HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET AND FINANCE AGENDA 12-13-04 centrai Contra Costa Sanitary DishIct
5019 ImIloff Place,Martinez,CA 94553-439:�-� (925)228-9500 www.centralsamorg
Monday, December 13, 2004
3:30 p.m.
CSO Conference Room
1250 Springbrook Road
Walnut Creek, California
a. Annual Title V Report and Compliance Certification
a. Review Proposed Changes to District Section 125 Cafeteria Plan
C40 Recycled Paper
Central Contra Costa Sanitary 'District
December 13, 2004
Several question were asked at the last Board Fina •
nce Committee meeting required
additional staff research. The questions and answers are provided below:
1. Page 21152919 Anes Teak, LTD. What is the
alum polymer blend and what
is it used for?
This is a blend of alum and polymer that is used in Y he filter plant. It is added as
part of the treatment process to the seconds effluent,ent, which is used for
recycled water f the turbidity goes above a certain •
paint. This is required by
Title 22.
2. Page 16, 153091 Safeway What are the details of the Sewer Service
Charge refund to Safeway?
This refund was due to the fact that Safeway w •
. y as coded as a commercial
account in error by the City of Martinez and should have
been coded as an
irrigation account. This water account is for the outside oft '
he building to water
grass and shrubs. When the fees to Safeway increased the District staff
it, as Safeway had dust doubled its size through a remodel. The
miscoding spans fiscal years 1996-2004.
3. Page 2, 152921 Is a repotenerated and
g shown to the Board when we
renew the District's permit fees to Bay Area Air Quality Management?
A report is generated but has not been resented '
p to the Board in the past. A
copy of the most recent report will be available forour review,
4. What is the status of the Aeration Air Damage g Assessment Project?
Based on the initial investigation, the major leaks •
. ! leakage in the aeration air system
was found in the air plenum of the aeration tanks. • •
. The plenum distributes
aeration air to diffusers for biological .processin The le
9 plenum were constructed
SAADMINRATCLIMNov 29 2004 Finance Committee Mtg Memo 12-13-04.doc
with reinforced concrete and construction joints. •
over time, the reinforced
concrete has cracked and separated at the construction joints due to
settlement. The aeration air has leaked through the cracks racks and separated the
construction joints further.
For the last two summers, the cracks and joints •
have been sealed to minimize
leakage. This work will continue this summer.
Upon completion of this work,
the aeration air will be monitored and compared t p o current usage rates. If this
method works, t will further dela modifications t •
Y o the existing aeration air
system that could cost up to $8 million.
This project is a different project than the Service
Air Improvement Project that
was discussed at the last Finance Committee Meeting.
SAADM1N\RATCL1FF1Nov 29 2004 Finance committee Mtg Memo 12-13-04.doc
Leda! Expenditure Summary
check# Check$ Vendor NameI Aceaunt# Account$ CL# Case#-Case Title
1 1021721 $105.00 Environmental Microbiology Labo 003-0000-991.14-22 $105.00 8 Darmsted/Weaver(Lg Overflow-coliform with E. coli screen
2 102174 $4,337.04 Restoration Management CoTE24 003-0000-991.14-22 $4,337.04 5 Farr CLaO Overflow-Restoration services
Check#;' Cheek$ Vendor Name Account# Account$'CL
#' Case#-Case Title
1.; m! -11
3 153116 1 $273.15 lAudrey Darmsted 001-0150-400.12-07 $273.15 8 Darmsted/Weaver La Overflow-Plumbing reimbursement
4 153159 $100.00 John Phillip 001-0150-400.12-07 $100.00 35 Phillips (WC) Overflow-Plumbing reimbursement
5 153252 $8,277.00 Hanson Brid ett 001-0120-400.08-03 $8,277.00 ADM -H.R. -Tim Potter
6 153265 $81.13 Kate Hard 001-0150-400.12-07 $81.13 9 Hardy LLa Overflow-Reimbursement for personal items
7 153319 $747.70 Trucker Huss 001-0110400.08-03 $747.70 ADM- Finance-Cafeteria Plan
CL#=Claim Log Number
AC-Auto Claims
GL-General Liability Claims•Other
H:1SpreadsheetslLegaflSUMMARYIEXPDSUMDec04.wb3 12109/04
# DOL Adgjj�mam Type Rnerye Pard t3 DataFraw to
1 7/7 11142 Brown Avenue Lefeye pert 6d Te ch n aloe tes-'Gregg, P D C131M Totals cam-Monts
Ptu g Jn 1 Inu ca use d ON Into h u sInae o peri;area ep p rux 18006-2000 aq.ft.of carp Int and glad
$947.50 Ma d sena Krieppe r~r& o�e w+l I tread to be rn o l aced In add Won to climn uo cnats. Mav neeKi to remote&Brno dnwa 11.
0711 34 Barbara Road O"oda Gil pert Defre n na . .38 'R mborl Management $4,549-98
�� V,6 r S kJ«Clean $1,60204 Olt fram R I fl owad onto hark patio a PZtlo nOada tD G e pressure wwa she d and sa n L1�ad. No
3 07 Entry ,Qolde n rain Warn ut Creek(R asamo 13t WC Mutual R F(Ras�m oor) PDDR manal or fea I p ra rty�teas;claanin a only-
4 1,O a Rh+l P1Iu9 In IIna caused uff Irft Pubrlc laundry area. Clear up gird dry Ing out of general a�r�_
1 .' 1 i�!!LinePL $600.100 Go Id err Re In Foundatto n $1.62267 PJ u m b tiro ralm buraernont for J4ossm oor- Tera Ga I Vom ha at
'fa9ngt C r�k J Ilii�StrzJe Eos PE) $139.99 Fox
OAF through deviea d u ring ltd c Iia n ing-some m Ino r ext,e tier irI can-u pr and min or pe zona 1
3 #6M 1:06S Rob le f-aflayetta Rod Farr1317.30 SkHJ Clean $'457,29 property dam-age.
P� $3,x.10 Boyd Fart OPdua to root plug. OfF dwEca worked properly,hmvever'floW pentrat]ec throu ht
cc n orate wall fla ad In th et enth•e�Seco n b below rads I we I. �
9 � s � �4pproac 1�p0 aq ft affected,
M-SO Env Mbiology Lab mrisUV cW1150_some nontentm
'� D4 3349 Narth Lu J1e Lame La y Eu eee rul $4,337.04 RMC S6,294.Ix4
7 1 C=AO�4 3993 N_Peardite o L npayo to P L $51]5 shanty Eugene J��I SUG,75 F elm b u raement for pi urn bl.ng b Ilia
Khanna Pa u I ago �� $il�y,7� �barrfla�ulazzo
$151-758 1 Of 1 3306 G fermis.D tt LafayeAudrey ba rm st&&Barbara Weaver PD
3'3 Barbarau s I�el:mtaurserfle nC for prurr�h Ing bFl I er ON due to plug I n lin e,flowed Into I Mng a rea f turn bac k bathroom. Very m Inor promirty
da mane fIF anVI a n d sore a rrrnln or Pffmo nal property loss.
• 'i. ,e,_... Iumbl g aImbursement
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Total-Dyerfl owe a r7n alb , alI_
. ' 200
00L. Address, Claimant jXM gymivit f&-12-Daft Paid to Claim To its cap3menta
1 07/0 SM 59 Mulberry Lana Walnut Gmek Brian Srnith FL $194,04 Van Sm th $194.04 JPtumbinp bill t relm b u rsernent
2 07111/03 2B45 K nney DrW Walnut Cmek Mary J one floom i 176.13 M"Jane R e 's $175.13 PI urnbtng bit I re Imburs eme°nt
3 07+23 t��
Las� taa at Ma rtfnez Lip�pmw D uvel opment .801- Llp pew 07
I o p m net $3, .22 After to placement prof ect contra ed KO U 19"l to �
4 OMSM 121 Barberry Lan a Sen Ramon Iran to Madden Pt $114.50 Tonle Matt den $114.50 Plumb Ing Wl raim bursem a rnt
5 0,911103 26131f ana d o Camino We I n ut Greek John Gaf PC $1,924.25 John Gatti 51.924-26 Hydro crew cleaning;pranure caused backup th rough k rel.1 batt affocto d;roplaca
wa I I Da-per
6 M= Eraq 26,Golden rain WaJ.n ut geek(Boss marc 1 st WC Mil usual OR P(Roasmoar) PD $3,19102-00 5kl Ilclan n $3,002-60 outside laundry fa c133ty off ecto d;claan Ing a nd-tasebaard roplateme nt
7 O&VM3 M?Mt 01a 61 a Burd.. Lafayette Desoo P1 aza I I(Don is a Martin) PD $2,160z2v RestoratJon Management Crewrr ram panda d to standin g m an h ale',not ire of off Irta twallts_ Clearing and m Inor
P raperty d a mane(drywa 11)In basement ar t}
PO $0.00 Dexco Plaza II(a_Martin) 12,1502.213
8 0GrAM 17"Dari Gabriel Way Ortnda LwTy Mann PC W7.00 Lem{Mann Plugged GI ne,die p osai and p j ccs of ft 6n 11r. Overflowed out of cleanout in back,mm o r
personal property Oe mage;c.Jea n l;ng of Wo&Yard_
$1,434.04 Restarado n Management $1,091.04
9 W30M 1801 C125vo Street M artlnez ruff Peau(b ant) PID $3,dh0.00 ,teff ftstkuu(tenant) P I u,gg ad line;pa p arlg rease a 25Z Flooded a ntry e garage,11u1,hg room,and ha]J.
5452.99 Gari Warren&Co.
$3.454,76 Rosto ration Management
$125.00 E nvimnmetal M Icro hill I ogy Lab
Bruce Strohman(prop.awnel. Pik S3,7T8.26 Brace Strohman(prop,ov $10.909.01
10 1010M3 137 Las Lowe Irby Walnut GranK Shar Bhatxa PL $175.13 Shair Bhada $175.13 PIumbinq hill reimbursement
11 1 JR12M3 84 Termce Road Walnut geek Karen Mc Kiss Ick PL SNAn50 Karen Mc Klsstc k $2645.50 Plumbing hill relm bursem ant
12 11102M3 3653 Bast Vle'w Drhm Lal'ay aW Thomas Kozel PL 50_DO Thamas Kozel $250.00 P I u m bing b11J reimbursement
13 1 1MV03 2525 Buena Vista Av eni Walnut Crag k Joan Lateen PL. S1.1361-00 Joan Larsen $1,116 1.00 rein a u rse men t of s uVeral p I u mbirtrg h111s d u e to Disirlct relate d fa ro)e ct
14 111103 3 12 Arlene Court Walnut Orem k Mama Eller PL $185.00 Ma rc la Ell er 15185.M Ptumbing bill ire Imburseme nt
15 11110M 140 Brookwood Road 0 r1nda Brookwood Props rtiesJD.Po pel ka loL $156111.M Brookwood P raperth3s S6150.00 Piumblrig bW:1 ruimbursrerne nt pa ld taproperty mana g eartent company
16 11111103 82 Bata Blvd. Orfnda James M cNoIr Pl+ S65A2 James McNair 3 65.A2 Rwmt;;wtwn&M for ramal of equip to el Ban ba ckup d us to m a Ifunctlon of Bates Blvd P u mp St
17 12101= 2314 Mallard DrNe Walnut geek Mark&Jody Pow PEI MO,0®r Mark&Jody Pocta S2O0.00 aM dile to roots In I Ina. Affected two a howem I nteriore but no appare nt roe I
S91 2,76 Re5toratlon Management $1,112.76 prope rry lama g a.maybe some p ars arlal prop a rty damage
15 12//6103 1600 Homestead Ave 'mal n ut geek Beatrice C h arena PL $2.6 .50 Baatrice Cherene $2,86-3.50 PI u m btng bill re Imbijr-g ament
19 lZr2W 3616 Mt D lab l o Blvd. iLafay ette N u m e ro Una Teq.0 a ri11a Ply $468.00 Mike Saari $4 88.OD Bu sin esus Interruptlon(2--4 hours),am pl oar ees'wa g as
3618 Mt Dkabio R"- Lafay atte Antigua Do or C am pang PD $0.0 C Ia V Ramsey M Irto r damage to bathm omlco ntents(11 any)
36W tett_Diablo Riva. Lafayeft Lora's Closet PD S6.092.33 Lora I sh emood Carpet*contents damage,business Into rruptlon.150MV wa I I repair
$190.13 Rot+ Rooto r
4A Mt Diablo Blvd. Lalayrette De n n is H#arWOu PD $8.610,40 Mlchael Stead Porsche 2002 Porsche Carerra-fir 1oard)p00e9b1e eleaWca.t sys.Damage-.rental vah.,rnlhic
$7,002.14 Restoratfan Management S22,36100
253 12/30103 69 Coral Drive Orin da Roitemary Armstrong P D $305.00 Skil Kiran 0,5-DO R I awrfaowed at 85 Cora I into Mrs.A,rm ung yard,delarmffleodariza;enzymes
21 0I/L," 1561 Boulevard WHY walnut Creek Q anrml Lyri3O PL $1216.7S RotD-R awa r S"126 e75 After CSO crew cleaning In the sta:K a rtarneorwrier reported 1po peed toNst and slow dratn r
22 0 =34 706 Estates Orin Do nvil I a (�hdl Lund PD $616.00 Dana&Gtn d I Lund So m a m I nor p orso nal pro p arty d arnage and p I u rnbing b III
-5,_A_--v1,2-■S-T-4•"FF___l_-____--____,_-___-_._.__-•-•-r-.�,-.-_.,.-.r.re r_r.._...•.^:...-e.__:...._.....}JT-.{-•..e-.'e-e-:�-..e.e.e_rn.e.e.e.rrar.a�r_rar' r �L!�•,e,L,,,e_.eee.,•Tr,eee eee,'ner_e,,e'.T'..r''.nA.e-.•..'._._..._....._..._......._...................................�__e-• a.a�i'.7�.T°...��.-/e'q,-c_a...eeeee.a.e.e.,.....•L._.._.._._
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$V..0..4_0 °RLvlar�a�Tt:yf,de'J�
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rW■u eF■_3a.1,,,3e86,r,.40
- -. . . ti.Y;•rea,ee.
________ �
.................................i P' o ltitr elf,most Is[d 81r# arpcteanef*hd pad 72 Lauel OF Wal n ut Creek baVd I8O ..ee.
25 GZQWN 1 E51 Barnett Ckb Pleasant HI 11 Lucy Raritiar FD $51,421.85 R*xkwaWn Mmugemmt M Isor mmrflow from Bxtertor oteanout Afed #ftle yard and ba.eemerrt a rea.
26 02f 1310 3363 Dyer Dr" LerayBtte cul 1~radernan PO $56Z47 PvA T1edemarr Plug In I I ne;mostly axter[or afi'elr1. HO had h19111-Wst hbflC mCOVOr on dra+f.
.34 RssWrafJon Management $1.522.61
27 02115104 2U$Vftg Alwe+id kftf�Walnut Cmek Susan Scharf PL $1,91,75 Susan SM 3151,76 Numtdnig bill retmbursemard
2 1$404 509 l P�atrfc k Doyle` Pi k e
.8..,.. ._ .. Ind ,._ ^-P��� ��.-'----a°---.eee. ��• _.,_-.`.•.31b1�7� ,r �.� �."�-_��•. 5 •S�.
. r eee a e.e,4L• ---...... •.1:�'a•r• :s...:..e. :f__ '�,:=::+::_`r: •_Yrr' - } .
... ..... ecce}er•e- e___........ e :.. a ai a. .■s..,rf,r
'aha a{r.�' a •
eeee e e• _________... ® _ e,e e,°�r -FM+•_____�'_'_i�V+ice'_____ tr�4l. Y.'.'.e;••'•'• _a�a. ': as r r , ____ '+ a. e a■■■„ter r •+' i
,'..'. .'.'.•.J _ ! �':..e..5..5. 5 ________.... +"r __________ �__, e e e e e e e r �rr.
'3D 03f+11�1 1819 B kap St 1 Inut� Joe Herrera PL $1710_DO Joe $170.00•P�1�1f1Wg bNl gftbursem ant
31 03 1/04 621 Laa Juntas lv%fta Luis Rlana PD $9,581.30 Luis RFano-tie tla bft CaF6 AIW re aG�brnertt JeeL oontratlpDr faled W hwk up ate to
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33 � 712 Moraga Road Lafayette +1■lttwe o m PD lt319a'�# ill Idovv+u Plumbing b re Irr�burseme nt
34 04WRW 24M Bates Ave- pn cord Ranl%ym B mFd of RKR Amaodates PD $1,600.t]l+F N Abri tarnent&CQnWUdbM Ova rffov+Into enmmercW prop oily,affeLtng water treatma nt equ Ipment
SI.M,69 Ken"tip R_Beam $3.12&0
3.5 05 3104 2D McGuts Dry Walnut fiMmk John A Melbas PhOl" FC) S3.M,95 Re3itoration 4llariagem ant $3,777-95 CiveAaw from daaromft to lamr level garage_Cie rage and crawla paces a17e
2100.00 ,John Phil l i ..}
___________a_ ...e. e e r r_.,_s. _________________a• L._LLTAL,___,__.,a� e'e a .'e' e'e'• _.r... ------ ' r4 � ,'. ;':... _ _W s'e'.'e'e'e_v,,,, ,, . _e ... Mail
.. y L F..LL e•:•e.. __ _l-lRT .,.. a . ____ _ 44::::::__. ,- .. eee a .. __ _.___�__.______ ,.-er5 _ _ _Dom
....4.4F LF___....e..a.__�......,_____...ae..eke r ____ __ _L.. a _________r r L+. :';_ _`are5eeee• __.. _.___.__....________.eee..e:eaY ____ -r. r r�,__r _.L_ '_'L_- ----'- .eee.eee ....r.._,. e i.4 .�. ... F--�-------","__,�. eY _ ::_::: _.�,_�,� _.°.'_ 'e"�-----........ti.__ ..5 e 5 a de f .. ^','.•, 4 e'.5.5.5. ___ 1e .,.., .. r e'.'.'.' -_ ____ .._...____.__ti___aeeeee.e.� a arae r. .e e,.____...___.._ ,._:_ +�,�'�'� _4�r r r r r L ........---.._ {:{.1 SWhY•5M1 �, +'•- ti .,+a,+.�r.a..44 {{....,, JLr a_...eee,v.Lreeee =`__=_ �.. �y{ Y_kJ_ ��}4 e, .4e _ _______________1.a}_`._.-. .. � ...•.•.•.• ��M.•_ '.Y �=•;,�',' ........____. e, _...------____-. ee.e 'x-ee _.._-� �Y�LYL�L�L.._,YL_ _--...._._..ee..eeee__a..eeeeeeer:�:..,...e� . e e er a _ L '4•F.W_'::. �� .._____.___ ..........__..________fi'.W�i.aa aeL e..,e�' e, ,rr.4f...4{•. RL_.F...........___._..__._....ti-_•.'.•..eee g re ;,r.j. ---------------- - .. , e' T }}R �'1 :::a-::r:-:rl;:.V.,.,'�4
e e e e e'e r.e...........r.......r••- e e'e'• .__..____�____
37 3 2797 Walnut Blvd_ Walnut Creek ElLzabeth A-Nos PL 4,05 Eli abefh k Now PlurrrMng bffi rdmbumm&rt
38 05127104 334 M"-D bibl o Blvd. Lafayette Greg Coo ntz�-3 raga Muffler ISD 1312.99 5 dl Dlaam Qvn rfimvW(2x)bb lI°LrM*r shop_ 1st tkne Into ail saparatnr Lank and needa to bet gatedas
3327 Mt D tabro Blvd. Lafayette '$599.92 ReMarathn Man agern ant Co. unknerwm hatardousvMaLt and hauled to Arman a for d Ispagal.(2nd 0 wd s from c I oantn g)
50,DQO.D0 UnhmrsaJ 1~nvi ran m enta 1 $6,912,91
2$' 0611 WIN 2&W Nom Maln Shoot Walnut Creak Self Storage of W ,Jamea Keyes PL $299.DO Satf Storage of VVG Plumbtng N f ralmburaaarrta nt
Total-Overflawe $tso.00300 $181,154.3.0 $330,184.39
• - 2004-05
1 0ar2=4 1371 Sunset Loop Lafayette Mildred Melgreen
2 081241114 264 5unnybrae Drive Martinez Richard Derose $B.00 Mildred Melgreen
3 $2fi7.57 Richard Derose Reimbursed homeower for water usage by CSD ron�ctlon crew
Reimbursement for vehicle damage rod)atter drMn
e{rear ft dn a sewer repair.
4 A over a manhole rover
Total-GL Other $0.00 $273.57
} 2004-0s
# DOL Location Veb Dose. Name Reserve Paid Com
1 July 2004 CSO Veh#76 Security Guard $1,086.66 Guard stuck CSDate
2 0e121l04 HWY 680 Veh#76 Security Guard g
51,251.23 Security vehicle was rear-ended while drMng to S.R.PS by Garret Kuhl
3 09/03/04 Bart Const PH Veh#210 Kelly Weir $1,879.81 K.Weir struck gate post
4 09/21/04 HWY 680 Veh#214 Chris Haisley CCCSD $582.31 Dlst Veh#214 was struck from behind while stopped in traffic on freeway,by Namnama Fontecha
-$582.31 Recovery from CSAR
Reserve Paid-to-date
Total-Auto Claims $0.00 $0.00 $4,217.70