HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.b. Approved update to BP 014-District-Owned Mobile Computing Devices for Board Members 5m Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: August 18, 2016 Subject: PROPOSED REVISIONS TO BOARD POLICY NO. BP 014 - DISTRICT- OWNED MOBILE COMPUTING DEVICES FOR BOARD MEMBERS Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div.: Elaine R. Boehme Secretary of the District REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: f Kent Alm Roger S.Ba ey Counsel for the District General Man ger ISSUE: Staff has been directed to present existing Board Policies to the Administration Committee for biennial review and submit proposed revisions to the Board for consideration. BACKGROUND: Staff has been directed to take existing Board Policies to the Administration Committee every two years for review. If changes are proposed by staff or the Committee, the changes will be scheduled for consideration by the Board. At its meeting of August 8, 2016 the Administration Committee reviewed Board Policy No. BP 014 - District-Owned Mobile Computing Devices for Board Members, and recommended Board approval of minor changes to the Policy. A strikeout version of the Policy showing the proposed revisions is attached. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. ALTERNATIVES/ CONSIDERATIONS: The Board may provide other direction to staff. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Administration Committee reviewed the Policy on August 8, 2016 and recommended Board approval of the revisions. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve the changes to Board Policy BP 014 - District-Owned Mobile Computing Devices for Board Members. Attached Supporting Documents: 1. Strikeout of BP 014 Central Contra Costa Number: BP 014 Sanitary District Authority: Board of Directors Effective: March 20, 2014 Revised: August 18, 2016 Reviewed: Initiating Dept./Div.: SOD/ADMIN BOARD POLICY DISTRICT-OWNED MOBILE COMPUTING DEVICES FOR BOARD MEMBERS PURPOSE To establish a policy for providing mobile computing devices to Board Members to facilitate ef the transition to a paperless agenda process at the District. 4-When District-owned devices are furnished to Board Members, the parameters set forth under the following section below will apply. If a Board Member utilizes a personal mobile computing device rather than a District-owned device to access Board and Committee agenda packets, only items 8 through 10 will apply. POLICY 1 . District-Owned Mobile Computing Devices Offered to All Board Members: The District will offer to purchase a District-owned mobile computing device for any Board Member wishing to utilize the device to access the District's electronic agenda packets. The specifications of the device must meet standards set by the Information Technology AdmiRistrate 2. Accessories, Etc.: Any District-owned mobile computing device will include at District expense Wi-Fi and cellular data capability, extended warranty, protective case, software applications, charging cables, training and support, as necessary to conduct District business. 3. District E-Mmail Accounts: All Board Members must be offered a District email account through which all District business should be conducted. Board Members are strongly encouraged to use their District email account for District business. 4. Personal Use: Personal use of a District-owned mobile computing device is permitted at the discretion of the Board Member. 5. Cellular Data Plan: A District-owned mobile computing device will be provided with a cellular data plan at a level sufficient to conduct District business at no Number: BP 014 DISTRICT-OWNED MOBILE COMPUTING DEVICES FOR BOARD MEMBERS Page 2 of 2 cost to the Board Member. If a Board Member wishes to use the mobile equipment device for personal use, they will be provided the higher level bandwidth available through the District to accommodate that use, and must reimburse the District the cost difference between the two data plans or pay for their own plan. 6. End of Board Member Tenure: Any District-owned mobile computing device must either be relinquished to the District upon conclusion of a Board Member's tenure or purchased by the Board Member at current market value as quoted on Gazelle.com (or similar valuation method), at which time the device will become the personal property of the owner. 7. Loss/Theft/Damage: If a District-owned mobile computing device is lost, stolen or damaged, the Board Member must notify the Secretary of the District immediately. All District-owned devices are required to have a password to block access to the District e-mail account in the event the device is lost or stolen. 8. Personal Mobile Computing Devices: Any Board Member wishing to utilize a personal mobile computing device rather than a District-owned device to access Board and Committee agenda packets must bear all costs associated with that device, including any cellular data plan; however, the District will reimburse any such Board Member for the cost of software applications necessary to conduct District business. 9. E-Communications During Meetings: Mobile computing devices are being provided to Board Members for use during Board meetings and Committee meetings to access the District's paperless agenda materials. Use of electronic devices to communicate with other Board Members during public Board or Committee meetings is prohibited by this policy. Any other use during public Board or Committee meetings is discouraged. The goal is for Board Members to be present and engaged in the meeting. The Brown Act mustsheuld be adhered to with all electronic communications. 10. Public Records Act/Due Process: District records, whether paper or electronic, are governed by the public disclosure requirements of the California Public Records Act. In the event that a message is received by a member of the Board or Committee during a meeting regarding a matter that is on the agenda for said meeting, the content of the message shall be disclosed publically to the entire Board or Committee as it has been received during the consideration of the matter at an open and public meeting. It will become a part of the public record. [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District]