HomeMy WebLinkAbout05. Review Board Policy 005 for the GASB 45 TrustCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 1, 2016 Subject: REVIEW AND READOPT THE BOARD POLICY NO. BP 005 - STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY AND INVESTMENT GUIDELINES FOR THE GASB 45 OTHER POST -EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS TRUST Submitted By: Thea Vassallo, CPA, CMA Finance Manager 5. DRAFT Initiating Dept./Div.: Administrative/Finance & Accounting REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: K. Alm R. Bailey Counsel for the District General Manager ISSUE: The District's investment policies for District assets and the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 45 Other Post -Employment Benefits Trust (OPEB Trust) are reviewed and approved annually by the Board of Directors in accordance with the District investment policy. BACKGROUND: BP 005 - Statement of Investment Policy: Section 53646 of the California Government Code states that the Treasurer or Chief Fiscal Officer of the local agency may annually render to the legislative body of that local agency and any oversight committee of that local agency a statement of investment policy, which the legislative body of the local agency shall consider at a public meeting. Although no longer required, it has been the District's practice and policy to render an annual Statement of Investment Policy to the District's governing Board for review and approval (see Attachment 1) as well as a monthly investment report. These provisions were previously incorporated into the District's investment policy. In 2015, staff retained Lauren Brant, Managing Director with PFM Asset Management LLC (PFMAM), to review the District's investment policy and provide recommendations. After considerable deliberation of the alternatives allowed by the Government Code, the document was revised to incorporate industry best practices. Staff has reviewed BP 005 adopted in 2015 and recommends no changes at this time. OPEB Trust: In 2013, the Board Finance Committee directed staff to hire a consultant to perform a Benchmark Study on the District's OPEB Trust. The District engaged in a contract with a registered investment advisor, to conduct an investment review. The advisory services included reviewing the OPEB Trust Investment Guidelines Document (IGD), asset allocation, funds used in the portfolio, performance of the funds, and level Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: Subject: September 1, 2016 REVIEW AND READOPT THE BOARD POLICY NO. BP 005 - STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY AND INVESTMENT GUIDELINES FOR THE GASB 45 OTHER POST -EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS TRUST of fees charged by HighMark Capital Management and Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS). As a result of the 2013 Benchmark Study, the OPEB Trust IGD was revised and the level of fees charged by both HighMark Capital Management and PARS was lowered by approximately 10 percent on an annual basis. The IGD document was updated to more clearly specify the scope and purpose, investment objectives and constraints, and duties and responsibilities of the plan sponsor, trustee and investment manager of the Trust. The revised OPEB Trust IGD is attached (see Attachment 2). It is HighMark Capital Management's responsibility to ensure compliance with the District's risk tolerance objective and State laws regarding the OPEB Trust account. PARS is the Trust Administrator responsible for recordkeeping/sub-trust accounting, plan compliance relative to GASB 45/state laws, monitoring contributions and processing disbursements; US Bank is the Trustee and custodian of assets; and HighMark Capital Management is the sub -adviser, hired by US Bank to invest the plan assets according to the moderate investment strategy chosen by the Board of Directors in 2008. Staff provides quarterly reports of the OPEB Trust investments to the Finance Committee, and Highmark and/or PARS presents an update of the OPEB Trust twice a year to the Finance Committee. Staff has reviewed the OPEB Trust IGD and recommends no changes at this time. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The yield earned on District investments is directly correlated to the policies and guidelines being considered which address the risk tolerance and investment practices of the District relative to optimizing the return, taking into account the priorities of safety and liquidity. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: Additional investment options could be added for District investments that fall within the permissible investments prescribed by the Government Code. The Board could also choose to make other changes to the Policy. The current moderate investment strategy previously adopted by the Board for the OPEB Trust could be changed to a less or more aggressive strategy. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Staff presented BP 005 - Statement of Investment Policy and the OPEB Trust IGD to the Administration Committee meeting on August 19, 2016. The Committee recommended approval of both the Statement of Investment Policy and the OPEB Trust IGD with no changes. Page 2 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: September 1, 2016 Subject: REVIEW AND READOPT THE BOARD POLICY NO. BP 005 - STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY AND INVESTMENT GUIDELINES FOR THE GASB 45 OTHER POST -EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS TRUST RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve both the BP 005 - Statement of Investment Policy and the Investment Guidelines Document for the OPEB Trust with no changes. Attached Supportina Documents: 1. Board Policy 005 — Statement of Investment Policy 2. GASB 45 (OPEB) Trust Investment Guidelines Document (IGD) Page 3 of 3 Number: BP 005 Authority: Board of Directors Effective: September 1, 2011 Revised: September 17, 2015 Reviewed: September 1, 2016 Initiating Dept./Div.: Administration/Finance BOARD POLICY ATTACHMENT 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District www.centralsan.org STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY PURPOSE The investment policy of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District governs the District's investments. Investments will be in compliance with the provisions of, but not necessarily limited to California Government Code Section 53601 and other applicable statutes. A separate investment policy governs the District's GASB 45 Trust. This investment policy is embodied in the following fourteen sections: POLICY Statement of Objectives The primary objectives, in priority order, of the District's investment activities shall be: • Safety. Investments of the District shall be undertaken in the manner that seeks to ensure the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. • Liquidity. The District's portfolio will remain sufficiently liquid to enable the District to meet all operating requirements which might be reasonably anticipated. • Return on Investment. The portfolio will be invested to attain a market average rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, taking into account the investment risk constraints, liquidity needs, and cash flow characteristics of the portfolio.. Permissible Investments Within the constraints prescribed by the Government Code of the State of California for permissible investments, the District's investment portfolio will only be invested in the following instruments: • United States Treasury Obligations. United States Treasury notes, bonds, bills, or certificates of indebtedness, or those for which the full faith and Number: BP 005 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY Page 2 of 7 credit of the United States are pledged for the payment of principal and interest. • United States Government Agency Issues. Federal agency or United States government-sponsored enterprise obligations, participations, or other instruments, including those issued by or fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by federal agencies or United States government- sponsored. enterprises. • Municipal Investments. Registered state warrants or treasury notes or bonds of this state, including bonds payable solely out of the revenues from a revenue-producing property owned, controlled, or operated by the state or by a department, board, agency, or authority of the state. Registered treasury notes or bonds of any of the other 49 states in addition to California, including bonds payable solely out of the revenues from a revenue-producing property owned, controlled, or operated by a state or by a department, board, agency, or authority of any of the other 49 states, in addition to California. Eligible obligations shall be rated in category "AA" or its equivalent or better by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization (NRSRO). No more than 5% shall be invested in any single issuer. • Money Market Funds. Shares of beneficial interest issued by diversified management companies that are money market funds registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. See. 80a-1, et seq.). That invest in the securities and obligations as authorized by California Government Code 53601 subdivisions (a) to (k), inclusive, and subdivisions (m) to (q), inclusive, and that comply with the investment restrictions of this article and Article 2 (commencing with Section 53630). To be eligible for investment pursuant to this subdivision, these companies shall either: i. Attain the highest ranking or the highest letter and numerical rating provided by not less than two NRSROs; ii. Retain an investment advisor registered or exempt from registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission with not less than five years' experience managing money market mutual funds with assets under management in excess of five hundred million dollars ($500,000,000). A maximum of 20% of the District's portfolio may be invested in money market funds. No more than 10% of the District's portfolio may be invested in any one fund. Number: BP 005 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY Page 3 of 7 • Bankers' Acceptances, otherwise known as bills of exchange or time drafts, drawn on and accepted by a commercial bank. Purchases of bankers' acceptances shall not exceed 180 days' maturity or 40% of the District's moneys that may be invested pursuant to this section. However, no more than 5% of the District's moneys may be invested in the bankers' acceptances of any one commercial bank pursuant to this section. • Collateralized Certificates of Deposit issued by a Federal or State chartered bank or a Federal or State chartered savings and loan association. Time certificates of deposit shall meet the requirements for deposit under Government Code Section 53635 et. seq. The Director of Administration, for deposits up to the current FDIC insurance limit, may waive collateral requirements if the institution insures its deposits with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Fully insured time certificates of deposit placed through a deposit placement service shall meet the requirements under Code Section 53601.8. • Negotiable Certificates of Deposit issued by a nationally or state -chartered bank, a savings association or a federal association (as defined by Section 5102 of the Financial Code), a state or federal credit union, or by a federally licensed or state -licensed branch of a foreign bank. Purchases of negotiable certificates of deposit shall not exceed 30% of the District's moneys that may be invested pursuant to this section and not more than 5% may be invested in any single issuer. Eligible negotiable certificates of deposit shall be rated in category "AA" or its equivalent or better by a NRSRO. • Commercial Paper of prime quality of the highest ranking or of the highest letter and number rating as provided for by a NRSRO. The entity that issues the commercial paper shall meet all of the following conditions in either paragraph (a) or paragraph (b): a) The entity meets the following criteria: (i) Is organized and operating in the United States as a general corporation. (ii) Has total assets in excess of five hundred million dollars ($500,000,000). (iii) Has debt other than commercial paper, if any, that is rated "A" or higher by a NRSRO. b) The entity meets the following criteria: (i) Is organized within the United States as a special purpose corporation, trust, or limited liability company. (ii) Has program wide credit enhancements including, but not limited to, over collateralization, letters of credit, or surety bond. (iii) Has commercial paper that is rated "A-1" or higher, or the equivalent, by a NRSRO. Number: BP 005 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY Page 4 of 7 Eligible commercial paper shall have a maximum maturity of 270 days or less. The District may invest no more than 25% of their moneys in eligible commercial paper and no more than 5% of the outstanding commercial paper of any single issuer. • Medium Term Notes, defined as all corporate and depository institution debt securities with a maximum of five years maturity, issued by corporations organized and operating within the United States or by depository institutions licensed by the United States, or any state and operating within the United States. Notes eligible for investment under this subdivision shall be rated "AA" or better by an NRSRO. Purchases of medium-term notes shall not include other instruments authorized by this section and shall not exceed 30% of the District's moneys that may be invested pursuant to this section. No more than 5% of the District's total investment portfolio may be invested in the debt of any one corporation. • Government Pools. Shares of beneficial interest issued by a joint powers authority organized pursuant to California Government Code Section 6509.7 that invests in securities and obligations authorized by California Government Code 53601 subdivisions (a) to (q), inclusive. Each share shall represent an equal proportional interest in the underlying pool of securities owned by the joint powers authority. To be eligible under this section, the joint powers authority issuing the shares shall have retained an investment adviser that meets all of the following criteria: i. The adviser is registered or exempt from registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission. ii. The adviser has not less than five years of experience investing in the securities and obligations authorized in California Government Code 53601 subdivisions (a) to (q), inclusive. iii. The adviser has assets under management in excess of five hundred million dollars ($500,000,000). • Local Agency Investment Fund of the State of California. Investment in LAIF may not exceed the current LAIF limit and should be reviewed periodically. • Supranationals, defined as United States dollar denominated senior unsecured unsubordinated obligations issued or unconditionally guaranteed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Finance Corporation, or Inter -American Development Bank, with a maximum remaining maturity of five years or less, and eligible for purchase and sale within the United States. Supranationals shall be rated "AA" or its equivalent or better by a NRSRO. Purchases of supranationals may not exceed 30% of the District's investment portfolio and no more than 5% may be invested in any single issuer. Number: BP 005 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY Page 5 of 7 III. Bank and Dealers The District has the option of investing funds internally, using the services of the Treasurer's Office of the County of Contra Costa or a registered investment advisor to transact the District's investments in compliance with the requirements described in this investment policy. If the District uses the services of the County, the County Treasurer's Office will execute the District's investments through such brokers, dealers and financial institutions as are approved by the County Treasurer, and through the State Treasurer's Office for investment in the Local Agency Investment Fund. If the District utilizes an external investment advisor, the advisor is authorized to transact with its own approved broker -deal list on behalf of the district. The advisor will perform all due diligence for the brokers and dealers on its approved list. IV. Maturities To the extent possible, the District shall attempt to match its investments with anticipated cash flow requirements. Unless stated otherwise in this Policy or approval made by the District's executive body, the maximum maturity of the District's eligible investments will not exceed five years. V. Diversification The District's investments shall be diversified by: • Limiting investments to avoid over concentration in securities from a specific issuer or sector. • Limiting investments in securities that have higher credit risks. • Investing in securities with varying maturities. • Continuously investing a portion of the portfolio in readily available funds such as local government investment pools or money market funds to ensure that appropriate liquidity is maintained in order to meet ongoing obligations. VI. Risk Credit and market risks will be minimized through adherence to the list of permissible investments, a limit on maximum maturities, and the limitation on the total investment in a single issuer. VII. Delegation and Authority The Board of Directors is responsible for the investment of the District's funds. The Board hereby delegates responsibility for investment transactions Number: BP 005 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY Page 6 of 7 for the investment program to the General Manager or designee, for a one- year period. The General Manager or designee may delegate the day-to-day execution of investments to a registered investment advisor, via written agreement approved by the Board. The Advisor in coordination with the General Manager or designee will manage on a daily basis the District's investment portfolio pursuant to the specific and stated investment objectives of the District. The Advisor shall follow the policy and such other written instructions provided by the General Manager or designee. VIII. Prudence Prudent judgment must be exercised by the General Manager or designee and all investment staff responsible for investment transactions undertaken in accordance with this investment policy. The standard of prudence to be applied by the investment officer shall be the "prudent person" rule: "Investments shall be made with judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived." The prudent person rule shall be applied in the context of managing the overall portfolio. IX. Ethics and Conflicts of Interest Officers and employees involved in the investment process shall refrain from personal business activity that could conflict with the proper execution and management of the investment program, or that could impair their ability to make impartial decisions. Employees and investment officials shall disclose any material interests in financial institutions with which they conduct business. They shall further disclose any personal financial/investment positions that could be related to the performance of the investment portfolio. Employees and officers shall refrain from undertaking personal investment transactions with the same individual with whom business is conducted on behalf of the District. X. Controls The General Manager or designee will establish subsidiary accounting records of each investment which will enable the determination of income earned monthly and through maturity, and the balancing of the principal amounts to a control account in the general ledger. Internal control procedures require the General Manager or designee to sign all transactions, Number: BP 005 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY Page 7 of 7 which are then countersigned by the General Manager. Such internal controls are to be reviewed by the District's independent auditors annually. XI. Safekeeping and Custody All investment transactions will be executed on a delivery versus payment basis. Securities will be held in safekeeping by a third party custodian designated by the District. The custodian will be required to provide timely (written or on-line) confirmation of receipt and monthly position and transaction reports. XII. Reporting The General Manager or designee will annually render a statement of investment policy to the Board of Directors. Also, annually, the GASB 45 Trust Investment Policy will be brought before the Board. The General Manager or designee will submit a monthly report to the District's General Manager and Board of Directors showing the type of investment, issuer, date of maturity, par (or face), dollar amount invested, current market value of all securities, and the source of this same valuation, and a statement of compliance of the portfolio with the investment policy. XIII. Performance Evaluation The investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of obtaining a rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, commensurate with the investment risk constraints and the cash flow needs. XIV. Policy Considerations This policy shall be reviewed on an annual basis. Any changes must be approved by the Board after review by the Administration Committee, as well as the individual(s) charged with maintaining internal controls. [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District] HIGHMARK® CAPITAL MANAGEMENT ATTACHMENT 2 Investment Guidelines Document Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District GASB 45 / Other Post -Employment Benefits Trust October 2013 Investment Guidelines Document Scope and Purpose The purpose of this Investment Guidelines Document is to: • Facilitate the process of ongoing communication between the Plan Sponsor and its plan fiduciaries; • Confirm the Plan's investment goals and objectives and management policies applicable to the investment portfolio identified below and obtained from the Plan Sponsor; • Provide a framework to construct a well -diversified asset mix that can potentially be expected to meet the account's short- and long-term needs that is consistent with the account's investment objectives, liquidity considerations and risk tolerance; • Identify any unique considerations that may restrict or limit the investment discretion of its designated investment managers; • Help maintain a long-term perspective when market volatility is caused by short-term market movements. • Assist the Plan Sponsor in formulating an Investment Policy Statement ("IPS") for the account. Key Plan Sponsor Account Information as of October 23, 2013 Plan Sponsor: Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District Governance: Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District Plan Name ("Plan"): Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District GASB 45/Other Post -Employment Benefits Trust Trustee: US Bank Contact: Fran Schoenfeld, 949-224-7204 fran.schoenfeld@usbank.com Account Number ("Account"):6746030600 Type of Account: ERISA Status: Market Value of Account: Investment Manager: GASB 45/Other Post -Employment Benefits Trust Not subject to ERISA $32,000,000 US Bank, as discretionary trustee, has delegated investment management responsibilities to HighMark Capital Management, Inc. ("Investment Manager"), an SEC -registered investment adviser Contact: Andrew Brown, CFA, 415-705-7605 Andrew.brown@highmarkcapital.com Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District — GASB 45/Other Post -Employment Benefits Trust Investment Guidelines Document — HighMark Capital Management, Inc. (v. 4/26/2013 - cls) 2 Investment Authority: Except as otherwise noted, the Trustee, US Bank, has delegated investment authority to HighMark Capital Management, an SEC -registered investment adviser. Investment Manager has full investment discretion over the managed assets in the account. Investment Manager is authorized to purchase, sell, exchange, invest, reinvest and manage the designated assets held in the account, all in accordance with account's investment objectives, without prior approval or subsequent approval of any other party(ies). Investment Objectives and Constraints The goal of the Plan's investment program is to generate adequate long-term returns that, when combined with contributions, will result in sufficient assets to pay the present and future obligations of the Plan. The following objectives are intended to assist in achieving this goal: • The Plan should earn, on a long-term average basis, a rate of return equal to or in excess of the target rate of return of 6.25%. • The Plan should seek to earn a return in excess of its policy benchmark over the long- term. • The Plan's assets will be managed on a total return basis which takes into consideration both investment income and capital appreciation. While the Plan Sponsor recognizes the importance of preservation of capital, it also adheres to the principle that varying degrees of investment risk are generally rewarded with compensating returns. To achieve these objectives, the Plan Sponsor allocates its assets (asset allocation) with a strategic, long- term perspective of the capital markets. Investment Time Horizon: Anticipated Cash Flows: Target Rate of Return: Investment Objective: Risk Tolerance: Long-term Approximately $200,000 to $300,000 in monthly contributions. Distributions are expected to be modest in the early years of the Plan. 6.25% annual target The primary objective is to maximize total Plan return, subject to the risk and quality constraints set forth herein. The investment objective the Plan Sponsor has selected is the Moderate Objective, which has a dual goal to seek moderate growth of income and principal. Moderate The account's risk tolerance has been rated moderate, which demonstrates that the account can accept average, or moderate, price fluctuations to pursue its investment objectives. Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District — GASB 45/Other Post -Employment Benefits Trust Investment Guidelines Document — HighMark Capital Management, Inc. (v. 4/26/2013 - cls) 3 Strategic Asset Allocation: The asset allocation ranges for this objective are listed below: Strategic Asset Allocation Ranges Cash Fixed Income Equity 0-20% 40%-60% 40%-60% Policy: 5% Policy: 45% Policy: 50% Market conditions may cause the account's asset allocation to vary from the stated range from time to time. The Investment Manager will rebalance the portfolio no less than quarterly and/or when the actual weighting differs substantially from the strategic range, if appropriate and consistent with your objectives. Security Guidelines: Equities With the exception of limitations and constraints described above, Investment Manager may allocate assets of the equity portion of the account among various market capitalizations (large, mid, small) and investment styles (value, growth). Further, Investment Manager may allocate assets among domestic, international developed and emerging market equity securities. Total Equities 40%-60% Equity Style Range Domestic Large Cap Equity 15%-45% Domestic Mid Cap Equity 0%-10% Domestic Small Cap Equity 1 0%-15% International Equity (incl Emerging Markets) 1 0%-15% Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) 0%-15% Fixed Income In the fixed income portion of the account, Investment Manager may allocate assets among various sectors and industries, as well as varying maturities and credit quality that are consistent with the overall goals and objectives of the portfolio. Total Fixed Income 40%-60% Fixed Income Style Range Long-term bonds (maturities >7 years) 0%-25% Intermediate-term bonds (maturities 3-7 years) 25%-60% Short -Term bonds (maturities <3 years) 0%-25% High Yield bonds 0%-10% Convertible bonds 0%-10% Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District — GASB 45/Other Post -Employment Benefits Trust Investment Guidelines Document — HighMark Capital Management, Inc. (v. 4/26/2013 - cls) 4 Performance Benchmarks: The performance of the total Plan shall be measured over a three and five-year periods. These periods are considered sufficient to accommodate the market cycles experienced with investments. The performance shall be compared to the return of the total portfolio blended benchmark shown below. Total Portfolio Blended Benchmark 26.50% S&P500 5.00% Russell Mid Cap 7.50% Russell 2000 3.25% MSCI EM FREE 6.00% MSCI EAFE 1.75% Wilshire REIT 33.50% BC US Aggregate 10.00% ML 1-3 Year US Corp/Gov't 1.50% US High Yield Master II 5.00% Citi 1 Mth T -Sill Asset Class/Stvle Benchmarks Over a market cycle, the long-term objective for each investment strategy is to add value to a market benchmark. The following are the benchmarks used to monitor each investment strategy: Large Cap Equity S&P 500 Mid Cap Equity Russell MidCap Index Growth Russell MidCap Growth Value Russell MidCap Value Small Cap Equity Russell 2000 Index Growth Russell 2000 Growth Value Russell 2000 Value REITs Wilshire REIT International Equity MSCI EAFE Investment Grade Bonds BarCap US Aggregate Bond High Yield Credit Suisse High Yield Security Selection Investment Manager may utilize a full range of investment vehicles when constructing the investment portfolio, including but not limited to individual securities, mutual funds, and exchange - traded funds. In addition, to the extent permissible, Investment Manager is authorized to invest in shares of mutual funds in which the Investment Manager serves as advisor or subadviser. Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District — GASB 45/Other Post -Employment Benefits Trust Investment Guidelines Document — HighMark Capital Management, Inc. (v. 4/26/2013 - cls) 5 Investment Limitations: The following investment transactions are prohibited: Direct investments in precious metals (precious metals mutual funds and exchange -traded funds are permissible). • Venture Capital • Short sales* • Purchases of Letter Stock, Private Placements, or direct payments • Leveraged Transactions* • Commodities Transactions Puts, calls, straddles, or other option strategies* • Purchases of real estate, with the exception of REITs Derivatives, with exception of ETFs* *Permissible in diversified mutual funds and exchange -traded funds Duties and Responsibilities Responsibilities of Plan Sponsor The Budget and Finance Committee of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is responsible for: • Confirming the accuracy of this Investment Guidelines Document, in writing. • Advising Trustee and Investment Manager of any change in the plan/account's financial situation, funding status, or cash flows, which could possibly necessitate a change to the account's overall risk tolerance, time horizon or liquidity requirements; and thus would dictate a change to the overall investment objective and goals for the account. ■ Providing Trustee and Investment Manager with an approved IPS for the account and providing any updates to the IPS. • Monitoring and supervising service vendors and investment options, including investment managers. • Avoiding prohibited transactions and conflicts of interest. Responsibilities of Trustee The plan Trustee is responsible for: • Valuing the holdings. • Collecting all income and dividends owed to the Plan. • Settling all transactions (buy -sell orders). Responsibilities of Investment Manager The Investment Manager is responsible for: • Assisting the Budget and Finance Committee with the development and maintenance of this Investment Policy Guideline document annually. • Meeting with the Budget and Finance Committee semi-annually to review portfolio structure, holdings, and performance. • Designing, recommending and implementing an appropriate asset allocation consistent with the investment objectives, time horizon, risk profile, guidelines and constraints outlined in this statement. ■ Researching and monitoring investment advisers and investment vehicles. ■ Purchasing, selling, and reinvesting in securities held in the account. Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District — GASB 45/Other Post -Employment Benefits Trust Investment Guidelines Document — HighMark Capital Management, Inc. (v. 4/26/2013 - cls) 6 • Monitoring the performance of all selected assets. • Voting proxies, if applicable. • Recommending changes to any of the above. • Periodically reviewing the suitability of the investments, being available to meet with the Budget and Finance Committee at least twice a year, and being available at such other times within reason at your request. • Preparing and presenting appropriate reports. • Informing the Budget and Finance Committee if changes occur in personnel that are responsible for portfolio management or research. Acknowledgement and Acceptance 11We being the Plan Sponsor with responsibility for the account(s) held on behalf of the Plan Sponsor specified below, designate Investment Manager as having the investment discretion and management responsibility indicated in relation to all assets of the Pian or specified Account. If such designation is set forth in the Plan/trust, 1/We hereby confirm such designation as Investment Manager. I have read the Investment Guidelines Document, and confirm the accuracy of it, including the terms and conditions under which the assets in this account are to be held, managed, and disposed of by Investment Manager, This Investment Guidelines Document supersedes all previous versions of an Investment Guidelines Document or investment objective instructions that may have been executed for this account. Gr. % Date: Plan S or. Central Contra Coun6 Sanitary Oistrict Board President Plan Sponsor. Central Contra County Sanitary District Date: Date: /2-/20/i3 Investment Manager. Andrew Brown, CFA, Senior Portfolio Manager, (415) 705-7605 Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District — GASB 45/Other Post -Employment Benefits Trust Investment Guidelines Document — HighMark Capital Management, Inc. (v. 4/28/2013 - cis) 7