HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET AND FINANCE AGENDA 08-08-05 Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distdct
5019 Imhoff Place,Martinez,CA 94553-4392 (925)228-9500 e wwwcentralsan-org
Chair Lucey
Member Rockett
Monday, August 8, 2005
3:30 p.m.
CSO Conference Room
1250 Springbrook Road
Walnut Creek, California
a. Report on Medicare B payments to District retirees. Report from Human
Resources Analyst Darlene Ross.
%0 Recycled Paper
Central Contra costa Sanitary District
August 2, 2005
SUBJECT: July 1 8, 2005 Finance committee Meeting
There were several outstanding questions from the last Board Budget and Finance
Committee meeting which required additional staff research. The questions and
answers are provided below:
1. Page 4, 156325 ASCE Continuing Education ---Who will be attending and
what are the costs for the training?
The engineering staff of the capital projects division (20 people) is planning to
attend this training on micro tunneling. The class is scheduled for mid December
when field activity is at a minimum, to maximize the attendance. The cost is
$1,195 per person for a total of$23,900. This training will be held on site, which
is a net savings of$9,950. A course description is attached.
2. Page19, '15653'1 weathernews Americas, Inc. What are the requirements
behind these weather reports?
Back in 1993, the District was required by law to collect weather data. Since that
time, the legal requirement has been eliminated. The District continues to collect
meteorological data for several reasons. First, this data is used by the Air Quality
Maintenance District to determine if an odor complaint is originating from the
District site or from some other source. Second, we are a major source of air
emissions, and are required to do risk screening for any major Treatment Plant
modifications. The meteorological data is used to perform these risk screening
requirements. Third, the District is updating its Odor control Master Plan, which
uses the collected data for odor modeling. Finally, the data collected is used for
on going odor work and odor assessment.
3. A request was made for a budget for the District-wide training program.
The budget is attached.
4. Pagel 2, 156428 John Ford and Associates How many classes does
John Ford teach? Supply the course materia0s.
John Ford typically holds one class per year regarding conflict resolution. This
past year however, one class was held for all new employees and a second class
was provided as a make-up for employees that have not been able to attend in
the past. Each class is four hours. Course materials will be available for your
review, due to the large number of pages, at the Budget and Finance committee
:_ ; f� AISCE The Design and Construction
-lwG] 1 13 "1:]I"Pes ., ,£•, Re9istr8WP fee must be pahid in advance.To
sa rmuK�re.� �ryl� w��.nea.r+r re ister on the web o to:MLP1 lwww.asee.ar co dl *�+a•re�
ar�rar�rridadxcra,ta+raarrurd�or9oe�rnr�. 4 9 g1 ti�r..r �, of Microtunneling Projects -
acid click on technical division and then click on 1801 Mexanaer Bell Drive ;.,... ..
RestanVir enia,t01B1-4100 Contibul
sernina>`t Ct�ediQ tarot,shack,and purchase orders pay- 9 r....`�. � t! g
SACRAMENTO,CA f meats can now be accepted Aing 0*tink.You can aho
JUNE 15-17,2005 nail,fax of phone in your registration.Make cheek
Radisson Hotel Sacramento payable to*AAE Continuing Education.-See registra- ASCE Individual Member#
tion form for additional Worniation WIZE rmm m V n.nbm r*MM
500 Leisure Lade r�x�EaK9rEwamnary�anear�n}i PE. Cl yes ENo PhD: ❑Yes ONO
;•�fi f k;•.+7z M;:Iyour schedule does nal permit
SxrarnentvXA 95$15 you to register in advance,you may rester on-site. Name
800-333-3333 Aftho ugh this does not guw trtw that you t«rf0 rens ve all
CENOteIRato: course materlaL thatday,theywill be rnalledtoyou 2.3 7�k Mick name fDr Badge
.. ... .....
weeks alae the semina PLEASE be sure to contact ASCE
$+129 9nglelDli 1e" at 1 X548-2723 no later than the day before the serm- comparry
nar to confirm&at the seminar is 9olrt9 forward as
la " ..
p nr,e�. Address
:-41.A i;*:.ArFAM r €7}k RegLstRatiorrs received at lease ons
�: ion
two weeks prior to the seminar will be conkm d In writ- City _State 'Zip
Of ng.Youshoulld n�elveronfirmatian wkhin 10 business#r4-#Huse PE^t±l Q"ta}tiQrrs of 'lfrlat ..ruc
� your�� tined please� Teleghcrne�._ _ --.fax
wowttuypu. b n-4;30pmRegbftadcnbegimat8D0arr -
REWTAWuL Gr9W&Ww f.i E t`.fs.:Fantq C 1ngEts-Ilon11nftssionalEmail
5dwd &L PW mrWfforf= USS.C1 Ctmtxu nth Education Units 41 Pmfesiarral _ __._ .._... __�.,
Mor>-�Ilapmgrenc3nn rhe per � Micro
nt pa�{ttlet►t1f1#f}t'tTit lrl t9--r':�9�.,.. L
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pEnm °r � L44� f`.'.NiN"Tlxee or more people from the
V*ftcom by Lmi
v -- salt*company attending the some seminar kxatinn 0 A Check for S is enclosed.
and date receive a 10%distount tiff each enrollment !
fete ts
when registering at the same time_larger dis- 'ter[ r11]r crediC cr3rd: C'g f serdl tr�meilcade
mur"will be negotiated for larger groups Card Number. f
RLI CARS:ASU has negotiated i;pacial rates with i
Enterprise-1'50 to wwwenterprise.ccm or call 1.1300- Exp.Cate: —-
735-A222 to make reservation. A brochure with
instructions will be enclosed with cnnfirtnaWn letter_ Name*utilr oft appears an u rdl:
'-..atr.T,' d3r.-I:j,gA.ErEsertherllitto
For a Cismpfete listing of Continuing substhte an equally quiMifed instructor should ❑If F=axing a cagy of check or purchase order i5 required. 05 RA T 75 3
` ita3taFSemi isr visit AGti`s wLi$!_LInTOfed'lt'Ums;aaes reue
Sacramento,,CA I June" ,1 #
if youarwww-asce.or korted need to can-
eel yoLe registration,please contatt us as early as ��r��ir.3 Ib;rtrra tfr�eri Fr!s o
posslble.Canmllatic ns roust be made In writing on
❑Satrgr17enULCA/June 15-17.2005 o r.
your company letterhead with attendee's name,and S a r w
"'2` :}rs€r...goer the name and date of the seminar and faxed to ¢a':5:m
+ :..ww •"'• ► �'
703-295-6144.There will be a charge of i45 for r�r>ce1 i"s:i:5;" !* 'r" r 0 O
w.kw.bw.�e. w. Q z
y cation within 10 business days of the seminar and no O I-O�
...��. a-•—r..rE.r ❑Members $995 M ��Z_....v,,...� rdu€sds for cancellatiions within 5 bu3ir*m clays of the Orr
°R'�`;' sermiriar.You ran transfer the registration to another ElVon-Members 51,195 NM O a z w
date or setn�but this must be done before the 5-day a CO
deadline to order to necerue hill Credit for rnonies paw z
$9M!FCO ik f No transhas or rafurxls will be issued within 5 business z
tiq writ' 't of the seminar.Them wM be rx1 cnxiim hmxd after
Kaethe serAkw has begun.Your registration may be tracts- "I
3V-;an tumdtoa r kWIaffpme,uptothel�tday �recommend his course for anyone who
, } afttsesemlr ar It a nurwnembefisreplacingarr needs an overview of Microtunnelirm A lot of
r regio at an the ran member is fespans�bfe far the price
difference.ASCE is not responsible for no+1-refundable
information was presentecl.The instructor was
expenses such as airfam hata cancellatiarr.transfer
r fees or a�other exp�ensm wmept[ar semimr ruptra. Vary knowledgeable and helpful.He was very
tion fees,ff ASCE cancelsa se"tstinar due to insulTleient qualified and did a very good jo6."
erEroimenr.ynur reghtration fee tlyrlTl be refunded -4Nrlliarn V. ,
•a ; !?.:s`'Eii.,'i',X�,3 iAlV.-NS Please make your reserva• ,: i. Ems,rmrse,rear roar MALGent htt�cal l P8Qd�C1;New York NY
ur .r ® •a'
tiara early.ASCE negotiates discounted rates that are r�m rceM �m
subject to cut of lobe&-.COmmodations ane not included
inyvuregtsvaUon nee, How Lo r(-r`:h US:
,.,.. At Very informative serninar.The courseroVldf�d
UseUrut�Alr111°1+=sand save nlai4- +rSN,
ey on airfares when traveling to ASCE 5eminars.CallMal: ASCE Continuing Educationinformation to understand required methods in
UntedAlrliirwsMeetIrgR nrativnsC.enterat1�00-521- Bg yg53b�a mireffiYariousgroundconditionS."
4041,7 Days a week from 7,00 am to 12:00 midnight Maryland 21279-0536 --0wrk*Kell KfOhn-Crippen Cmstrwtam[.td,.Vancouver,Canada
t`• o ° o 0 eastern Om Refer to ID 1557AC%If you wish to use a travel Phi; 1-800-54&2 723
e i i
agervy.you mus[tell your agent to book your reservation 703.295 300(irlternationai)
�erthe aaanIfstorecenyour dis=unt "An excellent seminar covering an overview of the
DwWca business attire�s apprnpdate Fax: 703-295-6144 design and construction of tunnels.The instructor
a $ R "d+t_ lis}}:Go to www,asce.org to join ASCE and save on Emard: contedg2sce.erg was verb knowledgeable and available to answer
future lining education opportunitim Enter 45CEUaCAT in
e the promotion cane section of the membe ship appfreation Please do not remove madfnglfabaV CEUIS any question."
MaiLFAx entire parcel bade with regatraWn info -1-ferben Cudiamat Eos Angeles C v mtySanb tier? Wf td /+�
- 7 �rr�f��u�r 7rA
The Design n d Construction prequalification,specification and other key elements of contract documents for micro- DAY ONE 7.Planning Productivity&Costing
tunneling togetherwith required submittal information from contractors will be discussed 1.Introduction to for icrotu
rr� Projects
in detail.Recommended monitoring of microtunneling will be described and the inter- nstru t ionefing and its role in M nn f proof i rotoell P q' g underground construction -Development of projects
natation of such acquired data and training of site staff will be reviewed. -Seminar overview -Key aspects of planning for microtunneling
-Microtunnel management,risk and safety:Key aspects of the management of microtun- -Participants background -Planning and equipment selection
Purpose and Background neling projects will be discussed including risk identification,both technical and -A brief historical overview -Drive lengths and depth capabilities
commercial risk mitigation measures,and safety requirements. -A brief review of all trenchless techniques, -Productivides
Significant technical advances and increases in the utilization of microtunneling have HDD,pipe ramming etc in comparison to -Cost and costing for microtunneling
occurred in North America in the past decade permitting the installation underground of -Potential problems in microtunneling and shaft construction:Problems encountered in microtunneling -Case study
small/medium diameter pipes in virtually all ground conditions with the minimum of sur- the design and construction of microtunnels will be reviewed.The means for identifying -Review of microtunneling and principal uses
face disturbance, potential problem areas on projects and suitable mitigation techniques will be described B•IilflaotunneGng " ' 0%
including case studies. 2.Sub-Surface Characterization in Sort and Rock SpecifrcatiomSubmittah&Monitoring
Microtunneling techniques,while becoming increasingly wider in their range of applica- for M'ccrotunnemv -Contract documents for successful microtunneling
tion and diameter range,do incorporate many of the complexities of modern large -New developments trends and techniques in microtunneling:New trends in microtun- -Geotechnical site investigation for microtunnel- -Dispute mitigation and resolution measures
diameter tunnels including the challenges of technically demanding tunneling. neling and potential future developments will be described as well as the state of the art, ing -Prequalification for microtunneling
-Characterization of soils for microtunneling -Specification for microtunneling
This course is specifically tailored for those interested in microtunneling and will describe -Videos of microtunneling in action and case histories:Relevant short videos of the vad- -Characterization rock mass for microtunneling -Submittals for microtunneling
the technique in depth together with comparisons with other trenchless techniques such ous techniques as well as numerous case histories will be presented -Soil and rock permeability -Operational monitoring data acquisition and
as horizontal directional drilling etc.The course will provide an in-depth review of micro- -Interpretation of site investigation data for reporting
tunneling including all its aspects. Techniques for subsurface investigation and microtunneling -Site staff training
characterization and how these are best applied to microtunneling will be discussed The Seminar Benerits 3.Milcrotunnefrng Mettmds DAYTHREE
course will review how this sub-surface information is then used in designing, You will learn the latest techniquesand how to: -Definition ofmicrotunneling B.MicroU"xgPtarmhSManagement Risk
specifying,planning,and costing for Microtunnel projects. -Select Face Support,settlement&minimum cover and Safety
-Select suitable investigation techniques and investigate and analyze ground
The selection of an appropriate microtunneling technique(auger,slurry or EPB)andfor microtunneling -Equipmentselectioncriteriaauger/slurry/EPB -Site investigation
tunneling systems(such as various pipe materials or segments in various ground condi- -Auger microtunnel-Ing -Conceptual planning
tions),will be discussed,as well as the set-up and configuration of the tunneling -Provide firm data to assist in making informed decisions regarding -Slurry micmtunnefing -Key Planning Issues
equipment for each project microtunnel equipment selection,microtunnel lining selection and shaft -EPB micmtunneling -Risk identification mitigation and management
construction methods -Use of bentonite in microtunneling -Environmentaltarnkerns
The seminar will examine the selection,sizing,and construction of various shafts for -Ground excavation capabilities -Operation Safe
Develop techniques mitigate anticipated and unanticipated
tunneling,and key aspects of microtunnel design,specification,planning,monitoring and microtunneling problems
-Rock excavation in microtunnelingms
management,including risk assessment and management New trends and the state of -Rational for cutter head configurations 10.Potential Problems in lifliao tunr>IeCug
the art in microtunneling also will be discussed. -Develop microtunnel prequaliFication,specifications and construction and overcut &Shaft Consbuction
schedules more accurately -Case histtodes -Groundwater control
Case Histories and Group Discussion:The seminar will include a number of relevant short -Excavating and dealing with obstructions
g P P PP -Understand the microtunneling process better and how to monitor 4.NGcmmnnel" edtrtiq
videos and several microtunneling case histories.It will provide practical applications and microtunneling projects and interpret the data hVY ues -Cobbles boulders&hard rock
group involvement and discussion of the various techniques discussed together with -Microtunneling system manufacturers -Micmtunneling in very soft ground and wood
relevant course materials to be retained by the attendees.A list of suggested reading will -Manage and risk mitigate microtunnel construction projects more and selection -Mixed face microtunnefing
also be provided successfully and safely -Site layouts and size requirements -Operational conceals
-You will have the opportunity to discuss case histories and to discuss -Launching and recovery of microtunnel systems -Ground improvement methods and ground
Topics$t7 be coveted: particular concerns or projects -Jacking systems freezing-Jacking force prediction and monitoring -issues concerning long drives
Sub surface site characterization in soil and rock for microtunneling:A review of the tech- -Lubrication for micmtunnefing -Case histories
piques for investigating and characterizing subsurface conditions for both soils and rock VVI Should -Planning for and use of interjacks Attend -Alignment control 11.New developments,trends andtechniques
will be presented and particularly how these are applicable to microtunneling. -Houseconnection/connection/pilot pipe ms in Micro
Sewer,storm water and utility managers,construction and project managers,engineers P P P
-Microtunnel methods used in construction:The various types of microtunnel systems (both field and design office),construction supervisory personnel,construction cost esti- -Special Features -New trends in site investigation techniques
available will be discussed in detail for both soft and hard ground conditions including mators,graduate civil or geotechnical engineers and individuals in the construction -Case histories -Excavation techniques and capabilities
microtunneling capabilities to deal with boulders,obstructions and hard rock.Auger,slur- industry including contractor's personnel wanting a firm grounding in modem microtun- -Modem high capability microtunneling systems
DAY T1f0 -Soil removal and separation
ry and EPB type microtunneling systems will be discussed as well as a review of current neling techniques and practices.
micro5.Jacking pipe and Segmental -Curved mia°tunneling
microtunneling cutter head and stone crushing capabilities, for Kwu u Ummv -Long drive capability
-Microtunneling techniques Actual tunnel construction methods using microtunneling -Jacking pipe types -New technical developments
and pipe jacking techniques will be examined in detail with a review of the state of the an Seminar Instructor -Key factors in selectingjacking g pipes -Retractable machines and other special tech-
for the technique- layouts and planning for microtunneling In various soils es•align- DAvlo Amuff has BEng,d from Liverpool Unhasi in E land in civil engineering and -Jacking Pipe&lining capabilities&performance niques
q � P 9 9- tyP 9 � p°O ty� � �g 9 -Jacking pipe specification -Pipe arch microtunneling
ment control and tolerances,jacking forces and the use of interjacks are included. isa regishved professional engineer throughoutEurope He is a Principal with Jason Consul- -Jackinlj pipe
ing pipes -Lake taps
Frequent practical examples will be given. tants.He has over 34 years of experience in construction and has been actively involved in -Use of segmental finings in microtunneling
the design and construction of tunneling,pipe jacking,microtunneling,and other forms of -Segment specification Plus sped1fica8y relevant tud
t case sies
-Microtunnel jacking pipes and segmental Iinings:The types of jacking pipes available for trenchless technology for many years.His international experience is extensive having �,r;��
microtunneling will be presented together with a review of their appropriate use.The use worked in Europe,5E Asia,North,South and Latin America. 6.Shaft Corutruction for Ailicryg
of segmental linings in microtunnels will also be covered.Key factors in selecting and spec- -Review of available techniques and their suitability Group participation in cfiscussion of case
ifying microtunneling linings will be addressed. David is a well-known speaker at North American and international tunneling and trench- -Shaft sizing for microtunneling h6tories and attendees'partiwlarconcerm
less technology conferences and seminars and he has presented more than 30 papers at -Rib&lag&steel Supports or projects.
-Shaft construction for mlcrotunneling:A discussion of shaft construction techniques
their selection and merits in various ground conditions and shaft depths various forums and conferences in many countries.He has also written numerous articles -Sheet piles
for technical journals and is a technical advisor on the recent ASCE Utility Tunneling Video. -Jet grouting Bibliography of saggested reading
-Planning,productivities and costing for microtunneling:Project development,planning -Caissons
and productivities including key factors for microtunnefing will be discussed as well as shah His expertise covers all aspects of project development from project evaluation and feasi- -Sluny walls
locations,drive lengths and the development of cost levels for microtunneling projects
bility study through conceptual and detailed engineering to equipment selection,project -Ground freezingconstruction and operation management.Since 1983,he has been involved with more -Case histories
-Microtunneling preq ualificatio n,subm ittals,operational monitoring and safety:Required than 300 tunneling,pipejacking,and microtunneling,projects.
Training for All Employees (includes Supervisors & Managers)
Courses Hours Contracted 2004-2005 Costs
■ Employee Orientation wl Human Resources 2 In-house NIA
■ Employee orientation wl Tour 8 In-house NIA
cr Listening Skills 4 Contracted $1950
® Conflict Resolution 4 Contracted $2826
13 Team Building 4 Contracted None
® Organizational orientation 2 In-house NIA
13 Harassment Avoidance 1.5 Contracted None
■ Customer Service4 In-house NIA _
Sub Total T_ ..$4776 -
_ Training for Supervisors (includes Managers)
Performance Appraisals/Pedormance M mt 8 Contracted - $5000
' � 9
■ Discipline&Grievance Process 2 Contracted None
■ Facilitation Skills(meeting skills/group dynamics) 1h Contracted None
■ Di*a*logic 16 Contractedlln-houses $11,660
■ Coachin for Performance 8 _ TBD None
Sub Total $11.69660
Training for Managers
■ Coaching for Development � y 24 Contracted- $10,843
■ Grievance Hearing Process 2 Contracted None
Sub Total $14,843
TOTAL $32,279
'One original session was contracted;subsequent sessions are being conducted in-house by managers who have
been certified;only cost going forward is for materials
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
August 5, 2005
TO: Chair Lucey
Member Hockett
FROM. Darlene Ross .
SUBJECT: Budget and Finance Committee Medicare presentation
Attached are five pages of information about Medicare that 1 downloaded from the United
States department of Health and Human Services'website. I thought you might like to see
this overview of the subject.
I look forward to meeting with you on Monday.
H:1Backup\Fl LESIBENEF ITSIB&FCMtgMed.mmo.wpd
2004.09.03: HHS Announces icare Premium,Deductibles for 2005 Page l of 3
Skip N.avi_gatinn
United Stares De artment o
mman Services
EJ' ����rYi+i�- '-.... ul� �'i}—'� '_1?ii-Mi..'.��::..±a ie:-� •�.... .":,ti'ti'_' i _..1-•.:-L,.:t". .. ;..._ _ c
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: CMS Public Affairs Office
Friday, September 3, 2004 (202) 690-6145
HHS Announces Medicare Premium, Deductibles for 2005
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today announced the Medicare premium,
deductible and coinsurance amounts to be paid by Medicare beneficiaries in 2005. The new
premiums, approximately the same as the actuarial forecast published In March for the Medicare
Trustees Report, reflect general growth in health care costs, higher payments to physicians and
Medicare Advantage coordinated care health plans under the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA),
and building trust fund reserves.
Under the MMA, Medicare enrollees are benefiting from improved access to physician services,
new preventive and health screening benefits, more Medicare Advantage plan choices, and better
benefits and/or lower out-of-pocket costs in many Medicare Advantage plans.
The monthly premium paid by beneficiaries enrolled In Medicare Part B, which covers physician
services, outpatient hospital services, certain home health services, durable medical equipment
and other items, will be $78.20, an increase of$11.60 over the $66.60 premium in 2004.
'The new premiums reflect an enhanced Medicare that is providing seniors and people with
disabilities with strengthened access to physician services and new preventive benefits, such as
the new 'Welcome to Medicare' physical and screening exams, as well as improved Medicare
Advantage plan choices that reduce beneficiaries' health care costs," said CMS Administrator Mark
B. McClellan, M.D., Ph,D.
Medicare deductibles and premiums are updated annually In accordance with formulas set by law.
By law, the federal government picks up about 75 percent of the cost of Part B benefits and the
Part B premium covers the remaining 25 percent. About three-fourths of the 2005 increase is due
to additional costs for Part B, and almost one-fourth for building reserves.
The principal contributing factor to the increased cost of Medicare Part B benefits, accounting for
about four-fifths of the higher benefit costs, is higher payments in Medicare's traditional plan.
Most Importantly, the recent Medicare law prevented physician payments from falling significantly.
In 2005, payment rates for physicians will increase by 1.5 percent, preventing a 4.5 percent
reduction that could have threatened access to high--quality physician services.
Another contributing factor to higher benefit costs is Improvement In the Medicare Advantage
program under the MMA. As a result, many beneficiaries enrolled In Medicare Advantage health
plans are expected to receive additional benefits including prescription drugs, more preventive
care, and even dental and vision care, as well as lower copayments that enable them to reduce
their out of pocket costs.
http://www.hhs.gov/news/press/2004pres/20040903a.html 7/2912005
204.09.03: HHS Announces h icare Premium,Deductibles for 2005 Page 2 of 3
On average, the premium changes related to Medicare Advantage are more than offset by
reductions in out--of-pocket payments for Medicare Advantage enrollees. Prior to these benefit
improvements, beneficiary out-of-pocket costs were already lower than in traditional Medicare. In
2003, beneficiaries without supplemental coverage from employers or Medicaid who enrolled in
Medicare Advantage plans had average out-of-pocket payments that were approximately $700
A third contributing factor is increasing the reserves held in the Part B account of the Medicare
Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund toward a more adequate level. The Medicare law
requires adjustments In contributions from general revenues and premium payments in order to
maintain financial balance In the Part B account.
Two other MMA changes will help lower beneficiaries' out--of--pocket costs in 2005. First, the new
Medicare law provides additional savings for Medicare beneficiaries by paying more appropriately
for Medicare covered drugs and the administration of those covered drugs. Second, the new
preventive benefits In Medicare will help beneficiaries cover the cost of screening tests for heart
disease and diabetes, and will provide a "Welcome to Medicare" exam (including coverage for
associated services) for beneficiaries entering the program.
The Part B premium increase may not exceed any beneficiary's cost of living adjustment in their
Social Security check. For the great majority of beneficiaries, the Social Security cost of living
Increase is likely to be significantly greater than the premium change.
About 93 percent of Medicare's 41.8 million beneficiaries are enrolled In Part B, which helps pay
for physician services, hospital outpatient care, durable medical equipment and other services,
Including some home health care. These beneficiaries generally pay the monthly premium, or
have It paid on their behalf by Medicaid [including Medicare Savings Program] if they have limited
Incomes. Medicaid currently pays some or all of the Part B premium for about 6.3 million Medicare
beneficiaries. Many beneficiaries with retiree coverage and some beneficiaries in Medicare
Advantage plans also have some or all of these premiums paid on their behalf.
For Medicare Part A. which pays for inpatient hospital, skilled nursing facility, and some home
health care, the deductible paid by the beneficiary when admitted as a hospital inpatient will be
$912 in 2005, an increase of$36 from this year's $876 deductible. The Part A deductible is the
beneficiary's only cost for up to 60 days of Medicare-covered inpatient hospital care In a benefit
period. Beneficiaries must pay an additional $228 per day for days 61 through 90 in 2005, and
$456 per day for hospital stays beyond the 90th day in a benefit period. For 2004, per day
payment for days 61 through 90 was $219, and $438 for beyond 90 days.
For beneficiaries In skilled nursing facilities, the daily co--insurance for days 21 through 100 in a
benefit period will be $114 in 2005, compared to $109.50 in 2004. Those who enroll in Medicare
Advantage plans may not be affected by the Part A increase, and may receive additional benefits
with different cost-sharing arrangements. All of these Part A payment changes are determined by
a statutory formula.
About 99 percent of Medicare beneficiaries do not pay a premium for Part A services since they
have at least 40 quarters of Medicare-covered employment. However, other seniors and certain
persons under age 65 with disabilities who have fewer than 30 quarters of coverage may obtain
Part A coverage by paying a monthly premium set according to a statutory formula. This premium
will be $375 for 2005, an increase of$32 from 2004. In addition, seniors with 30 to 39 quarters of
coverage, and certain disabled persons with 30 or more quarters of coverage, pay a reduced
premium of$206.
Section 629 of the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 requires raising the Part B deductible In
2005 and Indexing it thereafter. In 2005, the Part B deductible will be $110. Beginning January 1,
2006, the deductible will be Indexed to the increase In the average cost of Part B services for aged
http://www.hhs.gov/news/Press/2004pres/20040903a.htrnl 7/29/2005
2004.09.03: HHS Announces "care Premium,Deductibles for 2005 Page 3 of 3
E k
As noted above, states have programs that pay some or all of beneficiaries' premiums and
coinsurance for certain people who have Medicare and a limited income. Information is available
at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) and, for hearing and speech impaired, at M/TDD: 1--877-
Note: All HHS press releases, fact sheets and other press materials are available at
htt www. hs. ov news.
Last Revised: September 3, 2004
F HS lio-n1e I QM ions? I Cor1Lact HHS I Site !tea 16cc� essibii_I1lx I R iyac quc I FEcedgm_of Information-4st I
The t I FimtGov
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services • Zoo Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
http://www.hhs.gov/news/Press/2004pres/20040903a.htrffl 7/29/2005
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Answer ID What are the Medicare premiums and coinsurance rates for
1560 20059,
Medicare Premiums Question
Date Created What are the Medicare premiums and coinsurance rates for
09/17/2004 01:59 PM 2005?
Last Updated Answer
09/20/2004 12:43 PM
Print Answer The following is a listing of the Medicare premium,
� e-mail This deductible, and coinsurance rates that will be in effect in
Answer To 2005
a Friend
Medicare Premiums for 2005:
Part A: (Hospital Insurance) Premium
. Most people do not pay a monthly Part A premium
because they or a spouse has 40 or more quarters of
Medicare-covered employment.
. The Part A premium is $206.00 for people having 30-39
quarters of Medicare-covered employment.
. The Part A premium is $375.00 per month for people
who are not otherwise eligible for premium-free
hospital insurance and have less than 30 quarters of
Medicare-covered employment.
Part B: (Medical Insurance) Premium
$78.20 per month.
Medicare Deductible and Coinsurance Amounts for
http://questions.medicare.gov/cgi-bin/medicare.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_fagid=156... 7/29/2005
Answer `.1., Page 2 of 3
- dart AA (pays for inpatient hospital, skilled nursing facility,
and some home health care) For each benefit period
Medicare pays all covered costs except the Medicare Part A
deductible (2005 = $912) during the first 60 days and
coinsurance amounts for hospital stays that last beyond 60
days and no more than 150 days.
For each benefit period you pay:
. A total of $912 for a hospital stay of 1-60 days.
. $228 per day for days 61-90 of a hospital stay.
. $456 per day for days 91-150 of a hospital stay
(Lifetime Reserve Days).
. All costs for each day beyond 150 days
Skilled Nursing Facility Coinsurance
. $114.00 per day for days 21 through 100 each benefit
Part B: (covers Medicare eligible physician services,
outpatient hospital services, certain home health services,
durable medical equipment)
. $110.00 per year. (Note: You pay 20% of the
Medicare-approved amount for services after you meet
the $110.00 deductible.)
Additional information about the Medicare premiums,
deductibles, and coinsurance rates for 2005 is available in
the September 3, 2004 Health and Human Services press
release titled "HHS Announces Medicare Premium,
Deductibles for 2005" on the www.hhs.gov website.
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Related Answers
• I received a notice (bill) for my Medicare premiums. Why?
• What is a Medicare deductible?
• How do I get help with my health care costs?
• What is Medicare Easy Pay and how do I sign up?
. What if I'm over 65 and didn't enroll in Part B during my Initial
Enrollment Period?
http://questions.medicaze.gov/cgi-bin/medicare.cfg/php/enduser/std adp.php?p_fagid=156... 7/29/2005
Legal Expenditure Summary
Check# Check$ Vendor Name Account# Account$ -CL# Case#-Case Title
1 102247 $3,170.51 Restoration Mana ement Co. 1 003-0000-991.14-22 1 $2,199.091 36 IBumeft(Orincla) Overflow-Restoration Services
L.103-0000-991.14-22 $971.42 38 Hemingwa 1Hillview INC Overflow- Restoration Services
2 102249 $989.00 Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver 003-0000-991.14-21 $989.00 32 Suzanne Brown v CCCSD Mark Hunter Invoice
3 102251 $12,629.87 Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver 043-0000-993.14-21 $161.71 95006 OMDS
003-0000-991.14-21 $355.35 Dickerson, William v CCCSD
003-0000-991.14-21 $11,860.97 32 Suzanne Brown v CCCSD
003-0000-993.14-2!L $251.84 3995 Peardale
Check# Check$ Vendor Name Account# Account$ CL# Department- Division-Description
4 156875 $1,798.00 Hanson Bridgett 001-0120400.08-03 $1,798.001 ADM- H.R. -Labor-General
5 156900 $26,011.88 Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver 001-0100-400.08-02 $4,870.64 ADM -Board Activity-Board Meetings, Retainer Sery
001-0100-400.08-03 $1,618.65 ADM-Agenda Review
001-0140-400.05-03 $4,210.13 ADM-Purchasing
001-0150-400.05-03 $124.01 ADM - Risk Management
001-0200420.08-03 $9,597.80 ES- Legal Work Auth., Retainer Sery
001-0300-410.08-03 $5,466.63 CSO-Admin
001-0400-410.08-03 $124.01 POD- M isc, Retainer Services
Check# Check$ Vendor Name Account# Account$ CL# tojects
5 27876 $9,237.04 Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver 8192PQ.08-96 $134.93 Treatment plant Projects
8192PQ.08-97 $3,191.97 Collection System Ppjects
8192PQ.08-98 $1,722.16 General Improvements
8210PQ.08-11 $4,187.98 Recycled Water
CL#-Claim Log Number
GL-General Liability Claims
AC-Auto Claims
Pane 1
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f R.OL Address City Claimant Type Reserve Paid to Date Paid to Claim Totals Comments
1 ii'1121Ma5 8()-Rheeln.80uWoWd CWhd8 14MhMy M m montes PL SUM= $0:00 $0.0001F intW ffMd y0Xl,R"d'bUMMfflU Dnp DkVy ND MWeakV raW prQp�arc�r s3■ a.�sc�d.
2 MMM$ 124.MonipVr Odnds Mrs.beam PD $1,406.00 $0:00 SAO CW°lhauglrdeomt YeM dun mal-or Mal; °�fis
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Res Paid TOW
Total-Orerflom $2,400.00 $0.00 $2,000.00
POS Ad es 9ft Claimant Type Reserm Ps Id to Date Paid to Claim Tack Ceram-9
I 71IM04 10`42 Brmvn Aver;Lm La: eAsp an Aan regi T�gi w PD ---- PLN Ln Nne cmusad WT Irma mass opan area apprcm 1800-2D=sq 1t_of carpet er�df Pad w@ mend to
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$3,60225 Restoreton MwiaqwrAnt Go $4,643.8r9
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reel pmpww Noss;clearing .
3 07/24 .Gamin WahACmek 1st+, F(Rosamor) PD $1.022-E7 RMC Ping 1n Gne cgused o,+r Into pubic laundry was. Oeeruup arra&ybig out of gainenki am.
(Razwi Dig) Pt- $Effl.00 GOdM RWn fraurtft ars $1 of _6'?' " for Rossmaev-Term Caffornle Slrve1
4 09/13M4 134 Hera Lana W&VA trek AM&X11 FOX PD $.139.99 FDX CWF ftmph deMca teeing CM clewing-soma r'rriw sift or dearn-ria ana minor persanW
$317.130 SWOW X57.29 propffm ftmep"e
5 13911SM 4 10H Via.RiAda Lafayetta Boyd Farr PC $3,M5.10 10oo Fw Ofi dueW nxA pW.OF deo=wumad properly.hOW&Vff"fkV PGF%l atad thV4M COXINYM*1d
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$26150 Ern/M1crobEolagy+Lata
$4.337.04 RMC sera B4.54
5 012IU4 n49 Norlh Lida Lama Lafayette rhe Hui PL F275.75 Eugone HIP $276.75 Relnt=amern for pb.vrrbi v blls
7 10A9J04 3933 N.Peardeb arm Lsfayefte Shanna Pnuka7o PL $151-75 8hwum PnLd=o $151.75 Redmb=errerrt for pUntft bil
8 10113 4 33-06 fhrt9ddo Drhra Lafayette AAxM Dannistedffl,tam Weaver PD $273.15 Barbera VV&avw 09 du a to p4 In 5 no,fled I rTlo EvIng Wren Ir m bacX WhMame Vary mtnorr prapuM rvmga(d
and some rrvnor personal Pfo tris.
$`105.100 Env MI rroblulogy Led P grb np ralmbursament
$1,197.05 Raftrabon Management Cc $1575.21
9 I t®104 3471 Mope Avg- Lafayette Kale Hardy PD $81.13 KAIH Hardy CSD hydraffuss ung processes~poppecr toIlet. ~pommroW prop kw( )and loan up
$432.57 SIdo C1oon S 51 B$0
10 1=4Q4 40 VIst9k D M Afar Drtnda Scott W bnot PL $413.57 SUM volhw l $41.67 Reimbamement for agr,.d p rer W to un ptuq a hodlnV_
1i 10125M4 3328 WAC Leu, Leleyeit Fay Jo on PL S234-75 Fey J ohnson 3'234,75 Reimbursement for Arnb1rr0 blas
12 1IAW4 55 Skverwo ad Drwe Lefoyatla Mlko b[Nene Kam PD 332.997.00 Cver'flow In main Ino from roof plug. Fw"rvMr beflhroorr.halmmy.2 b6dirgUnrisr dnd a targe steps
ares ha"been offecW, Ralocatan for guests for two rdphts
35.97 Ma matt Fioters Two ruphts a ccormnodatons for Tom's mA-o1-%Yw} -paicl+ie Ppb
$6,311-03 R ostoral on M ahagerneM C4 Emerper +and s eco ndarY clean-up,EncL drm esbams obertemml
207.16 R agiare'l on M"gemord Co Pe cic aiA star ne,and pack beck
$2,455-10 lel Clown Addltonel sacondsrV denrxq.canto senior,tZ and shower nenwmal
$469.13 Roto R Dater Cie an sl de sewer for debrl s remo'vel depmAnd by averflow
$14.33 Fed EX Son.d deamnce sornPWH to Lab
5316.00 Ern+Mlcroblvagy Lata 552.004.22 a0wa ca sa moles-a-coo
13 11 i4 26 C%"Lana Darrvlle Pat(Pairida)Hudson Pp $i 1.140rQ0 Pat Hudson 0varflewr In,maln Ine ftm roe+!pluae Flowed wular hro use on on front waX r,daan-=ori_
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15 12=04 101 a Waho geek RIcrard Cate PL $18.00. Rk*ud Cate T9 5.DO Rol mbursernant for p Lirrbing bil
16 IV31AD4 IBM SL ArdwAm Drive More ga Maraga Camey Chb PO Aastafetl ern Ma WB~is C)vwTcw att ded car#barn,storage area and bati-ro om
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19 0111 196163 PUpkr DdV@ VV.tkhA Cr k Pamela.J orgerrsen PD $54.5D Pamela Jorg mson Ptiudinp b10 raf n soment
3 3.75 Rostarsdo'n Management Do 3728.25
19 01714W 334 Va4ey Vow Road pipe sant HI I Thomas F.art PL MOD Thomas F.Strwort $95.00 Ply TOnp bl0 rel mrtbmomerrt
20 0111EW 3305 Moraga flrvd Lofayatte R arrdi Barn PD $16,083.49 Rom!Ga ram Ptup In r atn(ro ots 01 T-r ice)caused vverflaw Ir;to ho use-affected Thro n bmdroarrA
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27' UMDAYS 3554 SLlvw SpriiV Dead Lafayette wart Mann PL $165.00 Shawl Heard Td PLublrtp bll r6krbwsemeM
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�1 0 1M Lays vftw ovek Si W*€ ft PO #267MmOy chn dlMlk W roaft. tremor ba om arrd a lde. Dorf f�riw prwelrtC w dvAcs was inMakt
W sW bacKolp tft hmme because cA de%rIce mue have cloyed sd wf h a vwL
0 06 FMD $717.56
3B OC41 405 25 EJ MIradar V'IftkM QO& UndV Herrdn, ayMI M ew Apnrtman PO 05°00
197IA2 RMC SII X42
Ras Paid Tamil I m estigatian
Total_Ove r#1 owe $5-6,000.00 $135'686.39
2004-05 Q
1 08 3104 1371 Sunset Loop Lafayette Mildred Melgreen $6.00 MWred Me"en Reimbursed homeower for water usage by CSO construdon crew durtng a sewer repair
2 08124104 264 Surmybrae Drive Martnez Richard Derose $267.57 Rldmrd Derose Reimbumement for veNde damage[rear to rod]atter driving aver a mmnhde coyer
3 12/14104 17 Lovina Court Orinda PG&E $778.85 POLE Reimbursement for Ur Gas service at 17 LWrm Ct,Orinda that CSO crew damaged during sewer rept
-$778.85 PG&E Check renamed after mare lydwmfon regarding the cfalm revealed that CSO crews were not atfault
4 12121104 264 Shady Lane Walnut[reek Luis Ramirez Agudelo $351.78 Luis RamlrezAgudelo Rehrtrsement for vehicle damage caused by CSO crews(P.Crouch)*ft rodding a manhole Rod
came out of deanout and was waving about and struck a parked 2DD0 Volvo S80.
5 12121104 263 Shady Lane WahA Creek Shireen Davenport $200.00 Sams McIdent as above-damaged rase tushes.
6 04/19105 5528 Pacheco Blvd Pacheco UDI Tetrad CormAng Engineers,Inc. $335.00 UDI Tetrad ConmAng Engineers,Inc. Damage to krWscaping by CCCSD crew.
Total-GL Other $200.00 $960.35
M6 gcation Veh Dom Nam Reserve ROL Comments
1 July 2004 C50 Veh#76 Serurlly Guard $1,086.65 Guard struck CSO gate
2 0821104 HWY 580 Veh#76 Security Guard $1,251.23 Security vehicle was rear-ended wh4e drMng to S.R.PS by Garret Kuhl
-x1,251.23 Recovery from Garret KerN
3 09103/04 Bart Const.PH Veh#210 Kms►Weir CCCSD $1,879.81 K Weir struck gate post
4 09121104 HWY 680 Veh#214 Chris Haisley CCCSD $582.31 Dist Veh#214 was struck from behind while stopped In traffic on freeway,by Namnama Fontacha
-$582.31 Recovery from CSAR
5 12/15104 3365 Springhill Rd Veh#197 .fay Nightengale,CCCSD $1,289.15 "GumbWr light caught carport and damaged structure
6 01104/05 Orinds Veh#157 Don Tunic CCCSD $761.00 D.Turk was backing District Vehicle#157 when he struck a retaining wall post at 19 Woodcrest Drive,Orinda_
7 06/15105 Orinda PS Veh#192 Wan Slagle,CCCSD $9,812.26 Oak tree fel on parked Dist VeNde#19Z.
Reserve Paid-to-date
Total-Auto Claims $0.00 $0.00 $14,828.88