Ncavombcni 7, 20(1(; and
WHEREAS lhca Flaming Commission, aflcni riecomrreniding ccartificationi of the
EIR] rcaceimmended that thea Cily Counoil apprcave the NortHwisl 9pecaifica Flani and Related
Freazonings, based can the findings contained in Resolution 22-06 and ala Substanlial
evidonoca in thea rieccind cafthisi priocaeedirig and subject to tl*i condilioni that the Clityl Counioil
subsequently lakea action to ensuna thlal the appnovial grlaN ad b3i the Planning Commission
is caonsisitenat with the Sara Ramon General Plan and zaning ordinance, as amended.
NOW, THEREFORH, BE IT RESOLVED, that thea Cit3j Councai:l certifies the
HIR based ori thlca findings contained in Planning Commiission Resolution Nca.:12-06,
adcaplted on Ncavembcni 7, 2(10(; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Cily Councai:l has ocansidenod silaffl
reaceimmendat:ionsi and all cafthe a dresaid malearialsi and all of the miidenic(a in the rocond oft
tha plrioceedirigsi and basted on thlal evidcancae hcm®bM adapts this City Counoil Resicalution
2006-XN, ceartifying thlca HIR as being campletca and propare d in coimplianico with thea
prcavisicans ofICEQA; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, thlal the Cily Ccauncil hleriebyl adorltsi thea
Califcarnia Enaviironmental Quality Act Findings and Statement of Overriding
Cons idenalionis 11Bxhibit A), thle Mitigation Monitoring and Reapcar7 ing Frcagrlam(Exhibit B),
the Northlwost Specific Plan Final Hnvironmanatal Implacl Report Addendum and Hrrata
(Exhibit C), and the NorthlwosiI Spcacaifica Plan Zoning District Map (Exhibit DI).
S4natuireson tA6 folhimingragi
Aagei 3 of 4
PASSED, A P PRO VEIL,AN D ADOPTED at the mieel ing of Novembers 38, 200E
by the following vote:
AYES: Counc,ilmembers Biiasion, Livingstone, Perkdns, hloxlEryl ana Mayon Willson
H. Abram Willsanl Mayor
Patricia Edwards, City Cllletikl
Exhiblil 1: Cali fbrn:ia Blavircmme vital ua lil y Aat Bindings and Stat e med oft
C vamiiding Corxiideniations
Exhiblil 2: Mitigation Monitoring and Rleportin€I Hrogtlam
Exhiblil 3: Northwest Specific Hllani Binall Enviromnettlal]Impact Roport Adder dum
and Eniata,Novcmher2006
Exhiblil 4: Northwest Specific HIlan 2luning Llislrict Map, Cutobler 3006
1 ai€fie� of 4
1. These CIEQA findings are adopted by the Cliity of San Ramon ("CiiIy") as lead
agency for lhei Northwast 9peaific Plaut ("NW 9R") and the Fa6a Rreisarve Priojacit. Thei teirmi
"Projekt" is usad:in these find'ngs to deisaribe both implementation of the Northwest Speiaif:la Rlan
and the Fariia Reserve Plrojeal. These fundings partain to thea Environmental Impact Rleport
preipaned for That Rrojeal, 9CH t'10040620(4 ()"EM").
2. These CEQA findings are attached as Exhibit 1 and iinciarporateid bbl referencie into
each ordinaricie ori resollulion approving thea Rrojact. Allso attaaheid to lhei ordinances or reisolulions
appraviing the Priojecit its an Exhibit 2, wh:iah contains the Mitigation Monitoring and Raponing
Progriaun 1�"MMRIII"), and which rafeuences iimpacts, mitigatiion measureis, levels cif significancie
beiforei and after mitigation, and the partieis reisponsible for monitoring implementalion of carious
3. Thei NW SR is a pcdiciy-based specific plan document that is intended as a
f r iarnevw ork to guide f uturie dein ed opment on a pprcv�i mated y 354 acireis immedial ely non hvwest of the
City in Contria Costa County,just west of Highway 680 and north of Criow Canyon Road wilhin
the 644-acirei Bolliingeir Canyon Subareia. The NW SR inalludeis 1he 290-acre Fa6a Rrieisenivei Rriojeal,
localed east of Bollinger Canyon Road, and the 63.5-acmei Western Phan Area, which inaludes thea
Chang and Ranetla priopertieis, loaated west of Bollinger Canyon Rlaad. Thei NW 9R sets forth a
development program that will sa nia as a sat of zoning reigullations in order i to prionide specific
direcil ion as to the type and intensity of uses peirrnitteid in the Priojeal Areia as well as development
criteria. Thei EM eivaluateid the polentiad iimpacts from implarrentatian of the NWSPI at a
programmiatiic ]leived and the impacils from development of 1he Paria Prieservie Rrojeal al a praject
leived. The NWSP praviidas fall a maigimum of 8210 neva riesidentiial dvweilling unils wilhin ails
boundariies, and would accommodatei this housing supply within fives distinct riesidential
neighborhaods. The Fariia Rreseinia Community, which would aonsisl of Naighborhoods A, E, C
and DI, would incilude a total of '186 unils, , while the neighboring Western Rlan Aiea, which
includeis Nevi ghborhocid E and the Planetl a Property, may consist of up to 44 reisi deal ia]I lots. Tha
NWSR would also priovide severiall publics and ciammunity serving faciffilies inclluding a ciommunity
park) and memorial vosei garden, a house of worship, an educalional facifilly, and extensive open
space areas. The Priojecit, as apprioveid, r�elocateis the senior apartments of Neighborhood U to a
portion of 1he housei of worship sites, making lhei houses of worship sile smallleui, and relocates 1he
educational faciliity sites to lhei lociation of currently prioplosed Neighborhood U in the southeastarn
portion of 1he Paria Praserve Projecit. This alteirm ive, mzluated in thea Final E1RI, as lhei Rlellociateid
Naighbarhood U Alternative, prov:idas for the samia number of residentiall units (786 within the
Paria Preservie Rrojecil; 830 in the NWSP civeiradl' and thea same public facilities as thea Rroject as
originally priopased.
4. Bt:irsuant to tl•a Cal iforniia Envi ronmunl al Quallity Act,BI:lblic Rlasourcles Code
sacit:i on 21000 E jI 5 eq. and tha CEQ A G uid eliinus, Cal. Code Mugs., 1 it. 14, sacitions 1-'1,000 et s e q.
(1collacitivel y, "C IHQA"),the Oil y del ermined t hat an EIR would be prepared. The City Tissued a
Notice of Preparation ("NCR"), which was cilraulatud to reisponsiible agencies and iinleresited 8roupsi
and iin&,Yiiduals fo11 iieviaw and commanl. A public sciarling meeting wxi held on October 4, 2001
5. A E11ait EIR was pllepamed foil 1hu lbiojecil to analyze its ein,01ronmenlal effects. V a
Uraif1 EIR was ahiculateid 1611 a 45-day public review pericid, from Jluly 31, 200E to Septembeui 7,
6. The City recaived written and o11al clommentEi on the Drafl EIR. The City plraplalned
reslponses 1 o comments on environmental :1 ssuas, and miade ahangus to 11 a L raft EIR. Tho
responses 10 comments, changas 10 the Draft EM and additiional iinf6rmalion were)published in the)
Final EIR on Octobell 27, 2006. Tha Llrafl EIR,the Final.EIR, and all the applencl'cles comprise the
"EIR"1leferancleld:in lhesu fiincl'ngs.
7. The EIR t:ieuls frarn the envillonmentall :impaclt raport prepared f611 lhu San Ramon
2020 G enellall Hl an, 9 CH P20(1(1082002 ("G enella Plan EIR"). The G enerall Plan EIR av al uatad the)
env illonmanl al el fects of the growth c1on1 emplal ed unde111 hu San Ramon 2020 G ene11al PI an,
adturnalives to the Gene11al Alan, and ciumulativa impaatsl:inclluding thorn 1lesult:1ing from
davalopment Lender the geneulal plan.
S. The Planning Comm slsiian he11d fiivel duly noticed public haarings on the Flrojecll on
July 24, 2006, Septarnbeul 5, 2006, October 3, 2006, C atobe1117, 200E and Ncivambeul 7, 2006. 'Hha
Seplambell-1, 2006, Planning Cammimion muetiing also iinclluded a public haaring on lha EEIR. Al
the meeting of Novembar 7, 20(1(, Ito Planning Comrrf ssion tookl acltiion to apprlova tha pllojecd by
certifying the EIM,reclommending clert:1fhication cif the EIR by lhe1 City Councliil, releommend'ng
approval oft the Project and racommend:ing applrovail of Ito prezon:ing c&the Plrojecl to Plannad
Bavelopment ("PE")Eislrict.
9. At adl public haarings, lha City staff and its engineelring and clnviironmented
consull ants pllovided information about the P11o'lecit,the potentia] envilronmenla] impacts, and tha
CEQA relview procless. At elach meeting/ Taring, members of the public had 1hu opportunity to asld
questions and explless their concerns) and inle11ests Joint a Hrciject.
10. CEQA Guidelines secllion 15(188—f requ:iras a load agenay to raclirculale an EIR f611
further raview and comment when stignif:iclant naw information its added to the EIR after pub-lie
notilue its€liven of the) availability of the draft EIR but before caart:if 1clation. New informatiion
added to an EIM :is not "significlant" unlem the EIR is changed in a waN that deprives the public of
a meaniingfhal opportun:ily to clomment upon a substantial adverse anvironmanlal elffelct of the
p110 jeclt o11 a f6as:iblel waN to mitii�late or avoid sluch an effect tha l 11 a pilo jecll prloponenl declines to
implement. The Guideliinels provide)axarnpleEi of significlant new information undeul this standard.
Rleahculalion is not raquirad wherle the new :information added to 11 a EIR merely alarif:ias ar
amplifies or maklesl imiignificlaril modifications in an adequate EIM. The City finds thal tha Final
EIR duces not contain E ignificanl new iinformalion as1 defined :in the Guidelines and thal
Paige 2 of 15
iiecirciulatiion of the Draft EIR theniefore is not required. The iimpacts associiated wilh the Reilocaled
Neighballhood B Alternative haves been fully analyzed in tt a EIR and have beem iiedueed la a less
than signilficant level bN implementation.of the sama n0igatiicn measures that weirei devised foci the
Projekt as originallly proposed and to the samei degree as was possible fon the Nojecil as originally
piioposed. 'Ther City adopts the findings and cioncilusions of the EIR as to the Reloealed
Naighborf ood DI Alternalive.
11. The reciard upon whlah all] f'nd'ngs and daterm:inalions relateid to the Project are
based includes the following:
a. The EIR, and all documents reiferenced in ori relied upon by the EIR.
b. A 11 information. Ilincluding written ev:idencia and teslimony)provided by City
staff relaling to the HIR, the proposed appravals and entitlements, lhei Frajeet or:its alternalIves.
C. All inform at:ion(lincluding written eviidencie and testimony) presented to tt ei
Ci ly by lhei environmental cicnsultant and subeonsultants who prepared the EIR, on iinciorponateid
into reports presenteid to tt a Conun ssion.
d. All informatiion (inc:lud'ng writlen evidencie and testimony)presented to the
City from olhen publIa agencies relating la the Projecit on the EIR.
e. A11 appl:iciat:ions, letleris, IaslimonN and presentations preisawed by It ei
App"iciant and:its cionsultanls to iter CJIN :in cionneict:ion witt the Pro'lecit.
f. All information (including wrilten eividence and testimony) preisenteid at any
public hearing on workshop related to the Fiioject and lhei EIR.
g. Fon documenlary and information purposes, all lociallly-adopteid land use
plans and ordinancies, iincluding, w'lhciul aiimitalion, �lenerial plans, specAiia plans wind ordinances,
togelheni with environmentail reiview documents, findings, mitigalion monitoring progriams and
other daciumentation relevant to planned growth sin the area.
t. The NIl M for the Froject.
i. All i other dociuments ciampri sing the reicord pursuant to F ut tic Resources
Code secition 21167.6(e).
12. The custodian of the documents and other materials that constitute the reicolid of
proceiadings upon which lhei City's deicision is based is Lleibtie Chamberlain, Pllainnin€j Sarvices
Managers, City cif San Marmon. Suah documents and otheri maitedails are generiall y local ed al 2222
Camino Ramon, San Mamon, California 94`fl�-l.
12I. These find'ings are based upon substanliall ev:idencia in the entire recorid beforie the
CiiIy. The iiefenences la certain pagers ar sac61ons of Ihei EIR set forth ii these fiindiings arei foci eaisa
Flalla J of 15
of tefericincia only and arca nal inleinded to prauidei an exhaustive list of 1hei cividuncae colied upon for
thesei fundi ngs.
14. In acaoridanco with CEQA and tho City Guiidolines, 1hei City, as lead agency,
certifies thal thea EIRI has burin completed in aamplianaei with CEQA. Thei City furtheiii aeir ifieis
that it has tevieawed and consideaed 1hei iinformalion in the EIRI prion to appraving the Prpjeacit.
Siimilarly, 1hei Cii}I finds that it has rev:ieawed the racoad and the EIRI prican to approving 1hei Ekojeal.
By these findings, thea City confirms, rialifies and adopts the findings and conclusions of thea EM, as
suppleamianted and modif:icid by thease findings. The FQR and thasci findings rapraseanl thea
ind epend ent jud gment and anal ysi s cif the Ci 1 y.
15. Thei City certifies that lhei EM is adequate to support tho appnovail of the Priojecat,
each allarriat:ivea:in the FUR, and variations within the range of altarnalives described and evaluated
in 1ha EM. Thei EIRI evalualas deve:lopmeanl of 1ha NWISFI al a pragrjaunmaatiic lcival, and 1ha EM is
adequate lot ciaich anlitleament an apptovail raquited for approval of thea NASA. The EQR evaluates
development of 1ha Faria Prieservie Priojeacit at ai prio pat level, and 1hei EM is adequatea for each
ent:illemcinl or aippraval requited for conslruicrt:ion or opetaticm of the Fariai Arasarva Aroject. The
EIRI mailuates deavalopment cif the Western Phan Areaai at a ptognammatic leaucal only.
16. Public Resauriacas Coda suction 21081.6 and CEQA Gu:idealines suction 1-OSI'7
requite the City la adopt a monitoring or reporting progriama to ensure that the mitigalion meaaisuries
and neauisions 1a the Prio jecrt Jdantif:iead in 1he EIRI are impleamea MRP
ented. ThMis incaudead in
Exhibit 2, and is aidapled by Thea City. The MIVIRP satisfias CEIQA's r>eacuiramenits.
17. The mitigation meaisuries recommended by the FUR and :incorponatead into the Project
are speacaifia and cinfariacaaible. As appropriates, some mitigation measurers define parformancae
standards to ansurie no significant envirionmentail impacts wi]] ocauri. The MMR P ad equataly
describes eandiilions, :implementation, verifieaition, a complaaincae schedule avid reporting
riequiriemeanits to ansurie the Riojeal complies with 1he aidaptad miligat:ion measureis. The MIVIRP
ensureas that the mitigation mcaasums ane in place, as appnopriatea, throughout thea life of the hlnojeel.
Mitigalion meaaisures ideanlified in Exhibit 2 are hereby iincarporiatead as ocanditians of the aaah of the
appriovals riequ:incid for developmanl of Thea Riojeal.
18. Mitigation measureis sort forth in Exhilbit 2 and :inearponatead as conditions of
apprioval fan the Prio.l acrt area derivead from tho miiligation measures set forth in thea EM. 'Ilha C:il}I
may modify tho language of soma of the mitigalion mcaasuncis and coniesponding caandiilions in
connealion with subsequent appnovads riegWrad lot devalopmiant within the Plnojeal punsuaint to the
pnocedunes pertaining to such subsequent aippravals subjeacat to any aiddiilional review required
undaii CEQ A.
19. In aceardance with Public Rescaumeas Coda sectian 21081 and CEQA Guideainas
sectiians 15091 and 1.092, the Ciily adopts 1ha findings and conclusions ra8airdind impacats and
Pagel 4 of 15
mitigation meaasureas that are seat forth in the EIRI, and suimmariaead in Exhibit 2. Theses findings do
nal repeal thea full discussions of enviironmeinlal impaals contaiineid in 1he EIRI. The City raatifilas,
adopts ano ineorporiales the analysis, explanatiicn, fin&ngs, riesponses to eomrrenls and
conclusions of the EIRI. The City adapts the reiason:ing cif the EIRI, cif staff iieports, and of sl all and
the preasentalions piiovided by the Ptojecal Spansori.
20. Thea City has,by its rievil aw cif the evidences and analysis prosentud in the EIRI and iin
the recon , acquired a belleri understand-'ng cif the full scope of the envitonruiantaa issues priesenteid
by thea Priojeacat. In turn, this undeiislanding has enabled 11a City to make fully informed, 1horaughlly
consideried decaisiians on these important issues. These findings ane based on as full appriaisa:l of thea
EIRI and the reaaotd, as well as otheri relevant information in tt ea riecaord of proca®edings for the
21. Under Publia Resourieeas Clode seactiion 21(81(a;(2) and CEQA G uiidelines section
115091(a;(2) and 15092(tl)(2)(A), thea City recognizes That some miligat:ion meaasureas reaquiira action
by, or coopeiiatiion from, other ageanciies. Simillanly, mitigation measures requiring the Projeact
Sponsor to cicanlribute towards imptoNaments plannad by othcar ageneiieas w:illl requ:irie the relevant
agcnciies to rciceiivea thea funds and spend them apptapriiately. The City also reacognizes thal some
ciumullative impaals will be feasibly mitigated when calheri a€anaies build the realevant
i1ruprovemeanls, which also requites aation by these othear agencies. Fori eaach mitigatican measurie
That reaqu:ireas 1he ecopearation ori actiian of anothear agency, thea City finds That adoption and/or
i1ruplementalion of eacah of those mitigalion meaasuries its wilhin thea riesponsibiliily and jurisdiiat:ion of
aanolheir public agency, and That the measuireas aan and should be adoptead and/wi:impllementead by
1 haat of hear agency.
22. The Pro jecit i s consii stcnl with 1 he G enerial F tan EM, and 1 he riegi onal and araeawide
cumulative impacits of the Froject have already been adeiquatelly addressed in the certiified General
Plan EIRI, caons:istenl with CEQA Guildelines Section 1512I((d). The General Plan EIM also
sufficiienlly analyzed a ranges of rieasonablea a:llemativeas to urea Generial Plan, and ala rieleavanl
circumstances reimain the samea as 1 heiN rie:l ante lo those alteamaatives. In addition lo the anal)ys:i s of
cumul atiiv ci impaats contained iin the EIRI, theses Fundings sumrrarizea, rel A upon and :i neorporal a 1 he
General F Ian]EQR findings to aaddreass those caurrulatiivea iimpacts and altearnalives.
221. Undear Pubic Reasourices Code sed ion 211081(Ia)II2I; and (b), and CEQA Guidellines
secretions 1`091(a)(�-I), 150512(b)(2)(IB; and 15093, 1he City delermines thal the remainiing significarit
effects on lha eanviironmenl, as reflected in the EIRI and in Exhibit 2, are unavoidable and area
aceciplable dues to the ovearriidin€I considcatatiions descriibead beaow.
24. The City finds That specific economics, social, envirionruental, technolo€Iicall, legal) ori
otheri cansid eral ions makle infeasible Alli ernati veas 1 thriough 51 o thea Projeaat as di soussead:i n the
DEIRl, and juistiify approval of Aalernatiivci 6 la the Projeact Ilthe Redocatead Neii€Itborihocd El
A IternatiNci;, as deaseribed sin the FBIRI, despite rema:iniing impaats, as ruicarea fully disoussead:in the
Slatemcinl of overriding Consketatiicns.
Pager cif 1'
2f. The City adapts the EIM's analysis and cion(illuslons regard-'ng alternalives
allminated from further ciarisideralion, both during thea scioping piiociess and in reasponsea to
26. The EIRI avaluated a reaasonat Ila range of alllerniatiivas to the original project that wa,,
da.ciribad:in the DEIRI. Thase allc niativeis include ill) a No Praject/No Development A Iternalive;
113; a Rciduc cid Davedopment FootprJril with Lum'leid Pill of Ripar.'ian Corridor to Accommodalei
Clonneatoii Road Altoirnative; (3, an AIIlerniatiivea Access wiilhaul Pill of Ripar.'ian Carridor
Maintaining Crig:inal Maject Dansilies Altarnalive; 114; a Loopad Interniall A caciess vwltt Carivars:ion
of Neighborhood A to High (IClondomiiniurm DansiiIy', A Iterrntive; and (5; a Balancad Cut/Fill,
Tingle-Family Res:idenlial Readuaed Footprint. Thu analysis axamined the foiaasiitiility of eacat
alturriative, thea environmental impacts of each allurriat:ive, and the ability of eaah allerria6vc to
mecil thloi praject objecilives. Basad on public ciommants and iinlerest from members of both the
Planning Commissiion and City Council, a siixlh alllerniatiiva, Me Relaciatoid Neighborbload D
AIIlerniatiiva, was inciludad and analyaeid in tole FBIM.
27. Thea City cer ifies thal i1 has iindopendanlly reviiemad and considered lhei information
on allterniaUvas provided in lha E1RI and sins thle racmd. Thle ElM refloicits the City's independent
,judgment as to altoirnalives. The City finds lblat thle Hrojecl, whlichl as approvad relocates the senioii
apartmiants of Naighlbort ood D la a parl ion of 1 t u hlou,a of worship s:i 1 a, making thea blouse of
worship sites smallcir, and moves the educational faciliily to thle ciurrantly proposad Nought orhood D
in lble soulhleasterni portian of the Farm Preservie Project, evalualed as Alterriative(, lhu Re:loaated
Naighlbarhlood D A lternal ive, provides the besl ball ancie t atwo cin sa61sfaclion of thloi Projact
objecilives and mit:igalion of anvircanrrentall impacts to lbla axlant faasiit le, as described and
ana]Nzed sin thle EIR. AII1 thea remaining alternialives are riejecited as infeasible, for thea reasons slated
in thle BRI and f or 1 t a f oll owing rua.ons.
28. Tha City also bases its detoirminations riegard'ng alternatives on Hublic RasourKieas
Code secilion 211`51.2( and CEQA Guiidal:ines secilion 1509:1(ca;. Thlese secilions preclude a publics
agoiriciN from reducing thle proposeid number of hausing unils as a mit:igalion mciaasure or piojecil
alllerniatiiva for a partacaular significiant affect on thoi environment if lhei agency determinas that thlere
is analheai feasibllci spacif:ici m'ligation measure or project allarniat:ivoi that would provide a
comparable leivel of mitigation.
29. '➢ha City notes thal lhei only s:ignafiicant impacils reimain:ing after mitigalion of lhle
Praject are inconsiistencaN withl Zhu 2005 Czone Strateigy(Impact A Q-2, and inmeasad emissions of
criteria air pollutants (Impact AQ-3). CIHQA requires lha City to ciansider anIN thlosa alllerniatiivas
thal would attain mast of the prajecil objecitives while avoiding or substantially Ilassening any of thoi
significaanl effeals of thle piiajecil. No such alleniat:ivois would avoid the reima:ining sign fiicant
30. Thei Hriojecl would be inconsistenl with lhei 2005 Coona Stratogy priaparied by the
Bay Area Aiir Quality Management District ("HAAQNM"). The 2005 Ozone Strategy was
adopted by the BAA QNM on Jlanuary 4, 3006 and superseded lbla 2000 Clean A bi Plan. Hovwevar,
both)lbla 2000 Clean A iir Plan and 200-1 C unci Stratcigy raliead upcn papulleition griowlh est:imaates
f or l hei City of San Ramon tt art prKidated thle CSO N's 2020 General Plan. Asa result, 1 t e 2020
General Plan was Mund in the Ganeral Plan E1RI 10 be inconsiistenl with lha populatian and vet iicile
Pap 6 of 15
miles lraveded(VMT) assumptions used in doNaloping 11-ci 2000 Clean Air Plan, and that
incions:istenay iemaims will iespeict to lhei 2005 Ozone StralegN. Because 11-ei Arojeict is cionsislent
with the General than, and incaludes a portion cif the growth acnteimplateid bN the General Fllan, it
loci is :incicnsistent wilh those assumptions. Inacnsisteney w:ilh these aissurrplions is the first
caritericn used to dolermine consistency of a specific plan with the 200` C aanci Slrateagy as
reicommended by thle BAAQMD CEQA Guideilines. Thea Hrojact would also increase long-.1erm
amissions of criteria air pollutants. Althougf a variety of appliciable BAA QMD miiligation
measureas will ba imposed on futurea piojeats associated w�ilh impllcimentalion of thea Hrcajeet whliicah
will] hellpl to roducie omissions, )Meir implemeantalion will nal reducea long-term emissions to a less
lhlan significant lleivel. Both)thle inconsisteanay of lble Rojecil withl Thea 200` C acmci Shateagy, and
long-term eamiss:ions of criteria aiir pollutants, ane proportional to thea overs 11 lciueil of growth)under
lhle Rojecal, and could cnlly be substantially readucied throughl Thea eliminatican of much)-needead
Mousing units lhlat would be deve:lopead undear thea Arcaject. The project could not be foasibly
implemonled without an incaruasei in air emissions,pauhicularlly fiomi mobiles scaurcias. Any
alturnalive thlat ach:ieaveas most of tho Aroject objecalives would result in thlese significiant impacils,
and tHerea is thus no foasible alternative availlable that would reiducae or avcaid these impacals. Thle
City addressees pardaulau alternatives below.
31. Under Alterniativei 1, the Project would nal be developed. Whillei this altearr.iative blas
feiwor environmental effecils, JI does not fulfil] thea poli aies :in thle Generall Alan and fails 10 address
basica Aroject objecalives. Alternative 1 cannot prcavdea any of thle major publics facilitles called for
in thea Geaneir al Plan, incaluding thea community park, educational use, Housea of worship and public
traill system. The No Rojecal Alternative results in lble caorrpletea elimination of kley publica facaihilies
ident:ifiied:in the City's General plan. Ongoing implemeanlaton oaf thle General Alan over thle past
sevoral ycians has rel:iead upcan fulure deauedopment of thea Aroject to provide critically needed plublic
park, trail, education and relaled faciililies in order tca support both cunient and future reasdcanls of
thle City. Failure to provide lhlesci facaibilies would advurselly affect thle quality and adequaciN of
services to ]ocall residents, based on defined threshald standards contaiinead in lhei Generall Alan and
Genciraal plan EIM. AlthlougM Allerriatiuea 1 avoids direcal grad'ng irrpaacts withlin lble westerly swalea
area north of tf a required east-west collector streaet, it fails to miiligatu underlying landsaidei
activity,resulting in continued Gaff-setling of the drainage swale, significant erosion of dsplacaed
soils, degradalion of water quiaality and wetland/riparian hlab:ilats, and polent:ial resulting risks to
proposed and exisling downstrieama improvements. A lternativei 1 leaves thea weisterly drainage
swale in an unimpraoved caondition, whlerieby existing active landslides will continue to ciausea
S gnificant erosican and potentially calaslroplhic impacts on downstneaam fauililies through)
mudElows,car othler slope failures. Existing landsl dens extend along bcalhl the east and weasl slopeis
of thle interion valley containing thle drainage swa]a. The geoteahmicaal analysis of this areia
indicates thlat the visible surface landslides ane underllaiin by deaeiperi, mores extensive landslides
which extend from the edgei of the adjoining riidgolines to below thle drainage swale. Avoidanciei of
deavelopment w4lin this area, as cionleamplaled in Altemalive 1, wcauld foreagca repa:in of these
landslides. The exisling deleintion basin located at 11-ei :loweri end of thlis valley cacauld thercifonea be
subjecat Ica damage on destruction in 11-ci event of a major:landslide A lterniativea ]I ciannot provide the
rangei of housing producils and aggregate numbeni of affordablea units idenlified in Zhu Housing
Element. This No Arcaject Allerniativa cianncal deliver 1hu 238 affordable veray-low, sow- and
moderate-incacamiei units ideintif:iead in lhle City's Housing Elleiment as needed to meat caurreint and
fulurci regional fair sharci needs within the community. Consequently, A lternativea 1 would fail to
aaddreass a significant objeclive of the Flrojecal.
Aaigle 1 of 1
212. Alternalive 2 iieaducaes thea numbeii of housing un:ils on the Flaria Proservie Priojeict
(Ne:ighbonhaods A-D) to 609, primarily by rieducing deve:lopmeinl in lhei riparAn corridors. Only
limiteid fill of thea riparian ciarridan would acacur in ordeiri to acaamrradale a rioadway conineacting thea
eaaslern and western parlions of the Far7ia Hnescine Riojecal. Deansilies would bei iincareaasead
somewhat in order la minimize the rusulling:loss of un:ils. Neighborhaad A would be reducaed
from X10 to 74 umils, Ne:ighboiihood B would be neaduaad from 20010 149 units, and
Ne:ighborihaods C and D would remaiin uncahanged. Ne:ighborihaod E on thea Chu and Hanetla
priopertias would reamain uncahangead, w:ilh 44 single family homes and 12 second unils. The ovearall
number of afloridable units in 1he priojeacat would tea reducead by 73 (from 226 to 1-13). Altearnatiivea 2
would not permit a balanced grading plan, and would reasulll in an eastimated 3,30,00(1 cubic yards
of eaxcaess dirt that would neead to tea off-hauled. Thea eaarlhworkl imbalanaea represented t y
Alternalive 2 would therefore have advearse traff:ia, airi quality, noisea and disruption imipacts within
thea locaal and reagional environments. These siignificant impacats cannot ba avoided or adequately
miitigalead. The 3,360,000 aub:ia yards of off-haul reaquired for Altearriaative 2 riepriesearnts rioughIN
168,0001ruak loads of material moving oveui local stneaats and possibly Iriteristatea 680, lead-ng to a
d'sposal site. Assuming thal load-'ng equipment can filll six trucalds per hour, and a total of 10 sucah
Iloadeuis caould be utilized simullaneousIN to fill 4 FI(I trucks in an f1-houii worikl&N, off-haul
operialions would aonlinue for 3_`0 caonseaulive wonkl days, weaatheri permitting. This trianslateas into
a period of appnox:imateIN 14 months of un:inteampled woiik days, during which lacaal and regional
streeals would ba sutjactead to 960 mcuiage daily lnakl trips. I1 is eastimated that the off hauling of
materials would aadd between 134,0(10,00(1 and $40,000,(100 11at a unit price of $1(1-$12 pear cubic
yard fon off-haul; to 1ha cost of Allternativea 2, without aanN olfselting revenues, making lha projeact
ecaonomicallIN infeasibl a. A]terniativa 2 reaflecals a neaduaed developmeant footprint and an atteampt to
avoid any fill] in the main corridor, with the eaxceptian of limited fill niecessat)l to aaccommodale a
roadway to conneact the eaaslerni and westerns neaighborhaods. Elimination of this rioadway will
require a caonneacat:ion lhraugh some other portion of thea Flaria Preserve Flrojecal. Implementation of
Project Allerniatiivea 2 caannot meat lha staled Riojecl purposea, primarily beaaause it doeas not aamply
with thea pol:icaies statod:in the General Alan t y supplying critics 1N needed housing, and due la thea
substanliallIN increasead pen-unit caosts and the caosls of olf-hauling exaaavated materials. Alternalive
2 fails to pnov:ide the marklet nate and afforidabllea housing resourcaes criticaalIN needed in thea
aommun:ilN and aallead ion in the Housing Elerr nt. Altearnaative 2 would neducae t y 177 the nurrban
of Iola] housing units within the NWSP, and reduce by 73 the numbeui of aafforidablea units (238
verisus 165). No feas:ibllea opparluniity eaxists wilhin the conteaxl of building height lin0ations and
site constraints to furlheui:increase the density of the Flaria Hresearvea Hrojeacat in or�eri to recover the
units el iminal ed by 1 hes caondensed footpri nt of A lternative 2. These p:l aanned housing neasources
have Wen identified by the CIaliforniia Department of Housing and Cammiunity Development as
critical components of thea Housing Element, which are necessary in order to meat thea City's
regioniall lair share of housing neaeds oven thea next smeuial Nears. A llterniative 2 aaar.inot provide any
of thea major put llic faaci:lities caalled for:in the General F1lan and idenlified ir.i the NWSP, inaluding
the community park, educational use, house of warship and public mail sNstem. The caondeansead
development loatprint reasults in elliminalion of ldeN public lacailitieas ident:ifiiead:in the Ci1N's Geneuial
Plana. Cngo:ing implemeanlation of the General Fllan oven thea past severall years has rielied upon
future deavelapmeant of the NFWSFI Area, and speaiiically the Flaria Hneservie Project, to providea
crilicallIN needed public parld, trail, educalion and redaled face dies :in onden to support both aurreanit
and future reasidenls of the City. Flai:lurea to providea thease facilitiieas would adversely alfect thea
qual:iIN and adequaciN of services to local riesideanls, based on defined thrieshold standards contained
Pa�je fl cif 1`
In the General Alan and Geneirad Plan EIR. Although Alternative 2 avoids diiiecil gilading impacts
within lhei wieslenly swale area north of 1he nequilread east-west ciallealor slrieet, :i1 fails to mitigate
underlying lands:lidei acitivity, rieisu:lling:in continued tiff-setling of lhei drainages swa:ea, s:ign:ifiiciant
elision of d'splacieid sciils, duplradation cif waters quality and wet:land♦riparian I abi tats, and potential
resulting riskls to proposed and existing downstruam imprioueaments. Alternalive 2 leaves 1he
wci,tendy dranagei swalei in an umimprovead condition, whereby uxistinpl aolive landslideis will
continue to ciauso significant elision and polent:ially ciatastrophici impacits on downstream fac:ilitieis
though mudflows, or other slopei fadureas. Exisling landslides extend along both it ea east and west
slopeis of the intension valaeaN containing thea driainagea swale. Thu geotuohnical analysis of this area
indiciates thal thea visible surfacaea lands:lideas ane underlain by deepen, morie extensiuei aandslideis
whioh extend frcam the edge cif the adjoining ridpled:ines to below lhei dranagea swa ea. A voidancie cif
deve:lopmanl within iris area, as contemplated in Alternative 2, would foriego nepaiir of thease
landslides. Mequiried roadway improvements just above the eaxisling detention basin al thea loweri
end of This val:leaN could therefore bei subject to damage or destruction in thea event of a miajori
landslide. Avoidance of development within the area above the westerily swale, as caadled fear in
A]terniativea 2, advensuly affeacts thea viability of water ded:ivery for fine-flow, by separating
remaining deve:lopmenl areas frcam thea designated waleri neaservo:in site. Thea waters dediveray syslem
whicah is nequ:inead to menet bolh domest:ica and fires flow neaquireaments foci any development of thea
Farina Plreservea Project Site consists of ones ori mcarea pump stalions connecting to thea existing
EBMUD wateni storage lank):locaated at the southeast cornier of the Far.'aa Aruserve Pnojeacat, coupled
to a seat of two new tanks to bei:locaated along thea weaslerdy ridgedine.just above edevalion 950.
Elimination of residential development w:ilhin the weastendy drainage swale, as contemplated in
A]Iterniatiuea 2, riequiries thal a new roadway be caonstrucaled eaithen north frcam Neaighbonhood B on
wast frorn Neaighbonhood A to the tankls, gadding between $-1(10,00(1 and$750,000 in supplemeanta:l
grading, ulil:ily and roadway improvement caosts, as caomplaread to the project. In addition,
potent:ia]ly signif:icaant aeslheatica impacts could bei briought about though griading of the prominent
weastear]}I ridgelinu, neacaessary to achieve vehicu:lan aocaess north to the lankls from Neighborhood B.
33. Under Alternative 3 the number of units in the Fariia Preserve Projecal would be
reduced from 7 16 to 554, priimarilIN by reducing developmenl :in the riparian caorridon, simillan to
A1lerniative 2. Cn1N limited fila of thea ripariian corridori would odour in ander to acacommodatea a
pedestrian footbridge conneactiing the eastern and weasturn portions of 1he Fariia Preserve Projecal.
This a lerniat:ivea would maintain the original priojecat densities, wilh an additional loss of units as
comparied to A]terniatiiuea 2. Neiighborihocad A would bei neduoud friom 200 to 74 units,
Neighborihood B would be nuducaed from 200 to 130 un:ils, Neighborihcaod C would be riedueed frcam
3(10 to 270 units, and Neighboncaod D would ba raeducead from 8610 80 units. Neighborhood E on
the Chu and Panelta properlies wcauld remain unchanged, with 44 single family homes and 12
secacmd units. The overiall numberi of affordable uniils in Thea NWSP would be rieducaed by 86 (1frorn
338 to 152). As a result of avoidancaea of thea weaslerdy drainage swale as wall as the caoncaentraation
cif the pnojeact footprint, Altearriative 3 would not pinovidea the large, flat, gipded areas required Ica
accommodatea the pankl, eaducaatiional situ, and house of worship stiles requiried by the Generial Alan.
Alturnative 3 would nol permit a ba:lancaed griading plan, and would raeasult in an eslimaled
3,500,0(10 cubic yards of excess dirt that would need to be off-haullead. The eaarthwonkl imbalancae
reapnesentead bN Alterniative 3 would have adverse traffica, aim quality, noisea and diisruiption iimpacls
within the locaal and riegional envinonmenls. Theasea area veray sign:ificaant eaffacts which oannol be
moiidead or adequaluly mitigaled. The 3,500,000 oubica yards of off-haul required fon Allearriat:ivea 3
ruplrusents roughly 1175,000 truck loads of matefal moving over]ocaal stneaets and possibly
Pagel 9 of 15
Interstate 680, leading to a disposal site. Assuming thal loading equipment can fill six tnckls per
hour, and a lotal of 10 such loaders could be utilized siimultaneously la fill 480 trucks in an 8-hour
world dal, off-haul oplerations wauld continue for 365 cianseciulive work days, wealher permitting.
This translates:into a period of approximately 1f months of un:irntamrptad wark days, during which
local and riegional streets would be subjacited to 960 average daily truak trips. The off hauling of
malarial s would add batweien$35,000,0(10 and$42,000,0001 at a unit price of$10-112 Alar cubiti
yard for aff-haul) to the cost of Allernativei 3, without any offseltinig revenueis, making the plrojact
ecionomiicial1y indeasible. Implementatiian of Braject Altemalive 3 far the p roposad NWSB cannol
meat lhei stated Brojact purpose. Alternative 3 fails to provide the marlkt date and affordable
housiing resources cirit:icially needed in the commumily and called for Jin the Housin€ Element.
Altemalive 3 would neiducia by 242 the number of total housing units within the NWSP, and reiduce
by 86 the number of affordable units. No feasible opportunity exiists within the context of building
heiighl limitations arid site constraints to further increase the density of the Faria BllesarNa Rojeol in
order to recioveri the un:ils al:imiinated by the conidenseid footprint of Alternative 3. These planneid
housing resaurcieis have been identified by the California Daparlment of Housing and Community
Development as cirilical ciomponents of the Housin€ Element, which ara neocissary iin ordar to meel
the City's regiionall faiir share of housing neeids ovar the next severial years. Alternative 3 cannot
provide anal of the major public fatalities called for in the Ganeral Plan and iidantif:ieid ini lha
NWISB, including lha ciomrr.unity park, educational use, housei of worship grid public traill sNstam.
Tha condensad developmarnl footprint results:in al:im ination of Bey publics favi ilies:identified in the
C:iIN's General Bl an. Cngoiing implamental ion of lha Generial Blanc over the past several yeiars has
relied upon fluture development of tha NWISB, and specifically] the Faria Bresar-ve Brojeol, to
provide criticiaaly needed public park, trail, edumition and ie:lated faciihilies in ordari to support both
aurreiril and fulura residerits of lha C:ily. Failure to provide these faciihilies would adversely affect
lhei quality and adequacy of services to local residents,based on defincid threshold standards
cionlainied in the General Blan and General Blani EER. Alteimative 3 avoids direcit gria&ng impacts
within the westerly swala area north of the peideslrian footbridge crossing, but fails to mitigate
underlying landslide activiily, reisullling in continueid off-selting of the drainage swale, significaml
atos:ion of displaced soils, degradation of watcw qualilN and wedanid/riparian habitats, and potential
reisulting riisks to ex:istirng dawnslreiam impriovememis. Allamative 3 aeiaves the wasteudy drainagei
swale in an unimpraved condition, whereby axisting alive landslides will continue to aausa
sigmificiant erosions and palentially ciatastroph:ici :impacits on downstreami faciihilies through
miudf7laws, or alhar slopei failures. Existing landslides axland along bolh the east and wast slopes
of the interi or v alley cion]aining the drainage swale. The gaotechnicial analysi s of thii s areia
indicalas that the viisibIla surface landslides ara underlaiir.i by deeper, miaria exturis:ive landslides
which extend from the eidge of tha adjaining ridgelines to below the drainage swale. Avoidanoci of
development willhin this areia, as contamplatad in Allernativa 3, would fares€a riepaim of these
landslides. The axisting detemliori basin localed al the lowari and of this valley could therefore be
sub�jacit la damage or deslncition in thea eveml of a majar landslide, as could tha utility]lines carried
avoir the swale on the peidaslriani bridge. A voiidancie of development within lhei areia above the
westerly swale, as cialkid for:in A.Ilernativa 3, adversely adfects lha viability of water delivery for
fire-flow, by separatin€ riemaiining developmiant areas from the designated water iiaservoiin site.
The water delivery system whicih is riequilrieid to meet both domestics and fire f71aw rieiquiirements for
any develcipmeml of the Faria Bresene Priojecit ciansists of one or more pumip slat:ions cionneciting to
the axistin€ EBNIM walar storiage tankl located at the southeast corner of the Faria Breiseirva
Priojeiat, coupled to a set of two new tanks to be local ed along the westerly ridgelline just above
Paga 10 of 15
elevalion 950. Elliminalion of residential development within the weslenly drainage swade, as
contemplated in Alternatives 3, requires )haat a new roadway bei conslrucaled eaithen north from
Nciighbonhood B or west fiiom Neiphbonhood A to the tanks, adding batweien$500,000 and
$7_`0,000 in supplemental grlad'ng, utility and roadway iimproveamieint racists, as compared to 1ha
Fariia Rieseinci Elnojecl. In addition, additionall aesthcilic impacils would reasult fnorri grlad'ng of the
prominent westerly ridgeline, which would bci neccissary tca achima veW aular acacess narlh to the
tankls fhiom Neighbonhcaod E. Significant new neighbonhoad impacts would be criealed by the
noadway connactiions soulh into axisting neaighbanhoods, iincionsistent wflh the Ganarad Paan.
Avoidancea of thea east-wesl thriough stm al inlarniallly within 1ha Flarha Pnesenve Riojecil eliminates
impacils to tho ripariian eorridori, but inlraducias new impacits to 1he oxiistiing neighborhoods to the
south. Thasa includes a siigniftiiciant volume of additional traffic genarated on lora:) sheets in tho
developed neaighbarhoods to thea saulh of lhei Flaria Praserve Projacit at Iwo ]lociations. The exposure
of existing neaighborhoods to such new Pnojecit traffic would ba in direct cionf7lict wiilh poliicaies
adopted in the Gcnaral Allan.
34. Undeui A]terniatiiva 4, the riparian corridors would generally be avoided as with
A lterniativcis a and 3, but densities would be incrieased on the reimainden oft the sita, and an
increased numbear of total units would ba constructead, in and en la maintain ovenal l pro jeacat
economicis. Thei tola1 numbers of units in the Faria Flliesene Rojecl would bei incarciasead fhiom 7f16 to
92(, primariily by modifying the product mix in Neiiphbonhood A from single family reisidenVal
units numbering 200, to 2190 stackdad condominium units. No fill ori grlad ing of the riparian corridors
wound acicun, and a padaslrian bridge would connect the eastern and western portions of the site.
In onden to priouide secondary aciciess and utility connections, a loapead internal acacess road would
be caonstructeid along the rAgellines thal would conned thea eastorn and weistearn portions of thea sitci.
Under this alllerniatiuei, Neighbonccaod A would bei incareiasad fhiom 200 la 390 units, Neiiphbonhood
B would be rciducaeid fhiom 200 to 1f0 units, and Neighbonhoads C and Ll would ncimain uncahanged
at 300 units and E16 units, riespeetively. Neighborhood E can the Chu and Panatta pnopartieas would
remain unchanged, with 44 single family harries and 12 scicaond units. The overall numbeni of
affbridable units in 1ha pnojecal remains unchanged. This alternative would not permit a balanaad
grlading plan, and would rasult in an estimiaated 3,800,000 aubiica yards of excass d'rt that would
need to be af&haulleid. The eaarlhwork imbalance ncapmiscinled by Altornative 4 would have aduansea
tnaff6ica, airi quality, noisa and disruplion impacts wilhin the local and regional eanviircnmeints. These
are veiiy significant eff6 als which cannot ba avoiidad on aadeaquate:ly mitigated. The 3,800,000 cubic
yards of off-haul requimd for Allerniative 4 reaprieascanls nouahly 190,000 truck)laads of malerial
movaing omen]oras) slraets and possibly Intcrostale 6f10, loading to a disposal site. Assumiind thaal
load'ng equipment clan fill six trucks peiii hour, and a total oft 10 such loaders could be utilized
simultanciously Ica fi:Il 480 truickls in an f1-howi world day, off-haul openatiicns would continua fbri
396 consecutive work)days, wealheii permitting. This tnanslales into a period raft apprioximalely 1(
months of uninterruptead world days, during whkih local and negiona:l slreiets would be subjaated to
960 amenage chilly truickl trips. Thea off hauling oflmaterials would add between$38,000,000 and
$46,000,000 (at a uniil prica of$10-$12 peri aubiica yard for off-haul)to the caost afI A lternialive 4,
withoul any offietling revenues, making tho priojecal aaoncamieally inf6asib:1ea. Implemiantalion of
A]terniatiivei 4 fbn the NW SIHI cannot merit 1ha stated])traject purpose. Altarnalive 4 would not
pnovida a riande of housing types as caal:lad fbn in the Genaral Plan. By eliminating singllei family
neskent:iaal homes sin Ncaighbonhood A and subslituCng an incuieased number oft stackled
condominium units, Alterniativa 4 would flail to priovide a nangea of housing lypas covering all
marklet scigmieints as priovked fbri in the Genaral Plan. Alterniativa 4 caannol priovke any of 1ha
Papel 11 of 15
major pub:ici facii:litieis cial:leid fot in the General Man nand ideinlified in thea NWSP, and speciificially
within lhei Fariia Preserve Pro'leicit, inc:lud:inig the cicammunity park, eiduciationiaa usci, housei of
worship and public )raid system. The ciandensed deiveilopmenit footprint rosults in elimination of
key publio facilities ideintified in thei City's Garieiiial Paan. Cngoing implemer.itatican of the Ganaiia:l
Plan over the past sovered ycians has teliead upon future development of the NWSP, and in pariicu:laa
the Fariia Areiscirva Aroject,to ptcavidei cariiticaadly neaded publics park,traiil, education and reilaated
facilitieis in order to support berth ciurrenit and future iiesidenits of the CiIN. Failure to provide these
facilitieis would eidveirseIN affeicil thea qualilN and adequacy of seiniices to local residents, bascid ori
defined threshold staanidands caor.it ailnied in thea Gametal Plan and Geineirad Plan M. All ern atN a 4
avoids diriecil giiadinig impacts within the westcir]N swalei area north of the pedaslriani footbriidgea
crossing, but fails to mitigate undeir]Nir.ig landslide activity, resulting in ciontinucid off-scilting of the
drailniage swalei, significiant emosion of displaced soils, degradalion of watch qualitN and
watland/ripariian habilats, and poteandal resulting risks to existing downstream implrovemeints.
Alternative 4 ]leaves IIhea weslerly draiineige swale in ani unimpiioved condition, whaiiebN existing
active landslicl as will cionlinue to cause significiant mosion and potenlially catastrophica impacts on
downstream facillitieis thrcaugh mudflows, on other slope fail:lurcis. 13xisting landslides eMarid along
both thea east and weisl slopeis of the intortor val]lay containing the drainagea swalei. The
geoteicihnical analysis of this area indicailes that the visible surfacie]landslides are unidenlain by
deeper, mole extensive lands]ides whicah extend friomi thea edges of thea adjoining ridgelines to bellow
the drainage swale. Avoidancei of development within this area, as caonitamplated ini Altearr ativo 4,
would forego repailri of these]anidslides. The eixisling deilention blasts located a1 the loweui end cif
this valley cacauld thereforic be subjecl to damage or destruction in the eivenl of a major landslide, as
could the utility lines caarried over the swale on the pedestrian bridge. Avoidancie of deavalopmenl
within lhu area above the westerly swalea, las called for in Altemalive 4, adversely affects thea
viability of waled delivery)fon firei-flow,by separailinig remaining deiveloprneirt areas from the
designated wateui rieservoir site. The waleii delivery syslem whicah is requiried to mocit both
domestic and firiei flow iiequiremcnls for any deavelopmenit cif the Fariia Aaieseiniei Project consists of
onie or morci pump stalior.is caonnecting to thea existing EBMUD wales storage tank)]ociated at the
southaasl cornet of the Faniaa Areiscirve lHroject, caoupkid to a set of two new tanks to be lociated
a]ong the weisllerly riidgeline just above elevalion 950. Eliminalion of rcisidenllial developmenII
within lhu weastarily drainage swale, as contemplated in A:IlernatN a 4, is compensated for by a new
looped riidgeline roadway bci constnicited north fiiom Neighbothcaod B and wesl from
Neiighbcarhood A, caonnecting neiari the northwcist cornet of the Fariia Areservea Projekt and add-ng
between 11500,000 aar.id $7`0,0(10 in supplemenalal grading, uliliIN and roadway improvornent caosals,
as compared to lhei flaria Prieiserve Projecit side p:en as set forth in the Rlelociatead Neaighborihood D
Alternative. In addition, pollentiallly significant aaeslhetica impacts wou]Id be brought about through
griadinig of alheapnominient weisteirly ridgeline, niecessaiN to achievei veh:icaulan acacess north to the
tanks from Neighbonhaod B. Significanit new grading and visual impacts created by the loop
roadwaN would be inconisislent wialh the General Plan. The looping roadway connection between
Naighborihoods B and A in All err ativea 4 aavcaids impacils to II ha ripariian corridor, but imroduciea
new impacals to the ridgeline. Those include the genemiatican of addilional caul malerial (further
exacerbaatinig thea off-haul rioquirements), avid scaarring of the visually pnominienit and ptotecited
ridgeainei, in contriadicationi of policieis adcapled in the Geanearal Plan.
35. Undcir Alternative 5, deve:lopmeinl in the riparian corridor would be moidead, and
the Ptojecal would have a balanced grading plana. Tha combination of theses two caonstria�inls would
sigr1ificanit:ly reduce the number i of units:in the Fariia Arieseine Atojecal, friom 786 to 255. An
Pagei 12 of 15
ememgency acacaess pub:is trail and water lane easement wou:d be caanstructeid acanoss the riparian
ciarriidon, and would be the only conneictian betweien it ea easteirn and western portions of lhei sites.
Undeni this alternalive, Neighh oriho& A wauld be neiducieid from 200 to 74 units, Neughbarhood B
would be neiducieid from 20010 92 units, Naighbarhood C would neimain uncahangead, and
Neighborf ood D would be eliminated. Neii€lf h onhood E an the Chu and Aainetta piiopartieis would
nemaiin unchanged ait, with 44 singles f amiily homes and 12 seacond units. A11 of thea affordable units
would be eaiimiinated. Altearnative 5 :is a reduced davalopment scaenario whicah aatteampls to maximiaea
singles-family delaached housing within as limitead footprint adjoining lha weslerly and easterly site
access paints, off BolllinEleni Canyon Road and Purdue Road, ruspecalively. A lalaal of lE 9 sinElle-
family homes area ideanlified wilfin redesigned Neighborhoods A and B, in addition to 86 stackled
caandonfnium units :in Nei Elf.h orhood C (as pear the project'. Like the ariginail pnojeact, A]tern alive _`
balances grading caul and fill volumes, in an effort to avoid lh ea adverse eanviranmeanlal and fiscal
eaffeaets of off-haul. AllernatiNe15 aavciids impacal to the westeri y drainage swale by locaaalizing
Neighbonccaods A and B deavelopment in smalIen areas, by avoiding cairculalion connections
bealwesean the eastern and weastearn portions of the site, and by eliminating al:l land-intensive
caommunity facail:ilies, such as pankls, cahuraahes and educational uses. Impleameantatian of A ltemalive
cannot menet the staled Fraject purfase. Implementation of A:1lernatiiuea 5 its cons:idenead infeas:iblla
h eacausea :i1 iieduces thea aggregates develapmeant yield to 2-1-4 units for lh ea Faria Prieservie Pro jecat(and
299 fan thle NWISF). This option has feawen environmentall effecats, but fails la address the basica
Projecat objecalives of: (1) providing a range of housing lypeas as required by thle San Ramon
General Alan, (12: prouidinEl a sufficaient numb ear of Housing units genenaling sales neveanueas neaeded
to support thle substanliall cost of infraslrucatme; and (3) providing caommunity facaihilies and
affordablei housing, as mandated by thle General Alan. Following its a summary of lhea significant
planning piioElnama and eanuironmeanta:l impacats unique la Allemalive 5. Alteimative 5 cannot
prcavidea any of lhea major public faciilitieas called for in the Geanearal Plan and ildeanlified in thea
NWSP, and in part) aulaii fon deauelopment on the Farina Freseniea Frojecl, incaluding thea commun:ily
park, eaducaationa:l uses, Houses of worslnlp and publ:ica trail syslem. Thea extreamaly caandensed
deavelopment fcaotprinl results:in eljn-inatiian of kley pub:lica faci ilies ideanlified in thea City's General
P.an. Ongoing implemental ion of lhle General Alan oven thle past seavearial yeaans Has reliiead upon
fulurea deve:lopmeanl of thea Faria Pneservie Projeacit la prouidea carit:icaally neaeded publIca park, trail,
education and related facaihilies in ordeni tca support both cunient and lutuiie reas:idents of thle City.
Failuiae to pravides tHese facilities would aduesrsely affecal the qual>ily and adesquacy of serva:icaess to
local residents, based can deafined Ihreashlo:ld standards caanlained in thea Geanenial Plan and Genesial
PI an EIRI. A lternativea 5 avoids direct grading impacts witH:in thle westerly swa:lea area northl of lhle
pedestrian footbridge carossing, but fails to mitigalea underlying landslide activiily, reasu:lling in
continued off-seatt'ng cif thle drainage swale, significaanl earosion of displaced soils, deagradatiicin of
wales quality and wetland/riparian habitats, and palent:ial neasultinEl risks to existing dawnslraam
improvements. A]ternatiuea 5 leaves lhlea westerly drainage swafe in an unimprovead conditiian,
wHeneaby eaxistinEl acalive landsllidas will continue to cause significant erosicn and potentially
ealaslrcaphlica impacals cin dawnslream faeiilit:ieas thlrough mudtllows, or othleri slope failures. ExistiinEl
landslides exteand along blothl lhea eaasl and west slopes of lhea iinlerior valley caonlaining lhla drainage
swalea. Thle geoteachlnical analysis of lhis area:ind:icaates that thea v1siblea surfacae Ilandslideas ane
undearlain h y deaepeii, mores eaxleansi vel:landsliideas whlich extend from the edElea of lhea adjoining
ridgelineas to below the drainage swalea. Avoidancaea of devealopment wJlhin this arena, as
contemp:laled in Alllernatiivea 5 would forego neapair of lheasea hindslJdeas. 'Ilf a existing deatentian
blasin located al the lowar end of lhis valley caou:ld thlerefore bei subject to damage on deaslrucition in
Pagle 13 of 15
the avant of a major landsliido, as could 11 o utility lincis carried ovor the Swale on the pedestrian
bridpla. Alternialive -` has siigniificantl}l reduccid the tots numbers of housing units over which to
spread the same Iala1 public iinfrastruicilura casts, rendering lhei Baria Preserve Riojecit acionomically
infeasible. AlllerniatiiNei 5 would reducci the total number of housing umiis by two-thirds wiilhin Ito
NWSP (181-10, as prioposad, to 299; and within tho Fariia Hresenie Hrojecl (78(, as proposed, to 255).
The smaller numbar of single-family homes will.in the Fariia Hresenia Aroject (1651; would be
insufficient to absorb the substantial dost of publics iinfpastruichra required to 1kilitate developmcinl
of the Fariia Reserve Hrojecil, including (a; the col:lactor roadway system, (lb' the on-siiei delention
basins, (c) the watch pumping, storage and deilivery syslem, and (d) 1hu sanitary sawer truinkl line
improvements. ConsagLemtly, the peui-Lnit capital fkiliilN cost burden for the Par.'ia Arusarvo
Priojacit would increase well beyond the threshold of4dasibility. A:llerriat'vci 5 ciannol provide the
riange ofthousing products and agplrciplate number of affcrdabla units idantificid in the Housing
Element. THs reduced devalopmiant alternalive of 2951 total units ciannol deliver If a 238 affbrdablla
very-low, low- and moderate-iincioma units identified in the City's Housing Elament as needed to
meel ciurrient and fixture regional fair share needs within the community. Consuquanlly, Alternative
5 would to address a significaril objecilive of the Projact. There is no variation oft AlllernatiNa 5
(such as through adoption oft a modFfied product mix ancbor deve:lopmenl at a€lreiater density)it.at
could fbasibly be implemented. All such polential variations of Altarnalive -` would be
economically infeasible, and many such variiations would be incons'stenl with Ira Ceneriall Alan, as
further dascribad and eva lusted in tho EIR.
36. Thu City finds that each• of tha following spae:ific ecicmomiiici, legal, social,
tacihnological, anviironmemlal and other cionsidarat:ions and 1hu benefiils of the independentl}l
outweigh lhci remaining significant, adNarise impacts and is an overrid'ng consideration
independently wanianting approvall. The reimaining sipinificant, adverse impacts oft the project are
acceptable in light of each of these ovarriding considerations.
'17. The Hrojecl prioNides a balancad developmanl patlerri thal provides a diversity oft
residential choices,ul iliizes open space areas and community ameni 1 ies as organs zing and d efin:i ng
elements, creales a consistent identily and sanse of community within tha Arojact Arcia, and
endues that development within If a Arojecl Arua is compatible with natulial rusourcias and
maiinta ins thea natural beauty and character of tho area.
'18. The Hrojecl prioNidas for a range oftresidanlial land uses, consistaril with the
Housing Ellemeni of the Genaral Plan, and will contribute to tha City's available housing slack)and
address the City's share of regional housing needs.
'19. The Hrojecl prioNidas for a workflorice housing progriam ansuring 11 at at least lwenl}l-
f:ive percent of all un:ils within the Projecit are affordable to Very Low, Low and Moderata:incioma
housciholds and concuniently plromotind radial and sociioeconomici diversity in the City. More
specifically, twenty parcient (20%) oftlhe umils proNidad within lhei NW911 will be ranted to low
and Nary low income persons and fhamilieis as definad in Health & Safleity Code Fj 500771.5.
Paiga 14 of:I
40. The Pnojecil :integrates publics faciilities :inciluding a community park)wiilh a memariaa
nosci garden, an educational use faeiliIy and a house of wonsh>ip, which wild pramale nadigibus
cihoicia, toleriancia and freiedom in the City.
41. Thei Pnojecil provides fon an apen space and trails pnograrn, including dcisignalion of
75 perciarit of the sites fon schools,parks, common and public open space uses, ownensf iip and
mainlenanco of publIci and privale apen spade, and das:ign of open spade arrienitiieis, such as staging
areas, trails and cionnect:ions.
42. Thei Pnojecil :inciludeis deivelopment slandards and guidelliries for building height,
aociation massing, parking:landscaping, signs, buffer.'ng and tnansit>ian requirements bolwaan uses,
ciompalibiliily with axialing neiighbonhoads and undcaigraun&ng of uti:liities in ordeui to guide the
future deivedopment of the Anojact Area.
43. Thei Pnojecil pnovide.i for vehiciulan ciannocitiions to Elolllingen Canyon Road in tf a
west and an:implrioved Pundua Road in the east, as weal) as padestrian connections with existing
neighborhoods along Paemiood Road.
44. Tho Pnojecil priovide.i for an infraalrucitune program, iinciludirg roadway, sewer,
waters, electricity, and drainage access, design and capacity.
45. Thei Pnojecil priovides for a hazards pnopam, :incilludiing standards and guideliines to
address unstable slopes, so:ills, and Alquist-13rialo zones.
46. Tho Riojecil ppiovides for an implementation financing and mair.ilenanca pwgram,
inciluding cost of and iespansibi:liity fon nocie.isary cap'ilal and other imfpioveiments, phasing of
devellopmenl, financing measurers, and plan adminisivation and enfoncemenl.
Paw 1` of 1`
Northwest Spec fle Plan/Ear;-PrPSPLOP Ca--nity IPYR
Air Ouality
impact Air Quality-2:Consisten^y wo add;tin—1 fe—ihlr m4ign6an q;gnifirnnt NSA
with the 7.nnC n2nnP Ctrntegy(Fnrin measures have heen identified because and
Preserve and Western Plan Area)'. deuelonment n£the CP Arra W—ld TTnnvn;dnhlP
Thr D^Dnl.t;nn and`IMT prrljPrtione rontrihutP to the erceedance of the
need in the proposed Northwest population assumptions of the 2005
Specifi^Pla^Arr, nuc;srenr w;rh (lvnnP-Ctrategy,
thri—of the Inns 07nnP Strategy.
impact Air Quality-3:Lone-Ter— M;tient;nn M—r—Air Qn.lity_A(Fnrin gignifirnnt City of Can Tlnring Al grading,
Vimi;cc;nnc of Criteria Air Pnlhitants Preserve and Western Plan Area);During and Ramon,Planning demolition or construction
(Faris Preserve and Western Plan project review,the Cats h.n runmilt with LTn.v^_idAhtr Department, .rNv;NPc,
Area). Deuelnt)— Moder the the RAAQMTI fnr determination of planning Crrvirrc
Northwest Specific Plan would result applicable mitigation measures to br T)ivision and
in increased a—;s°;o °afrr;t—in a;r ;nrnrpnr.tM fnrf lmrP pro ertc assnriatPd
Building Safety
pollutants.Operational emissions of with
, implementation of the NWSP..
RQG and NOX would e—eel the l-1-1,*g the LAT.Pre.e—eCnh Thv;c;nn•
BAAQMII threshold of Rn pounds per measures may include.but are not limited Department
t0 th.,follow;,a mr.c>.lrrc rernmmrndrd
' This column-lescrihes the Level of Significance resulting from the Proje^t,together with imposition of all reasonably feasible mitigation measures. For purposes of this
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program,resulting level of significance"Less Than Significant"means that,un-ler Public Resour
Nprthwact RReritir Plan/Earin Pracarva Cilmmnnity 1PYR
day. by the BAAQMD,which were obtained
from the most rnaent RA AQMII VPQA
Guidelines(RAAQMI), 1999)
• Implement CEPool/vanpnnl prngrnm
e.g.,carpo^_1 ride-matchine f^r
residents,assistance with vanpnn]
formation,provision of vanpnnl
• Provide park and ride lots at nearby
transit stops,
• C'nnstnirt trans;t far;l;t;—--b as hus
turupntS/bns hnlhs,henches,shelters,
• Design and locate buildings to
t-4 a,n—a e.g.,locate
hnilding entranres near transit stnps,
eliminate hnilding sethnrka,etc.
• Provide aecnre_weather-protected
bicycle parking for employees and
Rrnu;da showers and Inrlrarc for
enm1 lnyees hicyrling or walking to
Provide safe,direct nrress for
bicyclists(i.e..bicycle lanes and/or
paths)to commnnity_w;da natumrlr
(already incoMorated into project
Northwest Saccific Plan/Faria Preserve Communitv EIR MMRP 2
Preliminary•Subject to Revision Pending Project Annroval and EIR Certification(October 20061
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
• v_=nviAA.I;�rt eafA artrarr;vA
pedeetAnn arrees frnm projert to
adjnrent land rases,transit.-taps,and/or
community-wide network(already
M^ ratPA;Orr_ty2j rt At vgn).
Tmplement hnme_haced
telerommnting program.
Provide neighhorhnod-serving shops
and services within or adjac-nt to(r/-
U2 mile)rn"etitial prnjert.
• PrrvlrlP intarrnnnrrtPrl etre nP nrk,
w;th a regular grid nr.-imilar
interconnected street pattern.
When the utility infrastructure is
pl--d.rhP it;lity—t—ark-hall
inrinde rondnit for the installation of a
fiber optic cable network that provides
hrnarlhanrl;nrPrnPr arrPse tr_ n_rsPrl
residenrres and therehy snpports hnmr_
haled telecommuting.
Orient buildings in the north/south
TT.-e electric landscape maintenance
eo-;Drn ^t.
• Tmplement solar and/or central water
1.n;l.t;ng A..ign,
• Increase buildi^g;^s^lati^_^b-yo^A
Northwest.-necific Plan/Feria Preserve Community EIR MMRP 3
Pteli—i..ary-g..hja.... R-4z .P_--a-e P—i=.AQQ .. t....a VTD
Nnrthwect SgeriPir Plan/Earia Preserve CarmmiunitV F.TR
Title 24 regnirements.
PnjV..TTTTAi-I-V CTf1NT]=iTC.AN3:)
Air Q»ality
TmPart Air QnalitV-1;Chert-Term Mitigation Meacnre Air Quality-1 TTS City of San During all grading,
Congtructinn Ernissinns(Earia (Faria Preserve and Western Plan Ramon.Planning demolition or construction
D=ese='�e an.l WeS►n=n Plan Aroa), Area); Thr RA AQMII has;dent;find a Department act;vitiee.
['nnStrnrtinn,grayling,and exravation set of feasihle PMI0 control measnres Planning Services
associated with new development for construction activities.These DYsion and
under the Nort'—st SDer;fc Elan mracurPc are d;-;d-A int--thrrr Rn;ld;ng,Safety
nnlrl grnrratr enhgtnnAal mmnrrnte of separate tiers;Rasir Control Meaenres, Division;
fine particnlate matter(PM10). Enhanced Measures,and Optional Engineering
Meas. Department
The f--1l—;ng Rasic L`--ntr--1 Mrac—.c,
ac clicrnssefi in Section 4,23 shall he
implemented at all construction sites in
the ga„a Preserue and Wester*,21—
Ari—n,regardless of size, For
construction sites greater than 4 acres.
enhanced measures chair hr
• Water all artivr rnnetrnrtinn areas
at least twice daily,and more often
during times of high wind.
Cover all trucks hanling soil_sand,
and other loose materials or require
all jv—v4 t--ma,ntn;n nt least tuy--
erurt1. ,t epa,;a-pi_i P.A.8recere Community am MLMR 4
Preliminary-Subiect to Revision Pending Praect Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
fPPt of frPPhnard.
• P—,apply water thrPP timee daily,
or apply(non-tnxir)coil ctahili7erc
on all unpaved access roads.narking
areas and stag;ng areas at
rnnctrurtion cites.
• SwPPp daily(with water ewPPpPrs)
all paved accecc roads.parking areas
and et-2;,2 arAas at'L„str—t;nn
ei tec
• SwPPp et—te daily(with water
cweeperc)if vicihle coil material is
carried onto adja^ent nubli^st-eets.
The,fnllowing Enhanced Meacurec
shall he implemented at construction
cites larger than four acres:
• Hydroseed^_r apply(n^_n-txi^)s^_il
ctahili—rs to;nartivP rnnstn-t;nn
areas(prPviansly graded areas
inactive for ten days or more).
Enclose.cover.water twice daily or
�nnly(„n„_tn ;r)enil h;nd-rc to
Pxpog-i ctnrkpilec(dirt,sand,Ptr.)
• T_n the Pxtent prartirahlP,limit
traffic cpeedc an unpaved roads to
15 mph.
- install sandbags or other erosion
contcol rn—sur—t„n*PUPnt silt
o_ s•ep_a:,.u:..^t s...:o p.._..,,.Cof^jtY vro na,.rop 5
Preliminary-Subject m Revision Pending Project Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
MTTTr-A TTnN MnNTTnRTNr-A Nn RF.pnRTnvr_pu nr_R A M
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
„fE t^_D„h]ir rnadwayc,
• Reo_lant veeeta„^_^;,,d—t=I—A
areas as qu;rkly as pnssihlP,
• TTstall whPPl-sbP,s for all Pxltfng
trucks,or wash off the tires or tracks
of all trucks and equipment leaving
the z;tP
Th—P additinnal==Optional MPacnrec”
shall hP implrmrntPd if further
Pmissinn redurtinne are dPPmPd
neressary by the City and/or the
Install wind breaks,or plant
trees/veeet-t;v-ru;n,l hronvs at
—ind—ard 6,1P(c)of ronstrurtion
• Cuspenfl Pxcavation and grading
activity when winds(instantaneous
g—ts)----d 25 mph.
• T,—;t the area to Pvravatinn,
grading and other rnnstrnrtion
activity at any one time,
Tho R e e QMn r aii;r—nts mold
rhangP hPtwPPn the time that this F.IR
is certified and the time when
constru-tin_n of the orco^_s-A oroj-,t
hPg;.c. ThPrPf£rP,rhp City shall
Northwest Sexcifie Plan/Fari-Pee:-r••=C= -•v
2.n1;-;-ary-c••t ject fn 1zevis-on D^naing project Approval and FTU cep ifiicafion(October'1006)
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
regnire its rnntrartnrs L ronsnit with
the RAAQMD to develop a list of
an_nron_^ata d„st abatama^t mesas,—s
prinr to haginning any rnnstrprtinn
Riaingirnl Recnnreec
lmpoet Riningy_1;T.nss of Censitive Mitigatinn Measnre.Riningy.la(The LTC City of Can Prior to recordation of Final
Rnhitnts(Enrin preserve and Faria Preserve Biological Ramon.Planning Man-and nrior to issuance of
Western Plan Area). Imnla—a^tato^ T)apartmant, a grading parm;t fn
of tha hTncthulast Spar;fir Plan would Mnnitnting Elan);The projert sponsor Planning Servires respartive portions of
result in the Ines of sensitive hnhitnts, for the Faria Preserve Project Site has Division and Project as affected.
The Faria Preserve would impact developed an extensive nroerom B�,;ldi^g Safety
I I.0r a^res^_f volley fnnthill rafaard to as the Baru Prasarva T)ivisinn
hardwood,4,20 nrrec of valley foothill Rialogical Mitigation/Enhancement
riparian,and 0.17 acre of fresh and Monitorine Plan for the creation
amarg nt macgh. and enhancement of riparian and
wetland hahitat and the fiill mitigation
of notential biologi^al irma^tc.whi^h
the projart sPonsnr shall implement this
plan which includes the following:
Set aside 144 acres of a remainder
parcel i^to an onen snare nreserve
snhjart to a conservation as camant
and managed by a third party.This
area is referred to in the Project
TIASnr;nt;—-the Adj ore„t E—
;-Offsite Prasarvatinn Area
• Qat ac;rta an R.Q arra R;pnrian and
Wildlife Corridor with an average
width of 200 feet that will allow
,r-at;—„f—1-1—1 Ana;—
hahitats to rnmpancata fnr hahitat
loss resulting from the project.This
m.rth....zt RP—;fie Plan 1 F_n Pmserve Community nm MXMP 7
Preliminary•Subject to Revision Pending Project Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
N—arthwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
area would be preserve'by
„nsPr„�t;,,n Pasemenrs and
mans Eed by a third party.
• Preserve 0.019 acres of wetlands and
riverine intermittent streambed and
r.91 a,. .of..My fenth;ll
hardrvnnd hahitat not imparted by
the proposed project.
Create 1,15 acres of palustrine
emereent a^d p-lu-1,4——ml-shruh
,.vtlanr9 hahitat-1--ng the Riparian
and Wildlife Corridor.
• Create 6.06 acres of valley foothill
riparian habitat along the Riparian
^d W,*ld',*f-C^_*^dnr. Thies
inrindes A.0-1 acres of forested
hahitat beyond the 1.15 acres of
jurisd;,.t;,,n-1, -'-ods, 'rha,;pa,;an
vPEetat;nn wnnld roneict of willows
and California bay trees near the
,.xok end _—t li—nal,and.alley
Hairs S,rther np the riparian area
Develop a vegetated buffer within
the 8.9-^re„p";ten
mainta;n n-1 enhance agnatir
fnnctinns in the wetland
mitigation/preservation area. The
ueee—ad huff—r.,.uhl;—h,&a
A.01 arra planted riparian rnrridor
adjacent to the stream and wetlands,
and a 2.92 acre.34-foot wide area
=,,—A the p—•—tar of the riper;nn
Northwest snrcific Ptan/Faria P,aserve Co=unty EIR MMRP R
Prer:...a....rv..V-N2... no _o no..a_._Q nmjd..APPm.,.,t a-A Ern re..:r_ca"on(L—o'=r')nnrl
NDr4hwasf CDaeifiv Elan/Favia P"SPa a V mmnnifV F.iR
ranopy and heyond the.rear of
homes that would not he planted
w;th tr 1 would rA ;�
mnwerl nr disked gracclnnd area that
would serve as a firebreak.
Create approximately 45 acres of
v^ll-y foothill hardwo=d h-b t-t
within des;gnnterl mitigation cites at
various undisturbed locations within
the prop-rty thro,,gh ph„ti^g^_f
rt lives nnlr1 volley nnk treeC.
121nnt enact live nnlr and valley nak
trees within the 45 acres of tree
repl^cement mitig"on ar--to
rnrrtpPT tP for the S 1 d trees
removed by romtruction of the.
project. Repl^cem-nt tr--s would
hA primarily en—live nnlr-nd
valley oak and would total 1.606
trees(accounts for expected survival
f Rn PAV%A t of plant;ngc).
• Pcos;&fns lnnE-t—--;r,
protection through a conservation
e^s-ment^^d f,,nd;ng_f a lnng to=*^
protan;nn program neer
approximatlely 152,9 acres(144
acres off-site and 8.9^cr-s on--it-).
• Tn the event that additional wetlands
nc nth—aonat;c h-bitatc ace
includeA in n verified delineation for
the site.the mitigation areas set
forth abov-sh^ll b-;,o e-dh
N^,thwest zpecific Plan Faria Preserve rommunity PTR MMRP 9
Preddminnry-Subiect to Revision Pendine Proiect Appro•'^t^^a cro Inncl
N^_rithwas*QDapiCIP Elan/Earin Preserve CnmmnnifV Ti7R
that the.additional areae are
mitigated on at least a 1:1 acre-for-
acra a^1 has;s•
Mitigation Measure Moloey-'h
(W. tarnPlnn Aran): The fnllnwing
actions shall he implemented by
developers of the Western Pla^Area to
_n Clue adeq„ate Prntartinn of trPPC.
ThPCe..men Rilre-R implement mitigation
in the Western Plan Area that is the
camp in crane to what is sat forth in the
Rialogiral Mitigation/Fnhancement
and Monitoring Plan fo=the Fan a
Preserve Pv_,j Pet c•re•
(e) The P'~jertnon hal C enr s 1 ('ity of.Can Prinr to aPPrnval of any
implement a Tree Mitigation and Ramon.Planning grading or other site
Denartmont d;st chance
R eDlaremrnt Plan• The plan shall Planning.Cervices
.,,rinde the f�+llpw;ng; (1)
Division and
replacement of trees ata ratio of Building Safety
').S:1•(7)the cDerif;c lncat;nna of nivisi_n
the tree planting (inch,d;ng a map
and Dlant;ng plan).(4)CChedlllpR
and methodologies for
ma;—;n;ng and manitnr;ng the
- nn sc aE the Dtan;and(4)
Dexfnr---e standards•
(R) The Pr„je„t CDpnanrs shall ('ity of.Can The project sponsors shall
Ramnn Planning prepare and submit Tree
praDar_ „d snhm;r to the('itv of ' Prnte_ct;nn Plane and final
o a r-_Pv+t _n P-1— Department
Sa„Ram_n Tee__en'nn Pannng.Cery
liices project grading and
prior to aDD1ual of a„y grading construction plans prior to
or 00h 1-Zci tP d;etnrhonrP The Divis,nn and
Northwest CLccific plan Faria preserve Co=uuity EIR MMRP 10
p_n -ry.s.-Ne..t t_Devis:on Deoaing proJee+Approval ant 1PTD r—fiication(Octot-r'700K)
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
Drota t'On nl' shall h- R,,;ld;,,g Saf-ty rnnctrnrtinn anti vitiaq
,,.,Dl<,.,r„trd t_min:miva damages Divicine
to„at;u-true d„r;ng
ronstrurt;_„. In add;t;n„ all
Thr pt cpnncnrc Shall
lan`ls"aDa D'shall hr rr,rirwrd enjar
im2lement the Tree
and aDDrou-d by a-ISA----;f;-,] Protection Plans prior to and
project arborist. Protection
an e;tr grading,
riamplitipn or rpnctrnrtipn
(C) The City of Sa-R--o^ hall artivitiec,and throughout
review final Droject grad^g and th-_n_arat;_n of th-
construction nlans to—;TM ; r nDrratipn of any individual
encroachm-nt within th-drin 1;-- project,ac pre.Scrihed in the
of a^y b,- nut-li—;t'ae Dart Tr--N it;gation and
Of cit-gra,l;ng, q k;e review shall Raplararnrnt Plan,
includ-assuranr-c that the dreg„
of roads, ,til;t; el_n-
b;lidat;nn,unr>r,e„hdra;ne and
nthrt t`rDre of infraetvn torr asm;rl
the arra within tha rlriplinr of
native true where faa c;hla•and
that all grariing;c rircignad to
rirain water away frnm the baca of
trace co ac not to rrratr.areae of
pnnd;ng within the driplina,
Mitigation Mracnrr Riningy-1 r City of Can Prior to commencement of
(Earia Prrcrrvr and Wactarn Plan Ramon.Planning grading and throughout any
Arra: Artinne Shall ha D-n_artn,-„t, grading,dr _l,t4_^.=_
;MJ)1 anted by drvrinprrc to Planning.Carvirac rnnctrnrtinn anti vitiac,
Drrvrnt Dnih,t:nn of eiraamS
s and Safety
drainagre inrinding watlandc, Safety Division
d„r,ng rnnetr„Minn, and Png;naaring
Implementation of Standard eroctnn
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pending Project Approval and EIR Certification(October 20061
Nnrthwp,t Sgeeifie Elan/Earin PraServa enm*nnnitV FIR
control d—ires and Reet
Management l?rartirec(BMP'c)that
shall he incorporated in construction
cDPrifir�tinnq rm .P ch.11 inr1rr.1P
hot are not limited to:
a Fsncinn cnntrol to ctahili7e
disturbed soils(cover vegetation,
,,,nlrhing•P=ncinn rnntrn_1 f�hrir
• Tnstallat;nn of sediment raptnrP
devices at strategic locations
(s-&—cit con-ol"s;lt"f—i^g.
wPPd_f—P straw hnlPS,straw
Storage of hn7arrinttc material at
least 200 f-et aw-y from�dr-; meg-,
—ter hnrly Lr Sensitive hahitat•
• RPctrirtinn of r firPling of mnhilP
and/or portable equipment L areas
mor-than 200 f--t---y from
drainage(inrinding riparian
w,tl,nd.a-m-1 pool)^_—t-E hndy:
• Us-of c-trh h-;-—A nh-Eh—
pads fnr refnPling of sedentary
equipment within 100 feet of a
drainage(including riparian
sz.e.t.t;n„)ar wntPr hndy,
• Any additional mitigation m—s—s
rPQnrrPd by lnral.CtatP,nr federal
Nortkwest specific➢tan t Faria Preserve rommunits FrR MMRP 12
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pendine Project Ayyroval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
Northwest Specific Plan/Forio Pracarve L'nmmnnity F11R
CONDITION Bv-ertr—G Mnl ttxnnnvr_ MUMMnRTNIC J'rMVrRAMF.
i)—itc chnll hP;nwlPmPntPd.
M,tig.t;nn MP•--RiningVA d
(WPstPrn Onn Area; Developers
within the Western Plan Area to
address impacts to s-,s,*tive h-h;t-tr.
City of Can Plan snhmitted and
• Compensate for imD-^tom to v-11Py Ramon.Planning aop�ved p^n_=to g=211Td
fnnthill riparian hahitat at a rlPpartment AictnrhanrpJrnmmenremPnt
minimnm ratio of 3:1. Planning Services of grading activities
Division and
• Compensate for impacts to valley 1R11;lr1;n2 Safety
foothill hardwood-oodl'„d h-hitot Divicinn
.t m,n,mnm mt;n of A.5:1.
• Provide f^=1^ng-tP=n,
pPrDPtlllty" hnhitnt/cpeciec
protection through a conservation
a-ment and fllnding of a lnng term
prntertion program for all areas
located outside of the development
• Prior to n=^_jert imnlement�tinn n ArgnirP a strenmhed
strPnmhPd alteratinn agreement shall alteration agreement prior to
he.argnired from the California p=i"t implPme„tntinn.
Department of Fish—1'"-f^_=
.11 prnpncPd imparts to valley
foothill riparian hahitat.
North...w Sp-_;c-Ri--1 s-.:_R=e—❑o—....:tv cm m" 12 1
Preliminary-Subject m Revision Pending Project Annroval and EIR Certification(O=tobe-1004)
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
I—D-0 RiDIDE-'7:CDCrial_Ctatuc Mitigatinn Meacnre Riningv_9. L14Z City of Can (`nntlurt f;eld ca xy-
Plant S}_leciec(Western Elan Area), (Western Elan Aren): The developer- Ramon,Planning during the appropriate
The Western Plan Area may contain on the Western Plan Area shall Department. flowering sea-on-for the
special-status species that were^ot imDlenia„t the follnw;ng measures to Punning c r:<:^ec Dlant-Dan; Drams r;be,' ^
tlete!&e!d;r,BAd surveys anti ln_sc of ensure that marts to special-status T)ivisinn and the mitigntinn meacnrp,
such species in assncintion with plant species are avoided: Ruilding Safety
development could occur. Division implement npprnpr;ata
The Project.Spon-or-hall conduct field mitigation in coordination
surveys during the appropriate with CDFG and the City of
flnwer;ng seasnns for the fellnw;ng can Raman n�ur!c ,;bed by
nine sperinl-states plant Species prior to the mitigation mpacurp if
any new con-truction-related ground -pecie-are found.
d;S—ban_,.H,;th;n _„-Daved,reas
(i.e.,clearing and gruhhing): Mitigation Shall be
,mDlemented D,;--r to
Species-Flawering Period icsuanep of certificate-of
Bijz-x,caZe halsamroot(Balsamorhiza occupancy.
macrolepis macralepis)-March to
Diatela helianthela(Melianthela
raste"ea)-April to May
Cangdan's taMlant(Centramadia
parryi raneonii)-Jume to Ortaher
Mt.Diablo iewel-flower(Streptansthus
hispidus)-March to Jume
Round-leaved Warne(Emdzum
marraphyllum)-March to May
phaceliaides)-April to May
Rahust ma"ardella(Monardella villosa
siohosa)-Ju"e to August
Brewer's western flax(Mesperalinon
breweri)-May to July
Mt.Diahlo fairy-lantern(Calochortus
pulrhellus)-April to June
M-a—w Cp�;f;c Plan/Faria Preserve community PTR n,TbmP 14
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pending Project Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
NprthweSt Sperif it plan/Earin Preserve Community FTR
F.lwrunwXMWTAT.iMPACT Mrrrr_ATrnwMRAsrrot•s nri T vuvT nr< RESPONSIBILITY
Tf any gDerial_gtat„g plant gDPrieg are
identified,their gnantity and
Riv4fi^an^e of the impvt shall be
agepggpd fur rp Ap—by the City of.Can
Ramon and(DDF(:. Depending on the
legal protection afforded the particular
.Der;es,i l—Afied Dlantc--IA e;ther
a)he fenrPA off by a hiningiet and
avoided by construction activities_h)
be salvaged and relocated on-site
ff,1Ln,;nE rnnc„ltat;nn w;th L'T)ErZ:n=
r)he remnvpd without further
consequence,if so allowed by CDDFCT.
Impact Biology-3(h)(Western Plan Mitigation Measure Biology-3a LTS City of San No earlier than 48 honrq
A—);Cper 1_Ctatus Animal (jt'aria 1P-S.-and Western Plan Ramo.,,P1ann;nE befo}e the start of
gperies. Implementation of the Area); The fnllnwing artionq shall he T1eDartment ron Rtnn t;.n,hot prior m
Western Plan has the potential to implemented by developers of both the Planning Services start of construction
=e2„It;n rhe IL-2 of hahitat f< D—ial_ Fa,;a Preserve-A tha WPctern Plan Di,^sion and activities.conduct surveys
status animal gperiec that may reside Area to further engnre that imparts to Bnilyding.Cafety fur Alameda whiDgnak—ac
or forage in the Western Plan Area. Alameda whipsnake are less than Division prescribed by the mitigation
potentially resulting in amore_than gignifirant, m acute,
gnhgtantial rprdurtion in the numherc
and range of rare,endangered or Prior to the 21—of
threat—A p;P.. rnnetn,rtinn art;vitieg,
• A heMetningict permitted by the conduct training.—&g.—ion for
pmmnt;auy cE.if;rant TTSFWS to work with Alampda
re¢ardin¢the Alameda
whipsnakes shall survey all areas whipgnakeg ng Dregrriherl by
Du`D^_sefl f`x" nst,nrt;rn nr pack.= the.mitigation meagnre,
than AS hnnrq hefnrP the onget of
activitieq, Tf any life gtageq of Condnrt regular visits
Alameda whipsnake are found,the during initial gronnd
aDDrLvM ...n14 rnntart disturbinl;a ;-ities as
the TT.CFWS to rdetermine if moving 12recrr;he1 by the m;tigat;on
any snob life stages is appropriate, meagnre,inrjnding grading
preli--nary-subject m TDevision penning project Approval an,]T.•To Ce-Fiicat4on(n_ctoh--7.0961)
MUTr_eTTnly MnNTTnRTNr_Alyn RF.pnRTnvr_j?Rnr_RAM
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
APPRQVAT. gTrxm Awr1w'
Before any grading activities begin and construction.
on indiuidu-1 NWSP Are-
devPlnpment TJhaCPe a hPMPtningiet Prinr to issuance of a
pPrmitted by the TTSFWS to work gr-di^g nPrmit.the nr i—
with the Alameda whipsnakP sh'll eponenr shall prnvirlP to the
n„d„rt.tra;n;ng-.i-fur all (Tity evidence.of cnmphance..
grafling pPrennnel. At a minimum_ with the Endarjeered
the training shall include a cpP,iPe Art through
dPsrr;ptinn of tl,P n tu=.l h;etnry of consultatinn with TTSFWS,
the Al—Pin whipsnakP,and itC
hahitat. Training shall include the Tmplement constrllctinn
general measures that,=P hP;r,E measures prior to and
imIJlPmentPd to rnneervP throughnut eitP grading
whipsnnke.0 aC they relate to the demnlition or ronctrurtion,
individual development project and
the (work=Pa)w;th;n
which the prnjert may hp.
accomplighed. Training sessions
gh-ll hP d fer-n new
PmpinyPPC hi-fore.thP.y arre.Ce the.
project site. Sign up sheets
idP t;fvir,g tt,n,],Pc-1 the
rnntrartnr/rnmpany they rPprPCPnt
shall he.maintained by an on-site
construction maEer.
• A ou-lif;P l
(n]2prnvPd by TTSFWC)Chall
condnet regular visits during initial
g..-1 d--h;nE-,t;u;t;Ps
inrh,ding grading and rnnctrurtion.
The hiological monitor shall have
the authority to halt all project
.rt;u;t;P t.ny t;mP;f AlamPda
whilJenakee are PnrnnnterPd.
• All rnnetr„rtinn-related lay-Inwn
Northwest Cnec;fic Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR MMRP 16
Prelin ivary-Subject to Re-.is:o.,ne..a:-g Emje AQQ..n...,,.....T PM (On..!__,)_cl
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
and deposition arae shall ha
i—partad—rh mnrr+;r,e l,y a
daeiEnated mnnitor to enenre that
Alameda whipcnakec are not
presant.All _net,,,,.t;n„-
It;-;t;-that talre plan nn the Lyronmi ehall
he performed in daylight honrs.
Vehicle speed on site shall not
--A 15 m;las par hoar.
C.'nnetrUrtion matarialc,cnil,
construction debris.or other
--tarsal Sh'll ha dapne;tAd n_„ly nn
araae whirr vegetation hue been
mowed and any snakes present
—O.,ld ha ra„l;ly v;e;hla,
• Prior to iss--^_f n god;rE
Darmit tha Prnjart.Cponeor ehall
provide to the City evidence of
comul;—ca su;th tl,a E”—g-rad
Cpariee Art tlunngli rnnsnitatinn
with TTCFWC.This cnnsnitation
shall he formal or informal.-s
datarm;nAd l,Y tha ITCFR/C,Any
meaenree agreed to ae a reenit of this
consultation shall he adhered to in
�A&tinn to tha _Dearne pre!--d
• Thu prnjert propanent wnnld plare
and maintain a temporary erosion
the waetarn and nnrthern edgee of
the property dining construction.
The exclusionary fence to he
nr,etn,rtad end ma;r,ta;nM dnring
ronstrnrtinn;s expected to prevent
Northwest Snecific Plan/Faria Preserve Com=nity EIR M—P 17
2�^1 ;--ry-Q--Ne--Uevis'ion Penning Project A ppray.t an.]FTU rert;ticatlon(Oc-her 100f)
Northwest Sp-ci+ic plan Earin Pracarva Vn nvinitV TiR
ace of the development area by
Mitigatipn MPacnre Riningy_3h City of San Prinr to mrnmenrement of
(Faris Preserve and Western Plan Ramon.Planning gradine,demolition or
A Via): 'rk-dev-'no c of hath the in
$aria Preeerve and the Western Plan Planning Services accnrdance with prnjent
Area shall implement measures to Divisinn and phasing.
further ensure that imparts to--4-g R-;ld;ne Cafety
rantnre and nther epnrial_etnt—hirde llivisinn
(e,g, hnrne(i lark,lnggerhead shrike,
yellnw warbler)are less than
S;g,;fi—t• A Urernnstrnrtinn survey
shall he condoned by a gnalified
hiningict for nesting raptnrs and nther
sperial-status bud sneri—a---
Of two Weelrs Prinr to any new
cnnstructinn activities(i.e.grnund
rlea.;,g—A gr„ling,cta g of
egnipment,grnnnd digtuthnnce)daring
the hreeding seasnn(February 1-
Aueuet 31)t^_e„eure there are nn
nesting cenc;Nve hirric within the
prnject area, If active netts are fnund
durine the preconstruction survey.a-o-
dich�rhanre 1—ffvr 7nne ch-11 he rreated
around active nests daring the hreeding
.zea-nn or until a qualified biologist has
dotorm;—d the Y—e have fledged.
The nn-d;ctnrhanre hnffer znne shall he
a minimum of 250 feet frnm active
raptor nests.100 feet from snerial-
ctah-m—i c and'M feet fmm non_
sperinl status nesting hird cperiec until
chicks have fledged. Reductions in the
e .e -,.:€=E_i s_.p»i..,,.co�_tY❑rc ntt„mp 1 S
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pending Project Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Co—inity'PTO
Sio of the hnffPr—nac and or
allnioanrPc of limited types of
constriction activities within the huffer
zone shall be deterr.'n_A by a a^ lifie_A
hiningict thrnngh rnnrd;nation with
CDFC3 and shall he haled on existing
noise and hu—a^d;st ba ,-IPvPI-at
the prL%j rt cite and nhservPd Pv;dPnrP
of dictnrhanrP to hinds.
Mitigation Meacvtre Riplpgy_3e City of San Conduct red-legeed froe
(Western Elan Area); The developer Ramo-.Pla^^,ng cur..y.a.nraarr;hPi by the
of the Western Pla^Area shall Tlepartmrnt mitigation miasnn-prior to
;-1)] Prlt--ur—to PO nrP that Planning Services implementation of
potentially significant ;arts to Division and develop—ent of
California red-legged frogs do not B1,;1A;ng Cafpty NPighhnrhnnd E.
rrur• Divisin_n
Impl—nit— ur—
r,P.giiiirPri by CDFC3 and
BMPs prior to
• A L'alifnmia rPd_1Pggrd frng rnmmenrPment of and
prPsence/ahsencP anrve.y shall he thronghont all grading.
conducted along Bollinger Creek demolition or construction
l r;nr v.;mnlPmnntatinn of artivities,
dPvPlnpment of Neighhorhnnd E.
The survey shall be conducted per
USEWc orn_t^_r^_l..
• If California red-IPggaA frng-arP
nreeant w;th;n Bnilirnger CrPPk
within the Western Elan Area.
measures to avoid impacts shall he
dete—;;^ din roorAir t;n —ith
CT"El3•.Qnrh measnrPs may inrindP,
hilt are not limited to.hiningicad
Northwest Snesific Plan/Faria Preserve Commun@v Ent M" I Q
Rro';—:nary-eubject t.,uevision penning project Approval ana FIR Cerdfiication(October 2006)
Nnrthav�t CPacific Plan/Estrin PrP-%Prva VnmmnnitV FTR
COMrriow Brent r tG Mo=onrwG MowrxorrvGTtnrcvuAX,ry
monitoring,exchision fencing,
alteration of construction schedule
to nunid hroad;ng SPaenn nr nth Pr
• T)PvPlnperc shall imp standard BPct
Management Practices(BhJR.q)and
erosion control measures throughout
netnirAnn to prPvent;nrrpacPd
discharge of sediment and/or
pollutants into aouatic hab;t—. Se-
M;t;gat;nn Measure Biningv-1 r,
Impact Biology-4:,IUPISd-ctlonol MitigatLnn MPaenrP Riningv-Aa TIS Pity n£Can Prior to rnmmenrement n£
W.te—_f tha TTnitetl Ctates and (Luria PrecnrvP): The$aria PrPcrrvP Ramnn,Planning grading,demolition or
Riparian Hahitat(Estrin Preserve). developer shall he.responsihle for Department. construction activities.
Development of the Faria Preserve mitigation of imparts to wetla^ds and Ply^^.„g eP—;— —Att—..M.—thot the
PIoject Sit-—o^ld re.e„It;n the Flgng jnr;yd;rtinnal watPrc,purenant to a T)iv;cinn and reqnirPd.CPrt;nn A0A pPrmit
and rPplarPmPnt of OA0 arrP of Mitigatinn and Monitoring Plan Bnilding Safety approvals have heen
wetlands and waters of the TI.S. approved by the Corps. Further.orior r);.,;e;on rPrPiuPd.
to iccnanrP of n grad;ng pPrmit the
Significant devPlnper shall provide.written
evidence that the following approvals
have been re. ;e —I:
A C1Pan Water Art SPrtinn dnd
pPrmit by the U.S.Army C'nlpc of
-A Section 401 Water Quality
Certification from the Regio^al Water
Q,-lity CnnhMl Rnard
Mitigatl_n Masten^.Ri_1_g♦.-Ah rNty of,San Prior to commencement n£
(Luria PrecnrvP): Wetlands shall he. Ramnn,Planning grading,demolition or
venr,..,�t c2.,at:..Pt_i>:' ...serve Community FiR UMP2 9.()
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pending Project Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
Northwest Spac■+ic plan/Eavin R ararva C-ammnnitV IRYR
mitigatpd and mnnitnrpd ac rpquirpd by T)epartment, rnnstrnrtinn artivities,
the Clean Water Art Sectio 404 Planning Services
permit. Diuicin_^and
Rnilding QafPty
Mitigation Measure Riningy-dr City of San Prior to commencement of
(Enria Preserve): Daring construction Ramon.Planning and throughout all grading.
and prior to any clearing.grading,or DPp--nt, d—liti^_^
rnnetrnrtinn artivitipe tpmporary Planning CPrvir.Ps artivitips.
harriers shall he placed around all Division and
wetlands and riverine intermittent T2u;lding Qafpty
rlrainagpe that arp to hp avnidpd by the Divicinn
development plan.These harricades
shall create at least a 20-foot b,,ffe=
arca around Arainagpe and ehall hp
rnncictent with the Rest Management
Practices implemented as nart of a
Qtnrmwatpr PM]ntinn Prpvpntinn Plan
(spp Mitigation Measure Hydrology-
(h). No clearing,operation of heavy
Pou;nm—t,Cr etnragP of rnnetn,rtinn
matPrialc shall hP pPrmittPd within this
impact Riningy.5: h,risdirtional Mitigation Measure Biology-5a LTS City of San Prior to commencement of
Waters of the iInited States and (Western Plan Area): Develoners of A-mon.Planning grad;ng,dpmn_lit;_n_r
Riparian Habitat(Wester-Plnn the WPet—plan Arpa ehall hP T)Ppartmpnt ronctrnrtinn artivitipe,
Area). DPVPIn_pmPnt of the W—tPrn rPcpnncihlP for rnndncting an on-site Planning Services
Plan Arpa cold resnit in the filling evaluation to determine whether any Division and
and replacement of wetlands and/or nortion of the^=PPI,or dra;nagP areae Rn;ld;ng QafPty
—at—n£the Li,Q, within the Wpctprn Plan Arpa wnuid hp Divisinn
snhject to Corrps jnrisdiction as either
Significant wetlands or other"waters of the U.S."
Mitigation Measure Biology-5b City of San Prior to the iss,,an^P of a
(W_ytal=n Plan Aron):If wptlande Ramnn,planning grading pprmit,the
m--h cpe=c-'=21-i s_-n.._e..,e C---;Y cm hd2dR.p 21
P-11mlnary-Subje-t-Revision Pending Project Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
Nprthwpat SPprifir Elan/Earin Prpaprvp('_mmnnitV RYU
F.vvrnnvA,Tt.NTAT.TnTpecrr MTrTr_ArTnvMIR Aerroce nfi TvVELOF RESPONSIBELny
and/or waters of the I T.S.under Corps Department_ developer shall provide
j—;ted;cry^_^ice d--'--d t^_be Planning Services written evidence that it has
present within the Western Plan Area, Tlivi6—and nhtainad rPlPvant nT)T)rnvnle
The developer shall he responsihle for Ruilding Safety as identified in the
mitieation of impacts to wetlands Division mitigation measure.
andlnr jnri cdictinnal watarc purc,mnt to
a Mitigation and MonitoringPlan Tnplement mitigation
approved by the Cpips. Further,prior measures to protect
to the issuance of a grading permit.The watlande nndL,r wntare of
d—Pl--n—shall prnvirlP written the TT,S,as identif,eri in this
evidence that the following npprpvalc MMR P prior to
have been received: _ Pm-nt of and
throughput all grading,
•A Clean Water Act Secr;^_n 404 demolition or construction
permit by the TT,S,Army C=T of artivitiac.
A Section 401 Rlater Quality
Certification from the Regional Water
Q-1ity rnntrnl Rnard,
Mitigntinn MPacnre Riningy.5r city.,f Can PA; r t.,r.,,,,,,,P„c P„t Of
(Western Plan Area); Wetlands shall Ramnn Planning and throughout all grading,
he mitigated and monitored as required Department. demolition or construction
by the Clean Water Art Section 404 Planning Q-4— act;v;t—.
T)ivicinn and
permit, Ruilding Safety
Mitigation Measure Biology-5d City of San Place temporary harriers as
(W..tPrn P1.,. Aro.); T)„ring 1?— , pla.,n;,,gnrescr*bed by the mit;gg1;0„
conctructinn and prim to any clearing, Department meacurP prior to any
grading,or constriction activities, planning Services clearing,grading,or
temporary barriers shall be placed Division and construction activities.
nr^nnd all wetlands and nuPr,nP R,,;1di-E Qafaty
intermittent drainages that are to he Divicinn
avoided by the development plan.
Northwest specific Plan/Falia Preserve ro=units FTR MMRP 22
Preliminary-Subiect to Revision Pending Proiect Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
Northwest Snpeffle Elan/Faria Preserve Community F.YR
ThecP harriraAPe shall rreatP at]Pact a
20_fnnt hnffer area arnnnd drainage.-
rainagesand shall he consistent with the Best
Tdanagement Prartiree inin'- nt-i ne
part of a Ctormwater Polhttion
Prevention Plan(see Mitigation
h-asnrP RvArningv_lh)• mn rjaaring,
npPration of heavy egnipment.or
storage of construction materials shall
he permitted within thio tea.
+ rp
impact Riningy.7;Cnlnni�atipn by M;f;Qo4;_n X4— Il (](tar;a TTS (=ty_of San R ]est s poncorc shall
Tnvacive Species(Faria Preserve Prasarva and westP_rn Plan Area); in Ramon.Planning provide eviAencl;n the
and Western Plan A raa).Tnvacive n_rApr to PneurP+ntPQrity of the reonred ilPpartment landsrapP plane snhmitted
_naAvP lants neer]in Earia bb-�- Planning Si-mires to the City that invasive
P riparian�nnP nn the Earia Preserve and
^reserve r est Cite and Western Plan Division and exotic plants are not
P P of to r ,h—imp-te+n the Western Plan
Area landsca ln>'CO"ld 1'e 1'SDPrePA Bu11A'tl£S- ty inrinAPA as presrrihPA in
P Area to jg than n ni5rantn the
PlTlivisinn the mitigation
from APVnpment areas where they following mitigation measnmea BTTre•rP will he
are to he planted and eventually
displace native plan-w;tlln l m-nlPmtPA by rievPln Prs of th
e Earia
anArPatPA wi1A1;f.habitat arpug. P—PrvP—1 WPetern Pan Area:
T nndwnpe plans and plant selections
PatAntiajly Significant, for any portion of the Plan Area shall
not include any invasive exotic
plants listed by the California
invasive Plant Council(Cal-IPC);n
their Tnvacive Plant Inventory(Cal-
Cultural Resources
impact Cultural-1: Cultu=al Mitigatjnn MPacnrP_Cniturnl.l a T.TS City of San Cond"ct peAest,4—
(E-r--PrPCP=Ve and Wectern Plan Area ;Prior to an
Resources(>Ea ( ) Y Raman.Planning snrvevL,-LrH;ng as
WPetgrn Plan Aran). Tmplementntion project-related ground disturbing TlepartmPnt presrrihed in the mitigation
of the Northwest Specific Plan could activities.the W-f!-tern Pan Area shall Planning Services measure prior to any ground
adversely affect unidentif;f!A. hP ra_inventnri-i. Thie survey shall Division A'StL;zh;ng-t'vit'es.
uotent;ally s;gn;firanr enhsurfnrP inr13213rate a pedestrian snrvey of the
Northwe t Cnecific Plea/Faria Preserve Community EIR MMR= 2-
R ';--ry-subject t^Revision Pen ling project Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
1Vnrt1hwast Sl)erifir Plan/Earia Preserve Cnrnwnurity F.TR
AnpnpvAr. Crr-vrrYrANrw'
r„lruralrecnurres in the NWsP area cite and a thorough recording and
nc a result of project specific ground- assessment of the sites prese^tly k^^_-^
disturbing construction a^Nvi~es. tn_Pf1er within the nr—,in rnnfnrmanre
with CEQA gnidelinec,
Significant implementation of this mitieation
meas—-nn"'ill—t;fy"awn rnitural
racaurree and enenre that they world he
Mitigation Meacnre Cultural-lb city n£can Prior rn anvd thrnnghnnt all
(Western Plan Area an-4 Ramnn,Planning erravation.grading and all
Precervn);The City of Can Rmmnn Department. Subsurface construction
shall require implementation of a Plann;ng Cary;rac arr;.v;riec,
monitoring a^dresn^_neA Divicinn
fh,r;ng rnnetrnrtinn of any prapaced
praiert within the NWSP Area in order
to avoid adverse effects on potentially
sienifi^ane,= haAndng;radraenur .
Cp_erifir steps in the prnrerlure are as
fol lows:
Prior to construction.the
cnhrnntrartnrc shall be informed of
the legal and regnlatory
consequences of kno-inely
fl—ttnying r„ltirral racnurree nr
removing artifarts,human remains,
bottles.and other sienifi^ant^alt=al
materials firm
the sire, .C'ign;f;rant
rnitnral materials include but are not
limited to:nhoriginal human
remains:chipped stone:
2M—,1gtnn_;shall—1 hnnr_art;farte
(bath human and animal);
n,on,.••._t sp_:F:e 121_ P.,4212--Community nm K4MRP 24
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pending Project Approval and vrR Cerdr----14-^ '006)
Northwest Specific plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
concentrations of fire-cracked rock:
bottle glass:ceramics:ash and
rharrnal•a-A h;etn,;r fgah,rPc enrh
ac privies nr hnilding
If an inadvertent discovery of
cult...al mat-rials is made during
pcninrt_rnlatnrl rnnctrurtinn
activities,grand distnrhnnres in the
area of the find shall be halted and a
q„ U f;PA r)r&- C;nnal arch-ealpg;ct
shall he notified regarding the
discovery. The archaeologist shall
APmrm;nP,,,hPthPr the rPen„rrP;c
potentially significant ac per the
California Register of Historical
RPcn„r...and AP Ial)apprnpr;atP
mitigation, - --
All artifartc or gnMplec rollerted ac
part of the initial discovery.
mon;tn.;ng.„=m;t;gat;on shall b-
properly preceiVed rataingllPfl
analy7.ed,evabtated,and curated
along...ith th-assoc;-t-d
Anrnmentatinn in a professional
manner consistent with cvtrrent
archaeological standards.
• If human remains are uncovered
d-ine constructio^.the constcuction
rnntrnrtnrc mnct etn_p pntent;nlly
damaging work,assess the
significance of the find.and pursue
apprnpr;am mar,agemer,t, ralifo*^;a
law rerngnivPc the need to protert
Northwest specific Plan/Faris Preserve c ommunily F.TR MMRP 25
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pending Prosect Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
Nprthwvct CPvrifir Plan/Enrin Prvcvrvv('pmrnninitp F.TR
Carjma!aw Drei r TTN!_ Mr%NTTQDTN!_ Mr%hN'VQDTWr-111M&ED AMP
Ewi-OiV114T?aAi TMpArx Mrmrr_Amr_NMPAcrroPC n—P T PVPT r1P RPQDnNQroTTTTv
interred human remains.particularly
Nati-e Ampr;ran buriaie—1
aesorintPA itpme of Patrimony,from
vandalism and inadvertent
destructio^. Thp Drorpdtarpe fn=the
treat—nt of disrnvPrPd human
remains are contained in California
Health and Safety Code§7050.5 and
§7251 a„d Cacfnrn;a Pnl,lir
RPsnnrrPs Codp§r%AQ?.
b.arr_rdn——ith tl,.Cal;fornia
TTpalth and Qafpty Cndp ;f human
romaine arr---red rl—inR
grn—A disturbing artiviti—all—oh
arri vitips in tl,p virinity of the find
shall hp halted;—AiatAy and the
Chyme Apel Rnatpd rPDLPSPntatiuP
shall hp noti fipd. Thp Citi of,San
Ramon shall immpdiatply notify the
Contra Costa Cnnnty roroner and a
gnalifiPrl PrnfPssinnal arrhapningist.
Thp rornnpr i s rPgnirPd to egaminp
all Aisrn_vPtiPs of human remains
—;thin AR hnnrs of rprpiving notirp
of n disrnvpry an Private or state
lanAs(T-TPalth and Snfpty Codp
4prtion?Ar%A,S[h]). Tf the onronpr
AptPrm;n—that tlip rpmains arp
those of a Nati up Ampriran,hp nr
she meet rontart the Nativp
Amor ran TTp,;ragp Cnmm;e in
(NAHC)1,Y DhonP—;thin')d houre
Of—1-;ng that datarm;nnt;nn
(Health and cafpty C_dP ePrt;nn
UoMhwest specific Van/Faria Preserve f'o=unity ATR MMRP 26
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pendine Prosect Appro..^'-na Pro (-=-L2-222')
No-ti'west SDeeffle Pin"/EnAn Preserve('ommnnity 1PTR
7LKn—[r]). The resDnnc;h;l;t;ec r.f rhe
City of San Ramnn fir arting uDnn
nntifiratinn of a A;r--ry of Native
A—;—human rema;nc are
;A—t;fieA;n Aatail in the(alifnmia
Pnhlir Recnnrrec('nrie Sertinn
Sni27 2. The('ity of San Ramnn nr
its appointed representative anti the
profeccinnal arrhaepingict shall
rnncnit with a Moct L,;lrely
Tlecrendent(MT T))determined by
the NTAT-W regarding the remnval nr
precervatinn and avnidanre of the
remains and determine if additional
hnrialr rnnld he Drecent in the
A rcnm;ng an agreement ran he
rearhM het—pen the ML,D and the
City of Can Ramnn nr their
representative with the accictanre of
the arrhaeningict'these ctepc would
recnit in rninirniying or eliminating
adverse imparts tn the tmcnvered
human remains,
rnplpSV Coils
ITMUart r'e^_-1:Cnrbee Ennit Mitigation Meacatre(=en-1 a(Earia LTS City of San Prior to commencement of
Rupture(Earia preserve). People or Preservel: The project sponsor shall Ramon.Planning zrad,*^H.demolition or
structures would he exposed to an require is eeotech„;ral Inn rnitant to T)eDartment rnnctrnrtinn arti viti ec,
increased risk of suhstantial aAuetre reolnt the('alaverac fault in the$incl planning servirec
effertr,;nrh,A;ng the rick of lncs Cnpplemental Fault jnvectigation_Fault Division and
injury or death ac a recnit of surface A/Calaveras Fault Western Traces Building Safety
..'t�,.,_..t c',n;An Eia-i a E_e•�e eo.., _.,;�y Fm Mt R 2'7
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pending Project Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
Nnrthwect Cperifir Plan/Earia Preserve Community FIR
fa„lt mpture, hated on its trenching data and reassess Division:
the setback dis-a hotwoon Fnginw ring
.Cignifirant hah;tatahle stnirturrs in Neighhorhnndc Department
A and D(lots 67 to 74 and R6 units)
and the Calaveras f1t.In th-
genterhn;ral rnncultant'c rnncidrratian
of the western limit of the Calaveras
fault setback zone belo—lot-r7 and
7A tho gontorhn;ral rnnmiltnnt shall
extend the western limit of the
Calaveras fault setback zone in this
arca to rn;nr;rlr with the ea,tern ends
of the expinratory trenrhe,T7 and T9.
Mitigation Measure Ge.n-lh(Earia City of San Prior to approval of Final
Preserve); The project sponsor shall P.Plann;ng Dlonment Plan
ensuro tho Sn_fnnt sothark crnarating Drpnrtment,
all hahitnhle etnrrtures from the krinwn planning Services
Calaveras fault zone would he Divisio^and
lncornoratad in tho$nal D 'nrlment Rnilding.Caft+ty
Plan, TrnplamantaNnn of this mitigation Divi,ion.
measure is required to reduce the level Engineering
of risk asso^fated—ith note^tial Dena*tma*+t
damage to a nwtures nr harm(risk of
lnss,injury or death)to people from
fault rupture to an arcentable I-vel.
Mitigation Measure Geo-lc(F"^" ['ityr of Can Prinr to i-snanrr of rarh
P=PCPr-): Thr prnjrrt srinnsar shall Ramnn,Planning huilding permit for any
design utilities and road facilities that Department. individual project.the City
cross the Calaveras Fault to include planning cors iroc shop roviow imrlrnvement
addif;_na'orntnr;i features to rerinra Division and plan,and ranstrurtion plans
damage acsnriaterl with fanit rupture, Ruilding Safety to ensure compliance with
a,discussed in Section 4.5.3. Division. this mitigation measure.
t;ngin ;ng
No:thwat cnrcific Plan/Faria Preserve Communi[v EIR MMRP 28
Pr-Uminary-Sabj-^t to ne-oma pe a: a 2rojx•n#Appro-al ana cro re,,Aca+;on(nctol—r 7006)
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Communitq EIR
Mitigatinn MPaenro f,Pn.l d(Faris r;tv of San P,;nr to iym,anr of Parh
Prosorve): ThP projent sponsor shall Ramnn,Planning hllilding permit for any
implement a minimum?S-foot cethnrk Department. individual project.the City
separating all hahitahlP ctrurtnrec(in Pl.' ; g S'=v;c's rh'll=Pvie31;moxa--.,A„t
Tlivieinn and plane and rnr=irtinn plane
lntc 6n,61,h2,and from EA. Rnilding Safety to ensnre compliance with
Tmplementatinn of thhik s mitigatin on ' t;
mPAclll'P is re(h)ired to red11CP theev
lel D;`^s;o^: t h;s—,t'g' o^—e-stea.
1+'_n g(nPPring
of rick-acsnriated with potential Department
damage to stpirturPc Lir harm(rick of p
lnsc,injury or death)to people from
fault rupture to an arrPptahle level,
Mitigatinn Mpwa re G-en.le(Faris City of Can Prior to rnmmPnrement of
preserve): The project sponsor shall Ramon.Planning grading and throughout
retain a licensed geologist on-site T1.o rt nt- Pvravat;nn•gradio g•
during grading activities.The licensed Planning ServireC
geologist Shall map the landslide Division and
u„;l,l;,g e.fAty
deposits along the western edge of the
Di vi Sinn
Calaveras Fault setback zone to more Engineering
precisely locate the disturbed depos;ts nPoart—t
and to assess the character of the -
shearing logged in two trenches.These
features shall he shown on the as-built
plans.Any changes in the nature of the
shearing that might indicate they are
related to active fea—es of th-
Calaveras fault shall be addressed by
the licensed geologist.Any changes
made during grading to the precise
location of active fault related features.
the accompanying setback zone.or to
the location of the residential units shall
he updated in the Final Development
v _[C��:f_�DI_/H_.Dxse.ve Cn_•nily Fn!MMRP 7.9
Preliminary-Subject m Revision Pending Project Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
Northwest Cperifir Elan/Enria Preserve CLimmnnitV F.iR
Mitigation MPasnrP r-m-1f(Turin City of San Prior to commencement of
Preserve): The licensed geologist Ramon.Planning grading and throughout
—;—d fnz the purpa—APsrrihPd in T1Ppartment --fin-,gradin R.
Mitigation MPasnre(la0-1 P shall also Planning Services
map the Fault A feature.and if Division and
..=y a Anrt—1)1nr.t_ry Rnild;ng.QafPty
Pvravntinns to PrPrisely lnrntP the trarP Divisinn•
of Fault A on the ac-Molt plans.At the Engineering
time of the grading.the setback zone nPn��*TMAnt
1_—ti_n—1 w;dth shall hP rnnc;dPrPd
with rPspert to T nts 60,61,62,and 83
in Neighhorhood A.
impact C.en-2: Seismic F,vent(Faria Mitigation Measure Geo-2a(Western LTS City of S-n Prior t^;�S— cP^_f
Preserve and Wester-PI--Are-). P1nn Are-0nr1 19-49 PrP-Pr-P): •rhe Ramnn Rnilding hnilding pPrm;t for any
PPn_p1P Lir CtrllctnrPC would hp PYPnsPd project sponsors shall implement Safety Divisinn individnal project.
to nn increased risk of snhstantial seismic design standards of the most
adverse effects.;ncl,,d;ng the riw_f recent un;&=r.n TInild;ng code(UBC)
JL—,injnry or death as a rPsnit of to redllre damage to strnctures and
ground shaking associated with a harm to people associated with
seismic---nt. =n-dA-1,;,,g. .Strom—shall hP
designed to accommodate seismic
Sig^;BC—t vibrations. The project desien engineer
chAll P-111—the adeQnary of the
seismic design criteria of the current
UBC for the proposed d-v-loam-,t
Mitigation Measure Geo-2b City of S-n Prior to;ss^-nc-P of
(IiYPrtPrn P19n Ar-—1 Pore'9 Ramon Rn;ldi-R h1141dinR oPzmit for any
PPPSPrVP): The Prnj.-rt Sponsor shall Safety Divisinn individual prnjert.
ensnre that construction is in strict
accordance w;th ann-oued of-ns-nd
dPtn;ls —1 rPrnmmendatinnc
cnntainPd in the geologir and
geotechnical investigations.
Northwest Snecific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR MMRP 30
pml:...:n..ry.c..ae..t to noaao.,pe..a:..Q Emjd..ALrLr-1 a..a Ern
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
Mitigation Measure f_en_7r(Faria City of San Prior to issuan^e of a
Preserve); Thr PrnjPrt§ppnsar has Ramnn,Planning l,,ilrling permit fnr the tank,
rnndnrtPd a detailed geatPrhniral ctndy Department.
of the F.RMTTD water tank site(s), Planning Services
RPrommendatinns of the geoterhniral nivic;nnA
study shall he followed with respect L Rnilding.Safety
stmrtnral APsign of the tank Division:
lrin g
fnnndatlnnc and the tanks to PnsnrP T)PPartment
minimi7Atinn of ridgPtaP arr PlPratinn
PffPrts on the tanks, G
Mit;gatinn Meacatre f_en.7d(E'aria r;tv of.Can Prior m ieenanrP of a
Preserve); The Prnjert sponsor shall Ramon,Planning hnilding permit for any
remove and replace sails that are Department, individual project.
e s^ent;hlP tn_ MI—A PlanninE Sr.;cos
failnrr(P,gwith PnginPPrPA fill where T)ivisian and
prnposed improvements wonld he Rnilding Safety
located).in accorda^ce with the Di•;sio^:
rPrnmmenAatinne of the ne_l_gic RnginPPring
Ha7ards Evabiatian and Preliminary Department
Geotechnical Engineering Studv
rnndnrtPd for the site ae wPll ne thneP
identified for Mitigation Measures
Geo-4b and Geo-6b.below.
Mitiga**on Measure Geo-'re(Wer-*ems^ City of Sa^ P^or to^ommen^ement of
Plan Arga)p The Prnjrrt§pnnsar shall, Raman,Planning grayling and thrnnghant
prior to development-condnet a Department, excavation,grading.
Eeolo ric hazards eual„ation and Elanni^E Serui^es
preliminary geoterhniral PnginPPring Divis;nn anrd
study for the Western Elan Area. Rnilding Safety
Removal and replacement of soils that Division;
ar _ utihlP tn_eP;emir_rP1atPA PnRin ri„E
grnnntl failure(P,g„with PnginPPrPti T)PPartmPnt
fill where Proposed improvements
would be located),shall be conducted
in arrnrAanrP—ith the
R 41
Pre]—nary-Qutiject t-Revision Pen ling Project Approval an”RrR rPrurcat;on(iktohf!r 7006)
ATorthwPst SPPrif+ir Plan/Earin prPSPTVP VnnrimnnitV FtR
Cawnrrram Urwrr TTN!_ Mn?JFmnDiN!_ IlJtl11V Troy d'Tlt,. IV[)AXXV
TwVTVnATh.TTihUAT IMMA= l,[IrTr!_ATfnVMVASTTD&S rw ITiuvi.rw RES14aawSTDir iTv
recommendations in the study.
impart Clea-Z:People or strnetnres Mitigation Measure Gen-In(Western T.TS C_ity of Can See Mitigation Measnre
could he exposed to mihctantial Plan Area and Faria Preserve): The Ramon.Planning Geo-6b.
effects.includine the risk of loss. n=njPrt cnnncnr,Khan;male—t Tlepart—t.
ini.Try Q=daath involving M;tigatinn Measnre rvn-6h, Tn Planning Rewires
lianefnetion(Enria Preserve and additinn to the nverhurden pressure Division and
Western Plan Area). resulting from this fill.liquefaction Building Safety
DntPT,tial--ld he m;tigatPd by Tliv;q;nn-
Significant. measnres intended to mitigate soil that Fngineering
is unstable and potentially result in on- Department
nr n££_citP landsl;dP lateral gnrParl;ng,
snh6dence.lignefnctinn.or cnllnpse
(see Mitigation Measure Gen_-6b).
Snrh measures wnnld rPdnre soil
settlement and mitigate liquefaction
potential to less-than-significant levels.
impact ren-4:i.andslides(Faria M—T=_r-o_-e.(wartar.. City of San
T Z'.S Cnndnrt Pnterhn;ral
Preserve and Western Plan A=ea Plan Araa •The rn'ert s nnanr chs liamnn Plann;n g
)• ). D_1- D_ 11 g analysis prior to
PPnnle nr ctr,—tMPg vtnnlrl he PTrpnsed rnnd„rt a 12-0Pd gPnterhniral Department
commencement of grading.
L an increased Tisk of snhstantial analysis(CPP Mitigation MPa Surf(:en_ Planning Services rlPmnlit nn nr rnnstrnrrinn
adverse effects.including the^sk Lf ')e). D ses s an also inrinA T);v;s;nn and
A sly h e activities.
jn_sc.;nJn>•y nr deatll as a result of $nilding Safety
invest;gatinns of static and dynam,r
landslides and/nr rock fn11e and slides, q n stnhilit and idenA£ s erifir Division:
LDe y y p Fn Implement corrective
mitjg atinn to address the potential for Departmenteartmpartm nmeasures throughout all
.Sign;firnnt. Department
grading dPmnli tion nr
landsl;Ae Methods to rednre landslide
li--Is sllall he rnrs;stent with the rnnstrnrtinn artivities,
rernmm—Intinns of the detailed
genterhniral shTdiee and inrinde,hilt
are not limited to the fnllnwing;
Corrective grading including
northwest Snecific Plan/Faria Preserve Communitv EIR MMRP 32
D..-T:...:....n._S..T.j-...t,R- :o.,p.a:.QQuj� .A QQmT .a cC^.a .o. (LI-1-h2-1006)ro —
Northwest Spe6fle Elan/Forio Pracerva f nmmnnity 1PYR
landcl;dP rPmnval and recnmpactinn
with engineered fill;
a f nnctrurtion of coil embankments_
• f nnstmctipn of cnrfare and
snhsnrface drainage systems:
. Grading of landslide slope and/or
removal of the top of landslides to
red-ca 0—d,46„g fL—n_f the
landclidP matrrial•and/or
a TTsP of drillPd pier fnimdationc
considered for slopes steeper than
The northern landslide west of
Bollinger Creek world regnire grading
heyond the NWSP Area for
stabilization.For those landslides in
areas npcinpe Or nntsi('e of proposed
develnpmentc in the Western Plan
Area,it is likely that grading world he
regnired heyond the.areas proposed to
he developed in order to stnhilize the
landslide. Tn snch an instance_
mitigation mPasnres shall include
catchment and diversion structures to
prevent landslides from entering
develnpPd arras,
Mitigation Measure Geo-db City of San Prior to commen-erne—of
LIx_c_x-'a); rk.ntojPrt epn_nenr shall Ram_n P1ann;nQ and thrnnghnnt all grading
—ol.—t q).n; ;c m;r;gar;_., Department. demolition or constrnrtion
Planning Services
-.---t eP_:1 121 s 12=- .co..,..,n:ty sm*.t 12 J�
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pending Prniect Aonroval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Conlmnnity EIR
f ODM1TION RirprT.Timn MANill'Dum: MAN1Tn4ry_Irmwin?AMR
AppRnVAi_ QTr_%rivYcewrw'
techniques to address landslide Division and activities.
potential,which shall he in accordance Rr,;ld;t g e.f ty
with the recommendations of the Divisinn;
Gealagic Ha7ardc Evaluatian and Engineering
Preliminary Geatechnical Engineering DPp—t—t
Study randncted for the site,and shall
include,hilt are not limiter)to the
• Rnttress;ng nr encapsnlatinn of
landslides by planned valley fills:
- Corrective grading(inrbiding
landslide removal)of and
_cC l)..ct;n —ith Png;n r.A fill
(for landslides along the edges of
the valley fills and in shallow cut or
—tnrol l)-6 a of the
- Installntinn of catchment hasins and
berms to contain potential debris
flr.vc th.t may Lnr r nn the creep
npslnpe adjacent to the development
in Neighborhood A(the herrn shall
be at least 15 feet high);and
• Installation of addit,*onal buttress fill
9t the t-of the large deel)-ated
landslide in the nnrthwestern pnrtinn
of the Faria Preserve Project Site.
N=rth"'=So :`• P' c _-____.._e=_,._:.�oro..o, _ 24
Rreli—inary-Subject t_.,Revision Renting Project Approv,i anA uxrR re.t;rcat;on(Octol--r?009)
Nnrthwest Cperifir Elan/Enrin Preserve Community F.iR
CQM-lrQN BiwcrTT mnvr_ MQhaTQDnvr_ MQNrTQRiNG'j'rMR.FRAMF.
M;t;gntinn Mencnre Gon.de(Faris City of San Prior to commencement of
preserve): The F.BMiM water tank Ramon.Planning gr,d;ng.AP n1;t;nn n„r
site(s)shall be selected-;thin tbP ilrpartment ronctruction activities,
hn;1A. g P P1npP ac APAnPatPA in the Planning Services
1?reliminary('untechnical Feasibility Division and TrW]PmPnt
Study prepared for the propo°ed Rn;1A;nR.safety recommendation.-of the
t-1—by RCCNC.lVtarrh 2(1(15.TMP nivicion. °tudy thrnnghnnt-n
hnilding envelnpe was determined Engineering graAing,APmnlitinn nr
hated on various factors.including the n.D.,tm nt constriction activities.
lack of 1V;AAc.TMP prnjP&sDn-nen-r
cltall cnndnrt a elPcign_level
geotechnical study for the tank.-ite(s)
once details of the hw.bAAn
fina1;7PA.RPrnmmnndatinnc of the
geotechniral study.-hall he
implemented to ensure minimization of
landslfd-DntA t'-1.MAthnAc to—Anr
lanAOidp pntantial include the
technique.-identified in Mitigation
Mitientlnn MPacnre(_eo-Ad(Faris City of Can Prior to commencement of
preserve): To address rack Bide Ramon.Planning and throughout all grading.
ha7arcls associated with unfavorably- n1D.,t Pnt. APmnlitinn nr cnnetrucfinn
L riented bedrock dip.dopes(which are Planning Services activities,
prune to landslides)_the Division and project.-poo.-nr RnilAing gafety
shall construct retaining structures to T)ivicinn•
hold bedrock.-lopes in place.Retaining
.-tructnres could include retaining walls. n-D—tm t
rack halts,and/or soil nailing. -
impnet C�n.c:Frncinn(Faris Mitigntinn Measure Geo-5a(Western LT4Z C;ty nnf gin Prior to r rnPncPmPnt of
preserve and Western plan Area). Plan Area): The DrojP,.t epDnr�h.0 Ramnn,Planning and throughout all grading.
F.xcavation and earthmoving activ;t;P =a";r prntrct;nn of the tnP_nf the nepartment- demolition or con.-truction
-ould incr—s-th-r;slr of Prncinn nr ctrram hank from fnture stream ernsinn Planning Services activities.
lugs of tnpcnil, by setting hack development beyond a nnA
- 2:1(horizont-i:t;')l;n__„ A;ng Building Safety
oro.....,_.Sp C;An 81_I F_=12mga a Co_ututy PTR MMRE 35
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pendine Project A=roval and Dro 0!. A...,wo iQ.off opp�l
Northwest SperiFir Plan/It aria Preserve Community FiR
Significant, up from the toe of the bank(or gully). Division:
If tha bant---t ho Drnt—tPrl n Fngin.Pring
,virlPr CPt hack 7nnP cball hp maintained Department
to allow for future erosion based on soil
type and vegetation. Set back zones
A.11 hP Al ter ;—A after a r1Pta,]Pd
geningic and genterhnical cite
investigation is performed at the site
Mitigation Measnre Gen-5h City of San Prior to commencement of
(WesternPla,. Area): Tl,,,4n2=Ana;= Ramon planning and fl--,ehnnt all grad-g.
of thT Pvict;ne lanelclielP in the WPctrrn Department, demnlitinn nr ennctrnetinn
Plan Area,the project sponsor shall Planning Services activities.
,.,Scall s„bd—;-s b--th and IIVInDP Di,.is;nn and
L4 thr repaired IandclidP to collect Building Safety
grnundwater and prevent it from Division:
saturatin_e the engineered fill. Fnei--;ng
Mitigating MPaC-2nn-Sr (E'aria (';ty of.Can hrinr to cnmmPncPmPnt of
Erpgerve): The prnjPct spnnsnr shall Ramon.Planning and thronghnut all grading,
implement best management practices Department. demolition or construction
fon Pnnc;nn enn-1—mpcifiPd nn the Planning S—irrc activitirc,
Faris Preserve Vesting Tentative.Map. Division and
Building Safety
T)i vi ci nn
Mitigation Measure Geo-5d(Faria City of San Prior to commencement of
Preserve): W;tbin tho parva Rn-- Ra—o-.Planning —d thro^ghn,,t all gr-d;-g.
Department drmnlitinn nr ennstrnctinn
Project Site.the project sponsor shall •
collect ground—aler'u;1—the SIODP Planning Services activities,
and remove it befor-tho rrraten Division and
daylights o^the Slone face. M-thndc*n B„ilding Safety
Di vi si nn;
collect and remove the rrratn=shall bP;^ Engineering
korthwest specific Ela¢/Faria preserve Community EIR MMRP 36
Preldmdnary-S *c..n oe._:o 2,-A--,pmj=.A RRm.,..t.,..a cro
MITIGArrrnly MnNiTnRi Vr-Alun RF,EnRTTNr_punr_RAM
Narthwect Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
accordance with the recommendations nepartment
of the C Pologir Hazards Evaluation
and Preliminary C Poterhniral
Engineering Study rondncted for the
site,and ronld include any of the
following;installation of finger drains,
hydrangers,or gallery drains. As
necessary,pnmping or dewatering Shall
he implemented during grading
a rtivi ties,
Please alsn_—f—to M;t;gntinn Measure
Hydrology-1 h(see Sertion 4,7).
)mPact nrnjert E-Alitiet Mitigation Measure.C.M.Fa(Western LTS City of can r ndnrt garingir and
T.nratnrl nn nn TTnetahle tbeealogir plan Area): For the Western Plan Ramon,Planning geoterliniral investigations
iTnit(Earia Preserve and Western Area.d-t-1-11 gen_1n_gir and Department, prior to commencement of
Plan Area). Thi orjart£ar;lit;ege!2tech.irnl'rove- gations(inrlilding Planning Services grading.derr^litinnnr
wn„ld he located nn a geologic nnit or lahoratory testing)shall be conducted Tlivicinn and rnnctrnrtion activities,
soil that is unstable and potentially to ae —the rtcengrh ar d Rnilding Safety
r-sult in n_^-n_r af£cite 1-1s1ide, rnmpressihility of rollnvinl and allnvial Division: Tmplement methods to
lateral epreading,enhsidP.nrP., deposits. Tn addition,onsite artificial Engineering rednce adverse effects of
lignefnrtjon,or collapse, fill Shall be'see-O9er1 fr-:anality—I T)epartment settlement oris tn_and
enrfare and enhsnrfnre drainage details thrnnghnnt all grading,
significant, shall he.verified. Methods to reduce demolition or ronstrnction --- e.,C_2fted;Ryllote and Numbe,
the potential for settl-m-nt shall activities.
,nrlode,hnt are not limited to the
Remnvnl of nnn-engineered fill and
recompaction or replacement with
engi---rAd fill:
• Construction n_£sure—1
Woithw•st epec;fic Plan/Faria Preserve rommunitx RTR mmRP 17
Prelitni-ary-SnNa-to no._:a.,p� =Q prejee•Approv.T anA Fen re-ficatlon(nrfol-r 71106)
Northwest Spee Pia„I$aria LPN�eeerve CnrmmnnitV 1 .iR
SnhSnrfacP ArainagP systems'
• Strnctnral StrPngthening of shallow
fnnndations to acconnt for the
potential total and differential
• Sunnort of ful-- APPA
and/nr,;girl fnnndatinn systems,
Mit.p.tinn MPacnrP V-o ."(Faris City of San Prior to and throughout all
EresPry e): For t preserve Ramon.Pla^^ins glaA;ng APmnlit;nn nr
nr he Earia
Project Site.the project sponsor shall 1lPpartment romtrrtctinn activities.
I—DI-m--t—;t;gnt;nn measures that Planning Services
wnnld rMilre settlement.Methods shall Division and
he in accordance with the RnilAing Safrty
recommendatio^s of the Ganingic i)ivkinn'
Hazar,4s Evaluation and Preli-inary Engineering
(.eQtPchnicnl Engineering Study TlApartmAnr
conducted for the s,*P.shall;nr1nAP hot
are not l;m;tPd to the fnllnwing;
• RPdnctinn of settlement of native
soil deposithy removal of the
potentially compressible sols
�rnllnvial alhroial,and land-OMP
depns;ts)to hpArnrk and
replacement with compacted fill.
Imnlem—tat;on of th;e m;t;gat;nn
--g—P wnnld,Prime pntentlal
settlement of the fill to one to five
inches(resulting from hydro-
Northwest Specific Pian/Faris Preserve Corntdni'v'IR xs.mn 3R
E-1,—;^-ry-ei—kject to vevision Ren,+ing project Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
MrTrGA Tr0W 1%40NrTnRrlvr_A Nn RFpnRTnvr_RRnr_R Am
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
consolidation only);
Re.dnrtion of hydro-consolidation
and seismically induced s—lP,,—
hy inrhicinn of high—rnmpartinn
effort and higher moisture content at
the time of placement.conto—
gradine of the underlying grnnnd
surface:and stiffen fonndafions to
accommodate the a^ticinated
a rICP of the fnnnu)tng CrLfacP
sPttlPmPnt factors shall he.taken into
acrannt in the design of utilities.as
surface sPttla--are Pvp>:Pssed—
a pPrrentngP of the tntnl th;rlrness of
the.nnderlying fill: for fills 50 to 75
feet thick.use 0.3 nercent:foE fill Ts
to lnn feet thick,,—0,7 pPty`Pnr
and for fills greater than 100 feet
thick use one percent;
Reduction of differential settlement
through rn-nur grading and support
strurtnres an stiffened fonndation
systems that can withstand
fnnndatinn,a thick mat past-
tensioned foundation with stiffener
ribs.or a sVffe—d fou^datin_^—ith
and Prp;mm�g p;Prs);and
a RPmnual of l—&l;&areas in the
dPPpPr fill areas(more than 50 to 60
feet deep to reduce potential
M-rt6—ast 4zpecific Phan Faria Preserve ro=unity PTR MMRP 39
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pendine Project Anil-o-1^na�m C�-"'^^��^(_^•�'-^-'00 1
Northwest Speeirlc Plan/Taria Thasgrvg L'nTnTnnnW 1RIFR
Nnc — —
impart('-PQ-7: Snrfare Soil Mitigation Measure Geo-7a T IQ City of.— Prim to rnmmPnrPmPnt of
Expansion(Faris Preserve and (Western Plan Area and Faria Ramnn,Planning grading.demolition or
Western Plan Aren). Qtc„rtnrPs Preserve): For the Western plan Department. construction activities.
ronid hp damagPd frnm expancinn of Area and the water tank sites.the Elann;ng QPr,,;rPr
the near R1lrfgr.e Rolls, project sponsor shall Co—ilict Divis;nn and Prior to and throughout all
dPtnilPd gaoingic and genterhniral Bnilding Safety giad;ng.d—nnl;t;n_n n_=
Significant investigations(including laboratory Division: ronstrnction artivitiea,
testing)to assess the soil- RnginPPring
1lnderlVing the ProPncPd ctturturec, Department
Mitigation measures that would
reduce ad-erse effects !esii1ting
from PxTlancivP enile within the
NWSp Area,and shall inchlde.hilt
are not limited to the followine:
• Tmplementation of rnrrertivP
grading procedures that include
placement of exn_ansiue ro;lr—,
hedrnrlr matnr;alc in the dPPTIGPr
portionR fi
of the engineered lls and
slope faces and near surface fill
mat-A-k c]L„ld hP dPrivnd from the
less expansive sandstone cnts;
• TmDlPmnntatinn of rnmertivP s1npP
grading procednres for drainage
• Implementation of setbac'r
=PQ..;=Pmnntc from donor in
arrordance with the 1997 TTRC code
MA 32 40
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pending Proiect Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
1Vprfhwp-ef%Eeifie Elan/Enria Pre-Qs-rvr+VnTmmninitr F.TR
(for buildings only):
Remnval of expansive coil anti
replacement with engineered fill;
- Fngineered preparation of building
and roadway subgrades.includi^E
thn nen n£limn treatment of
expansive rlePncitc,where deemed
necessary by the geotechnical
• Installation of drai^age�y--:
• Stre^gth-^:^g of cl.annw fnnnrlatin.,
cycteme(pnct-tencinn clah)to recict
the movements associated with the
volume cha^ges;a^dL—
• Installation of deep Jb—Aat;nn
cycteme to support ctructnrec helnw
the zones of severe moisture change
(e.i;..pier—A grade h-n—.waffle
clah,and thirlr mat clah
Methnrlc implemented at the Earia
Brecerve project Site shall he in
accordance with the recommendations
of the Ge_l_&m-z-rds Evaluation
and Prel;minnry f:eptechn;cnl
Engineering Study conducted for the
-g n.e,..—ru..,..--;ty Pro M* R 41
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pending Project Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
N_rthwnst SPPrifir Plan/Ervin PlrPRPrvo f_mmunifV RTR
Hazards and Hazardous Materials
impart Hazard-l:ConclnTetion of Mitigation Meacnre Ha7.ard-1 TTS City of San Prior to filing the final map_,
the R30 homes proposed for the (Wester-Pla^Are-a^d Ear- R--on.Planning
h1WS1!Area would inrrearo fhe rich Preserve): An Open Sparc T)epartment
of fire hazards since the propocPd Management Plan shall he suhmitted to Planning Services
project is in an area with flammable and approued by the San Ramo,,Valley Division and
hrUSl.and Qearr(FQ"a Praro=Teo and Uro PrntPctinn n;strict prim to filing R„ild;ng Cafety
Wastarn Plan Aran), the f;rct final map fnr the Western Plan T)ivicinn
Area and the Faria Preserve. The Open
e;gn;f;^ant_ Suace Fire M---2- "nt ply^cltoll hA
ha-d nn thn firs mnelrling rPg111rPel by
(7eneral Plan Policy 9.4-T-2.and shall
propose specific me-sures to=edu^e
pntont,al fico lin—dr including
conctructinn of huffers hetween the
homes.and regular maintenance and
d;cking of tha property N—.
Hvdroloev/Water O—lity
dr 1 1:Cnnefrn..fin _ M nn Meac,ua H d nln S C;LtV of Sa Pr;
Impact Hy o ogy- _ _ �bg�tl_ y av_la T T_ �=t.,^„mmAn^Aman[.f_
related water qnality imparts(Faria (Western Plan Area and Enrin Ramon, and throughout all grading,
Preserve and Western Plan Area). Preserve): Construction Related Engineering demolition or construction
Imnl.—.nt.t;,,.,of tho M—th...—t TTPI)TC i)isrharge Permit, Tho San T)apartmant art vit oc
Specific Plan and Faria Preserve rould Francisro Reginnal Water Quality
introduce pollutants(namely Control Board requires that any project
suspended sediments.along with w;th n romh;ned d:rtat=hnn^e-n-f
n;lc load cnldor,enlventc and ghlrc)to ovrr ons nerr acgnirr an T%Mna
cnrface water or groundwater that Construction Activity Stormwater
could violate water quality standards Permit. Discharge of surface runoff
or discharge=Aon;= .n- frnm the c_netr--&inn rite to Bn-lli-z-
nth-17;ra cnhctnnt;nlly rlrgrarlr water CLPPk chnll hp c11h,Prt to this Prrm;t.
quality(inclnding sediment and other Monitoring of the effluent and creek
pollutants). These activities will he flow shall be required to ensure that
=agnlat.A nndor a('nn etr„rtinn uentar n„nl;ty etnndarde aro not hrnl—n
and annual reports shall he.prepared
Northwest S,wdfic Pian/Fane Preserve Community F.TR MMRP 42
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pendine Project A➢➢mval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
Northwest Specigc Elan/Eoria Prpcprvp i ommllnitV FIR
Artivity NEDES Permit. and 5111—; A to the Can Eranrigrn
Reginal Water Quality Control Roard,
Cignifirant, While compliance with the NPDES
Construction A—vitt e*n„nsvatar
PPrmir wnnlrl hr reQnired and is
therefore assumed,it is nonetheless
included here as a-42-a-meacnre
rn encore there is a merhanism for City
monitnring of romplinnre.
Mitigation Meacnre Hydrology-lb City of Can Prior to rommenrement of
(Western Plan Area and Faria Ramon, and throughout Al grading.
Pre-er-a); ct„L*...oatar Pollution Engineering demolition or^onsty—;n_n
Prevention Plan. The NIPDES D Darrment aCfi virieg,
Cnnctruction Activity Stormwater
Permit shall also reo^ire the^nmolption
of n Ctnrmwnter Pnlhition Prevention
plan(SWPPP). The SWPPP shall
require dischargers to imolen,ent Regt
Management Prarrir a(BAPS)that
prevent or reduce pollution into surface
waters during construction at sites that
dist—h n a^m ar more. Tnec of
RAPS innhuip schedules of activities,
prohibition of practices.maintenance
n�nrerl ire c,management prarrireg,nr
engineering controls,as further
described in Section 4.7.3.
Mitigation Measure Hydrology-', (Sty of Can During construction,but
(Western Plan A rea ane E.ria Ramon, prior to construction of all
PLegarVP);llatantjpn Resins, Engineering major^a—t—ti^_n
Conctrurtion of the on-site detention DeDarrmant, artivitieg,
hasins shall occur prior to all other Crnrmwater
major constru^tion a^ vit;e enrh that Management
theca etrnrtu ran he used to retain
ctnrmwnter runoff and water from
N^uhwest specific Pian/Facia Preserve Communitv Ent MMRP d7
Prelinin-ry-r••Wi t^Devision Penaing Project A pproval and EIR Certification(Octaber 2006)
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
dewnterina activities daring the
constriction perind. This would help
to reduce sediment in surface ru^off
1P ;ng rhe c;ta.
Impact Hydroloey-1:W-*P=Q^-1;•y M;tigatia-MPacarp LTC city of Can Prinr to nperntion of the
(E-ria Pr-s-r—and WPctPrn Plan (Faria Procorve):Strenmhnnk Ramon_ prnject and throughout
Area). Once irMlemented,the Prlltectil]n. A streamhank protection Ermineerirm on'='ti^_^of the pr jPrt,
Northwest Specific Plan and Fari- cordo-.-iTM*l=t„the^n'^'^ro rid^_= DPpnrtmPnt,
EICs—r_nn1A;ntrndnre pnlh,tnnt- rle-ianed fnr the rentral wnterched nn
into the enrfnre water or grnnndwater the Faria Preserve shall he
that could violate water quality impleme^ted;n the e—tP=ly w-tP=-had
star,d,=,lc =-gaup tc. of the$grin PrPcerve prnperty, Thin
nr ntherwisP snhstnntinlly degrade would improve hnth water quality and
water quality(including sediment and wildlife half t't in
other ooll,,t'r,tc). $paring chnll he inetalled
npprnximately 1 On feet frnm either side
Signific-nt. of the stream.and-ny major
rapa=aAnne(nr re--eeding)to the
ctrenm hunk shall he.made to reduce
sediment load.Well-maintained
the rnpnritV tn_rednrre sediment lnad in
mnoff up to 75 percent nr mnre(NRCS
2004). The-e h.,ffP=cer;pc;r,terrept
enrfnre and-nhcnrfacP flnw while
stnhilizing streamhank sediment
m-terial. Na*ue rin_ari—t=PPd chr„1,
-peri---hall he planter)nn R-fent
renters throughout the ctreamhnnk
protection corridor creating-dense
rip�non rnrririnr,
Mi4;g..ion MPS-aro i7ydrpingy_')hThrnnghnnt npPrntinn of the
(WPstern Plan Area and Barin prnject.
Preserve): Fertilizer and Pesticide
limitations. Fertilizer,herbicide.'^d
Mcrtw„ t cp._:v:_p1_i P_.Pmpe-a Cn .ity PTP XAK4PP dd
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pending Project Approval and EIR Certification(October 20061
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
pagtiride appiirationg within tha NWCP
Area shall he.limited to the dry season
(Anril 1-Octol,-1). T?as;Aa„tc shill
he nntifiaA of thagr+ractrirtinng. A
pastiride and fertiliser application
program shall be prepared for all public
open epare—A IanAsrapaA araas, This
prngram shall inclnde limitations an the
types and amonnts of chemical.,
allo—eA o^the s;t-. The pxn2ram ehan
ha Aas;RnPd to minimi7r chemical and
fertiliser use thronghout the project
Mitigation Measure HydroloP-s-2c City of San Prior to operation of the
(Wagtern Plan Aran):Creak Ramnn, prnjart.
Crossings.per policy 8,1 N of the Engineering
Ge—ral v_I-n cxaa14c ch-ll not ha Dapartma„r
riiIvPrted nr rhnnnrli7ed where they
cross roads. Rather.a wildlife sensitive
OD_en/^atural ch-^^al Aas;E^shall ha
implamantad whara the prnjrrt roads
cross Rollinge.r Creek. This wonld
serve to maintain the integrity of the
rroalr radnra erne;—n_ftnn aeen_riat-1
with culvert ontletg_and create a
contiguous wildlife corridor across the
Mi i a■nn M ncnr TT drnln 2d C;r n£Qom*+ Px;ot t0-DDrov-1 of
t g t' a e y QY- Y-
(Western Plan Area and Ervin Ramnn, Tmprnvamant Plans,
Preserve;T.nw impact Parign. Tn Engineering
nrAer to mast tha naw ragnirrmantg of Department.
Prnvici nn'-(_','�"in tha L'nnntywiAa
TTPDF.Q Mnniripal etnrmwatar parmit.
"T nw Trrlpart Daei Rn"(LH))faaturas
Northwest gpeciFle Plan/Faria Prov.,community RTR MMRP 45
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pending Project Annroval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community FTR
ADPRnvAr. Crr_WT=VANrrcl
with multiple on-site"natural'water
detention.infiltration.and treatment
features sh-ll be incorporated to reduce
scourins flows in the receiving water
b=disc.and to reduce pollutant loads
entering th=se water bodies from
residential and developed areas.LID
featur- hall be included in the street.
residential.and landscape design.as
further described in Section 4.7.3.
1Ttili7atinn of the T TTl features ac part
of the implementation of the Enrin
Preserve may reduce the cine of the
detention. Prior to iM2lementation of
the Faris Preserve,the required sire of
the detention ha-ins-hall he
recalculated to account for the flood
retention and rednrtipn rapacity of the
T.TT1 features, Such redesign would he
expected only to decrease the sire of
the detention basins.
The Contra['nota['lean Wnter
Program has rerently released the
Sta—ml-ter C3 GuidehQQI-(Contrn
['nota[lean Wnter Program ?MS)to
nld develn2er-in meeting the RWQCB
L.1 r Qt iy meT (SPP Section 4.2.1
Reg„lotory FrnmAworl-)
Impact Hydrology-3:Flooding Mitigation Measure Hydrology-3a T.TS City of San Prinr to approval of
(Fo rio Preserve onrl xm.rtecn Plon For:o Pre�er�e_ Toto„t;D„Roc;.,
_ (— e) Ramon. Improvement Plans.
Area), Tmj2lementatlnn of the Ctorage. Tn nrller to redllre the Deal- FDgi„eering
Northwest Sperific Plan and the Farin outflows under prnjent conditions and T)eDa tment
Preserve would alter existing drainage have no net increase in flows.detention
DottP!--within the TTWSP Aand 1-6—shop he Drovid-_11 with;-the
V,rth."t Qpe;fi-o1_l c-_R—e d Ce=..:ty cmR 4f
Prer—.nary-SuWeet m Revision Pen ling Project Approv.1 and 1WTD!e a araNu to�t a �nn[l
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Communitv EIR
create/contribnte runoff water such Faria Preserve ProjPrt S;te. The dPe;En
that floodine-o-ld o—ar rhe and StnraizP ,nin-g of the dPtPTlttnn
naparity of Prieting or planned basins shall he consistent with the
st_ormwate.r drainage systems could be design parameters contained i^the
exceeded. drainage etndiec prepared by BP11Pnri
and/associates(2005)and Kimley-
Potentially SiE^ifi—iit. Horn(2005a).and the
r—nmmendatinrnc nnntainPd in the
Mitigation Meacnre Hydrology-3h City of San Prior to annrn_ual of
f Western Plan Area): Detention Ramnr ljnprnvement Plane,
Ronin Stn=aga.Tn nrdPr to rPdnnP the RngjnePring
peak nntflnws ander project conditions, Department.
stormwater detention facilities shall be
nrovided,within the W—t—Plan Area.
Retantinn rPgnirPments necessary to
detain the vobime associated with the
difference—ru^off a^_1^me between
pro_and poet-PrnjPrt ronditions is
estimated to he.a minimum 0.4 acre
feet.based o^nrelimi^—y lot laY^_ute
it—InpPd fnr the Weetern Plan Area
Kimley-Horn(2005s). More detailed
hydrology studies shall be r-aii; 1 at
the time a dPVPlopment appliration for
the Western Plan Area is filed to ensure
that—ater quality.ret—ti^_^
regniremente and flood rontrol
objectives are met.
Mitigation Measure Hydrolopy-3c City of San Prior to cortunPn --t of
(Western Plan Area and Faria
Aaron„ and thrnnehn..t all grading
Preserve):Maintain Watershed FneinPPring demolition or ronstrnrtion
Ronndaries and Area. The existing Department activities,.
watershed honndaries and area shall he
Northn_e..._ *,axon A7
preliminary-Subject m Revision Pending Project Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
NQrthweat SPeriiir Plan/I'i aria Preserve Community EIR
APpROVAT. Qirr_Nmr ANrR1
maintained. Watershed areas-hall not
he altered and all existing discharge
paint--hall he maintained as closely as
pn--ihle. Stormwater drainage from all
developed areas shall he carefully
designed such that nmoff from streets.
hail-zing,and other impervions snrfaces
drain-to the appropriate watershed
haled on pre-project drainage pattern-
(The Faria preserve Project Site.as
detailed in the Ve-ting Tentative Map.
wnnld do so).
New developments are required ander
the Contra Costa Countywide NPDES
M.. ;, ;nil Qt—mater Pp=—;t.
Prnvicinn L',3 f,to manage impart-
from changes to the volume and
velo^its of--to—atar r.+nnff from nP—
Aevelopment and significant
redevelopment project-.where these
changes can cause excessive erosio^
Aamage to An—nctream—a/ercnurcec.
The T.Til anion-proposed ander
Mitigation Measure Hydrology-2d
—L"IA 1'.r_nnc;A.rPA a.RTAP'.
designed to manage hydrograph
modification impacts.
impart Hydrology-4:Flood zones Mitigation Measure Hydrology-4 LTc City of can Th<A—;Rn of th<hAAg<
(Western Plan Area). The nronosed (Westem Plan Area):I—Tmpart Ramnn shall he inclnderl in the
Aau<lopmPnt—;thin the W—tern Plan RridgP Dpsign, The prnpnsed hridge Engineering application Plan and/or
area could place within a lnn-year crossing Ballinger Creek shall he Department. Fi^al Deuelonment Plan,
flood hazard area structures which designed to auoid the lnn-sear flaaA Ctnrmwater
could impede o==ed'="^t+ln 1 flu—c, ham A lone or.hall ha engineerr+A en MAnngement
as not to impede or redirect flaw-in
Northwest SMific Plan/Facia Preserve Communitv Ent MMRP AR
pmr....;,ry-Snbin..to DnaAA . vo..A;-a Hmiec+Approval aRA PTV ce.rricaf4on(n..L..ter%ppR)
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Co*nT^■Tufty Ia YQ
Pntrnt;.11y S;gn;£;rant, Rnllingrr Crerk,
Imnact Noise-':short-Te^^ Mitigation Measure Noise-1 (Faria T.TS City of San Thrnnghnnt all grading,
Ce—trnrtinn NnisP(Faria Preserve preserve and Western Plan Area): Ramon.Planning demolition or construction
and Western Plan Areal. T I. � t—a„t. err v;r ate,
Short-Term Constrnctipn Noise. The P
T)eveln ment under the NWSP Planning Servirec
P City shall require prime contractors to
in hl ling tl,r 12.A.Proem ,—mild T)iviCion and
implement following measures to
rvpocr rvieting nn;se_sensitive land Building S-fety
rrAnce tr nrary cnnatrltctjnn noise T)ivicinn
uses to construction related noise.
Ambient noise lrvrlc in- -r rhe
1vWSP Arra may temporarily inrreace.
Pnrcnant to Chapter V.Article 2.
C;gn;f;ranr, B6-100 of the San Ramon
MnniriD'l[nAr rnnetn,rtinn
operatinnc shall he.limited to the
hours between 7:30 a.m.to 7 p.m.
nn ,-e!k,l-vC,anti 9 a.—.to A p.m.
an weekend days,and he prohibited
on fede-1 holid-ss.
• All construction vehi^les or
rgn;Dmrnt f'ivrrl nr mnhi le,shall hr
rqn;peed with prnprrly operating
and maintained mufflers and
aco,,st;r-1 sh;r111-ar chino lc in
arrnrdanrr with mannfarturers'
Construction eqnipment and truck
routes shall be arra-zed to
trnvrl arijarrnt to nrrnD;ei
rrcidrnrrc. For instance,
rnnctruction-related traffic shall
avoid usinz D-e!--ooA n,4v--1
D—rwnnil Rnad and the residential
North ---°t Qpm fic Elan Faria Preserve rommunits FTR MMR P 49
Preliminary-Subiect to Revision Pendine Pmj^^t">Rm^^'^-a vTD
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Prese* a Cnmmnnity TiR
streets„L.th of these t—n etreete,
and;netead access the cite frnm
pnrdne Rand and Rollinger Canyon
• Stationary const -;-,.n ea^4)*^ent
--A staging areae shall be located a
reacnnable distance frnm sensitive
receptors. The hest staging area
loe't;onc wn-'A ha the nnrth sides of
all prnpnced neighhorhnnds and
r nunnnity facilities,unless the
north side is s^bst—Bally higher;n
elevat;nn than enrrnnnding
developed areas.
• Designate a distnrhnnce coordinator
and conspicuously post the
card;—mr`e telephnne number
arnnnd the prnject site and in
adjacent public so-ces. Thio
disturbance roordinntar shall receive
all pnhlic rommplaints about
construction-tel-ted and eha11
be recpnneihle fnr determining the
canse of the complaint.and
implement any fa-s;ble.,ea sures tn_
allev;ate the prnhlem.
• If dete—;ned nereecary by the
d;cturhance ronrdinator,a
temporary solid construction/noise
barrier alone the e-aced nr jeet
bn--A—;ee should he erected. The
harrier shonld not rnntnin any
significant gaps at its base or face.
excent onen;.e-fnr etre access and
Northwest Snacifc Plan/Faria Pmts=C-=--:.,z'ro.1- _ in
P-11—inary-Subject to Revision Pending Project Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
Nnrt1hwect SPerifir Plan/Enria Preserve(pmmnnitp FTR
('nNUiTTLIV RDCTTT'M%Tr_ Mnlvtxnnnvr_ MANtTADTN(_T_rLmvD AMR
Impact Nnise-2:Stationary-and Mi i a inn M nenr Nnic 2: The TTS ('it n£So„ Prins t_and d
Y tet' e e e- Y- ring
ArP hlnir_Cnn=e_s(EgAq Preserve (•sty chap PnsutP implementation of the Ramon,Planning operation of the project.
and Western Plan Area), NoiseDepartment.
following mitigahnn measures in the
levels generated by new stationary- design and operation of the Facia Planning SP^'i^ec
and area-noise sources de--1_ped PL-SP—P to rDivisinn and
Prhire PYposnre of nearhy
,Ur the NWQP,inrinding the Facia $tlilding Safely
eYieting offsite sensitive rereptom and
Preserve,wnnld not exceed the city's Division
propo—d nncitP rereptorc to noise
"normally acceptable"land use
nmDatihility standards at nff-cite levels that rnnld potentially result in
r ni httimP OPPT1 distuxhanrP
sPnci6vP rPreptnrs. Single event noise g -
levels generated by garbage dumpster
collection at some of the nmrm-zed
land Hens rnnld recnit in inrreaced • The city shall—ort-diligently with
sleep disruption and interference to its waste hauling rontrar[ors to limit
nearby off-site rencitiuP rP ptsz. garbage dumpster collection activity
at all ue.+nec devPlnnPd nn the
Potentially Significant. NWSP cite to the hors between
7:10 a.m,and 7:00 p.m.an
weekday-.and between 0_:00 a.m.
and h:00 pm,on Sntnrdnys and
Sundays,and prohibit garbage
dnmpcter r,.nerti_n nn federal
hnlidnyc. 'These time periods are
consistent with Chapter V.Article 2.
BA-100 n-£the can Ram_n
TA,n iripal('nde which was
estahlished to address noise
generated by construction a^tivity.
• To the extent feasible,garbage
dnmpOx!rc than hp-1_1atPd ac fat as
necessary from Priding off-site
Mohr`" t sw'FF PI_/R_g$ase,e community Rot MMRP 51
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pendina Proiect Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
Nn=rh.t,�r C�nnrifir Plan IFavia PrpSPTVA enmmnnirp W..Yu
sensitive rPreptnre. Dutnpeters
should also he.located surh that
proposed buildings shield nearby
residential 1a 1—P.fin_m nn_iSP
generated by durM-zter rollertion
implementation of Mitigation Measures
Noise-2 would prevent nighttime sleep
disruption at nearby existing and
proposed on-site residential land uses
by limiting garbage collection to
daytime hours.
impact Nnicp.A:Land TTsp Mitigation Measure Npige.d(Faris i.TS City of San Prior to approval of building
Lnmpatihi ity with Onsite Noise Preserve)_: The City shall implement Ramon.Planning permits.
Levels(Faris Preser-e-nA IM-0-ra the f_n_nr;ne t_d,the DPv tmPnt,
Plan Araa), Residential land ncec eYposnre of sensitive receptors to Planning Services
developed under the NWSP-including significant noise associated with traffic Division and
the Faria Preserve.could be exposed from I-680-nd b^-1 r_-d—y-: Building S�fP y
t_traffc noise levels that—ePed both Divisinn
the City of San Rnmon's"normally
acceptable"land use compatibility
Pvteri_r noise standard of(.n Prior to the approval of building
CNET 1T An and the Title 24 interior permits fnr individual suhdivi-ions,
noise level standard of 45 CNELJI__. the City shall evaluate the building
In ndditi_n camp rPsidPntial land ncec permits{or romplianeP with its
prnpncefl by the NW$P could he '=normally acceptable'land use
exposed to single-event noise levels compatibility standards for noise.
genPrn-d by offsite rum—ci�and '►`h -tonics chnnld take into
industrial sources that result in sleep account the topography of the area
disturbance. and the presences of intervening
etnrct_PR-nd hnildings hnt,vPPn the
Potentially Significant. Enria Preserve and T-690. Where
individual facilities do not clearly
Northwest Specific Pian/Faria Preserve rommunity AIR MMRP 52
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pendine Project Anyroval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
7V_=fhw,,0 SgoeiCie Elan/fiaria Preserve � F.T
CarmmnitV R
Commo- RESUL--G MQ—TQO—G i�oNrToDrwTG�rn rDTDAMF
comply with the City's"normally
acceptable'exterior noise standards.
naisP harr;Prc hnildinRc for
noise sources and receptors.shall he
;lpplo,.,o„tPrl�c�ppv+pr;�rP to
minimi7P PrtPrinr nnisP 1PvPl4z,
Lonstrurtion of snund walls shall he.
considered only if nose mi*gatin_n
to normally arrat)tah1P lPVP1c by
other means is not feasihle pur-uant
to General Plan Policy 10.1-I-5. If
nnctn,rtM.any nntAnnr hnman-
made noise harrier--hall have an
aesthetically pleasing appearance.in
th't S„rh h-riPrc wnn1A hP
run-i-tent with the Goin and
character of nearby homes and
f-MtiPc. Any nnA all nnicP&-liPc
and mitigation measures required
above shall he fully funded by the
ProiP^t ep„nsnr�of tl,P FnA-
• Ti,P city shall PvalnatP building
permits for all residential dwellings
for compliance with T;tle 24.P-rt Tl
of the r-lP of
Reg,tlntions. Title 24 requires the
preparation of an acoustical analysis
dPmnnstratPs hnw intPrinr noicP
levels would achieve a 45 dBA
CNEL(Un;n to^nt;ons w)—a thP
PYtPr;nr nnicP 1PVP1c PxrPPA C10 ARA
CNP..T/T An. To the extent
..,t .t SPeo4—PI_/P_n Preserve C.m uWty FTP MMPP 51
Preliminary-Subiect to Revision Pendine Proiec•Approval and EIR Ce—kation(Oc•obe-2006)
Nnrthwect CPerifir Elan/Enrin Bnecerve CnmmnnitV 1 .1R
necessary,noise control measures
shall be desiened accoxdi-2 to the
type of hn;lrl;ng rnnetnwtinn and
specified gonnd rating for each
building element to achieve an
;nter;nr nn;ee 1ava_1 of AS r1R A
('MPT ff An. Where new rPeidentinl
dwellings do not clearly comply
with interior noise standards
ectahl;sheA by T;tlP 7d mitillatinn
measnres snrh ac nge of deal-pane
windows,mechanical air systems.
evter;nx wall i„e„iar;nn,and Miler
noige_rednring hnilding materials
and methods shall he required as
appropriate to reduce interior noise
evim—e to 45 dR A Ldn. R/ilere
there is a question regarding pre-
mitiEatio^or pos*-mit;2atio,,^oise
levels for a partirnlar farility,cite_
specific noise studies shall be
ro.,d,—ed to dPtP—;—rn...p]i—a
or nonrnM21ianre with Title 94
standards. Any and all noise studies
—1 mit;2a*;nn m-auixa.l ahnue ch-11
he felly 5mded by the Prnjert
Sponsors of the Faria Preserve,
The City shall require the Projert
Sponsors to incorporate features in
the des;2n of
residential develnpmente an the
Faris Preserve Project Site that
reduce noise exposure a*common
nntdnnr art;u;ty a=Pae. Ear
ingtanre.,o„tdoor artivity areas that
are part of multi-family residential
Northwest gnecific Play/Faria Preserve ro=unity F.TR MMRP 54
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pendine Project Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
developments could b-ori-nted
2—h that rhe hn;ld;ng(c)Serve as a
sn„nd harrier providing protection
from the nearest predominant noise
Impact Traffic-1:Decrease in LOS Mitigntinn Manama Trnffic_T a(Earls T Tc City_f can rinr;nz oDerat;_n=f the
d"^_t^_T=ate^(I1'aria a"A weste-- presar-e): Traffic Cignal nt the Ramon praject.
Pfan Area), Traffir generated by interSectinn of.Can Ramon Valley Engineering
hnildout of the NWSP would increase Rnnlevard/Hnnper Drive when Department.
traffic volumes and d-lays at area waaantr_d Traffir Rng;noor;ng
intereortinne anA wnnld resnit in the 'rho ha!';ty shall mon;rnr the;nr�sPcr;nn
C_ity's T.n.q standards being exceeded
of.Can Ramnn Valley Rnnlevard/
at three unsienalized intersections
A„ring DPatr hnm c.Tho_rhreo
Hooper Drive to determine if it meets
intereertinne are•Can Ramnn Valley sienalization warrants oth-r than D-ak
hnTrr warrantS(P-g-h—pd nn accident
Boulevard/Hooper Drive,San Ramon
Rn.,la>card/pnrdne experience and daily traffic volume.-)RnaA and
Rnjlinger Canyon Rnnd/Nnrris and install a signal at this int-rsection
f;anyon Road.
when it meets no^_f tho warrants,
Mitigation Meacnrn Traffic-lb City of can PA—t_nDerat;_n=f the
(Enrin Preserve): Traffir signal at the Ramnn prnjert.
intemectinn of Can Ramon Valley Engineering
Rnlllevard[Purdue Rnad TIPDahmPnt
The C;tv shall;nrtan a tcatrir s;gnal at Traffir Pngin _ring
the intercertinn of.Can Ramon Valley
T)i vi ci nn
Rnnlevar"in-due Rand.
Mitigation Measure Traffic-le(Earia City of San The City shall roncider
Ramon.. installation of a signal at the
Northwest Satcific Plan/Faria Prezer•e Comm=ni-v tro-NM0 55
D—';—;-ary-a-hient to Devis!on pen-';ng projeCt Approval ana Fro r'--"f_ca"on(^ctol--2006)
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
P--se--r-e): Inetall a traffi^c;Qnal at the Fnginp-inQ intprSpetinn whpn nnp of the
;.tpreprt—of Rnll;ngpr C-vnn Department. warrants are sa[isfietl,
Road/Norris Ca-yo-RoaA. Traffic Engineering
The City shall monitor the intersection
of Bolli^ger Canto-Road/No-4s
C-arm P-1 to Aptprop W4 mppte
signali7ation warrants other than peak-
eakhour warrants(e.Q.based on accidp^t
pvnpripnrp—1 Aaily traffic-1—Ps)
and install a signal at this intersection
when it meets one of the warrants.
Tmpnet Traffir-3(Cumulative): Mit;gatio„M--r.'f,=af lie-2a(h'aria LTS City of San Se-Traffic-la oboup.
Decrease in LOS due to 3:—Mp- _PrPSerVP): Tmnlpmpnt Mitigatinn Ramon
E.A. Plan Mpaerrrp 1raff;r_1 a, Rngineering
Area), TTnder the C_mmill ntive-plus- ThDepartment.
The pity shall incl gement Mitigation
project Scenario.traffic generated by Measure Traffic-1 a_which regnires the Traffic F^Einpp^^E
buildout of the NWSP,-he-
City to monitor and install a signal at �gwsgnn
rnmhinpA with traffic Qpnpratpd by ty
huildont of the('general Plan,would the intersection of San Ramon Valley
increase troff^u=1u——A at Bonlevard/FTooper Drive.
area;ntpre-tinnc,and wnnld rpsnit;n
the City's LOS standards being
exceeded at four unsignalized
mtpr—t;_nq An,;ng o-V hnrrrq The
fonr intersertions are:San Ramon
Valley Boulevard/Hooper Drive.San
Ramon Valley let-] rarA/Prrrrinp
Rnnd,Rnll;nger Canyon Rnar1/Norris
Canyon Road and Omega Road/Old
Crow Canyon Road.
Mitigation Mpsiaiwn Traffic-'>:h C;ty of Can Cep trnff;r-1h ahngrp, ,
(Earin PrecPLVP): Tmplpmpnt Ramnn,Pnhlic
Northwest Steecific Plea/Faria Poser,-e C•mnvniv E---a 5f
Pror: : ory.s..r jest to aevis-on WnAing Proiect Approval anA Fm t'e-"r-capon(0moh2r)00A)
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
Mitigation Measure Traffic-Ib. Wrwirc T)PpartmPnt,
The City shall implement Mitigation F.ngine.e.ring
Measure Traffic-lb,—1,;rh r-a,+;rc the Division.Traffic
City to install a traffic signal at the FnginP< ng and
inte.r-Prtion of Can Ramnn Valley Cafe.ty
Bonlevard/Turdue Road.
Mitigatio^Mea-r=e Mr-EQ-31(F-A- City of San See Trnff,r-1 nbn_ue.
T�ncn=vn�; Tmnl.--t Mifigat;nn Ramnn
Me-s--Traff,r-lr. FnginPe.ring
The City shall implement MitiEatio^ Department.
MPas+1rP lraffir_1 r,witlrlt rP(tnirrc the
Tmff;r Fng;—ring
City to monitor the.intercertion of Tllivicinn
Ballinger Canyon Road/Norris Cnnyo^
RnaA to APt—;—if;t m—tc
signa1i7atinn warrant-othe.r than peak
hour warrants(e.g.based on accident
<vtl<r;--—A daily traffic vnh+me.c)
and install a signal at this inte.rse.rtinn
when it meet-one of the warrants.
Mitigation Measure Traffic-3d City of San Prior to and during
(Faria PEese=-e): T--tall a tcaff;rRamnn ntlPxatinn of rhP tlr_njPct,
siz-al at the+++t<=cPrr;n+,of 01A C rnsa+ RnginPPring -
Cann++Rn-d/D--QnA T?nad/o—gn Department.
Road. Tx ff'c Rog;—r;.+g
The City-hall monitor the intersection Tlivicinn
of OlA Com-Canyon Rnad/Il—r—A
Rn-d/0-2n Road to rcptProp if it
me.e.t--ignnli7ntion warrant-other than
peak hour warrants(e.g.based on
arc;A—t—n—;--a.A Aaily ttaff;r
vnlnmes)and install a signal at thi-
inter-ection when it meets one of the
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Pres-r•=C--w=ro r„ra _ S']
lm eli—inary-Quhject to nevision penAing project Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
Northwest S'par'fir Plan/Earia PPacarva Cnmmnnity F.YR
impart Rining_y_'i(n)OCi aria Mitigation Measnre Riology-3a LTS City of San Qee RiningY_'�a shove,
Prrcerve):Special-Status Animal (Faris Preserve and Weste—pts^ pamnn,Planning
Species. Implementation of th-Faris A=na); rhe f„tt.n,;ng actions shall he Department.
Precezue n,_„ld recnit;T,a lace than implemented by develnpers of hnth the Planning Services
snhetantial rednrtion in the nnmhem Faris preserve and the Western Plan Dig;ci^_^a^A
and range of rare,endangered or Area to further-ns—e that imna^to to Rnild;ng Safety
threatened specie- Alameda whipsnake are lecc than Division
A he!petologist permitted by the
USFWS to work with Alameda
u,h;pcnakec shall survey all areas
proposed fnr rnmtroction no earlier
than 49 hours before the onset of
a,tiuitiac. If a„Y l;fe stages of
Alameda whipsnake arefonnd,the
approved biologist would contact
the TTQrW-Q to determine if moving
any such life stages is appropriate.
• Refnre any grading activities begin
on individual NWSP Area
deuelpnment phases,a harn1tnln9;st
perm;tte l by the TT$FWR tn work
with the Alameda whipsnake shall
conduct a training session for all
ifadi^g Harr^^nel, At a minim„m
the training shall inch,de a
description of the natural history of
the Alameda whipsnake.and its
habitat. _TXa;.,;ng rhe
general meacnres that are heing
implemented to conserve
whipsnakes as theY rebate t.,the
North... c Sn=!�?_P'-1 z-=P-r_.,.co—may cro--R ---- 58
l-llmloary-Subject Ln Revision Pending Project Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
Annun_ver. Crr_mmrAW(-F.'
individual development project and
the bou^daries(—ork area)su thin
whirh the 12rniert may hr
accomplished. Training sessions
shall be repeated for all ne,u
ernpinyeeS hefnre they arrecc the
project cite. Sign up sheets
identifying attendees and the
co^tactorica—vanY they represent
shall hr maintaineA by an on-cite
construction manager.
A qualified biological monitor
(annrnved by ITSFWS) hall
c—bict regular visitg dnring initial
gronnd distnrhing activities
including grading and co^structio^.
The h;ning;Cal mnnitnr Shall have
the authority to halt all project
activities at any time if Alameda
—hin-1—c are enrnnnterM.
All ranst—Finn---ted lay-dawn
and depncition areas shall he
inspected each mornine by a
APsi grated mnnitnr to enenre that
Alameda whipcnakec are not
present.All construction activities
that talre place nn the Mnnd shall
hr performed in daylight hnnrc.
Vehicle speed an cite shall not
exceed 15 miles per hour.
Cnnstr.,rr;nn,,,ate,;ale sn;l
rnnetrnrtinndehric n_rnther
material shall he deposited only on
areas where vegetation has bee-
-n—ad and any makes present
N^nF^•eat Cpe;G21aa/Faria Preserve r'ommuo;ly RIR MMRP 59
Preliminary-Subject to Revision Pend-_-2 Pmj-•A nQ-^•,^' (n^tot o��pp�l
Northwest fte-fid!Plan�Earin PRrPcPvvP VnUrintnnity 1l.1
wnnlrl hp readily vicihip.
• Prior to;ecnaneP of a Rrarling
permit.the.Prnje.rt Spnnsnr shall
provide to the City evidence of
nmpii�nrP with the FndangP=Pd
Spe.ciec Art thrnng}1 conenitation
with TTSFWS.This consultation
Sho11 ho fn=m-1 n=;n.{nrnl,nc
dPtPrminPd by the TTSFWS,Any
measures agreed to as a result of this
co^sulr.t—ch-ll hP-1hPr-1 rn;n
arlditinn to the meacnrec Presented
The project proponent wonld plane
and maintain a temporary erosion
the western and northern edges of
the property during construction.
The�!x lnoi_ oryr£Pore rn hP
ronetmcted and maintained dining
construction is expected to prevent
n.'P..f rhe dPVPlnD—t a—by
Mitigntinn Menanre Riningy.'Ah City of San See Riplpgy-'ih ahpve.
(Faria Preserve and Western Plan Ramon.Planning
Area): The foll_w ng—gone chill hP DPpartmPnr
implemented by rlPvPlopere of tenth the Planning Servires
Faria Prese.rve and the Western Plan Division and
Area to further ensure that;mnart�to Rnild;ng cafPty
.,Pe"2 i.nrnic end nthPr epPcinl-etatnc Tlivicinn
h;rdc(P,g hnrnPd larlr,inggerhPad
chrikP,yAlow warhle.r)are.le.ss than
North"'es'Scecifi=ol__I t__-or.-..,- V vro aex.ro
bell—nary-Suhject fn Revision Pending Project Approval and EIR Certification(October 2006)
Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community EIR
• A orecn_nstr„cr'nn coney shall ba
ennllnctPA by a gnalified hiolo&q
for netting raptors and other special-
status bird suer;-s-m„r;n —_f
twr%wPPkg print to any new
cnngtruction activities(i.e.ground
clearing and grading.staLring of
eQ.,ipment glnnnA Aistttrhance)
Anring the brPPrling geagnn
(Fehrnary 1—August 31)to ensure
there y n_nesting sensiti.,e birAR
within the project area. if active
nests are found during the
prnr_nngtrnrt;n gnrvey,a no-
rligturhnnce hnffer zone shall he
created around active nests during
the breeding season c„ntil
gnalifieA h;ningiet hag determined
the young have fledged. The no-
disturbance buffer zone sh-ll be
mm.mnm n_f,)sn feet from active
raptnr nagtg,l nn feet from special-
status species.and 54 feet from non-
Spec;ol Stntne n.st;ng hirrl Sp_PAPR
until chicks have fledged.
Reductions in the size of the buffer
ones—A^_r all^_`unnces of l;m;tPrl
types of ennetrnction activities
within the hnffer zone shall he
determined by a ou-hf,-d h:ol�at
thin..gh rLLmii—tinn.with _T)E(
and ghall he haled on existing noire
and human disturbance levels-t the
pzit.end nhserveA evidence
of disntrhance to hirdg,
Northwest Sn ific Plan/Faria Preser•e Comm"—V
subject t_Devision RenAing project Approval ani EIR Certification(Oct-ber 2006)
NORTHWES'lll SPECIFIC ALANCitly'Couiici]' Rlevisions/Erraatal November 2006
1. Revisions to Graphics: Neighborhood U R eloaation. Burir.ig the ciounse of the public
heariing praaeiss, an alternalive was devised that iielocaled Neighborhood DI fiiom the
eastearn portions of lhei Alan Asea to a Iloaat.ioni adjaceinl to the House of Worshiipl site. M a
iiesult, the Housaea oft W orship sites has b000me smaller. Thei educalior.ial facoiliiy sites,
whicah had ariigir.ially beien lacaatead ad;acienit to thea community pall, is r.iow lactated in thea
sioutheaaslerni portion of the Plan Areca. Thea educalionial facility is assumed to be a two
story strdctute of up to 25,0(10 sq. It. in comparison to the 83,``0 sq. ft. whim apartment
build i ng. Thea I i gutie attaacahed 1 a th:i s Ravi si on/1E mita docaum lean it i l lust rates This land use
a:llerniatiiuea. Graphicas thiloughout the Plana document will E devised to reflect This
teloaationi oft Neighborhood U (and Thea resulting reduct:ioni in size of the Housea oft
Wovihip siite avid the relocation of the eaducaationia] facility; after the p:lari isi approved by
the City C ounicill. The land uses ini the Plan Areca will also :inaludea an eanhaniced
communally poa] flacail:ily, lal :lots throughout the Plan Areca, avid added teaninis court
f facilities.
�I. Revise pagea 1-2, second paragrfaph, mi follows:
The sile also preaseanls sevaral cahallearigeas in thea form of naturial hazards, such as
the preaseancae of thea Callaveiiasi Pault zone, sleep slopes, land Aidesi. aar.id a 100-year
flood plaiini. ...
3. Revise pagea 1-11 as Iol:lows:
Residential neighborhoads. Thea residential r.iedghbarhoods south of the Man Areca
inic:ludea Promonitotoy View, Pimnacale Craves Canyon,Deaemwood Ridge, Calif6miaa
Sunr.'se and Dleerwood Highlands.
4. Reavise page 1-14, second paragraph, as fallows:
... The pant)faciilitiesi will bei easily acicessiible by neat h�boring properties and all
nieighboiihoodsi via its aear.itrial localion and a publico trails s}Isteami. ...
`. Reavisaea page 1-1-` ur.idar Corr,m uniity Park, as follows:
An approxi maate.ly 1:1.7-acre active caommuniity parld isi designated w:ithir.i the Plan Areca,
and:incaludeas socaem and softball] facailities, baskeatbal] courui, picar.iic arenas, pllaygraunids,
apemi sipace anewi, leniniis courts, avid .... A rose gandeni sitea may adso be iincaorporaled iinla
the caommunity parld.
6. Reauisea page 1-15, undem Elducationall FlaciiiVo, as follows:
Ini the eamilerni portion of 1he Alan
Area isi an approx:imatelly 1.6-acorea sitea,planir.ed foci an educatiianal urea. Thea siite is
intended to aacaammodate an eaduaational museum, educatiana] outreach uses, cr
similar facility. I3eavelopmenit on thus stile will provide a two-story facailiity up la
25,0(10 square feet ...
7. Revise page 1-116 as follows:
Three gate d eme rge nciy vehicle access (EIA)cionne crtions are contemplal ed
leeated in the FIlan Area: one to the south of Neighborhood E connecting lo Crow
Canyon Road, one near the house of woriship and Ne i ghborihood U edeEatien
f=aeflit conned i nEl to Claremont CiicstDrivdWay, and one in the southeast corner
of 1 he site connecti n€l to Dee rwood Road. A 11 E`IA points ad so provide pedesi rian
8. Revise paEle 2-6, undar Pi rim iter Bl uffE r Planting, as follows:
Buffer planting and a berm will be :installed alone the south side of the Bollinger
Canyon Road enity col]lectoti street for approximately 900 feel, and north of the
existing single-family neighbor hood to it.e soul h oil the Han Ai ea. This planting
will include trecis and gipunded shrubs to provide a visual buffed to improve
privacy f or ne:i ghboring tiesidents, whit]e he 1ping 1 a establii sh 1 he characteti of 1 he
communities within the Plan Area. In addition, berming along the southern edgg
of it a col leel or street will further imptiove privacy and visually buffet neighboring
residents from the strie a t.
9. Revise page 2-9, at the 1 op of the page, by chanElinEl se ctii on b; and adding a neva
section d), theiieby ahamging the old section d) la section e), as fallows:
b) Fliiovide .. . ately gp 10 6M-ame site foci a house of wotiship.
d) Arovide an apptioximately 0.f--acre rase garden site, which eani be
accommodate d in the gommumiIy parld s:iie.
d)e) Atiovide an appiioximately 2.0-acne sale ...
Also revise page 2-9, objictiiit C, PoVcie6i as follows:
2. The drainage riparia corridor located on the western portion of the Fariia
property shall remain ...
10. Revise paiEle 2-110 by adding, as follows:
...Prohl bii l struictuies ii nl a nded for human occupancy wii i hi n 50 f eal of it e
Calavet ias f cult , as ii de ni if:i e d in 1 he C ctobeti, 2004 Geol og:i c
Hazards Evaluation Report (Appendix B; and Supplemental Fault Inve stir gation,
Fault A/Calavetias Fault Western Traces (2005a). and within 'If feet of Fault A, as
idenlilied in the Gilpin Geoseienees, Inc. 2006 Alauisl Hriolo Zone Pecr Review,
Faria Prieserve, San Ramon, CaF]ifor ia.
Nor hmist Specific Plan Oriole 9hail Pe gel fl o 113
11. Revise page ]-11 lab& 2-1 ResiidEintiiail LGlnd Usie SUiminary, as fblaows:
A 159. 159.23 43.2 3.16 Hi]]sida 200 1.?I
Rasi dantial
B 29:220.22 4116.8E Medium 200 44,49.9
C 44-911.85 4"10.f Multifamily 300 25425.21
High D ensi ty
Rlcisi dant ial
D 22.14 4-81.78 Multifamily 86 41-40.2
Wry High
Rlcisi deml iall
E 621.5 16 Hi:l l si do 44 2 2
Rani deml ial
Maximum Zlotall Dwelling Uri W1 830
1. lncludas Comman Space,Open flrjace,and CHAL Ajea w:ithini NeiigNbornhaad Haundaries
2. Tlatal dwelling uniils will depend an finest neighborhood design
It may it inlay be usaftil to inserl the following paragraph in lha lntroducition Chaptar to
explains why, with lhci tielaciataon cif Naighbanhood D and the Eduaa tional Use Faciil:ily,
no ahzmgas in lhci table arca warranted:
A s di sciussad:in the Land Uso Chgpteti, tho Scinioii Hausing ciomlponent, N eighborhaod D.
has beam located la the west of the Housci oft Worship, immediataly south of
Neighborhood B. The sanctuary and ngilatod House oft Worship buildings hauci been
ieducod in scale filom thein ari ginal conceptual design in order to accommodates both 1he
86 Senioii Housing units and lha Community Hoo] with u1s nelaled recmgiationall amenities.
The civarall developed reisidemlial acinciage associated with Neighboiihoad D ramaiins
unchanged, allhou hg 1ha guest parking;facilities foil thase scinior units will bei provided in
a shared arnangemcml with 1ho parking allocated to tho Community Pool and Housei of
Worship. Similarly, lhci Educational Use Faciffily has begin iielocalcid to the southeast
corned of the s:ila, at the samci location on ginadayplanned fbti Neighborhood D. Asa
result, the Comir.unity Nark)fkiliiy has begin expanded by approximateay 1.6 acres,
whale lho scally oft building impnovernarils at House oft Worship has bacm reduced to
accio=..cidate the ncdocatod Scinior Centor and CommuniIy Heol sharad parking faciiliIles.
Overall, these changes do not altar the aggregates land area devoted to residential uses.
and the iiatio of ncisidential uses to open spam and public on Quasi-public facillitias an-site
remaiins at 75/25.
t`arthmsl Speciilic Rlan Euraia ShEiel RagEi 3 of'I"I
12. Mevise pages 2-121, first paragraph under Nei ghlJonhood A, as follows:
... The neighborhood can be cihwacterized as a low densily clustering oft siingle
family residentiial lots, with lot siiaes of approximalely�50E 5,000 sgluwe fleel. ...
121. Mevise page 2-14, Iasi paragilaph, as follows:
... The homes in Neighborhood B are thrlee storicis in heiihg_1 and we emv:isioned
to include wchitecitwal detailing ...
14. Mevise page 2-15 as follciws:
Therie are t-wethrea access points to Ne>iahborhood C, from the main internal
rioadway. ...
Itis envisioned that Ne:ighborihood C will contaim a mix oflrrulti-family
townhouses and multi-famiilypediu apartment buildings oflthrlee stories oven a
odium. Architecitunal characiteri oft development in this neighborhood will be
detained in Design Guiided:ines, to be submitted concunientlly with a development
appEciadon. The apartment buildings :in this neighborihocid are proposeid with f.at
roofs, a]Ihough an a]terniato pitched noofldesign has alsa been submitted fon
consi deriatii cin.
15. Mevise page 2-16 as follows:
The seciond tlulough the faurhh paragrlaphs of thus page should be eEmiinated and replacied
with thea following:
Thais neighborhood :is Iociated to the west oft the Hlouse of Worishiip and Community Pool
facility, iimmedialely south oflNei ghbonhood B. As shown in lhei acicompanyinggjigphig.
aciciess to the 86 seniori housing units will be provided through a dri ueiway extending vest
fhiom thea maim :inteirrial.roadway in the eastern pardon oftlhei Alan Aiea. Parkin fg bn the
senioii units will be deisiig_ned withug est spacies local ed I the east oft the building,_in a
lot wWcih is to be shared with visitoris to the CommunjIy Aoal and House oft
Worishiip. Canlinuing use oflthis pool of shared pal6dng shapes will bei pr!ouided fori
though necipracial cirass easements.
The Seniicir Housing community will be loeateid within proximity oft ai riange of
imireaitionall and ciultural amenities within the heart aft the prajeet, including the
Community Pool, the House of Worship, the Camm unity Park and the Rose Garden.
Naighbarhood D residents wi:ill be able to walk to lhaso projeal amenities. Neighbarhood
D will include a lhrae-slciry nesident.iad struictune contaiining 86 senior apartment units.
along w:ith a proteicted interior open space and pWia. '➢his neighborhoad adjoins a
large open space area and publiici trail to the west. The seniicir apartment units will be
buffeired from noirse along the Baria Proservie Parkway by an open space buffer and gradei
separatiion. The character of thea devellopmenl will be axprossed Through deuonative
features shat w:illi be detailed in Design Guidelines, to be reviawed concurrently with the
NurhWE1St1'IPE1cific Plan 9iiaia'IhEICI Pagel' cit 1S
devellapmar.il application.
Also, add a niew senitencca to thle lastparagraphl of page 2-1( as follows: "... Design
Cuideilines, to be submitted conicunenitlly wiithl a development appl:ieat:ioni. The build-ng
(iompri sing Neighbonhlciod D is proposed to be tlulee starieis w:ilhl a flat rocifl dgs�
althloujzh an alterniativei p:ilchled roof)das:ign Has also been subrnilted fon gor.isidenalioni."
16. Revise pages 2-19, seri and panagiaphl as fcallows:
The planinied ciommur.iity park, edueatienal faeflity, and house oft woiish:ip are f44 centrally
:located in the eastern portion of lho Alan Area.
17. Revise pages 2-19, lHind paragraph, as fcallows:
The sites f6111hei housca of worshlip, up to (.1 acireas,its
located nam thea Bollinger Canyons Road anlranice ...
Also reivisea page 2-19, fourth paragraphl, as follows:
The community park its located ori the south side of
thea main acocass toad, across friom thea house of worshlip. These uses park will
be dcasilgned w:ilhl ampllea parking to servie its daiily needs. and will shale an site
pafldfig ...
... Thea community park sitea is approximately 12.7-aeries, and will contain ball
ficilds, ani amphlithlealen, play lots, tennis courts, and picnic favi ilies. A Rose
Gardeiri of.f acir as will] also be oreaatcad adjacient to on within the ciomrriunity park.
A wall-deflined peideEilriani crossinig ....
A]so revise page 2-19, fifth paragraph as follows:
The educatiianal facil:iIy site is apprioximalely 1.6 aereas, and is local ed ifAfaediatel
at thle southeastern doff eir of thea plan area.
18. Revise pages 2I-1 avid 3-2, ObjecOie A, Policies, 2 and 4, as follows:
2. Ensure thlat all cllassifhicaaticins oft stncaeats arca designeid to acoommodala
pedestrians withl lhei priovisioni oft sidewalks per City standards on both s:idcas
of the street, ori, along the collecitor strieet corridori, via an eff st-feet f]•Hl i u
tfe] on at 11 axil one si da of I 1 plea striecil.
4. Provide mult:ipllea points Mir emergency acceass. as nequiried by the appropriate
a enic:ieas. B aoausca the Alan Area is looaated in a r.iaatunal wooded setlirigl with
steiep Ion ain, multiple points oflemeargear.igy access iwe may be reaquireid:in thle
event aft fine avid need kir evacuation. Th ci eastcim path iori of th ci fllani Ai ea
will provide two pcair.its of access wiilh publJci strieet coniriecticins (Bollirigleir
Claar.iycan Road avid flurduca Road) and twca additiicinal EMA points of acoess
via Dleenwocid Rcaad and Decarwood Drive if nequiried 1hrcau hl fg inial pnojcaet
h eirthwest OpIccific Plan Eurala Shcei Rage 5 cif'1.1
desi . Thu wastarn portion of the Plan Areia will piiovide al :Iciam one
publia sitiieel emarganay aucefis point ar.id one aiddi lional amengenicy vat icici
only acccissi poinit via BoIllingen ClanNon or Ciiow Canyon , cif iiequiied
through final priojecit dcig:ign.
119. Revise Legend on Figure 3-2, Prop ofiud Circulation, by add-*ng 10 EmargamiN Veihicllei
Acccissi, ai:i follows:
Emenigency Vehicle Acccisfi if requiied
20. Revise the panagilaph on paga 3-5 under Eollingur Canyon Road asi follows:
The Cit, also propofieis to improve
Bo11Iin ei�yon Road along tha fiioruge of the Plan Areia to conform to the
cixistir.i8 sitieel fuction of Bollingar Canyon Road that cixlends north of Ciiow
Canyon Road.
City'swith two Class H bike lanes, eensisteiit with the Thu
mi ni mum ounb-1 ci-ounb wi dl t wi 11 bei 68-4 0 feel f oil thi s seal ion of t Boll i n8cn i
Canyon Road, to accommodate f two 12-wide travel lances and two Y 4'-wider
Cllassi II Hike larie:i. Minimum 5-16ot wida fiidewalkls shall ad:io t1a installed on
both sides or.iei slide of the strueit
wide planteeir% Additional r7 ghl of way may be included in arcia:i iiequirinig turn
lames ori at inleviciation aippnoaahe:i.
21. Akio revise the paradraiph on page 3•-f titled Spine Road Collecttui with a Mtdian (Set
Fiiguire 3-3, S t ttion AA";I as followfi:
. . . A 5-foot wide rneandefing sidewalk will nin along ail :Iciafil one side of the
striecit, ,icipalated from the bavell wa N with a pllar.itinig sitri . A
minimum 3-f6ot wida landscape buffeni will lie provided on the olheii slide oft the
striecit. ]beaks ara provided in the median al intaiisecitioni,i with sieparata lefty turn
1 anies.
22. Ravi se page 16 under Spine Road CoiVetitor withlouit a Mtdiain St t Fligr,irie 3-4,
St ttiori BB',I afi follows:
This slraet suction cionsiisits of a 40-fool wide bavel way to aicicommodata or.ia
liiavel lanae in cinch dirieution, Claris II hika lances, and on-sitieel parking:on or.ia
side. . . . A :udawalk will bei Ilaciated on at luasl one side of the :ilneiet, with a
minimum width of 5-feet
Akio revise page 3-6 as follows:
Easit Entryjriom Purdut Road-
e f the Plan n fe will e fi fef,,., to this street seetien. _ Spine G n . .ter E*s�The
portion of the Eastern Spine CIoIlleclor gitieel lociated doscist to Plunduci Moad will
uonform to this struat siecilion.
Narthwesi Specilic Ban E imeila Sheen FlagEi EI afl'13
23. Revise page 3-7, as follows:
cionsist of a minimum 5540-foot wide tiiavel way with a 16-fool wide riaiised
1 andscapeid mcadi an Del ached `-foot widei sid ewalk6 wi 11 be 11 ocaated on beth onei
sided of 1he strecat,
24. Revise page '-'1-12, fiiisl paragraph, as follows:
Errieiiigency access to lhei Blan area i-s may bei priovided by bolh public stilacits and
gal ens Emergency V ahicica Access (EVA)points. ...
25. Revise page 3-12, numbeued paragraph 5, as follows:
5. Collector strecats will bei designed to acacommodatca bicyclists with Class II
on-slreiet bikle lanes. In conformng to C:iiy of San Ramon standards and
Bite D:istrical requircments, all. streiets shall provide a m:in4riurri 20 It. wide
unobstrucaled travel-way which aulomobiles and bicyclists can shale safely..
and which can accommodate cn eigency vehicles.
26. Revise caertaiin street section figureis as follows:
a Frgwe, 14
S. Th( enhanced nomdan and wiil dfi conridori iIocailed whihin the portion of
the pilan arEa east cf Bohlinger Canyon Road shall be improued and
mainilainea a6 a pa& ive ...
28. Rlevise pages 5-8, seciond paragraph unden Riparian and Wildlife Corridor, as follows:
Afteri rcicionstrualion, lino devcilopment, grading, ori aonstruictiion is permitted
within the ciarridor, with the axciept:ion of perimater fending and drainage
f6ail:ities, ...
29. Rlev:ise page 5-10, fiiisl paragraph, as follows:
When added to the cm-sites open spaaa preserved within the ciasterni pordon aft the
Blan Area (the Fa6a prioperty), these additional 43�144 acrus will Jnaraasci the
nal io of I open spaaci ...
Also revise pages 5-10, seacmd paragiiaph, as follows:
... Within lhci Man Area, a publ:ici triaiil system is proposed la be fully developed
and impriovad pef to C:i lir EBRF D stamdards. ...
30. Rleviise page_`-12, undeui RoAit Garden as follows:
A .f--acne memorial riosci garden is planned to be localcid adjacent to the westeii
on wJ 1 hin thea Community Park.
31. Rlciviise page 6-1, sixth paragraph unden Pohici(si as follows:
An apprioximalely 1.6•acrie sine is proposed fora an educational facility, local ed
ii the southeast corneri oft the plan
�12. Raviise page 6-1, last paragriaph, as follows:
An 1-yto 6.1-aicne s:ita is proposed fon a house of warship,near 1ha
Bollinger Canyon enlrancie ...
'I3. Ravi se page 6-4 under Objechliie B, Poficiesi, as fbllows:
1. Brovida pedastriian connealions linking 1he oxisting neJ3 hborihoods and the
prioposed community park)to balh the educational facility and the house of
Tho public tria'il sNstcim within the Plan Arcia shall conned the community
parld to both lhci eduaatIonal f�aaiility and housci oft woiiship thriough a senias at
pedestriian paths aonneciting 1 a the rusi dantial neii ghborhood s in the PI din
Aiiea: as well as ex.'sting neighborhoods soulh of lhci Man Area. ...
34. Rkivise page 6-5, top oft page, as follows:
Narthmsi Srp lic Man 9nc to SheEil Hage EI a113
bei pnovideid via Ballinger CalnNaan and Funduea Road and four gaited EVA points
(see also Figurei 3-2 Fnaaposed Clilraulation Diagram). Two possJit le EVA points
area .locialted in the following lociations: ...
35. Revise page 7-6, suciond paragraph, as follows:
... The aawner of IHe Faria Freisearvea property has submitted both flat naaof and
p:ilahled roof designs fon thea apartment bt ildings located in Neaighborihoods C and
D. Whilei the flat-roof buildings are less thlan 'I2 feet in heaigHl, thle pitched roof
design reasults in apartmeint builldings that slightly eVeeed 32 feetwould be up to
44 feaeit in hle:ighlt. ..
36. Revise Table 7-2 shown on pages 7-7 to 7-8 as follows:
Pic v isiona of ACOD &I Ordiriaraaea 1517 ll�WS P Consistency
A.Struicituaes sHasll Nei prah:ib:ited in the fallowing ajens: Consistent,in aKicardancei
1. hone wilh ani existing mitwal slapei in eixceiss of 24%a with ai with vole an the C Dy of
minimum elowit:ion c iffenemitkil of 4 a feel and Ei minimum San Rlamani's GemercaiI PI ani
contiguous areiai of?I acres (March 2002)
2. Crosts of Major amd Minar Ridges Consistent,no exeegtier
reqin accandance wiilh
vata ori C it y of:lama
Haman's Genema Plan
(March 20021
d. WIthini 100 feaeit,meiaisurec vertically of tho cenlerlinei of ai magar C ansiistanl,ne e3keeptier
ridge,or within 50 feel,measureK venitically,of the cientarl ire of a fequired-nn accordance with
n iinon nit ge vatei on C ily of,lam
RamanPs Genercad P:Ian
(March 20021
4. Witt in 100 feieit of lhei cenlerlina of a creiedc an streiamn channel C ans]stenl,ne exeeptier
identifieid on lhei RIC PZ maip reed-:in accordance wilh
vatei an C i I y of Sam
Raimoni's Clenicind Plain
(March 20021
H.Denisily of lane s ani wih'icH sttluiclureis may bei huill shad]bei 1:indied to al Ccns'isteinl,ria euaiciespltion
rr amimuim of 1 dwelling unit/5 acarus an slapees beitwieen 15-3090,and 1 roquired.
unit/1 xiie ani slapus lJowaeni 10-11 io.Wiilh:in tHesa densiily ninilleis,units
may he tdansfeirreK sa ais to circialci a rcdaitivedy elven density ggadienl filom
h:ighen density on 1 a% slopeis to lowieui c easily an 20%slapeis, wilhaut
increasing the Iola] niumherr of unit].Areiais an wtlicih stducluras ase
prah:ib iced shad]ba credited with a densiily of 1 unit In aicreis,wihicih
density may bei a aencisod only upon uEnsfew to a developable area.
C.Whc ru struciureis ares prapasec wilhiin 1(100 feied of a mayar sic gei,lhei Canisislcint rte exeeptier
build rig paid shall bei ggadeid amd Nuiildings dusignicid and Nutilt sa thal lhei required wherrei sti 11
struiclwei maiintainis a laws Flraflle aippleiarancei acrd conforms to the nalural applicialllei followng
ggadei of the Hill lsidei. applicia i ion ofrgra ing
provision of Fig. Eg_I-:I of
voles-appnavec :102(1
Clemienaul Plan to create
buildable site.
11.Altercaitions of e.Nisi ing naiturad on art ificiial canitauus of land shall bei Coris islent neexeeptiert
minimized.Any naluralcontaurallenec bygilacingshadlbei rouncec and require wherast:illl
shaped,ant reve etated to simulate niattwal terrain,unleiss an an individual applicable after Q12lication
N(ulhwes' Sgeacilic Rlan 9nuaia SheaER Page 9 all 11'3
site wHenia th is waulld diminish(if eni spore or signifieam nanlura0 feanlureis of of grafi ing nrav imian of Fig.
the silo.Gracing shad] fo➢lcawi lhei naitwad tal cagral h ici eanlours as mulch as 81-31 of voleir-approvec 210,16
possible. Clenieral Plain to ciiam
buildable site
E.SUIuidwas within areas subject 10 this seKitiion of the C anseirual:ion Consistent ais aurrayily
Elamanl shad]bei limit& 10 zi maximum height of_10 feel filom thea lawiesl la proposeid,no eixcigptiani
the highest Forints of the stilucitwa wihicb area above galour . vequirad foji bui.ik in s nal
wiaeaead:inag_121 feat; will
nectuiria ai vales if buiildiing_s
area prapased in excess of
312 feel (i n i Nei g_h banccaods
C ar D .E3ceeptTen
r-equir-ed(dependent en the
design ef the housing units
A.Maximum streat giladeis shall bei 1',I%,arid maximum driivaway gilades ConsistenRne exeeptiea
shale be il°%a. Special stcleiels suKih as orae-way streets,splil-llewil stileenls,enc rimed wihearea s1:il]
dcaid-erd stileeits,and rn not uarizitionis filom the graida slanc and may bei aappliciablei aifUear appliciaton
aciceplab:la wberi their usei is justified bN detained enigineaerirg and tiziffie of Braiding provision of Fig.
stole ieas,upori find:irg thait such stileai and minar varial:ians area nKK:eissary to EI-3 of uoil er-VRravad 2a2(1
achieve the Flurposeas of this cihaapter. General Alain to cii
buildable site
G.Buiildiin€1 c esignis shall cioniform to the natural ]ard farm and einhairca the C onsistent no exeeptiera
ciharaatar of the site,arid shauild use thea follcaw:ing tecihniicueas: r-equife. "ii s1 it
it. The uses of mull i.Rivet founc at icans(flaar leivai separanled by as aila aai appliaal ian
minimum of 4 feet; shall be peirmitteid as ai dcsigni ilov vasidenl ia1 ofarg idiing provision ail Fig.
struclures laciaed an hillsides with slapas caf'If-2(1%. 8-3 of eater-appraveid 2x2(1
2. Rocaflines shad]redaitea tea the slapc and loFogilaphy,and shad] ba as Ganara:l Plaine to cireaRa
inconispicuiouis as possible.Flan) jioafs maN ba used. buiildabla sites
3. fleciond story Ievals of struiatwes,if any,shah iincorpovale a variety
of bays,recesses,ovarhanigs,or satbaciks,on the dawinhill nide of
rhea struKduwe,so that the appearance of varticial mass enc the visuiad
impact ori t hes surrounding areia area roc uKied.
H.Whearea nialw a]bufld:inig l aids da viol eDiisl an zi f arcea:l,:lim teid gilad irg C ansisteinl ne e3keeptiert
sb all be usead tea ciraarta bui Id inig paads so 1 haat stilucitwas area law in frafllea and required where still
ca riot jeeluuiea retaining wii car supAlorl strucilwes.Extemiar struidwal aile aflem aapplicianlian
supparts zinc undearsideas of floods and deckd shall r of eoccieaed 12 faeat in of grading pjiavisian of Hi g.
height,and shall cantly bei used wihene the P:lannimig C ammissiani finds 1 hat 8.3 of vatear-appravad 2(120
(1)no alternative types of cianstructiani is feaisiblea;(T ggaiding to edin irmi Genared Plana 10 chaeta
thea mead far such support structweis wiau]d result in severe envivonmantal buiilldaablle s:itea
darnaigea and 113; na buiId irg areal exists on thea praperty which wKauild
ediminiale car rec ucia rhea neied far such suppart:.Whearea such sufpart
strucitwes area used,thea dwellfing un) shad]be l imitac 10 ore slandarc slovy
in height,aibove tha support slrucnlure.
37. Reviser they char) page 7-13 as fcillows:
a. Udder Naighbanhood A, Lot Ailea t1s.f.), Ileplace-5—,500 wilt 5,000;
b. Under Neigt bonhocrd B, Reran Y and Setback(ft.:,, cit anger 3' Bldg. _��oe to 3'
Bldg. 4' Ganago
c. Ulndar Naighbonhood B, SidaNand Setback, cit anga 4 1a 0'.
d. Ulnidar Neighborhood E, Rnont Yanc Setback, changa 4-52 1cr 20'.
h arthmisl SAlecillic Ran EI rar a St CEI- Flagc r( all 13
ea. Undeii Neighbotho ad A, Flanking Fleii Unit, add a note 1611 ofistreaet parking: Flanking f6
second umils wilhin thea fiiontyard setbacak are permitled on a perrneaable surf aciea, subjeel to
iimievc and approval by Blanning Sendcieas.
f. Undear Neaighbonhood C, Flanking Fleur Unit, add a note foci onslreaet parking: Gueasl
parking may be permilted on the spine ruaad.
g. Add a neve tow undear the row lit:cid"M axiimum Haight(ft.)" New riovc should bel
titlead"Altemalea Maximum Heaighl (ff.) (in eavent aapplicanl elects lea gca to votes " Under
Neighbothcaods A, B, and E, cells should hauea"--." Under Neaigh»orihoods C and E, sells
should have "44"'.
38. Bage 1-20, undem Fiscal A nalymbi:
imelude eur-rentfigures-, refleetive ef the 2006 2007 Gify budget, This.
.-Wintaining te.t. e Platt Area. Addifienal detail regarding t&
develepment pr-egr-am will be positive, with the feventies generated estimated to be
By buildeut, the pfepesed development in the Plan Mea is expeeted to gener-ate annual
r,evenue of appr-eximately$929,000 to the City's General Ftmd, as shown in Table 7 5
Grener-al Fund eests will be$808,000 eaeh year at buildetit. The restilfing net impaet
the Gener-a4 Ftmd will be a*aftnual positive surplus ef appr-eximmately$121,000, with
General Ftmr-ewnties about 15% .,beve Gefie fa Fund eests
1. The NorthwE it Speciific Plan will riot generaate sufficiient nevi,nce si ala cove n alhe casitsi alo
the C ity of prou siding public sie rvice si.
The fiscal aanalys s easlimateas that Northwesl Specific Man lievenues will Eel 18% lower
than lhea costs of providing the public sarwices reaquiread by lhea plan. By buildout, thea
Plan's deauealopment pnogiiam is eaxpeacted to grenearate annual reavenuea of approximate]X
$1.08 million to the Clity's Geanearal Bund, as shown in Table 7.4. Gelnelrall Bund costs will
ba$1.28 million each year at E uildout. Thea resulting net impacal on thea Geaneuial Fund will
bei an annual deficit of apprioximatealy$200,000 (in 200( dollars).
arthw est Specillic Man Eim to Sheat FlagEa l 1 all 13
2. Genera Fund reiveinue s will ciom a friom a number of somicas, though piiopeirty 1 a)a wila
make up the majority cif the City's new revenues.
appr-exifnately$473,000 eaeh yeaf(in 2004 dollars) at buildeet. Sales tax revenue (base
eensefvatively, but is expeeted te eentfibute at least$68,000 annually to the City's
none...,, Fkm . Brcperl y tax is expeciled to generialei apprioximalely$_` 10,000 eiach yeiarn On
2006 dollarns) at Projecit buildout. Nroperty la)a :in liau of vehIcile license fads is expecled to
ge neirate 4pproxii m ate]y$17(1,000 each year. Thai s eisl i mates:i s based cin EPS's
underistanding of Senale Bill 1096 guiideilines on cialoullation of this lievenue source for
aitkis. Changes fon services are axpacited to generale$180,000 annually. Togetheri lhesei
three raveinua sciumcis account for oven 80% of 1ola1 Geneiral Flund revenues from lhei
Northwast Speciific Plan. Saeis tax reivenuei (based on eislimateid taxable nelail sales
attributable lc newproject houseihollds) was estimated conservatively, but its eixpxtad to
contribute at least$60,000 annually to the City's Geine sal Fund.
3. Police services isi expected to be the highest siervicE cowl item in iihe Generail Funa
asisociiailea with the plroposed aevelloplment,joillloxed by Publlic Servicesi and Parks ana
Corrununit) 6ervicesi and publieeL.
New police seniice costs wflll makle up almost 40% 38% of the of the naw General Fund
costs al $317,000 $490,000 each year at buildout,
new.,.,,a, are estimated at about$271,000 eaeh yon whiles Bublic Serviou costs for
maintenances of new parks and otheri publi ci'nfrastruicture are eslimaled al about$390.(100
eiach year. Publie wer- s eests Parks and Community Servicers costs ane eistimatud at about
$2f 0,(100 peir,year.
Nage 1-21,Tabllei 7-4 (Annuall Discal Impact to lhei City's Generiall Fund at Nrojeal
Builldout)is amanded as follows:
Property Tax $47�106 508 880
Sales and Usei flax $FiB,21-0 JQ631
Property Transfer Tax j69 971
Branahlsa Rieis $3A;OSS 54 759
Motor Mahiale Liceinsa Feie(MVLF) $n��6 16 365
VLP Adjustment Amount(Property Two in-lieiu cif VLF) $,n� 171 264
Charges for 111eirviae Q,�O- 181 716
Finis and Porfaillures $46;630 117 167
Total] Rlcrveuuesi Qn�6— 1082 753
General Goveirnmant Q,� 116,839
Human Resouraas $942 16 473
lEnancei $V)--,4M IM033
Bolice Seniiceis 487 906
Engineering Services 67 275
Bubliic WeAs-Services $1780 JaU,552
Banks and Community Servlaes $ 0;950 IZ52 192
Nor hwesl SpEicifio Plzen Eii efla Jhcel Pagel 13 of 13
Total Expenditures $807,888-$1,279,983
Nct G enei al Fund Surplus/Deficit $ 7 LU97 230
Slaurce:Economic anc P.aiming SNs ems,Inc.
39. Aage 7-22, Add the fb'llowing sentence to tha end of the paragraph baginning"E mkbana
i nhastruc i1 ura will and commun:i 1}I f kiil:i 1 i es . . . ":
Flor eNampllle, pamk fees acmtriibuled by Neighborhood E that ane not spent on
:improvemeints to 1 ha park proposcid 1611 1 hi s neighborhood would help fund a portion of
the neva 12.7 Clommunily Park to ba lociated w>ilhin the eastern portion of the Plan Asea.
Nur Mull SpEdfic Plan 9n ala ShEid Pagei 13 cif'I�
Northwest Specific Plan
NWSP-OS 1 N �LDR�\ ;o...
't deigbhorhood A \•\ r \\ .'' '_t.__..._- "r ,680 i \
P.0 U Road-
\ — —: a NWSP-dnR
\7 ��
Neighborhood c � i i •\......,t.,. : '�� ..... -�. :• -
Neighborhood 0 NWSP-P/S
Nelghborhood 8 � \
NWr-P-P Reservoir Tank,.,-' Ed a o {-'-- 1
' n
o� %��
ucatl al;
�l Nel hbor ood .. community Bark
�\� Illty
House! r �•_.ijJ � \ i z'. ��� /•
\r '—.. Worship/
N SP-OS `'' NIjUSP,UH, R =' tL
De `
N / �0
co Fi gm,ra 7-1
0 500' 1000' 1 cnn'
City of San Ramon
RESOLUTION NC. 21008-132
(A PINS: 2108-2401.4148; 208-24(1-005; 21(181-260-04(; 20EI-250-011; and 2081-2140-039)
WHEREAS, on 81ciplcimber 1, 3(104, applications were &cid byl Clarcimoril Homers
raiquesting consideratian aft applications for lhci Flaria Breserve Communilyb which) ir.icduded
a Major Subdivision (Vesting Tenlativo Map "VTM"]-818191), Demeloplmcnl Plan, and
Architectural Revuaw, fan -)86 hamas (single- and multi-ffmily) in fhur naighblorhoods,
community) facdlilies and oplen space, and associated giladinig and inifrastruciture
improvements an an approximately 290-acro sits located ad.jaear.it la City Limits, within
the City's Urblan Giiowth Boundary{I("UGE"), and within the Nortbwasl Spacrific Alan Arcia
('NWI SB"); and
W HEREA S, an Decarnbler 6, 2004, City,staff decim& the arTIlicalioni request la be
compllale for processing pursuant to Gouernmenl Coda Sactian 6fIS143; and
"WHEREAS, on Novarnbler 381, 2006, the City Cour.ickl certifiad tha Northwest
8pacufic Plan / Flaria Braserve Communily Br.ivironmanital Impact Rapart I1"NWSH HIR");
adopted findings and a slatemamit afl omerrid:ng con,iidcuiations; and approuad 1ha NWSP
and ralalad prazonings for 1ha Fariia Brascirva IIPZ-06-610-003) and on Dacember 5, 3006
the Planning Commission approvied VITM-8181511 fbri tha Blariia Braserve Communily (1"Flaria
Braserve VIIM"), which tWoue eommitmiants to construct idcnlified amounts of
affordable housing on site, has determined blyl the Cily{I to qualify{I as a housing devielopmant
project for vary low-, low-, or moderate income housahoRs purisuar.it to the Callifornia
Tanning& Zoning law; and
WHEREAS, on Dcicembcr 2i, 2007, 1ha East Bay Ragional Parks Distr.Ick
("EBR.IID") and the Siicirra Club filled suits cha:llanging certain approvials required for
damelopment of the Blariia Fraserva Communily; and
WHEREAS, in ApFil 2008, the Flaria Plrescirva pinopor.iants, BBR.PD, 'Terra Club,
thle City of San Ramon, avid the landowr.iar,i avid applicants for the Flaria Prescnia
Clo=umity{I entcrcid into two Compreharisiva Agrlearnenits to Scfttla Litigation ("Seltlemiamit
Agrecirncmit,i"); and
WHEREAS, 1ha Scittkiment Agrleciments require the proponcir.its of the Fariia
Preservie Community) to maks eartain minor mia&Eciations to thlci Fariia Presanie V'DM to
address :s,iucis and concarns raiscid by EBR.IID and 1ha Sierra Club, including raduclions in
thla fbotpriint of tba largest singly family)rasidenlial neighborhood within the project; and
WHEREAS, consistent with 111a raquitemanls of 1Iha SettlemenI Agraemanls, 1ha
plzioplonarits aft lha Fariia Presarvia Cammunityl Have applied to the City for approval aft lha
folkiwing refinements whichl result in mir.iar modification 10 the Baria Piiescnia Communiilyl
("Setllemeril-Ralalad Rlafiniements"):
• Recuctioni in siaa of Neighlbonhload"A" aflthle Fariia Frasarve Community rasullting
in niel decreiase oft aplppiaximatelyl 5.1 acnes in disturbed areia.
• Expanisian aflthle open splace areia:in thle northwest corneni of 1ha Illariia Ilreserve
Community)and permaneinl protection oflthis expanded oplan spacie aiiaa thilough a
cor.iservation easement oii simillan machlaniism along withl 1ha oplen splaca
sunour.i6r.i8 it.
• Shiftin8 of the ziecriealeid creiakl and riparian corridor to a ilaeation adjacent to oplan
splaee areias and improving thle fun ctian as a wildlife cion activity)arcia.
• Elslablishmlenit oft a neva EBRFIDI 1nai:l staging aiiaa at 1ha waslarnmosl edge of
Nei ghbanhlood D avid ad j acarit 1 o r enghboiihload B.
• Adjustment to the bound afias oflthle adjacent Neiabborhlooc s E and D to raflect lhla
Neighborhlood "A"reduction, accommodate a view EBRPLI slaging area, and allow
for raductiani in hleight of units in lhlat niaighboiihlaod from thilee slariias to two
storieis, improving vistas and aesthetics from neighboring proplertias.
• Incneiasad landscapling and planting raquiiiemerils to ppiovida enhancad visual
shliellcing of the plrajact from both) San Ramon Valley)Baullavaiid as well as 1ha
inlarseicticn cif lNorris Canrypn Rload aria Bollinger Clanryan Roac, as inidicalad in
illusliiativu Exhlibit 4.
WHEREAS, Cond itian of Applrovall No. 7 for 1ha Fariia Preservie Community)
ppiavideis thlal: "With) tha exception of setbacks, garage sizes, arc plarkling requiraments,
davialionis aft up to l 01/ from the minimum c evedopment standards establlishlec for the
plrajecl may be alllowad withl the approval, aft the Alanning/Communityl Davalopment
D:iracton;" and
WHEREA S, bacauae the Setllemerit-Rlelated Rlefinememits may be aplplraved by the
Plannir.ig/Commurityl Develapmarit Directar but thle Sattlament Aplaemarils were
apppiaved by the City Counicia, the Sattllamenil-•Rlelated Rlefinaments hava baen refdrrec by
lhla Alanning/Communityl Develapmarit IIiractor to the City Council and ana ppiaplosed to
be approved thilaugh chis Resolution oflthe City Council; and
WHEREAS,tha Planninig/Communiily I]aveloplmenit Director has inidical ad His
eancrurrarice in tha aplppoval of tha Sattlamenl-Ralatad Rafinemcnls dasaribad:in this
resolution and thasupporting dacumaritatior.i through blis signature on thle staff report
recommending Clity Council adoption of the Settlement-Related Rafiniemenils; and
Paige a cif 5
WHEREAS, ncalice of lhlei Cityl Council's considmatican of This tescilution and an
opportunity)to commarnt on the reasoluticm were provided at a regularly) scbledulead mecling
of thea City)Clcauncil cm June 24, 1008.
HEREBY ABPROVES the Seattleament-Related Reifineimeints ideantified abovea and those
ref.eacated on 1ha altachead illustralive sites plan litleid "Reducead Neigbborihlaod "A" FootfIriint
and Related Refinements" and darted May 30, 2008 Exhlibil 11, including micad:ificaliowi to
the Faria Preservie VITM raflectac can revised VITM shleels altacHed hlerelo (Bxh:'bit:a 2 and
j), and enbancead:illualrative landsacaaping plans Exhlibit 4)brined on thea following f ndinE s:
1. Thea Seattlament-Rclatead R eafinemeanls da not reasult in 1ha addition of neva units,
buildiriE sites, or struactures; anis cansistent with tha interni and spirit of tha original
Vesting'lantalive Map approved fbr the Farina Prasarvia Communityl on Decaembear
-1, 2006; ar.d do not rasull in violaticans cif the Clityl's Municipal Code.
2. The Sattlemeanl-Ralatad Raf nemanls implamented thrlougb this iieisolulion ara
caonsistent with 1ha goals, Fiolicias, and objectives of thea Cityl's Geanearal Plan and the
NortHweast Spacifia Rlan. Theayl are also cowiisient wish apFllicabla provisions of lha
Cityl's Zoning Ciidiraance and fully)implamant 1ha cand:ilions of approval and
miitigation mieaasureas that wera imposed on tha Barna Freaserve Commun:ily as
cariigilraallyl appiiovad.
3. Thle buffer area eastabl:i shod bet%aen thle rear proparty lines aft thea northlci nmost lots
w:ilhin NeigLborhlood"A" (see Exhibit l,) and caxisting EBRRI]property to tHea norill aft
Nei gbborhlood"A"is 100 feet or grealar and shall be subjacat 1a an open spacie
mianagemeanl plan that ,iupprcisses fire c anger thrloughi mairatenancie aft a grass ar d
brusH aleaamancae praggam and shall providea acaceass for fires supprassican equipment.
Such open spaces rriaraagement plan shla:l] b a prapared byl Ihle davelapears ofllIla Farina
Preserva Cammuniq anc Ala]] ba revi ewed and approved byl l Ila San R aman V tall I ey
Ekren Dlistriat and EBRRD prior to issuanae of a final maap for Neigll barhaac "A".
4. Tha Faria Freaserve VTM, as modified by this resolution, ccanforms to 1ha
diagrammalic rapreisanlation afIland use dislricts reiprasentad in »iguria 7-1 afItha
Northlweast Spaciif c Flan and implemeirated as Fllannad D avalopmenat acaniiriE foci lhlei
Flaria Frasarva Commuraityl thraugb Ordinanca-'186.
5. Tha Sattleiment-•Related Refinements implemianted lhrougb this carder do not
acampromisea anyl flaatures of 1ha Faria Freaserve Ccammunityl that yuan specifica]lyl
addrasseid in, or were tble basis fbr, condilioras aflapprioval for lhei project or that
were a specific caonsideralion byl the Planning Commissions in apprcav:ing the Faria
Presania VITM ori miligatican measures:imposed can the projecat through cartificiation
of tha NWSP HIR, adaption of rie]ated firadirags, and imposition of conditions of
aafiprovall ora thea F ariia Presanie Commiunily.
6. '➢ha Satttlarnent•Related Rafiraaments dascriibad blerein do naot axpand 1ha Haar arca
or 1ha outdoor act:ivily area for 1ha Aaria Freiservie Clcammuniily as origjnallyl
Ha�je 3 of S
appromed by 1CI% or morel--the lhroshoad established by the Municipal Code kill
approma off site plan ahlarigas by the 1111anning/Communityl I]evielopmcnl Direclov.
7. Me City C auncil has ir.ic epcndcnllyl axarnined the 9etilemiarit-R cdatec R afiniernar s
in light oflthe NWSA EIR and tha fir.icings prcmiouis;lyl adopted in connactian with
approvta"I of the Baria Priesania MTM. Basad on lhli:i zieview lhla City C auncil finds
lhlat the envrironmenlal affects of lhla Setllemarit-Ralai ad Reflnemarils were fully
examined in the NWSA EIR. The City Clauncil determines lhlat lhara are no new
substanlial changes la the prajact or to the airicumstanaas under which the prajecl is
undertaken thal would require rcmisions to the N WSPI EIR r.icm is there anyl new
ir.ifkirmalion that reviaals new or more sauere affects th an Alawrii in the NW SPI HIR
ar new ar considcniablyl differed miligalion than descwibed ir. the NWSP FIR. This
cionaluisian i:i docnaimenited in an Addendum to lhla Northlwest Specifia Plan/Flar'ia
Plrescnici Community)EIR thal is hereby adopted by the City Council. Thlesa
findings inaarl oriala by refkniaricie lhle NWSA EIR and the findingEi and stalemenl of
avierriding cionsidaiations adopted in aannecition with approval of lhla Baria
Preserva MTM.
8. Me detcmniniatians by lhla Planning Commission tiff consistcnay batty aen lha Baria
Presarva MTM and the Gcnaial Paan, Specific Paan, Subdiuisian Ordinance, and
Munickpal Coda are unaffected bNj the Setllemenl-Rcdatad Refinements sel forthl
9. The grading footprint for the Fariia Plreser-vie ClommunitNk including the Settlement-
Related Rafilnements appromed by thlis resolution, aompINI Withl the City's
application of Ridgelir.ia Bralaction Zones for the weEiterlyl and easterly ridge;lir.icu
consistent w:ilh the General Plan Land Ulsci Dliagrlami, Genierial Blan Falicyl4.7-1-1,
and General Plan Figure 8.3.
1 CL 11A i ng acaounl of the Satt:l emanit-R el ated Rafinemenl s sel forthl herein, lha Cil y
Couricda affirms tha Blanning Commis:uon's determinations that:
a. Me Baria Preservie Commun:ilNI Sita is physicalINI suitable for the type off
development proposed, and for the piioposed dar.isily ofldeme:lopmenl; ant
b. Me design of lha Baria Preserme Cammuinityl is unlike:lyl to cause either
substanlial environmental damage, substantial and amoidable injury)to fishl
or wildlife ar their habitat, or serious public health prab:lems; and
a. The Baria Plresania Communil y piiomid es, to the extent feasible gimen lha
nature of the site and the challenges faaad:in dasigni r.ig a vJable
demelapmiar.it project, kir future passime or natural healing ov cooling
11. The Seltlemiar.it-IRalalad Refrniemaril:i veil r.ial alter the lociatian, deEiigrl, ar intensify
of landscaping squired in order to buffer the Aariia Prieser-via Parkway fram existing
proparties la the south cif the Plan Area. 'Ilhe location and alignment of the wasl ami
portion of lha Baria Flreserme Parkway remains unchanged by thle Settlemenl--
Pagel 4 of`
Rell ated Rcafinicaments.
la. Thea Scattilcament-Relaled Refancamcants approved byl This aclion do not affecl the
ability)ofIthle Fariia Arcascarvca Community to satisfy)all pearflrirmaricae standards set
forth) ini the Gcancaral Plan's Craw thl Managemcar.it Miagrlam, as descaribed ini the
approval of the original Flariia Ancascarvca VITM.
FIA SSED, APPRIOVEE AND AEOPITED an this 241h dayl of June 2008 byl the
flrallwAinig vote:
AYES: Counc;iknemibeto Htcdson, Perkins ana Vice MaycinLAingstone
1\O ES:
ABSENT: ComiciilmemberRowkyl andMayloya Wikon
QJv;irn-6's'1 t�onca, V' e Mayor
Pal ric:ia Edw ands, Cityl C 11cuR
Exh:it it 1: Illustnativca Site Plan -- Reduccad Ncaighbarblood"A"Footprint &Rcalatcad
R cafinemenl s
Exhl:ibiit 2: Modificad Vcasting Tentative Map Shleels -Ncaighbarhood"A"
Exh:it it 3: Modificad Vcasting Tentative Map Shleels -Ncaighbarhlood B
Exhit it 4: Illustnativca Enhanced Llandsaaping Blanc
Exhibit ` : Zoning and Dlevielopmenl Slandands—Ncaighlbarhood"A"
Page 5 of `I
SUltsamtS1V1N Z3991
Table 7,3 Zoning and DuvclupiuGut Standa,.ds {Nci�?hburhuua A)
Table 7-3 10%Reduction Kevised Neigflborhood A Proposed Plan
Lot AAua 5,000sf 4,500sf All lots will meet 5,000sf—No Modificat;oub Required
Lot Width(2) 52' 47' All lots will ineet 47' with 53%meeting 52'
Lot width Setback 55' 50' All lots will meet 5u' with 53%meeting 55'
cul-De-Sac Frontage 35' 32' All hits will meet 35' —No modirtcatiuns Required
Lut Depth 1W 9u' All lots will meet 90' with 95%meGtin.g luu'
Setbacks No Moditications Allowed or Requested
Minimum Bvtw.-... No Modifications Allowect or Keyuested
Maximum Height 3z' NIA All lots will meet 32' —No Modifications Required
Parking No modifications Allowed or Requested
1. Per condition or Approval 7,"...deviations of up to 10%froze,the minimum development standards tar the project may ba
2. The revised land plan consists of 106—55'x100'typical lots and 94—5U'xtUU'typical tots
PA1300.139911378.OWevelopmem eurandards(Ne[gnbornaoa A).doc
(APNs: 208-240-005, -007, -008, -052 to -055, -057, -058,208-260-046,AND 208-250-011)
WHEREAS, on October 4, 2012, applications were filed by Lafferty Communities
requesting consideration of the Revised Faria Preserve Community, which included a Major
Subdivision(VTM-9342)to create parcels for 786 residential units(single-and multi-family)in five
neighborhoods,a Development Plan Amendment,Architectural Review(for 476 single-family units
in four neighborhoods) and Environmental Review for the development of 786 residential units
(single- and multi-family), community facilities and open space, and associated grading and
infrastructure improvements on an approximately 290-acre site located within City Limits and the
City's Urban Growth Boundary ("UGB"), and within the Northwest Specific Plan Area; and
WHEREAS,on October 16,2012,the City Council and Planning Commission held a joint
public workshop to discuss the conceptual site plan proposal and gave an opportunity for the public
to provide input on the proposal; and
WHEREAS,based on comments received from the October 16, 2012 joint workshop, the
applicant amended their conceptual site plan to reduce the total housing unit proposal from 786 to
751 residential units. The revised conceptual site plan was presented at a Planning Commission
study session on January 15,2013 where further discussion and input was received from the public
and Planning Commission; and
WHEREAS, on February 14, March 7, April 11, May 9, June 13, July 11 and August 8,
2013,the Architectural Review Board("ARB")reviewed the subdivision layout,residential building
architecture,community pool,preliminary landscape plans and associated grading and infrastructure
improvements for the Faria Preserve Community and provided specific design recommendations to
the Planning Commission and resulted in Project site design, architecture and landscape changes
including a reduction of eleven residential units,reducing the total housing unit proposal from 751 to
740 residential units; and
WHEREAS,Parks and Community Services Commission Facilities Committee reviewed a
draft conceptual Faria Park plan on March 27, 2013, the full Parks and Community Services
Commission held public hearings on the conceptual park plan on May 8,August 14,and September
11,2013,and held one public workshop on July 18,2013 to consider the conceptual Faria Park plan;
WHEREAS,on October 24,2013,the Housing Advisory Committee("HAC")reviewed the
proposed revised Faria Preserve Community affordable housing proposal and provided comments
for the Planning Commission's consideration; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held duly-notice public hearings on November 19
and December 17,2013,January 7,January 21, February 4,March 4,April 15,and May 6,2014 to
consider the proposed Project; and
WHEREAS,an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration(IS/MND 12-250-004)for the
proposed revised Faria Preserve Community was prepared pursuant to Section 15070 of the
California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended; and
WHEREAS,the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration was circulated for a 30-day
public review period in accordance with section 15070 and 15073 of the California Environmental
Quality Act(CEQA)guidelines,commencing on December 6,2013 and ended on January 13,2014;
WHEREAS, on January 7, 2014, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the
subject applications and Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration,where the staff report,plans,
and other pertinent documents, and public testimony relating to the proposed Project applications
and Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 12-250-004)were heard and considered; and
WHEREAS, a response to comments received on the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative
Declaration was included in the January 21, 2014 staff report and at the January 21s`public hearing;
WHEREAS, at the January 21, 2014 Planning Commission public hearing, the applicant
stated that based on comments received through the public hearing process,they have modified the
Project to relocate the project entryway from Deerwood Road to Purdue Road; and
WHEREAS,on February 4,2014,the applicant amended their affordable housing proposal
to reduce the overall number of rental affordable housing units proposed from 112 to 99 while
maintaining a total of 28.8% of all units as affordable; and
WHEREAS,a 46-unit reduction from the previously approved vesting tentative map(VTM
8891) from 786 housing units to 740 housing units is consistent with the City's adopted Housing
Element and General Plan because the Housing Element identifies adequate housing opportunity
sites with excess housing capacity to meet the City's Regional Housing Needs Allocation; and
Page 2 of 6
WHEREAS,on March 4,2014,the applicant modified the Project to relocate the designated
future house of worship parcel from the northeast corner of Bollinger Canyon Road and Faria
Preserve Parkway to within Neighborhood V; and
WHEREAS,as a result of the relocation of the house of worship parcel and the relocation of
the proposed primary eastern site access from Deerwood Road to Purdue Road, the City's
environmental consultant prepared a memorandum dated March 13, 2014 to examine if the Project
modifications would result in changes to the Project's environmental impacts and mitigation
measures; and
WHEREAS,the City determined that re-circulation of the IS/M1*4D and the March 13,2014
memorandum evaluating the environmental impacts of the Project was appropriate and thus a 30-day
public review period began on March 17, 2014 and closed on April 15, 2014; and
WHEREAS,a response to comments received on the recirculated IS/MND was prepared and
no environmental impacts in addition to those discussed in the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative
Declaration and the memorandum evaluating the environmental impacts of the Project were
identified during the public hearing testimony or in the written comments; and
WHEREAS,mitigation measures and a monitoring program have been recommended by the
Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration to be adopted as part of the project to reduce any
potential impact to a less that significant level; and
WHEREAS,Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration(IS 12-250-004)adequately and
thoroughly assesses the environmental impacts associated with the Project and with incorporation of
the recommended Mitigation Measures, there is no substantial evidence in the record that the
proposed project will result in significant impacts to the environment; and
WHEREAS,on April 15, 2014, the Planning Commission directed staff to prepare a draft
Project Resolution with associated findings and conditions of project approval for the Commission's
consideration at the May 6, 2014 meeting; and
WHEREAS, on May 6, 2014, following a duly noticed public hearing, the City of San
Ramon Planning Commission approved Resolution No. 05-14 with findings and subject to the
Conditions of Approval attached as Exhibit"A",the Mitigation Measures and Monitoring Program
as Exhibit `B", and Development Plan and Vesting Tentative Map dated September 26, 2013 as
Exhibit "C" and as amended by the Conditions of Approval, thereby adopting Initial
Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration(IS 12-250-004)and approving the Development applications
for the Project,including a Vesting Tentative Map(VTM 9342;MJ 12-900-02),Development Plan
Amendment (DPA 12-310-003), and Architectural Review (AR 12-200-046); and
WHEREAS, on May 15, 2014, Councilmember Sachs, pursuant to Section 137-12 of the
Zoning Ordinance,initiated a Call for Review of the Planning Commission's Approval(Resolution.
No. 05-14); and
WHEREAS, a Call for Review is intended to avoid results inconsistent with the City's
Zoning Ordinance, and applicable procedures require the Council to conduct a hearing"de novo,"
Page 3 of 6
and authorize the Council to affirm,modify,or reverse the Planning Commission's original decision
following that hearing; and
WHEREAS, all of the reports,minutes and other documents constituting the record before
the Planning Commission were provided to the City Council for use in considering the Call for
Review; and
WHEREAS,on July 8,2014,the City Council held a duly-noticed public hearing on the Call
for Review at which there was a staff presentation and public comments received, and upon City
Council deliberation,continued the public hearing and requested staff return at a future hearing date
to address four discussion items: potential to add more senior housing units, study pedestrian
enhancements, provide explanation regarding the traffic analysis, and provide an alternative land
plan that would further reduce impacts to the Creek.; and
WHEREAS, on August 4, 2014, the City Council held its second duly-noticed public
hearing on the Call for Review at which there was a staff presentation and public comments
received,and upon City Council deliberation,continued the public hearing to September 9,2014 and
requested staff return with additional information on 1) whether the Northwest Specific Plan
requirement to set-aside 25% of total units as affordable units could be reduced in order to give the
applicant more flexibility to further reduce the overall housing unit count, and 2)if a unit reduction
commensurate with the percentage of development footprint reduction would further reduce Project
impacts; and
WHEREAS, on September 9, 2014, the City Council held its third duly-noticed public
hearing on the Call for Review at which there was a staff presentation, public comments received,
and City Council deliberation; and
WHEREAS,at the September 9,2014 City Council public hearing,the applicant stated their
continued support of affordable,workforce housing and their intent to enter into an agreement with
the Sentinels of Freedom, a non-profit organization, for the donation of one affordable, workforce
housing unit towards the housing of veterans of the armed forces should the Project be approved
with a total of 740 housing units; and
WHEREAS,at the September 9,2014 City Council public hearing,the applicant stated their
desire to offer a contribution to the City's open space fund for the preservation of open space in the
amount of$500,000 at the time of building permit issuance for the 100th housing unit and another
$500,000 at the time of building permit issuance for the 300th housing unit should the Project be
approved with a total of 740 housing units; and
WHEREAS, at the September 9, 2014 City Council public hearing, the City Council
discussed the need to incorporate three additional Project conditions of approval to: 1) enlarge the
usable rear yard space for homes on Milano Court and Caprio Court in Neighborhood 2,2)relocate
the Neighborhood 4 tot lot and increase the size of the former tot lot parcel to create open space
within the neighborhood,and 3)install two radar speed display signs along Bollinger Canyon Road,
and as part of that discussion the Council determined that none of the new conditions would cause
any new adverse environmental effects requiring study; and
Page 4 of 6
WHEREAS,the City Council voted unanimously to deny the Call for Review based on the
testimony received and directed staff to prepare a City Council Resolution to uphold the Planning
Commission's decision, adopting the findings and conditions as approved by Planning
Commission's Resolution No.05-14 with the incorporation of additional City Council conditions of
approval as set forth in Exhibit 2.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council, in the exercise of its
independent judgment,and based upon all the evidence in the record(including but not limited to all
application materials,project studies,CEQA documents,the written and oral staff reports,and oral
and written comments received by the City) does hereby make the following findings:
1. Regarding the Call for Review:
a. That the recitals above are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference;
b. That the Call for Review procedures as set forth in Section D7-12 of the Zoning
Ordinance have been satisfied as intended to ensure consistency with the Zoning
Ordinance; and
C. That the Call for Review's assertions that the General Plan identifies the project
property as being in a high landslide area and that the previous version of the Project
was denied by a State Regulatory Agency in part, for environmental impacts to
creeks, wetlands, and natural habitat areas have been adequately addressed in the
Call for Review hearings and as reflected in this Resolution; and
d. That the Call for Review requests to review the conditions of approval and the
proposed mitigation measures have been adequately responded to through re-
adoption of the Planning Commission conditions and the additional City Council
conditions set forth in Exhibit 2; and
e. That the May 6, 2014 decision of the Planning Commission is consistent with the
City's Zoning Ordinance and its purposes based on the findings and other
provisions in Planning Commission Resolution No. 05-14 and on all evidence in
the record before the Council on the Call for Review.
2. Regarding Planning Commission Resolution No. 05-14
a. That the recitals above are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference;
b. That all the findings set forth in its Resolution No.05-14 are applicable to the project
and form the basis to re-approve the project in affirming the Planning Commission's
prior approval of Resolution No. 05-14; and
C. That the Council did not support a housing unit reduction below the number of
housing units approved by Resolution No. 05-14 because of the large reduction of
affordable, workforce housing units that would result in an overall housing unit
reduction; and
Page 5 of 6
d. That this decision on the Call for Review is final and effective immediately
following the City Council action pursuant to Section 137-13B of the Zoning
NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the applicant is hereby given
notice that the 90-day period in which the applicant may protest any fees, dedications,reservations
or other exactions imposed on the development project and stated in the Conditions of Approval
attached hereto as part of Exhibit 1 shall commence upon passage of this Resolution pursuant to
Government Code Section 66020(d)(1).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council, in the
exercise of its independent judgment and based upon all the evidence in the record(including but not
limited to the Call for Review, all application materials,related CEQA documents, the written and
oral staff reports,and oral and written comments received by the City),hereby adopts all findings of
the Planning Commission in support of the May 6,2014 approval of the Project,re-adopts the Initial
Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Mitigation Measures and Monitoring Program and re-
approves the Project as set forth in its Resolution No. 05-14, which is attached hereto and
incorporated by reference as Exhibit 1,and adopts additional conditions of Project approval attached
as Exhibit 2.
PASSED,APPROVED AND ADOPTED on this 23rd day of September, 2014, by the
following vote:
AYES: Cm. Hudson, O'Loane, Perkins, and Mayor Clarkson
NOES: Councilmember Sachs
Bill Clarkson, Mayor
Rene Beck, City Clerk
Exhibit 1: Planning Commission Resolution No. 05-14 and associated exhibits
Exhibit 2: City Council Conditions of Approval
Page 6 of 6
(APNs: 208-240-005, -007, -008, -052 to -055, -057, -058, 208-260-046, and 208-250-011)
WHEREAS, on September 1, 2004, applications were filed by Claremont Homes requesting
consideration of applications for the Faria Preserve Community, which included a Major Subdivision
(VTM-8891), Development Plan, Architectural Review and Environmental Review, for 786 homes
(single- and multi-family) in four neighborhoods, community facilities and open space, and associated
grading and infrastructure improvements on an approximately 290-acre site located adjacent to City
Limits, within the City's Urban Growth Boundary ("UGB"), and within the Northwest Specific Plan
Area; and
WHEREAS, on December 6, 2004, City staff deemed the application request to be complete for
processing pursuant to Government Code Section 65943; and
WHEREAS, a single EIR was prepared, called the Northwest Specific Plan EIR, to evaluate the
potential impacts from implementation of the Northwest Specific Plan ("NWSP") at a programmatic
level and the impacts from development of the Faria Preserve Community at a project level; and
WHEREAS, on September 5, 2006 the Planning Commission held a duly noticed Public
Hearing related to the accuracy and adequacy of the Draft Environmental Impact Report; and
WHEREAS, a duly noticed joint public hearing of the Planning Commission and the City
Council was held on July 24, 2006 to consider the NWSP and subsequent public hearings by the
Planning Commission alone were held on September 5, October 3, October 17, and November 7, 2006
to consider the NWSP; and
WHEREAS, on November 28, 2006, the City Council certified the Northwest Specific Plan /
Faria Preserve Community Environmental Impact Report ("NWSP EIR"); adopted findings and a
statement of overriding considerations; and approved the NWSP and related prezonings for the Faria
Preserve (PZ-06-610-003) and on December 5, 2006 the Planning Commission approved Resolution No.
25-06 approving VTM-8891 for the Faria Preserve Community ("Faria Preserve VTM"), which through
commitments to construct identified amounts of affordable housing on site, has determined by the City
to qualify as a housing development project for very low-, low-, or moderate income households
pursuant to the California Planning & Zoning law; and
WHEREAS, on December 27, 2007, the East Bay Regional Parks District ("EBRPD") and the
Sierra Club filed suits challenging certain approvals required for development of the Faria Preserve
Community; and
Page 1of11
WHEREAS, in April 2008, the Faria Preserve proponents, EBRPD, Sierra Club, the City of San
Ramon, and the landowners and applicants for the Faria Preserve Community entered into two
Comprehensive Agreements to Settle Litigation ("Settlement Agreements"); and
WHEREAS, the Settlement Agreements require the proponents of the Faria Preserve
Community to make certain minor modifications to the Faria Preserve VTM to address issues and
concerns raised by EBRPD and the Sierra Club; on June 24, 2008, the City Council approved Resolution
No. 2008-132 approving settlement-related refinements to the Faria Preserve VTM; and
WHEREAS, the Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) through
LAFCO Resolution 08-27 approved the Faria Preserve Reorganization, annexing the Faria Preserve
Project Area to the City of San Ramon, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and the East Bay
Municipal Utility District, effective March 19, 2009; and
WHEREAS, in 2012, Lafferty Communities acquired the Faria Preserve Project and associate
parcels from Claremont Homes; and
WHEREAS, on October 4, 2012, applications were filed by Lafferty Communities requesting
consideration of the Revised Faria Preserve Community, which included a Major Subdivision (VTM-
9342) to create parcels for 786 residential units (single- and multi-family) in five neighborhoods, a
Development Plan Amendment, Architectural Review and Environmental Review applications for the
development of 476 residential units (single- and multi-family) in four neighborhoods, community
facilities and open space, and associated grading and infrastructure improvements on an approximately
290-acre site located within City Limits and the City's Urban Growth Boundary ("UGB"), and within
the Northwest Specific Plan Area; and
WHEREAS, on October 16, 2012, the City Council and Planning Commission held a joint
public workshop to discuss the conceptual site plan proposal and gave an opportunity for the public to
provide input on the proposal; and
WHEREAS, based on comments received from the October 16, 2012 joint workshop, the
applicant amended their conceptual site plan to reduce the total housing unit proposal from 786 to 751
residential units. The revised conceptual site plan was presented at a Planning Commission study
session on January 15, 2013 where further discussion and input was received from the public and
Planning Commission; and
WHEREAS, on February 14, March 7, April 11, May 9, June 13, July 11 and August 8, 2013,
the Architectural Review Board ("ARB") reviewed the subdivision layout, residential building
architecture, community pool, preliminary landscape plans and associated grading and infrastructure
improvements for the Faria Preserve Community and provided specific design recommendations to the
Planning Commission and resulted in Project site design, architecture and landscape changes including a
reduction of eleven residential units, reducing the total housing unit proposal from 751 to 740 residential
units; and
WHEREAS, Parks and Community Services Commission Facilities Committee reviewed a draft
conceptual Faria Park plan on March 27, 2013, the full Parks and Community Services Commission
Page 2 of 11
held public hearings on the conceptual park plan on May 8, August 14, and September 11, 2013, and
held one public workshop on July 18, 2013 to consider the conceptual Faria Park plan; and
WHEREAS, on October 24, 2013, the Housing Advisory Committee ("HAC") reviewed the
proposed revised Faria Preserve Community affordable housing proposal and provided comments for
the Planning Commission's consideration; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held duly-notice public hearings on November 19 and
December 17, 2013, January 7, January 21, February 4, March 4, April 15, and May 6, 2014 to consider
the proposed Project; and
WHEREAS, an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND 12-250-004) for the
proposed revised Faria Preserve Community was prepared pursuant to Section 15070 of the California
Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended; and
WHEREAS, the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration was circulated for a 30-day public
review period in accordance with section 15070 and 15073 of the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) guidelines, commencing on December 6, 2013 and ended on January 13, 2014; and
WHEREAS, on January 7, 2014, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the subject
applications and Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, where the staff report, plans, and other
pertinent documents, and public testimony relating to the proposed Project applications and Initial
Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 12-250-004) were heard and considered; and
WHEREAS, a response to comments received on the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative
Declaration was included in the January 21, 2014 staff report and at the January 21"public hearing; and
WHEREAS, at the January 21, 2014 Planning Commission public hearing, the applicant stated
that based on comments received through the public hearing process, they have modified the Project to
relocate the project entryway from Deerwood Road to Purdue Road; and
WHEREAS, on February 4, 2014, the applicant amended their affordable housing proposal to
reduce the overall number of rental affordable housing units proposed from 112 to 99 while maintaining
a total of 28.8% of all units as affordable; and
WHEREAS, on March 4, 2014, the applicant modified the Project to relocate the designated
future house of worship parcel from the northeast corner of Bollinger Canyon Road and Faria Preserve
Parkway to within Neighborhood V; and
WHEREAS, as a result of the relocation of the house of worship parcel and the relocation of the
proposed primary eastern site access from Deerwood Road to Purdue Road, the City's environmental
consultant prepared a memorandum dated March 13, 2014 to examine if the Project modifications would
result in changes to the Project's environmental impacts and mitigation measures; and
Page 3 of 11
WHEREAS, the City determined that re-circulation of the IS/MND and the March 13, 2014
memorandum evaluating the environmental impacts of the Project was appropriate and thus a 30-day
public review period began on March 17, 2014 and closed on April 15, 2014; and
WHEREAS, on April 15, 2014, the Planning Commission directed staff to prepare a draft
Project Resolution with associated findings and conditions of project approval for the Commission's
consideration at the May 6, 2014 meeting; and
WHEREAS, no environmental impacts in addition to those discussed in the Initial
Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and the memorandum evaluating the environmental impacts of
the Project were identified during the public hearing testimony or in written comments received in the
re-circulated environmental document; and
WHEREAS, mitigation measures and a monitoring program have been proposed as part of the
project to reduce any potential impact to a less that significant level; and
WHEREAS, Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 12-250-004) adequately and
thoroughly assesses the environmental impacts associated with the Project and with incorporation of the
recommended Mitigation Measures, there is no substantial evidence in the record that the proposed
project will result in significant impacts to the environment.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission in the exercise of
its independent judgment, and based upon all the evidence in the record (including but not limited to all
application materials, the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the proposed Project, the
written and oral staff reports, and oral and written comments received by the City) does hereby make the
following findings:
1. Regarding the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
After the certification of the Northwest Specific Plan/Faria Preserve Community
Environmental Impact Report ("NWSP EIR"), the proposed Revised Faria Preserve Project
made the following changes reflecting minor changes to the project analyzed in the NWSP
EIR and further reducing some environmental impacts evaluated in the NWSP EIR:
• Reduced the proposed number of residential units from 786 to 740
• Reduced the proposed on-site grading footprint by 33 acres, resulting in an increase
in natural, preserved open space
• Reduced the on-site development footprint by 18 acres, resulting in an increase of
preserved open space
• Preserving over 80% of the Faria Preserve Project for permanent open space and
non-residential development which includes the dedication of 144-acres contiguous
to the Project Site as permanent open space
• Moved Faria Preserve Parkway where it connects to Purdue Road further south in
order to reduce grading and associated drainage channel impacts
• Reduced cut-and-fill grading quantities by over 1,000,000 cubic yards
• Eliminated fill of the central drainage headwaters
Page 4 of 11
• Reduced fill of channels and wetlands of the lower eastern drainage
• Eliminated the complete fill of the eastern drainage
• Reduced the total linear feet of creek disturbance from 4,853 to 2,120
• Reduced wetland fill from 0.94 to 0.81 acres
Based on the substantial evidence in the record, the City finds and declares:
a. The recitals above are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference; and
b. The custodian of the documents described above constituting the record is the Planning
Services Division. The documents are located at the offices of the City of San Ramon,
2401 Crow Canyon Road, San Ramon, CA 94583; and
c. In accordance with Public Resources Code section 21081 and CEQA Guidelines
sections 15091 and 15092, the City adopts the findings and conclusions regarding
impacts and mitigation measures that are set forth in the IS/MND. The City ratifies,
adopts and incorporates the analysis, explanation, findings, responses to comments and
conclusions of the IS/MND. The City adopts the reasoning of the IS/MND, of staff
reports, and of staff and the presentations provided by the Project Applicant; and
d. The City has, by its review of the evidence and analysis presented in the IS/MND and
in the record, acquired a better understanding of the full scope of the environmental
issues presented by the Project. In turn, this understanding has enabled the City to
make fully informed, thoroughly considered decisions on these important issues. These
findings are based on a full appraisal of the IS/MND and the record, as well as other
relevant information in the record of proceedings for the Project; and
e. Under Public Resources Code section 21081(a)(2) and CEQA Guidelines section
15091(a)(2) and 15092(b)(2)(A), the City recognizes that some mitigation measures
require action by, or cooperation from, other agencies. Similarly, mitigation measures
requiring the Project Applicant to contribute towards improvements planned by other
agencies will require the relevant agencies to receive the funds and spend them
appropriately. The City also recognizes that some cumulative impacts will be feasibly
mitigated when other agencies build the relevant improvements, which also requires
action by these other agencies. For each mitigation measure that requires the
cooperation or action of another agency, the City finds that adoption and/or
implementation of each of those mitigation measures is within the responsibility and
jurisdiction of another public agency, and that the measures can and should be adopted
and/or implemented by that other agency; and
f. The Project is consistent with the General Plan 2030 EIR, and the regional and
areawide cumulative impacts of the Project have already been adequately addressed in
the certified General Plan 2030 EIR, consistent with CEQA Guidelines Section
15130(d). The General Plan 2030 EIR also sufficiently analyzed a range of reasonable
alternatives to the General Plan, and all relevant circumstances remain the same as they
relate to those alternatives. In addition to the analysis of cumulative impacts contained
Page 5 of 11
in the EIR, these Findings summarize, rely upon and incorporate the General Plan EIR
findings to address those cumulative impacts and alternatives; and
2. Regarding Development Plan Amendments
a. The recitals above are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference; and
b. The Project, as conditioned, will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general
welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed
development because the development will create affordable housing opportunities
that will benefit the community, development of the site has been contemplated in the
General Plan and Northwest Specific Plan, and is consistent with the uses allowed by
the Northwest Specific Plan; and
c. The Project will not be injurious or detrimental to property or improvements in the
neighborhood because the site will be designed to be compatible with the adjoining
development(s), built in conformance with General Plan Figure 8-3 Resource
Management, and maintains at least 75% of the Project site for non-residential
development or open space; and
d. The Project as conditioned will not be injurious or detrimental to the general welfare
of the City in that sufficient off-street parking and proper on-site circulation will be
provided and that maintenance of landscaping will be secured through a separate
maintenance agreement; the Project is required to mitigate any significant negative
impacts to City services by establishing a funding mechanism to offset the additional
costs associated with providing City services to the new residential units the Project
design; and
e. That the proposed development has been reviewed by the Architectural Review
Board and is architecturally compatible with other developments in the same vicinity,
both inside and outside the subject zone, as detailed in the Architectural Review
Findings below; and
3. Regarding Architectural Review
a. The recitals above are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference; and
b. The Project design is consistent with the goals and objectives of the General Plan; and
c. The Project is consistent with the purpose of the Northwest Specific Plan in
regulating land use and complying with the Architectural Review process; and
d. In compliance with Subparagraph D6-22 (G.2) (factors to be considered) of the
Zoning Ordinance in that the Architectural Review Board reviewed the proposed
Project at seven ARB meetings against the standards and provided recommendations;
Page 6 of 11
e. The Project design is in the best interest of the public health, safety and general
welfare based on the design elements and responsiveness to the site conditions,
proximity to the existing uses surrounding the Project, and responding to the Open
Space and Conservation Element policies of the General Plan; and
f. General site considerations, including site layout, open space and topography,
orientation and location of buildings, vehicular access, circulation and parking,
setbacks, height, walls, fences, public safety and similar elements have been designed
to provide a desirable environment for the development; and
g. General architectural considerations, including the character, scale and quality of the
design, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, building
materials, colors, screening of exterior appurtenances, exterior lighting and, signing
and similar elements have been incorporated in order to ensure the compatibility of
this development with its design concept and the character of adjacent buildings; and
h. General landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and
coverage of plant materials, provisions for irrigation, maintenance and protection of
landscaped areas and similar elements have been considered to ensure visual relief, to
complement buildings, strictures and surrounding open space, and to provide an
attractive environment for the enjoyment of the public; and
4. Regarding the Maior Subdivision
a. The recitals above are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference; and
b. The proposed map and the Revised Faria Preserve Project, together with the
provisions for its design and improvement, as conditioned pursuant to the Conditions
of Approval attached hereto as Exhibit A, are consistent with the General Plan,
Northwest Specific Plan, all applicable requirements of State Law, and the City's
Subdivision Ordinance and Municipal Code, including the performance standards
established by the City's General Plan Growth Management Element; and
c. The grading footprint for the Revised Faria Preserve Project will comply with the
City's application of Ridgeline Protection Zones for the westerly and easterly
ridgelines consistent with the General Plan Land Use Diagram, General Plan Policy
4.7-I-1, and General Plan Figure 8-3 Resource Management; and
d. The Revised Faria Preserve site is physically suitable for the type of development
proposed, and for the proposed density of development; and
e. The design of the Faria Preserve Project has been addressed as part of the Initial
Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and is unlikely to cause either substantial
environmental damage, substantial and avoidable injury to fish or wildlife or their
habitat, or serious public health problems; and
Page 7 of 11
f. Modifications to VTM 9342 to 1) relocate the eastern project entrance from
Deerwood Road to Purdue Road, 2) align Faria Preserve Parkway to extend to Purdue
Road (instead of Deerwood Road), 3) relocate of the future house of worship site
from the northeast corner of Bollinger Canyon Road and Faria Preserve Parkway to
Neighborhood V, and 4) reduce the total number of affordable housing units proposed
from 226 to 213 shall be incorporated as revisions to the VTM within 60 days of
Project approval by the Planning Commission; and
5. Retarding Growth Management Plan—Measure"J" Compliance:
In accordance with the City's General Plan Growth Management Program, the Zoning
Administrator has reviewed the Project, and based on this review and the fact that the
project is subject to certain Conditions of Approval, which are incorporated herein by
reference, finds that the project can meet each of the following identified performance
standards for full urban services as outlined in the General Plan Growth Management
Community Centers
Performance Standard: At General Plan build-out, provide a minimum ratio of 1.2
square feet of community center space per 1,000 residents.
Project Compliance: The City of San Ramon Parks and Recreation Department has
verified that the Project can meet this performance standard.
Performance Standard: Prior to project approval, require written verification from the
San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District that a 5-minute response time (travel time) can
be maintained for 90 percent of emergency calls in urban and suburban areas and/or that
there will be a fire station within 1.5 miles of all development.
Project Compliance: The San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District has verified that
the Project can meet this performance standard.
Flood Control
Performance Standard: Prior to project approval, applicants shall obtain written
verification from the San Ramon Engineering Services Department stating that the new
development will provide adequate storm drain facilities. Runoff from the development
shall not increase the 100-year peak flow in the City's flood control channels and shall be
substantially equal to pre-development conditions.
Project Compliance: The City of San Ramon Engineering Department has verified that
the Project can meet this performance standard.
Page 8 of 11
Performance Standard: At General Plan build-out, provide minimum ratios of 0.5
square feet of library space per capita and 3 volumes per capita.
Project Compliance: The City of San Ramon Parks and Community Service
Department has verified that the Project will not have a significant impact on the library
level of services and the performance standard will be maintained.
Performance Standard: At General Plan build-out, provide a ratio of 6.5 acres of
public park per 1,000 residents, with a goal to have park and recreation facilities within
one-half mile of all residences.
Project Compliance:
The developer will be required to construct a 12.7 acre community park and 0.5 acre rose
garden to serve the community. The City of San Ramon Parks & Community Services
Department has verified that this will meet the performance standard.
Performance Standard: Prior to project approval, require written verification from the
San Ramon Police Department that a 3-5 minute response time (travel time) for
emergency calls and a 20-minute response for all other calls can be maintained 95 percent
of the time.
Project Compliance: The San Ramon Police Department has verified that the Project
can meet this performance standard.
Sanitation Facilities
Performance Standard: Written verification, prior to project approval, that the capacity
to provide sufficient sanitation facilities and services to all residents and business within
San Ramon as indicated by either Central Contra Costa Sanitary District or Dublin San
Ramon Services District will be available to serve the project.
Project Compliance: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has verified that there
is sufficient sanitation facility capacity to serve the project.
Performance Standard: As part of the development review process, new development
will be required to submit fees to the San Ramon Valley Unified School District to
mitigate its impact on the school system.
Project Compliance: The Project will be required to pay school impact fees to the San
Ramon Valley Unified School District to offset impacts on existing school facilities prior
to issuance of a Building Permit
Page 9 of 11
Performance Standard: Prior to project approval, require written verification from the
East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) that adequate water quality, quantity and
distribution will be available to serve the project.
Project Compliance: EBMUD has verified that adequate water quality, quantity, and
distribution will be available to serve the project.
As indicated above, the proposed project can meet each of the identified performance
standards for full urban services as outlined in the General Plan Growth Management
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the
City of San Ramon has considered the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration IS 12-250-004 for
the proposed Revised Faria Preserve Community and adopts the Project Mitigation Measure/Monitoring
Program includes as Exhibit `B"; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to Government Code
Section 66020(d)(1), the applicant is hereby given notice that the 90-day period in which the applicant
may protest any fees, dedications, reservations or other exactions imposed on the development project
and stated in the Conditions of Approval attached hereto shall commence upon passage of this
Resolution; and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission, in the
exercise of its independent judgment, and based upon all the evidence in the record (including, but not
limited to, all application materials, the written and oral staff reports, and oral and written comments
received by the City), does hereby approve Major Subdivision MJ 12-900-002 (VTM 9342),
Development Plan Amendment DPA 12-310-003, Architectural Review AR 12-200-046, and IS 12-250-
004, based on the required findings, conformance with the General Plan 2030 and subject to the
Conditions of Approval attached as Exhibit "A", the Mitigation Measures and Monitoring Program as
Exhibit `B", and Development Plan and Vesting Tentative Map dated September 26, 2014 as Exhibit
"C" and as amended by the Conditions of Approval.
Page 10 of 11
PASSED,APPROVED AND ADOPTED on this 6th day of May 2014, by the following vote:
AYES: Commissioners Benedetti, Viers, Kerger, Marks and Chair Wallis
NOES: None
i' ng,
cret y to the61ning Commission
Exhibit A: Conditions of Approval
Exhibit B: Mitigation Measures and Monitoring Program
Exhibit C: Development Plan and Vesting Tentative Map dated September 26, 2014
Page 11 of 11
(APNs: 208-240-005, -007, -008, -052 to -055, -057, -0.58, 208-260-046, and 208-250-011)
Vesting Date November 4, 2013
General Conditions
Planning Services Division
1. The Project authorized with this action consists of the subdivision and development of:
1) Neighborhood I-121 single-family dwelling units on 22.3 acres, 2) Neighborhood
1172 single-family dwelling units on 10.1 acres, 3) Neighborhood 111-63 courtyard
single-family dwelling units on 6.2 acres, 4) Neighborhood IV-104 townhomes and 78
two-story condominium flats on 13.6 acres, 5) an approximately 12.7 acre turn-key
public park, 6) an approximately 0.7 acre turn-key public rose garden, 7) a neighborhood
pool facility, and 8) various streets, trails, open space parcels, infrastructure
improvements, and landscaping associated with the Project. Additionally, the vesting
tentative map includes the subdivision of: 1) Neighborhood Va 12.6 acre site proposed
for 86 senior apartment units, 216 multi-family apartments, and a house of worship, and
2) an approximately 2.6 acre site for a educational facility site. The Project shall be in
substantial conformance with the Development Plan and Vesting Tentative Map plans
dated September 26, 2013, unless modified by the conditions herein.
Development approval granted by these Conditions excludes the Neighborhood V site,
the house of worship site, and the educational facility site (as shown on Vesting Tentative
Map Sheets TM.15 and TM.16), which are subject to their own separate development and
architectural review and approval process.
2. Development Plan and Vesting Tentative Map approvals include the following
modifications as identified in the Overall Site Plan date received March 6, 2014 and shall
be incorporated as revisions to the Project Plans within 60 days of Project approval: 1)
relocation of the eastern project entrance from Deerwood Road to Purdue Road, 2) align
Faria Preserve Parkway to extend to Purdue Road (instead of Deerwood Road), 3)
relocation of the future house of worship site from the northeast corner of Bollinger
Canyon Road and Faria Preserve Parkway to Neighborhood V, and 4) reduction of the
total number of affordable housing units proposed from 226 to 213. Any significant
change to the proposed development plan and vesting tentative map other than those
required by these conditions will necessitate further review and approval by the Planning
Commission as determined by the Planning/Community Development Director.
Pagel of 44
3. The Applicant shall submit to the Planning Services Division a set of annotated
conditions elaborating on the compliance status of each condition and mitigation measure
for the Project and noting how each condition has been satisfied for the following
• Prior to site development permit issuance
• Prior to building permit issuance
• 72 hours prior to final building occupancy request
4. Failure of the Applicant to implement, follow, and adhere to these conditions may result
in revocation hearing proceedings before the Planning Commission and/or City Council.
5. The approval(s) associated with a Tentative Map shall expire only if the Tentative Map
expires per the California Subdivision Map Act.
6. The Applicant shall pay all applicable project processing fees. Deposit amounts are set at
the average cost to provide various services. If costs exceed the deposit, the Applicant
will be billed the cost over runs.
7. Construction activity shall be limited to the hours between 7:30 AM and 6:00 PM
Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM on Saturdays. Construction shall be
prohibited on Sundays and Holidays_ Construction workers shall not park vehicles in
neighborhoods adjacent to the Project. The use of radios and car stereos by construction
workers on-site shall be prohibited.
8. The City may impose more restrictive construction days/hours if determined to be
necessary to protect the public well-being. The Applicant shall designate a "Noise
Disturbance Coordinator" to respond to any local complaints about construction noise
and work closely with Planning Staff in resolving complaints. A notice shall be sent to
property owners and tenants/residents within a 500-foot radius of the site prior to start of
grading and site development containing Coordinator contact information along with
approved hours of construction.
9. Dust, dirt and other negative impacts including displacement of rodents on the site related
to site development will be minimized to the greatest extent feasible. In addition to fully
complying with the requirements of the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan
(MMRP) pertaining to mitigating negative impacts related to site development, the
Applicant shall make responsible, feasible efforts to remove dust, dirt, and related debris
resulting from on-site grading activity on properties immediately adjacent to the
development area during the period in which grading activity occurs. The Applicant shall
conduct street-sweeping of the public streets located immediately adjacent to the
development area a minimum of once per week, preferably on Fridays or as determined
by the City. The Applicant shall designate a "Dust and Vector Control Coordinator" to
respond to any local complaints about site development activity and work closely with
Planning Staff in resolving complaints.
Page 2 of 44
10. To the extent feasible, the phase-specific site plans shall provide for utility meters,
transformers, irrigation control boxes, backflow devices, valves, etc. to be screened by
buildings, fencing and/or landscaping so as to harmonize with building design and
recognize setback requirements.
11. No individual unit shall be occupied until the immediately adjoining area is safe and until
all reasonable expected services and amenities are provided to the unit to be occupied as
deemed appropriate by the City.
12. In Neighborhoods I and II, detached accessory structures shall not exceed 9-feet in height
and attached accessory structures shall not exceed 10-feet in height. Structures shall
maintain a minimum side and rear yard setback equal to the total structure height minus 3
13. For any landscaping to be owned and maintained by the City, landscaping shall a)
consider a variety of color, texture, size, seasons, etc; b)primarily utilize drought-tolerant
plants, including native and/or non-native species taking into account soils and other
conditions; c) meet City plant palette requirements and standard details and specifications
for installation of landscaping including irrigation systems; d) include water conserving
irrigation system per City specifications [Calsense]; e) screen utility meters, transformers,
backflow devices, etc.; and f) be consistent with the established water conservation
design guidelines contained in the City's Ordinance No. 218, and meet all other
requirements of Zoning Ordinance Section D3-21, Landscape Standards, including a
minimum of 30 percent, 24-inch box-size trees. Project may be required to install a radio
hub within the Project for proper radio communication between irrigation controllers,
field units and the City's centralized irrigation system. This is dependent upon
assessment and evaluation of the proximity to and capacity of other radio hubs already
installed within the City.
14. Prior to any residential sign installation (including monument entry signs), such signs
shall be submitted and approved by the Planning/Community Development Director.
15. All mitigation measures contained in the approved Mitigated Negative Declaration shall
be met. The Mitigated Negative Declaration provides a comprehensive list of all of the
required mitigation measures for the subject Project, which shall by reference herein,
become conditions of approval. The mitigation requirements are identified in the
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MMRP) referenced as Exhibit B of
Resolution No. 05-14.
16. A minimum of a two-car garage shall be provided for single-family residences having up
to 4 bedrooms; a three-car garage is required for a 5-bedroom home. Tandem parking for
two of the parking spaces is acceptable in any single-family residence where a three-car
garage is required or provided. Conversion of dens, family rooms, office, etc. designated
on the approved Project Plans into a bedroom is not permitted unless the required garage
parking is provided.
Page 3 of 44
17. The minimum, unobstructed interior garage dimension of 20'-0" x 22'-0" shall be
provided for each required two-car garage. A required three-car garage shall also meet
this interior clearance, however, the third stall dimension measuring 10'-0" x 22'-0" may
be staggered or off-set from the adjoining required two car stalls. A single-car garage
shall also measure a minimum interior clearance of 10'-0" x 22'-0". Interior garage
dimension of 20'-0" x 22'-0" shall be provided for each two- and three-car garage. To
discourage excessive driveway parking in single-family residential neighborhoods, the
CC&Rs for any Homeowners Association governing such neighborhoods, which will be
subject to review and approval by the Planning/Community Development Director, shall
include policies requiring that the interior of garages be kept clear of items, including
workbenches, storage units, or personal property, that would in any way prevent cars
from making full use of the garages.
18. All plans for mitigation of biological impacts prepared for compliance with orders or
requirements of state or federal agencies shall be presented to the Planning/Community
Development Director and the Engineering Service Director for review concurrent with
presentation to the relevant state or federal agency(ies)in accordance with the MMRP.
19. The Applicant shall be responsible for providing and installing view fencing between rear
yards and open space areas. The fencing shall be uniform in appearance throughout the
Project and shall be incorporated into the master landscape plan for review and approval
by the Planning Services Division.
20. The Applicant shall provide one model unit within each "for-sale" Neighborhood
incorporating a program of sustainable building technology options to be reviewed by the
Planning Services Division. The sustainable building options should include energy
efficient building technologies, recycled building materials, installation of a Level II
vehicle charging station, and other state of the art technologies, materials and
construction techniques associated with green residential development.
21. The Applicant shall convey a conservation easement in perpetuity for 144-acres of the
remainder parcel located immediately adjacent to the Faria Preserve to the East Bay
Regional Park District (EBRPD) or entity deemed acceptable by the City. A funding
mechanism deemed acceptable to the City shall be established for on-going maintenance
of this area.
22. Within five (5) years of the filing of the first final map, if no agreement has been reached
by the Applicant with an institute, museum, educational provider, or other cultural
organization for establishment of an educational facility, the Applicant shall make an
offer of dedication to the City for a minimum 1.6 acre Educational Facility Site. The
subject site shall be graded and all necessary utilities stubbed to the property.
23. Applicant shall convey development rights to the open space parcels to the City or an
entity deemed acceptable by the City. All revenues from contracts associated with any
service provider or lease related to the use of property conveyed pursuant to this
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condition shall be assigned to the recipient or holder of the rights to the property, or the
entity responsible for maintaining the property if different from the holder of the rights to
the property.
24. All rooftop equipment, which includes, but not limited to, air conditioning, heating,
refrigeration equipment, plumbing lines, ductwork and transformers, shall be screened
from views on all sides.
Planning Services Division—Special Conditions
25. Based on the Project's fiscal analysis, the Faria Preserve Development will not generate
sufficient General Fund revenues to cover the costs of providing City public services to
the Development. The Applicant shall provide a funding mechanism to offset the
additional costs associated with providing City services to the new residential units.
Appropriate funding mechanisms for compliance with this condition of approval includes
but is not limited to, a Community Facilities District (CFD), a Landscape and Lighting
District, or other mechanism acceptable to the Applicant and City. Current estimates
from the January 2014 Project Fiscal Analysis are that the unit assessments will be
approximately $909 per unit plus administrative costs. The Applicant shall be
responsible for associated administrative costs of establishing said funding mechanism.
26. To the maximum extent practicable, the ground floor units of the Neighborhood N
stacked flats shall incorporate design elements to make the units handicap accessible.
Conversion to Condominiums
27. If in the future the Applicant or subsequent owner desires to convert units in the Project
from rental to ownership, the Applicant shall be subject to the City's Condominium
Conversion Ordinance which includes entering into an Affordable Housing Agreement
for the conversion of income-restricted rental units to affordable ownership units.
28. Said Affordable Housing Agreement shall require that the conversion of very low, low
and moderate income rental units to ownership be sold at a corresponding sales price that
is affordable to each very low,low, and moderate income unit being converted.
29. Affordable rental units converted to ownership shall be required to remain affordable to
the established income restriction level for the remainder of the affordability term
conditioned herein. The affordability covenants on the units shall be made enforceable
by recorded deed covenants or restrictions on each of the parcels in the Official Records
of Contra Costa County, California. The affordability controls shall be binding upon the
initial purchaser and subsequent purchasers of the units for a period equal to the
remainder of the initial affordability term required by the Affordable Housing
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Engineering Department—Standard Conditions
30. Applicant shall pay all applicable fees relating to but not limited to the following items,
project fees required by the City's fee schedule, unpaid outstanding fees for City services
incurred prior to project approval, processing of City's base map revision, processing of
all Final Maps, parcel maps, condominium maps, and lot line adjustments, including lot
mergers. (For all recorded maps such as Final Maps and Parcel Maps, a full-size, 18" x
26", mylar copy of shall be submitted to the City upon recordation with the Contra Costa
County Recorder's Office).
31. All applicable fees and sureties relative to the permit, plan check and inspection process
shall be paid or submitted, pursuant to City Council Resolution No. 2013-040, as
amended, at the time of Project entitlement approval. Surety shall be provided in the
amount and form approved by the City Engineer with surety company licensed to do
business in the State of California and acceptable to the City. If any on-site or off-site
improvements remain to be constructed after the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy
by the Building & Safety Services Division, Applicant shall provide,prior to the issuance
of such permits, a supplemental cash bond reflecting 150% of the full value of the
amount of work remaining to be done.
32. The Project Applicant shall provide a bond to the City guaranteeing the installation of all
common open space and recreational improvements, future public and private access
roads, street trees, and all infrastructure and landscaping improvements on private
property shown on the approved development plan or otherwise required as part of this
development prior to the approval of the first Final Map or site development permit for
the Project. The Project Applicant shall provide an itemized cost estimate of said
improvements, to be submitted with the bond, for the review and approval of the City
Engineer prior to approval of the Final Map and/or site development permit. The bond
shall be returned to the Applicant upon acceptance of said improvements by the City
33. Applicant shall pay all peer review costs based upon the City's fee schedule associated
with the final Project design and construction review for geologic, soil, and seismic
matters related to this project. Upon completion of any and all lot grading operations,
full geotechnical documentation shall be required, including a final geotechnical report,
plot plans, and as-built grading plans. As-built grading plans shall include location and
identification of all critical geotechnical stabilization features (including but not limited
to sub-drains and keyways) as well as primary drainage structures and final lot pad
grades. Plans shall be provided in AutoCAD and PDF format.
34. Applicant shall procure site development and grading permits from the City Engineer for
all designed construction elements and methods, and all on-site improvements, including
site grading and drainage facilities,paved areas and landscaping. All improvements must
be constructed in compliance with the most current City standards pursuant to the City's
General Plan or applicable specific plan and Engineering Services Design and Procedures
Page 6 of 44
Manual. Construction elements, materials, and installation methods and design shall be in
accordance with City standards and where a City standard does not exist, Caltrans
standards shall be implemented unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer.
Improvements shall also be constructed in accordance with federal and local
requirements for clean water and pedestrian accessibility.
35. Improvements requiring a permit generally include but are not limited to: traffic signals/
signal systems, roadway paving, concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk, handicap ramps,
asphalt pavement on aggregate base materials, roadway sub-drains, raised median with
landscaping and irrigation system, City-owned streetlight system, storm drain system,
and pavement striping and traffic signs.
A. Separate permits shall be procured from the Building & Safety Services Division
for parking lot lights and walkway and parking improvement requirements at or
adjacent to the buildings, specifically related to the Americans with Disabilities
B. Plans shall be prepared by a civil engineer, registered within the State of
California, and submitted to the City Engineer for plan check and approval.
i. The Applicant's design professional shall provide a Computer-Aided
Drafting (CAD), and PDF or TIF digital files for all plans (including plan
revisions) as requested by the City, consistent with the City's requirements.
ii. The Applicant shall also provide the City with both paper and PDF or TIF
files for all required professional reports.
C. A deposit for plan check per the City fee schedule shall be required at the time of
the first submittal.
36. All work conducted within existing City right-of-way or easement shall require an
encroachment permit and payment of appropriate fees.
37. If applicable for grading, construction, access of equipment, etc. Applicant shall obtain
all necessary required permits from public and private agencies including but not limited
to, Contra Costa County, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, State of California
Department of Fish and Wildlife, Caltrans, East Bay Regional Parks District, San
Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board, and all other agencies with jurisdiction.
Proof of all approvals will be required prior to Site Development Permit issuance.
38. If the City has recently (within the last 5 years) resurfaced any roadway (slurry seal,
overlay/inlay, etc.) in which the Utility Agency or Applicant is requesting trench work
(including emergency repair work), then the requester (Utility Agency or Applicant) will
restore the roadway by slurry seal, pavement inlay/overlay, or pay "in-lieu" fees as
directed by the City Engineer.
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Engineering Department—Special Conditions
39. No habitable structures shall be located within 50 feet of the Calaveras Fault or 25 feet of
that Fault A as described in the preliminary geotechnical report for the Project, unless
otherwise approved by the City. The Applicant shall also make all appropriate
modifications to the grading and improvement plans for the Project, as required by the
City, in response to revised locations of faults and fault splays. The Applicant's Certified
Engineering Geologist (CEG) shall map the landslide deposits along the western edge of
the Calaveras Fault setback zone to assess the character of the landslides and to provide
recommendations, as appropriate, to modify the grading plan for the Project.
40. All streets within the Project shall be private streets except for Faria Preserve Parkway.
41. The Applicant shall construct the Purdue Road extension connecting to Faria Preserve
Parkway and terminating at the corner of Purdue Road and Omega Road with final
roadway design to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. Portions of this road
are subject to existing deferred improvement agreements with the four private property
owners. The Applicant shall work in good faith with the four property owners and the
City to coordinate the improvements and any reimbursements. Applicant will be
financially responsible for any improvements not covered in these deferred improvement
agreements and/or improvements that only benefit the Project.
42. The Applicant shall be responsible for conducting a traffic signal warrant study at the
Deerwood Road / Omega Road-Old Crow Canyon Road intersection within one year
after the Project has been constructed and fully occupied or sooner if requested by the
City. If warranted, the City shall consider the installation of a traffic signal at the
intersection with all costs to be paid by the Applicant. The Applicant shall be financially
responsible for the design and construction of the new traffic signal at the Deerwood
Road / Omega Road-Old Crow Canyon Road intersection if warranted, including any
street modifications on Deerwood Road and Omega Road-Old Crow Canyon Road in
conjunction with the implementation of the new signal, and the interconnection of the
signal communication system from the new signal to the existing traffic signal at the San
Ramon Valley Boulevard/Fostoria Way-Deerwood Road intersection.
43. The Applicant shall be responsible for conducting a traffic signal warrant study at the
intersection of Bollinger Canyon Road/Norris Canyon Road within three years after the
Project has been constructed and fully occupied or sooner if requested by the City. If
warranted, the City shall consider the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection and
Applicant shall pay their fair share of the costs for this signal installation.
44. The Applicant shall be responsible for conducting a traffic signal and all-way stop
warrant study at the new intersection on Bollinger Canyon Road at the Faria Preserve
Parkway within three years after the Project has been constructed and fully occupied or
sooner if requested by the City. If warranted, the City shall consider the installation of a
traffic signal at the intersection with all costs including design and construction to be paid
by the Applicant.
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Parks and Community Services Department
45. Develop and dedicate all open space within the approximately 286.5-acre Faria Preserve
Community to the Geologic Hazard Abatement District (GHAD), a Homeowners
Association, or other entity deemed appropriate by the City with funding mechanisms in
place and to provide for the maintenance and operation of said open space.
46. Applicant to provide City with as-built drawings for the parks upon completion of Faria
Preserve Park.
47. The Applicant shall make an offer of dedication to the City for the minimum 12.7 acre
park and 0.5 acre rose garden after completion of park improvements within 60 days of
final approval of the punch item list.
48. The City shall assume maintenance responsibility for the park upon its acceptance of
dedication. The Applicant shall warrant the park for one year after acceptance by the
49. Applicant to participate in the park dedication "celebration" activities coordinated by the
50. In coordination with Parks and Community Services Department staff, develop and
install a paved 4-foot wide trail connections with signage to Mill Creek Park from Faria
Preserve Park with appropriate approvals.
Transportation Services Division
51. As per the City Municipal Code,landscaping or signage constructed as part of the Project
shall not block the sight distance triangle for clear visibility at each of the Project
intersections with a public street.
Police Services Department
52. Applicant shall comply with the City of San Ramon Security Code, Ordinance 227.
53. Solid core wood or metal doors (in compliance with Ord. 227, Section C2-8) shall be
used for the door leading from the exterior into the garage. If windows are used in doors,
they should be far enough from the lock that a person cannot break the glass and reach in
to unlock the door, thereby gaining entry into the home (even via the garage). A deadbolt
lock with a hardened steel, one-inch throw shall be used in all exterior doors, including
that from the garage leading to the interior of the home.
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San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District
54. Fire apparatus roadways (public, private streets, roads and in some instances driveways
used for vehicle access) shall extend to within 150 ft. (45.72 m) of any portion of an
exterior wall of the first story of any building.
55. Fire apparatus roadways (public, private streets, roads, and in some instances driveways
used for vehicle access) shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet(6 m) and an
unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches (4 m). Streets under 36
feet (11 m) shall have red curbs and be posted with signs or red curbs and stenciled on
one side and under 28 feet (8.5 m) on both sides of the street. Stencil and signs shall read
as follows: "NO STOPPING FIRE LANE CVC 22500.1".
56. Fire apparatus roadways (public, private streets, roads and in some instances driveways
used for vehicle access) shall be capable of supporting the imposed weight of fire
apparatus (40,000 pounds) and shall be provided with an all weather driving surface.
[Only paved, concrete, or engineered paver system surfaces are considered to be all
weather driving surfaces].
57. The maximum grade for a fire apparatus roadway is 20%. Roadways with grades of 16-
20% shall be grooved concrete. Grooved concrete shall be /z" wide, 1/2" deep, and spaced
11/2" on center. If alternate surfacing is proposed, provide a letter stamped by the civil
engineer documenting that the skid resistance is better than or equal to the grooved
concrete specification. The alternate surfacing must also be approved by the appropriate
city, town or county department.
58. Fire hydrant(s) are required. All hydrants shall be wet barrel EBMUD standard steamer
type (1)4 1/2" (114.3 mm) and (1) 2 1/2" (63.5 mm) outlet).
59. Fire apparatus roadways in excess of 150 ft. (45.72 m)in length shall make provisions for
approved fire apparatus turnarounds.
60. NOTE ON FIELD PLAN: Provide a weed abatement program before, during and after
construction. Maintain grass or brush clearance of 100 ft. (30.48 m) from combustible
construction and 30 feet (9.144 m) from street and property lines.
61. Nothing in this review is intended to authorize or approve any aspects of the design or
installation that do not strictly comply with all applicable codes and standards. San
Ramon Valley Fire Protection District is not responsible for inadvertent errors or
omissions pertaining to this review and/or subsequent field inspection(s) i.e., additional
comments may be added during subsequent drawing review or field inspection.
62. Business/commercial plan submittals will not be reviewed by San Ramon Valley Fire
Protection District without submittals of the required CBC and CFC information as listed:
Address; Occupancy classification; Building construction type; Square footage of
occupancy and tenant improvement; Building height; Occupant load; Site plan showing
Page 10 of 44
relationship of occupancy to adjoining/adjacent development/property, including existing
fire hydrants; Existing and planned fire detection and suppression devices/systems;
Assessor's Parcel Number (APN); Wet stamp, signature, and current State Certification
date/number for architects, engineers and/or California Contractor's License number.
63. Adjacent to fire hydrants, fire apparatus roadways shall be a minimum of 26 feet in width
for at least 20 feet (6 meters)in both directions from fire hydrant.
64. The minimum number of fire apparatus access roads serving residential development(s)
shall be based on the number of dwelling units served and shall be as follows: (a) 1-75
units, one public or private access road. (b) 76-150 units, one public or private access
road and one emergency vehicle access (EVA)road. (c) 151+units, at least two public or
private access roads.
65. Provide engineering document disclosing live load standards have been met on
private/public access roadways and or bridges (minimum 40,000 lb. (18,144 kg) live load
standard). Post sign with maximum live load at bridge entrance(s).
66. Applicant shall design and install a system of fire trails in the open space areas acceptable
to the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District (SRVFPD). An access easement over
the trails shall be granted to the SRVFPD. The trails shall be maintained by the
Applicant/Homeowners Association or other assignees, to be a minimum 12' in width,
with no horizontal or vertical ruts greater than 3" in width, with no vegetation greater
than 3" in height. This condition shall be maintained in perpetuity.
Prior to Final Map Approval
Planning Services Division
67. The Developer may record a large lot final map to create lots that correspond to each of
the Neighborhoods and to the other parcels as described in the Vesting Tentative Map.
At least 30 days prior to approval of the first Final Map for the Project, a Master Phased
Development Plan for the entire Faria Preserve Project Site shall be submitted and
approved by the Planning Services Division and Engineering Services Department. The
Master Phased Development Plan shall identify the building(s) under each phase, and the
site improvements that will be constructed (i.e., roadways, sound walls, off-street
parking, landscaping, etc.). Given the size of the grading operation required to prepare
the Project site and install required utilities, including water service, it is anticipated that
Project grading will occur before Final Map recordation.
68. Prior to Final Map approval, street names and address assignments shall be subject to the
review and approval of the Planning Services Department. Proposed names/addresses
shall be submitted to the Planning Services Department by the Applicant at least thirty
(30) days prior to filing a Final Map.
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69. Homeowners association(s) shall be established for all of the Faria Preserve Project and
shall be created with Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) covering each
included lot and all common areas (including tot lots). Such CC&Rs shall be subject to
review and approval by the Planning/Community Development Director. Said document
shall be submitted for the City's review at least thirty (30) days prior to submission by the
Applicant of materials requesting Final Map approval. For subsequent phases of the
Faria Preserve, the Applicant may submit a redline showing only those changes to
CC&Rs made since the City's approval of CC&Rs for the previous phase. CC&Rs for
any Homeowners Association within the Faria Preserve shall be recorded concurrently
with the Final Map for each phase. CC&R's for said association shall typically include
the following provisions as appropriate:
(a) Failure to pay dues and assessments shall be both a lien against the assessed land
and a personal obligation of each property owner.
(b) The association shall keep the Planning Services Division informed of the current
name, address and phone number of the association's official representative.
(c) The association shall conform with the design and color/materials of the fences
and walls within the subdivision approved by the City of San Ramon. The
Planning/Community Development Director may authorize minor deviations prior
to such improvements.
(d) The interior of garages shall be kept clear of items, including workbenches,
storage units, or personal property, that would in any way prevent cars from
making full use of the garages for the primary purpose of parking vehicles as
(e) Parking of boats or recreational vehicles on the driveways, guest parking spaces,
and/or private streets is prohibited.
(f) Guest parking shall be appropriately signed as "guest parking only" and
maintained available for guests only.
(g) In the event the common areas or facilities are not properly maintained, repaired
or replaced according to the approved plans, each property owner shall be
responsible for their proportionate share of these costs to bring the common area
or facilities back to its original condition, secured by a lien on the property in
favor of the HOA,in accordance with the HOA procedures.
(h) The association shall be responsible for the long-term Project maintenance and
upkeep of all common areas related to the association.
(i) The association shall maintain all building and site improvements in accordance
with the final approved color and materials board for this Project as approved and
accepted by the City of San Ramon. The Planning/Community Development
Page 12 of 44
Director may authorize minor deviations to such improvements if deemed
(j) All amendments to the CC&Rs shall be submitted to the Planning Services
Division at least forty-five (45) days for review prior to Final Map recordation.
(k) The association shall provide for proper management and maintenance of
association-owned open space and improved common areas, including all private
recreation areas, walkways, landscaped areas, identification/directional signs, and
retaining walls as described herein. As part of this requirement, all landscaping
within the common area(s) shall be maintained and replaced on a 1:1 basis.
(1) The association shall be responsible for maintenance of any required public
access easement(s) and improvements within said easement(s) which may be
required herein.
(m) The association shall maintain City-approved documents relevant to the subject
subdivision for inspection by property owners, including but not necessarily
limited to, Planning Commission Resolution No. 05-14, Project Plans (referenced
herein), and Project Construction Plans (known as "as built" plans); and deed
restrictions required by this action.
(n) Post Construction funding for the installation of traffic calming measures along
private streets, such as speed humps, will be provided by the Homeowners
Association. Traffic calming features must be consistent with the City's overall
transportation network and with nationally recognized standard traffic engineering
safety practices and procedures, specifically the Institute of Transportation
Engineers (ITE).
70. Prior to recordation of the first Final Map for the Faria Preserve, a Utilities Plan shall be
submitted and approved by the Planning/Community Development Director. The
Utilities Plan shall be submitted sixty (60) days before the submission of materials
requesting approval of the first Final Map. The Utilities Plan shall provide for
undergrounding of all wet utilities to the extent feasible. It is acknowledged that certain
above ground water system appurtenances, such as backflow preventors, fire connections,
etc., must be above ground.
71. The Applicant shall prepare a single, separate page disclosure to the future purchaser of
residential units describing parking rules and regulations. The disclosure shall be
provided to Planning Services Division for review at least forty-five (45) days prior to
filing a Final Map. The disclosure shall be provided to all purchasers of residential units
for review and acknowledgement.
72. The Applicant shall prepare and record a `Blanket Deed Restriction" in favor of the
Homeowners Association reinforcing use of the garage for the primary purpose of
parking vehicles as designed (see also CC&R requirements contained herein). The draft
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deed restriction shall be provided to Planning Services Division for review at least forty-
five(45) days prior to filing a Final Map.
73. The Applicant shall prepare a single, separate page disclosure to the future purchaser of
residential units advising them that no new public school will be built within the Project
and to check with the San Ramon Valley Unified School District in advance of
purchasing a unit to determine which public schools are designated for said unit. The
disclosure will state the City and the Applicant makes no representation regarding which
public schools children residing in the Project will attend. The disclosure shall be
provided to Planning Services Division for review at least 45 days prior to filing a Final
Map. The disclosure shall be provided to all purchasers of residential units for review
and acknowledgement.
74. EBMUD has provided a water supply assessment concluding there is sufficient water
supply to serve the Project as required by Water Code section 10910 et seq., as explained
in the Faria Preserve Community IS/MND. Verification of the sufficiency of the water
supply to serve the Project shall occur prior to recordation of the first Final Map and shall
be demonstrated pursuant to Government Code section 66473.7.
Engineering Department
75. In conjunction with the recordation of the Final Map (or by separate instrument), the
Applicant shall provide all necessary easements for streets, alleys, sewer and water
facilities, utilities and drainage facilities,irrigation district facilities, fiber optics and other
facilities as required by the City or serving utility. Applicant shall offer to the City all
abutting road rights of way, new easements, and easements not previously accepted by
City or Contra Costa County, as the case may be, for all past, existing, and intended
public improvements. Applicant shall convey to the City access and maintenance
easements from the nearest practical access point to public streets for all stormwater
quality facilities required of the Project. Easements shall be a clear ten feet (10') for one
utility and greater widths required for multiple utilities as outlined in the Engineering
Design, Grading, and Procedures Manual. Easements shall not split between two
property lines or as otherwise determined by the City Engineer. The easement widths
identified are minimums and in certain circumstances, additional easement widths may be
required as determined by the City Engineer. A master utility map shall be prepared by
the Applicant and included as part of the improvement plans. The map shall indicate the
location of all public and private utilities to the approval of the City Engineer.
76. A General Maintenance and Subdivision Improvement Agreement may be required, and
if so, must be recorded concurrent with the Final Map.
77. Ownership and maintenance responsibility for easements and improvements relating to
sound walls, fences, drainage features, open space trails, landscape, and decorative
elements shall be shown on the Final Map or approved by separate instrument.
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78. Applicant shall provide on the Final Map (or by separate instrument), Site Visibility
Easements to ensure clear visibility at Project roadway intersections as deemed
appropriate by the City Engineer. Site Visibility Easements shall be based upon those
parameters as adopted in the Zoning Ordinance and consistent with the Engineering
Design, Grading, and Procedures Manual.
79. The final location and alignment of storm drain easements and improvements shall be
reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to approval of the Final Map.
80. Prior to filing of the Final Map the Applicant shall submit a preliminary Stormwater
Control Plan. The plan shall meet the current requirements of the California Regional
Water Quality Control Board Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit. The plan
shall include a maintenance plan detailing long term operation and management of the
facilities. The plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the City.
81. The Applicant shall conduct final geotechnical investigation(s) for the site that shall
provide detailed recommendations for building foundations, retaining walls, pavements,
grading and other geotechnical issues. The reports shall be submitted to the City prior to
the filing of the Final Map for review and approval. The recommendations of the
approved report(s) shall be incorporated into the site grading and foundation design. The
report(s) shall consider the effects of expansive soils, total and differential fill thickness,
and resulting total and differential settlements in the foundation design.
82. Applicant shall cooperate with the City for the establishment of a Geologic Hazard
Abatement District (GHAD). The Applicant shall petition City Council acting as GHAD
Board in accordance with State Law for the formation of a CHAD. The GHAD shall be
established at the time of approval of the first final map or other time as deemed
appropriate at the discretion of the City. All parcels of the development shall be included
in the GHAD. The Applicant shall provide start-up funds for the GHAD in an amount to
be approved by District Engineer, or assume financial responsibility for all maintenance
and repairs for a period of time approved by District Engineer. If the latter is the case,
surety shall be provided in an amount to be determined. At the time of petition, a final
determination shall be made by the GHAD Board and the Applicant with respect to
which properties are to be owned by the GHAD.
83. Applicant shall provide City with recordable instruments at the time of Final Map
approval which address the following obligations: a)the Landscape and Lighting District,
GHAD, Homeowners Association, Mello Roos, Community Facilities District (CFD), or
other qualified entity shall provide the full funding necessary for the proper maintenance
and/or periodic replacement of private drainage facilities and funding City maintenance;
and b) each of the Project's residents, individually as owners of the lots in the Project,
shall enter into lien agreements with the City, encumbering their property with the
obligation to pay a prorated percentage of the total costs in the event the Landscape and
Lighting District, GHAD, HOA, Community Facilities District (CFD), Mello Roos, or
other entity defaults, unless otherwise obligated pursuant to the Final Map. Costs shall
be reviewed annually by the City and shall be based, in part, on the cost of living index
Page 15 of 44
and construction values published in Engineering News Record. An initial amount shall
be established following discussions with the Applicant and per the terms of the
84. In the event no emergency vehicle access way is required through the area, Applicant
shall abandon all claims to the easements in their favor that are located on Parcel A and
Lot 31 of Subdivision 7989 prior to approval of the Final Map.
Parks and Community Services Department
85. Applicant shall lead the process for improvement plans for the design and development
of the park which shall consist of:
(a) Submittal of at least two alternative design concepts for the park's conceptual
master plan including opportunities for additional on-site parking; input from
City staff and subsequent refinement of one preferred alternative to carry through
to the final park master plan phase with the Parks and Community Services
(b) Participation by City staff in all phases of the planning, design and development
process including participation of City staff in the selection of the Landscape
Architect for design of the park;
(c) Coordination of design meetings with landscape architect and City staff,
(d) Establishment of design, usage and maintenance goals with City staff and the
Parks and Community Services Commission;
(e) Application of all City standards and specifications;
(f) Review and approval of final park design by City staff prior to construction
86. Submittal of construction drawings for the park to be submitted to City staff at 70%,
90%, 95% and 100%. Review process after each submittal to be conducted by staff of
Parks and Community Services and Public Services Departments within thirty (30) days.
87. Complete improvement plans (drawn upon City furnished Mylar's), specifications and
calculations shall be submitted to and approved by the City and/or the other agencies
having jurisdiction for all public improvements within the proposed subdivision prior to
recordation of the Final Map.
East Bay Regional Park District
88. The Applicant shall dedicate a 20' wide public trail easement to East Bay Regional Park
District (EBRPD) for the Calaveras Ridge Trail. The trail may merge with the East Bay
Page 16 of 44
Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) access road serving the water tank facility where
necessary to address engineering, topographic, or aesthetic constraints. The Applicant
shall provide a minimum ten-foot wide dirt trail within the 20' wide public trail
easement. The trail shall be built to EBRPD standards, which includes, but not limited
to, a 10-15% maximum grade with signs and gates. However, due to the ridgeline nature
of the trail and to minimize the amount of grading required, the grade may exceed 15%
along short distances. The trail alignment, design and improvements shall be developed
in consultation with the EBRPD and subject to review and approval by the
Planning/Community Development Director.
89. The Applicant shall develop an open space management plan, which shall address fire
protection and provide for accessible and managed firebreaks between the open space and
the development.
90. The Applicant shall construct and dedicate five parking stalls within Neighborhood V to
facilitate access to the Calaveras Ridge Trail. The layout of Neighborhood V and the
location of the five parking stalls will be finalized as part of a future Development Plan
submittal to the City. An access easement will be granted to the East Bay Regional Park
District, as needed along the drive aisle within Neighborhood V to the five parking
spaces. If the timing of the construction of the Neighborhood V parking stalls is after the
issuance of the 4001' building permit, five parking stalls will be designated on an interim
basis for trail parking in Neighborhood IV on parcel IV-F (Sheet TM8 of the Vesting
Tentative Map) with an interim access easement to the parking stalls until such time the
Neighborhood V parking stalls are constructed.
91. The Applicant shall implement all applicable provisions of the April 2008 Settlement
Agreement between the City of San Ramon, the East Bay Regional Park District and the
Faria Preserve Developers to the satisfaction of the City.
Prior to Grading Permit Issuance
Engineering Department
92. Applicant's Grading plan approvals for subdivision and site development permit
applications shall comply with the City's Subdivision and Grading Ordinance, as
amended, and all other City standards and policies related to grading, roadway and
drainage improvements, which includes the Engineering Services Design and Procedures
93. Compliance with the City's Grading Ordinance requires submittal of grading plans and
relevant support documents including but not limited to geotechnical reports to the City
Engineer for review and approval. The City Engineer will require an erosion control plan
for implementation. All residential lots and commercial building sites shall be fine
graded in such a manner that drainage is conveyed by pipe underneath sidewalk or
walkways to adjacent roadways or to otherwise acceptable drainage facilities. Applicants
shall implement best management practices for erosion control in compliance with the
Page 17 of 44
current State Water Resources Control Board General Construction Stormwater Permit at
all times.
94. All grading shall be in general conformance with that indicated on the Vesting Tentative
Map as amended by the conditions herein unless otherwise approved by the City. If the
grading is phased, then the phasing and timing of grading for each phase shall be
reviewed as part of the grading plan approval process.
95. Applicant shall coordinate all grading and improvements with adjacent property owners
to the satisfaction of the City. Any grading, drainage, or installation of the tie-backs onto
adjacent properties shall require written authorization of those property owners affected,
with said approval provided by the City Engineer.
96. As part of a grading plan approval and site development permit, the Applicant shall
implement as described in the California Regional Water Quality Control Board San
Francisco Bay Region Municipal Regional NPDES Permit revised November 28, 2011 to
minimize or eliminate the discharge of certain stormwater pollutants originating from the
site. The following shall be included as provisions to meet those measures:
(a) Procurement of a General Construction Stormwater Permit from the State Water
Resources Control Board(filing of a Notice of Intent and a Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plan) prior to the commencement of construction for any project
which shall disturb one (1) acre or more. Evidence of permit's procurement shall
be provided to City engineer prior to City's permit issuance.
(b) Applicant shall cause all on-site and off-site drainage inlets to be marked in
accordance with City standards. These designations, if located on private
property, shall be maintained by Applicant or owner in a manner acceptable to the
City,pursuant to City Ordinance.
97. Applicant shall conduct final geotechnical investigation(s) for the site that shall provide
detailed recommendations for the building foundations, retaining walls, pavement,
grading and other geotechnical issues. The reports shall be submitted to the City for
review and approval. The recommendations of the approved report(s) shall consider the
effects of expansive soils and total differential fill thickness and resulting total
differential settlements in the foundation design. Reports shall be provided in paper and
PDF formats.
98. Where the finished grade of the property is in excess of six inches (6") higher or lower
than the abutting property or adjacent lots, a retaining wall or other suitable solution
acceptable to the City Engineer shall be required, and any fence or wall shall be measured
from the top of grade on the higher side of the retaining wall or slope. Walls shall be
shown on the grading plans and shall be structurally engineered if it contains surcharge or
if it is lower than three feet(3')in height without surcharge. Walls will require a separate
building permit. Good neighbor fences shall retain no more than one foot(1') of dirt.
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99. For sites located in the Alquist-Priolo Zones, Applicant shall retain the services of a
Certified Engineering Geologist (CEG) to evaluate the location of active or potentially
active faults, fault splays or secondary faults or mapped fault zones within the
development area (including roads, keyways, buttress fills, and utilities). The Applicant
shall pay for the services of a peer reviewer to be selected by the City to independently
confirm the findings of the Applicant's CEG. The Applicant shall be responsible for
coordinating the grading activities such that both the Applicant's CEG and the City's
peer reviewer are able to make all appropriate observations of the site conditions. The
locations of any active or potentially active faults, whether located during the original
investigations for the Project, or as the result of grading activities, shall be determined by
the CEG and accurately surveyed and described in a Final Supplement Fault Investigation
Report for the Project and shall be noted on final grading plans.
100. Where adversely oriented bedrock slopes are exposed, the Applicant shall install
appropriate measures such as retaining walls, rock bolts and/or soil nails to stabilize
slopes. The design of stabilization methods shall be approved by the City.
101. Subdrains shall be installed beneath and upslope of all potential landslide areas and from
other areas where seeps or extensive fill placement require installation of subdrains as
recommended by the Applicant's geotechnical consultant or the City's geotechnical peer
102. The Applicant shall remove and replace all soils that are susceptible to liquefaction with
engineered fill, or otherwise prevent the liquefaction or mitigate its effects in a manner
approved by the City. The extent of potentially liquefiable materials shall be determined
by the Applicant either during grading, or by prior to grading by a supplemental
geotechnical investigation. Any supplemental investigation will be subject to review and
approval by the City.
103. The Applicant shall conduct a site specific geotechnical investigation for all East Bay
Municipal Utility District(EBMUD)water tanks. The investigations shall be submitted to
EBMUD and the City for review and approval. The recommendations of the
investigation(s) shall be incorporated into the design of the tank sites and foundations.
EBMUD shall review and approve of all aspects of grading that relate to their access
roads,pipelines, and tanks.
104. No finished slopes shall have a surface inclination of greater than 3:1 (horizontal:
vertical) unless the stability of such slopes has been demonstrated by the Applicant's
Geotechnical Consultant and the design has been reviewed and approved by the City.
105. All stream and drainage banks shall be appropriately stabilized using methods that have
been reviewed and approved by the City or the City's peer reviewer. Where feasible from
and engineering standpoint, development shall be set back behind a 3:1 (horizontal:
vertical) line extending up from the toe of the bank of gully. Greater setbacks may be
required where stabilization cannot be adequately achieved.
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106. All proposed temporary stockpiling for export fill shall be reviewed as part of the grading
plan approval process. The review shall include location, amount, haul routes, duration
of stockpiling, and erosion and sediment control plans as appropriate.
107. Applicant shall provide access entry points to City and GHAD owned open space parcels
to permit entry by vehicles for fire break and routine maintenance. The location and
design of the entry points shall be shown on the grading and site improvement plans and
approved by the City.
108. Prior to the commencement of and throughout all grading, demolition or construction
activities, the existing watershed boundaries and area shall be maintained. Watershed
areas shall not be altered and all existing discharge points shall be maintained as closely
as possible. Stormwater drainage from all developed areas shall be carefully designed
such that runoff from streets, housing, and other impervious surfaces drains to the
appropriate watershed based on pre-Project drainage patterns and in compliance with the
current State Construction General Permit.
During Grading Operations
Engineering Department
109. Applicant shall coordinate and work closely with the existing property owners on Purdue
Road and Purdue Road Extension to provide adequate access and egress with road
improvements and during construction, and minimize dust, debris, and noise for the
existing subject properties.
110. The Applicant shall retain the services of a licensed Geotechnical Engineer and Certified
Engineering Geologist (CEG) to observe all grading activities and provide all customary
testing of fill materials and fill placement in order to very that the grading is conducted in
accordance with the Project plans and specifications, the recommendations of the
geotechnical reports for the project and any supplemental recommendations made by the
CEG for the Project. They shall also evaluate the location of active or potentially active
faults, fault splays or secondary faults that are within 50 feet of any proposed habitable
structure or other critical improvements (including roads, keyways, buttress fills, and
utilities). The Applicant shall pay for the services of a peer reviewer to be selected by the
City to independently confirm the findings of the Applicant's CEG. The Applicant shall
be responsible for coordinating the grading activities such that both the Applicant's CEG
and the City's peer reviewer are able to make all appropriate observations of the site
conditions. The locations of any active or potentially active faults, whether located during
the original investigations for the Project, or as the result of grading activities, shall be
determined by the CEG and accurately surveyed and described in a Final Supplemental
Fault Investigation report for the Project and shall be noted on final grading plans. The
Applicant's CEG shall provide written reports on a monthly basis that summarizes their
observations, supplemental recommendations and test results. The Applicant shall also
pay for the services of a peer review consultant to be selected by the City who shall
provide intermittent observations of the grading activities.
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111. Applicant shall identify, remove, and replace, or otherwise mitigate all soils that are
susceptible to liquefaction with engineered fill, or otherwise prevent the liquefaction or
mitigate its effects in a manner approved by the City. The extent of potentially
liquefiable materials shall be determined by the Applicant prior to grading. Any
supplemental investigation will be subject to review and approval by the City.
112. Construction of the on-site detention basins shall occur prior to all other post-grading
major construction activities such that these structures can be used to retain stormwater
runoff and water from dewatering activities during the construction period and in
compliance with the current State Construction General Permit. The purpose is to reduce
sediment in surface runoff leaving the site.
113. The detention basins shall be engineered within the Faria Preserve Project Site. The
design and storage volumes of the detention basins shall be consistent with the design
parameters contained in the Project drainage studies.
114. Prior to commencement of and throughout all grading, demolition or construction
activities, the existing watershed boundaries and area shall be maintained. The post-
development condition shall be carefully designed such that post-Project watershed areas
reasonably approximate pre-Project watershed drainage areas.
115. Prior to finalization of grading activities on sites with known contamination, remedial
activities shall be addressed to the satisfaction of the City and the Regional Water Quality
Control Board of the San Francisco Bay Region.
Prior to Site Development Permit Issuance
Planning Services Division
116. The Applicant shall provide a mitigation plan addressing proposed mitigation pertaining
to the displacement of rodents on the site related to grading activity to be reviewed and
approved by the Planning Services Division prior to the commencement of any grading
117. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the Applicant shall provide a finalized grading plan
for review and approval of by the Planning/Community Development Director and
Engineering Services Director, finalizing the maximum height of retaining walls and
confirming that grading will not occur within the Ridgeline Protection Zone as applied by
the City pursuant to the General Plan Figure 8-3 Resource Management, except where
necessary to accommodate slide repair for health and safety reasons, the EBRPD trail and
the EBMUD tank and related access roads.
118. To accommodate particular features of the Faria Preserve site, to avoid protected
ridgeline areas, and to comply with mitigation requirements of the City and of resource
agencies, retaining walls that exceed the City height limitation of 4 feet shall be allowed
but shall be kept to the minimum height required to satisfy such objectives. Justification
for increasing the height of the retaining walls as described within, above the 4-foot
maximum, shall be provided with the final grading plan. The heights and design finishes
Page 21 of 44
of such walls shall be subject to review by the Architectural Review Board and review
and approval by the Zoning Administrator and/or the Planning Commission.
119. Prior to Site Improvement Plan approval, the Final Landscape/Irrigation Plan for the
respective phase shall be submitted to the Planning/Community Development Director
for review by the Architectural Review Board for consistency with the approved
development plans and which addresses all plan areas out to the curb, and within
common areas if required. As part of the final landscape plan review and approval, the
Applicant shall include pedestrian-scale street lighting and mail receptacles for each
Engineering Department
120. The Project site improvement plans will be reviewed by Engineering Services for
compliance with the Engineering Services Design and Procedures Manual to minimize
traffic hazards, including, but not limited to, features such as all pavement markings and
signing to facilitate safe vehicular and pedestrian movements along the Project roadways.
Installation of signing and pavement markings shall conform to a City approved plan.
121. The Applicant shall furnish proof to the City Engineer of the acquisition of all necessary
rights-of-entry, permits and/or easements for the construction of off-site temporary or
permanent road and drainage improvements prior to any construction within these areas.
122. Applicant shall provide the City with recorded instruments at the time of Final Map
approval which address the following obligations: a) the GRAD, HOA, or other qualified
entity shall provide the full funding necessary for the proper maintenance and/or periodic
replacement of private drainage facilities and funding City maintenance; and b) each of
the Project's residents, individually as owners of the lots in the Project, shall enter into
lien agreements with the City, encumbering their property with the obligation to pay a
prorated percentage of the total costs in the event the GHAD, HOA, or other entity
defaults, unless otherwise obligated pursuant to the Final Map. Costs shall be reviewed
annually by the City and shall be based, in part, on the cost of living index and
construction values published in Engineering News Record. An initial amount shall be
established following discussions with the Applicant.
123. All improvements shall be in general conformance with that indicated on the final Map
unless otherwise approved by the City. If the site improvements will be phased, then the
phasing and timing of improvements for each phase shall be reviewed as part of the
approval process.
124. All plans shall be fully dimensioned. Site plans shall show all signing, striping,
circulation arrows, driveway design details, roadway slopes, and Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance. Additionally, plans shall show width and length of
parking stalls and include dimensions for drive aisles and pedestrian walkways. All
designed construction elements and methods shall meet City standards, where a City
standard does not exist, Caltrans standards shall be used or as approved by the City.
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125. As may be required by the City, drawings submitted with the permit application
(including structural, mechanical, architectural, grading, drainage, site, landscape, and
other drawings) shall show the details and methods of construction for site design
features, measures to limit directly connected impervious area, pervious pavements, self-
retaining area, treatment, Best Management Practices (BMPs), permanent source control
BMPs, and other features that control stormwater flow and potential stormwater
126. Project drainage elements shall be consistent with Engineering Services Design and
Procedures Manual. The Applicant shall demonstrate that the proposed improvement is
consistent with hydrologic and stormwater management and clean water requirements.
Applicant shall provide draft maintenance agreements for storm water control and water
quality devices and features.
127. Prior to the issuance of a site development permit, the Applicant shall prepare and submit
a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to the Engineering Services
Department as required by the State Water Resources Control Board General
Construction Stormwater Permit for the development. The plan shall be subject to the
review and approval of the City.
128. The Applicant shall prepare and submit a final Stormwater Control Plan to the
Engineering Services Department, for the proposed development Project. The
Stormwater Control Plan shall be prepared according to the instructions in the Contra
Costa Clean Water Stormwater C.3 Guidebook. The Stormwater Control Plan shall be
substantially consistent with the preliminary Stormwater Control Plan submitted for the
Project. The Stormwater Control Plan shall include, at minimum, the following:
(a) Delineation of separate drainage areas within the site;
(b) Tabulation of pervious and impervious surfaces in each drainage area;
(c) Calculation showing pre and post Project square footage of impervious surface;
(d) Proposed design features and surface treatments used to minimize imperviousness;
(e) Proposed locations and approximate sizes of stormwater treatment facilities (Best
Management Practices, or BMPs, including swales, flow-through planter boxes, or
other treatment BMPs);
(f) Preliminary designs, including calculations, for each treatment BMP;
(g) Locations on the site of potential sources of pollutants;
(h) A tabulation of potential pollutant sources identifying appropriate permanent source
control BMPs to address potential pollutant source;
Page 23 of 44
(i) General description of maintenance requirements for treatment BMPs; and
(j) Operation and Maintenance of the proposed BMPs and necessary funding
mechanism to cover the costs.
In addition, the final Stormwater Control Plan shall qualitatively evaluate potential
changes to site runoff peaks and durations when compared to the pre-Project condition.
The controls incorporated into the Stormwater Control Plan need not meet quantitative
criteria for mitigating those changes.
129. Applicant shall install drainage improvements as necessary within the boundaries of the
Project to impound new development related run-off consistent with the requirements of
the IS/MND's hydrology study. Any detention basins shall meter stormwater discharge
in such a way that there is no net increase at the ten-year, twenty five-year, fifty-year and
100-year event levels at any of the Project's discharge points. Run-off from the
development shall not increase the 100-year peak flow in the City's flood control
channels and shall be consistent with approved hydrology/stormwater reports. Detention
facilities shall be owned and maintained by the GHAD, HOA, Communities Facilities
District (CFD), or other qualified entity acceptable to the City. The GHAD, HOA, CFD
or other qualified entity shall maintain the, designated wetlands and all drainage facilities
(pipes, inlets and v-ditches) not within public rights-of-way, including the existing storm
drainage under the existing townhome communities that tie-in downstream at Deerwood
Road (townhome communities exit onto Deerwood Road from both Prestige Place and
Dawn Ct).
130. Within the Special Flood Hazard Area ,lowest floor elevations should be designed to be
at a minimum of one foot (1') above the base flood elevation. The Applicant shall be
responsible for all necessary activities, applications, documentation and costs to amend
the floodplain maps for their development, Letter of Map Revision (LOMR), Elevation
Certificates, for all projects on parcels identified in Zone A or Zone AE on the FEMA
Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for the City of San Ramon. Applications for LOMR
shall be prepared and submitted by the Applicant prior to the issuance of the site
development permit.
131. Surface water shall not be permitted to drain from the landscaped areas of open space
across public walkways. Where public walkways abut landscaped areas or open space,
special drainage features including v-ditches, French drains, or others, as approved by the
City shall be incorporated into the Project improvement plans.
132. A pesticide and fertilizer application program shall be prepared for all public open space
and landscaped areas. This program shall include limitations on the types and amounts of
chemicals allowed on the site. The program shall be designed to minimize chemical and
fertilizer use throughout the Project site. Fertilizer, herbicide, and pesticide applications
within the Faria Preserve/NWSP Area shall be limited to the dry season April 16 to
October 14. Adjacent residents shall be notified of these program restrictions.
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133. All new utilities required to serve the development shall be installed underground. This
includes, electrical, gas, telephone, and cable television services in accordance with City
policies and existing ordinances. All utilities shall be located and provided within public
utility easements or public streets sited to meet utility company standards. Applicant is
responsible for obtaining all permits necessary for underground work.
134. The design of all utilities shall consider the effects of total and differential fill settlement
and shall incorporate flexible materials or joints as necessary. Gravity flow sewers,
storm drains and subdrains shall be designed to accommodate anticipated total and
differential settlements while still providing adequate gradients. The design of all
utilities shall also consider the effects of fault creep and fault rupture potential, and shall
be subject to review and approval by the City.
135. Applicant's Traffic Engineer shall provide City with a letter certifying that sight and
distance triangles (as adopted in the Zoning Ordinance) have been reviewed for clear
visibility based on proposed design amenities at all intersections as deemed appropriate
by the City Engineer.
136. A Traffic Control Plan is required for all Projects with construction items that are
expected to impact vehicle, pedestrian, or bicycle travel. All Traffic Control Plans must
be consistent with the current version of the California Manual of Uniform Traffic
Control Devices (MUTCD) and any long term or non-standard submittals as determined
by the City Traffic Engineer, must be approved and stamped by a California licensed and
registered Traffic Engineer and approved prior to the beginning of construction.
137. Haul routes shall take into consideration residential neighborhoods and school zones
including those to be constructed as part of the Project. A haul route plan must be
submitted to Engineering Services for review and approval.
138. All public and privately maintained streets shall be shown, in cross sections, on the final
design plans for review and approval by the City Engineer in coordination with the San
Ramon Valley Fire Protection District. Street cross sections shall be dimensioned in
accordance with the Engineering Services Design and Procedures Manual showing curb-
to-curb and right-of-way widths.
139. Structural sections for public streets shall assume a minimum asphalt concrete thickness
of four inches (4"). Asphalt concrete shall be placed in a minimum of two lifts with the
final lift being placed at such time as construction traffic is no longer expected. The
actual structural section shall be shown on the improvement plans, as required by the City
Engineer, based on the traffic index for the use of the street.
140. Roadways shall be constructed at a minimum grade of 2% and a maximum grade of 15%.
Cross sloped streets may be permitted and approved by the City Engineer and slopes shall
be constructed at minimum 2% grade. No streets shall be designed steeper than 15% or
less than 2%without approval from the City Engineer.
141. On City maintained roadways within Project development, pavement markings shall be
thermoplastic or as approved by the City Engineer on the site development permit.
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142. The Faria Preserve Parkway shall be designed to provide an unobstructed width of twenty
(20) feet on each side of a center median for San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District
(SRVFPD) emergency vehicle access. The unobstructed width shall be measured from
the travelway edge of an 8-foot (8') wide parking lane to the center median. Width of the
median along Faria Preserve Parkway may be modified to the extent necessary to
accommodate this required unobstructed emergency vehicle access.
143. The Faria Preserve Parkway shall be constructed to collector street standards as a two
lane divided roadway with Class 11 bike lanes on each side of the street as shown on
Vesting Tentative Map Sheet TMA. All crosswalks along Faria Preserve Parkway shall
be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer.
144. Project interior circulation elements such as aisles and parking lot spaces shall be
consistent with the requirements of the Engineering Services and Planning Services
Departments. Any special pavement treatments at access points shall be located outside
of the painted crosswalks areas connecting City sidewalks.
145. Due to variable parking demands associated with the Project, it is proposed to provide
on-street parking along certain segments of Faria Preserve Parkway. Parking along Faria
Preserve Parkway shall be standard size and will be restricted as shown on Vesting
Tentative Map Sheet TMA, unless approved otherwise by the Traffic Engineer.
Public Services Department
146. Submit a Waste Management Plan for all construction to include selection of one of two
options for compliance with the City's construction and demolition (C&D) debris
program. Project must recycle at least 50% of all Project construction and demolition
debris and the Waste Management Plan will outline means and methods for that. Option
1. Applicant may select and execute an agreement with one permitted C&D hauler to
collect, haul, dispose and recycle ALL C&D debris generated by Project. If the
Applicant complies with the terms of the agreement with the C&D hauler, the Applicant
shall have no further requirements in order to comply with this condition. C&D haulers
will submit reports to the City to demonstrate compliance with the diversion
requirements. Option 2. Applicant may use any combinations of C&D haulers, self-haul
or other means to collect, transport, dispose and recycle C&D debris generated by
Project. The Applicant must maintain and submit detailed weight and/or volume records
to the City to demonstrate compliance with the diversion requirements at the conclusion
of the Project.
147. The Applicant shall submit a site plan and conceptual drawings of the solid waste and
recycling enclosures. The number, size, and location of the enclosures and containers for
solid waste, recycling, and organic waste shall be indicated. Refuse and recycling
enclosures must be constructed and comply with the approved plans for the Project.
Enclosures must be designed and located to be accessible to standard automated refuse
and recycling collection vehicles. Waste management plans shall meet the requirements
provided in Section D3.11 Solid Waste/Recyclable Materials Storage of the Zoning
Ordinance and AB 2176 (requirements for large event and venue operators). Waste
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management plans shall be approved by the Planning Services Division and the Public
Services Director. Changes to the waste management plan must be approved by the
Planning Services Division and the Public Services Director.
148. The Applicant shall demonstrate that interior and exterior refuse and recycling enclosures
are sufficiently designed and located for the storage and collection of refuse and
recyclable materials in accordance with the City's Zoning Ordinance and comply with the
approved waste management plan for the Project. The design of enclosures shall be
architecturally integrated with the Project and comply with the City's Zoning Ordinance.
149. The Applicant, and/or owner of record, is responsible for assuring the maintenance of
City infrastructure and public right-of-ways constructed as part of the project(s) which
includes a one year maintenance and warranty period after completion of the Project.
Transportation Services Division
150. The Project site improvement plans will be reviewed by the Engineering Service
Department for compliance with design standards to minimize traffic hazards, including
but not limited to, features such as all pavement markings and signing to facilitate safe
vehicular and pedestrian movements along the Project roadways. Installation of signing
and pavement markings shall conform to a City approved plan.
151. Coordinate the implementation of Residential Traffic Calming with the Transportation
Services Division by locating, purchasing and installing up to three Radar Speed Display
Signs, as determined by the Transportation Services Division. The preliminary locations
for installation are as follows:
(a) Eastbound Faria Preserve Parkway;
(b) Westbound Faria Preserve Parkway; and
(c) Eastbound near the Purdue Road extension.
Exact locations to be determined prior to issuance of site development permit. Installation
to take place prior to first occupancy.
San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District
152. Any/all gates across San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District access roadways shall
have the same minimum clear, unobstructed linear width of the road and a clear vertical
height of 13 feet 6 inches (4.1 meters). All locking devices shall provide for San Ramon
Valley Fire Protection District emergency access. All gate plans shall be approved by San
Ramon Valley Fire Protection District prior to construction.
153. If development interfaces with wildland or open space areas, a separate landscape plan
for vegetation fuel modification and/or buffer zone(s) featuring fire resistive and drought
tolerant varieties of landscaping is required to be submitted and approved by San Ramon
Valley Fire Protection District prior to issuance of grading and building permits. The
Page 27 of 44
plan shall include dedicated easements, as required in conjunction with the Fuel
Modification plan, for emergency and maintenance access to these zones and shall be
maintained in perpetuity. The maintenance for the buffer zones and
emergency/maintenance access ways shall be assigned to a Homeowners Association or
other approved agent. These responsibilities shall be disclosed to property owner(s) by
way of deed restrictions and/or covenants, conditions and restrictions. Supplemental
"Fuel Modification" criteria available upon request. As part of the Fuel Modification
plan, all v-ditches shall be reviewed by the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District to
ensure necessary access is provided.
154. Provide an open space management plan for review and approval by the San Ramon
Valley Fire Protection District prior to issuance of a grading permit. The plan should
address the establishment and maintenance of fuel modification before, during and after
construction, and emergency access provisions to assure access to open space and fire
During Site Development
Planning Services Division
155. During site development, covered dumpsters shall be provided on-site for collection of
trash and debris and shall be emptied when full or at a minimum on a weekly basis.
Engineering Department
156. Applicant shall coordinate and work closely with the existing property owners on Purdue
Road and Purdue Road Extension to ensure appropriate access and egress with road
improvements and during construction, and minimize dust, debris, and noise for the
existing subject properties.
157. Applicant shall, at its sole expense, construct public improvements within the interior of
the subdivision, in accordance with Project conditions of approval and additionally as
(a) Stormdrain system and facilities shall be installed within the Project, consistent
with the requirements of the Project's hydrology study and in accordance with
City of San Ramon standards.
(b) Improvements to the ridge trail up-slope of the development shall be constructed,
consistent with the requirements of the Parks and Community Services
Department. Efforts shall be made to grade the trail in such a fashion that scour
potential is minimized. Drainage facilities shall be constructed if substantial
scour potential is unavoidable with such facilities. Such drainage facilities shall
be maintained by the CHAD, HOA, or other qualified entity acceptable by the
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(c) Certain landscape improvements have been proposed within the future public
roadways. The landscape features shall be maintained by the HOA and serviced
by irrigation system as required by Public Services Department. Separate water
meter(s) shall be provided and paid for by Applicant.
(d) Trails may require site specific design to ensure long term durability as approved
by the City.
158. Construction of the on-site detention basins shall occur prior to all other post-grading
major construction activities such that these structures can be used to retain stormwater
runoff and water from dewatering activities during the construction period. This would
help to reduce sediment in surface runoff leaving the site.
159. Riparian habitat landscaping improvements shall be installed by the Applicant as
permitted and required by the Department of Fish and Wildlife and other regulatory
agencies with jurisdiction. Drainage channel stabilization work shall be accomplished as
deemed necessary by the City and any other regulatory agency at the same time habitat
improvements are installed. Channel and habitat protection and maintenance during
mitigation, monitoring, and establishment periods shall be in accordance with
requirements of the regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over such areas.
160. Tree wells shall be designed so as to provide full coverage for maintenance vehicles
around the tree well on a single pass.
161. Applicant shall overlay existing pavement on both sides of all utility cuts at least ten (10)
feet in both directions on Crow Canyon Road, Deerwood Drive, Purdue Road, and
Bollinger Canyon Road or as the case may be within the development of the Project.
Overlay shall extend to the nearest lane lines. All disturbed pavement markings shall be
re-established with thermoplastic as approved by the City Engineer.
162. All water, gas, sewer, underground electric power, cable television, telephone lines, fiber
optics, and storm drain facilities shall be installed before any paving, curb, gutter, or
sidewalk is installed, unless modified by the City Engineer in writing. Utility stub
connections to property boundaries shall be required unless waived by the City Engineer
in writing.
163. Applicant shall construct all underground facilities in conformance with PG&E's
common trench details. Applicant shall install only subsurface transformers unless
permitted otherwise by Planning Services Department.
164. Applicant shall install cathodic protection measures for all buried metallic infrastructure.
165. All un-built areas resulting from phasing of the Project shall be hydroseeded at least once
yearly by October lst prior to the start of the rain season (October 15). The area shall be
kept free of weeds and other debris until such time as construction is begun for a new
parking lot or building in this area. In the event that the area is hydroseeded, a method
for providing temporary irrigation to the area shall be submitted for review and approval
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by the City prior to the final occupancy of the first building permit. All hydroseeding
must be in place by October 1st
166. All damaged public improvements shall be repaired or replaced, as appropriate at
Applicant's expense. This shall include any existing public improvement within the
frontage of the Project or any other area Applicant is required to do work. Additionally,
Applicant is required to comply with the most recent current requirements set forth by the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or other Federal, State, and local requirements.
167. The use of recycled materials for improvements in the public right of way, including
aggregates shall not be permitted without the approval of the City Engineer.
Prior to Building Permit Issuance
Planning Services Division
168. Final conditions of approval shall be printed on the cover page of the building permit
plan submittal.
169. Prior to issuance of building permits for a particular phase of the Faria Preserve, a Final
Landscape/Irrigation Plan, including an open space fencing plan, shall be reviewed and
approved by the Planning/Community Development Director for consistency with the
approved Development Plan. Such Final Landscape/Irrigation Plan shall address all
plantable areas out to the curb and within common areas if required.
170. Landscaping shall meet the requirements of landscaping, irrigation and hydroseeding of
the City's Zoning Ordinance, and the State Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance
as applicable.
171. The final lighting plan and photometrics shall be reviewed and approved by San Ramon
Police Services, Building & Safety Services, Engineering Services, and Planning
Services Divisions. These plans shall conform to provisions of the City of San Ramon
Zoning Ordinance and Security Ordinance. All lighting shall be shielded from abutting
properties with cut-offs (shields) so as to produce no nuisance or annoyance. No lighting
shall be of the type or in a location such that it constitutes a hazard to vehicular traffic,
either on private property or on abutting streets. The spacing and height of the standards
and luminars shall be approved by the City Engineer and Planning/Community
Development Director. To prevent damage from automobiles, standards may be
mounted on reinforced concrete pedestals or otherwise protected. Under canopy lighting
elements shall be recessed or concealed in such a manner as not to be directly visible
from a public street. Lighting shall be installed around the perimeter of the building and
be vandal resistant.
172. Child Care Fees and City Beautification Fees shall be paid per City Council Resolution
No. 13-034 which was in effect at the time the Vesting Tentative Map application was
deemed complete, November 4, 2013.
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173. At least ninety (90) days prior to submittals by the Applicant for building permit plan
check for the first single-family residential buildings, the Applicant shall submit to the
Planning Services Division for final Architecture Review Board review of the Project site
plan, typical house model building elevations and floor plans, color and material boards,
decorative paving and lighting details, walls and fencing, tot lot details, and final front
and side yard landscape and irrigation plans.
174. Prior to building permit issuance, the Applicant shall provide decorative on-site
pedestrian scale driveway lighting, walkway lighting, and building lighting, which
shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Services Division.
175. Prior to building permit issuance, the design and placement of decorative entry
paving on public roadways shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Services
Division and Public Services Department.
176. Prior to building permit issuance, the design and placement of any Project fencing,
shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Services Division for substantial
conformity to the approved development plan. Said fencing shall be of a high quality
and compatible with quality building design.
177. The Applicant shall contact the County's Mosquito & Vector Control District to
coordinate a plan for the purposes of rodent control during construction. A copy of
the agreed plan shall be submitted to the Planning/Community Development Director
prior to permit issuance of the first phase of site construction.
178. Trash and recycling enclosures (if applicable) shall be in compliance with City
development standards which includes Stormwater Management. Design of trash
enclosures shall be architecturally integrated with the Project and subject to review by
Planning Services. The number of individual trash and recycling enclosures shall be
determined based on need, pickup schedules and other requirements of the applicable
service provider (i.e. Valley Waste Management, etc;).
179. Prior to building permit issuance, the design and placement of all Project retaining
walls shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Services Department.
180. Applicant shall provide opportunities for potential homebuyers to purchase dwelling
units that contain design items that offer accessibility, depending on the homebuyer's
special needs. Prior to building permit issuance, Applicant shall demonstrate to the
Planning Services Division that Project sales information includes as an option
features which are designed to provide handicapped/senior accessibility, as discussed
in the City's "Accessible Housing Resource Guide", or similar document. Any
features which are designed to provide handicapped/senior accessibility shall be
installed only with the mutual consent of the Applicant and homebuyer.
Page 31 of 44
Architectural Review
181. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall comply with the following
Architectural Review Board (ARB) comments and recommendations made at ARB
meetings held between February and August 2013.
General Site Plan, Architecture and Landscaping
1. Evaluate wind exposure when siting homes, especially in the western Project Area
where the multi family parcels are located.
2. Incorporate maximum energy efficiency opportunities throughout the Project.
3. Evaluate opportunities to enhance the open space areas through landscaping to
soften the slopes, especially to the north of Neighborhood IV and on both the
north and south sides of Neighborhood III.
4. Use LED technology where possible.
S. The Board supported a 3-wire and metal post fence design that would be used
around the mitigation areas. The Board suggested the post be cor-ten or black
6. It was recommended that stone faced pilasters be used at fence-type transitions in
locations that can be seen by the public.
7. Evaluate opportunities to add or extend the low stone wall feature on other
portions of Faria Preserve Parkway such as within the neighborhood entryways
adjacent to the round-a-bouts.
8. The Board recommended that the 6 foot high partial view fence be replaced with
either a 6 foot high wire mesh view fence or by replacing the glass portion
depicted on the partial view fence with wire mesh.
9. Use 6 x 6 posts and add a trim cap on the good neighbor fencing, making sure
that there is consistent color between the posts and boards and that fence is
lapped or louvered.
10. Use non-galvanized street light poles painted green or black as deened
acceptable to City staff.
11. Detail on the plans the lighting at the community pool parking lot and the use of
bollard lighting on the HOA-maintained pathways that will connect the
neighborhood to the public streets.
12. An O & M manual shall be given to homeowners for street tree and front yard
tree care and maintenance. When planting trees also take into consideration
Page 32 of 44
wind factors and location of utility meters; however, in general the Board
supported the street tree palette and the variations.
13. Look at opportunities to install a wood rail fence in the landscape area adjacent
to Faria Preserve Parkway to create a transition between the plantings within the
right of way to the open space beyond.
14. The Board recommended the removal of all interim irrigation systems.
15. On sheet L-38 showing the typical open space at windows and the plantings
behind the sidewalks, it was recommended to use natural grasses to transition
into the open spaces areas and looking for opportunities to replicate this at other
typical open space window areas.
16. On street sections B and F, the Board recommended a higher retaining wall
height to reduce the overall number of walls that would be needed. Instead of
using a block CMU wall, use a faux rock material to create the appearance of a
real rock wall.
17. The Board suggested adding top soil to all cut slopes to promote a
"landscapeable" area to promote vegetation growth otherwise it will invite
erosion. This is to be included on all cut slopes throughout the Faria Preserve
18. Include as a homebuyer option, some type of solar integration opportunities.
19. Provide enhanced elevations on exposed or corner lots including roof vents,
siding material,pot shelves, or possible pop-outs along these enhanced elevations
to provide articulation on these elevations; show control joints on the stucco to
break up the two-story elevations; wrap siding and stone finishes on side
elevations to where the side fence begins; and from a 360 degree point of view,
integrate light fixtures to fit the architectural theme of each elevation.
20. On the enhanced corner side elevations, look at opportunities to add functional
pop-outs on the second story of homes such as enhancements like bay windows,
window seats, etc.
21. On the preliminary landscape plan, include fencing plan for neighborhoods to
show how the fences relate to the slopes and between the public and private
22. The Board requested the Applicant prepare a master landscape plant palette.
23. The Board recommended cheek walls to be installed at stairways throughout the
Page 33 of 44
Nei,,hborhood I
24. Integrate color into the concrete driveways and front walkways.
25. Provide cut off walls with pier foundations to prevent water penetration under the
26. Make sure that tree canopies are sized appropriately, such as the Crape Myrtle,
Dynamite variety. Include two evergreens in the plant palette such as Meyer
Lemon or Satsuma Mandarin, Laurus, Rhapiolapesas, Tristania Laurina.
27. On the Plan 2 residences with a covered California Room,provide an elevation to
show how this room will integrate with the roofpitch of the main house.
Nei,,hborhood II
28. Integrate color into the concrete driveways and front walkways.
29. Provide cut off walls with pier foundations to prevent water penetration under the
30. Make sure that tree canopies are sized appropriately, such as the Crape Myrtle,
Dynamite variety. Include two evergreens in the plant palette such as Meyer
Lemon or Satsuma Mandarin, Laurus, Rhapiolapesas, Tristania Laurina.
31. Between lots 133 & 134, look for opportunities to include trees within the area
that separates the two lots.
32. On Cottage elevations, use accent materials such as stone masonry or metal to
draw similarities to the Cottage style in the Neighborhood I architecture.
33. On all plans, remove the 8-panel garage door option. Add outside lighting details
on all elevations. On right and left elevations of all plans, consider adding a joint
line or some relief detailing to break up the stucco and create more shadowing.
34. Look for opportunities on Plan 3 to pop out front elevation for more architectural
relief. Add thicker sill and support structures on the pot shelves on the Bungalow
and Cottage elevations.
Neighborhood III
35. If lots 197-200 are to be moved to the east, see if corner of water quality pond can
be wrapped around corner of Faria Preserve Parkway.
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36. Include large accent shrubs to landscape plan and avoid rangy shrubs. Avoid
high water plants such as the Camellia. Add more drought tolerant plants and
37. On Lot 236, if proposing a Plan I house plan, limit the building to two-stories.
38. Plan 1: Provide enhanced side elevations on the main entrance side to lots 235,
236, 251, and 253.
Neighborhood IV, Townhomes:
39. Add a trellis at the end of the alleyway between buildings 26 and 33.
40. On buildings abutting the apartment units to the south, consider creating a
greater horizontal and/or vertical separation between the walkway and porch
Neighborhood IV, Flats:
41. Increase floor plates in lower floor of flats to 10'high.
42. Incorporate architectural details such as archways and siding found in the lower
floors into the third floor elevations.
43. The Board recommended installing a gate or fence to restrict access into the 8'
wide courtyard area separating the two opposing buildings.
Affordable Housing
182. Prior to the issuance of the first building permit, the Applicants of the Faria Preserve shall
have a fully executed Affordable Housing Agreement with the City providing for a total
of 213 units of affordable housing on the Faria Preserve property (62 very low, 82 low,
and 69 moderate income). Of the total 213 affordable units, a minimum of 15 affordable
units shall be offered for-sale to very-low income households and 13 affordable units
shall be offered for-sale to low income households. All affordable units must meet the
State of California's Department of Housing and Community Development requirements
and count towards the City's fair share housing production of very low, low, and
moderate income units as assigned by the Association of Bay Area Governments
183. As part of the Affordable Housing Agreement, work with the City to establish a priority
access system for the rental and/or sale of the affordable units to affordable households
in-line with the goals of the City's Housing Element and meeting State housing law
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184. Said Affordable Housing Agreement shall require that the very low income units shall be
rented or sold to households whose annual documented income does not exceed 50% of
the area median income adjusted for household size; low income units shall be rented or
sold to households whose annual documented income does not exceed 80% of the area
median income adjusted for household size; and the moderate income units shall be
rented or sold to households whose annual documented income does not exceed 120% of
the area median income adjusted for household size.
185. Rents for the very low income units shall not exceed 30% of 50% of the area median
income; rents for low income units shall not exceed 30% of 80% of the area median
income; and moderate income units shall not exceed 30% of 120% of the area median
income as annually determined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development
and the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development, less a
utility allowance as annually determined and published by Contra Costa County.
186. All affordable rental units shall be required to remain affordable for a period of not less
than 55 years following issuance of a certificate of occupancy. All affordable ownership
units shall be required to remain affordable for a period of not less than 50 years
following initial close of escrow. The affordability covenants on the 213 affordable units
shall be made enforceable by recorded deed covenants or restrictions on all of the
affordable unit parcels in the Official Records of Contra Costa County, California.
187. The affordability controls and minimum periods of affordability shall be binding upon the
initial purchaser and subsequent purchasers of the affordable units.
188. As part of the Affordable Housing Agreement, develop a compliance monitoring system
with cost of the monitoring borne by the Applicant to ensure that affordable units are
rented and/or sold to income-qualified households.
189. A marketing plan for lease up of the affordable rental and ownership units shall be
submitted by the Applicant for approval by the City.
190. Prior to the issuance of the 2001'building permit, the Applicant shall secure Development
Plan approval of Neighborhood V. As part of the Affordable Housing Agreement,
Neighborhood V shall include a minimum of 185 affordable units with affordability
levels in accordance with the conditions of approval herein.
191. Prior to the issuance of the 4001i building permit, building permits for the construction of
the Neighborhood V affordable units shall be secured and actual construction diligently
commenced thereon.
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Engineering Department
192. All Engineering Services permits including, but not limited to, a Grading Permit and a
Site Development Permit shall be issued for the associated Project phase.
193. The Applicant shall pay a creek study fee and a drainage mitigation fee to the City of San
Ramon per the current fee schedule, upon approval of these conditions of approval by the
Planning Commission.
194. Prior to issuance of permits for building, site improvements, or landscaping, the permit
application shall be consistent with the Applicant's approved Stormwater Control Plan
and shall include drawings and specifications necessary to implement all measures in the
approved Plan. The permit application shall include a completed "Construction Plan C.3
Checklist" as described in the Stormwater C.3 Guidebook.
Parks and Community Services Department
195. In-lieu of payment of park development fees and parkland dedication, the Applicant shall
be required to improve the Faria Preserve Park site to incorporate an approximate 12.7
acre neighborhood park substantially as shown in the conceptual park design as presented
by the Applicant to the Parks and Community Services Commission (PCSC) and
approved by the PCSC on September 11, 2013 which includes natural and synthetic
sports fields, sports field lighting, tennis court, bocce courts, playground equipment,
restrooms with drinking fountain and dog fountain attachment, passive and active turf
area, basketball court, gazebo and picnic area, trellis, parking lot, walkways,
fire/maintenance access, in addition to landscaping, fencing and necessary gates into the
park site. The San Ramon Parks and Community Services Commission shall be presented
with a final master plan for the site which must be reviewed along with the following list
of conditions of approval prior to Project development commencing:
(a) Develop and have significant construction completed on a minimum 12.7 acre
neighborhood park on parcel G and minimum 0.5 acre rose garden on parcel H,
built to City specifications prior to issuance of the 300th building permit. The
park and rose garden will be offered for dedication to the City upon completion
and acceptance.
(b) Park in-lieu fees would be waived pursuant to the Quimby Act and City
Ordinance as the application of these fees will be towards the construction and
development of the Faria Preserve Park. Per the Northwest Specific Plan, Faria
Preserve Park site shall be improved per city standards and specifications as a
mitigation and fulfillment of the City requirement for parkland dedication.
(c) Develop and dedicate three tot lots within neighborhoods I through IV of the
residential development (per the revised development plan dated September 26,
2013). The tot lots shall be built prior to final occupancy of each phase in which
the tot lot is located, dedicated to and maintained by the Homeowners
Association, and built to City specifications.
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(d) In coordination with the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD), develop and
install regional trail connections (extension of the Calaveras Ridge Trail), and
offer the improvements for dedication to the Geologic Hazard Abatement District
(GHAD) or EBRPD with appropriate approvals prior to final occupancy. Install
improvements to the satisfaction of the EBRBD and/or the City The Calaveras
Ridge Trail connection shall be made from the northern project boundary through
to Bollinger Canyon Road as far south as possible in conjunction with project
Building and Safety Services Division
The following information is required for the permit application process for individual projects
based on the current adopted California Building Code, California Residential Code, California
Mechanical Code, California Plumbing Code, California Electrical Code, California Green
Building Standards Code and other related codes as referenced in the City of San Ramon's
Municipal Building Ordinances.
196. Submit plans to the service districts, i.e. San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District and
provide written confirmation to the Building & Safety Services Division.
197. Submit following documentation for review and approval:
(a) Provide five (4) complete sets of plans, to include civil, plot plans, architectural,
landscape, structural, electrical, mechanical and plumbing plans. All plans shall
be stamped and signed by the responsible design individual with wet signature on
two (2) of the five (5) copies.
(b) Provide two complete sets of calculations (i.e., structural, energy). All
calculations shall be stamped and signed by the responsible design individual, as
well as the tenant or owner.
(c) Provide two copies of preliminary soils investigation report and final report for the
proposed Project site. The report needs to include the recommendations on the
foundation, retaining wall design and ground preparations for expansive soil.
(d) The soils engineer must review the finalized building foundation plan and shall
certify the foundation plan is in compliance with his recommendations.
198. Provide the following information on cover sheet plans related to the type of
construction, occupancy group, square footage, height of building and sprinkler criteria.
199. The design must adhere to wind load computations using Exposure B, as referenced in
Standards, ASCE 7-10.
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200. The design must conform to the City of San Ramon Security Ordinance, No. 227, Section
C2-1 through C2-20 for the Building & Safety Services Division.
201. A Certificate of Occupancy will be issued upon final inspection and approval by the San
Ramon Valley Fire Protection District, Planning Services Division, Engineering Services
Department and Building & Safety Services Division.
202. Work hours for this Project shall be as specified in City Ordinance No. 73 for emission or
creation of noise beyond certain levels, or as modified herein (see also Condition No. 7).
Police Services Department
203. Prior to building permit issuance, the Applicant shall submit to the Building Official and
the Crime Prevention Specialist a detailed lighting plan for review and approval. This
plan shall indicate the location, design, and/or construction details and illumination levels
of these fixtures. Light sources shall be required at all exterior doors to each home, and
in all alleys, walkways, and private roads. Lighting for alleys should be mounted on each
home at the rear. The minimum surface illumination recommendations provided by the
Illuminating Engineering Society of North America are 5 foot-candles for pedestrian
walkways and 5-8 foot-candles for building entrances and exits. Enough lighting shall be
provided that an individual may be identified from a distance of 25 feet away.
Transportation Services Division
204. Traffic Impact Fees including the Citywide, Southern Contra Costa JEPA, Southern
Contra Costa Regional, and Tri-Valley Transportation Development fees shall be paid per
City Council Resolution No. 13-034 which was in effect at the time the Vesting Tentative
Map application was deemed complete,November 4, 2013.
San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District
205. NOTE ON FIELD PLAN: Fire apparatus roadways (public or private streets or roads
used for vehicle access) shall be installed and fire hydrants in service prior to
commencement of framing: PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF FRAMING,
206. Prior to vertical building construction, the Applicant shall provide telecommunications
radio infrastructure to the satisfaction of the San Ramon Police Department and San
Ramon Valley Fire Protection District to meet the prescribed design standards of the East
Bay Regional Communication System Joint Powers Authority (EBRCS JPA). This may
include but is not limited to, tower, vault, HVAC, antennas, microwave, cabling, power,
transmit and receive modules, emergency power (battery and generator), access and other
resources to provide an effective emergency radio communications system, that can be
sustained by the EBRCS JPA.
Page 39 of 44
San Ramon Valley Unified School District
207. Residential projects developed within the boundaries of the San Ramon Valley Unified
School District (SRVUSD) will be subjected to development impact fees. The Applicant
shall pay the per square foot residential fee in effect at the time the building permit is
issued for the residential unit(s). Prior to building permit issuance, the Applicant shall
provide proof of payment of impact fee.
Prior to Building Occupancy
Planning Services Division
208. Prior to building occupancy for any particular portion of the Faria Preserve,
landscaping/irrigation that is required to be completed pursuant to the Master Phased
Development Plan shall have been installed.
209. Prior to building occupancy, the Applicant shall confer with local postal authorities to
determine the type of mail receptacles that are to be utilized for this Project. Design of
mail receptacles shall be submitted for Planning Services Division's review. Mail
receptacles are to be placed on private or HOA property and are not allowed within the
public right of way or publicly owned property.
210. If occupancy is requested to occur in phases, then all physical improvements shall be in
place prior to occupancy per the approved Master Phased Development Plan. No
individual unit shall be occupied until the adjoining area is finished, safe, accessible,
provided with all reasonable expected services and amenities, and completely separated
from remaining construction activity areas. The Planning/Community Development
Director may approve an appropriate bond to be posted by the Applicant to cover the
costs of improvements still underway and therefore allow final occupancy of initial
Project phases.
211. After written verification by a certified landscape architect has been provided to Planning
Services Division, the Applicant shall request inspection of the final Landscape and
Irrigation installation from Planning Services Division at least 72 hours prior to building
occupancy inspection.
212. Prior to final inspection of the Landscape and Irrigation Plan, the Applicant shall submit
to the Planning Services Division for review a Certificate of Completion as required by
the State Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance.
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Engineering Department
213. The Applicant shall be responsible for the design and construction of capacity
improvements at the San Ramon Valley Boulevard / Fostoria Way-Deerwood Road
intersection. Capacity improvements include the lengthening and installation of dual left
turn lanes on northbound San Ramon Valley Boulevard to provide 155 feet of storage
plus an appropriate deceleration distance to accommodate the projected northbound left
turn 95" percentile queue and lengthening the existing eastbound left turn lane on
Deerwood Road to provide at least 325 feet of storage plus an appropriate deceleration
distance to accommodate the projected eastbound left turn 95th percentile queue. The
design shall be reviewed and subject to approval by the City. Applicant shall also be
responsible for any street modifications along San Ramon Valley Boulevard and Fostoria
Way-Deerwood Road and traffic signal modifications at the San Ramon Valley
Boulevard / Fostoria Way-Deerwood Road intersection in conjunction with the
implementation of the capacity improvements. The City shall remove any on-street
parking necessary for the capacity improvements along San Ramon Valley Boulevard.
The capacity improvements shall be completed and operational prior to occupancy of any
residential units in the development unless approved otherwise by the City Traffic
214. Applicant shall install new streetlights or retrofit/relocate existing possibly non-
functioning streetlights along the Project frontages and within the Project including the
roadway. The location and extent of the retrofit shall conform to City requirements and
conversion to a City-owned system and when applicable, coordinated and approved
through Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E). All new and retrofitted streetlights shall be
215. The estimated cost for the design and construction of the traffic signal at the Deerwood
Road / Omega Road-Old Crow Canyon Road intersection shall be funded by the
Applicant and deposited into the City CIP Program prior to occupancy of any residential
units in the development, unless approved otherwise by the Traffic Engineer. If it is
determined that a traffic signal is not warranted, any Applicant contributed funds for the
signal may be refunded to the Applicant.
216. The City shall receive a letter describing the transfer of maintenance of HOA areas from
the Applicant to the HOA. Signed acknowledgement of HOA area transfer shall be
executed by both parties prior to City's acceptance of any public improvements.
217. Applicant shall resurface (minimum 2" overlay) and re-stripe/re-sign Purdue Road from
San Ramon Valley Boulevard to Omega Road (including the intersection of Omega
Road)per City Standards and as approved by the City Engineer. The timing of this work
shall be in conjunction with the opening of the Purdue Road extension for public
use/access to the development.
218. If the City has recently (within the last 5 years) resurfaced any roadway (slurry seal,
overlay/inlay, etc.) in which the Utility Agency or Applicant is requesting trench work
(including emergency repair work), then the requester (Utility Agency or Applicant) will
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restore the roadway by slurry seal, pavement inlay/overlay, or pay "in-lieu" fees as
directed by the City Engineer.
219. In addition to what may be shown on approved plans, to ensure safe operation of all
intersections and segments of streets before any building is occupied and all roadway
improvements are completed and accepted by the City, the Applicant shall perform
roadway surface improvements, such as slurry seal or overlay as required by the City
Engineer, and shall install any additional traffic signs, striping and pavement markings
determined necessary for safety or operational improvement by the City Engineer, after
inspection of the final physical improvement prior to the acceptance of public
improvements by the City.
220. Site improvements shall be completed for access areas which are impacted by occupancy.
These improvements include paved roads and walkways, storm drains, street lighting, and
traffic signals.
221. The Applicant shall be responsible for Bollinger Canyon Road street improvements on
between Crow Canyon Road and the Faria Preserve Parkway. Improvements shall
include frontage improvements where necessary, including an extension of the existing
sidewalk on the easterly side of the roadway. The roadway improvements shall include
Class 11 bike lanes on each side, two travel lanes, and left-turn lanes at each intersection
as warranted. The improvements may also include potential retaining wall construction
to minimize impacts to property owners. There shall be no parking lanes constructed as
part of the roadway improvements. In the event that the west side developments are not
implemented prior to occupancy, the Applicant shall be responsible for minor widening
on the west side of Bollinger Canyon Road to assist left turn lane movements to the
Project. Final roadway design configuration will be determined by the City Traffic
Engineer, factoring in roadway constraints and traffic warrants.
222. The Applicant shall be responsible for the design and construction of a new traffic signal
at the Purdue Road/San Ramon Valley Boulevard intersection. The design shall be
reviewed and subject to approval by the City. Applicant shall also be responsible for any
street modifications on Purdue Road and along San Ramon Valley Boulevard in
conjunction with the implementation of the new signal. The interconnection of the signal
communication system shall be extended from the new signal to the existing traffic signal
at the San Ramon Valley Boulevard/Fostoria Way/Deerwood Road intersection.
Applicant shall complete all required modifications to the San Ramon Valley Boulevard
southbound turn pocket onto Purdue Road which include extension of the left turn pocket
to 160 feet to accommodate the northbound left turn queue length. All costs shall be paid
by the Applicant.
223. Applicant's Traffic Engineer shall provide a letter verifying any approved changes that
were made affecting the sight distance triangles within the Project development and that
all traffic signal and roadway improvements/striping are complete and fully functioning.
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224. The Applicant shall provide a letter from the Project geotechnical engineer attesting that
grading and foundations were constructed in accordance with their recommendations for
the Project.
225. Applicant shall submit record drawings to the City with each page stamped as such
including traffic signal plans.
226. Prior to first building permit final and issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the
Applicant shall submit, for the review and approval of the City, a Stormwater BMP
Operation and Maintenance Plan in accordance with City guidelines and execute any
agreements identified in the Stormwater Control Plan which pertain to the transfer of
ownership and/or long-term maintenance of stormwater treatment or hydrograph
modification BMPs.
Transportation Services Division
227. Prior to occupancy of the first residence, implement the following Transportation
Demand Management requirement:
(a) Coordinate with City and local transit provider to situate transit stops along Faria
Preserve Parkway and at locations convenient for public transit users.
(b) Coordinate with Transportation Services Division and local transit provider to
develop and/or support existing local public transit service.
(c) Coordinate with Transportation Services Division to identify and install transit
shelter(s) and transit shelter amenities to support local public transit service.
(d) Encourage and assist Homeowners Association(s) and non-residential sites to
reduce the number of single-occupant vehicles by participating in the City's
Transportation Demand Management (TDM)program.
(e) Distribute City TDM Commuter program information to homeowners,
Homeowners Association(s), and non-residential sites.
Police Services Department
228. Prior to accepting applications for building occupancy of the multi-family apartment
rental property, the apartment community shall participate in the Crime Free Multi
Housing Program.
229. Prior to the first building occupancy, the Applicant shall install a telecommunications
radio tower to the satisfaction of the San Ramon Police Department and the San Ramon
Valley Fire Protection District to facilitate first responder radio communication within
the Project area. The tower shall be design to include capacity for co-location of
telecommunication facilities and associated equipment to facilitate telecommunication in
and surrounding the Project area.
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San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District
230. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, submit (3) full sets of building plans to the San
Ramon Valley Fire Protection District for review and approval.
231. Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such
a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property.
Said numbers shall contrast with their background. Individual suite numbers shall be
permanently posted on the main entrance doors of tenant spaces. If rear, outside doors to
tenant spaces is installed, they shall include the installation of numerical address numbers
corresponding to front addressing.
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Table 1
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ Implementation Date
Schedule Responsibility Action
Air Quality
3.3-1a Implement BAAQMD Basic and Additional Construction Control Measures.
BAAQMD recommends that all projects, regardless of significance, implement the
Basic Construction Control Measures during construction. Because the proposed
project would also exceed the threshold of significance for NOX additional
measures are recommended to reduce NOX emissions. The Applicant and its
construction contractor shall implement the following Basic Construction Control
Measures during all construction activities:
• All exposed surfaces (e.g.,parking areas, staging areas, soil piles, graded
areas, and unpaved access roads) shall be watered two times per day.
• All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, or other loose material off-site shall
be covered.
• All visible mud or dirt track-out onto adjacent public roads shall be
removed using wet power vacuum street sweepers at least once per day.
The use of dry power sweeping is prohibited.
• All vehicle speeds on unpaved roads shall be limited to 15 miles per hour.
• Idling times shall be minimized either by shutting equipment off when not
in use or by reducing the maximum idling time to 5 minutes (as required by
the California airborne toxics control measure, Title 13, Section 2485 of
the California Code of Regulations). Clear signage shall be provided for
construction workers at all access points.
• All construction equipment shall be maintained and properly tuned in
accordance with manufacturer's specifications.All equipment shall be
checked by a certified visible emissions evaluator.
• A publicly visible sign shall be posted at the soil transfer site within the
BAAQMD, with the telephone number and person to contact at the City of
San Ramon regarding dust complaints. This person shall respond and take
corrective action within 48 hours. BAAQMD's phone number also shall be
Table 1
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ ImplementationSchedule Responsibility Action Date
visible, to ensure compliance with applicable regulations.
Because the proposed project would exceed the NOX threshold of significance,
would include a substantial amount of cutffill operations, and would be located
approximately 0.5 mile from the nearest sensitive receptor, additional mitigation
measures are prescribed to reduce emissions and avoid exposing nearby receptors
to substantial construction emissions. BAAQMD has developed Additional
Construction Mitigation Measures for those projects that either will include
extensive earth-moving activities or will be located near sensitive receptors. The
following measures from BAAQMD's Additional Construction Measures also shall
be implemented during construction:
• All exposed surfaces shall be watered at a frequency adequate to maintain
minimum soil moisture of 12%.Moisture content can be verified by lab
samples or moisture probe.
• All excavation, grading, and/or demolition activities shall be suspended
when average wind speeds exceed 20 miles per hour.
• Wind breaks (e.g., trees,fences)shall be installed on the windward sides)
of actively disturbed areas of construction. Wind breaks shall have at
maximum 50%air porosity.
• Vegetative ground cover (e.g.,fast-germinating native grass seed) shall be
planted in disturbed areas as soon as possible and shall be watered
appropriately until vegetation is established.
• The simultaneous occurrence of excavation, grading, and ground-
disturbing construction activities on the same area at any one time shall be
limited. Activities shall be phased to reduce the amount of disturbed
C surfaces at any one time.
CD °h • All trucks and equipment, including their tires, shall be washed off before
o leaving the site.
0 Site accesses to a distance of 100 feet from the paved road shall be treated
Table 1
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ Implementation Date
Schedule Responsibility Action
with a 6-to 12-inch compacted layer ofwood chips, mulch, or gravel.
• Sandbags or other erosion control measures shall be installed to prevent
silt runoff to public roadways from sites with a slope greater than 1016.
• The idling time of diesel powered construction equipment shall be
minimized to 2 minutes.
• Low volatile organic compounds (i.e., ROG[reactive organic gasesl)
coatings shall be used, beyond local requirements (i.e.,Regulation 8, Rule
3:Architectural Coatings).
• All contractors shall be required to use equipment that meets ARB's most
recent certification standard for off-road heavy duty diesel engines.
3.3-1b Use BAAQMD CMP or Another Verifiable Offset Program to Offset Regional
Off-Site Emissions.
The Applicant shall use BAAQMD's CMP or another verifiable program to offset
the proposed project's NOX emissions that exceed the BAAQMD 2010 threshold
after implementation ofMitigation Measure 3.3-1a, above. The Applicant may
achieve the required offset through payment to BAAQMD on a per ton ofNOX
amount(i.e., dollars per ton ofNOX to offset)for emission reduction projects that
will be funded by BAAQMD. The price of NOX emission offsets shall be determined
by BAAQMD on an annual basis and shall be paid prior to construction grading
permits issuance. The types ofprojects that would be funded by BAAQMD could
• Projects within the City ofSan Ramon, Contra Costa County, and/or the
SFBAAB that are eligible for funding under the CMP guidelines that are
real, surplus, quantifiable, and enforceable
• Projects to replace older, high-emitting construction equipment operating
in the City of San Ramon, Contra Costa County, and/or the SFBAAB with
newer, cleaner, retrofitted, or more efficient equipment
The proposed project's construction activities are anticipated to last approximately
w .p
Table 1
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ ImplementationSchedule Responsibility Action Date
1,140 workdays, which equates to approximately 30.78 tons ofNOXas a threshold
(j.e., 54 pounds per day over 1,140 work days). The proposed project would
generate approximately 44.42 total tons ofNOX during construction after
implementation ofMitigation Measure 3.3-1a. Therefore, the Applicant shall be
required to offset approximately 13.64 tons ofNOXas described above.
Biological Resources
3.4-1 Develop Mitigation Plan and Implement Strategies to Avoid or Mitigate
Impacts on Congdon's Tarplant.
To mitigate impacts on a population of Congdon's tarplant in the project
construction area, the Applicant shall develop a Congdon's tarplant mitigation
plan for review and approval by the City prior to site development permit
issuance. This plan shall outline the implementation of one or more of the
following mitigation strategies:
• Development plans for the proposed project shall be modified or
redesigned to avoid all development within a 100 foot buffer
surrounding the population of Congdon's tarplant located on the
project site. This buffer area shall be fagged or fenced during
construction and designated as a construction exclusion area. This
buffer shall only be enforced within the Faria Preserve property.
• The Applicant shall purchase mitigation credits for Congdon's tarplant
or a habitat type at a preserve currently supporting Congdon's
tarplant at an off-site location equivalent to approximately 50 plants or
`° °h 0.35 acre.
o w
• The Applicant shall purchase property at an off-site location
containing Congdon's tarplant to be preserved in perpetuity through a
Table 1
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ Implementation Date
Schedule Responsibility Action
conservation easement or other similar arrangement.
• The Applicant shall develop a strategy to reestablish Congdon's
tarplant on the project site after completion of the project. In order for
this option to be adopted, the Applicant shall collect seed from the
population to be removed or from other populations in the San Ramon
Valley. Success criteria shall be established to monitor and ensure the
reestablishment of this population over a period of time after
construction that will be determined in consultation with the City.
Should the population not become reestablished, the Applicant shall
seek to mitigate the loss through other means, including Options 2 and
3, above.
v, .p
Table 1
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
O Verification
Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ ImplementationSchedule Responsibility fiction Date
3.4-2 Mitigation Measure 3.4-2: Conduct a Preconstruction Nesting Bird Survey
and Implement Protective Actions if Active Nest Detected.
A preconstruction survey shall be conducted by a qualified biologist for nesting
raptors and other special-status bird species a maximum of 2 weeks before any
new construction activities (i.e., ground clearing and grading, staging of
equipment, ground disturbance) during the breeding season (February I August
31) to ensure that there are no nesting migratory birds within or adjacent to the
construction area. Should active nests be found during the preconstruction survey,
a no-disturbance buffer zone shall be created around active nests during the
breeding season or until a qualified biologist has determined that the young have
fledged. The no-disturbance buffer zone shall be a minimum of 250 feet from
active raptor nests, 100 feet from special-status species, and 50 feet from non-
special-status nesting bird species until chicks have fledged. Reductions in the size
of the buffer zones and or allowances of limited types of construction activities
within the buffer zone shall be determined by a qualified biologist through
coordination with CDFW and shall be based on existing noise and human
disturbance levels at the project site and observed evidence of disturbance to
3.4-3 Mitigation Measure 3.4-3: Complete Compensatory Mitigation Plans
Pursuant to the State and Federal Endangered Species Acts and Comply with
Conservation Measures.
v The Applicant shall complete the ESA Section 7 or Section 10 consultation process
with USFWS and the State's 2081 Incidental Take Permit process for the Alameda
whipsnake. The Applicant shall comply with the conservation measures identified
by USFWS and the CDFW to mitigate impacts on critical habitat and avoid
impacts on Alameda whipsnake during construction. At a minimum, compensatory
Table 1
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ Implementation Date
Schedule Responsibility Action
mitigation for loss of Alameda whipsnake shall include permanent preservation
and management of suitable habitat in the Open Space Preserve and other
available sites within the critical habitat designated by the USFWS. A long-term
resource management plan shall be prepared to specify the management activities
to protect the habitat for Alameda whipsnake. Avoidance and minimization
measures shall be included in the resource managementplan and subject to the
approval of the USFWS and CDFW. These measures shall address, but not be
limited to:
• work-periods and hours
• qualifications and responsibilities of monitoring biologists
• pre-construction training and environmental awareness programs
• pre-construction surveys
• exclusion fencing to prevent entry during construction
• actions to avoid animal entrapment
• actions for encounters with the listed species
• actions and communication protocols for accidental kill or injury
of the listed species
3.4-4 Mitigation Measure 3.4-4: Preserve,Restore, and Create Adjacent Riparian
and Wetland Features.
Through the CWA Section 4041401 permitting processes with USACE and the San
Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, as well as the Lake and
Streambed Alteration Agreement with CDFW, the Applicant shall mitigate the fill
or loss of wetlands and riparian corridors within the construction area.At a
minimum, 2,120 linear feet of new ephemeral drainage channel shall be restored
o or created, 1,115 linear feet of existing drainage channel habitat shall be
Table 1
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
°O Verification
Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ ImplementationSchedule Responsibility fiction Date
enhanced, and 0.81 acre of seasonal wetlands shall be created. In addition, 2.18
acres of existing seasonal wetland habitat and 3.60 acres of ephemeral drainage
habitat that currently occur within the project site shall be preserved. In
consultation with USACE, the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control
Board, and CDFW, the Applicant shall develop and comply with mitigation
measures,permit conditions, and conservation measures identified in the permits,
including the creation or restoration of wetlands at an appropriate ratio within the
Faria project. Prior to site development permit issuance, the Applicant shall
provide to the City all permits issued by the USACE, the San Francisco Bay
Regional Water Quality Control Board, and CDFW as evidence of the agencies'
acceptance of the mitigation plans by the permitting agencies. The permits may
modify and would supersede the mitigation linear feet and acreages identified
above. Securing the permits and compliance with permit conditions and measures
stipulated by the permits shall be conditions of the City's project approval.
3.4-5 Mitigation Measure 3.4-5: Prepare and Implement Tree Mitigation and
Replacement Plan.
The Applicant shall prepare a tree mitigation and replacement plan in accordance
with Division DS, "Resource Management,"of the City of San Ramon Zoning
Ordinance. The plan shall include all of the following elements:
(1)An inventory of trees planned for removal and any work-planned within
the dripline ofprotected trees
z (2)Replacement of trees at a ratio agreed upon with the City of San
Ramon and in accordance with the tree protection ordinance
(3) The specific locations of the tree planting, (including a map and
Table 1
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ Implementation Date
Schedule Responsibility Action
planting plan)
(4)Schedules and methodologies for maintaining and monitoring the
success of the plan
(5)Performance standards
This plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to site development
permit issuance, and the plan shall be implemented throughout construction.
Cultural Resources
3.5-1 Mitigation Measure 3.5-1: Implement Measures to Protect Subsurface Cultural
The City of San Ramon shall require implementation of a monitoring and response
procedure during construction of the proposed project in order to avoid adverse
effects on potentially significant archaeological resources. Specific steps in the
procedure are as follows:
• Prior to construction, the construction contractor and subcontractors
shall be informed of the legal and regulatory consequences of
knowingly destroying cultural resources or removing artifacts, human
remains, bottles, and other significant cultural materials from the site.
Significant cultural materials include but are not limited to aboriginal
human remains; chipped stone; groundstone; shell and bone artifacts
(both human and animal); concentrations of fire-cracked rock; bottle
glass; ceramics; ash and charcoal; and historic features such as
privies or building foundations/remains.
Table 1
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
o Verification
Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ ImplementationSchedule Responsibility Action Date
• If an inadvertent discovery of cultural materials is made during
construction activities, ground disturbances in the area of the find
shall be halted and a qualified professional archaeologist shall be
notified regarding the discovery. The archaeologist shall determine
whether the resource is potentially significant as per the California
Register of Historical Resources and develop appropriate mitigation.
The Applicant shall comply with the mitigation requirements identified
by the archaeologist and approved by the City.
• All artifacts or samples collected as part of the initial discovery,
monitoring, or mitigation shall be properly preserved, catalogued,
analyzed, evaluated, and curated along with the associated
documentation in a professional manner consistent with current
archaeological standards.
• If human remains are uncovered during construction, the
construction contractors shall stop potentially damaging work, assess
the significance of the find, and pursue appropriate management.
California law recognizes the need to protect interred human remains,
particularly Native American burials and associated items of
patrimony,from vandalism and inadvertent destruction. The
procedures for the treatment of discovered human remains are
contained in California Health and Safety Code Sections 7050.5 and
7052 and California Public Resources Code Section 5097.
In accordance with the California Health and Safety Code, if human
remains are uncovered during ground-disturbing activities, all such
activities in the vicinity of the find shall be halted immediately and the
City's designated representative shall be notified. The City shall
Table 1
o Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
ZI Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ ImplementationSchedule Responsibility Action Date
immediately notify the Contra Costa County coroner and a qualified
professional archaeologist. The coroner is required to examine all
discoveries of human remains within 48 hours of receiving notice of a
discovery on private or state lands (Health and Safety Code, Section
7050.5W). If the coroner determines that the remains are those of a
Native American, he or she must contact the Native American Heritage
Commission (NAHC) by phone within 24 hours of making that
determination (Health and Safety Code, Section 7050[c]). The
responsibilities of the City for acting upon notification of a discovery
ofNative American human remains are identified in detail in
California Public Resources Code Section 5097.9. The City or its
appointed representative and the professional archaeologist shall
consult with a Most Likely Descendent(MLD) determined by the
NAHC regarding the removal or preservation and avoidance of the
remains and determine if additional burials could be present in the
Assuming an agreement can be reached between the MLD and the City or their
representative with the assistance of the archaeologist, these steps would result in
minimising or eliminating adverse impacts on the uncovered human remains.
3.5-2 Mitigation Measure 3.5-2: Implement Measures to Protect Unique
Paleontological Resources
To minimise potential adverse impacts on previously unknown potentially unique,
scientifically important paleontological resources during earth-moving activities
at the project site, the Applicant shall do thefollowing:
Table 1
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ ImplementationSchedule Responsibility Action Date
• Before the start of any earth-moving activities at the project site, the
Applicant shall retain a paleontologist to train all construction
personnel involved with earth-moving activities, including the project
superintendent, regarding the possibility of encountering fossils, the
appearance and types offossils likely to be seen during construction,
and proper notification procedures should fossils be encountered.
• If paleontological resources are discovered during earth-moving
activities, the construction crew shall immediately cease work in the
vicinity of the find and notify a qualified paleontologist and the City of
San Ramon Planning Services Division. The paleontologist shall
evaluate the resource and prepare a recovery plan in accordance with
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology guidelines (1996). The recovery
plan may include, but shall not be limited to, an intensive field survey
in the vicinity of the find, sampling and data recovery, museum storage
coordination for any specimen recovered, and a report offindings. All
feasible recommendations contained in the recovery plan shall be
implemented before construction activities can resume at the site
where the paleontological resources were discovered.
Geology and Soils
3.6-1 Mitigation Measure 3.6-1: Update Fault Setback Zone.
A licensed geotechnical engineer hired by the Applicant shall extend the western
limit of the Calaveras fault setback zone to coincide with the eastern ends of
exploratory trenches T7 and T9 (as mapped by ENGEO, 2012:Figure 2).
o w
The Applicant shall retain a licensed geologist to precisely map the western splay
Table 1
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ Implementation Date
Schedule Responsibility Action
of the Calaveras Fault during grading operations and, if necessary, conduct
exploratory excavations to precisely locate the trace of the western splay on the
as-built plans. The Applicant shall implement a minimum 25 foot setback
separating all habitable structures from the western splay of the Calaveras Fault.
The setback distance may be more than 25 feet, as determined by the geologist
following grading and mapping, after the exact details of the fault geology have
been established.
3.6-2 Mitigation Measure 3.6-2: Incorporate Structural Setbacks in Design Plan.
The Applicant shall ensure that a 50 foot setback separating all habitable
structures from the known Calaveras Fault zone is incorporated in the final
development plan.
3.6-3 Mitigation Measure 3.6-3: Use Protective Design for Infrastructure That
Crosses Fault Lines.
The Applicant shall design utilities and road facilities that cross the Calaveras
Fault to include additional protective features to reduce damage associated with
fault rupture, as directed by a geotechnical or civil engineer. Protective features
include but are not limited to:
• using welded steel pipe with butt electric arc welded joints;
• designing pipeline geometry so the pipe will go into tension if the fault
• installing pipe with a coating/covering to minimize soil pipe friction,
allowing the pipe to easily slide through the ground;
o • avoiding use of"anchors" (e.g., valves, sharp bends, thereby allowing the
w .p
Table 1
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ ImplementationSchedule Responsibility Action Date
pipe to move so that pipe stresses can be distributed along the pipe; and
• designing the backfill to allow the pipe to move laterally in the trench if
required to accommodate the fault movement.
Utility lines shall also be equipped with shutoff valves on each side where the lines
cross faults.
3.6-4 Mitigation Measure 3.6-4: Conduct Geological Monitoring during Grading.
The Applicant shall retain a licensed geologist to be present during all on-site
grading activities. As grading activities progress, the licensed geologist shall map
the landslide deposits along the western edge of the Calaveras Fault setback zone
to more precisely locate the disturbed deposits and to assess the character of the
shearing logged in the exploratory trenches. These features shall be shown on the
as-built plans. Any changes in the nature of the shearing that might indicate they
are related to active features of the Calaveras Fault shall be addressed by the
licensed geologist. Any changes made during grading to the precise location of
active faultrelated features, the accompanying setback zone, or the location of
the residential units shall be updated in the final development plan.
3.6-5 Mitigation Measure 3.6-5: Implement Seismic Design Standards for
The Applicant shall implement seismic design standards of the CBC that are in
force at the time improvementplans and/or tentative subdivision maps are
submitted to the City to reduce damage to structures and injury to people
associated with ground shaking. Structures shall be designed to accommodate
('D seismic vibrations. Design and construction of all roads, infrastructure (such as
5 bridges), and buildings shall be in accordance with the CBC. All project designs
and proposed earthwork shall be reviewed by the City of San Ramon to verify
Table 1
o Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
ZI Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ ImplementationSchedule Responsibility Action Date
compliance with the CBC.
3.6-6 Mitigation Measure 3.6-6: Implement Recommendations Contained in
Geotechnical Reports.
The Applicant shall ensure that construction is performed in strict accordance
with approved plans and details, and according to all recommendations contained
in the geologic and geotechnical investigations. A licensed civil or geotechnical
engineer shall be on-site during all grading activities to ensure that earthwork is
performed in compliance with the plans.
3.6-7 Mitigation Measure 3.6-7: Replace Holocene Alluvium with Compacted Fill.
The Applicant shall remove all areas of colluvium and Holocene-age alluvium on
the project site and replace them with engineered, compacted fall material. The full
extent of the actual locations and amounts to be removed shall be determined by a
licensed geotechnical engineer based on the review of 40-scale grading plans, as
well as observations made in the field during grading.
3.6-8 Mitigation Measure 3.6-8: Remove Landslide Deposits.
Areas of landslide deposits on the project site shall be removed. Deep-seated
landslide areas that involve displaced blocks of bedrock may be left in place if the
landslide would be buttressed by engineered fall. It is also anticipated that portions
of some landslide areas that extend upslope of the development area may be left in
place where appropriate buttresses falls and debris catchment areas would be
designed and constructed. The extent of the actual removals shall be determined
by a licensed geotechnical engineer based on the review of 40-scale grading
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plans, as well as observations made in the field during grading.
3.6-9 Mitigation Measure 3.6-9: Implement Recommended Slope Stabilization
The Applicant shall implement specific stabilization techniques to address
landslide potential as recommended by a licensed geotechnical engineer. These
techniques include but are not limited to:
• buttressing or encapsulating landslides using engineered, compacted
fill material;
• performing corrective grading and recompaction with engineered fill
in shallow cut or natural areas of the project site;
• installing catchment basins and berms to contain potential debris flows
that might occur on the steep areas upslope from planned development
(berms may be up to 1 S feet tall);
• installing additional buttress fill at the toe of the large deep-seated
landslide in the northwestern portion of the project site; and
• installing drainage mechanisms, such as subdrains, concrete-lined
channels,finger drains, hydroaugers, or gallery drains, within the
slopes to move shallow subsurface water away from unstable slopes.
3.6-10 Mitigation Measure 3.6-10: Construct Retaining Structures or Use Other
CD Means to Secure Bedrock Slopes.
To address rock-slide hazards associated with unfavorably oriented bedrock dip
slopes (which are prone to landslides), the Applicant shall construct retaining
structures or use other means to hold bedrock slopes in place as recommended by
Table 1
o Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
Timing/ Implementation
Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Schedule Responsibilityfiction Date
a civil or structural engineer and indicated on the final grading plans. Retaining
structures could include retaining walls. Slopes also could be secured using rock
bolts and/or soil nailing.
3.6-11 Mitigation Measure 3.6-11: Implement Grading and Erosion Control Plan.
Before grading permits are issued, the Applicant shall retain a California
Registered Civil Engineer to prepare a grading and erosion control plan. The
grading and erosion control plan shall be submitted to the City of San Ramon for
review and approval before issuance ofgrading permits for all new development.
The plan shall be consistent with the City's Grading Ordinance and the state's
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit and shall include the
site-specific grading associated with development for all project phases.
The plans referenced above shall identify the location, implementation schedule,
and maintenance schedule of all erosion and sediment control measures; describe
measures designed to control dust and stabilLe the construction-site road and
entrance; and identify the location and methods of storage and disposal of
construction materials. Erosion and sediment control measures could include the
use of detention basins, berms, swales, wattles, and silt fencing, and the covering
or watering of stockpiled soils to reduce wind erosion. Stabilisation measures on
steep slopes could include construction of retaining walls. Stabilisation of
construction entrances to minimise track-out(control dust) is commonly achieved
by installing filter fabric and crushed rock to a depth of approximately I foot. The
Applicant shall ensure that the construction contractor is responsible for securing
a source of transportation and deposition of excavated materials.
After construction activities are completed, bare steep slopes shall be reseeded
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with vegetation and/or planted with shrubs and trees. Because the existing bedrock
is relatively nutrient poor it may be difficult for vegetation to become properly
established, resulting in a potential for slope erosion. Revegetation ofgraded
slopes can be aided by retaining the topsoil and spreading these materials in a
thin layer(approximately 6 inches thick) on the graded slopes before the winter
rains and following rough grading. When this method is used, hydroseeding can
sometimes be avoided. All landscaped slopes shall be maintained in a vegetated
state after project completion. The use of drought-tolerant vegetation requiring
infrequent drip irrigation during summer is recommended. No pressurized
irrigation lines shall be placed on or near the tops of graded slopes.
3.6-12 Mitigation Measure 3.6-12: Implement Geotechnical Recommendations to
Stabilize Soils.
The Applicant shall implement all recommendations contained in the geotechnical
engineering reports that have been conducted for the project site (e.g., ENGEO,
2012) to reduce hazards from construction in unstable soils. These
recommendations include but are not limited to the following:
• Reduce settlement of native soil deposit by removing the potentially
compressible soils (colluvial, alluvial, and landslide deposits) down to
bedrock and replacing it with compacted fill.
• Reduce hydro-consolidation and seismically induced settlement by
including higher compaction effort and higher moisture content at the
time of placement, conducting contour grading of the underlying
ground surface, and stiffening foundations to accommodate the
o w
anticipated settlements.
. o
0 Reduce differential settlement through contour grading and use of
Table 1
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ Implementation Date
Schedule Responsibility Action
support structures on stiffened foundation systems that can withstand
differential settlement(e.g., slab foundation, a post-tensioned mat
foundation with stiffener ribs, or a stiffened foundation with
underpinning piers).
• Remove landslide areas in the deeper fill areas (more than 50 60 feet
deep) to reduce potential settlement.
• Install subsurface drainage systems in all keyways and in swales or
natural drainage ways that are to be filled. The approximate locations
of the recommended subdrains shall be determined by a licensed civil
or geotechnical engineer and shown on the final 40-scale grading
• Provide drainage courses that are to be filled with adequate
subsurface drainage before placement of any fill. Swales shall be
cleaned to a firm soil or rock base before subdrains are installed.
• Remove desiccated, cracked surface clays and slumping soils located
along the swale areas, and bench the slopes before the fill is placed.
Actual limits of subexcavation shall be determined in the field at the
time ofgrading by the civil or geotechnical engineer.
• Add subdrains where seepage or wet conditions are encountered
during excavation. Subdrain systems shall consist of a minimum 6-
inch-diameter perforated pipe encased in an 18-inch minimum
thickness of Caltrans Class 2 permeable material or coarse rock
wrapped in geotextile filter fabric (or as determined otherwise by a
licensed geotechnical or civil engineer). All subdrains on the project
site shall ultimately drain into the storm drainage system.
0 Construct a drained, buttressed debris bench for all cut or natural
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slopes that are immediately adjacent to the development as directed by
a licensed geotechnical engineer. The drained, buttressed debris bench
shall consist of a drained keyway excavated into firm bedrock and
engineered fill with a debris bench. The outboard side of the debris
bench shall be provided with a concrete v-ditch discharging into an
approved outlet.
3.6-13 Mitigation Measure 3.6-13: Implement Geotechnical Recommendations for
Expansive Soils.
The Applicant shall implement all recommendations contained in the geotechnical
engineering reports that have been conducted for the project site (e.g., ENGEO,
2012) to reduce hazards from construction in expansive soils. These
recommendations include but are not limited to:
• removing expansive soil and replacing it with engineered fill;
• conducting engineered preparation of building and roadway
subgrades, including using lime treatment of expansive deposits, where
deemed necessary by the geotechnical engineer;
• installing drainage systems;
• strengthening shallow foundation systems (i.e., using post-tensioned
slab) to resist the movements associated with the volume changes;
• installing deep foundation systems to support structures below the
°h zones of severe moisture change (e.g.,pier and grade beam, waffle
C� v�
° slab, and thick mat slab foundations).
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Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ Implementation Date
Schedule Responsibility Action
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
3.7-1 Mitigation Measure 3.7-1: Implement Sustainability Measures.
To reduce the long-term operational emissions associated with the proposed land
uses, the Applicant and its construction contractor shall implement the following
sustainability measures, which are consistent with the strategies identified in the
San Ramon Climate Action Plan to reduce GHG emissions,prior to building
• All buildings shall be built to achieve energy efficiency of at least 15%
above 2008 Title 24 Standards.
• Solid waste generation from the proposed project shall divert at least
15%in volume away from landfills from average 2008 disposal rates
by year 2020. Diversion can be obtained from recycling, composting,
and waste reduction.
• Outdoor water consumption for landscaping shall be reduced by 20%
from baseline consumption rates (e.g., LEED's Outdoor Water
Demand Calculator or other baseline calculators prescribed by the
City) by year 2020.
Hazards and Hazardous Materials
3.8-1 Mitigation Measure 3.8-1: Develop and implement a San Ramon Valley Fire
Protection District—approved Open Space Management Plan.
The Applicant shall develop an open space management plan,for submittal to and
approval by the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District before approval of the
oupdated Faria Preserve Community Final Map. The plan will include specific
Table 1
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Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ ImplementationSchedule Responsibility Action Date
measures to be implemented during project construction to reduce potential fire
hazards, including construction of buffers between the homes, and regular
maintenance and disking of property lines.
Hydrology and Water Quality
3.9-1 Mitigation Measure 3.9-1: Prepare and Implement a Site-Specific SWPPP in
compliance with the NPDES Permit.
During project construction, the Applicant or its consultant shall prepare a site-
specific SWPPP for coverage under the "General Permit for Discharges Related
to Construction Activity" (Construction General Permit),for submittal to the San
Francisco Bay RWQCB before any construction, demolition, or grading activities
begin. For the proposed project, the SWPPP will cover pre-and post-construction
activities and describe site-specific and construction phase-specific activities
detailing the following:
• activities that may cause pollutant discharge (including sediment);
• BMPs, consistent with the requirements of the NPDES permit, to
reduce the potential for contaminated runoff, such as limiting ground-
disturbing activities during the winter rainfall period, minimizing
exposure of disturbed areas and soil stockpiles to rainfall, and
minimizing construction activities near or within drainage facilities;
• erosion and sedimentation control measures to be implemented, such
o as soil stabilization, mulching, silt fencing, or temporary desilting
o basins; good housekeeping practices, such as road sweeping and dust
xr control; and diversion measures, such as use of berms to prevent clear
Table 1
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ Implementation Date
Schedule Responsibility Action
runoff from contacting disturbed areas; and
• hazardous materials spill prevention and response measure
requirements, including lists of materials proposed for use, handling,
and storage practices, identification of spill response equipment, spill
containment and cleanup procedures, and identification of regulatory
notification protocols and contact phone numbers to be used in the
event of a spill.
The Applicant shall implement the SWPPP, monitoring all BMPs and the parties
responsible for them, in conformance with the guidelines setforth in the SWRCB's
Construction General Permit.
3.9-2 Mitigation Measure 3.9-2: Update and Implement the Stormwater Control
Plan and Obtain a C.3 Stormwater Permit for Neighborhood V,Educational
Facility Site, and House of Worship Site.
The Applicant or its consultant shall update the site-specific Stormwater Control
Plan for final project design of Neighborhood V, educational facility site, and
house of worship site and for application for coverage under Provision C.3 of the
NPDES permit for submittal to the City of San Ramon planning staff before any
project construction, demolition, or grading activities begin. The plan will include
calculations of stormwater flow volumes and velocities, sizing of permanent
stormwater quality control facilities, water quality source controls and treatment,
and guidelines for monitoring and maintenance of stormwater systems. The plan
will be prepared in accordance with Contra Costa County's Clean Water Program
Stormwater C.3 Guidebook: Stormwater Quality Requirements for Development
w .p
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Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ ImplementationSchedule Responsibility Action Date
3.9-3 Mitigation Measure 3.9-3: Prepare and Implement Provisions for Dewatering.
The Applicant or its consultant shall prepare and implement provisions for
dewatering during construction, in accordance with local and San Francisco Bay
RWQCB requirements, to minimize adverse water quality impacts on surface
water and groundwater. Provisions may include preparation of a dewatering plan
that details procedures for removing groundwater, methods of temporary water
treatment/retention facility, and water disposal procedures.
3.9-4 Mitigation Measure 3.9-4: Update Drainage Plans and Conduct Detailed
Hydraulic Analyses for Neighborhood V,Educational Facility Site, and House
of Worship Site.
Before final map approval for Neighborhood V, the education facility site, and the
house of worship site by the City, the Applicant or its consultant shall retain a
professional civil engineer to update and submit for approval a Stormwater
Control Plan, grading and drainage plans, and detailed hydraulic analyses that
include the following components:
• a grading and drainage system plans, in accordance with City
• a drainage system map, including subwatershed boundaries and the
property's location within the larger watershed,pre-development and
post-development terrain at]-foot contour intervals, and the location
? of all existing and proposed drainage features;
° • a plan showing applicable proposed revisions to surface drainage
� flows before and after development;
0 stormwater calculations by a professional civil engineer that include
Table 1
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ Implementation Date
Schedule Responsibility Action
sizing for retention basins,pipe sizing for storm drains, and overland
flow path design;
• an evaluation ofpotential for increased erosion on properties adjacent
to the project site from drainage and floodplain modifications; and
• determination of the base flood elevation before and after construction.
Additional studies will be used to finalize project design to demonstrate the
• Grading activities within the 100 year floodplain will not result in any
increase in the base flood elevation.
• Floodplain alterations will not raise the base flood water surface
elevation along Bollinger Canyon Road.
• Substantial erosion or scouring will not occur on the project site or
adjacent properties as a result of floodplain alterations or changes in
existing drainage.
• Floodplain alterations will not raise the elevation of the base flood
water surface by more than 0.10 foot, as measured at the property
lines of the parcel being developed.
• The detention pond will not create an uncertified levee from the
standpoint of the FEMA flood zone.
• The volume offloodplain that will be filled below the base flood
o elevation will be compensated for and balanced by a hydraulically
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Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ ImplementationSchedule Responsibility Action Date
equivalent volume of excavation, taken from below the base food
• The City floodplain administrator will agree that floodplain and
drainage alterations clearly are of no concern.
Updated information will be incorporated into the SWPPP and Stormwater
Control Plan for the project site.
3.9-5 Mitigation Measure 3.9-5: Monitor and/or Close Water Wells that Would No
Longer Be Used.
During project construction, the Applicant or its consultant shall monitor wells on
the project site in the vicinity of observed corrugated metal casings and cattle
watering stations. lfwells are identified, the applicant shall properly destroy or
close water wells that are no longer being used as a result of the proposed project.
Proper destruction of water wells will be performed in accordance with Contra
Costa County's regulations and permits, and following the recommendations of a
qualified geotechnical engineer and/or a certified C-57 driller. Proposed activities
will be pre-approved by the Contra Costa County Environmental Health
o Noise
3.12-1 Mitigation Measure 3.12-1: Implement Best Management Practices to Control
Construction Noise.
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Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ Implementation Date
Schedule Responsibility Action
To reduce impacts associated with noise generated during construction activities,
the Applicant shall conform to the following requirements during construction:
• Fixed/stationary equipment(e.g., generators, compressors, cement
mixers)will be located as far as possible from noise-sensitive
receptors. All impact tools will be shrouded or shielded and all intake
and exhaustports on powered construction equipment will be muffled
or shielded.
• All construction equipment will be properly maintained and equipped
with noise-reduction intake and exhaust mufflers and engine shrouds,
in accordance with manufacturers'recommendations. Equipment
engine shrouds will be closed during equipment operation.
• All motorized construction equipment will be shut down when not in
use, to prevent excessive idling noise.
• Written notification of heavy construction activities (heavy earth-
moving) will be provided to all noise-sensitive receptors located
adjacent to the project site and heavy construction operations, or
within 500 feet of such operations. Notification will include anticipated
dates and hours during which construction activities are anticipated to
occur and contact information, including a daytime telephone number,
for the project representative to be contacted in the event that noise
levels are deemed excessive. Recommendations to assist noise-sensitive
land uses in reducing interior noise levels (e.g., closing windows and
doors)will be included in the notification.
• Temporary property line barriers (e.g., sound blankets)will be
installed to reduce construction-generated noise levels at affected
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noise-sensitive land uses. The barriers will be designed to obstruct the
line ofsight between the noise-sensitive land use (adjacent, ground
level backyards receptors)and on-site construction equipment within
100 feet of the property line. When installed properly, these barriers
will be expected to reduce construction noise levels by no less than S
3.16-1 Mitigation Measure 3.16-1: Provide Dual Left-Turn lanes along the
Northbound Approach and Increase the Length of Storage at both the
Northbound and Eastbound Left-Turn Lanes at the San Ramon Valley
Boulevard/Deerwood Road Intersection
To reduce the significant impact at the intersection of San Ramon Valley Boulevard
and Deerwood Road, the Applicant shall pay for the following improvements
before initial occupancy ofa residential unit:
• Add an additional northbound left-turn lane creating dual left-turn
lanes on San Ramon Valley Boulevard. In addition, extend each
northbound left-turn lane to provide 1 SS feet of storage plus an
appropriate deceleration distance to accommodate the projected
northbound left-turn 95th percentile queue. The southbound left-turn
C lane into the In-N-Out restaurant would not need to be removed. This
('D o additional storage length accommodates both the AM and PMpeak
o periods.
0 Extend the eastbound left-turn lane to provide 325 feet of storage plus
Table 1
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan for the San Ramon Faria Preserve Community
Mit. No. Mitigation Measure Timing/ Implementation Date
Schedule Responsibility Action
an appropriate deceleration distance to accommodate the projected
northbound left-turn 95th percentile queue. This additional storage
length accommodates both the AM and PMpeak periods.
3.16-2 Mitigation Measure 3.16-2: Install a Traffic Signal at Deerwood Road/Omega
Road Intersection
To reduce significant cumulative at the intersection ofDeerwood Road and
Omega Road, the Applicant shall pay to install a traffic signal at this intersection,
before initial occupancy of a residential unit. Permitted phasing' should be
applied to the northbound and southbound approaches, and protected
phasing2should be applied to the eastbound and westbound approaches. This
improvement is included in the City's Capital Improvement Program, and the
improvement work will be funded and installed by the Applicant.
3.16-3 Mitigation Measure 3.16-3: Improve the Purdue Road/San Ramon Valley
Boulevard Intersection
The Applicant shall pay the full share for the following mitigation measure before
initial occupancy of a residential unit:
• This intersection would meet the MUTCD peak hour signal warrant
during the PMpeak hour and should, therefore, be considered for
signalization.It should be noted that this improvement is included in
' Permitted phasing requires left-turning drivers to yield to the conflicting vehicle and pedestrian traffic streams before completing the turn.In the permissive
o mode,the left-turn movement is served concurrently with the adjacent through movement.
Protected phasing assigns the right-of-way to drivers turning left at the intersection and allows turns to be made only on a green arrow display.
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the City's Capital Improvement Program, and this work shall be
funded and installed by the Applicant.
• The left turn storage length for northbound San Ramon Valley
Boulevard at Purdue Road will be extended to 160 feet to
accommodate the northbound left turn queue length.
C� v�
o w
(APNs: 208-240-005, -007, -008, -052 to -055, -057, -058, 208-260-046, and 208-250-011)
Vesting Date November 4, 2013
City Council Special Conditions
232. Within 60 days of Project approval, the Applicant shall submit an updated tentative map
for Planning staff review which incorporates the Neighborhood 2 lotting and rear yard
enhancements as shown on the plan labeled "Neighborhood 2 46' x 70' Lots" dated July
23, 2014.
233. Within 60 days of Project approval, the Applicant shall submit an updated tentative map
for Planning staff review which incorporates the relocation of the Neighborhood 4 tot lot
and the addition of the neighborhood open space parcel as shown on the plan labeled
"Added Open Space Area Neighborhood 4" dated July 28, 2014.
234. Coordinate the implementation of Residential Traffic Calming with the Transportation
Services Division by locating, purchasing and installing two Radar Speed Display Signs
along Bollinger Canyon Road, west of San Ramon Valley Boulevard. Exact locations to
be determined prior to issuance of site development permit and installation to take place
prior to first occupancy.
235. The City of San Ramon accepts the Applicant's offer to contribute to the City's open
space fund for the preservation of open space in the amount of$500,000 at the time of
building permit issuance for the 100'h housing unit and another $500,000 at the time of
building permit issuance for the 300'h housing unit.
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