HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET AND FINANCE AGENDA 01-10-05 o o
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, Ca 94553 (925) 228-9500 www.centralsan.org
Monday, January 10, 2005
3:30 p.m.
CSO Conference Room
1250 Springbrook Road
Walnut Creek, California
a. Review of Legal Expenses (memo to be distributed Monday morning)
Recycled Paper
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Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
January 7, 2005
SUBJECT: DECEMBER 13, 2004 Finance committee Meeting
Several questions were asked at the last Board Finance Committee meeting which
required additional staff research. The questions and answers are provided below:
1. Page 3, 153117 -Avogadro Group
What type of testing was performed by this company?
The Avogadro Group did landfill gas testing on the gas the District receives from
Acme Landfill. There have been some minor quality issues with the gas. District
staff usually tests the landfill gas with a portable Gas chromatograph. Avogadro
was asked to analyze the landfill gas to ensure that our portable unit remains
accurate and reads correctly.
2. Page 5, 153135 - Drivesavers, Inc.
What service did Drivesavers provide?
Drivesavers provided data recovery for the MOD COM in the plant that had a
hard drive crash. Data is collected on this hard drive for Title V compliance.
3. Page 9, 153158 - IBM Corporation
What type of medium is used to store back-up information?
Reel to reel tapes are no longer used. Instead, we use a small cartridge, which
holds 200 gigabytes of data. CD's only hold 700 megabytes of data so the
aren't as efficient. once a week the back-up cartridge is picked up and stored off
site. IBM keeps two weeks of data for the District.
4. P18, 153247 - Ge Betz
What is the chemical Stearnate used for?
Ge Betz, Inc. supplies boiler chemicals for the water treatment process in the
plant. Steamate is used as an anti-foaming agent.
SHAW NIRATCLIFFTinance Committee Response Memo 01-05.DOC
5. P229153291 = Pioneer Americas, Inc.
What is Bacticide used for?
Bacticide is Sodium Hypochlorite, which is used for odor control in the
headworks, solids building, the pond in the front of the plant, and the #2 water
that is used around the plant.
SAADM1 NIRATCLI FFTInance Committee Response Memo 01-05.DOC
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
January 10, 2005
TO: Budget and Finance Committ
VIA: Charles W. Batts, Genera M
FROM: Randall M. Musgraves, Director of Administrative Services
SUBJECT: Review of Legal Expenses
The Board Budget and Finance Committee has been reviewing District legal expenses
from District Counsel Kent Alm of the firm Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver and Wilson.
Staff was requested to review the expenses, addressing the reasonableness and
appropriateness of the costs. In addition, the review addresses questions 'raised
regarding the District's contractual terms with Mr. Alm's firm and considers the cost
effectiveness of in-house legal services versus contracted legal services. The following
discussion attempts to address the various concerns raised by the Committee.
Length of Le ai Services
Mr. Alm has served as District Counsel through contracted legal services for over the
past fifteen years. Further, Kent has provided services to the District since 1985, first
with Seller, Hazard, McNeely, Alm and Manning and now with Meyers, Nave, Riback,
Silver and Wilson. This long-standing relationship between the District Board,
management and staff, and Kent has served the District well and given Mr. Alm a
historical perspective into District legal matters. Mr. Alm's experience has been a
valuable asset to the District and the wastewater community at large.
Legal Services 13il1,n
Some of the concerns raised by the Committee were generated by the number of
continuing monthly charges from Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver and Wilson. It appeared
from the charges that significant activity or time was being spent when little litigation or
issues requiring legal review were taking place. These concerns were generated from
the Committee's review of the multiple accounts that are charged for legal services.
The "Legal Expense Summary Report" is reviewed by the Budget and Finance
Committee at each meeting; it shows that many or all of the following accounts are
being charged on a monthly basis. The use of multiple accounts for legal services
assists management and staff in their review of legal charges to the District. These
accounts are:
Administration — Retainer Services
Administration —Agenda, Other
Administration -- Personnel
Administration — Purchasing (Including Property Management)
Administration -- Risk Management
Environmental Services — Legal Work (Including easements, right-of--way)
Environmental Services — Source Control
Environmental Services --- Reclaimed Water
Collection System Operations —Administration
Collection System Operations — Projects
General Improvements (Projects)
Plant Operations Department
Litigation by Claimant (Self Insurance Fund)
Historical Legal Costs
Staff has maintained a spreadsheet displaying monthly and annual legal costs since
2000. The following table displays legal expenses for the past five calendar years.
Year Total Billings
2000 $351,375.05
2001 $380,899.45
2002 $277,063.95
2003 $3961092.09
2004 $343,621.90
Annual legal costs have remained relatively constant over the past five years. In fact, if
legal costs for 2004 were deflated by the CPI for past inflation the total cost would be
$286,619, which is a $64,756 or 18% decrease.
The decrease in year 2002 reflects the transition of Mr. Alm from Seller, Hazard,
McNeely, Alm and Manning to the new firm of Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver and Wilson
in the latter part of the calendar year. The average annual expense of legal services for
the District is $349,810 over the past five years.
Improved monitoring and management of legal services and associated costs were
incorporated in the most recent contract. Both parties have implemented cost control
measures. In March of 2004, District management created a formal District-wide listing
of legal issues with priorities and status in an effort to improve performance and control
costs. In part, this process was to ensure timely delivery of service, assign responsible
parties, and develop an overall strategy for legal concerns. In the last contract for legal
services (2003), staff also negotiated a decrease in the blended rate, the average legal
rate the District is charged, from $226 to $2'10 per hour. Both Mr. Alm and his staff are
aware that legal costs are a concern to the Board, and, as with any significant cost,
must be controlled.
Mr. Alm has raised concerns about certain elements of the cost control process in that
the involvement of the attorneys could be delayed to the point where their input is
significantly compromised due to time constraints, or staff work would have to be
revised based on legal constraints. In spite of efforts to reduce or minimize legal costs,
legal issues should involve the attorneys as early as possible. The institution of"legal
coordination meetings" and the assignment of responsible parties is an attempt to
address this concern.
In summary, staff has concluded that current charges for legal services appear to be
comparable to historical expenses of past years. A concern regarding delays to
complete projects is bung reviewed by both parties and is being addressed through
legal coordination meetings and setting of overall District priorities. This delay in legal
services was experienced when Mr. Alm first transitioned to Meyers, Nave, Riback,
Silver and Wilson. Delays were also experienced when Meyers, Nave staff who worked
on several District legal issues, took on more clients. Currently Mr. Alm has hired
additional staff to assist with the District's legal workload. Delays due to staffs late
response has also been identified as an area for improvement. In addition,
management has discussed with Mr. Alm the concern that the District not be placed in
a position of financing the "learning curve" for his firm's new attorneys as they are hired,
trained and move up in the firm. Mr. Alm will review legal charges for his associate
attorneys to ensure this will not occur. Mr. Alm's stated intention of using the less
experienced attorneys aids in controlling legal costs to the District, and newer attorneys
would be used only when and where appropriate. A secondary issue addressed is the
need for improved communication between Mr. Alm and his associates, and District
management, to ensure similar expectations for both the scope of work, hours involved,
and timeframe scheduled. At times, management has questioned the length of time
required for greater research, lengthy responses, or greater dialogue required than
expected or anticipated. As previously discussed, management and Mr. Alm have
established a process to improve communications and project management.
Both parties recognize the challenge for continued improved communication and
coordination in an effort to minimize delays. Both are committed to the process that
has been established and are aware of the balance of cost effectiveness versus legal or
business risk.
Retainer Service
In the October 2000 legal contract, the District negotiated a "Retainer Service" for
reoccurring legal services at a blended rate. The blended rate reflects a lower hourly
rate for attorney work of the Senior Principal (Kent Alm) and the use of a Junior
Associate, Senior Associate or Principal Attorney. The level at which legal work is done
is at the discretion of Mr. Alm based upon the complexity of the specific issue or project,
availability of other attorneys, and with the District's concurrence. The concept of using
various attorneys under Mr. Alm's direction for routine legal services is to the benefit of
both parties in that the District is assured of fifty-six hours per month of legal services at
the reduced blended rate, and Mr. Alm's firm is assured of a consistent workload.
Litigation and special project costs are billed for the actual time spent at the rate of the
specific attorney on the project. In addition, the District pays a three percent overhead
rate for office support. Again, this benefits both parties by saving the cost to monitor
and record all activities.
"Retainer Services" are defined in the current agreement as those services that are
customarily provided on a regular basis and specifically include the following:
(a) Attendance at and preparation for board meetings, agenda review
meetings, risk management meetings, engineering legal meetings, DASA
conferences and DASA legislative meetings;
(b) All legislative review and comment and support activity for CASA, AMSA
and other wastewater related industry;
(c) All telephone calls lasting less than 12 minutes and/or the first 12 minutes
of telephone calls exceeding 12 minutes in length, excepting telephone
calls on assigned litigation matters;
(d) Initial receipt and review of all correspondence, documents, faxes and e-
mails, except on assigned litigation matters;
(e) Preparation of and presentation of advice to Board and Board Members
(including customary ancillary activities related to representing the Board);
(f) Participation in all CASA activities duties traditionally undertaken on
behalf of the District; and
(g) Four hours per week of on-site ("District Counsel Office Hours") legal
services to be provided by an attorney acceptable to the District. "on-site"
legal services or District Counsel office hours shall be provided based on
a flat four-hour charge without compensation to the firm for travel to and
from the District site.
Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver and Wilson, through Mr. Alm, track the actual time spent
on Retainer Services. over the past several years a review of such services concluded
that an average of sixty to sixty-five hours per month were spent versus the fifty-six
hours charged by contract. The following Table displays the average monthly legal
expense, followed by the cost charged for Retainer Services with the balance indicating
the additional amount of work or time spent on special projects, District projects, and/or
litigation in 2004.
Average Monthly Monthly Retainer
Average Monthly
Special Projects
Expense Service Expense .
Lite ation Expense
$28l635 $111760 $16,875
Legal Cost,Comparison: In House vs contracted Legal„Services
While staff has not performed a detailed comparative review of legal costs.and service
at other agencies, or the cost of in-house legal services versus contracted legal
arrangements, some of the issues involved can be framed. Mr. Alm has provided legal
services to the District for twenty years: his experience in agency policy and law has
been invaluable. With the exception of several major cases, the District has been
involved in minimal litigation during this period of time. A significant amount of time
would be required to perform a detailed comparison and cost benefit analysis for in-
house legal services versus contracted legal services. Work done at other agencies
approximately the size of this District tends to favor using contracted District counsel.
Staff believes this is a Board issue and desires to seek the full Board's direction.
District staff and management reviews all legal billings to the District on a monthly
basis, and only after such review and consideration are bills approved. After an
additional annual review, at the request of the Board Budget and Finance committee,
staff has concluded that the legal billings from Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver and Wilson
are appropriate and reasonable. Staff has not performed a comparative review of other
agency legal costs or the cost benefit of in--house legal support versus contracted legal
services. Staff believes this is a Board issue and desires to seek the full Board's
direction. As always, staff is very willing to carry out the Board's direction. If there are
additional questions please feel free to contact District staff.
Centra! Contra Costa Sanitary District
December 20, 2004
Attached are our monthly reports for bidding and construction. This report reflects
bidding and construction activity through the month of November, the fifth month of the
current fiscal year. The Bidding Status report shows projects planned to be bid for the
remainder of the fiscal year and into the 2005 construction season. Asy ou can see
from the Summary of Capital Projects in Construction report, the majority of the 2004
] t]1
construction season projects are nearing completion. The exceptions are thosejroects
with multi year construction schedules, such as the Lower Orinda Pumping Station
p g
improvements. As construction projects are completed, staff is returning to the office to
focus on the design of projects to be bid for the 2005 construction season.
Cc: Randy M usg raves
Debbie Ratcliff
HABoard Finance Comm November reportcentral Contra Costa Sanitary District.doc
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HHWCF Improvements, DP 8209 12104 $1001000
CIPP 01105 $600,000
1 1
Contra Costa Rehabilitation 2 01105 $2,000,000
Influent Diversion Structure Rehabilitation, DP 7209 03105 $200,000
SCB Ventilation Improvements,mp ovements, DP 7227 03105 $400,000
Service Air System Improvements, DP 7210 03105 $482,000 '
Switchgear Replacement, DP 7235 03/05 $217,000
M4 A Force Main Replacement, DP 5410 04105 $1,000,000
Vessing Sewer Renovation, DP 5646 04105 $1,000,000
Walnut Creek Renovations, Phase 3, DP 5929 04105 $1,100,000
Kiewit.Property Development, DP 8210 04105 N/
TP Protective Coating 3, DP 7233 04/05 $660,000
TP Safety Enhancement 2, DP 7229 04105 $132,000
North Ortnda Sewer Improvements, Phase 1, DP 5759 05105 $1,000,000
South Orinda Sewer Improvements, Phase 2, DP 5558 05105 $2,228,000
Walnut Creek Renovations, Phase 3 05105 $1,200,000
District-Wide TV Contract, Phase 4, DP 5747 06105 $1,000,000
Locating Blanket Contract 06105 $50,000
Potholing Blanket Contract 06105 $2009000
TV Inspection Blanket Contract 06105 $150,000
SCB Roof Replacement, DP 7211 07/05 $415,000
Morello Bridges unknown $100,000 Deferred by Martinez
........ ... ........ .......
1.Construction contract estimate as shown in the Capital Improvement Budget and not necessarily the engineer's estimate at time of bid.
2.Contingency allocation, not in FY 2004/2005 CIB.
DISTRICT PROJECT NAME I CM ORIGINAL #of $value of amt pd to %complete MAJOR EVENTS
PROJECT NO. STAFF CONTRACT change change contractor
VALUE orders orders
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5448 Lower a Pumping , '1
rinda Pum in 5 696,00❑ 2 39,115 1530,351 30%All civil work completed. Electrical work inside the building in progress.
Station/A.Antkowi a k
5499 Carmel Creek Crossing/T. 92,000 1 3,1❑❑ 80,000 90% Fencing still to be done.
5553 Pleasant Hill Road East 11567,081 4 157,507 1,288,254 99%Sewer,water and paving construction are completed in all streets.
Improvements IA.Roaul Project will be sent to the Board for acceptance at the 12!2104 meeting.
5630 M3 Sag/A.Antkowiak 628,000 0 0 623,091 99% Project substantially completed. Negotiating contract change orders for
disposal of contaminated soil.
5659 Pleasant Hill Relief 41110,061 4 43,686 31221,321 95%Work completed on reclaimed water line and on canal irrigation water
Interceptor Phase 5 and line in Pleasant Hill. Work is also 90%complete on the 36"sewer main
Happy Valley Road Sewer on Patterson Blvd.
5672 Cow Creek Sewer/T. 39,665 1 21500 ❑ - 99% Punch list work still outstanding. p
5700 Walnut Creek North Main 3241657 8 66,601 385,198 100%Contract work 100%complete.
Street Sewer
Replacement/M. Husain
5709 Walnut Creek 2IA. 11015,352 0 0 952,541 99%Contract work 100%complete.
5724 Rossmoor Sewer Insp. 335,000 3 26,583 3019543 100% Contract work 100%complete.
Phase 91T. Godsey
5727 Acacia Force Main/A. 89,000 4 27,115 116,115 99% Completed force main installation. Contractor working on valve box.
6127 Pumping Stations SCADA 114711628 13 149,020 1,470,703 90% Project substantially completed.
Project1W. Brennan
7208 Pipe Renovations and 836,638 1 20,920 5081549 88%Work continues on the replacement of 42-inch discharge piping on
Replacement/G. standby effluent pumps. Air and seal water piping work at DAF area is
Rathunde beginning.
DISTRICT PROJECT NAME!CM ORIGINAL #of $value of amt pd to %complete MAJOR EVENTS
PROJECT NO. STAFF CONTRACT change change contractor
VALUE orders orders
7214 Treatment Plant Electric 1,047,700 2 8,299 18012,700 88% Project accepted.
Cable Replacement/A.
7219 Treatment Plant Safety 943,369 6 15,442 142,558 99%Closeout punch list items.
7221 Treatment Plant 1,177,622 1 8,793 1,040,979 95%All work completed except air gap tank installation. Weather permitting
Protective Coating/A. remaining construction will be completed next month. Project will be
Rozul sent to the Board for acceptance at the 1212104 meeting.
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7167 Recycled Water 257,150 10 721950 3301100 100%Work is complete and contract will be closed out CCWD has been
Connections 1 D. Berger retained to take over maintenance repair and minor construction
*Note: Projects that have been accepted will remain on the report until the close of the current fiscal year.
- Legal Expenditure Summary
SELF INSURANCE F..........U.....ND
WIChaeck#1 Check$ Vendor Name Accow-ft# I Account CL## Case - Case Mille
1 102176 $674.55 Me ers Nave, Riback Silver 003-0099-993.14-21 $328.06 95006 OMDS
October 003-0000-991.14-21 $309.41 Dickerson William v CCCSD
003-0000-991.14-21 $37.08 32 Suzanne Brown v CCCSD
2 102178 $1,140.00 Pat Hudson 003-0000-991.14-20 $11140-00 13 Hudson Dan Overflow- Reimbursement forplumbing bills&clean
3 102180 $3130.71 Meyers, Nave Riback Silver 003-0000-991.14-21 $431.08 Dickerson William v CCCSD
November 003-0000-991.14-21 $2,699.63 32 Suzanne Brown v CCCSD
check check. .. endrhle a► u rpt # cor L De artmen - vises - Dew
4 153403 $200.00 Boyd H. Farr 001-0150-404.12-07 $200.00 5 Farr La Overflow- Reimbursementpersonal-propeqy
5 153452 $22,297.98 Meyers, Nave Riback Silver 001-0100-400.08-02 $4,588.44 ADM-Board Activity-Board Meefin s Retainer Senn
October 001-0100-400.08-03 $1,643.88 ADM-Agenda Review
001-0120-400.08-03 $50.47 ADM- Personnel issues
001-0140-400.08-03 $1,992.02 ADM-Purchasing
001-0150-400.08-03 $124.01 ADM- Risk Management
001-0200-420.08-03 $9,530.08 ES-Legal Work Auth., Retainer Sery
001-0200-490.08-03 $883.23 ES-Source Control
001-0200-750.08-03 $1,268.45 ES- Reclaimed Water
001-0300-410.08-03 , $2,093-38 CSO-Admin
001-0400-410.08-03 $124.01 POD-Misc Retainer Services
6 153488 $41,57 Scott Wilmot 001-0150-400.12-07 $41.57 10 Wilmot(Orinda)Overflow- Reimbursement for2guipment rental
7 153669 $170.00 Eric Venanzi 001-0150-400.12-07 $170.00 14 Venanzi (WQ Overflow- Reimbursement for plumbing bill
8 153735 $17,826.73 Me ers Nave Riback Silver 001-0100-400.08-02 $4,588.44 ADM-Board Activity-Board Meetings, Retainer Sery
November 001-0100-400.08-03 $1,542.931 ADM-Agenda Review
001-0140-400.08-03 $19501.23 ADM-Purchasing
001-0150-400.08-03 $199.72 ADM- Risk Management
001-0200-420.08-03 $8,227.64 ES-Legal Work Auth. Retainer Sery
001-0300-410.08-03 $11138-05 CSO-Admin
001-0400-410.08-03 $628.71 POD-Misc Retainer Services
9 153804 $832.70 Trucker Huss 001-0110-400.08-03 _$832.70 ADM-Finance-Cafeteria Plan
H:ISpreadsheetslLegaftLgBif10418SNo►O4.wb3 01/07/05
Legal Expenditure Summary Iw F
Check check$ Vendor Natt e Account# Ac,wur�t GL# Psi ects
10 27314 $80422-33 Meyers, Nave Riback Silver 8192PQ.08-97 $1,712-89 Collection System Projects
October 8192PQ.08-98 $6,709.44 General Improvements
11 27346 $3M2.47 Meyers, Nave Riback Silver 8192PQ.08-96 $665.90 Treatment plant Projects
November 8192PQ.08-97 $3,120.40 Collection System Projects
8192PQ.08-98 $126.17 General Improvements
CL#-Claim Log Number
GL-General Liability Claims
AC-Auto Claims
H:1Spreadsheets\Lega11Lg6111041BSNov04.wb3 2 01107/05
200": .r
j! p0 Address 9ft chilmant Type, ResWe PSId to Date FAId to Claim Totals comments
1 7171004 1042 Brown Avenue Lafayette Aspen Building Technologies-Greggi PD Plug In line caused off Into business open area approx 1800`2000 sq.R of carpet and pad
will need to be replaced in addition to dean uo costa. Mav need to remove some drvwrall.
$947.50 Madsen,Kneppers&Assoc.
$3,602.38 Restoration Management $4,549.88
2 07/12/04 34 Barbara Road Orhwa Gflbert Defrenna PL $1,602.04 Skill Clean $1,602.04 011 from RI flowed onto back patio.Patio needs to be pressure washed and sanitized. No
personal or real property loss;cleaning only.
3 07/24/04 Entry 26,Goldenraln Walnut Creek[Rossmo let WC Mutual DRF(Rossmoor) PD $1,022.67 RMC Plug In line caused orf into public laundry area.
Cleanup and drying out of general area
PL $600.00 Golden Rain Foundation $1,622.67 Plumbing reimbursement for Rossmoor-Terra Calhrnla Street
4 09/13/04 134 Hall Lane Walnut Creek Jim b Suzle Foot PD $139.99 Fact O/F through device during CSO cleaning-some minor exterior dean-up and minar persona!
$317.30 SkUl Clean $457.29 property damage.
5 09/16/04 1068 Via Roble Lafayette Boyd Farr PD :3,885.10 Boyd Farr O/f due to root plug. OIF device worked properly,however aflove pentrated thmught
concrete wall flooding the entire second(below grade)level. ApprwL 1000 sq.fL affected,
mostly carpet,some contents.
$262.50 Env Microbiology Lab
$4,337.04 RMC $8,494.64
6 09125/04 3349 North Lucile Lane Lafayette Eugene HUI PL $276.75 Eugene HUI $276.75 Reimbursement for plumbing bills
7 10/09104 3993 N.Peardale Drive Lafayette Shanna Pauhmo PL $151.75 Shanna Paulauo $151.75 Reimbursement for plumbing bill
8 10/13104 3306 Glenslde Drive Lafayette Audrey Darmsted/Barbara Weaver PD $273.15 Barbara Weaver DR due to plug In line,flowed Into living area from back bathroom. Very minor property
damage(It anv)and some minor personal property loss.
$105.00 Env Microbiology Lab Plumbing reimbursement
$1,197.06 Restoration Management $1575.21
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10 10/24/04• 45 Vh ts•Del Mar orinda Scott Wilmot •PL - $41.57 Scott Wilmot• Reimbursement for equip rental to un plug a backup.
11 10125104 3326 Walnut Lane Lafayette Fa Johnson PL $234.75 Fa Johnson Reimbursement for I imbing bills
Y Y ........ ............................:...:.:...4aaY:S•.:L LL4:444!:LY:••.•.:L....;...::•:::i•JJr:.Y.::!•:.:a•:r.•:r.•rr.•.:4•:•.;.;t:.4Y.; ti!44 rt r ;L •44v r:+.r... .;. :L •:4.v•.4�• :Y: :,L•.•tt.Y.L : LSS#
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.}.. •r• !vr.:141.J.Y.Y SS:�:SS::L�::{ti'}J,S•r.Yr J.'.•.:Y::5••rrr Y S. � ,.�....'r.. :rr........:. .r t.'r,'k•L 4_ �i.�i'�Y-
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:.:.....!.....LY.....45........ ,yy;.;.... PL $170.005....E�•Venanzl'................L.. r+•. ,+ ..
.LY.SYrSL:SLSSS:SSSS:Nd.S:SYS{'}L•rN.:1'•::1•S':N.1ISSSS•:LSLSSSSYrrrr.LY.rr.'.'.PL ....r.•r.S1Y.Y::•••r4'.Y:rrr.SLS::4.:•Jr.Y::LYr.Y.LLir::•::r Y:.Yrr.Y:SLS::LL4LL41•.SSSYr:.
14 12!05104 415 Bridge Road Walnut Creak Eric Venanzl Reimbursement for plumbing bill
15 12/20/04 101 Bales Drive Walnut Creek Richard Cate PL $98.00 Richard Cate Reimbursement for plumbing bill
16 1201104 1600 St Andrews Drive Moraga Momga Country Club PD Restoration Management Co Overflow attected cart barn.storage area and bathroom
Total-Overflowe $30,000.00 $18,733.26 $48,733.28
200"S %. 4
4 S6.g0 M>Zdred Melgreen Reimbursed homeawer for water usage by CSD construction crew during a sewer repair.
DSr23104 1371 Sunset Loop Lafayette Mildred Melgreen
S267.57 Richard Derese Reimbursement Tor vehicle damage(rear tie rod)attar drivh�g over a manhole ro
Z 08014104 264 Sunnybrae Drava Martinet Richard Danzacow
Total-GL Other $0.00 $273.57
# " Locadlon Veb QNC. Name ReSsEge Ea d Comments
I .July 2OD4 CSO Veh#76 Security Guard $1,086.66 Guard stuck CSO gate
2 08121/04 HWY SW Veh#76 Security Guard $1,251.23 Security vehicle was rear-ended while driving to S.R.PS by Garret Kuhl
3 091D3104 Bart Const PH Veh#210 Kelly Weir $1,879.51 K Weir struck gate post
4 09/21/04 HWY 680 Veh#214 Chris Halsley CCCSD $582.31 Dbt Veh 0214 was struck from behind whae stopped In traffic on fteeway,by Namnama Fontecha
4582.31 Recovery from CSAR
Resenre Pato-date
Total-Auto Claims $0.00 $0.40 K217.70