HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET AND FINANCE AGENDA 07-05-05 Centres! Cion&a Costa S nitaDistjict
5019 Imhoff Place,Martinez,CA 94553-4392 (925)228-9500 a www.centralsan.org
Chair Lucey
Member Hockett
Tuesday, July 5, 2005
3:30 p.m.
CSO Conference Room
1250 Springbrook Road
Walnut Creek, California
a. Consider method for disbursement of Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service
litigation funds. Report from District Counsel Kent Alm.
b. Report on assignment and amendment of Deferred Compensation Plan
Administration Agreement. Report from Controller Debbie Ratcliff.
C41 Recycled Paper
4 1
. 5
m e y e n e v e ribatk silver & wilson
professional low corporation Kenton L.Alm
Attorney at Law
81 0.808.2000
TO: Budget&Finance Committee
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors
FROM: Kenton L.Alm
District Counsel
DATE: July 1, 2005
RE: Suggested Means for Distribution of Orinda Moraga Disposal Service Funds
Several weeks ago the final Receiver's hearing took place on the receivership from the CCCSD v. OMDS
matter. The Judge provided no direction with regard to the means for distribution of the net proceeds of the
receivership to the former customers of the Orinda Moraga Disposal Service ("OMDS"). The approximate
amount of the net proceeds from the receivership is Four Hundred and Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars
($475,000). As I recall, the total number of customers within the OMDS Service area is approximately 11,000
and accordingly a pro rata distribution per customer would amount to approximately Forty Three Dollars
($43{00} per customer. The Receiver's recommendation is that the distribution be provided through the
existing solid waste collector's billing process by an offset to current charges on a pro rata basis. Other
methods would be more complex and potentially use up a significant portion of the net proceeds in the
distribution process.
I have spoken with the General Manager for Pleasant Hill Bayshore Disposal ("PH BS")which provides the
current solid waste collection and billing for the prior OMDS service area. PBHS has no objection to
incorporating an offset reduction on a pro-rata basis into their billing process and including a statement within
the bill which will attribute credit to CCCSD for the bill reduction. This matter was also briefly discussed at the
most recent CCCSWA Board meeting and Jerry Camey(a Board Member from Moraga) recommended that
the Receiver's recommendation be followed. As this issue was not properly agendaed, no formal vote was
taken. However,there did not appear to be any objection to that method nor was there any discussion as to
alternatives. This method of distribution is in part recommended as there is no readily available means of
recreating an accurate customer list for the actual OMDS customers based on the inquiries which I have
Timing for moving forward with this plan is somewhat uncertain. The billing cycle for PHBS would require that
the check be received and that the specific message to be included in the bill be provided about one month
prior to a new billing. The next billing will go out before August 1 st and hence, it would appear that we cannot
meet that billing cycle. I would not anticipate a problem in meeting the next billing cycle.
55512th Street,Suite 1500 Oakland,California 94607 I tel 518.808.2000 ! fax 510.444.1108 I www_meY ersneve.com
July 1,2005
Janet Schneider, Executive Director
Central Contra costa Solid Waste Authority
1280 Civic Drive, Suite 210
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Re: Distribution of Proceeds from the CCCSD Litigation Against the orinda Moraga
Disposal Company and Douglas Lomow
Dear Janet:
As you are aware, some years ago,the Central Contm Ct Sanitary District brought an action
against the prior franchisee for the CrindalMora a did was service area based on allegations of
9 p 9 `� 9
fraud in the rate setting and billing processes. A grnnt was obtained and a Receiver appointed
in an attempt to recapture all available assets of9)5inda"Moraga.Disposal Service ("OMDS"� and
Douglas Lomow. Last month the Receive r qe ed that the Receivership be closed based on his
9 p
conclusion that all reasonably available tsof the OMDS and Douglas Lomow have been
located and liquidated. The net roc s f this lengthy and difficult effort are approximately
q p
The terms of the judgment and the direction of the central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of
Directors requires that these proceeds be distributed to the rate payers of the for OMDS service
area. As no accurate customer list for the OMDS service area is readily available,the Receiver
has strongly suggested that the appropriate way to distribute these proceeds is to provide a pro
rata distribution to the current customers within the historic OMDS service area. If this distribution
were made on a pro rata basis to each account holder, our anecdotal information suggests that the
amount available for each account would be approximately$40.00. Both the Receiver and the
Central contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors request that the net proceeds be directed
to Pleasant Hill Bayshore Disposal and that it be authorized to apply these funds to provide an
offset on the bills of each customer within the prior OMDS service area. Details of this distribution
could be worked out between the District and Pleasant Hill Bayshore Disposal with your
Both the Receiver and the District further request that if such a procedure is to be followed that a
notation be made on the bills showing the offset and indicating that the reduction is due to the
proceeds received from the lawsuit by the District against OMDS and Douglas Lomow. This could
be done in a manner similar to that which occurred when the excess funds from the ACME lawsuit
were distributed through a similar bill reduction several years ago.
Janet Schneider
Re: Distribution of Proceeds from the CCCSD Litigation Against the Orinda Moraga Disposal Company and Douglas
July 1,2005
Page 2
District staff stands ready to coordinate with you and Pleasant Hili Bayshore Disposal so as to
allow this to occur as soon as is reasonably possible and with a minimal amount of administrative
effort on all parties'behalf. Hopefully this proposal meets with your concurrence. Please contact
Randy Musgraves at(925)228-9500 to coordinate provision of any additional information you may
require. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Very truly yours,
Barbara Hockett
Board President
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors
Expenditure Summary6�27�2°°5
Check,# Check$ Vendor Name Account# Account$ CL# Case#-Case Title
1 102237 $22,747.75 Me ers,Nave,Riback,Silver 003-0000-993.14-21 $126.18 95006 OMDS-APR
003-0000-991.14-21 $111513.77 32 Suzanne Brown v CCCSD -APR
003-0000-993.14-21 $1,299.35 3995 Peardale -APR
003-0000-993.14-21 $100.94 95006 OMDS
003-0000-991.14-21 $1,766.48 Dickerson,William v CCCSD
003-0000-991.14-21 $6,877.04 32 Suzanne Brown v CCCSD
003-0000-993.14-21 $1,063.99 3995 Peardale
2 102238 $1,155.91 Restoration Management Co. 003-0000-991.14-22 $1,155.91 33 Purcell WC Overflow-Restoration Services
3 102240 $8,153.99 Lois Mowat 003-0000-991.14-20 $8,153.99 29 Mowat Orinda Overflow-Settlement Payment
Check# Check$ Vendor Name Account# Account$ CL# Department-Division-Descri tion
4 156074 $38,639.42 Meyers,Nave,Riback,Silver 001-0100-400.08-02 $4,588.44 ADM-Board Activit -Board Meetings,Retainer Sery-APR
001-0100-400.08-03 $2,737.22 ADM-Agenda Review -APR
LL- 001-0140-400.08-03 $3,761.05 JADM-Purchasing -APR
001-0150-400.08-03 $426.83 ADM-Risk Management -APR
001-0200-420.08-03 $7,540.12 ES-Legal Work Auth.,Retainer Sery-APR
001-0200-490.08-03 $100.94 ES-Source Control -APR
001-0200-750,08-03 $100.94 ES-Reclaimed Water-APR
001-0300-410.OM3 $174.48 CSO-Admin-APR
001-4400-410.08-03 $124.01 POD-Misc,Retainer Services-APR
001-0100-400.08-02 $4,588.44 ADM-Board Activit -Board Meetings,Retainer Sery
001-0100-400.08-03 $1,240.12 ADM-Agenda Review
001-0140400.08-03 $4,268.84 ADM-Purchasing
001-0150-400,08-03 $124.01 1ADM-Risk Management
001-0200-420.08-03 $8,287.89 ES-Legal Work Auth.,Retainer Sery
001-0200-490.08-03 $75.70 ES-Source Control
001-0300410.08-03 $376.36 CSO-Admin
001-0400410,08-03 $124.01 PDD-Misc,Retainer Services '
5 156248 $807.65 Hanson Brid eft 001-0120-400.08-03 $314.20 ADM-H.R.-Local 1 T.Potter
$493.45 ADM-H.R.-Labor-General
6 156299 $719.25 Trucker Huss 001-0110-400.08-03 $300.50 ADM-Finance-Cafeteria Plan
$418.75 ADM-Finance-General
Check# Check$ Vendor Name Account# Account$ CL#1 Pro ects
7 27739 $5,506.39 Meyers,Nave,Nback,Silver 8192PQ.08-96 $459.38 Treatment plant Projects-APR
8192PQ.08-97 $469.68 Collection System Projects-APR
8192PQ,08-96 $3,550.93 ITreatment plant Projects
8192PQ.08-97 $1,026.40 1 Collection System Projects
CL#-Claim Log Number
GL-General Liability Claims
AC-Auto Claims
` 2004-06
0 DOL 8gdrass~ clalme n# Type Rem Paid to Date Paid to C101MIgiAls Commerib
T 7f?AXA 1042 ervan Avetwe L.ef eya" Awn Big To ahnckgi es- PD in Gro fm m ad of hyla busumm open area e 1 0 a q.ft_of carpet WW p"wN nood to
Grodaory H Uzon be raotec lrt adfflon to clean uu cosi-Mai+need to remove som drywad
$ 47.50 Fid ftm Kneppem&mac.
$3,602.39 Restoraflan Martagarn Go $4.649.89
2 07112)D4 34 barbwa Road Gdndn albell Defrerne PL $1,602-04 S#dl team $1.602-04 ON from Rf flowed orft back patio.Pati a nils to t e pressure washed and sarrifte+da No parsoal or
rani RmPew fusis:cleaning UnN.
3 47 40 26,Goidwmin WGIMA Q e 1 st WC MLMjW 0 Rr(Ressmoor) P D $1,022.67 RMC Pfip In Ina cans ed ag No puWr,laundry was. Cleenup end dYng Out of general arae,.
(Ruses) PL $600.DO Gaon Rain Foudatlen 1,622 a67 PlurrbNrQ retwb rse'rnant for Rasa ur-Term Calffofta Weed
4 09113JU4 13.4 H&O Lw% WalrvA Crook Jlrn&Simi a Fox PD $139.99 Fox C1F hvoug h diMce dtr+Jrhp CSD damning-some rNnor axte ar cleans-a wd mtnor pars ryrd
$317.30 SMI Ckmn $457.29 pro DerN damels-
5 0911 EM4 7 GW M s Rhe Lafayette Farr PD $3-M5.10 Myd Farr Off'due to runt ice_t31F devl ca waren'proper#{,hawBvzf 05ow pertb-eted tkirougM cocuum rd
linodng the wM re seco;W(below ode y ienrel_A,pprox 1 OX sq.ft affetio d,mcs*corpnt some
$262.50 ErTv mlcrabieagy Lab
$4,337.04 RMC $8,484.64
6 O$ 6M4 3349 North Ulla;.Lane Lefayone gena HN ?L $276.75 Eugene HI 1276.75 Rabrt umwroni for pltzyb m bila
7 1 DXl9104 3993 N.Pearda*DNa Lef eyate S harrra Pauft= PL $151.75 Shann a PaifMa $151:.70 Relnll mwTm ll For plrrrbl np W
6 10113M4 33116 Glide Drlvo Lefoya" Audrey DamMed6aftwa leaner PD 5273.15 Barbara WBHVVZ OtF dua to p4 I n Ina,0mved Into wing area t-um be do dalhro= Very nil nor prop darnsga(if any)
and some minar porSanaJ prop^loss_
105.00 Ernr MIrxotAuicgy Lob PLnbinp raIrrbursument
$1,197.06 Restorwticm M era genatlt Co S1.575-21
9 1 WI M4 3471 Mow-o o Arra+, Lafa tto Kate H" PD $81.13 Kato H mrdy costs
of�shlng pro co�se�wed'toilet Minor pe�onet prop +loss(t )� +up
1432,67 SkIl Goan S513.50
10 10124AD4 45 Msta ped Mar Crich Scoii gnat PL $41,57 smut VVItnot $41.57 Rol mbursem+at for equip retnl is to j)kup a trn •
i# 10126tD4 3326 Vfttart Lena Lefoyette Fey Johnson PL S234.75 Fay.J'mor+ 5234.76 RBlmburzarneM far pkmtlnp bMs
12 i 1f1=4 55SVenvoodDive Lefeyett Mks 8 plane orn PO $32,2 _tO Ovwfk w Ln maln Ino fry root plug. Foam mum.bathrooms,laC4r y,3 bedtoms,and a targe aroma
ares ha+ra bean aff ected a Rel-ocation for jju&Ms for two rdahts.
$23-5,87 MwTf ott H opets Two dp hts accommo amid errs for Kerns o"-# Rued-pal d via Pard
$6.311,83 Restorston Management Co Errwpency and secondaN daen-up,InckrdnQ asbestos skmiamed
$9,201.if Restw-aton lel arrapment co Pa cls out,sf.reps,and pe do track
$2.458.10 SWI Clem Addtarg secondwy aearup,cerata sealer,tub and shover remml
x,13 (Roto Rooter amen sl de sewer for debris rein vet dapasW b1+vvudaw
$14,33 Fed EX Send clo ance serr Ins b Lab
t5.100 Env Microbtakogy Lab S52.004.22 Cleearwmv samplers-a-col
13 1W&PD4 26�arj tame Dwmla Pet(Pahala)Hinson PO $1.140,00 het fit Ucm 0rdrflow Ln maim 1 no from root iftm, Fwd under hour a on on front wa k clean tim '
1,32 Restorstl on Managernant C o ,041.3,9 Plumbl ng bI1 rel wtu se f or�mmecefera DLm to hal dey rocsJ s herrtf dsrpatc h tnU her to racy a pkzrbera
Pkup was,in oar hr4e,Wp.ba for S3120,rftodolod davm to$1140
14 12 M4 415 Brtdge Road 'yV'a Vemrm PL $#70.04 Fil c V wTar2tl $170.00 Iielrnbunamerrl for plurnb1np bill
15 12x2=4 101 Bain Dr" wnlrwl Creek Mchard Cate 'P'L SN-00 Fi'Jd�w Cato $98.00 Relrnbu some t for Dnp bl!
16 1 1 M4 ISM St Andrews Drtwa Moraga Meru.Cox"Ckb PE) RestorvUon TSI w gemant Cc t fjl;ow attacied cart bw-n,sinrape area and baftoorn
17 01 M=6 161 Easy Slr!e et Alamo Pew Se aednlo FAL $35.53 Perry sd®aaaa Relmburaement for w"p rw7W to un,pW is bacito.
16 01/1 3 1868 Foplar Drfva Lvakrnrt Crook Pamela JoTuarlsen PD $54d50 Parnokn J orgeruen Ptufrinp bill reft6i.o'saMent
3-78 Restorellon Marmpme-M Co $726.25
19 01114W5 334 Valley Meer Ram d pwomu t Hill Tbx n&5 F_Stnmn PL $D&W Thmas Fa Start M.00 FLznbing b1G rein bLn ement
20 11111 X7,5 3305 M"Ga OW k elfsyeilla Rarrd Graham 516,0 A9 R oral Grah m Pktp In mala(roe#Q!T7'=)caused uvwfflow into house-aff ee'ted three be atums,
1$2.420.00 Restamtlon Menagnmeni Co Aasbaslar;ntm e. halway,2 laa ttl5.end d9Nnp area, Pmunal=poly"dmal
rj 14.29 Restoration I4loM96ma.Ml Co
$175-0a M1c i&0of{Lnb
$17,011 FedEx $22,009.79 -
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$445•V W Chart
S 1 05XV Erry Mivahobv Lab
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Ras Fold Tolml irn+astlon
T0151-�vIvmen■ 'HT1 PU&'�•4 $155x . 32�I,B0J.�I
. 2004-06 g
1 0823104 1371 Sunset Loop Lafayette Mildred Me%pen $6.00 Mit'ed Melgreen Reftursed homeower for water usage by C5O const vdon craw during a sewer repair.
2 0824104 284 Sunnybrae Drive Marlinez Richard Derose 5267.57 Richard Derose Reimbursement for verde damage(tear Is rod)after drtving over a manhole cover
3 12114104 17 Lavine Court CMnds PG&E $778.85 PG&E Reftribummnent for 12"teas service at 17 Lavina Ct,Wride that CS0 craw damaged during sewer rep
-5778.85 PG&E Chedc returned atter more tnfonnalon n*armng fie dalm revealed That C5O crews were not at fault
4 12RiN4 264 Shady Lane WaW Creek LOIS Rar&w-Welo $351.78 Luis Ramlrex Agudelo Reh2 ursement for vehicle damage caused by C8O crews(P.Grouchy We nig a tee.Roo
came out of cleanout and was waving about and strudc a parked 2000 Volvo 580.
5 1221104 263 Shady Lane Walnut[Peek Shlreen Davenport 3200.00 Same incident as above-damaged rose bushes.
6 04/19105 5528 Pacheco Blvd Pacheco UDI Tetrad ConsulIM Engineers,Inc. 5335.00 t1Dl Tetrad Consuldng Engineers,Inc. Damage to landscaping by CCCSD crew.
Total-GL Other $200.00 ;860.35
2004-05 A
# 926 gyp, Veh Door, Nme 89gepL4 pfd- Counts
1 July 2004 CSO Vehff76 Security Guard $1.086.66 Guard stuck CSC gate
2 0881104 HWY 660 Veh#76 5ectety Guard $1,251.23 Securlty vehicle was rear-ended We driving to S.R.PS by Garret Kttd
-$1,251.23 Recovery from Garret KW
3 09103104 Bart Const PH Veh#210 Kelly Weir CCCSD $1,879.81 K Weir struck gate post
4 09/21/04 HWY 680 Veh#214 Chis Haisley CCCSD $582.31 Dist Veh#214 was struck from behind while stopped in traffic on freeway,by Narnnama Fordechs
-$582.31 Recovery horn CSAR
5 12!15104 3365 Springhill Rd Veh#197 Jay Mghtengale.CCCSD $1,289.15 "Gumbel!"fight caught carport and damaged structure
6 01/04/05 Grinda Veh#157 Dan Turk CCCSD $761.00 D.Turk was backing District Vehicle#157 when he struck a retalrJng wag post at 19 Woodcrest Drive,Drinda.
7 OEM= Orinda PS Veh#192 Wan Slegie,CCCSD $9,612.26 Oak tee fd on parked Dlst Vehicle#192.
Reserve Paid-to-data
Tota!-Auto Claims $0.00 $0.00 $14,828.86