HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET AND FINANCE AGENDA 11-01-05 Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distrid
5019 Imhoff Place,Martinez,CA 94553-4392 (925)228-9500 a www.ceiitralsan.org
Chair Lucey
Member Hockeft
Tuesday November 1, 2005
3:30 p.m.
CSO Conference Room
1250 Springbrook Road
Walnut Creek, California
(00 Recycled Paper
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
October 28, 2005
SUBJECT: October 17, 2005 Finance committee Meeting
There were several outstanding questions from the last Board Budget and Finance
Committee meeting which required additional staff research. The questions and
answers are provided below:
1. Page 12, 157716 Pretech -What service does this company provide to
the District? is there a contract and what is the total contract amount?
The District has an annual contract with Pretech to provide a monthly vibration
analysis on critical equipment. A report is written on anything that is abnormal, to
allow staff to take proactive action. This costs the District about $27,600 a year.
Staff is also looking at what it would cost to buy the equipment needed to do
vibration analysis studies in-house.
2. Page 26, 157905—What seminar did Mike Thornton attend?
This was a 5-day course called "Supervision and Group Performance"which was
offered by GS Graduate School in San Francisco, Ca.
3, Occhicone Landscape contract-- Staff was asked to review the costs and
charges to the District for landscaping at the Treatment Plant in Martinez
Randy Musgraves and the Purchasing Buyer performed a detailed review.
Charges were examined over a two-year period because much of the additional
project costs was for work paid last fiscal year. Staff was able to validate that the
District received the services and/or materials that were paid for.
The District spends approximately $112,000 annually for monthly landscape
maintenance at the Treatment Plant, Animal Shelter, Household Hazardous
Waste facility, and two Pump Stations. An additional $7,000 annually is spent for
mowing easements and creating fire breaks on District property. The District
spent approximately $67,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 for projects like the I.P.M.
Garden ($24,000), planted trees off Imhoff Road just behind the fountain area
($15,500) and various landscaping improvements (trees, boulders, roses for
$11,000) and repaired the irrigation system ($5,000).
Jim Kelly and Chuck Batts mentioned the desire to continue with improving the
landscaping at the Treatment Plant and main buildings. They did not see the
costs exceeding the $67,000 spent last year. The improvements were assumed
over a two-year period. There is no detailed plan due to the recent departure of
the Building and Grounds Supervisor. Staff estimates that an amount of
approximately $100,000 might be spent to complete the Treatment Plant
landscape improvements over a two to four year period. Staff asked the
Committee members if they were accepting of the landscaping improvements.
This additional information was requested in an effort to respond to staffs
4. Staff was asked to check on the proper items to be included in the
District's first aid kits.
Kim Greer, the Safety and Risk Management Administrator is working on this
question and the information will be brought back to the committee at a later
Legal Expenditure Summary
Check# Check$ Vendor Name Account# Account$ CL Aq Case#-Case Title
1 102271 $999.17 Restoration Mana ement Co. 003-0000-991.14-22 $999.17 35 Hoffman Diablo Overflow Claim-Restoration Services
2 102273 $2,906.28 Restoration Management Co. 003-0000-991.1422 $887.19 4 Russo Mtz) Overflow Claim- Restoration Services
$1,700.36 5 Woodcox(Orinda) Overflow Claim- Restoration Services
$318.7317 Ford (WC) Overflow Claim- Restoration Services
Check# Check$ Vendor Name Account# Account$ CL Department- Division -Description
3 158072 $138-36,Margaret Kersting 001-0150-400.12-07 $138.361 8 Kersting(PH) Overflow Claim-Plumbing Bill Reimbursement
CL#-Claim Log Number
GL-General Liability Claims
AC-Auto Claims
0 QQ�. agidress Cites Claimant Tyke Reserve Paid to Date Paid to Claim Totals Comments
1 07/29/05 60 Rheem Boulevard OrInda Anthorry Miramonte PL $807.64 Restoration Management Co $807.64 OIF into front yard and basement. Cleanup only No personal or real property damage expected.
2 08/01/05 124 Morega Way Orinda Mrs.Heath PL $450.92 Restoration Management Co $450.92 O1F through deanout. Yard deanup only. No rdal or personal property damage Is expected.
3 08108105 3322 Freeman Road Walnut Creek Gail Ford PI) $133.75 Gail Ford $133.75 OIF from manhole&into homeowners backyard. Cleanup only-no real or personal property damage.
$395.20 Restoration Management Cc $395.20
4 09/20/05 5716 LHdns Court Martinez Nathan Russo PL $70.00 Nathan Russo
Overflowed out of OPD. cleanup costs only.
$687.19 Restoration Management Co $957.19
5 09/23105 7 Don Gabriel Way Orinds Larry&Carolyn Woodcox PO O/F out of overflow prevention device(OPD)under deck. Cleanup costs and some costs for
damage to the deck.
51,700.36 Restoration Management Co
6 09127105 224 Castle Glen Read Walnut Creek Tim Rigney PL
595.00 Tim Rigney $95.00 Plumbing bill reimbursement
7 09/29/05 3322 Freeman Road Walnut Creak Gail Ford PO $318.73 Restoration Management Co To be reimbursed by Roto Rooter
8 10/01/05 2475 Pleasant Hill Rd Pleasant HUI Margaret Kersting PL 5138.36 Margaret Kersting OIF from OP❑in back yard. Cleanup outside costs only
$432.25 Restoration Management Co $570.61
9 10/13/05 5 Arbolado Court Orfnda Gino a Janyce Paolatt) PL 5847.59 Restoration Management Co
10 10/17/05 1068 Vie Alta Lafayette Mary McCombs PL
11 10/19/05 346 Cameo Drive Danville Allen Anderson PL $139.75 Roto-Rooter Exterior cleanup only-Overflow out of backflow prevention device. No property damage
12 $500.00 Restoration Management Co. $639.75
Res Paid Total
Total-overflows $500.00 $6.416.74 $6816.74
�a Veh Pe% &M ft" N!L commarft
1 08r20V05 L ane Tree Way,Ant Dist Veh 8232 D.Marchetti $4,049.07 Struck a cement pillar while backing in a parking lot. Emp was driving back home ftm a plug call on the weekend.
Reserve Paid-to-date
Total-Auto Claims $0.00 $0.00 $4,049.07
DOL Addrass Claimant T Pald to Male Paid to _141m Tot&K frcrnm nta
1 /-7M?4 1042 BMW Avenue Lafayette Aspen EUtIng T nalooes- PD Rug hn Ire caused cm Into bn�mws open arloe apmx 18DO-2000 sq:IL al cag1 aM ped Wa need to
mm Hansen S947.50 Madsen,Knappers A Assoc, be reWacad in addrbon to rjean uD cow. e�m
. M dv no w to rnve some&wont
$3.602.38 R omton Marm gemerrt co $4,80,65
O7V1 34 Road 4rinda C [ h'e a PL -55.6= R V�t from 011 Qf LefiI corftctor_Armunt fn�das K5 ti me.
$1,602.04 Clean $1,602.04 CW kvm R1 Itvwed ordo back pato.Pati o needs lobe pr re washed and saNtlzed N o poor ml ar
reel prqmwily loss,.dsadnQ +.
3 Wr2au 26.Gokk% atr9 'WI Creek 1 St WC MutxW GR F(Nossmpor) Pp $1,1122,67 RMIC Pkq In Ing cause•d olf into putIll c Iat ray area. GuenuQ ar,d dryng oral o1'ge n"I'l area
Resor) PL SM-00 Golden Rain Fmmaa lrm S1,6=67 Pk"np rufrnbursamert for Rgwwrocw- Term CefiForrda Sb-mat
4 091131U 134 F•tsl Lane VVWW Greek Jim&Sude Fox Pb $139M Fox 0*h1ough dirAce dWnp CSO deardnp-some rrtlni3r°extelor deuo-up and minor pm on-al
$317.M SldS aeon $467.29 proprty darnepg.
5 09ME 4 1068%Aa Roble Lefayette Boyd Farr PIS $3,M5,10 Boyd Farr ON duo"to root fes' CVF device worked prop",how war`f}W penh'ated thmup concrWa wan
fto&N th a errtElre second(balow gide)level.Apprdx 100 0 sq.IL offsclede most y carp$T.s om a
S=50 Erry MI=blalogy Lob
$4.337,04 IMC $8.484-1154
6 09125104 3349 North Ludle Lane Laftyeft Eugerm fi 10 PL 3276-7$ Eugone H II $2715.75 R--oop rnaq l for pArrb np b1Is
7 1=M4 3M3 N.Pea rdati Mve Lefayeft Shei=IPaulaaZo R L SI.51.75 S1arrrm Pain-o 51�1,78 Rekrb=emw t for plIuftlriq UP
0 1011 M4 330.5 Gkms de D-i m Lofa yetto Amey 0 armsle&BBI ore Wenver P D SM,16 Barbara"Weaver W duo to plig In I no,flowed Jnto lel ng area from back Nothroom.Yrry nv nor property d amdge W am)
and sorra a r nor p aryonal property rose.
$1-05.Q d Env Microbiobgy Lab PA:131n!q relrrbursement
S1 a 1:97 06 Restoration Management Co 51.575.21 �-
9 11V18VO4 .3471 M aruoe Ave 1161I Kat$Hardy Pp !x81.13 Kale Her CSO hydroMzh ng pro c$sses'poppeT tol ieL MI-nor P omonel property moss(Immis)ane dean up
C osis
S432.67 sldo Caen $1513.80
10 1 W4,434 45 M5 Del Marr Orinda scoff wtrot PL $41.57 Scott W knot 541 57 R P1 rnbur semeM for a=rel to ern p!up a bee"
11 1W5,404 3326 Wain Lara Lafaytft Fair J ohmo n PL 523.4.75 Fay Johnson 5234.76 R e Imbumernent fix pkrrbIN b1h
12 11MOM4 55 SNWmod Dtm Lalayeto We&Diane Kam PD $32.997.DO Ovullow In moln Ina from root plug Family room~,bethroom.hagwaye 2.be&aarn s,and a to rge ulorage
area have been effected. Relocatron for Mmsts,For two rb .
$235.87 M an l ott Hotefs Two rd Wf s a=mTcTKhftticnz fpr KaWs out-of-?I puests-paid FIs Pard
$6.311.53 Ram rat on MKnagarntrl Co Ernwr rncl"ani secondary On Ln-up,ftW nq a stems a.beteme`nt
$9.207.16 RmAioretl on M arm gement Co Pa ck o4 stele a and pa c10 tack
S2,455.10 S}dl dean AddHanal secondary clean-Loa concrete s eelore tb and shawar rer mmi
5455.13 Roto Roofer wean stdo smm for debris rerrnzymr ode post•ted by avanDow
$1433 Foc[EX Send dminu,aa samples to Lob
2315.00 F-1w MIMmW*WLab $52=4.22 CaRmnce sg.nles-&cul
13 11 QEZO 25 C�at�ry Lane Da vie Pott(Pal de) PD S 1.140-DO fat Hudson Ovmrllow I n qw1n Erle f wn root pUq. Fled Un der house on on front wak.de an,--�p nnh,,r.
W1.39 R as oreflon file egon C o $2.D41-39 P "ng bll r wnrtunm for hQrrreawner Dun to holday Inca l shenit c1spatch lord her to cO is p karma
Pbp we s In my Eno.CTIQ.bill for$3120 nnollaW down lu S 114D
14 12AW4 415 Bddge Road wakm Creek Erin Venorzi PL $170.00 E11c IVerr i $170.00 Rolft=amunt for pkznbI p too
15 1 ZF2=4 101 k$DrtW WahLd Creek R dv"Gabe PL $98 DO Richard Gate $98.00 Relnib+ffmem ant lof pk rbfnq bl I
16 12131ID4 IWO St AtMaws Orhm Margo moraga cmufty Ckib PD Reslo:Mon Managrnerrt Co CNarftw m"Llel fmrt trete,sWrage visa arMd bathroom
17 O1132 161 Easy Street Alamo Pffry saeofha PL M.63 Pwry Se i3edrde Raimburs omefil for 8WO rarll to un p!up a trades
19 01113M i M Poor mhm Welrt•n:Ct I Pemefa Jorgenson Pi] $54.50 Pamela imipmen P ntlnp bid riMrntuae►mart
5673.75 Restora4on Managenwm Go $728.26
19 DIA 4tD5 3U Wery%4W P Phra_sant Hll Thornes r 61eI PL $9 5,DO Th o ms Fe Stewart $95.DO P n P MR reqpTbisera tl
20 01/1M5 am morap aw Ladayalte R orrd Grahtarn PD 516.083.40 R oml Grw!mm In maJn(ro Dts a 77'OM)caused ovwflow I oto home-aff ectad three b ed u ams,
W-430-M R esWullon Merompm Co Asbasbs,bale, hoDwrey,2 bat s,and drdnp gram. Personal Rmpelr mlr�mel
1$3,914.23 Res?uce m Mangg b
5176.00 Ern+Mlcrphdofogy Lob
$17,00 Fe e i e0D9.7B
21 01)17AI5 1308 Rr� x.00 ,p D F% bl n bl1 ref fftxnemla
lA1rrC I<,reredr Darrlo l`•o1«fiMRle
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23 01,011 r Mnrfo Way Lalayede L�6rMV* PD 511890_OD Lkvjn Sorenson Llne Amped.A!`f`ekCE13 batrroorn end n F'pal_
$445V Sly Cfeen
3106.00 Em MIcrioNNno Lab
=5M FedEX S4.2615,ft
4 Oft SM5 4W V**qW Dm la Ty SonnI P D Ty Banca CNmIlow d'ele to roots In Ino, OAF Into back Yardlamvel w6 d Dom.Clearko DKK cost
S481.89 Sfdl man U51 e.89 to r ace ettacted rx1d%tadwood chips in ph.nter Clean up arty..No ra&Lfp emorrar WW"
25 02f2M 3G7(3CXK1bIWAuwRcaij PenseTd HI] Roy Tebbe Bataclun PD SO.DD' .DDRey Tabon&AG-micro, $O.OD Largo oveif aw dire In rpots end heavy g-ease CW d law prevertbon duAce(Put ark I)Y CSO crews of f
BotecIII 1211111 InddSM)work&,.bwt WA rr7UW Hawed undenrr*ajhrye trTta mmM spa ca(2 feat ioT WoW over
1510 0!gc1}IPL btK*end t yards.Damn-up cam o*at fts time nrrVdpgle•de
$1,936a IRestcruban Mamplymori Co
25 1205 240 Morrie eta 01I Wgfru:rt CxWc Ueda Gakway PL 3133.75 Roto Rooter D sidled by KIM to cloar a DW Ine.
27 D3P.AW 35rA SWN .4 Road Lefoystts S Aft Henzxal PL $165.00 Stlmrt Hens-ra.d P ing bf°I relmbumernw
28 OWIM5 19154 Patricia Omm Pleasant RF 'L hnnas Eder PD $1,151.46 U mea Idea Ovarftpw due to rents I n Ina.Affected twn be trra orns 8'hof. S&na ran]prop"damagn(WU 113 1 and
$11.18 FadEX rnln err pm or W4 i)="-
$1.025.05 fReslomlon M anagemant Co
S 109.DO Ernr Mi=tdaiagy Lab $222.69
2-9 114MM6 19 Bates Floderverd cmnde Lcis Mowat PDQ 58,153.99 Lol s Muml R oots in Ino.A fe ded two heft,Imevter b edritn,and signM cent Wway,Some drywal&flo-orl ng
.53 FedEX rte#be remmmd(both ash ast conlajningj_
$3,195.110 Restreflon Mwmgemer l Co
SO-DO Reed ErMrunmertW
54.50 C1 CwL%ftft,Inc. Asbestos Ab-stemW Gewtnce TBstnq
5210-011 Er7v MiumUobgy Lob
$157.50 Env MIumW Lob $12,307.32
30 0411105 2 MA DM" Mftft Armdmn Mamperren Group,Ir'CA PL X33.94 Amedcan ManagwwTl GruM-Inc."m Myws Plum inq Relm4urwwent
31 04rAC5 0C52745 Mem Dive Seri RiLrmon Sen Reman Unflled DI Mut PD $0-DO SR USD-7Wn Crete aerri_ 5chaul phoned- W1 rAM be setting a da.lrrk agate*m OIstiict t har4d&d mpi r$I m4wuse
$-4 .t 1 Remra+Jan Tana p rwyt Co PW In 11ne dus to hErevy green and ramie In th a Irre_CSO has had ori bPronM
3157-50 ErTv MI rrobtokagy Lab SZ756.61 claMnO s&OdLAO,and reed asslstellce frwn a C4rvhrd to hey 1 D fha M-OMeM.
$13.30 Fad After T'Om"lrl+a,ft heaw pme se we s,h facL comtn;l froom the s STs I st -turtw
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O5M2M 145 Gregrard ht creek Ruth L $ Rth.� .g..........
Rooft in Me caused pL%;s*M PO 15 txpaLled. 0 T"r,sM N'ffil Mtory WO drtnp room area
U17.70 Rud Plu-cd uranected repairs-rerphsce Bole#
$1.15 .51 ReskoratIon Managemed Co Vftd foprquaV)floor aVectd Irk cOrwnWwelbar wes.Tee&Ti)be rte&
StD5.0D Env MlcoaloPo Lob
$15.00 Fed Ex x,745-61
M 0511 CM5 125 D m a Cour# Lafavette Dahtris Taft PL VOD R3 Debbie Taft PharNnri hil reins ernerkt
35 05r3=5 5 1953 Le Ca dem ❑kehfa Don Hoffman PD 01:.32 Damutd F fawn Ovurf low due to roots I n the fine.Aff a c m p ortton of rnaNtar ba ttru orn(r,o r eal pmpi ri-y damage)Mn d
Wviler po of haus e.CWa n--up"s been Ccx"ated.h onn@*wnw is nut of town untlt sZM'j'7 Chat iruj
per ft an prop arty rxyw. cJo KeJth Hoffman(H)916-3 62-FA SS(W)707-649-5 465
$3.283.9-5 R esimmlon Mougamard M.
MA 7 0�1 0
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37 DUMM5 2W Ormw Lst7s wahA Greek $ IQy irk PO X67.50 Sart due t0 roots. Irttari Dr twaDR1 ar1ld aide. OvarfJow pruverMun dmAc a vms I rule d,
bum stl teck&dkjp Into house bemw ON 6rAce must beve cloqge d sly with pates
$450.05 RMC 5717.56
38 06MV05 25 El Miredor Wfl Om ek IC:k*FIe v1HF ew ftar rrw PO $95.Do
$971.42 RMC 31,DMA2
#has Paid Total Investkgeban
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