HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.a.1)b) Receive Risk Management Division Annual Report for FY 2015-167.a.1)b) Risk Management Division Annual Report Fiscal Year 2015-16 Protecting Public Health and the Fn vlronment Central Contra Costa Sanitary District INTRODUCTION I am pleased to present the Risk Management Division Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-16 Annual Report. The purpose of Risk Management is to protect the District from unexpected Toss or damage and to minimize the impact of the adverse events that occur. This requires Risk Management staff to be proactive while maintaining a constant state of readiness. The following report details some of the ways we've accomplished this dual role. Risk Management also plays a role in helping the District to meet its strategic goals. The District's FYs 2014-16 Strategic Plan outlined the overall goals. Each section of this report references the Strategic Plan goals that it supports. This was a busy and productive year. However, our success depends on an ongoing partnership with other work groups and with management. These partnerships are essential to help us identify new and emerging risks, to help us improve how the District accepts and transfers risk, and to help us control and reduce risks to our employees and the District's operations. Thank you all for your continued support and commitment to these efforts. Shari Deutsch Risk Management Administrator Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 1 Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Insurance and Risk Financing 5 Workers' Compensation Claims 8 Liability Claims 17 Property Risks and Losses 23 Emergency Management 25 Security 28 Total Cost of Risk 29 Metrics and Other Accomplishments 31 Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 2 Executive Summary Workers' Compensation: The FY 2015-16 Workers Compensation Program incurred 16 Medical Only claims and four Indemnity claims this year as compared to 10 Medical Only claims and one Indemnity claim in the preceding year. Other significant results include the following: - District supervisors and managers were able to provide temporary modified duty to 100% of the employees who were injured on the job this year; - The District's Experience Modifier, one factor used to calculate the Worker's Compensation premium, remained well below the target of 1.00 but increased from .61 last year to .64 in FY 2015-16; - The District's Loss Ratio for FY 2015-16 remains below 1.00; and Liability Claims: Losses for all lines of coverage were similar in frequency but less severe when compared to prior years. There were 23 liability claims filed this year, compared to 29 claims filed in FY 2014-15 and 36 claims filed in FY 2013-14. Overflow Claims: The District has seen a reduction in overflow claims from a high of 27 in FY 2001-02. There were 10 overflow claims this year. Since FY 2007-08 the District's cumulative average cost per overflow claims is $13,018. By comparison, the average cost per overflow claim for the California Sanitation Risk Management Authority liability pool exceeds $17,000. This year the District's average cost per overflow claim was $16,651. Overflow Claims FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 Number Cost Average Cost 10 $48,190 $4,819 15 $54,148 $3,610 11 $103,948 $9,450 10 $166,514 $16,651 Property Losses: There were no property losses this year and only one Auto Physical Damage loss for $1,953. Emergency Management: Significant developments in the Emergency Management Program this year included: - Completion of phase 1 of the Continuity of Operations planning process wherein Mission Essential Functions, Mission Supporting Functions and Recovery Time Objectives were updated; - Purchasing of interoperable radios to ensure communications with other local governments and first responders within the District boundaries in case of disaster; Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 3 - Submission of the District's Notice of Intent to Participate in the multi - jurisdictional planning partnership to update the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan; and - Staff's appointment to the LHMP partnership's Steering Committee. Security: Security improvements included the transition to a new security guard company, completion of an initial physical security assessment of District facilities, development of additional security -related procedures and the replacement of all perimeter gate locks at the Martinez campus. Total Cost of Risk: The Total Cost of Risk (TCOR) is a risk management industry benchmark that allows an organization to evaluate the cost of its Risk Management program over time. TCOR includes the cost of the District's Safety program as well as Risk Management program administration, claims and insurance premiums. This total is reduced by any revenue accrued by the Self -Insurance Fund. The Total Cost of Risk for FY 2015-16 was $3,116,705, a decrease of over $625,000 from the previous year. This decrease resulted from a combination of a significant reduction in claims costs from FY 2014-15 with an increase in both one-time expenses and ongoing additional expenses from filling the vacant Safety Officer position. Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 4 Insurance and Risk Financing Strategic Plan Goal 2: Ensure Financial Stability Liability Insurance Coverage The District purchases commercial liability insurance coverage including Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability, Excess Liability, Pollution Legal Liability, Employment Practices Liability and Fiduciary Liability. Workers' Compensation: The District participates in the California Sanitation Risk Management Authority (CSRMA) Workers' Compensation insurance pool, a joint powers authority comprised of over 50 sanitary districts within California. Risk Management staff serves on the CSRMA Workers' Compensation Committee which meets periodically to oversee the pooled program and to review and provide direction on large or significant losses. Excess Liability: After a large loss in the previous fiscal year, the District reduced its self-insured retention from $1,000,000 per occurrence down to $500,000 this fiscal year. The Excess Liability insurance covers claims in excess of this retention. This policy includes defense and indemnification for inverse condemnation. Pollution Legal Liability: The District purchases this coverage for claims and losses arising from the collection and disposal of household hazardous waste. This policy applies only to the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility and the contracted non -owned disposal sites. It does not cover claims alleging pollution conditions arising from the operation of the District's collections system. Employment Practices Liability: This is a gap policy that effectively reduces the District's self-insured retention for employment related claims from $500,000 to $35,000 per occurrence. The policy is limited to $500,000 in coverage as the Excess Liability policy will respond to claims that exceeds this amount. Fiduciary Liability: This policy protects the District from claims filed by participants in District maintained retirement and OPEB funds. Property Insurance Coverage The District's purchases property insurance and a crime policy. Property Insurance: The District is self-insured for damage to its property and facilities up to $250,000 per occurrence. Insurance coverage for losses in excess of this Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 5 retention is purchased through the Alliant Property Insurance Program (APIP), a group purchasing program administered by Alliant Insurance Services. The APIP policy includes Boiler & Machinery coverage. Cyber Liability Coverage: The APIP property coverage was recently enhanced to provide retroactive cyber liability coverage back to July 1, 2010. The program is underwritten by Lloyd's of London with a $2,000,000 sublimit for each participating agency with a $25,000,000 aggregate limit shared among the over 1,300 agencies in the program. The District is subject to a $100,000 retention on this coverage. Coverage parts are subject to certain other sublimits but include the following elements: - Information Security and Privacy - Privacy Notification Costs - Penalties for Regulatory Defense - Payment Card Industry (PCI) fines and penalties - Website Media Content Liability - Cyber Extortion Loss - Data Protection Loss and Business Interruption Loss Crime Insurance: The District's crime policy covers losses caused by employee theft, forgery or alteration, funds transfer fraud and certain types of computer fraud. It does not cover cyber -attacks or loss of data. All District insurance policies renew on July 1st of each year. Self Insurance Fund The District has self-insured most of its liability and some of its property risks since July 1, 1986, when the Board approved the establishment of the Self -Insurance Fund (SIF). In 1994, the Government Accounting Standards Board issued Statement No. 10 (GASB -10) which established requirements on how public agencies must fund their self- insured risks. To comply with GASB -10, the District segregated reserves for certain types of liability risks into a sub -fund that must be actuarially reviewed at least every two years. An actuarial study of this fund is currently in progress using loss data through June 30, 2016. In 2014, the Board established a reserve policy to maintain reserves for losses covered by Excess Liability insurance of at least three times the amount of the District's self insured retention. With the current District retention of $500,000, this reserve is Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 6 $1.5 million. Retained losses are paid from this fund during the year and the fund is replenished via a transfer from the Operations and Maintenance Fund at the start of each fiscal year. The Board also wanted to reserve funds for catastrophic losses or emergency response and wanted to simplify reserving for all risks that do not require GASB 10 compliance by consolidating other liability claim reserves and property loss reserves into a single fund. In order to meet the District's joint goals of simplifying reserves and establishing a catastrophic loss fund, the balance of the SIF has been consolidated into a single sub -fund with a $5 million reserve. Other claims and program expenses are paid from this fund during the year. The fund is replenished annually via a transfer from the Operations and Maintenance Fund at the start of each fiscal year. Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 7 Workers' Compensation Claims Strategic Plan Goal 2: Ensure Financial Stability Strategic Plan Goal 5: Provide Exceptional Customer Service Claim Types Workers' Compensation claims are classified as either Medical Only (MO) or Indemnity (IND) claims. MO claims are those where injured employees only needed medical treatment to cure or relieve their injuries. In these circumstances employees did not lose any time from work and suffered no permanent effects from the injury. IND claims are those where injured employees received ongoing medical treatment and: - were taken off work by their treating health care providers; - were given permanent physical restrictions; and/or, - suffered some permanent disability or physical limitation as a result of their injuries. Summary of Recent Claims The following table shows the distribution of Workers' Compensation claims for the FY 2015-16 year and the two prior years. The Claim # column indicates the number of claims occurring during the year. The Claim $ column indicates the total cost of those claims to date. 2013 Claim # Medical Only 16 Indemnity Total 18 2 Claim $ $21,875 $131,878 $153,753 2014-15 Claim # Claim $ 10 $20,171 $81,439 1 Y 2015-16 Claim # Claim $ 16 1 $38,376 4 $133,472 11 $101,610 20 $171,848 The following tables detail these totals by functional group. Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 8 ADM CSO ENG POD Total ADM CSO ENG POD Total Claims Frequency (#) MO IND MO IND IND MO FY 2013-14 IND FY 2013-11111. FY Y 2015-16 15 - $7,813 - - 1 - $17,613- - 1 - - 10- $726- 4 1 0 12 1 1 2- $4,071 3 - 1 2 1 - 4 1 3 - 1 1 3 16 2 10 1 1 16 1 4 Claims Severity ($) MO IND MO IND MO IND FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 Y 2015-16 - $7,813 - - $4,500 - $17,613- $5,135 - $25,511 $6,246 $726- $10,965 $81,439 $8,366 - $3,536 $124,066 $4,071 - - $127,226 $21,875 $131,878 $20,171 $81,439 $38,376 $133,472 Trends and Analysis Since the District has very few Workers' Compensation claims in any single year, it is difficult to identify any trends within a single year's claims. As a result, the following analysis uses Workers' Compensation claims data from the last five years. Medical Only Claims: The chart below shows the total number and cost of MO claims by functional group for the last five years. The following table shows the average cost per MO claim for each group during that same period. Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 9 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $- Medical Only Claims - Last 5 Years 42^ ADM CSO Cost ENG Number ENG includes HHWCF and Source Control MO 5 Yr Average POD 45 - 40 - 35 - 30 25 — 20 - 15 - 10 - 5 0 ADM CSO ENG POD $2,230 $1,424 $2,268 $3,127 CSO had the highest number of MO claims but also had the lowest average cost per MO claim. The data alone suggests that this group has more frequent but less serious injuries than other groups. However, CSO is also the most active participant in the District's Return to Work Program, which is discussed in more detail later in this section. Their active participation allows their employees to recover and return to work faster than if they did not participate as fully, and also reduces the cost of these claims. Indemnity Claims: The chart below shows the total number and cost of IND claims by functional group for the last five years. The costs include medical expenses and other payments made by the program (temporary disability paid to employee while off work). The following table shows the average cost per IND claim for each group during that same period. Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 10 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $- Indemnity Claims - Last 5 Years i $7,813 ADM IND 5 Yr Average $412,504 $81,439/ $6,246 CSO ENG Cost Number POD ADM CSO ENG POD $7,813 $6,243 $81,439 $58,929 8 6 4 2 0 These results illustrate the limitations of a small data set when looking for trends. Both the CSO and ADM claims were relatively minor when compared to the overall population of IND claims. At the same time, a single severe claim within Engineering pushed their five year average well above POD, which had seven IND claims over this same time period. Cost Drivers Despite the limitations of a small data set, it is clear that IND claims are more expensive than MO claims, as shown in the following chart. 5 Year Average Cost per Claim Medical Only vs. Indemnity •MO ■IND $81,439 $7,813 $6,243 $2,230 r' 411111, $1,424 111.11 2,268 $3,127 4111110 ADM 111111. CSO $58,929 ENG POD Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 11 Soft Costs: The above chart only shows the hard cost difference between MO and IND claims. Since IND claims usually include time away from work, there are additional costs associated with these claims not captured by claims payment data. These include lost productivity, overtime for other staff needed to fill in while an injured employee is off work, and supplemental benefit costs including salary continuation provided to augment temporary disability payments. Expert opinions vary on the scope of these additional costs but estimates range from three to five times the claims cost. Considering indemnity claims costs for just the last five years, this equates to between $300,000 to $500,000 in soft costs incurred by the District per year. Loss Control Since IND claims constitute the most severe injuries and are the primary cost driver in Workers' Compensation, Risk Management and Safety staff work closely together to reduce both the risk and the frequency of injuries to employees, and to reduce the cost of claims. Such loss control activities are addressed more fully in the Safety Annual Report provided after the end of each calendar year. The following charts serve as a snapshot of the District's IND claims by injury type, cause, and affected body parts. Unlike the chart above, these charts include claims data for the last ten years, which provides a larger data set to identify longer term trends. There were 44 IND claims in the last ten years. IND Claims by Injury Type - 10 Years 25 -/ 20 -7 15 -7 10 -7 4 5 2 0 1 7; .P c .. \,o sc -roc Qa>*.c ca'\c ��c,� eta .c.\''''`�.\C) �e'a to Strains and sprains continue to be the most common type of IND claim. Recovery often requires time off to rest, physical therapy, and, depending on the severity of the injury, might also require surgery. Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 12 1 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 IND Claims by Cause - 10 Years 11 13 ‘a e\�' ,Q Recovery from repetitive motion injuries also require rest, as injured employees need to stop performing the repetitive activity that caused the initial injury. Follow up is essential for these injured employees to prevent reoccurrence. Additional needs may include ergonomic adjustments, customized ergonomic equipment, and implementation of procedural changes or work modifications. As Safety staff has implemented these practices, the number of repetive motion injuries, and the frequency and severity of repetitive motion claims have decreased. In FY 2015- 16 the District only had two claims for repetitive motion injuries, both of which were MO claims. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 J J L IND Claims by Body Part - 10 Years 10 1 1 ���\� PSS P 1 1 1 <,' o� <ae ���� �° ���t�aa ,off �, •�e, ,so �t��\y� tee$ eco a 1 Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 13 Most of the District's IND claims resulted from injuries to employees' backs, knees and shoulders. Not surprisingly, injuries to these part of the body most often impact an employee's ability to return to either regular or modified work. Safety staff has been working throughout the District to expand modified duty opportunities for employees with these more severe injuries. Experience Modification Factor (ExMod) One of several factors used to calculate the District's annual Workers' Compensation premium is the Experience Modification factor (ExMod). CSRMA calculates each pool member's ExMod by using their loss data from the three prior years. This loss data is compared to all members' combined loss data for that same period. Each member's premium rate is adjusted up or down to reflect its performance compared to the pool as a whole. This calculation is adjusted each policy year. Because the pool determines its members' ExMod using a rolling three year period of loss data, no member is penalized for poor performance (higher than average claims frequency or severity) in a single year indefinitely. The District's ExMod has been reduced from a high of .97 in FY 2011-12 to a low of .56 in FY 2013-14. The following table shows this trend. ExMods in the two most recent years have increased slightly, reflecting the inclusion of more recent IND claims in the policy years used in the calculation. 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 Workers' Comp ExMod `90 3.75 0.73 0.74 0.56 u.ni 0$09 .10 , 11 12 13 .1N 15 .16 10)1- 1_06`b 1L009 L010 L011' L012' L013 L014 L015 0.64 Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 14 Return to Work In 2007, Risk Management implemented a Return to Work Program to facilitate employees' recovery from work-related injuries and to help reduce the number and cost of IND claims. In many cases, the District's ability to provide temporary modified duty (TMD) can prevent a MO claim from becoming an IND claim. This makes Return to Work an essential component of both employees' recovery and cost control. The program has since been expanded to include non -occupational injuries or other medical conditions where a temporary modification to an employee's duties would be beneficial to both the District and the employee. As a result, this program is now administered by Human Resources. The program incorporates use of the interactive process which is required for compliance with the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA). Metrics are not easy to compare from year to year as each potential TMD assignment is considered individually and depends on the nature of each employee's physical restrictions, and the District's ability to offer TMD within those restrictions. In FY 2015-16 the District provided TMD assignments to 14 employees with work-related injuries or illnesses. Workers' Compensation Net Loss Ratio The District's Workers' Compensation Net Loss Ratio is determined by dividing the total cost of claims occurring within a policy year (incurred costs) by the net premium the District paid to insure against those claims. Incurred costs include all payments made on claims as well as reserves for ongoing and future medical treatment, temporary and permanent disability payments and the projected costs of other Workers' Compensation benefits to which injured employees might be entitled. The net premium includes adjustments for any retrospective rating changes and any dividends issued by CSRMA. Since MO claims tend to be short-lived, loss costs from these claims are reasonably well known by the time medical treatment ends. As a result, these claims do not develop significantly over time. IND claims are much more volatile. These claims usually involve more serious injuries which may require longer recovery periods, more frequent and expensive medical treatment and temporary or permanent disability payments. Injured employees may suffer flare-ups or aggravation of injuries over several years. Also, recommended future medical treatment may expand over time. Reserves for these claims include estimates of these costs as well as any projected legal expenses for litigated cases. Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 15 2.00 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 WC Net Loss Ratio Total Incurred / Net Premium As of June 30, 2016 the District's loss ratio for policy years FY 2007-08 and FY 2008-09 exceeded 1.00. This means that CSRMA has paid and reserved more money to cover the cost of these claims than the District paid in premium. The loss ratio for the more recent years remain under 1.00. Claims occurring in FY 2009-10, through FY 2012-13 have not developed as significantly as those from earlier years. This improved performance is one factor in the District's reduced ExMod factor. There are a number of open claims in the FYs 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 policy years. Since these claims will mature, payments will continue and reserves will be adjusted, staff anticipates future increases in these loss ratios. Overall Performance The District's Workers' Compensation experience is generally better than its peers within the CSRMA pool of similar agencies. As noted above the District's ExMod factor has decreased over time and both the District's Net Loss Ratio and Rate per $100 of Payroll have steadily declined. This steady improvement is the result of the District's proactive approach to safety, Risk Management staff's focus on active case management, and the commitment of District staff, supervisors and managers to actively participate in the Return To Work Program. Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 16 Liability Claims Strategic Plan Goal 2: Ensure Financial Stability Strategic Plan Goal 5: Provide Exceptional Customer Service Claims Philosophy The District's focus on customer service informs the claims management process. Claimants are contacted immediately, their claims are investigated thoroughly, and when damages are found to be the District's responsibility, claims are settled promptly and fairly. This approach has resulted in satisfied claimants and in reduced cost to the District. Liability Claim Types Self-insured liability claims are classified into four types; auto liability (AL), plumbing reimbursements (PL), overflow claims (SSO) and other liability claims (GL). These claims are all paid from the Self Insurance Fund and would be covered by the District's excess liability insurance if the losses exceeded the District's self-insured retention. Claim costs include emergency response expenses, settlements, legal expenses and reserves for open claims. Auto Liability Claims Auto Liability claims are those filed by third parties for damages caused by District personnel while operating District vehicles. This includes claims for injuries to persons or damage to others' property. These claims do not include costs to repair or replace damaged District vehicles from such events. Repairs to District vehicles are paid from the District's Self -Insured Property Program. The chart below shows the total number and cost of Auto Liability claims since 2007. The following table shows the average cost per Auto Liability claim for each of the last five years. Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 17 $90,000 $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $- 2061-Q12) Auto Liability Claims 200$. 10009 09 10 Avg per AL Claim $79,756 20 0.11 20,,12 20,12.13 2013.'LP` 20,0.15 20 5.16 Cost Number 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 $3,545 $4,226 $2,157 $1,546 $5,000 5 4 3 2 1 0 Auto Liability claims occur infrequently and mostly involve reimbursement for property damage. The one exception since 2007 is a FY 2010-11 accident where the claimant was represented by counsel and alleged both bodily injury and property damage. The total cost of this claim, including defense costs, was $64,274. Plumbing Reimbursement Claims Plumbing reimbursements are small claims usually made by homeowners after they called a plumber for service only to learn that the problem was in the District's main line. In most cases, collection system staff provide the homeowner with the claim form while they are on scene. This facilitates a simple reimbursement process where Risk Management receives the claim, confirms the call out and the findings, then processes reasonable reimbursements. Plumbing reimbursements do not include reimbursement requests arising out of an overflow or any event where sewage escaped from the collection system. These circumstances involve additional expenses and often include other property damage. Claims arising from these situations are considered overflow claims, which are discussed in the following section. Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 18 The chart below shows the total number and cost of plumbing reimbursement claims since 2007. The following table shows the average cost per plumbing reimbursement claim for each of the last five years. $5,000 $4,500 $4,000 $3,500 $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 $- 2001.0S Year Avg $ per PL Claim Overflow Claims Plumbing Reimbursements s V $425 ■ $4,471 •••••• O9 10 11 12 13 .1� .15 .16 200S' 2009-L�10 L�11' 212' LQ13 2�1� L�15 Cost Number 12 I- 10 - 8 6 4 2 0 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 $287 $201 $406 $330 $407 Overflow claims are filed by customers whose homes or businesses are damaged by a sewer overflow. Collections system staff responds to the overflow and contacts Risk Management as soon as they become aware of an overflow affecting a home or business. This allows Risk Management staff to: - immediately respond and begin coordination of emergency clean up and remediation as needed; - provide for the affected customers' immediate needs; - work with the customers to define damages; - help customers prepare their claims; and - settle the claims in a timely and reasonable manner. This process has evolved into a partnership between CSO and Risk Management staff that benefits both the District and the customer. Evidence of this can be seen in the Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 19 following excerpts of emails Risk Management staff received from homeowners after overflows: Just wanted to let you know how impressed we were with the speed of the response and the professionalism displayed throughout this unpleasant situation. We really appreciate everyone's help and have been telling friends and neighbors all about our wonderful experience with CCCSD. 1 won't go so far as to say this was a fun experience but your crew and the two of you went to great lengths to make it as painless as possible for my family. For that we are greatly appreciative. The chart below shows the total number and cost of overflow claims since 2007. The following table shows the average cost per overflow claim for each of the last five years. $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $- 23 ,L00� .0 $412,973 Avg $ per SSO Claim Overflow Claims $348,392 16 14 12 / 10 / $166,514 8 6 4 i 2 0 0$.09 09.10 10.11 11.12 12.13 ,1 1.15 13.16 20 20 20 20 20 2013 20 20 Cost - Number FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 $1,630 $4,819 $3,610 $9,450 $16,651 Costs in FY 2007-08 and FY 2010-11 each include one large overflow claim. The claim in FY 2007-08 cost $322,315 and the claim in FY 2010-11 cost $220,741. Staff benchmarks overflow claims costs against the average cost per overflow claim incurred by the CSRMA general liability pool. Although the District does not participate in this pool, their loss data presents a relevant benchmark for comparison. As of the last available data, CSRMA's average cost exceeded $17,000 per overflow claim. Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 20 Since 2007 the District has met this benchmark in all but the two years mentioned above. Thanks to the partnership with CSO and the ongoing support of management and the Board, Risk Management staff are often able to resolve overflow claims for much lower cost than that of the District's peers. However, as the chart above suggests, large overflow claims occur infrequently but are not unlikely. Any overflow claim can develop into a significant loss, even if addressed in a timely, thoughtful and professional manner. Other Liability Claims Other liability claims include losses arising from the District's operations that don't readily fit in the categories above. Examples of these claims include damage to homeowners' property caused by sewer cleaning activities, damages alleged to arise from offset manholes, damage to other utilities' infrastructure from maintenance or construction activities and other claims where the affected party believes the District caused their loss. All such claims are investigated and, if found to be the District's responsibility, promptly settled for reasonable amounts. Claims found not to be the District's responsibility are either denied or tendered to the at -fault party. The chart below shows the total number and cost of other liability claims since 2007. The following table shows the average cost per claim for each of the last five years. Other Liability Claims $1,200,000 $1,063,620 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $ 2001' 200$.09 2009.102010.11 2011.12 20 2.13 2013,18 201 At) ,),(SP 05 Cost Number 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 21 Year Avg $ per GL Claim FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 $2,582 $19,175 $18,431 $88,635 $943 The average cost per claim for FY 2014-15 is skewed by the inclusion of the District's $1 million contribution toward a flood loss arising from construction activities. Absent that single event, the average cost of these claims for FY 2014-15 would only be $5,302. FY 2012-13 included one litigated bodily injury claim that cost almost $70,000, most of which was spent on legal defense. As noted above, the District will vigourously defend claims for damages where it believes it has no responsibility. This was one such example. FY 2013-14 included two litigated claims for bodily injury from bicyclists and a claim from Riverwatch related to operation of the collection system. Pollution Risks The District purchases a separate Pollution Legal Liability insurance policy to cover losses arising out of the collection and disposal of household hazardous waste. No claims have been filed since the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility opened in 1997. The District has chosen to self -insure its other pollution risks because commercial insurance coverage is either not available or extremely expensive. The SIF includes a separate reserve to finance these risks. Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 22 Property Risks and Losses Strategic Plan Goal 2: Ensure Financial Stability As noted earlier, the District is self-insured for damage to its property and facilities up to $250,000 per occurrence. Insurance coverage for losses in excess of this retention is purchased through the Alliant Property Insurance Program (APIP), a group purchasing program administered by Alliant Insurance Services. The APIP policy includes Boiler & Machinery coverage. Flood and Earthquake Risks The APIP policy does not include coverage for damages arising out of flood or earthquake. Risk Management staff periodically evaluates the cost of insuring these risks through the commercial insurance market. The evaluation considers the implementation of District projects and modifications that have reduced the potential impact of damage from floods and earthquakes against available insurance coverage and pricing. Staff is currently awaiting an updated quote to cover essential District facilities for both flood and earthquake damage. However, initial indications suggest that prices are still unreasonably high for the scope of coverage offered. Should quotes come in better than expected or options available on the commercial insurance market expand, the District may consider insuring these risks. At this time the District is essentially self-insured for flood and earthquake risks. To finance this risk, the Board approved and funded a $5 million emergency reserve within the SIF to pay for emergency repairs after a natural disaster. Auto Physical Damage The District is self-insured for Auto Physical Damage. Auto Liability is covered under the Excess Liability policy but the cost to repair or replace damaged District vehicles is not. When a District vehicle is damaged by a third party, the Self -Insurance Fund pays for repairs and Risk Management files a claim to recover those costs from the at -fault party. The following table shows the number (#) and cost ($) of Auto Physical Damage losses for the last several years. Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 23 Auto Physical Damage Claims FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 $ $3,878 $2,152 $5,318 $31,096 $3,508 $3,965 $5,189 $1,953 # 4 3 4 6 0 2 2 3 1 Property Claims There were no other property losses in FY 2015-16. Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 24 Emergency Management Strategic Plan Goal 5, Strategy 4: Continue Emergency Management Program Development and Improvement Strategic Plan Goal 5, Strategy 2: Increase District interaction with local, state and federal officials Risk Management is responsible for developing, implementing, evaluating and improving the District's Emergency Management Program. The program includes the four components discussed below. Plan Development and Maintenance Risk Management is responsible for developing and maintaining the District's Emergency Operations Plan, Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, and the Continuity of Operations Plan. Emergency Operations Plan: The California Emergency Services Act requires all public entities to prepare and maintain an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) that complies with the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS). Risk Management released and the Board adopted a major EOP update in 2010 to reflect changes in the EOC staffing structure and to comply with the federal National Incident Management System (NIMS). The EOP is reviewed at least annually with updates posted to the District's intranet. A minor update was released and posted in January 2014 to further clarify duties and to reflect changes in EOC staffing. Hard copies of the EOP are kept in the District's primary and backup Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs). Additional hard copies of the plan are kept in the emergency supplies cache. A 2016 update was released electronically to update the EOC organization chart. A major EOP update is planned for 2017 that will be more aligned with the 2016 changes in the Contra Costa County EOP. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan: The District has a FEMA -approved Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP). FEMA requires local governments to have approved plans as a prerequisite to seek grants under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program and the Pre - Disaster Mitigation Program. In keeping with the District's commitment to coordinate its emergency planning and responses with other agencies, Risk Management staff continued its participation in the multi -jurisdictional planning group with Contra Costa County and over 30 other local agencies. The plan was approved in 2012 and is effective through 2017. In early 2016, the District submitted a Notice of Intent to Participate with Contra Costa County and other planning partners in the 2017 update to this plan. Risk Management staff has already been assigned to the LHMP Update Steering Committee. Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 25 Continuity of Operations Plan: The Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) is designed to work in concert with the EOP. While the EOP defines roles, responsibilities and procedures for the District's emergency response and coordination with other agencies during a disaster, the COOP specifies how the District will maintain its own operations during a large emergency or disaster. Phase 1 of the COOP has been completed including the establishment of Mission Essential Functions, Mission Supporting Functions and Recovery Time Objectives. Work on phase 2 of the COOP will begin in Fall of 2016. Emergency Action Plan: The Emergency Action Plan (EAP) is required by CaIOSHA and details the specific responsibilities and procedures to follow if District staff need to evacuate or shelter in place. Since the District's EAP is part of the Safety Directive catalog, responsibility for EAP maintenance, testing and exercises was transferred to the Safety Unit when it was moved to the Operations Department in April 2012. Training and Exercises During the year Risk Management offered the following classes and exercises to emergency response staff. Items marked with an asterisk (*) were funded through a Bay Area Urban Area Security Initiative grant from Homeland Security. EOC Finance and Disaster Recovery * 9/21-22/15 CSTI 4 -day Earthquake Class * 10/5-8/15 Social Media for Natural Disaster Response & Recovery * 3/16/16 EOC Action Planning * 5/24-26/16 Certifications and Licensing Ham Radio Licensing.: CSO and Risk Management co-sponsored a local area Ham Radio training class earlier in 2015. Two District employees attended and passed the exam, thus adding two more licensed ham radio operators to the District's emergency communications team. Emergency Management Specialist: During the year Risk Management staff completed the required coursework and received certification from the Governor's Office of Emergency Services as an Emergency Management Specialist. Supplies & Equipment Primary and Backup EOC: The Multi -Purpose Room is the District's primary Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The Crew Room at the CSO facility in Walnut Creek serves as the District's backup EOC. Both locations are designed as `warm' Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 26 sites, meaning that all needed supplies and equipment are stored on site but must be set up before the EOC becomes operational. These facilities must be continuously stocked with the necessary supplies and equipment to enable immediate set up and operation of the EOC. During FY 2015-16, Risk Management staff conducted two inventory audits of each location to ensure that the necessary items were available on site, secured as needed and maintained in an operable condition. At the same time, staff also tested the analog phones and satellite internet to ensure continued operability. Communications: Several years ago Contra Costa and Alameda Counties created a JPA to develop and maintain an interoperable radio communications infrastructure, the East Bay Regional Communications System Authority (EBRCSA). The District joined this group in 2014. This year staff purchased the radios that work on the interoperable system (P25 standard). The Radio Unit of the County's Department of Information Technology is the designated programmer for all radios intended for use on the Contra Costa County portion of the EBRCSA infrastructure. This group has begun programming the District's radios. Once programming is completed, the new radios will be deployed and users will be trained to use them. Coordination with Other Agencies As a single -service agency, the District must coordinate its emergency response with first responders in other local governments within its service area. All local governments in the County report incidents, damage and resource requests to the Operational Area EOC. The Operational Area EOC is housed at the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services (OES). The County EOC analyzes and forwards local status reports and unfilled resource requests to the regional, state and federal emergency management coordinators. Risk Management staff continued to serve on the Operational Area Council, a group of emergency managers from within the County who meet quarterly to share information and best practices, to coordinate multi -agency drills and training opportunities and to facilitate coordinated area emergency planning. The Council is sponsored by the Contra Costa County Sheriff's OES. As the Operational Area point of contact, County OES also works with state and federal agencies to collaborate on projects of regional or national concern. Operational Area Council members are encouraged to participate in these larger group meetings. During FY 2015-16, Risk Management staff served on the planning team for the Contra Costa County 2016 Yellow Command EOC exercise and the District hosted a three day EOC Action Planning Class sponsored by the Bay Area Urban Area Security Initiative and taught by the California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI). Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 27 Security Strategic Plan Goal 6: Maintain a Reliable Wastewater Infrastructure Risk Management is responsible for the security of District facilities. Day-to-day security operations includes oversight of, and coordination with, the contracted security guard company, issuance of badges and keys to District personnel and the maintenance and support of the electronic security systems including security cameras, panic buttons, burglar alarms and related software. Risk Management staff partners with other District work groups to accomplish a variety of tasks and projects in order to secure District property and protect District employees and the public from security breaches. Major security initiatives this year included Risk Management staff working with: - Purchasing to transition to a new security guard contractor; - Capital Projects to conduct an initial physical security assessment of District facilities; - Information Technology to develop an Information Security Procedure; - Human Resources to develop a District Property issuance and tracking procedure; and - Building and Grounds to deploy new padlocks on all Martinez campus perimeter gates. Staff is also working on longer term projects including development of a Security Master Plan and the implementation of additional procedures and facility hardening measures to protect employees and further restrict access to District facilities from unauthorized parties. Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 28 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $4,000,000 $3,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $- X1,881,157 TCOR by Fiscal Year $3,745,138 This chart shows the TCOR for each Fiscal Year by its component parts. $3,800,000 $3,300,000 $2,800,000 $2,300,000 $1,800,000 $1,300,000 $800,000 $300,000 -$200,000 PI ■ TCOR Components by Fiscal Year 1 1 1 O'u by tiv ti� ya y� 'V R °I' O , '1' '� 0 LOO 'LOO '1. 00 ,LOQ ,LOQ '10� ,LOQ ,LOQ• ti Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 N. • Losses Incurred Insurance • SIF Revenue Safety Expenses RM Div Expenses • Personnel 30 Metrics and Other Accomplishments The District's Strategic Plan includes six goals with associated strategies, initiatives and metrics to track performance toward achieving these goals. Risk Management is responsible for metrics under two of the goals. The tables below summarize Risk Management's FY 2015-16 performance for the metrics associated with these goals. Goal 2: Ensure Financial Stability Strategy: Implement prudent risk management procedures to minimize exposure to risk Metric Workers' Comp Experience Modifier (ExMod) Return to Work / Modified Duty Average Cost per Overflow Claim Evaluate and Implement Additional Cost -Effective Risk Control and Self -Insurance Opportunities Target Year End Result Maintain ExMod at 1.0 or lower Provide Temporary Modified Duty to at least 75% of employees injured on the job Maintain cost at $25,000 or lower Perform Annual Review by Fourth Quarter Goal 5: Maintain a Reliable Wastewater Infrastructure .64 100% $16,651 Complete Strategy: Continue Emergency Management Program Development and Improvement Metric Target Year End Result Emergency Operations Center Activation Exercise Maintain Continuity of Operations Plan Submit LHMP Annual Report Maintain Emergency Operations Plan Maintain adequate supplies and equipment in primary and backup EOCs Conduct one exercise per year by the third quarter Update plan as needed Prepare and submit report in accordance with County OED schedule. Update plan by third quarter Conduct annual EOC inventory and supply audits and restock as needed Moved to Sept 2016 Phase 1 update completed Completed Minor Update Completed Audits and applicable restocking completed Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 31 Other Risk Management Accomplishments In addition to the activities and results discussed in this report, Risk Management staff undertook several smaller projects and continued to provide services and support to work groups throughout the District. Some of these accomplishments included: - Updating the Workers' Compensation procedure for employees and the Supervisor's Workers' Compensation Information Package; - Providing training to supervisors on their role in the Workers' Compensation claims process; - Recommending the provision of Workers' Compensation coverage to District volunteers; - Working with Safety to develop and recommend new language to limit multi- employer worksite liability in District specifications; - Implementing the District's Access Control Procedure; - Working with senior management to implement a consistent response toward allegations of structure hazards on private roads; and - Reviewing submittals and contractors' requests to modify indemnity and insurance requirements for Capital Projects and Purchasing contracts. Risk Management Division Annual Report FY 2015-16 32