HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET AND FINANCE AGENDA 03-14-05 Cir�fra! Cir��ra �'+vsta Sar�ita Dl��-i�
5019 Irnhoff Place,Martinez,CA 94553-4392 (925)228-9500 www.ceiiti-alsaii.org
Monday, March 14, 2005
3:30 p.m.
CSO Conference Room
1250 Springbrook Road
Walnut Creek, California
��Recycled Paper
Central Contra Costa SanitaryDistrict
March 10, 2005
SUBJECT: February 28, 2005 Finance Committee Meeting
There were several outstanding questions from the last Board Finance Committee
meeting which required additional staff research. The questions and answers a
. q re
provided below:
I. Page 4, 154362 Bently Nevada corporation What were these expenses
These expenses were for spare pans for the vibration monitoring systems stems for the
aeration turbines. We stock these parts in inventory for use when needed. More
specifically, a VOA Display is an operator display interface panel, and a
proximitor is a probe to measure vibration in the system.
2. Page 10, 154437 Watereuse Foundation What is this fee for and how
does the District benefit from this membership?
The fee is for the District to remain a subscriber of the WateReuse Foundation.
The WateReuse Foundation has 35 active projects spanning n in the topical p g p areas of
technology, treatment, salinity management, public acceptance, economics
marketing, analytical methods, and desalination. Lasty ear the Foundation
developed 12 new contracts, and it leveraged subscriber fees with over2 million
of federal funds and $1.5 million of state funds.
WateReuse Foundation research is directed to answer issues facingregulators
and treatment agencies, such as:
• Are the current treatment requirements adequate to protect public health?
. P
■ What issues need to be addressed to have public acceptance of recycled
p y
The District has been a member of the WateReuse Foundation since its inception
in 1992. Jim Kelly was a Board member from its inception until December 2004.
The District's leadership role in water reuse has been one of the factors in
maintaining good relations with our regulators. Regulators view water reuse as a
pollution prevention measure. The District has an ongoing and expanding water-
recycling program with 21 customers and water deliveries approaching 200 MG
per year. Membership provides an effective means of keeping up with emerging
technology, issues, and marketing techniques.
3. Page 13, 154454 CADDO Design & office Pro What was this expense for?
This expense was for the District's Water Wizard Program. We purchased
supplies such as pencil, erasers, and sponges for the classrooms.
4. Page 21, 154532 Water Environment Research What was this fee for and
how does the District benefit from its membership?
This fee makes the District one of the partner agencies in a WERF study:
Minimizing Mercury Emissions from Biosolids Incinerators. This project will
provide POTWs that practice incineration with valuable information concerning
volatilization of mercury in the sludge fed to their incinerators, the mercury control
efficiencies of various air pollution control devices, and methods (practices and
control technologies) that can be utilized to cost-effectively reduce mercury
emissions from their incinerators in the future.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established a goal of
reducing all persistent bio-accumulative toxics (PBTs) in the environment.
Mercury, one of the PBTs of concern, is receiving much of the Agency's
attention; at this time the EPA Region IX and State are very concerned about
local air emissions of mercury. our Water Board has just issued an order to the
refineries directing them to conduct a mercury mass balance around their
facilities to determine the fate of the mercury in the crude petroleum they refine.
Mercury air emissions are one of the items our water board has pledged to
investigate as part of their Mercury TMDL. Also, under on-going litigation
between the EPA and the Sierra Club, the EPA will propose urban air toxics
control regulations for biosolids incinerators in the coming years (no later than
2009), and will finalize the regulations thereafter (no later than 2010).
Accordingly, the District needs to have a good understanding of the actual
emissions of mercury from our incinerators and the methods for controlling those
emissions in order to effectively respond. This study is a nation wide effort to help
gain that understanding. Jim Melly is on the steering committee for this study.
5. Page 22, 27451 What work did RBF Consulting do for the District?
RBF has provided technical assistance on several of our recycled water
projects. The last invoice covers assistance with permitting issues with the State
Department of Health Services (DHS)for our recycled water project at the new
• . . . . Y P J
animal control facility. The facility is expected to open in a few months and will
use recycled water for landscape irrigation and kennel washdown.
G. Page 23, 27466 What work did V&A Consulting do for the District?
Villalobos and Associates (V&A) has provided corrosion engineeringservices for
several of our recycled water projects. The invoice in question is for corrosion
engineering services associated with our recycled water project at the new
. . P J
animal control facility.
7. Page 25, 27482 What was the $7,800 payment to Securitas Security
Systems for?
This was a final payment for the upgrade of the security system stem at the HOB and
POD. When the laboratory was built, an updated security system stem was installed.
The security system at the HOB and POD became unsupported over the ears.
. . PP Y
The District hired Securitas to upgrade the system to be compatible with the
Laboratory, centralized the file server to the computer room and added card
readers to CSO.
Legal Expenditure Summary
Check A Check Vendor Name ccou,nt# A�ntVU Cam#- CawTie
1 102199 $385.00 Environmental Microbiology Laboratory, Inc. 003-0000-991-14-22 $210.00 21 Lefevre town Qverflow-Swab samples
$175.00 19 Graham La Oveflow-Swab samples
2 102200 $37.37 FedEx 003-0000-991.14-20 $37.37 Swab Samples Lefevre&Sorensen
3 102202 $105.00 Environmental Microbiology Laboratory, Inc. 003-0000-991.14-22 $105.00 22 Sorensen town Overflow-Swab samples
4 102203 $16,083.49 .Romi Graham 403-0000-991.14-20 $16,083.49 19 Graham(Lg Oveflow-Settlement payment
51102204 $761.00 Usa Henson 003-0000-991.14-20 $761.00 AC5 Henson Orinda -.Retaining-.Retalning wall post replacement
6 102205 $10,967.47 Meyers,Nave,Riback,Silver 003-0000-991.14-21 $838.96 Dickerson,William v CCCSD
003-0000-991.14-21 $6,646.08 32 Suzanne Brown v CCCSD
003-0000-993.14-21 $3,482.43 3995 Peardale
7 1102206 $987.50 Meyers,Nave,Riback,Silver 003-0000-991.14-21 $987.50 32 Suzanne Brown v CCCSD EnviroScience Invoice
8 102207 $778.85 Pacific Cas&Electric 003-0000-991.14-20 $778.85 GO PG&E-Reimbursement for pipe repair
9 102208 $15,518.79 Restoration Management Com an 003-0000-991.14-22 $9,207.16 12 Kem La Overflow-Contents Pack out,Storage&Return
$6,311.63 12 Kem La Overflow-Restoration Services
10 102209 $481.89 Skill Clean Inc. 003-0000-991.14-22 $481.89 23 Bennett Dan Overflow-Restoration Services
Check Check Vendor Name Account# `Account CL M Deoartmenj is-Div on-19escrio
11 154687 $141003.37 Meyers, Nave,Riback,Silver 001-0100-400.08-02 $4,588.44 ADM-Board Activity-Board Meetings,Retainer Sery
001-0100.400.08-03 $11240.12 ADM-Agenda Review
001-0110-400.08-03 $50.47 ADM-Finance
001-0140-400.08-03 $986.74 ADM--Purchasing
001-0150-400.08.03 $124.01 ADM-Risk Management
001-0200-420.08-03 $5,958.04 ES-Legal Work Auth.,Retainer Sery
001-0300-410.08-03 $325.89 CSO-Admin
001-0400-410.08-03 $729.65 POD-Misc,Retainer Services
001-0400-410.08-03 $729.65 POD-Misc,Retainer Services
.12j 154716 $190.10 Tracker Huss 001-0110-400.12-07 $190.10 ADM-Finance-Cafeteria Plan
F-FCheck heck -errdor Name Account# I Account CL Prollgcts
13.27508 $1,642.28 Me ers,Nave,Riback,Silver 8192PQ.08-96 $167.89 Treatment plant Ero'ects
8192PQ.08-97 $1,474.39 Collection System Projects
CL#-Claim Log Number
GL-General Liability Claims
AC-Auto Claims
# DOL �4� c1tv CIS Type Rase rye Ea Id to Late Rtx� Claim Totals carr a atop
1 717=4 1042 Brown Amme Lafayette man Eu Ung TadvKko err, ggoiry PD Ping In 1 rm=mM 0 I to busIrms opw Brim apex 1 BOG-2DW sq,M-of cwpa't and pad wM
red to be me se d in ad�tlon W dean tm oasts. Mav need to remr we swe drma.
X47.50 M gam,Kroppers&Assvc e
$3.WZ 38 Reswaton Mwmpamw C S4.549-88
2 07 1204 34 Barbaro Read Cr1n& Cie l Deframa PL 51.602.04 SkIl CUmn 31.602,04 OA from M ftwedento back paha.Pai50 ram to ba press a wsshod and served. No
Dem WW W MW x0pn v fes.dewtriq .
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PL .00 G Rain Fou dadw $1.62.67 Pkrrkbirig for Rvswnyow-Terre faMa Stvet
Ck 1 # 1 Net Lam VerprC C-aa Jiori S+�e FOXPO $139M Fax DIF fv de a[Iffim GSO dear im-wm minor mWor dawand minor wsorral
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P,337.04 RMC $8,4&4.64
6 MV25004 3349 Nam Ludib Exam Lalaye'tla Eugenia M PL $276.75 ria HII $275,75 RaWnbmemertt far 04wwm b*
7 1 OMt9A0 4 3993 N_ *UM Lafayette Sihama Paan. PL 315.1.75 Sharma PaubLao S151-75 R for pkxrbtnq bit
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arTy)and sorra rrdnor mat prnpe bass"
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11 1 5M4 3326 VVaW Lane Lafayette Fay Jvimm F L _75 l=ay J ohnson 34.7b ReJr ttg-s mwt for phurrjblno bees
12 1111 M4 55 Shmrvrmd Dm m Lelayetts NI Ike&■D one Kern PD S32,.997,DD Ovffflcm to m do 1 no trom root ptV. Ford 1,y ream,ba11mocwry haRmy,2 bedmurm a and a large
storeRti area have bow sheatod Roloeabon for pis s for two rtd"-
35-87 Marlon KotEHs Two rapt ammmadations for Kirnts mit-ar-twon pAwLr,-paid%Ia p-mrd
$6,311"63 Re-simt-on misnagwriwil Co EffxmRency and secMukLrrr dear,Jrw1Ann o.sNmtv5 alhnf mertl
$9.207.16 RmtcK-o4an M ww gvmm7t Co Pada 04,grape,and j3ack back
762,455.10 M C*an AddbmrW secondary a corovto sealer,tub and shower ranwwel
$468.13 JR ota Roofer Gleam side sewer for debrl s r•erroval ft oslted by av w
$14.33 rudEX Send dearance sande s to Ukb
3315,00 Etat MI m bl old stab 552.0D4 Cteararra muyiph�s-exp
!3 1 1riGA3.4 263 Cafty Lane D,errrlwe Pat(Paiyida p Hudson P D $1,1410.00 Pat HuJsarti cNwfluw In maJn 1-ne from r0crt Pip,lid Under house an an fmm wdk,adeart--tv orgr,
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Pkwbw. Pfug was In our Ina Oft blr for$3120 nepatmtDd dimm to$1140
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Res Pald Tota
Total-Overflows $13,500.00 $97,947.96
1 08123/04 1371 Sunset Loop Lafayette Mildred Melgreen $6.DD Mildred Melgreen Reimbursed homeower for water usage by CSO construction crew during a sewer repair
2 0824/04 264 SunrW as Drive Martinez Richard Derose $267.57 Rld nu Derose Reimbursement for vehicle damage rear to after driving am a manhole wvw
3 121141x4 17 Levine Court Crkwa PG&E $778.85 PG&E Rept for Ur Gas service at 17 LavIna C#,OrIndattha CSO crew damaged during sews
4 1221/04 2644 Shady Lane Walnut Creels Luis Ramirez Agudelo $351.78 Luis Ramirez-Agudela Reimbursement for verde damage caused by CSO crews(P.Crouch)while nxkfng a manhole.
Rod 5 12/21/04 263 Sturdy Lane Watnut Creek Shlreen Davenport $700.00 �e e�out s abovef cleancut and 5 waving about and studC a parked 2000 Volvo 580.
damaged rase bushes.
Total-GL Other $200.00 $1,404.20
# I= LMHon Veh Dear- Name Rege[Xe EAW- Comments
1 July 2004 CSC Veh#76 Security Guard $1,086.66 Guard stuck CSO gate
2 0821104 HWY 680 Veh#76 Security Guard $1,251.23 SecurityVehide was rear-ended while drift to S.R.PS by Garret K N
-$1,251.23 Recovery from Garret Kuhl
3 09/03874 Bart Cornst.PH Veh#210 Keay Weir CCCSD $1,879.81 K Weir struck gate post
4 09111104 HWY 680 Veh#214 Chris Halsley CCCSD $582.31 Dist Veh#214 was struck from behind while stopped In traffic on freeway,by Namnama Fa ntecha
-$582.31 Recovery from CSAA
5 01/04105 19 Woodaest Drive.Ornt Veh#157 Dorn Toric CCCSD $761.00 D.Turk was backkV Distrtct Vehicle 0157 when he struck a retaining wap post at 19 Woodcrest Drive,Orinds.
Reserve Paid-to-date
Total-Auto Claime $0.00 $0.00 $3.727.47