HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET AND FINANCE AGENDA 02-28-05 0 0
Central Carrera Costa Sanitary DistrIct
5019 Imhoff Place,Martinez,CA 94553-4392 (925)228-9500 www.ceiiti'alsaii.org
Monday, February 28, 2005
3:30 p.m.
CSO Conference Room
1250 Springbrook Road
Walnut Creek, California
�,Recycled Paper
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
February 18, 2005
SUBJECT: February 14, 2005 Finance Committee Meeting
There were several outstanding questions from the last Board Finance Committee
meeting which required additional staff research. The questions and answers are
provided below:
1. Page 7, 154171 Dapper Tire Company What type of tires did we buy?
The tires bought are used on the Ford Ranger pick-up trucks in our vehicle fleet.
We get a special price and District employees install them as well.
2. Page l l-'12, 154218 Lenscrafters Why are different amounts spent on
safety glasses for different employees?
Some employees get plain safety glass, while others require bifocals, and some
need progressive lenses in their safety glasses.
3. Page 21, Gingrich Horticulture Service What type of pigeon control is this
company providing and for how long?
The District received a request from San Francisco State University for 50
pigeons. This company was hired to catch the pigeons and deliver them to the
school. Staff saw this as an opportunity to help minimize the pigeon population at
a reasonable cost ($1550). Since this request, the pigeon population is
dramatically down due to the use of Cooper's hawks. This may be the only time
we provide this service, as we have had no further requests and the pigeon
population is very small due to the use of hawks.
The newspaper was told about this service, but the news reporter indicated that
he would not be including it in his story.
4. Staff was asked to look at the possibility of another agency taking on the
Treasury function for the PUG group.
Upon further discussions with the Engineering Department, it was found that
approximately six months ago, Michael Penny resigned from the Treasurer
position for PUG and another agency is doing this function. The District's
Accounting Section continues to do the accounting work. This involves receiving
dues and meeting registrations and paying expenses, such as for meeting
venues and for the consulting services of Harris and Associates. It is estimated
that time spent on PUG accounting and administrative duties (i.e. collecting
registration forms for seminars) during the course of a year is approximately 30
hours. Currently, PUG is investigating obtaining Tax Exempt Status and setting
up a separate bank account. If this occurs, it would be a good time to transition
CCCSD out of the accounting function for PUG. Staff could also simply ask one
of the other agencies to take over the accounting function.
5. At the last Budget and Finance Committee meeting we reported that a sewage
overflow occurred by Roto-Rooter while TV'ing our line. Staff was reviewing the
contract to determine if the language was clear regarding the Contractor's liability
for the overflow. Staff has determined that the language stated that the
Contractor is responsible for the overflow and that the clean up was to be done at
"Industry standards". The industry standard is what District staff required. The
cost of the clean up will be charged to the Contractor.
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
February 24, 2005
Attached are our monthly reports for bidding and construction. These reports reflect
bidding and construction activity through the month of January 2005 and early February.
The 20.05 construction season has begun with two projects bid in early February as
shown on the Bidding Status report. Projects from last construction season are
substantially complete, with the exception of the multi-year Lower Orinda Pumping
Station project, as shown on the Projects in Construction report.
Cc: Randy M usg raves
Debbie Ratcliff
HABoard Finance Comm Jan 2005reportCentral Contra Costa sanitary District.doc
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CI PP, DP 5706 01/05 $600,000 02/02/05 615,690 Gelco services,Inc.
Contra Costa Rehabilitation 2, DP 5931 01105 $290001000 02/02/05 1,318,000'
M4 A Force Main Replacement, DP 5410 04105 $19000,000
Vessing Sewer Renovation, DP 5646 04105 $'1,000,000
Influent Diversion Structure Rehabilitation, DP 7209 04105 $2001000
KieWtt Property Development, DP 8210 04105 NIA
Switchgear Replacement, DP 7235 04/05 $217,000
TP Protective Coating 3, DP 7233 04105 $660,000
TP Safety Enhancement 2, DP 7229 04105 $1329000
North Orinda Sewer Improvements, Phase 1, DP 5759 05105 $1,0006000
South Orinda Sewer Improvements, Phase 2, DP 5558 05105 $29228,000
Walnut Creek Renovations, Phase 3, DP 5929 05105 $1,200,000
HHWCF Improvements, DP 8209 05105 $100,000
SCB Ventilation Improvements, DP 7227 05105 $4001000
District-Wide TV Contract, Phase 4, DP 5747 06/05 $1,000,000
Locating Blanket Contract 06/05 $500000
Potholing Blanket Contract 06/05 $200,000
TV Inspection Blanket Contract 08105 $150,000
72-inch bypass Pipeline, DP 7239 08105 $1,000,000
Morello Bridges 08/05 $100,000
Service Air System Improvements, DP 7210 08105 $482,000
UV Disinfection Expansion, DP 7240 09105 $29000,000
SCB Roof Replacement,DP 7211 07/05 $4151000
Ina 4i 0..M-4-1 -------------- ......
1.Construction contract estimate as shown in the Capital Improvement Budget and not necessarily the engineers estimate at time of bid.
2.Contingency allocation,not in FY 2004/2005 CIB.
DISTRICT PROJECT NAME 1 CM ORIGINAL #of $value of amt pd to %complete MAJOR EVENTS
PROJECT NO. STAFF CONTRACT change change contractor
VALUE orders orders
5448 Lower Orinda Pumping 5,696,000 2 70,912 19678,038 45%All civil work completed. Electrical work inside the building in progress.
Stabon/A.Antkowiak Temporary control panel and electrical work needed for Phase 2 work in
5499 Carmel Creek Crossing/T. 92,000 1 3,100 80,000 100 Complete.
5553 Pleasant Hill Road East 1 1,5679081 4 1 157,507 102881254 99% Sewer,water and paving construction are completed in all streets.
Improvements IA. Rozul Project will be sent to the Board for acceptance at the 1212104 meeting.
5630 M3 Sag/A.Antkowiak 628,000 2 1299460 752,551 100%Complete.
5659 Pleasant Hill Relief 1 4,110,061 15 1660274 41276,335 100% Contract work is complete.
Interceptor Phase 5 and
Happy Valley Road Sewer
5672 Cow Creek Sewer/T. 39,665 1 29500 0 100%Complete.
5700 Walnut Creek North Main 3249657 8 66,601 385,198 100% Complete.
Street Sewer
Replacement/M. Husain
5709 Walnut Creek 21A. 1,015,352 3 1340121 11137,903 100% Complete.
5724 Rossmoor Sewer Insp. 3359000 3 26,583 3010543 100% Complete.
Phase 91T.Godsey
5727 Acacia Force Main1A. 89,000 4 27,1151 116,115 100%Complete.
6127 Pumping Stations SCADA 10471,628 13 149,020 11470,703 90% Project substantially completed.
Project/W. Brennan
7208 Pipe Renovations and 836,638 1 20,920 722,552 98% Project substantially comple. Punch list work is still outstanding.
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DISTRICT PROJECT NAME 1 CM ORIGINAL 9 of $value of amt pd to %complete MAJOR EVENTS
PROJECT NO. STAFF CONTRACT change change contractor
VALUE orders orders
7214 Treatment Plant Electric 10047,700 2 8,299 110129700 88% Project accepted.
Cable Replac:ement/A.
7219 Treatment Plant Safety 143,369 8 15,442 142,558 96%Closeout punch list items.
7221 Treatment Plant 11177,622 1 8,793 1,040,979 95%All work completed except air gap tank installation. Weather permitting
Protective Coating/A. remaining construction will be completed next month. Project will be
Rozul sent to the Board for acceptance at the 1212104 meeting.
7167 Recycled Water 257,150 10 729950 330,100 100° Work is complete and contract will be closed out CCWD has been
Connections 1 D. Berger retained to take over maintenance repair and minor construction
*Note: Projects that have been accepted will remain on the report until the close of the current fiscal year.
Legal Expenditure Summary
Check# Check$ .Vendor Name- Account# Account$ CL# base#-Case Title
1 102192 $32,997.00 Michael &Dianne Kem 003-0000____ --ima-991.14-20 $32,997.00 12 Kem La Overflow-Final Settlement Pa ment
2 102193 $2,420.00 Restoration Management Co 003-0000-991.14-22 $2,420.00 19 Graham La Overflow-Restoration Services
3 102194 $3,205.07 Skill Clean Inc. 003-0000-991.14-22 $2,455.10 12 KernLaQ Overflow- Emergency Water Services
$317.30 4 Fox WC Overflow-Emer ency Water Services
$432.67 9 Hard La Overflow-Emergency Water Services
4 10296 $3,690.00 Linda Sorensen 003-0000-991.14-20 $3,690.00 22 Sorensen LaOverflow-Settlement Payment
5 102197 $2,098.45 Restoration Management Co 003-0000-991.14-22 $1,197.06 8 Darmsted (Laq Overflow-Restoration Services
$901.39 13 Hudson Dan Overflow-Restoration Services
Check# Check$ Vendor-Name: Account# Account$.I CL#1 Case#-Case Title
6 154480 $1,261.30 Hanson Brid ett 001-0120-400.08-03 $1,261.30 ADM -H.R. -Labor-General
CL#=Claim Log Number
AC-Auto Claims
GL-General Liability Claims•Other
H:1SpreadsheeLslLegaI1SUMMARYIEXPDSUMFeb05.wb3 02125105
20044)6, i M
# DOL Address Oy Claimant Typ es ery Pald to Date Palo to Clair Totals C_o mina rite
1 717 4 1042 Brown Avan u e LOfiayette Aspera 8 u flding Technwagles-Greqv PO Plug In line caused oJT Into buxlnsm open area approx 18DG-2000 sl-?L cl carpet and pad
W11 need to be rtaGace l in ad dftbon to clean u D cysts. May need to remoare some drvwa«.
$947,50 NWnn,Kneppers&hoc.
1602.36 Restwaftm Management 44.649.08
2 07/12/04 34 Barbara Road O dnd8 PL $1.602.04 SUI Clean $1.02.134 CO fmm R I flawed auto bra ck paw.Patio rrad�s 0 be prewure washed n n d srarallize�d, N ID
on l or real Pral ertw I .ci ea n bnp only,
6 �7 #f04 En �GoidenraIn I ainut Drinak(Rosimo 1st VVC M4+JutuaI GRF(Possrnoar) PCS $1,022.57 RICO PkW In One Caused mOT tnto pubilc Ila unodry ama. Clean uR and iftyin0 out of Oenoral area.
PL 4 40.00 Golden Rain Faundallon $1.15M.61 Pkionbiho roam bursame nt for Rournoor- Terra Ca I h`om hi Stnml
4 Dgfl 3M4 134 Hatt Lane Walnut D ree k Jl-rn&Suzie Fox PO $139.99 Fox CYF throupli device during C-r,I eani no-some m[nor exterior claerFu p and to InOF p ar3nnad
$317,30 SU-1 ctean '94:57,29 prorpedy darnega
5 OW16104 IM Via Ro b I e La"e Boyd Farr PD 53,885.Q Boyd Farr OR due to roam plug. CVF duAaa vmNed properly,b uwvm f anew pentralted th rought
concrete wall flood Ing th in entire iffemn d(below Orad n)le l r App'rox.1 pQ 0 sq.ft_aff ecte d,
rrluzO 4 varrmk some contents.
SM.50 Env M Ir-m SWIM La'b
$4,337,04 RMC $8,484.64
a Ogr25M4 3349 North Lucrde La its !uftyett.n €ug erre HE[ PL 5276.75 eLWne Hill S275.715 R e lmhursement for pl atm b Inpl bn is
7 10MID4 3993 N.P eardal a Drive Latayetts S han na Paulazzo K $151,76 Shan na Pau lam $151.75 Reimbursement for plumbl ng bn l
6 IM 3M4 330.6 G Iens1i e d r1Ya 1,alayetCe Audrey Da rm ubw1fBalrbara VVosver PD S273.15 Barba ra VVoavar OM d ue to p I u 9 In rt e,ftwod Jnto I Mng area tram ba nk hath ro am. V"min or prap mrty
da mace t K anvl a n d XOme Mlinor verso n al pro p ergs Dass
$105,W Env N a-mblolagy Lab P1umbina reIrnbursoment
$1,19i7.i Rwito ration Management SIA76.21 "
a 1011WO4 347i Munroe Avu- Laf-ayetta Mute Hardy P13 $81.13 Kate Hardy rdrvn u sh I n:.pmcesaes'pop ped'toilet Minor perso-nal propaM lose(tee Is)ank�'-)
swan up caab.
S43167 S kIIM Glean 13.90
10 IOM"4 Vhft 0@4 Mv Orinda SWR YRrna# PL $41.57 Scutt'I A root $41.57 RelirnbumernaM for eQu I p rental to un p I uj7 a backup.
11 1OrjW4 Walnut Larle La%yetty Fay.JolWOM PL 4M.7 ay..� $23_ Retn+b�ursennnt for plumbing bUls
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13 1112W4 26 Cathy Lane DanAle Pat CPatrtcb)Hudaon PO $1,14{7.00 Pat Hudson U�rerflo in main IIna from root RIujT. PMSd under house tri on ftnt iX;clean-up Ilf.
01,39 Resta ration Ma rsgern a nt V..F041-M PI u rnbin g bn l rel m burse to r harneomerr. Due to bol Idayn Jest stm"d}spatch told her to cmII
a plumber. Plug was to our llne.Orin.bb for 3312D negotlat,ed down t�D$1140
14 12/05M 415 13 idga Road Walnut C rte k Vunanzi PL 3170.00 Eric ale nanz9 S 170.0E Rel m b u rserne nt for oiumbing bnl
1.5 1� 101 Batas D rtva Walnut Grain k Richard Cats PL $9 B.or) R Fchar`d Cate $98.00 Rel m h u rsem a nt for plumb Ing bdl
1�6 12MM 1 5"L�4n draws OrNe[ raga Morag a Coun Club PD R este rattan Ma nage m e nt Ca Overflow atto Md Cart ba rrf,et"gle ares and bathroom
17 01113 18"66 floplar I)nve Walnut cloak Pamela Jorgensen PD $54.50 Pam a la J orgense n fel lrmbin i#bl I I rel m bursn-Mia n't
Restoration W1ygamunt 35 4-!5D
16 0111 Valley Vlow Road Pleasant HM Thomas F_ rim n PL MOO Thomas F.Stewart _ '95.00 P ---"FSA^J'.� i V.. .�_•_'. '.aJ' �-_ -a'aS4Ml -•-%•N,'eL'..- :-�-. :-%-,•L
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Res Paid Total
Total-Overflows $02,487.00 $48,193.72 $110,690.72
Y 200"S
1 0MV04 1371 Sunset Loop Lafayette MUdred Melgreen $6.00 Mildred Melgreen Reimbursed homeower for water usage by CSO construction crew during a sewer repair.
2 08124/04 264 Sunnybrae Drive Martinez Richard Qerose $267.57 Richard Derose Reimbursement for vehicle damage(rear tie rod)after driving over a manhole cover
3 12/14/04 17 Lavina Court Orinda PG&E $778.85 PG&E Reimbursement for 117'Gas service at 17 Lavina Ck Odnda that CSO crew damaged during e
Reimbursement for vehicle damage caused by CSO crews(P.Crouch)while rodding a
4 1=1104 264 Shady Lane Walnut Creek Luis Ramirez Agudelo $351.78 Luis Ramirez-Agudelo manhole. Rod came out of cleanout and was waving about and struck a parked 20M Volvo
5 12121/04 263 Shady Lane Walnut Creek Shireen Davenport Vehicle damage cause by CSO crews(P.Crouch)while rodding a manhole Rod came out
of cleanout and was waving about and struck a parked car
Total-GL Other $0.00 $1.404.20
2003-04 AUTO C LA!M S
f DOL Location Vey Name Reserve E dComments
1 July 2004 CSO Veh#76 Security Guam $1,086.66 Guard stuck CSO gate
2 08121104 HWY 680 Veh#76 Security Guard $1,251.23 Security vehicle was rear-ended while driving to S.R.PS by Garret Kuhl
-$1,251.23 Recovery from Garret Kuhl
3 09/03104 Bart Const PH Veh#210 Kelly Weir CCCSD 51,879.81 K.Weir struck gate post
4 09/21/04 HWY 680 Veh#214 Chris Halsley CCCSD $582.31 Dist.Veh 9214 was struck from behind while stopped In traffic on freeway,by Namnama Pontecha
-$582.31 Recovery from CSAR
5 01/04/05 19 Woodcrest Drlve,Ori Veh#157 Don Turk CCCSD $1,000 00 D.Turk was backing District Vehicle#157 when he struck a retaining wall post at 19 Woodcrest Drive,Orinda.
Reserve Paid-to-date
Total-Auto Claims $0.00 $1,000.00 $2,968.47