HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET AND FINANCE AGENDA 08-29-05 Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distdct
5019 Imhoff Place,Martinez,CA 94553-4392 (925)228-9500 www.centralsan.org
Chair Lucey
Member Hackett
Monday, August 29, 2005
3:30 p.m.
CSO Conference Room
1250 Springbrook Road
Walnut Creek, California
��Recycled Paper
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
August 26, 2005
SUBJECT: August 8, 2005 Finance Committee Meeting
There were several outstanding questions from the last Board Budget and Finance
Committee meeting which required additional staff research. The questions and
answers are provided below:
1. Page 9, 156595 J & D Embroidery —Who are these logo caps for?
These caps were purchased for members of the capital projects division to use in
the field when doing work that does not require a hard hat. The logo hats identify
staff as CCCSD employees.
2. Pagel 3, 156734 CCCERA Do we continue to save money by prewfundin
our retirement costs?
Each year, the accounting section does a calculation to confirm that pre-funding
will save the District retirement costs. This year, the savings is estimated to be
$205,000. This is the difference between our assumed interest rate on
investments and CCCERA's pre-fund discount based on an 8% return on
3. Page 21, 155811 URS corporation What was this payment for?
This cost is associated with the Bollinger Canyon Project, which involves
groundwater investigation. Years ago, Tracor was discharging solvents that
contaminated the groundwater and seeped into a District leach line. The
Regional water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) issued a Clean Up and
Abatement Order to both Tracor and the District to investigate the contamination
of the area. A cost sharing agreement was established between Tracor (now
BAE Systems) and the District to cover the costs of the investigation. The project
has since evolved into a monitoring program that is currently set at semi-annual
sampling of a small number of wells. URS provides project management
services. These services include coordinating the sampling with an analytical
laboratory, receiving the data, and drafting a semi-annual report document to the
4. What was the legal expense for Meyers, Nave, Ri ack and Silver related to
Recycled water?
This was an error in the project description column of the Legal Expenditure
g P
Summary Report. This expense was associated with the Kiewit Property dean
P rtY
Fill Project, not recycled water. The legal work centered on prevailing g wae
determinations as well as negative declaration for the Kiewitroe
p p rtY.
5. Describe what the Bay Area clean Water Agency ncy ( does and who
they are.
A memo from Jim Kelly is attached which describes BACWA in detail.
f. A question was asked about what work Mr. Cortinovis is doingon the
Pumping Stations Emergency Response Plans.
A memo is attached which describes the work being done.
Costa Sanitary District
central Contra
August 25, 2005
The Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) is a joint-powers public agency that is
composed of five original signatory agencies, which are referred to as "Principal
Agencies." Each represents the largest of the publicly owned treatment works (POTWs)
in the San Francisco Bay Area. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD)was
one of the original signatory agencies and is one of the Principal Agencies. The
BACWA Executive Board is composed of five members, one from each principal agency
and generally meets monthly.
BACWA membership has grown from 5 agencies in 1984 to 40 agencies in 2005. The
original and current purpose of BACWA is:
■ To collect data on the aquatic life and quality of waters of the San Francisco Bay
system, with emphasis on pollution related effects;
To coordinate the work of BACWA with related work of other agencies and
■ To interpret data collected by BACWA and by others in order to assess the
effects of pollution and other factors on the bay;
■ To manage this data to assure its continued usefulness;
■ To carry out other tasks in support of the collection, interpretation, and
management of data;
■ To represent the interests of the member agencies;
■ To develop and disseminate information about the Bay; and
■ To carry out other programs of mutual interest.
An executive director, consultants, directed by the executive director, and committees
accomplish these purposes. Staff from member agencies form committees.
S:1Ad m in istrative\Kelly\BACWA120051Lucey.mem.doc
Honorable Gerald R. Lucey
Page 2
August 25, 2000
The current committees include:
■ Air issues and Regulations (AIR)
■ Biosol id s
■ Laboratory
■ NPDES Permit
■ Bay Area Pollution Prevention Group (BAPPG)
■ Collection Systems
■ Recycle
In addition to providing administrative services to BACWA, additional administrative
. . . ,
ices were also provided for the following enterprises, work groups, and activities.
Bay Area Regional Water Recycling Program (BARWRP)jointly with Bay Area
Storm (Nater Management Agencies Association (BASMAA):
Media Relations
1-888--BAYW I S E
■ clean Estuary Partnership (CEP)
Copper-Nickel Site-Specific Objective North of Dumbarton Bridge Project (CuNi)
• CTR - 13267 Letter Ambient Monitoring Project
■ Cyanide Work Group
• PCB Work with the Laboratory committee
■ Maintenance and Operations Work Group
Dues for principal
agencies are $90,006 per year for BACWA and $90,000 per year for
Estuary Partnership. The member agencies benefit through combined efforts
the Clean E ry p
on projects that would have been otherwise required for each agency. For example,
PDES permit required us to conduct a cyanide site-specific objective study.
This study
was conducted by the Cyanide Work Group and paid for by BACWA agency
dues. CCPp
CSD avoided approximately $150,000 in expenses through this collaborative
effort alone.
The CEP was formed to assist the San Francisco Regional Water Quality control Board
(Water Board) prepare total mass daily loads (TMDLs). one of our NPDES permit
to help fund preparation of TMDLs. The CEP has allowed BACWA to work
conditions �s p P p
with the Water Board on setting the priorities for the TMDLs and addressing
major issues in an informal, problem-solving manner.
cc: C. Batts
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
August 24, 2005
After the San Ramon incident, the Collection System Division hired Mr. Dan Cortinovis
to prepare emergency response plans for all pumping stations. Mr. Cortinovis was
selected based on his dual certification as an operator and an engineer and on his cost
relative to a "full-service" engineering company.
While all of our pumping stations are similar, their differences required Mr. Cortinovis to
review the drawings for each pumping station and make at least one trip (and, in some
cases, multiple trips) to each pumping station to prepare the emergency response
plans. The plans contain detailed information for each pumping station on how to
replace the capacity (pump around) if it is out of service and how to replace a force
main capacity if it is out of service. In addition to documenting and establishing our
emergency response plans, Mr. Cortinovis also provided a number of recommendations
for equipment and equipment tests to improve our emergency response for each
pumping station.
cc: C. W. Batts
S:WdministrativeUCelW00MPS ERP memo.doc
Legal Expenditure Summary
Check# Check$ Vendor Name Account# Account$ CL Case#-Case Title
1 102253 $450.096Restoration Management Co 003-0000-991.14-22 $450.06 37 ClarkJWC) Overflow Claim-Restoration Services
---- --i
F2Check# Check$ Vendor Name Account# Account$ CL Department-Division-Descrition
157120 $6,900.90 Hanson Brid ett 001-0120-400.08-03 $1,652.90 ADM- H.R. -Labor-General
$5,248.00 ADM- H.R. - MS/CG Tim Potter `
CL#-Claim Log Number
GL-General Liability Claims
AC-Auto Claims
130L A d COY
Claim t TYaa Reserve Paid to Da Paid to Claim Totals CQMnan�s
1 07/29/05 90 Rheem Boulevard arinda Anthony Mlramonte PL $807.64 Restoration Management Co $807.64 OF into front yard and basement Cleanup only No personal or real property damage expected.
2 08101/05 124 Moraga Way Odnde Mrs.Heath PD $450.92 Restoration Management Co $450.92 OF through cleanout.Yard deanup only. No real or personal properly damage is expected.
Res Paid Total
Total-Overflows $0.40 $1.258.86 $9,258.56
4DS r
PRL Ad dress PiN r-I a m nt Type Reserve Paid to DaW Paid to Claim Totals Coffueni�
1 7fT1004 1042 BFB Avenue Lef eyinne Aspen Buking Tochn 1p$s- PL) Plug In pne ceusaa M I rrto bun=s open area appmx 180 D"20 00 sq tr of carpal and fired AAD nice a to
C-IrecoNv Hansen be reua ftced in ad;J9 on to dean uo cosi.M ev no ed to nNrtm sarrra drvwa
$947.50 Mods on,Khappers&Ate_
$3!602.38 Restoration Mompmem Co $4!649.98
7 87112M4 34 B arbara Road Nndi+a Qbeft Defre PL 1,602.04 WO Q eon $1!682.04 00 from R I iRa+e d onto back pavo_Pati a nea4z W t*priesmon washed and sthtiza<1 No persoruid oir
rani PMP loss;deard ng ori.
3 07124M4 Entry 25,Ga'kknmin VVa.W CM ek I sl WC Mutmr G RF(Rossmo or) PD 51,022.67 RMC Rug in One caused cul Intn pubic isLrid y crania,Cb&rxV trM drying ori of genaniJ area.
(Ros ar) PI 3600!00 Co':den Rsln Fowant on $1,622-157 tlkffnhlnj7radrnburs for Ross=or-Tam Ia 51roet
4 M13A014 134 Ha®Loam vvntTat Creek Jim&SUZI a Fox P D $1$9!99 Fox DIF thnwgh device OW np CSD dearkrtA-s ;rrl+nor ex1<erlor cieen-up a nd rnl nor oersonal
$317.30 W Cleo n 5457.29 n roparN dam age
:5 4917 EM4 10153 111e Roue Lef ayotts Boyd Farr PD !0a5_10 Boyd Farr 04 Me to TO of pts. 01F dame a worked pruP ei• .howvw`111W perste d tlnrau canc rata wag
flood ng the entire second(below gmde)lev L Approx 1000 sq.ft_affected!musVV carpet~some
62.50 ErTv V.1 arcbl ado gV Lob
$4,337,04 RMC $8!484.64
6 09125 4 3349 NoM Ladle Lww Lafsyetle Eugena Hag PL $276.78 Eugene HI 1 $276-75 Fie mbursermenl for Dhznbl rip bitk
7 10MWO4 3993 N.Pow%t la orhm Lafayette Sluirina P&L PL $151 75 Si'omm PauAno 5151.75 Relmburserrient for pl anWnp QIP
8 10113M4 3306 Gensrde Dr ve Lafaye to Audrey Darmstedfflarbars cleaver PD $273.15 Serbara Weaver ON due to plug in Fria,go"d into Wng area from be cX tatwoom.Vwy nr nor property darnage(K NW)
sna some nr nix geraona!l proper't'y lass.
$105.00 Erre Microb a':ogy Lib P[;,p11 b in i reimbumemei-it
$1,197.06 Restora.den M anagem ant $1,875.21
9 1011 M4 3471 Monroe Ave Lafayette Fate hardy C $81.13 Paste Harcr DS0 rrrydffi'I}ushng processes"popped'taollat Minor personal priap Iris(tnwelsj and elan up
$432,x'' 0 DWan $51&00
10 1 CT24M4 45'Asf14 a$1 Mar 0n rr a Scott 1,+1 trriot pL !941,57 Scott Vorrot $41.57 R090vinnmeril for aquW rrunW to un plup a barzkp
11 1 W 4 3326 Waft t Lane Ledsyo!Ne Fey J ohnson PL $23435 Fay J ahnsan 523415 Ftakbffzwen1 for pk"np>:dfls
12 11/18M4 55 ENNwoa od a 11-13layolto IVf Ike 8 Dia no Kern PC) *32,W7.00 C1ret flow in mafn One from root plug FamRy room,b olhroom!ham!2 be&aoms.and a large s1rage
area have been affs vtod. Rabcaflon for piausts for two Fi phis_
$5,87 Marriot 11-10ft Two nl"a r-oQmmo dations for KeWs hof-Twon pues s-paid vi a P-card
$6.311.63 R aslorub an M er'ragement Co Emerpe ncy and soca r}r dearly Inctud np aso,stns sboternthm
39,W7.16 R aslaratl an M wmgameM Ga Pack out,starape,and peck ba cX
:52,455.10 Will Gleam Addtonal secona4airy crsetrx.cvr>crele saeler.tura and sPivwer rem"
$4615.13 JAM Rooter Chen side seivesr ford k0s removal dapodted by mterflow
$14.33 F:OdEL Sand dear-unce samVes to Lett
1315.0 0 Env Wcrahkrlogy Lab $52!0 04.22 On a ance n srno!es-o-cog
13 1112M4 26 C aTly Lane 'Donvige Pat(Patric2e)Hugon Pik $1,140 OD Pat#U nn Chmrflow In male Gne from ruot Dug. Fl mmd under house on on front wak,ciewv--W orh
$901.39 Rmte""M'tAmuVowd cc $2!041.391 PLi rrNnp NO rairnburse for InDmaown r. Dara to hoEciay,toeal strerrif cAspalah told her ire rnO$plumber
PIUQ was In OUT dna.Delp.bfl for 120 nopotated clovm to 51140
14 12 14 415 Bridge Road Waw Droax En G Vertianzi PL 5170.DO Eric Venann '$170-00 RekrbLrBeri-mnN for pLr*]nSj t4l
15 1212=4 10 f Bales Drive WahA Creels RJ&rard Date PL $98.Do Richard Cale $0.00 R element fc.r pLrrNng Iii
16 IM1M4 1 S4 Ar&ews[give M oreas m rag■County cit PD Rasta reit an ManagemeM Co CNwilow a-t,ted can tam,moraine area and baTnnm
17 0 1 t02M t61 Efty SVwM Akma Per saes PL $35-63 Perry Seaecha RelnlbursemeF,t fof aqup rearqml to un plug a bee"!
18 OU13ML 186LE PopFar Dftve Vfth t Leh Pam>ao,ong son Pb 554455 Parnals Jargenrs on PF ng NO re1mb9.netnrant
$1 75 Res4o€a lan M onagem wit Co 5726.25
19 0111005 334 Va4ay V ew Rand Plaosa at MI I Tharrtas F St rt PL $05,00 Thomas F!Stswort M.00 PUrTb ng bl I rermu7sornarrt
2D 0111=5 3305 M Dmp Blvd Lafayeft® R oral Gmhom Pb 51 Se 49 Rarnl Gra ham PW In main fronts Q 77'W5'cau.sad ovwfla'w Fnlo house-affecled three be aaomse
$2,42D-DD Re.stunitta plane gamant C o restos abate to Yl 2 baths,arH1 cOrtl Ftp alms_P'emonal p rap a1y+Nrrrmal
$3,314.29 Restorastlon Mana gam ent Co
51 75-W Env MI crobl of ogy Lab
$17.131) FadEx 1 ' _79
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1.09 Sk P[lean $461 elm tD replace aff a ctsd m6&AwIwmod arils rn para w Mann up wkly.bio r[nVoer=ml prapeny
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DBKWM Qr L xrt eek Serer tic 11 67.50 Send+I�terllc OAF W ra a In ti a aalrina am e-nd avtsidea l +erflcw pr ,Gun deAce was h5u W d,
1 Dockedw Into house because alf ds%A�muss�vv C#o=ad Sugw wilh pep&r
$45-0.06 RIVIC 5717,56
36 1 Clay 25 8 Mkador' VVnhO geek UndV HerrzIrrpwey/H hn pw ApsLrbrner+ PD $95.00
S97142 RMC MM-42
P ald TaN OvMgntlan
Tote I-Ogre rfi awe $IACDCOO 3138,064-13S
1 08/23/04 1371 Sunset Loop Lafayette Mildred Melgreen $6.00 Mildred Malgreen Reimbursed homey for water usage by CSO construction crew during a sewer repair.
2 0884104 264 Swmybrae Drive Martinez Richard Derose $267.57 Richard Derose Relntttursement for vehicle damage(rear fie rad)after driving over a manhole cover
3 12114/04 17 Lavine Court Crinda PG&E $778.85 PG&E Relmbw ement for UZ Gas service at 17 Lovina Ct.Orinda that CSC crew damaged during sewer reps
-$778.85 PG&E Check retumed after more information regarding the Claim revealed that CSO crews were not at fault
4 17121/04 264 Shady Lane Walnut Creek Lids Ramlrez-Agudelo $351.78 Lws Rarnirez-Agudelo Reimbursement far vehicle damage caused by CSC crews(P Crouch)while rodding a manhole.Rod
came out of cleanout and was waving about and struek a parked 2000 Volvo 580.
5 1281104 263 Shady Lane WaIrU Creek 5htreen Davenport $200.00 same Incident as above-damaged rose bushes.
6 04/19/05 5528 Pacheco Blvd Pacheco UDI Tetrad Consulting Engineers,Inc $335.00 UDI Tetrad Consulting Engineers.Inc Damage to landscaping by CCCSD crew
Total-GL Other $200.00 $960.35
# WL Location Yah Dene. RUN Resane EAK Comma is
1 July 2004 CSO Veh#76 Security curd $1,086.66 Guard struck CSO gate
2 0821104 HWY 680 VeW6 Security Guard $1,251.23 Seaft vehicle was rear-ended while driving to S.R.PS by Garret KmN
-$1,251.23 Recovery from Garret Kuhl
3 0W3104 Bart Const PH Veh#210 Y Weir CCCSD $1,979.81 K Weir struck gate post
4 0981104 HWY 680 VehN214 Chris Halsley CCCSD 5582.31 Dist Veh#214 was stnxk from behind while stopped in traffic on freeway,by Mamnarra Fontedm
4582.31 Recovery from CSAA
5 12!15004 3365 SprVVO Rd Veh#197 Jay NighterrgWe,CCCSD 31299,15 *Gumbff light caught carport and damaged structure
6 011D4105 Orinda Veh#157 Don Turk CCCSD 5761.00 D Turk was baddng District Vehicle#157 when he struck a retaining wal post at 19 Woodcrest Drive,Grinch.
7 MUM Orfnda PS Veh#192 Alan Siegle,CCCSD $9,812.26 Oak tree fell on partied Dist VeNde#192.
Reserve Paid-to-date
Total-Auto Claims $0.00 $0.00 $14,828.88