HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET AND FINANCE AGENDA 10-03-05 I I Central rnn#,�a CvsfpJ1111111 Sons )y D! T s&jct Noun BUDGET ASD t FINANCE COMANITT E � Chair Lacey t Member Hocken � Monday, October 3, 2005 3:30 p.M. CSO Conference Room 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, California 1• CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2• PUBLIC COMMENTS 3. OLD BUSINESS 4• CLAIMS MANgGEMENT 5• REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS a) Presentation of audited financial statements f 6� or REVIEW EXPENDITURES FY 2004.05. 7• ADJOURNMENT central Contra Costa Sanitary District September 35, 2005 TO: BOARD BUDGET AND FINANCE Co EE FROM: RANDALL MUSCRA VES DEBBIE RATCLIFF ok SUBJECT: S . September 12, 2005 Finan • Finance Don�m�ttee Meeting There was one outstanding . nd�ng question from th Committee meeting a last Board Budget an g which required additional g d Finance is provided below: conal staff research. The • . question and answer 1. , 151282 Advance Re • cru�tment Solutions �yah services to design and y do we use Out Place the District's a side mPloYment ads? Advanced Recruitment • • . nt Solutrans, AD Club a • major advertising a • , and Dul�n Advertising ar g gencies we use to design g e three of the agencies have contractsgn and place news a er a with the newspapers a p p ds. Th e not offered to single p Pers that allow us some special agencies or businesses. pec�al rates the newspapers b We pay the standard y using these agencies. rate or less to District, the g s• Besides the cost sav' • agencies are fast, reliable and .savings to the high as indicated b � creative. The quay of the . y the responses quality a ads �s Analyst D p we receive from the a Y Darlene Ross sends t ds. Human Resource he information to the • s design and place the agencies via email ads according to ours and they control and periodically specifications. We maintain ' p ally ask for changes i n de5'gn eye-catching. Finally, g n ad design to keep our a Wally, by Navin outside p ds fresh and graphic folk g Vendors design the • p s are able to concentrate g ads, our in-house mailers. ate on printing recruitment brochures, flyers and '�oehr,ne- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District September 26, 2005 i' TO: BOARD BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEE VIA: RANDALL M. MUSGRAVES OA FROM: DEBBIE RATCLIFF Dry SUBJECT: 2004-2005 AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Attached is a draft copy of the audited financial statements for fiscal year 2004-2005. This will be discussed at the October 3, 2005 Budget & Finance Committee Meetin . A.J. Major from the audit firm of Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co. will review the results ofthe audit with the committee. The final audited financial statements will be presented to the full Board at the October 20, 2005 Board Meeting. Should you have any questions 7326. , please call me at 925-22g_ DR/pw N.IADMINSUPIADMINIRATCUFF12004-2005 Audited Financial Statements Memo 09-26-05.doc 4 - -� DRAFT To the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District We have audited the financial statements of 2005,and have issue Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for d our report thereon dated August 25 2005e year ended June 30, You with the following information telate � • Professional standards require that we d to our audit, provide Our R onsibil under Generali AcceDted AudYtin ar Standards As stated in our engagement letter,ouro resp nsYbility,as described by professional Perform our audit to obtain reasonable but not Standards,is to lora and absolute,assurance that the financial statements P material misstatement and are fairly presented ' temente are free of United States of America. Becausein accordance with accounting pnnci les �� an audit is designed to provide reasonable, P g ly accepted in the because we did not Perform noble,but not absol P a detailed examination of all transactions ute,assurance and other illegal acts may exist and not be detect ere is a risk that material errors frau ed by us. � d,or As part of our audit,we considered the in tmmal considerations were control of Central Contra Costa Sari solely for the purpose of detY y as District. Such g our audit procedures and not to provide an assurance concerning such internal control. Si nificant Accountinor and Rep ortin Policie s Management has the responsibilityfor selection the terms e o tion and use of appropriate accounting . • m'engagement letter,we will advise management ung policies.In accordance with and their application. The significant accounting . g ent about the appropriateness of accountin . described in Note I Policies used by Central Contra Co .g policies to the financial statements. Costa S tai Distract are In March 2003,the Governmental Accounting Investment Risk Disclosures Standards B°ted(GASB issued GASBS an amendment of GASB Statement N No.40,Deposit and and investment risks related to credit risk,co o• 3. This Statement addressed common d � ncentration of credit risk,interest rate deposit As an element of interest rate rislq this Stat to risk and foreign currency that are hi sensitive Statement regwres certain disclosures of investments nsk. Y tive to changes in interest rates. D that have fairvaluesin the Statement also should be disclosed, Deposit and investment policies telated to the risks identified As such,the District has made the identified noted in footnote I. pplicable required disclosures as We noted no transactions entered into b significant and Y Centred Contra Costa Sanitary Districtunusual,and of which,under ofessiona ��g the Year that were both for which there is a lack of au � I standards,we are requu,ed to inform o thoritative guidance or consensus. Y u,or transactions Accounting Estimates Accounting estimates are an irate art of • Accumanagement'sp the financial statements prepared knowledge and experience about a Pref by management and are based on Certain accountingestimates past and current events and assumption about are particularly sensitive because of their future events. because of the possibility that future even significance to the financial statements t5 affecting they n�Sy differ 5ign�C�� ents and were no significant estimates affecting the financial Y from those expected. There statements. Audit Ad`ustments For purposes of this letter,professional standar . financial statementsds define an audit adjustment as a proposed • that,in our judgment,may not have been de � p �correction of the An audit adjustment may or may not indicate detected except through our auditing procedures. matters that could have a significant effect reporting process(that is,cause future financial stat an the District's financial the adjustments we ase whether statements to be materially nusstated), In our judgment Proposed, er recorded or unrecorded b the�D' � � nt;none of aggregate,indicate matters that could have a significant y District either individually or in the gra ant effect on the District"s financial reporting g process. Disa eats with Nlana ement For purposes of this letter,professional standar • k not resolved to our ds define a disagreement with management` satisfaction concernxn aaccounting) g ent as a matter,whether or g financial significant to the financial statements or the auda �°°�g�°r auditing matter that could be arose duringthe course a tor's report. we are pleased to ort that no ' of our audit. reP such disagreements Consultations with Other Indenexident Accountants In some cases,management may decide to cons ' sunilar tv obtainin a consult with other accountants about auditingan . g "second opinion vn certain situations. If a co d accounting matters, accounting principle to the District's financial consultation involves application of an statements or a determination of the a of a • • maybe expressed on those statements,our prof type auditor s opinion that us to determine that the cons anal standards require the consulting accoun consultant has all the relevant facts. To our knowledge, g tent to check with with other accountants. edge,there were no such consultations Issues Discussed Prior to Retention of Ind end cnt Auditors We generally discuss a variety of matters incl . standards,with mane i including the application of accountingPrinciples . . gement each year prior to retention as the District' and auditing occurred in the normal course of our professional re s auditors. However,these discussions retention. relationship and our responses were nota condition to our Difficulties Encountered in Performin the Aud' it We encountered no significant difficulties in dealing ng with management in performin and g completing our audit. This information is intended solely for the use District and is not in of the Board,and management of Central C tended to be and should not be used b anyone Contra Costa Sanitary y y other than these specified parties. Sincerely, A.J.Major III of Vavrinek,Trine,Day&Co.,LLP i CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT FINANCIAL STATEIVMNTS AND ACCOMPANyI1vG INFpRMAnON JUNE 309 2005 VVITT3 IlVDEPENDENT AUDITORS'REPORT CENT COQ COSTA SANrrARY DISTRICT .TUNE 30,2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS --- . INTRODUCTORY SECTION PAGE ELECTED OFFICALS AND ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL INDEPENDENT AUDITORS'REPORT MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSI .. 2 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Statement of Net Assets............................... Statement of Revenues,Expenses and Chan • Changes u�Net Assets Statement of Cash Flows.............................■ NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION) Combining Schedule of Statement of Net Assets... Combining Schedule of Statement of Revenues Expenses and Changes in Net Assets......... 30 Schedule of Running Expenses—Comparison of Budget and Actual Expenses by Department........................................... Running Expense—Schedule of Supplemental Net Assets Analysis.............................■. 32 CENTRAL CONTRA A SANITARY DISTRICT ELECTED DMCALS AND ADNHMSTATV" PERSONNEL JME 309 2005 BOARD OF DMCTO IS Barbara D.Hoekett....................... ............. .............,............... President ....................................... President Pro-Tem Parke L.Boneysteele ................................. GeraldR.Lacey... ..................................... . James A.Nei edly...................................... SECRETARY of THE DISTRICT Elaine Boehme LEGAL CDUNSEL Kenton L.Alm NMT Iq Charles Batts,Jr.......................................... .......................... General Manager Ann Farrell...................................... ..................................... Director of Engineering JamesKelly.................................... ..................................... Director of Operations Randall Musgraves........................................... ...................... Director of Administration Debbie Ratcliff.............................................. ....................... Controller 'r i DRAF'i DEPENDENT AUDITORS'REP SRT r Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Martinez,California We have audited the accompanying basic financial statements of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as of and for the year ended June 30,2005,as listed in the table of contents. • These basic financial statements are the responsibility of the District's management. .responsibili is to . based vn our audit, tY express an opuuon on these financial statements We conducted our audit in accordance with auditingstandards and the State Controller's Audit lie generally accepted in the United States of the financial statements are free of America quirements for California Special Districts. Those standards require Plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about w that we material misstatement. An audit includes examining,on a test basis evidence disclosures in the financial statemen vYdence supporting the amounts and statements. An audit also includes assessing the accountingrinci les significant estimates made by management:as well as evaluating P P used and believe that our audit provides the overall financial statement presentation. we Pr vides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion,the financial statements referred to above present fairly, . of the Central Contra Costa S � auly,Yn all matenal respects,the financial position • Sanitary District as of June 30,2005,and the results of its operations ' for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles P sand its cash flows as well as accounting P� P generally accepted in the United States of America ting systems prescribed by the State Controller's office for special di ' sp stncts. Our audit was performed for the purpose of fanningo inion on an p the financial statements taken as a whole. The Management's Discussion and Analysis is not a required part of the basic financial statemen information required by the Government Accounting Stan is but is supplemental supplementary ung dards Board. The financial information listed as upp tarry information in the table of contents is presented for purposes o ' ' • required part of the basic financial statements. P� f additional analysis and is not a Such information has been subjected to the auditingraced applied in the audit of the basic financial statements an in our o ' procedures relation to the � pion,is fairly stated in all material respect in basic financial statements taken as a whole. VA K,TRINE,DAY&CO.,LLP Pleasanton,California August 25,2005 r CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SDISTRICT MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS This section of the District's annus!financial nancial report presents an analysis ofDistrict's financial performance Burin the fiscal y he • .g , year ended June 30, 2065. This • - presented in conjunction with the audited financial �s financial statements, which fallow this report. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS The District's 2004-05 financial . lal highlights are listed below. Th in more detail later in the report. ese results are discussed ■ The District's total ending net assets i - ncreased by$26.8 million or x3--04 3.95°/o in ��� - 65 when compared to fiscal year 29 4 • Total revenues were$65.8 million in 2004-05 compared to $66.0 million 04 vn in 2003-- ■ Total 2004-05 expenses weremilli 3. 61 • . $ on compared to58. ' • Capital Contributions $ � mill' i 200 increased from $11.6 million to $16.3 million in 3-04 OVERVIONOF THE FINANCIAL ST ATEIIIlENTS This annusl report includes the management's nagement s discussion and analysis report, independent auditor's report and thethe basic financial statements of the financial statements also include notes that explain informatDistrict. The ion in the ' statements in more detail. e fi nancial REQUIRED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The Financial Statements of the District re • • Poi information uti those used by methods similarto y private sector companies. Theses financial information statements offer short and long-term about its activities. ■ Statement of net assets—reports ' . t -p the Districts current financial resources erm Sp endable resources}v�rith ca fits! as urces State P Sets and long--term obligations ■ , Statement of revenues, expenses and than District's operating changes in net assets--reports the P ng and non-operating revenues b major • operating and non-operating Y ! r source along with expenses and capital contributions ■ Statement of cash flows--reports - a . . . P the Districts cash flows from operating activities, investing, capital and non-ca petal activities 2 k STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS The following table shows the condensed statement of net assets of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for the past two years: Condensed Statement of Net Assets Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Dollar Percent 20042005 2003-2004 chane Change Current Assets $ 82,983,914 $ 78,781,727 $ 4,Zg2 187 0 5.33/o lCapital Assets503,437249 489,215-9617 14?_21 fi32 z,g1° Other Non-current Assets 5,123,p83 5347,545 775 538 14,5fl/o 0 Total Assets 592 5449245 513,344,889 79'199,357 3.35% . Long-Term Debt 32,187,619 36,314,654 4 127 035 -11-36% 1 36% Other Liabilities 13 582,482 1 ,'106 601 2X575 X881 . 23 19% otal Liabilities 45,870,101 479421,255 -09551 154 -3.27% . Invested in Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt 469,375,715 453,25'1,761 16,123,954 3.55° /o Restricted-Debt Service 3,118 704 3 036 944 (82,760) -2.73° /o Unrestricted 74,179,726 696.53% ,535,929 otal Net Assets $ 5469674,945 $ 525,923,634 $-- 20,750,511 3.95° /o The total net assets of the District increased to $545.7 million amil ' .8 20 $ lion increase from 2003-2004. The increase in net assets is the result of net income of ' i $4.5 million and capital contributions of$16.2 million (shown in the next table), } This space left intentionally blank 3 77 REVIEW OF REVENUES EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS The following table shows the condensed statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net assets for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District: Condensed Statement of Revenues,Expenses,and Changes in Net Assets Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Collar Percent 20042005 2003-2004 Change Change Sewer Service Char es SSC $ 38,886,806 $ 401545,601 $�(116599695) -4.09% Other Service Charges and misc. 11285,738 1,209,071 76,667 6.34% Total Operating Revenue 40171,544 41 754 572 7 1583,028) -3.79% Customer Contributions SSC 14 716,585 10187 725 41628,860 44.45% P ro a Tax 4 010 380 81919,327 _J499081947) -55.04% Permit& I ns ection Fees 21072,001 2 936 298 864,297 -29.43% All Other 4,822 527 2 299 092 2j523435 109.76% Total Non-O eratln Revenues 25 621 493 24,342,442 1 11279051 5,25% Total Revenues 65 793 037 66 097,014 303,977 -0.46°/1 Total Labor and Benefits 27,989,401 28,095,635 1061235 -0.38% Chemicals&Utilities 5 226 288 4 372 62'1 853,667 19.52% Repairs and Maintenance 2 900 950 31073,820 172 874 -5.62% Professional Legal and outside Services 21350,387 2 282 408 67t979 2.98% Materials&S u pplies 1,576,462 1,435 449 140 013 9.75°/n Hauling and Disposal 815j226 797 929 17 297 2.17% Self-Insurance Expense '[,189,693 689,702 499,991 72.49°/0 All Other 11437,272 1 042 809 394 463 37.83% Depreciation Expense 16,041,555 15,186,594 854L961 5.63% Total Operating.Expenses 59 525,234 5S 976 968 2L549,266 4.47% Non-Operating Expense-Interest Expense 1,7759857 191013115 674,1742 61.28% Total Ex enses 61,3029091 58,078 083 3,2249008 5.55% Income Loss Before Capital Contributions 4,490 946 89018,931 3,5279985 .44,00% Contributed Sewer Lines 51530,848 41410,808 11120,040 25.39% Capital Contributions-Connection Fees 10 728 717 6,585 984 4 142 733 62.90% Total Capital Contributions 76 j2599565 10,996v792 5,262,773 47.86% Change in Net Assets 209750,511 19 015,723 1,734,788 9.12% Beginning Net Assets 525 923 634 505 907,911 199016,723 3.75% Lndinq_Net_Ass;ets $ 54S 145t$ 525,923,634 $ 20,760,511 3.95011 In 2004-05, operating revenues decreased by$1.6 million or—3.79%; non-operating revenue increased by$1.3 million or 5.25%. This decrease is mainly due to the State budget shift of$'1.3 billion in tax revenue from local government; the District's share of this revenue shift was $5.7 million in 2004-05. This loss was offset by increased sewer servicecharge revenue due to an $8 per year rate increase and increased permit and inspection fee activity. 4 In 2004-05, operating expenses increased by$2.5 million or 4.47%. This is mainly due to increases in chemical & utility costs, self-insurance expense, depreciation expense, and debt service interest expense. Total labor and benefits, the District's largest expenses, were almost flat when comparing the two fiscal years. This was mainly due to a one-time payment in 2004-05 of$1.6 million for enhanced retiree retirement benefits per the Paulsen litigation settlement. Salaries and benefits increased by approximately 5% when this payment is excluded. Other Operating Expenses, which is made up of debt interest expense, increased by $0.7 million. In 2003-04, $0.7 million in debt interest was capitalized. All debt-related interest is now in an internal debt service sub-fund and is not capitalized. Total 2004-05 income before capital contributions was $4.5 million compared to $8.0 million in 2003-04 for a decrease of$3.5 million or-44.00%. This is mainly due to receiving less property tax. Capital contributions in 2004-05 were $16.3 million compared to $11.0 million in 2003- 2004, resulting in an increase of$5.3 million or 47.86%. This was mainly due to increased connection fees and contributed sewer lines. The total change in net assets increased from $19.0 million in 2003--04 to by$20.8 million in 2004-05. CAPITAL ASSETS As of June 30, 2005, the District's investment in capital assets totaled $503.4 million, which is an increase of$'14.2 million or 2.91% over the capital asset balance of$489.2 million at June 30, 2004. Capital assets include all of the District's major infrastructure including wastewater treatment facilities, sewers, land, buildings, pumping stations, vehicles, and furniture and equipment exceeding our capitalization limit of$1,000, net of depreciation. A comparison of the District's capital assets over the past two fiscal years is presented below: Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Dollar Percent Capital Assets 2004-2885 2093-2884 Chane Change Land $ 16 433,269 $ 16,7801269 $ 347,000 -2.07% Sewage Collection System 19613089873 185,746,757 10s5621116 5.69% Contributed Sewer Lines 137,5851247 132 443 827 5 14"1 420 3.88% Outfall Sewers 8 518 443 8 518 443 - 0.00% Sewage Treatment Plan 245 851,213 237,531,642 -813191571 3.50% Recycled Water Infrastructure 9,392,794 8886294 506,500 5.70% Pumpiqq Stations 401231_1554 39l641 580 589 974 1.49% Buildings 13,264t789 13,232,054 32,735 0.25% Furniture&gguipment 14643 000 13 788 481 8541519 6.20°/0 Motor Vehicles 4150,425 3 890 609 259,816 6.68% Construction In Progress 22,438,361 19o554,582 2,883 779 14.75% Subtotal 708 81 T 968 680,014,538 28 803,430 4.24% Less Accumulated De reciabon 205 380 719 190,798t921 _14,581_t798 7.64% Total Capital Assets net of depreciation) $ 5039437,249 $ 489,2151617 $ 14,22'l 632 2.91% 5 a The major reasons for the increase of$14.2 million in fund balance net❑' f depreciation, are: Sewer pipe ongoing renovations and contributed sewer lines $15.7 million Treatment plant equipment, electrical replacements and upgrades, and inframillion) p9 ' structure renovations ($8.3 An increase in Construction In Progress due to more collections stem project work ($2.9 million) Y P � Purchases of furniture, equipment and vehicles ($1.1 million These increases are offset by an increase in accumulated del'reciation due to our increasing expense. capital asset value and its associated depreciation ex P (-$14.6 million) DEBT ADMINISTRATION The District has the following outstanding debt as of June 30, 2005: 1998 Revenue Refunding Bonds $ 16,339,764 2002 Revenue Bonds 16,000,000 Water Reclamation Loan Contract 21041,800 $ 34,381,649 See Note#6 in the audited financial statements. ECONOMIC AND OTHER FACTORS Changes in the state budget have an impact on the District. In the 2004-05 fiscalY ear the California budget deficit caused a transfer of$5.7 million in property tax revenue from the District to the state. Regulatory compliance is also becoming more stringent, causing g the District to spend more to comply with rigorous testing and compliance requirements. In ' ' p q addition to making efforts to reduce spending, the District has the ability to raise the . tY Sewer Service Charge to meet our long-term commitments: FINANCIAL CONTACT The financial report is designed to provide our customers and creditors with a general overview of the D' •- Districts finances and to demonstrate the District s accountability for the money it receives. If you have questions about this report or need additional financial information, contact: Controller, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553. 6 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS AS OF JUNE 35 2005 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and investments available for operations $ 69,1649122 Accounts receivable 11,010,772 Interest receivable 702594 Parts and supplies 1.%496p779 Prepaid expenses 1,2412647 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 82,983,914 NONCURRENT ASSETS Restricted cash and investments 3,613,196 Land,property,plant and equipment,net of accumulated depreciation 480,998,889 Construction in progress 22,43 8,3 62 Contractual assessment district receivable 2,189,768 Revenue bond issuance costs,net of amortization 320,117 TOTAL NON CURRENT ASSETS 509,5609332 TOTAL ASSETS 592,544,246 LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued expenses 4,314,845 Interest payable 767,480 Current portion of refunding revenue bonds 29060,000 Current portion of water reclamation loan contract 134,030 Liability for unhaoisured claims 881,500 Accrued compensation absences 4,8629902 Refundable deposits 661,725 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 13,682,482 NONCURRENT LIABILITIES Revenue bonds,net of current portion 3092792764 Water reclamation loan contract,net of current portion 1,947,855 TOTAL NON CURRENT LIABILITIES 32,197,619 TOTAL LIABILITIES 4528709101 NET ASSETS: Invested in capital assets,net of related debt 469,375,715 Restricted for debt service 39 1189 704 Unrestricted 74 179726 TOTAL NET ASSETS $ 546,674,145 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements, 7 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT STATEMENT OF REVENUES,EXPENSES,AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 309 2005 OPERATING REVENUE Sewer service charges(SSC) $ 329282,806 Service charges-City of Concord 696032000 Other service charges 6721887 Miscellaneous charges 6129851 Total operating revenue 4001719544 OPERATING EXPENSES Sewage collection and pumping stations 81533,883 Sewage treatment 18s767,9128 Engineering 59311,981 Administrative and general 10,8719587 Depreciation 162041,555 Total operating expenses 59,526,234 OPERATING LOSS (19,3 54,690 NON-OPERATING REVENUES(EXPENSES): Taxes 49010,380 City of Concord cash contributions to capital costs 2,622,?31 Customer cash contributions to capital cost(SSC} 12)0931854 Permit and inspection fees 2,072,001 Interest earnings 1,519,192 Pump zone fees 231932619 Interest expense (11775,857) Other income(expense) 1,1099716 Total non-operating revenues(expenses) 23,5453635 Income before contributions and transfers 4,4909946 Contributed sewer lines 51530,848 Capital contributions-connection fees 10,728,717 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 201750,511 Total Net Assets-Beginning 5259923,634 Total Net Assets-Ending $ 546,674,145 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 8 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (CONTINUED N PAGE 10 FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 309 2005 Cash Flows From operating Activities, Receipts from customers and users $ 3836099047 Payments to suppliers (13,4033370) ) Payments to employees (3022373502 ) Other income 534809825 Net cash provided by operating activities 4491000 Cash Flows From Noncapital Financing Activities: Receipt of taxes - 4,OI09380 Cash Flows From Capital And Related Financing Activities: Proceeds from sales of capital assets 2499490 Connection fees and other capital contributions 25,4459302 Acquisition and construction of capital assets (24,883,803) Principal paid on bonds (11933,005) Interest paid on bonds (125299288 Net cash used by capital and related financing activities (226513304 ) Cash Flows From Investing Activities: Interest received 1,473,375 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 31281,451 Gash and cash equivalents,July 1 69,495,867 Cash and cash equivalents,June 30 $ 72,7772318 End of Period: Unrestricted cash and equivalents $ 692164:122 Restricted cash and equivalents 39613,196 $ 72,777,318 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 9 N oENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (CONTTNUED FROM PAGE 9 FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 309 2005 Reconciliation of operating income to net cash provided(used)by operating activities: Operating loss $ 35 19� � 4,690} Adjustment to reconcile operating loss to net cash provided(used) by operating activities: Depreciation expense 16 41,555 Other income 524802825 Q25 (Increase)decrease in Accounts receivable (1 6) Parts and supplies '534 63'499 90) Prepaid expenses (82,654) Increase(decrease)in: Accounts payable and accrued expenses 537 455 Deposits ( } ° (28,001) isin Liability for sured claims 444,140 Accrued compensated absences 83s766 Net cash provided by operating activities $ 449,000 Noncash investing,capital,and financing activities: Contributions of capital assets $ 5 530 848 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 10 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT'S FOR TM YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,2005 NOTE#1—SUMAMRY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUAT17VG POLICIES Deporting Entity The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,a special district and a public entity established under the Sanitary District Act of 1923,provides sewer service for the incorporated and unincorporated areas under its jurisdiction. A Board of Directors comprised of five elected members governs the District. As required by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America,these general-purpose financial statements present Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and its component unit. The component unit discussed in the following paragraph is included in the District's reporting entity because of the significance of its operational or financial relationship with the District. Blended Component Unit-The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Facilities Financing Authority,was organized solely for the purpose of providing financial assistance to the District by acquiring,constructing, improving and financing various facilities,land and equipment purchases,and by leasing or selling certain facilities,land and equipment for the use,benefit and enjoyment of the public served by the District. The Corporation has no members and the Board of Directors of the Corporation consist of the same persons who are serving as the Board of Directors of the District. There are no separate basic financial statements prepared for the Corporation. Basis of Accounting The District's financial statements are prepared on the accrual basis in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America as promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board(GASB). In addition,the District applies all applicable Financial Accounting Standards Board(FASB) pronouncements issued on or before November 30, 1989,unless those pronouncements conflict with or contradict GASB pronouncements. The District is a proprietary entity; it uses an enterprise fund format to report its activities for financial statement purposes. Enterprise funds are used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises,where the intent of the governing body is that the cost and expenses,including depreciation,of providing goods or services to its customers be financed or recovered primarily hough user charges; or where the governing body has decided that periodic determination of revenues earned,expenses incurred,and net income is appropriate for capital maintenance,public policy,management control, accountability,or other purposes. Enterprise funds are used to account for activities similar to those in the private sector,where the proper matching of revenues and costs is important and the full accrual basis of accounting is required. with this measurement focus,all assets and all liabilities of the enterprise are recorded on its statement of net assets,all revenues are recognized when earned and all expenses,including depreciation,are recognized when incurred. 11 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCUL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED XUNE 309 2005 NGTF W--S y OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOU117NG POMCIES(CON771VUED) Basis of Accounting(continued) Enterprise funds distinguish operating revenues and expenses from non-operating items. Operating revenues and expenses generally result from providing services and producing and delivering goods in connection with an enterprise fund's principal ongoing operations. The principal operating revenues of the District are charges to customers for services. Operatingexpenses for the District include the costs of sales and services,administrative expenses,and depreciation on capital assets. All revenues and expenses not meeting this definition are reported as non-operating revenues and expenses. When both restricted and unrestricted resources are available for use,it is the District's policy to use restricted resources first,then unrestricted resources as they are needed. For internal operating purposes,the District's Board of Directors has established four separate sub-fundsl.each of which includes a separate self-balancing set of accounts and a separate Board approved budget for revenues and expenses. These sub-funds are combined into the single enterprise fund presented in the accompanying financial statements. The nature and purpose of these sub-funds are as follows: Running Expense Running expense accounts for the general operations of the District. Substantially all operating revenues and expenses are accounted for in this sub-fund. Sewer Construction Sewer construction accounts for non-operating revenues,which are to be used for acquisition or construction of plant,property and equipment. Self Insurance Self insurance accounts for interest earnings on cash balances in this sub-fund and cash allocations from other sub-funds,as well as for costs of insurance premiums and claims not covered by the District's insurance coverage. Debt Service Debt service accounts for activity associated with the payment of the District's long term bonds and loans. That portion of the District's net assets which is allocable to each of these sub-funds has been shown separately in the accompanying financial statements. � Y The District's Board of Directors adopts annual budgets on a basis consistent with accounting principals enemlly accepted in the United States of America. p � 12 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCUL STATEMMNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 309 2005 NOTE#1—SU.1V1MARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCCG POLICIES(CONT ) Parts and Supplies Parts and supplies are valued at average cost and are used primarily for internal purposes, Property,Plant and Equipment Purchased capital assets are stated at historical cost. Capital assets contributed to the District are stated at estimated fair value at the time of contribution. The capitalization threshold for capital assets is$1,000. Expenditures,which materially increase the value or life of a capital asset are capitalized and depreciated over the remamirig useful life of the asset. Depreciation of exhaustible capital assets has been provided using the straight-line method as follows: Years Sewage Collection Facilities 75 Sewage Treatment Plant and Pumping Plants 40 Buildings 50 Furniture and Equipment 7-15 Motor Vehicles 5-15 Defined Contribution Retirement Plans District employees may defer a portion of their compensation under a District sponsored Deferred Compensation Plan created in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 457. Under this Plan,participants are not taxed on the deferred portion of their compensation until it is distn`buted to them;distributions may be made only at termination,retirement,death,or in an emergency as defined by the Plan. The District does not make contributions to the Plan. On August 20, 1997,the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code covering section 457 were amended to require existing plans to establish trusts for assets of plans so that they would not be subject to the right of general creditors. The District amended its plan during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1999 to meet this requirement. Consequently,at June 30,2005,the plans assets are held in trust for the exclusive benefit of the participants and are not included in the District's financial statements. The District also contributes to a money purchase plan created in accordance with Internal Revenue Code section 401 (a). Contributions to the plan are made in accordance with a memorandum of understanding stating that in 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT NO TES To FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED,SNE 309 2005 NOTE##1-SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICA T ACca G POLICIES(CON7YNUED) lieu of making payments to Social Security,the District contributes to the 401 (a)Plan an amount equal to that which would have been contributed to Social Security on behalf of its employees as long as the District is not required to participate in Social Security. The assets are held in trust and are not recorded on the books of the District. The District contributed$1,272,813 to the plan during the year ended June 30,2005. Property Taxes Property tax revenue is recognized in the fiscal year for which the tax is levied. The County of Contra Costa levies,bills and collects property taxes for the District;all material amounts are collected by June 30. Genend County taxes collected are the same as the amount levied since the County participates in California's alternative method of apportionment called the Teeter Plan. The Teeter Plan as provided in Section 4741 at seq. of the State of Revenue and Taxation Code establishes a mechanism for the county to advance the full amount of property tax and other levies to taxing agencies based on the tax levy,rather than on the basis of actual tax collections. Although this system is a suppler method to administer,the County assumes the risk of delinquencies. The County in return retains the penalties and accrued interest thereon. Secured property tax is due in two installments,on November 1 and February 1,becoming a Tien on those dates, and becoming delinquent on December 10 and April 10,respectively. Delinquent accounts are assessed a penalty of 10 percent. Accounts,which remain unpaid on June 30,are charged an additional 1-X7 percent per month. Unsecured property tax is due on July 1 and becomes delinquent on August 31. The penalty percentage rates are the same as secured property tax. Compensated Absences The liability for vested vacation and sick pay is recorded as an expense when earned. District employees have a vested interest in 100 percent of accrued vacation time and 85 percent of accrued sick time for employees hired before May 1, 1985. Employees hired after May 1, 1985 have a vested interest in up to 40 percent of their sick time,based upon length of employment with the District. Statement of Cash Flows For purposes of the statement of cash flows,all highly liquid investments,including restricted assets,are considered to be cash equivalents. Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenditures/expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. 14 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 309 2005 NOTE#.l- SUMMARY OF SIGAIp'ICA T AGC4 UNTNG POLICIES(CONTEVUED) Changes in Accounting Principles In March 2003,the Governmental Accounting Standards Board(GASB)issued GASBS No.401 Deposit and Investment Risk Disclosures an amendment of GASB Statement No. 3. This Statement addressed common deposit and investment risks related to credit risk concentration of credit risk,interest rate risk,and foreign currency risk. As an element of interest rate risk,this Statement requires certain disclosures of investments that have fair values that are highly sensitive to changes in interest rates. Deposit and investment policies related to the risks identified in the Statement also should be disclosed. As such,the District has made the applicable required disclosures. New Accounting Pronouncements In November 2003,GASB issued GASBS No.42,Accounting and Financial.Reporting for Impairment of Capital Assets and far Insurance.Recoveries. This Statement establishes guidance for accounting and reporting for impairment of capital assets and for insurance recoveries,whether associated with an impaired capital asset or not. This Statement is effective for periods beginning after December 31,2004,or during the 2005-06 fiscal year. The District does not believe this statement will have a significant impact on thef nancial statements. In July 2004, GASB issued GASBS No.45,Accounting and.Financial Reporting by Employers for Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions. This Statement will require local governmental employers who provide other postemployment benefits(OPEB)as part of the total compensation offered to employees to recognize the expense and related liabilities(assets)in the government-wide financial statements of net assets and activities. This Statement establishes standards for the measurement,recognition,and display of GPEB expense/expenditures and related liabilities(assets),note disclosures,and,if applicable,required supplementary information(RSI)in the financial reports of State and local governmental employers. Current financial reporting practices for GPEB generally are based on pay-as-you-go financing approaches. They fail to measure or recognize the cost of GPEB during the periods when employees render the services or to provide relevant information about GPEB obligations and the extent to which progress is being made in funding those obligations. This Statement generally provides for prospective implementation-that is,that employers set the beginning net GPEB obligation at zero as of the beginning of the initial year. The District will be required to implement the provisions of this Statement for the fiscal year ended June 30,2007. The District is in the process of determm'mi g the impact the implementation of this Statement will have on the government-wide statement of net assets and activities. In December 2004,GASB issued GASES No.46,Net Assets Restricted by Enabling Legislation. This Statement clarifies that a legally enforceable enabling legislation restriction is one that a party external to a government such as citizens,public interest groups,or the judiciary—can compel a government to honor.The Statement states that the legal enforceability of an enabling legislation restriction should be reevaluated if any of the resources raised by the enabling legislation are used for a purpose not specified by the enabling legislation or if a government has other cause for reconsideration.Although the determination that a particular restriction is not legally enforceable may cause a government to review the enforceability of other restrictions,it should not necessarily lead a government to the same conclusion for all enabling legislation restrictions. 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 309 2005 NOTE#1--SU.1V1"BY 4F SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNMG POLICIES(CQ ED) This Statement also specifies theaccounting and financial reporting requirements if new enabling legislation replaces existing enabling legislation or if legal enforceability is reevaluated. Finally,this Statement requires governments to disclose the portion of total net assets that is restricted by enabling legislation. The requirements of this Statement are effective for financial statements for periods beginning after June 15,2005. The District does not believe this statement will have a significant impact on the financial statements. NOTE 2—CAS.HAND CASH EQ UI VALENTS Summary of Investments Investments as of June 30,2005,are classified in the accompanying financial statements as follows: Cash and investments available for operations $693,164,122 Restricted cash and investments 376132196 Total Deposits and Investments $729777,318 General Authorizations Limitations as they relate to interest rate risk,credit risk,and concentration of credit risk are indicated in the schedules below: Maximum Maximum Maximum Authorized Remaining Percentage Investment Investment Type Maturity of Portfolio In One Issuer U.S. Treasury Obligations 1 year None None Banker's Acceptance 1 year(2) 40% 15% Commercial Paper(1) 1 year(2) 25% 15% Collateralized Certificates of Deposit 1 year(2) 30% 15% County Pooled Investment Funds NIA None None Local Agency Investment Fund(LATE) NIA None None (1)Prime quality; limited to corporations with assets over$500,000,000 (2)Prior approval of the Board of Directors must be obtained to acquire maturities beyond one year 16 CENTRAL CONTRACOSTA SANITARY DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STA TEM[ENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED W 309 2005 NOT'. 2--CASHAAD CfSHEQUrYALENTS(CON UED) Authorized Under Debt Agreements Maximum Maximum Maximum AuthorizedR Percentage Investment Investment Type Maturity of Portfolio In One Issuer Federal Securities None None None Direct or indirect obligations of the following agencies of the USA: None None None Export-Import Bank None None None Farmers Home AdminLetration. None None None Participation Certificates issued by the General Services Administration None None None Mortgage-backed bonds or pass-through obligations issued by GNMA,FNMA,FHLMC,or FHA None None None Project notes issued by the US Department of HUD None None None Public housing notes and bonds guaranteed by the USA NoIle None None Certificates of Deposit(fully insured by FDIC) None None None Commercial Paper-•US Corporations(1) I80 Days None None Bankers acceptances (1) 270 Days None None State Investment Pool OLAIF) None None None Money Market Funds(1) None None None (1) Rated highest short-term rating by S&P and Moody's Interest Rate Risk Interest rate risk is the risk that changes in market interest rates will adversely affect the fair value of an investment. Generally,the longer the maturity of an investment,the greater the sensitivity of its fair value to changes in market interest rates. The District manages its exposure to interest rate risk by purchasing a combination of shorter term and longer term investments and by timing cash flows from maturities so that a portion of the portfolio is mag or coming close to maturity evenly over time as necessary to provide the cash flow and liquidity needed for operations. 17 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT NO S TO FTNANCIAL STATEMEENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SUNE 309 2005 NOTE 2—CASHAND CASH'EQUIY (CONT ) Information about the sensitivity of the fair values of the Districfs investments to market interest rate fluctuation is provided by the following schedule that shows the distribution of the District's investment by maturity; Fair Maturity Investment Type Value Date U.S. Treasuries $ 3337042404 September to December 2005 Commercial Paper 12,0049000 July to October 2005 Money Market Mutual Funds 316133196 .13 years Contra Costa County Treasurer Investment Pool 760,122 1.3 years State Investment Pool UAIF) 22,704,040 55.75 days Total $ 72,777,318 C red it Risk Credit risk is the risk that an issuer of an investment will not fulfill its obligation to the holder of the investment. This is measured by the assignment of a rating by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization. Presented below is the minimum rating required by the California Government Code,the Districts'investment policy,or debt agreements,and the actual rating as of the year-end for each investment type. Minimum Not Required Fair Legal To Be Rating as of Year End _ Investment„Type Value Rating Rated AAA A Unrated U.S.Treasuries $ 339704,000 N1A $33,704,000 If' - $ _ $ Commercial Paper 12,0003,000 A - - 12,0002400 - Money Market Mutual Funds 33,6132196 A - 3,613,196 - - State Investment Pool 22,7009000 NIA - - - _ 223700,OOD Total $ 72 �-Nm�� ,017196 $33,704,000 $3,613,196 $12,004,400 $2.2,740,040 i 18 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SAN `ARX DISTRACT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS f FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 309 2005 NOTE 2—CASHAND CASH EQUIVALENTS(COD) Concentration of Credit Risk The investment policy of the District contains limitations on the amount that can be invested in an one issuer beyond the amount stipulated by the California Government code see Y � General Authorizations Footnote 2). Investments in any one issuer(other than United States Treasuries,mutual funds,and external investment pools) that represent five percent 5% or more of the P } P ( ) total investments are as follows: Reported Investment Type Issuer Amount Commercial Paper Prudential $ S,Oop 0op Commercial Paper Citicorp 5,90009000 Investment in County Treasury-The District is considered to be a voluntary participant in an external investment pool.The fair value of the District's investment in the pool is reported in the accounting financial statements at amounts based upon the Districts pro-rata share of the fair value provided by the County Treasurer for the entire portfolio(in relation to the amortized cost of that portfolio). The balance available for withdrawal is based on the accounting records maintained by the County Treasurer,which is recorded on the amortized cost basis. Investment in the State Investment Pool-The District is a voluntary participant in the Local Agency Investment Fund(LATE}that is regulated by California government code Section 16429 under the over-sight of the Treasurer of the State of California. The fair value of the Distr•rcfs investment in the pool is reported in the accompanying financial statement at amounts based upon the District's pro-rata share of the fair valuerovided b P Y LAIF for the entire LAIF portfolio(in relation to the amortized cost of that portfolio). The balance available for withdrawal is based on the accounting records maintained by LAIF,which is recorded on the amortized cost } basis. Custodial Credit Risk-Investments Custodial risk for investments is the risk that,in the event of the failure of the counterparty(e.g,the broker- dealer)to a transaction,a government will not be able to recover the value of its investment or collateral securities that are in the possession of another party. The California Government Code does not contain legal or policy requirement that would limit the exposure to custodial credit risk. • P The District's policy is to use the services of the Treasurer's Office of the County of Contra Costa,which will transact the District's investment decisions in compliance with the requirements in the District's policy.The County Treasurer's Office will execute the District's investments through such brokers,dealers,and financial institutions as are approved by the County Treasurer,and through the State Treasurer's Office for investment in the Local Agency Investment Fund. 19 "NTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT NOTES TO FI"ANCUL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 309 2005 NOTE#3--.4 CCQ UMTS RECD.4BLE At June 30,2005,accounts receivable are comprised of the following: City of Concord(see Note 8) $ 9,9352150 All other 1,075,6 12 Total accounts receivable $11,010,772 20 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2005 NOT'E#4--PROPERTY,PLANT AND EQUIPMENT;AND CONSMUCHOIV',INPROGRESS Property,plant and equipment,and construction in progress are summarized below for the year ended June 30, 2005: Balance Beginning Transfer Balance of Year Additions Retirements from C1P End of Year At Cost Capital assets not being depreciated Land $ 1627802269 $ - $ (347,000) $ - $ 16,433,269 Construction in progress 19,5540582 253147,841 w 22,2649062 22,438,361 Total nondepreciated assets 36,3342851 25=1472841 WM_ (347,000) (2292642062 38,871,634 Capital assets being depreciated Sewage collection system 1853746,757 - (747,000) 11,309,116 196,3082873 Contributed sewer lines 132,443,827 53141,420 - - 13795859247 Outfall sewers 895183,443 - - - 81,518,443 Sewage treatment plant 237,531,642 - (545,000) 89864,571 245,851,213 Recycled water infrastructure 8,886,294 - - 5069500 993929794 Pumping stations 392641,580 - - 589,974 4092319554 Buildings 13,2323,054 - - 323,735 13,264,789 Furniture and equipment 13,7882481 - (106,647) 961,166 14,6439000 Motor vehicles 3,890,609 328,903 (69,087} - 4,1502425 Total depreciated assets 6431679,687 51470,323 (1467 734} 2232643,062 669,946 338 Less accumulated depreciation: Sewage system and lines 60,948,504 4,583,065 (7472000) - 643744,569 Sewage treatment plant 104,228,469 820603437 (545,000) - 11197439906 Recycled water infrastructure 19864,381 398,109 - - 22262,490 Pumping stations 89097,180 115089471 - - 9,605,251 Buildings 4,267,749 304,969 - - 4,5729718 Furniture and equipment 990361,972 810,667 (98,670) - 997489969 Motor vehicles 29395,666 376237 w(69,087) - 2,702,816 Total accumulated depreciation 190,7989921 163041,555 1,459,75 - 205,380,719 Total capital assets being depreciated,net 45298809766 10,571,232 7,97 222642062 46415652619 Capital assets,net $ 48992153,617 $ 14,576,609 $ 354,97 $ - $ 503,4379249 21 a. 4 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 309 2005 NOTE#5—CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS: The District established the Contractual Assessment District(CAD)program to help homeowners finance the cost of connecting to the District. The construction costs associated with the project within the program are capitalized and depreciated. Individual homeowners are assessed an amount equal to their share of the construction cost and connection fee. The assessments plus interest are generally payable over 10 years. At year- end,the receivable balance was$2,189,770. NOTE#6--LONC-TERM DEB T Revenue Bonds-2002 In May 2002,the District issued$16,565,000 of Revenue Installment Certificates for wastewater Facilities Improvements,with interest rates ranging from 4.0%to 5.0%. The bonds are secured by a pledge of revenue. Principal payments are due annually on September 1,commencing in fiscal year 2005,and interest is payable semi-annually on September 1 and March 1 of each year. Refunding Revenue Bonds---1998 In September 1998,the District issued$25,335,000 of Refunding Revenue Bonds with interest rates ranging from 3.5%and 4.7%. The Bonds are secured by a pledge of revenue. Principal payments are due annually on September 1,and interest is payable semiannually on September 1 and March 1. The District issued the 1998 Refunding Revenue Bonds to advance refund the 1994 Revenue Installment Certificates,which had interest rates of 5.25 to 6.25%. The net proceeds were deposited in an escrow fund to service and redeem the 1994 debt. As a result,the advance refunding met the requirements of an in-substance debt defeasance,and the outstanding balance of the 1994 debt was removed from the District's accounts. The excess of the amount required to be deposited into the escrow fund over the net carrying amount of the 1994 debt resulted in a deferred loss. The deferred loss is reported as reduction of the new debt and is being amortized over the 15-year term of the new debt. 22 CENTRAL CONTRA COS'T'A SANITARY DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDER JUNE 309 2005 NOTE#6-LONG-TERrDEBT(Co ED) Refunding Revenue Bonds--1998-Continued The 2002 and 1998 Revenue Bonds debt service requirements are as follows: 2002 1998 Fiscal Year Debt Service Debt Service Ending June 30, Requirement Requirement Total 2006 $ 10283,451 $ 2,2202674 $ 325049135 2007 12280,061 222189570 394982631 2008 1,270,961 2,217,310 3,4883271 2009 1,271,061 2,216,178 32487,239 2010 192659261 222169478 31481.739 2011-2015 6,328,494 11,097,013 17,425,507 2016-2020 6,3379333 - 693379333 2021-2024 5,080,125 - 51080,125 Total 24,116,757 22,186,223 46,3023980 Amount representing interest 8,116,757) 0,241,223} Q20357o982) Principal outstanding 16,000,000 17,945,000 33,9459000 Less:Unamortized deferred loss on refunding at year end - (196459236) - (126057236) 169000,000 16,3399764 3213392764 Less: Current portion of revenue bonds 5753000) 19485,000) _ (2,060,000} Long-term portion of revenue bonds $ 15,425,000 $ 14,854,764 $ 3032792764 Water Reclamation Loan Contract The District has entered into a contract With the State of California State Water resources Control Board(the Board)where the Board advanced to the District$2,916,872 for design and construction costs for projects related to recycled water treatment programs. 23 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISIMICT NOTES TO FINANCUL STATFAIENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 309 2005 NOTE#6—L ONG-TERM DEB T(CON7NUED) Water Reclamation Loan Contract-Continued The District must repay advances from the Board over a 20 year period beginning March 31, 1999,with an interest rate of 2.6%. Debt service requirements are as follows: Debt Service Years Requirements 2006 $ 187,119 2007 187,119 2008 1879119 , 2009 1872119 2010 1873119 2011-2015 9359596 2016«2019 5619359 Total 2,432,550 Amount representing interest (390s665) 2,041,885 Less: Current portion of Water Reclamation Loan Contract 134,030} Long term portion of Water Reclamation Loan Contract $ 11907,855 Local Improvement District Bonds Within the District's boundaries,there exist several Improvement Districts,which were formed for the sole purpose of financing sewer system improvements. The District has no oversight responsibility for these Districts and is not liable for repayment of any bonds issued to finance these local district improvements.Contra Costa County acts as the agent for the property owners in these districts in collecting assessments,forwarding collections to bondholders,and initiating foreclosure procedures,if appropriate. The outstanding balance on these bonds was$200,000 at June 30,2005. 24 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANI'T'ARY DISTRICT NOTES TO FI NANCUL STATEMENTS FOR TSE YEAR ENDED JUNE 309 2005 NOTE#7-RISK MANAGEMENT Insurance Coverage The District's ' ce coverage is as follows: Self Insured Deductible Per Type of Insurance Coverage Insurer Limits Occurrence All-Risk Property Fire California Sanitation Risk Management Authority(CSRMA) $394,600,860 $ 250,000 Boiler&Machinery (Shared Limits per Occurrence) CSRMA $1.40,040,000 $ 250;000 Liability Errors&Omissions ce Company of the State of Pennsylvania(AIG) $ 10,000000 $ 500,040 Empoyment Practices Liability AIG $ 10,000,040 $ I,0002000 Employment Practices Liability Lloyds of London $ 500;400 $ 540,000. General Liability AIG $ 102400,004 $ 5042000 Auto Liability AIG $ 109000,004 $ 504,000 Pollution(General Aggregate) General Liability American International Specialty Lines Insurance Co. $ 5,0002000 $ 5,000 Pollution Liability American International Specialty Lines Insurance Co. $ 1090009040 $ 509004 Pollution(Legal Liability Aggregate) American International Specialty Lines Insurance Co. $ 1450009000 $ 502004 Workers'Compensation CSRMA $ 25,7509000 $ Liability for Uninsured Claims The Governmental Accounting Standards Board(GASB)requires state and local governments to record their liability for uninsured claims in their financial statements. 25 (1-2`11NTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT NOTES T NAN'CL ,L STATEMENTS FOR T YEAR ENDED JUNE 309 2005 NOTE#7—RISK MANAGEMENT(CG ED) Liability for Uninsured Claims-Continued The District's uninsured claims activity and exposure relates primarily to its general and automobile liability program. The District records its estimated liability for uninsured claims in this area based on the results of periodic actuarial evaluations. The actuarial evaluations are typically performed every two years. For intervening years,the liability for uninsured claims is reviewed for adequacy based on claims activity during the intervening period. For the fiscal years 2005,2004,and 2003 settlements have not exceeded insurance coverage. Changes in the District's estimated liability for uninsured claims for fiscal years 2045,2044,and 2003 are summarized as follows: 2005 2004 2003 Beginning balance $ 4372360 $ 4379360 $ 3799710 Provisions for claims incurred in the current year and changes in the liability for uninsured- claims incurred in prior years 551,188 829122 215,534 Claims and claim adjustment expenses paid (107,048) (82,122} (15 7,8 84) Ending balance $ 8819544 $ 437,360 $ 4373360 NOTE#8—AGREEMENT WITTY C=OF CONCORD In 1974,the District and the City of Concord(the City)entered into a cost-sharing agreement under which the District became responsible for providing sewage treatment facilities and services to the City. Under this agreement,the City pays a service charge for its share of operating,maintenance and administrative costs and makes a contribution for its share of facilities capital costs expended. Service charges and contributions to capital costs from the City totaled$6,603,000 and$2,608,000 respectively,for the year ended June 30,2405. The District had the opportunity to make an unexpected capital purchase of real property adjacent to its existing treatment plant. The City of Concord's share according to the terms of the above agreement is$905,255. Because the purchase was unexpected,the District agreed to accept four equal annual payments be ' July 1, 2004 and annually thereafter on July 1. The interest shall accrue at 2.46%on a declining balance basis and each installment payment will be in the amount of$246,000. At the end of June 34,2005,interest of$14,731 had accrued for a total receivable balance of$724,160. 26 L CONTRA TRA C STA SANUARY DISTRICT NOTES TO ANCSTATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 309 2005 NOTE#9--PBNSrONPLN Pian Description Substantially,all District full-time employees are required to participate in the Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association,a cost-sharing multiple-employer public employee deferred benefit retirement plan (Plan),governed by the County Employee's Retirement Law of 1937,as amended. The latest available actuarial and financial information for the Plan is for the year ended December 31,2004. The Contra Costa Employees' Retirement Association issues a publicly available financial report that includes financial statements and supplemental information of the Plan. That report is available by writing to Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association, 1355 willow way Suite 221,Concord,CA 94520-5728 or calling(925)646-5741. The Plan provides for retirement,disability,and death and survivor benefits. Annual cost of living(CCL) adjustments to retirement allowances can be granted by the Retirement Board as provided by State statutes. Service retirements are based on age,length of service and final average salary. Subject to vested status, employees can withdraw contributions plus interest credited,or leave them as a deferred retirement when they terminate or transfer to a reciprocal retirement system. Plan Contribution Requirement The Plan requires employees to pay one-half of the basic retirement benefit and one-half of future CCL costs. However,the District has chosen to pay the employee's basic contributions. The contribution requirement and payment from the District for the plan year ended December 31,2004,was$5,893,040. These contributions represented 32%of covered payroll. The District's contribution for the plan years ended December 31,2003 and 2002 were$5,562,344 and$3,641,530 respectively and were equal to the District's required contributions and the employee's basic contributions for each year. NOTE#10—POST EMPLOYEMBNT HEALTH CARE BENEFITS The District provides certain health care and life ' ce benefits for retired employees. These benefits are provided for in negotiated employment agreements,commonly referred to as Memorandums of Understanding, which cover substantially all employees who reach normal retirement age while working for the District. These benefits,and similar benefits for active employees,are provided through a health maintenance organization and an insurance company whose premiums are based on the benefits paid during the year. The District recognizes the cost of providing those benefits by expensing the annual insurance premiums,which were$1,610,474 for the 167 eligible retirees for the year ended June 30,2005. 27 CENTAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 309 2005 NOTE#11—COMAETMEM AND CONMVGENCIES Commitments and contingencies,undeterminable in amount,include normal recurring pending claims and litigation. In the opinion of management,based upon discussion with legal counsel,there is no pending litigation, which is likely to have a material adverse affect on the financial position of the District. Claims and losses are recorded when they are reasonably probable of being incurred and the amount is estimable. Insurance proceeds and settlements are recorded when received. The District has purchase commitments relating to construction projects at June 30,2005 of$12,358,430. 28 SUPPLEMENTARY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMBINING S 1 EDULF OF STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS AS OF jUNE 309 2005 Running Sewer Self Debt ASSET'S Expense Construction Insmce Service Eliminations Total CURRENT ASSETS Cash and investnznts available for operations S 2893,729 $65,338,868 $ 31535,525 $ - $ - $ 69,164,122 Accounts receivable 7,634,442 3,376,330 - - 11,010,772 Interest receivable - 70,594 - - 70,594 Due from other sub-funds 69,827,324 55,757,170 1,D03,575 38,243,271 (164,831,340) - Parts and supplies 10496,779 - - - 1,496,779 Prepaid expenses 1,241 647 - - I j2419647 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 80,489,921 124,542,962 4,5399100 38,243,271 (164,831,340) 82,9831914 NONCURRENT ASSETS Restricted crash and investments - - - 31613,196 - 3,613,196 Land,property,plant and equipment,net of accumulative depreciation 4809998,888 - - - - 480,998,888 Construction in progress 220438,361 - - - - 22,438,361 Contractual aswzsment district receivable - 2,189,770 - - - 2,189,770 Revenue bond issuance costs, net of amortization - - - 320,117 - 320,117 TOTAL ASSETS 583,927,170 126.73 732 4x539.1,00 42,176 584 164 831340 592 544 246 LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued expenses S 2,797,609 $ 12498,046 $ 19,190 $ - S 41314,845 Due from other sub-funds 761,090,239 82,585,577 980,714 5,174,810 {164,831,340} - Interest payable - 272,988 - 494,492 - 767,480 Current portion of refunding revenue bonds - - - 2,060,000 - 21060,000 Current portion of water reclamation loan contract - - - 134,030 - 134 030 Liability for uninsured claims - - 881,500 _ 881,500 Accrued compensation absences 49862,902 - - - 4,862,902 Refundable deposits 135,009 526,716 - - - _ 661,725 TOTAL CURRENT I.IABILMES 83,885,759 84,883,327 1,881,404 7,863,332 (164,831,340) 13,682,482 NONCURRENT LIABILITIES Revenue bonds,net of current portion - - - 30,279,764 - 30,279,764 Water reclamation loan contract, net of current portion - - - 1,907,855 - 1907 855 TOTAL LIABILI'T'IES 83 885 T59 84 883 27 1404 40 050 951 164 831,340 45 870101 NET ASSETS: Invested in capital assets,net of related debt 5038437,247 - - (34,061,532) - 4699375,715 Restricted for debt service - - - 3,118,704 3,118,704 Unrestricted 395,836 41 849 405 2,657 696 33.06 _8j461 - 74 179,72 TOTAL NET ASSETS _ 500,041z411 41849,405 ?2657.696 2125 633 - S 5469674,145 29 7 . -- � CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMBINING SCHEDULE OF STATEMENT OF REVENUES,EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS FOR YEAR.ENDED JUNE 301 2005 Running Sewer Self Debt operating Revenues: -Expense Construction Insurance Service Eliminations Totals Sewer service charges(SSC} $ 32,282,806 $ - $ _ $ _ $ _ $ 32,282,806 Service charges-City of Concord 69603,400 63,603,000 Other service charges 672,887 Miscellaneous charges 612,9851 672,88? 612,851 Total operating revenues 40,1711544 - _ _ _ 40,171,544 operating Expenses: Sewage collection and pumping stations 8,533,883 8,533,883 Sewage treatment 18,767,128 18,767,128 Engineering 523113981 5,311,981 Adrninistrative and general 9,681,994 1,189,693 Depreciation 16�1 55 10,871,687 16,041,555 Total operating expenses 58,336,54 - 1,18&693 693 - 59r5261234 Operating Lass (I8,164.99?) - (1,189,693) - (19,354,690) Tion-Operating Revenues(Expenses): Taxes 197,450 3,812,930 4,010380 City of Concord cash contributions to- ' capital costs 2,622,731 2,622,731 Customer cash contributions to capita! cost(SSC} 12,0933,854 12,093,854 Permit and inspection fees 1,232,983 839,018 2,072,001 Interest earnings 1913,081 1,1571,523 82,028 883O560 Pump zone fees 2,193,619 1,519,192 2'193,619 Interest expense Q other income{expense} 661.238 170145 278 333 {1775,857} {1,775,857} .----�— - -11109,716 Total non-operating revenues(expenses) 12,085,302 19 274 340 3 2,1252633 - 2399451,636 Income(loss)before contributions and transfers (169079,695) 19,274,340 (8299332) 2,125,633 4,490,946 Contributed sewer lines 5,5309848 Capital contributions-connection Fees 10 728 717 5,530,848 1 0,728,717 Transfers 26s256,049 (26,256,9048) _ Change In Net Assets 159707,201 3,747,009 (829,332) 2,125,633 20,750,511 Total Net Assets-Beginning 484,334,208 38,102.398 3.497,028 0 525,923,634 Total Net Assets-Ending S 5009041,409 $ 41.849.407 S 2,657,696 S 125.633 $ - S 546p674,,145 �- =- -- 30 VENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SCHEDULE OF RUNNING EXPENSES COMPARISON OF BUDGET AND ACTUAL EXPENSES BY DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 309 2005 Sewage Administrative Variance Sewage Pumping Treatment and Favorable Collection Stations Plant Engineering n General Total Budget nfavorable Salaries and wages $ 392822762 $ 7639395 $ 63806,980 $ 4,03911669 $ 3=661,922 $18,554 728 $19 425 872 _ $ 8713144 Employee Benefits 19753,668 373,278 32594,943 2,0899085 39925,216 1137399190 12 227 3501 4883160 Directors'Fees and Expense 49,009 49 009 50,000 991 Chemicals 1323348 878,201 1010 549 191279000 s1169451 Professional and Legal Services 93767 119166 137,347 269,666 4273946 3769995 (50,951) Outside Services 1362740 73,194 476,719 388,240 8473548 1 922 441 2 454 480 _ 127,639 hauling and Disposal 76,891 59805 370,933 3612597 8I5 6 987 064 171,834 Repairs and Maintenance 5289078 1342297 129592427 89,766 1893782 2,900 950 22757,003 {143,947} Materials and Supplies 518,388 34,271 7433979 1493164 129,;664 125759462 a 1,4802850 (94,612) Utilities 739160 447,290 3,534,203 44,624 116 462 4 215 7 _ , 39 410043850 (2103889) Other 92,189 1869006 512,708 1079635 489 725 13 88,263 1,5981844 3102581 Less Capitalized Overhead and Benefits 35 394 52,250 121 731) (210952142) (2 304 51 _(22294299p) 9)527 Total Total $ 6 436 249 $�209�7634 $ 18,767,128 $5311981 $ 9681994 $42 294 986 $43 890 4._.z _3 .�,.�. ,91 $ 1595 928 .� 31 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RUN, NING EXPENSE SCHEDULE OF SUPPLEMENTAL NET ASSETS ANALYSIS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 309 2005 Prior Year Balance 2004-2005 Revenue $ 3 0,931,545 Expense 2004-2005 Ex 42,256,846 P X55,336,541 Add Back Depreciation Expense � � 162041,555 3 5,140 Net Assets Attributed to General Operations 10,593,405 All Other Net Assets ' Running Expense Net Assets 48921482006 $500,041,413 32 9/29/2005 Legal Expenditure Summary SELF INSURANCE FUND Check# Check$ Vendor Name Account# Account$ CL# Case#-Case Title 1 102261 $7,987.64 Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver 003-0000-991,14-21 $1,399.00 32 Suzanne Brown v CCCSD(Madsen, Kneppers Invoice 003-0000-993.14-21 $515.00 95006 OMDS 003-0000-991.14-21 $271.92 Dickerson, William v CCCSD 003-0000-991.14-21 $2,257.49 32 Suzanne Brown v CCCSD 003-0000-993.14-21 $60.26 3995 Peardale 003-0000-991.14-21 $951.72 Dickerson, William v CCCSD-FY End 003-0000-991.14-21 $1,743.79 32 ISuzanne Brown v CCCSD-FY End 003-0000-993.14-21 $788.46 3995 Peardale-FY End 2 102263 $8,458.98 Maaco 003-0000-991-14-20 $8,458.98 AC7 Vehicle Damage-Oak Tree Fell on parked District Vehicle 3 102265 $6,380.00,Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver 003-0000-991.14-21 $943.80 32 Suzanne Brown v CCCSD Emedck&Finch Invoice) $5J436.20, 32 Suzanne Brown v CCCSD(EnviroScience Invoice RUNNING EXPENSE Check# Check$ Vendor Name Account# Account$ CL# Department-Division-Descn tion 4 157411 $26,040.38 Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver 001-0100-400.08-02 $4s695.151 ADM-Board Activity-Board Meetings, Retainer Sery 9 001-0100-400.08-03 $2,813.96 ADM-Agenda Review 001-0140-400.08-03 $1,002.19 ADM-Purchasing, Constr. Contract, Retainer Sery 001-0150-400.08-03 $167.07 ADM-Risk Management 001-0200-420.08-03 $8,665.39 ES- Legal Work Auth., Retainer Sery 001-0300-410.08-03 $126.90 CSC-Admin 001-0400-410.08-03 $126.90 POD-Misc, Retainer Services 001-0100-400.08-02 $84.46 ADM - Board Activity-Board Meetings, Retainer Sery-FYj 001-0100-400.08-03 $349.69 ADM-Agenda Review- FY End 001-0140-400.08-03 $4,765.30 ADM-Purchasing, Constr. Contract, Retainer Sery-FY End 001-0200-420.08-03 $1,133.42 ES- Legal Work Auth., Retainer Sery-FY End 001-0300-410.08-03 $1,176.26 CSO-Admin- FY End 001-0400-410.08-03 $933.70 POD-Misc, Retainer Services-FY End 5 157563 $133.75IGail R. Ford 001-0150-400.12-07 $133.75 3 Ford (WC) Backup- Plumbing Reimbursement 6 157609 $201.53 Trucker Huss 001-0110-400.08-03 $201.53 ADM -Finance-Cafeteria Plan kA- Page 1 T ' 9129/2005 Legal Expenditure Summary PROJECTS Check# Check$ Vendor Name Account# Account$ CL# Projects 7 28012 $3,696.67 Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver 8192PQ.08-96 $366.68 Treatment plant Projects 8192PQ.08-97 $1,946.70 lCollection System Projects 8210DC.08-11 $80.34 Kiewit Property 8192PQ.08-96 $492.86 Treatment plant Projects-FY End 8192PQ.08-97 $63.34 Collection System Projects-FY End 8210PQ.08-11 $746.751 Kiewit Prope -FY End CL#-Claim Log Number GL-General Liability Claims AC-Auto Claims Page 2 zoos-06 OVERFLOWS AND PLUMBING REIMBURSEMENT CLAIMS # DOL AddressG try Claimant IM Reserve Paid to Date Pad to Clain Totals Comments 1 07/28105 50 Rheem Boulevard Orinde Anthony Miramonte PL 5807.64 Restoration Management Ca $607.64 01F Into front yard and basement. Cleanup only. No personal or real property damage agwwged. 2 08/01/05 124 Morage Way Orinde Mrs.Heath PL $450.92 Restoration Management Co $450.92 OIF through cleanout_ Yard cleanup only. No real or personal property damage is expected. 3 08/08/05 3322 Freeman Road Walnut Creek Gail Ford PL $133.75 Gail Ford 5133.75 OIF from manhole a into homeowners backyard. Cleanup only-no real or personal property damage. $395.20 Rastomtlon Management Co $395.20 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Res Paid Total Total-Overflows $0.00 $1,787.51 $1,787.51 200445 OVERFLOWS AND PLUMBING REIMBURSEMENT CLAIMS # DOL Address �rlt f Clai rr1 a nt Type F sary a Pal d to Date Paid to Cratm Totals C�rnm�nt. I 7f' 4 1042 Brown.Avenue Latayella Asp 9n EuUd+ng Ta uhn oh I ss- PD PtS intrie causad ofi hTo bLWnas5 open area app w IWO-2WD sc.fL of carpel and pad vAl rwood la Grequory Heol be recan cad In oddyben to deem uo costs-M a+r nand 10 rm7weswm drvwid S947.50 Madsen,K eppars&Assoc_ $3.8®238 Ras#areilorn Menagament Co $4,549.88 46,E20.00 Rowvm paymard fro+rra City of Lafayaft conh-actw-Aa mrYt tndudas K Green's tlme. 2 D7112I 4 34 aarha�re Road Orinde Cvlt)ert Defrenne PL $1.02.04 Skid Clean 51,602,04 OAr from RI lkwed onto hack pada.Fl aiyo reads to be presmn washed and ad_Ko p saw or real prop"loss:deartng - 3 07424+N ErTtry 26,GcOdunIn VVnV rt Creek 1 st YAC.MuTual URF(Rossmor) PD $1, ,67 RMC PL9 I n Ina caLmed oM I ntD p lc lady amd. C#earnup"*yhg out of generaJ area. (Ro ort PL $690.00 men Rain Foundad on $1,M.67 PLnr far Rossm=-Terre C"oma Sre at 4 09h 3J04 134 Hal Larne wait Crool[ JIM&Sun Fox PL) $139.99 Fla CIT ftuvo dwAce durin GSO dbMr4g-some rrdrrvr axtadci'dearer and rri=petrel $312.30 SO C Tann P57,29 pr*"duuga, 5 0EV1=4 1 Vis Ro bJe Lbf ayatle Buyu Farr PD -53,M5.10 Boyd Farr QIF due to root pktg.CW dw e+d prop",hcwwer Tc%om peTftW fmzgM car=mW gyral flu odnq the erAre se (biobw iia)UwW,Approx 10 0 sq.ft affactad,mns t some contents. S202.50 Ern Ncrablulogy Lab $4.337.13RMC S8.484_64 6 0VZ%'04 3MO NoM Luclle cane -.afayefts Eugene HLIt PL $276.75 Eugene HID $276.75 R elftusemmit for p rrWnp f 7 1 ?4 3W3 N Pewale Drhm Lafayette S�tm FauleMv PL $15115 shanne Pau o $151.75 R el mbLmement for plurrnbl np blfl 6 t0 3>t't4 33D6 GWrj&ftD'I m Lefayano Audrey f?&nY%te ifSarbara Wnavff P D $273,15 Barbera Weaver 0A due to*g in Ine,fl wed Irdo Ih Ing area from back bathroom_Vwy n*or proWly Quip(ff arry� and-%orr+e Mnor Remi Ips kz . $105.00 Erry Ml c'odotogyr Lab Pbznhdng relrrrbuimwnud $1,137.D6 RmUrvbon Man gernwtCcs S1.57521 9 1D!1 W4 3471 Monroe Ave. Lafayatte nate He-rdyr PL1 la1.13 lam.Hard►? CSO ftrim3usting processas wed•tcCet. Knor Remral prop"lass(towels)and tv 0 cost. $432.67 W Oaan $513.80 10 1 W445Meft Dal filar Orin da Sc lm vm!rnat PL $41.57 Scot illi9" $41.57 Relmbumenumnj for eW D rwTW Io un pkjip a ba 11 10 5104 33 r Vkl1khA L Carayette Fay Johnson PL $234,75 Fay J $234.75 ReimbuTaffmmt for phwnhin+A Uls 12 1111=4 S1hmrwoad(3r#m Lafayette Mike&blah®Kom PD $32,997.Oa Ovedlaw In rnaln ilno from ruat plug Fe"roam.bathroom,hWMW,2 a lerp storage area have bon affacled to tion fur guests for%vo rights. $235.87 M a,rri ott H otels Two nigh%a ummmodatlwks for Kam's ouVaf==twarn gmsly-pa]d ala P'cerd $6.311-63 Restraton Management Co w"and secondary ckmTKo.hdudnji asbasbas abatemixl $9,207,16 Reslnrad an Marm9ernent Co Pack out s1araAa.end Reck beck $2.455.10 SWO Mean AddtwW s00DOMFY char .C0Xrato 60ater tuh and shararer ren ovvd $459.13 Raw Rooter Goan slde uwer for dabrls remove dapasited b1+overfl w $14.33 Fee-EX Sid ckwwce s wnplft to Lab $315.00 Ern"Ml arab Mogyr Lab $15.2,00+4.22 CUankrtice says-&o* 13 11 f26M4 26 Cain Lame Darmle Pat(Painal)Hudson PD $1,140.DC Pat Hudson Overnm In rnaln f m r-OCA p 1u.F owW under house on an fr wd wok devkV or�dyr. $901.39 ResuNmtien Manegemffat Co X041.39 Pkwrnbing b1t rel rrbtae for hanum%Tw. Qua to holday,local mwftf dsp i&Ind her to cap a o _ Pkm was In out lrm.Cr1:p,bll for$3120 nepotlated d'cwn to$1140 14 12MU04 41:5 bldgp Road Wnakle ti reek Eric Vona= PL 5170.00 Eric Veronzi 5170.00 Relrrhnemerrt for ph Ing bel 15 12r2OXA 101 a VVMNA Creak Rj#lard Cage PL "S.DO ISI chard Cate $98.00 Reimbuw&meM for Dnp biI 16 12 1 AX IWO St Andrews Drtye Mnmp Moraga czurrtry Ckk PID Rector alua Management Co CNWR9w aftffctad cut bares,stomm area and bethmwn 17 01 MmS 161 Ea y -ael AhLm Perry ee(lrja PL SX.63 Perry Sneudd a Reborni for rerrte.l to un pJw a back= 18 d 1 3705 t 686 Papta r Drhm wakxx Qjargensfin PD $54.50 Pamela J wgensan PUT np n relrrtb= emeM SE73.75 k astc�r-alian Ik+lanagemerrt Co $728.25 19 01�14M5 -XU VaAe+ I law Road PleesanL ahl 7harms F Sirmwi PL S95-GD Thames F Stewart $95.00 Rkrwnp bel rat 20 01 r'1 3305 Mor;aga&YO LoTayetle Rorty&ahmm PQ S 16.CA3,4D Ron t C mham PL+p In mKin�ra ot5 p 77 0M)caused uvgrnCW Irmo house-aifeded dvea bedroom, $2,420.00 Resturatlon Mumgernent Co esbos ahafs KOWlYr 2 haft.arnd Snr{M am. pw5urref RraY minlmatil $3,314.29 R ell ori A wmgem ant Co $175.00 €rN MlcniWology Lab 117.Do FedEx .....................•........:...._....:............................ti...._�.._._._. JJ_ _ r_. _... ......_,,... ....._..•e...f._"a._......._._._..til_L6��_�_��+�.l.. ........................ • i s. ,00 9�..7� 821 0 111? 3Road alrtA Creek Donne CrAi9w PL C- a C...... . Y... . ..... . .............. ........ i. r L r1nJ'� �.,.�. TI _ ti. _______. � ° p, 1. }. �r. ' . +a,A.__JL.� .: ,. a..........._.......... r� e_�.L�__.mss .. ........................ ......... '.� ..� 1.,.,.f_r ✓f u r ...... 5 _ ..:tom _. �..... � ..... .`.... ..... ,,,,, ..... ......'•'-- r_. .,.. ...�_.....__^____...._ e__.••.•.e•._..e .... :•:i!#til Dsii •.'.w ,_�_: ..ti t-_==_�� 23 Q"1 X31 7 '•'• .. � ,_.,•.,........ .. � �� :-;s: 6.�Sante f�atla"INa)r �sll L1nda�oren.5or1 pC� •.•.•.�.•.•.•.r-.:,........_ :�....,,... ..�:�:�:_:; ....._..........:. �.:;,�,= $3,690.00 Linda Sorenson Iia�,A�bad'rQam eW beftm� + $445.97 Skil Ckaan $105.00 Ern"Mll=b dDgy Late $25.89 Fedfx $4,266.65 24 0V1=5 433 WInfleld DarMlu pry Bennatt PO Ty NaCl Dvedlaw duo to roots in Lne,QF into back Wdlgmvd andphrtms,Ckwruo DOM MIAM sida man 5481AS tO NORM affected nvAdft drat d-dps to ptmer. up ,hic realtp ersormi prime 25 02rZZMS 3x70 Diablo Vew Road Plau-cam HIfi ffey Tabu. aldne da14*n lD $0,00 Rey 7a ±+C ane $DDDLBrDODvftllcwdumtOnN3bwwhmrqgmmma CyeerflmpnrwmrTUondeAceWmbyQSOcrmsOW Batodan 't2W2 Irpd dorm)woci!w.batt qverkw flawed umjw neath Douse Irk aroW grace(2 f amt of water ter 15M sq ft),back mrd front yarcL%.Qea m on cam a1 this t1me andc,ipateri S 1,43i�f Restorgtior,Maneprrt Co 26 CW12105 240 MwWcaa Dive Creak Unda Cuduway FL $133=' nota Rooter Dislpat::hett trY Km to weer a*1Z Ina. 27 D3rXW5 35 64 SItver.spring Road LaFuyuft St mrt H vnshap PL M54D Irl H tial] RC ff.' %hl 0 rel mbummn ant 213 D4XIM5 19S4 Petnda Dnva plessor Hil Unnes Eldar PD $1,151.48 LJ mm EFder OveMm dua to roots in Irye_Affect two J3aToxw rs a hal Some regi 'darrLepel(w ahl e1d WAS Fed EX Mi Inor pafvzn&j grope r, SIAM.#$ Restomton Marg ernent Co $10COD OD Env MI=mbfdDR Lab $2.292.69 29 04AJBAZ 19 Batem Bde:vard od ma LOS MOW PO $8.163.99 Las MoRmt Rao#s Jn i no Affected two baft5,mdsW bedroom,and slof cant Wway,Some dywoll&4130" $25.53 pod" mirst be ran mmd(bnth eEb rep). X3.195.$0 Restat■1m Memagemeit Co 50e()D JR$ed Em4mmumW $564.60 CI Errrlmrn%Vt9 Cormulthfti,inr,. Asbastns Abatemart Clawwce Testing 10.00 Env Ml crabl obW Lab $157.50 Env M11 craU obW Lab $12.30732 30 i1 e 2 Muth DrIve Odnda Amari can Mwmgement Group,Inc.h P4 x.94 Armalcon Masmpme t#Group,Inc JKen Myers Pkmt"Reimbursement 31 04QWM .2786 Marsh 06" San R dmf Sen Ramork Unifl ed mal al gat PD $0.00 SRU SD-Twin Crete Deere, t phmad-ihiy wU not he ung a ctelrn a the Dl=ct-Ih haareOed repairs Ir�ha��a $2.50.11 Restwilan Mwm rnee•et Co P In Ine due to hmvv tease end ragsftvals 9n the Inc.,CBO his had on bkmodW $157.50 Erw Ml a otology Lsb $2,7:56.51 daerrt+p schad ia,eery r `ed assistwxa from Sourca Oantxl to Fie Ib Tm problem $13,30 Fe After T1JIbmg]he i no,the NNW meso was.En fact cDftnp ftn ft stf`Y ars lakes]-f urhw :.....•_..•-,..v-�.....•._..v.....•....v...•.._.v.._..._................__..v..................v..........v........._....v.......,...........r......................,...v...........a.....e.......r.........:r...............................e............:............_:...............-..,-.....-e.......re.e.......v.,a„_tv.L.�..�Y....�_.�LL�.rY.a_..._,fi..��.....LaeeL....a�..e..{..T.-e.....,,_�.-.....fa,•e...x�a,-:......;a-...L+a,s-�...�,-v...-..�'..'v..��'+..'...a-a'.a-�',',..r v.ve4 a.,F.a'}.e.ev..e.,,...v...,.veveee..,.,v.,e.ee....,ree..y..,_,e......e,.....e.....�w.!...'.!v..,..-°,L•...•... 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W SM hes eked-p I nto house b ecause ofi davl re M Lit h avia# =d sUMW WM M or- $45D_ RMC $717° 3$ 0&14105 25 Q Mlrador Wow Creek QnOg Heftm"Wftmw Apesr"m PO M,01D $971.12 R AA C $1.066.42 Rem ftd Total Irriv Agatan Tatal-Ova ffi. 355.000.00 $1311,064,08 $191.1]&4w0 0 2004-05 GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-OTHER I 0883104 1371 Subset Loop Lafayette Mildred McWeen $6.00 Mildred Melgreen Relmbursed hameower for water usage by CSO c onskirlion crew during a sewer repair. 2 08024104 284 Suvnybrae Drive Martinez Richard Derose $267.57 Ridland Derose Reirribursemerd for veh cle damage(rear to rod)after driving over a=nhole ever 3 12114/04 17 Lavina Cant Orinds PG&E $778.85 PG&E Reimbrrsernerit for 18"Gas service at 17 Lavtna Ct,Ortrrda that CSO crew darnaged diming sewer rep; -5778.85 PG&E Check retraned atter more Informa$on regarding the claim revealed that CSO crews were not at fault 4 1281104 264 Shady Lane Wairwt Creek Luis Ramiraz-Agudelo $351.78 Luis Ramlrez,Agudelo Relu bursernent for vehicle damage caused by CSO crows[P Crouch]while rod ft s manhole.Rod came out of deanout and was waving about and struck a parked 2000 Volvo 580. 5 1281104 263 Shady Lane WWW Creek Shlreen Davenport $200.00 Same Incident as above-damaged rase bushes. 6 04114105 5528 Pacheco Blvd Pacheco UDI Tetrad Consulting Engineers,Inc. $335.00 UDI Tetrad Consulting Engineers.Inc. Damage to landscaping by CCCSD crew. Total-GL Other $200,00 $960.35 i r 2004-05 2004-05 AUTO CLAIMS # Location Veh_Dasc. hR= Resety Paid Gammenta 1 July 2004 CSO Veh#76 Security Guard $1,086.66 Guard struck CSO gate 2 08/11/04 HWY 680 Veh#76 Security Guard $1,251.23 Securtty vehicle was rear-ended while driving to S.R.PS by Garret Kuhl 3 09/03/04 Bert Const.PH Veh#210 Kelry Welr CCCSD -$1,251.23 Recovery from Garret Kuhl$1,879.81 K.Weir struck gate post 4 09r21104 HWY 680 Veh#214 Chris Halsley CCCSD $582.31 Dist.Veh#214 was struck from behind while stopped in traffic on freeway,by Namnama For*Kha 5 12115/04 3365 SprtngHl Rd Veh#197 Jay Nlghtengale,CCCSD -$58231 Recovery from CSAA $1,289.15 'Gurnbar 19M caught carport and damaged strucUe 6 01M4/05 Odnda Veh#157 Don Turk CCCSD $761.00 D.Turk was backing District VeNde#157 when he-struck a retaining wag post at 19 Woodmmt DrkveOrtnda. 7 06/15105 Onnda PS Veh#192 Alan Slagle,CCCSD $8,458.98 Oak tree fell an parked Dist Vehicle#192. , Reserve Pard-ta-date Total-Auto Claims $0.00 $0.00 $13,473.60