HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET AND FINANCE AGENDA 09-12-05 O b C'en�ra�' r"I �r�ra Cos#a Sanj.....ry Dish xd 1 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez,CA 94553-4392 (925)228-9500 www.centralsan.org BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Chair Lucey Member Hockeft Monday, September 12, 2005 3:30 p.m. CSO Conference Room 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, California 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS 3. OLD BUSINESS 4. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT 5. REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS 6. REVIEW EXPENDITURES 7 ADJOURNMENT 40 Recyc,ed Paper Legal Expenditure Summary SELF INSURANCE FUND Check# Check$ Vendor Name Account# Account$ CL Case#-Case Title 1 102255 $801.32 Donald N. Hoffman 003-0000-991.14-20 $801.32 35 Hoffman (Diablo) Overflow Claim-Settlement Payment 2 102256 $1,258.56 Restoration Management Co. 003-0000-991.14-22 $450.92 2 Heath (Orinda) Overflow Claim-Restoration services $807.64 1 Miramonte (Orinda) Overflow Claim-Restoration Services 3 102257 $417.40 Ruth Purcell 003-0000-991.14-20 $417.40 33 Purcell (WC) Overflow Claim- Final Settlement Payment 4 102259 $395.20 Restoration Management Co. 003-0000-991.14-22 $395.20 3 Freeman (WC) Overflow Claim- CL#-Claim Log Number GL-General Liability Claims AC-Auto Claims 2005-06 OVERFLOWS AND PLUMBING REIMBURSEMENT CLAIMS # L Address City Claimant Ty,Qe Reserve Paid to Date Paid to Claim Totals Comments 1 07/29/05 8o Rheem Boulevard Orinda Anthony Miramonte PL $807.64 Restoration Management Co $807.84 DIF into frons yard and basement. Cleanup only. No personal or real property damage expected. 2 08/107/05 124 Morage Way Onnda Mrs.Heath PL $450.92 Restoration Management Co $450.92 01F through cleanout. Yard cleanup only. No real or personal property damage Is expected. 3 08108/05 3322 Freman Road Walnut Creek Gas}Freeman PL $395.20 Restoralion Management Co $395.20 OIF from manhole 3 into homeowners backyard. Cleanup only-no real or personal property damage. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total Res Paid Total-Overflows $0.00 $1,853.76 $1,653.76 2004-05 OVERFLOWS AND PLUMBING REIMBURSEMENT CLAIMS # Q L Add ftss Claimant Type Res prve Pa td to Date Psld to Clain' ToW I s Fmm wk I 707AW 1042 Braym ANwiue Lafayette Armen BLr!4�ng Technolepes- PC) R]"In Ina causad 0 brft Chess open area appn 11110- 00 sq.TL of cargat and pad vd;nand to Greooav Hansen tre reDisc.ed In addlon to clean um costs. Marr rmed W rive some drvwale S947.50 Madison,Knepm&Assoc, $3,602.38 Restoralon Managerned Co $4.549.55 2 071124 34 Hs alt Read 0"ride G fiber#Detre nna PL $1.502.04 Skil Clean $1,602-134 011(rum RAE HBO W&bmk pa bio,Pat Ic needs to be presvxe washed and sar dtiized No pEm-soneE or coo I prop wrW lase:cieorTirrp cwilly 3 QU2M4 En"26.iMalftrTra�n Vvelirle Cnmk 1.0 WC Mttumd G R F{Ros smog rl PD $1.02217 RMC PU9 In Ina clod off Ln10 pub1c tam mma_Uaanu p saki ng art of gwaml am. (los or) PL $900.00 Gddw Raln FotrdRttian 51-6-2267 PSInq refmbuTmnentfor Rommaor-Terre CaRllama Seb`eret 4 091131D4 134 Nal Leas WnkuA C�re ek Jkn&Su6e Fox PD $139.E9 Fox GfF ti rouph device during GSG deanlnp-soma wr nor exleiior deem orW rrrlr*r pamDrral 3317.30 Sidl Clean S45729 propel damgpa 5 OW15M4 1068 VLo 1Rable LofeyoTta Boo Farr PO $3.885.10 Boyd Darr 01T cLa to root l Q DIF da%�ca wodmd prop"L ,hmwever"me pentrnted#yup cz rTcrala w:al 114 odR ng the erMra se Gond(h slow 9ftdal Ie visk Approx.1000 sq.fl aff eclu it,mo ,r carpet,.some cant 52152.50 Env MI aro b iolagy Let} 6 09 5ID4 3349 Horth Lu+d Ie Lane Lafayetta Elena K0 'PL 152-76.7:5 Eugene HI'J ZZ7635 Reimbws ement 10T pUeTnb IrlA Wis 7 1 i093gOU4 3.993 N,Pee rdale Drhm Lief eyette amara PaLgazzo PL $1,51 76 Shy nnn Pn o $151.75 fie Imb=oment for p in;Uri 8 10113M4 330 5 G nm51 do Cri%m I-of ayet#a Audrery D arms'ledfa rb ar'a V11enver PD $273-15 Ba rtmrs Weaver 09 due la ptaj)in Y r;ar f awad Inla.IhAnd area from be ck b athroum Very rNrLor pro party dame ge(if any) and so me n1!nor p erscmal property loss $105 DO Err MI rrobiology Leh Plurnbl np reai rnbursemanl $1 1117 06 Restor'a4 on Mlnnagemarwt Co $1-575.21 9 10118104 3471 Mo rvoer Awe. L of ayette bale Hardy PD $81.13 Kete H erdy CSO hyrdraflu shI ng p ruceamm mlpappmr WIPL 1n pam 1 ` rW loss f lmmis)and clben up c osLs. . e� $432,67 SidO Glean $513.80 ` 10 10)24104 45 Vl sta Dal M ar Ofi nae SCD111 IMD1 P L $41.57 Scutt Wlznut $4157 R opmbur3cLment for eVp rentW to im pkm a badcup 11 1012.5K14 3326 We hut Lena i_ofayang Fay Jotnsan RL $234.75 Fay Johnson #234.75 RelrnbLa cement for prjrrbnp bl➢s 12 11118 D4 55 SINemmod Drive Lafayette M iku 8 Dion e Kam FRS $32.R,97.110 0verflow i ro rrAm One from ro DI plug ForNf r roam,tan rhmorri e halY my,2 be#rooms end a rare sic ra go urea haves been offeeied. Relocation for puasts for two rdphis, $235.87 MJa rii-ntt HDIwls Two m"a cconvnodatton,5 for Hem's out-of-tw on,qua sts-paid Ma F-urd ',x6,311.63 FkmaumOnn MI anegama-n1 Co Ernermency and second ary C:aa n-up.I nclu Ung usbestos sbaternam S9,2G716 Rin M anp garne nt Co lea Ek o LA.stars pa e a nd peck ba ck $2.455.10 D 5Ido Ooao Addltonn I s ecu ndarlr clean-io,conrrele seal er_U&acro s fkowwer cemoval $46813 Rotn Ronlerr Clean sloe sewer ror debn s removal deposited by overflow $14.33 F a dEX Send cJaarance soap!os to Let $315.0 0 Ern+Mlcroblology Lab 552.0G4 7.2 Clearance simples-a`e(35 13 1 1 6A)a 26 C&UN Lan& Dorm De Pat(R3atnd a]FiUdsun Pfd $1,14000 Pal H.ti&urt CNefflaw in main one from ru u1 plop F10"d udder house on an from,walk,.cieorl-uwd or?Y $01.39 R estoral an Mona-gleum enl D u 52,041.39 Phar ng UZ relmbws a for homeovmar. ave to hof day,locs I snardf c1spalch told her to cal a ptumbnr Plug was In ov:r Lne.Qr1p_CSI for 13 12 D niepat atod dovm to S 114a 14 12MM4 415 Ori dga-Road WaW Creek Frk Vernercrt Pt, $170.Do Eric Ven dry S I70.ro Re4rr&K-5 ametrt for pWrtlng bI h 115 1 WDOW 10 1 sales Drive vvahut Creek Rfrhord Cates PL S913 00 R1ch-ard Cale S98.00 Reimei+xs eme lit for ph rwb]ng bi 0 1S 1231 X74 15€0 St Andrews Dive M ora g a Ma raga Couch CLt PU R nstoretlon Monagemm'!two O veffl ow atle cted can bam,swv pe area an d tmthro orn 17 01 OD2105 161 Easy Street Al amp Pyr Sane*Ija PL 535.13 Perry Sae edNs Reimburmement for equip renis I to tali pkup s h ackup. 1 i5 0 V1 X5 1856 Pop,'ar CMwa VVahA Creak Pameto e,Ro rqe is on P D S64.60 Pamela J orge m pn PhrrVnp bI9 relrrLb urs ame nr 5573-75 R estornUnn Monagamenl Cc $728-25 19 011141DS 334 Valay Mew Rand Pleasant H IN Thomas F Slewart PL 595-lam Th omn s F Slhmart $95.00 Peal nQ NP reim,'bum ement 2D 0 IM SM5 3305 Moraga:l d L of ayette Rom wham PD $16083,49 Rarrs Gniham PK4 In mein[ro Dl5 O 77'D;S?caused overfl ow Into house-off acted#Tree b eerooms, $2,420,0D Reswelon Management Co Asbestos sbat4 halwoYe 2 baths.an it di NrLp area. Personal prapetl+mmlmal '3,314,29 RuslDratla n Manage rnarri CD S175_00 FjW M Iaobl olugy Lab $17.00 FedEx $22,00979 21 OVUM 1308 R�udgear Road.... MhA Creek Donna L1ar $W-DD _ ............a..e e e„e.:e r e r.... ........a... - 1 `{a Yera ".-,+': 1 `r 'f:res•a w ... ....., _.____..__._............................... .. ..e... e e a r- a ere ee ecce see e e ee. r .. e e e •...... w w' A .•.•. ....._. � ., a ...°. ......... l ..... i �d#411 .............. .................. ',e .ee, ,wr JLi_ a= `.tiw.. �rr.'�r ="-• x' a,e:..._' r_r e .. r,°.°.°.°.°.°.°...... ti_ ... w e a: ..:...e..........r- }.r._ e.._��;.aae.eeee.eeeeeeeee :..........:.a:.. ................................... .... ...............e.e. .... _'��____....._._e_..e .see e . .. �1 .a r. " ...........................e.... ee ee a ,.. ,gyp , .. a..,e e e.,....°.......... ... .'.. � .f .rj-J.•'.'f JJJ_ -:JeF_ _L.e a^ ewe' Y- f__ .. ........................... _�... �'ee eeeee ti e r e ............ ......__•__.............. , ...'..'.'..'..'.......'..,.a e...a e.e e:e °'�'a°e��.a.°•e' .e.eie ........................................... ..........._J___....._._�_._......................... e'k'e°..•.•.,'. e��1Y•: f,F:f. r ............... ..: .•.e a e.e e�e�eee�eeeee .e.e:•:'•,�',', �... ..........a.......-e.e e e e e eeeee e,s e n e e :''" e 4 '.��a'�•a e r e e e e e e ... l _ .'.'.'.'.'. `:Via'..' ........................................... _ ._...._.._�___........................... gee `_# aye o �ti Yti 4 ee ................ .,. see .._ ..} _ ......Rf1�i^_ ... � � eeeee e ,r .. .........:.. ...., eeeeee.e� ,e e..e ,.._�L �__�== e`,�': ............................ see„ _.._ ,.. „vrrr r ...................... •'•'••:•.•.� r-:__•_. '� 'e'e�� 'Ltip; ............................................ ............':•:•:'e e e....... �e,e �_ti- :_tib �f___:_;;;';•e " ._ ... .._" ._.:•:.:.:.:.:•'.:.'.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:•_,`. �.•'� w rYe= �5 YY5''r`e. e e e ._................................. ... _ rrr. � a '',Y"oc ra�rea ee..:res e e .._.,._...................... f � •-Ti �� �• 4 ...... a e.�e a�e. .. e ,. e.. ... _....................... .. �}y :.eer L S .liar, a.r.e_:..._..._.a.e e ... eke e , e e r e , e •:•:•.•..•:•'•:•:•:• �e e� �":':•:•:•:•:-- � �'„ e......:_....:,.e_......... Y'r e •'•':':': .... ...a '.•i�m r�: ,1,+� .._...................... e e s e e re e r :•"titi*:-�::.:.:•:- '.w a 4�',•. S,'.•.•.•.•.•.-__ .eM e ik'F' � :�: ':r ,{_ e e _....._...................e.�e.. .....e.r.e.e°..°e ff .._....._ �,:.•.•.•.•.�'�`' .............. ..�' a��ww � ��ti_�-a'.tis'�g•'•::.+e,' -se e a r-•r r--�-.'r�ae'e'e'e'e����w� '.'�i..e a =..��{- ..... a _e'.e.a,epe,eeeeeeeee 23 01/31M 875 Santa Marla Way tafff"tto tends Sarmsen PD !;3,00.0D Undo Soreman I I na plua�l ed AffeCied b9tdV=&W be(froorn c rWe r $445.97 MP Clean $105.00 Env MtcrohioEogy Lob $25.89 Fe-dE S4,21;115 ME 24 MW5 433 Mnllel;J Darns ne Ty Berrmo" ISD Ty Evennett CN%T low t to mots In Ine.01F into beck YarWpmvel acrd pWrAers_Clean-up pLs cost $461.89 SM Clean $4a 1.$9 W MpFm ce a ff acted mLACtikndwmcd dips in planter Clean ups ori.N o reap ersone'V rap arty 25 02 5 3070 DI able Vow Read Rnn."n't title R By Tabe r afG ekrokdi nes Betadan PCR $0.Do Ray Tabora!aemld3 no $0.00 Large nvarilnw due 0 ro D#5 and heavy grease. 0verFlaw prsvmbo n dam Ca(put an by C SO crews after ataclan 12 2 Ind dent)wor'kmt,but ovar'flow fl€vwod unde+rnealh house Into cmvA space(2 f a el of water goer 1500 !ftp.back wi d fret yams �le$ ccs o r lyr���s dme erltl c pates. 51,9W. I R torabon manapem.anl Co 26 0-'1 M5 24 0 M un%calo Dnve wobug Creek Linda Ge way PL $139.75 Roto R Doter alstpalc Ted by N m to doer-a pbjp bne 27 D3{3 M 5 3564 Silver Sp vig Road Lefayet H SWurt Hem m9 PL $w16-5.00 ftHrt Hermhao EIIemiNn R b!I raimbursamenil 28 0001M 1904 Pablcm Dr ve PleosenI Ha Unnan Elder PIE) $1.161.45 L1nnas Bdar Ovwliow due to routs:In flue A,ff a.ted two ballvpa om s b h ao. Soma real pope ry damage(waft)and $11.10 FadEx mi nor pe rs Dna l pr•Dpartyr_ Sl, .05 RAslorata rr MJanageman'!Co $105.00 Erre MI C rebl oln gy L ab $2.2132 69 29 04,+D6M5 19 0 a1e.9 Bol!evard Cldrxia Lois M oval PD $a,153 S9 Lois M Qwest R oats in!Ina.Affected two dathsa mustier beau Dm,and%gnlfi rant hanwaye Some 4ryw:ao$flperinrg 2004-05 $25.5 FedEX mil be rwnoved(bolh asbestos- of Nnp). $3,195.80 1119M=don Ma nage nl C o _00 Read Erraifmn"tal +f_0 CI.ErrArumnaftal Carmultarnts,Inc Asbestos Abalamefn!Mmnce TesfinQ $210.00 Iry Mlcroldolugy Lob 91;57.50 :Env Mcroti iosagyr Lab $12,307-32 30 DW 1 2 With Drive Ddnde Arnencan Me nu e-ment Group Inc.4 P L M3.9 4 American Mona gernertt Group,Inc./Ken Myers PK rrb}nO RelEnbu-se rneN 31 04 DID5 2785 Marsh Dri m San Remn .ion Ramon Urdfied School DI stic1 PD $0.00 SR US D-TwIn Cre eks.Elem. Sow[phone d-they W G not to sum-dnng a amm against the Dsnct-moy 6ancood repairs ienr house $2.50,11 Re-storal}on Mara Barrie nt Co Phrp rn Daae due to hatkvy grease ono rapsltoweels 1n 1h®5 no. CSO hes hod on bI-rnarfM SWM E..rar MI rrcblclo r S2.756.51 Coe ning 5 chadulee ano requesle a es ismnce from Source Cor&o4 to hoo 10 1ho prabl ern $1$30 EedEX Aft®r THAN ft Ino.bie huaw pmasu wms^V fact comlga feem the schools talerel-furlhor irnre on OW*udK w1 e5 O dogs to FOmerrr ft PrOWOM _ ... .... a+e. a .e...,...,, - ..i....ae-a.....___`--•'''-. ... Le._•.•.•- •_'}` • rr.r r . t ...... ��L LL L LL+..t'4 .......--'-.... ..-_. ._.. ......•...•.••.•. •-' ..... ...._...-e--- .....:...... a :•:•:.•,•, r a ecce....,,. __......... ..... •. ...e.e e.e e.e..e. rr.'. ..• __.. .. LLL'.'. �l_..... a.. e r .. _...._......_...........ee a..e •:•: .Fra''::' F F '_... LY'' Oed'- . 4 .__ffe J ••�',°.. . . •,r r5 t.t_.................... ...._.__: _ ..,eee.. :e •. .• '" -- •: ��": :. .. '.555� 5• r ee ,.ee _.......................a..a._ _._.._ .,...e. •.•.•_•_ .• _L� _ ���ri��l+e►'�iE�`4� e r .._. _._...._..L................ _.. .. ...e...e.e.."...........e...., _ ee .. .,...... yy ":.................a�a..e... e�r e.. rr �. a e..e......:. .... ee .. ... -.:a ..... ..... ..__.. .. ... .....� a ee """._._...._......Y'e� .e e............ e, •_•_.•______ ............................ ..... ..a.e .. _tiLLL,�',.}•al'""�'__......... , ................................ J� .. .... ..............__.___.. .. ,. .. .e. , .. .. .._.......... .. ... ..........._._.._ ....... ___ a �. J.._F__R__. ................ ........ ........... 5.. .. e ... .................e.._ ..: ¢,............._.._._._ .......................:...._ ..e........ ..__.. _._...... .... ... ..a ..' .'.'.-'...'.' a .........._._•-_•----•._-_....--err........ .... .. . .-,• F r eJA�J FJs�L'L�'. F�FJh. 33 05MV05 145 Gra gmnt VvnhLA D-eek Fluff Prcol PD 51,QSZOD Ruth Pufce. fid ats in Ina coined plug;some PO JS*Xp*Ctb�L ON Ify#o lm %walu y a rid 4i run.p room erred. $417-70 Ruin Pt rcej Un exii ecle d cepa Irs-r eple e e tolidj $1.155.91 R eslo rat on Management Co VVQ od(pa rpl wo)ftaor Of ectd In iSr aw area. Nee ds to be rep oke co d. $10.5.00 Env Miccrtmology Lish 15.00 Ped Ex $2,745.61 34 0511 OM5 125 Castle Court oaf OVOVe D el)blo laft 520G.83 Diabbl o Taft PILMI no N1 roirnburs emenz 3-5 05WO5 1953 Le Godeno [?BbfD D w Florne+n PID 841..32 D oaro Hoffman CvWu w due to roots rn ths inn Affec°led p040n of masler ebothroorn(no roa I prop"damage b and exterf or p aa1 house Cleerwup has be erg ewroteled,hatneu wner Ir,out of town onti 6MM:5 Che dan p erns is on property now 6o M Hallman(H)31S-362-6463.'VV)707-649-640 40 eee eee a.. e e ....._,..,__.__.......,:....._....._..._....._._...._.....__......._...:......_:......_._................._.;...__....._:....--_.._,...._.._.e....._ee....._:a..._,.......e.._...:.e....._.e...__....._ee...__..e......._e.e.....,...ee5.....eee.eee.....e.....e.......e....,e......eer............a,...ee....e.._e�...._.._..L e...55, .e._L._-�...._-e..:•e__._1r_.e.�rr_.�r.�r r:rLL:�5Lc:L��:_rT5:jrLS.�.,L'':'_,rLL::.._r._....,e'r....�e.rr..�'_rr..L....__"_._..._....'_.._...•_..__..._._..........._._....."...._..._................e.......e..........a...e............... .........e....c.....c....e...............e...e...e......e..........e.....e........r........-..-_....-.._._ ..e.e..e.ee e.ee.,e................e_..e.._.�.e..r_......-J...-....-....'...:.�•_. ..-_.__._�...lF.e i_._.•..rL.._L______-.r_-..-........-._'.�......•a...•e....•e....••. .'..•_eea.e..•.••, •Y•_.••F�'.�.'�.,ter�1��aJ�..J.✓Ft_5ti--:.5.:5-.. ',.:_'-..._..:_,,ti_:_.r._�._�`•*_ .. ••.•.r.•_m.•.'.•.e'.•t..r.•..•.e•."r•.5•.o°a•`r_-, •.',.'.� r, 55 ..t. ^tills • :L+ L r .. Li e a ............... . .. . ......... . �.]1ra1���Tr1�'ie'Y'�':`,`_5:•.'F_F=ati. . � ____________ ..___.................. . :..:nee ___ __........... . . . ee -d�•�:t'�•��L•.......................... ...._............. ........ .. _ .. .,•••.......... f � � �.. �fi .._•_______....._..r ...... r....................................a......: L�{L:'•�'.''°`Firt1h1'e:``.:we e _ _.�•_. •.:_ ._:.._.._e._e.e:,'.e'.e'•e ...... ••:•:•• •. _ ........__}� : �aa...e..aa.e.e__..... . ..1 . ....1- ° r5 37 764806 239 Grover Lane Creak 5Clark P D $207.50 Bendy CWk OIF clue to roots. Irrteri or bathra Anon d outside. ' C1v rflr�w prl �e�� . but 5M ba ckm dw inio'hou s e because ue T dew4oe mu5i have doaed s§OW Wth Owerr $450_06 RMC !9717.56 38 06il4M S 2:5 0 MW*dW WAVO Creek Cindy HerAnwoyMiMew Apartmen PO $95.00 S911.42 RMc 51.066.42 Res Pa Id Total rrnrasti gab on 10120-Qvibrt%awa 355,DOD.OD ;136,0.84.49 5191,684.09 2004-05 GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-OTHER I O 23104 1371 Sunset Loop Lafayette Mildred Melgreen $6.00 Mildred Melgreen Reimbursed horneower for water usage by CSO construction crew during a sewer repair. 2 08124104 264 Suwfftae Drive Martinez Richard Derose $267.57 Richard Derose Reimbursement for vehlde damage(rear to rod)after driving over a manhole cover 3 12/14104 17 Lavine Court Orinda PG&E $778.85 PG&E Reimbursement for 112'Gas service at 17 t avina Ct,Orinda that CSO crew damaged during sewer reps -$778.85 PG&E Check returned after more Irdwmation regar"the claim revealed that CSO crews were not at fault 4 12121104 264 Shady Lane WahA Creek Luis Ramirez-Agudelo $351.78 Luls Rardrez-Agudelo Relmtnasernent for vehlde damage caused by CSO crews(P Crouch)while roddIng a manhole. Rod came out of cleanout and was waving about and struck a parked 2000 Volvo S80. 5 12121104 263 Shady Lane Walnut Creek Shireen Davenport $200.00 Some Incident as above-damaged rose bushes. 6 04/19105 5528 Pacheco Blvd Pacheco UDI Tetrad Consulting Engineers.Inc. $335.00 UDI Telrad Consulting Engineers,Inc. Damage to landscaping by CCCSD crow Total-GL Other $200.00 $980.25 2004-05 2004-05 AUTO CLAIMS 22L Lse1lw Veh Desc= Rosarya PPA Comments 1 July 2004 CSG Veh#76 Security Guard $1,086.66 Guard struck CSC gate 2 08R1►04 HWY 1580 Veh#76 Security Guard $1,251.23 Security veNcle was rear-ended while driving to S.R.PS by Garret Kut! -$1,251.23 Recovery from Garret KuN 3 09/03/04 Bart Const PH Veh#210 Keriy Weir CCCSD $1,879.81 K Weir struck gate post 4 090104 HWY 680 Veh#214 Chris Halsley CCCSD $582.31 Dist Veh#214 was struck from behind We stopped in traffic on freeway,by Namname Fonteche -$582.31 Recovery from CSAA 5 12/15/04 3365 Springhil Rd Veh#197 Jay Mghtengale,CCCSD $1,289.15 "Gumbar light caught carport and damaged structure 6 01/04/05 Orinda Veh#157 Don Turk CCCSD $761.00 D.Turk was backing District Vehicle#157 when he struck a retaining wal post at 19 Woodcrest Drive,Orinda 7 06/15/05 Grinds PS Veh#192 Alan Slegle,CCCSD $9,812.26 Oak tree fell on parked Dist Vehicle#192. Reserve Paid-to-date Total-Auto Claims $0.00 $0.00 $14,929.88 ti 0