HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET AND FINANCE AGENDA 09-13-04 ' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Monday, September 13, 2004
3:30 p.m.
CSO Conference Room
1250 Springbrook Road
Walnut Creek, California
a, Investment Policy
b. Appropriation Limit
a. Review Internal Audits - Rosemary Selland
Recycled Paper
w }
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
September 8, 2004
Several questions were asked at the fast Board Finance committee meeting which
required additional staff research. The questions and answers are provided below:
1. Page 8, 151473 DELL
What did we buy for$307.15?
Two pen tablets were purchased. These are electronic pads used to draw maps
and input data in the Engineering Department. These were purchased for
ergonomic reasons. (See attached description.)
2. Page 44, 26926 Michael Millis Architects
What was this $18 payment for?
This payment was for delivery of final As-Built Drawings associated with the
Laboratory project. Michael Willis Architects was the original design architect.
. g
They were hired to do the drawings because we did not have enough time to do
the drawings in-house.
3. claims Report
Who is Ken Beard and why did we pay him $1,625?
Ken Beard is the owner of RKR Associates, which is a small business that was
flooded. Ken Beard is the building owner and he sublets space to other small
businesses. The District is reimbursing him for ro
damaged e
g property.
S:IADMINIRATCLIFFWinance committee Response Memo 09-04.doc
Dell --,Soft4vgre &Peripherals -
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Product Details
Graphire3 4x5 USB Pen PRODUCTS
Tablet - Graphite Gray Action Messenger Case
Usually Ships:within 24 Hours Usually Ships:within 24
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ger Image
Add $34.95
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Compare,store and retrieve your P#v P Shuttle with
software and peripherals Retractable Handles
IN REBATE Usually Ships:within 24
wACOM Mail-In �-- Add $28.95
+Rebate:$15.00 +$5.00 mail-in
Rebate Details rebate
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The Graphire3 4x5 USB Pen Tablet from Wacom'0 gives you the control you here
need to quickly and easily edit your digital photos. Featuring battery-free,
cordless pen technology,the Graphire3 Pen facilitates natural brush control
with 512 levels of pressure sensitivity. Draw,paint,create artwork for
CDs/DVDs, sign your name, and annotate documents in Adobe"Acrobat or
Microsoft PowerPoint with this Pen.The Graphire3 also features the
programmable DuoSwitch"m for multi-button efficiency and a pressure-sensitive
eraser for easy fixes.The Tablet comes with the Graphire3 Mouse which
features three programmable buttons,a scroll-wheel, and a battery-free, ball-
free cordless design.Quickly and easily edit your digital photos using the
control of the Graphire Pen and the included Adobe" Photoshop Elements 1.0
software. Selectively apply high-quality photographic effects using penPaletteTM'
LE software by nik multimedia which comes with the Graphire3 Tablet.
Manufacturer Part#CTE430GR
Dell Part#A0172166
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Pricing,specifications,availability and terms of offers may change without notice,are not transferable and are valid only for new purchases from Dell
Small Business for delivery in the 50 United States.Taxes,fees and shipping charges extra,vary and are not subject to discount.The Small Business site
and offers contained herein valid only for end users and not for resellers and/or online auctions.Dell cannot be responsible for pricing or other errors,
omissions,or consequences of misuse of site and its functions.Offers not necessarily combinable.Discounts cannot be retroactively applied.orders
subject to cancellation by Dell.Software and peripherals offers do not apply to software and peripherals in the online system configuration pages
(including PowerConnect switches);you must purchase eligible items through the separate Software&Peripherals online store.Limit 5 systems and 5
http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=us&category.,id=2999&cs=04&l=en&page=extern... 9/9/2004
Legal Expenditure Summary
Check# Check$ Vendor Name A=unt# I Account$1 GL#I -,,ase#-0ase''RUe
1 102144 $1,022.67 Restoration Management Co. 003-0000-991.14-22 $1,022.67 3 Rossmoor(WC) Overflow-Restoration services
Check# Check$ Vendor Name � _� Accourit�# Accownt$� C!.# Case#-ease Tale
2 151935 $87.§P_ Trucker Huss 001-0110-400.08-03 $87.50 LADM--Finance-Cafeteria Plan
CL#=Claim Log Number
200"$ ,
# DOL Address M Claimant Type Reserve Paid to Date Paid to Claim Totals Comments
I 7171004 1042 Brown Avenue Lafayette Aspen Building Technologies-Gregge PD $100000.00 Plug in line caused olf Into business open area approx 1$00-2000 sq.ft of Carpet and pad
will need to be reoiaced In addltfon to dean uo costs. Mav need to remove some drvwali
2 07!12104 34 Barbara Road Orinda GHbert Defrenna PL $1,602.04 Skill Clean $1,602.04 Olf from Rl flowed onto back patio.Patio needs to be pressure washed and sanitized No
personal or real property loss;cleanlna only.
3 07/24/04 Entry 26,Goidenraln Walnut Creels(Rossmo ist WC Mutual GRF(Rossmoor) Pl) $1,02267 RMC Plug in tine caused oft into public laundry area. Cleanup and drying out of general area.
PL $600.00 Golden Rain Foundation $1,622,.67 Plumbing reimbursement for Rossmoor-Terra California Street
Total-O"rflows $0.00 ;3,Z24.71 $3,224.71
1 08124/04 264 Sunnybras Drive Martinez Richard Derose $26757 Richard Derose Reimbursement for vehicle damage(rear tie rod)after driving over a manhole cover
Tatal-GL Other $0.00 $267.57
A DOL Address TftN Claimant im Rewe Paid to Date PiaId to CI aim Totals CommentH
1( 97108 3 69 Mulberry lana tilha`nut Care nk B ria n 5mrth PL S1 S4.04 Brian Sm Ith $194.04 Plumbing bill relmb u rsament
0771 i i 2846 KJnney D&e Walnut Creek Mary June Reams PL $175.13 Mary Jane Reeves $175.13 I fumbling bl-11 ralmb u rsernent
3 0712WM 620 Lair Juntas Street M artlnez Uppow Darrel opment PD $3.8-07.22 Ll,ppow Duvu luprnnet $3.80?.22 AIME rept aceme nt pmj act cc ntracWr fallu d to hook,u p latera I to mailn
4 ONOW3 121 f3arberryr Lane San Ramon Tan la Gladden PL 3t 14.50 Tonka Gladden $114.5D Pl urr,bang bill re Imb u rsament
5 D8119M 2513 Vana.d a Cam Ino Walnut Cme k John Gatti PD $1#924,26 John.Gats, $1,924.26 Hydro crew cl.erankng;premsu re caused backup through lateral;U2 bath affected;replace
l laterB 0&2= Entry 25,Goldenraln Wal n u#Creek(Rowmo c 1 st WC M Lrtua I IS RF(R rn oarr) PD 7.60 Sk1JIG1 asn $3,8 60 le undry facllltyr al`f d;c.lea ri hag an d base boa rd re p I acernffnt
7 OW71M 3687 Mt D to b Iaa shy- LafayeCts Oescu Placa 11(Denls a Manan) PD SZ60Z20 Restoration M anap an ent Crow responded to sta n d I ng manhole;not aware of oft Into ton-ants. Clean inq and minor
PDpro R er#�dara�age fd r�rall3 fn basement ar��
:JpD_i�0 a�Plan II(D_MartLrr) ,602aa2D
El 09x2=3 17 Dan Gabtiel VVa+y Grinds Larry Martin PD W7.D0 Larry Mann Plugged Una;dlepua al and places of No to Eine. Orerficv ed Out of cleanout In back,minor
personal proper damage;clean Ing of patio 4 fid,
3t.43wl:04 R dstoraWn Management SU91.04
9 9n=3 1801 Castm Sh'ee't Martinez Jeff Patt au(tenant) PO MOW,00 Jeff Paetkau(tBnant) PJ ugge d Ino,p aperfg ruse @ 257_ Flooded ,:gam9e,Imng row,,and ha k.
UD Dari Warren&Co.
A464,76 Rostaratlan Management
$175,00 EnOronm etal MJcm b Io 1 ogyr Lab
Bruce Strahman(prop.ownar) PD ',03,77646 ®rune Strohman(Prop-ow 1 ,999.01
ID I=WD3 137 Las Lomas Way Walnut Creek .Shan DhatM PL S17&13 Sha r 13hatia $175.13 Pt big bNl re lmb u rs amen#
I 1 1 VD2J03 64 Terrace Road Walnut Greek Karon McKIssIch P'L SM.50 Karen M cKfss Ick '$264_:5D Nb I.ng bwl reimbursement
12 1110WJ03 3553 Eairt Vkm Drive >_afayretts Thorn=-as Ozal PL Ser 7h o mos Kozel F250.00 Mgin b Ing b Ul re1mbursemerit
13 1 1103M 2575 hue na Vkft Avant Wal n ut C reek Moan Lawn lE $i'051.00 Joan Larsen $1,061.0rO relm b u rsement of s weral pl u m b1:ng hil l s due to District related p roject
14 1Ill M3 12.Mane Court Walnut Creek MareEa EUer PL $185.00 Ma rc�z E I er 41 F15.CFO Pl um b.ln g bill reimbursement
15 11110103 140 B roe kwood Road Crinda Dr ed Properda .Pupelka PL $660_Gfl B roo kwoad Properties sno.0 0 Plumbing b 1[I reEm bur se-ma nt psld to pro pcM management company
16 11111/03 82 Bates Btvd, Crinda James McNair PL $65.82 Jamtm McNair $65.92 R elm b u rsornent for renta I of eq u Ip to clean backup du a to Maif u n cdo n of gates Blvd Pump Si
17 12#01103 2314 Mallard prNe Walnut Creek Mat'k B J adyr Pow PD $2120.on Mark 6.Jody Pa= S20O.00 afl due to roots In lin e_ Affected two showem mor,but no ap p anent rea 1
x•912.76 Restoration Management 51,112.76 p ropo rty dam,a g e;maybe some permral property lama g e
113 NO 6M 150-0 Hum egad Ave Walnut Gmek Beatrice Ch Orono PL ,13 M.50 Beatrice C here ne $2.863-50 Plu m bl-ng bill re Imb u rs amen.t
19 L42WO 3616 MIL Diablo BlVi_ Latayn" N u m a ro lino Taqued l la FAD $468,DO Mike Saerl $4116.00 Bu slness interruptlerr(2-4 hours).em pfoyead wages
3618 Mt Dlabiu Shed_ Lafayottn Antigua Door Company PD $0.DD Clay Ramsey Mtn or damsg a to bath roordm me nts(11 any)
3620 Mt plead a B Ivd_ LaLayrokte Lora's Closet FD $6,092-33 Lora Isherwood Ga rpat contents dama0 e,Cru slrtiess fntarrupdrm,asorne waJJ re pair
$190.13 Ratan-footer
3624A IASL Diablo Blvd. Lafayeft Dennis Hertel l us FID $8,610.40 Mtc hae 1 Stead Porsche 2-002 Porsche Ca rarra-f I r boa rdJPUS5Lb 1 e elecMeal sys.Damage,rental vah.,mis c
$7,OD2.14 Restoration Management $22.363.0 0
2D 121-VX3 89 Coral OrNe Cnida Itoaefrra y ung PD $305.DO S til l Cleary 5305.130 R I ave rflowt$d at 95 Cora I Enter Mrs.Arra 91yong yard;d ab r sfdeo d orJze,a nzym es
21 01fLVN 1561 Ba ulevar Way Walaut Q4wk Oonrol Lynch PL $125.75 Rotak-R ooh $1213.78 Af0or GSQ crew cl earring in the street a homeowner ner reported'po p pad to Ilet a n d sao4v dra Iris'
22 DVIU W6 Estates Orlwre DanvOle Cindf Lund PD $616.00 Barra 8 Ond I Lund Some miry or pe rsonal p roperty da mage and pJurnbing b Ill
r ra a a aaaa- r _„ 0;40
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2 1 1 Bain t CII PIe asarrt 14x11 L< 00 rt�421.J a ratio n M anagernent M Inor overflow frum exterior omnou't Affected s IDs y+a rd a n d base m e nt a rea.
26 MW 3363 Dyer Vft Lafayette PsuL Tk dman SO 47 ftul Tledeman Plug in I Ina;m outty+Rkbawr ad`fwtad_ HO had trig h-oost fa b ric'cuveF'on d rMffwayr,
3 O34 Restoration Management rt.57Z 61
27 OW15rD4 264H West Newall Ave n Walnut Creak Sian Sr rl' PL $151.75 Susan Scharf $151.75 PI u m bing,01 ra Imburaeme
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31 0=1104 621 Las Juntas Martinez Liner
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34 IMM4 2455 Sates Ave. Concord RanXen Beard of RK,R Awaclafts PD 31,500a01) Nbn Abatement 8 Constucftn Overfi ow knb cornmerclal property,z1fectng water treatmim nt equ Ipment
35 05r2_3A4 puke Dr V&I n ut Cres Ian aid .
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37 O 2797 Walnut Wdr walnut geek I=Ilimbft A.Diana ........_"......... :a'2r.........
r l�al�ettr+� r F�lumbl�ng b�#retmb•u r�emel7t
35 05127104 $329 ML Menlo Shd Latay+efa Gnag Coantz Greys MWRW PC $312.09 Sidi CWam Dvmrtl cid P)Into m u ff Iur sharp. 1 t urns MW ash separator tank and needs to be tmaW as
3327 ML Diablo Shod+ Lafaye#e '$599.9.2 Reatoratlun Ma nagern ant Co. u n kn own hasardows waste and hauled its Arizona friar disposal.(2nd cA was fro rn clew Ing)
16'oaa D 0 Cin M!rsa 1 EnvIra n mental39
GWI&04 2590 Nwth NAM Stowt Walnut Creed .Se It S'to rage of VVC Jam es Keynes PL 5299.DO Se If Stor-ag a of WC PJ u m b In g bill rerrnbur-sam erre
Total-Overflows $1$8F0[l0_a 0 S1681295-is JI328s 295,1 a
2003- a
1 01=01 54 East Altarinda Drive Orinda Patricia Werner 5319:34 Patrlcla Werner Reimbursement for tree removal and replacement due to CSO sewer repair.
2 03/01/04 131 Doray Drive Pleasant HUI Don Newcomer $2,400.00 Don Newcomer Reimbursement for repair of driveway
3 03101/04 137 Doray Drive Pleasant Hill Mr.&Mrs.Jeff Del Bono $2,700.00 Mr.&Mrs.Jeff Del Bono Reimbursement for repair of driveway
4 03/18/04 4797 Imhoff Place Martinez Enterprise Rent k-Car/Blackwood/J.Knox $1,227.38 Enterprise Rent-A-Car vehicle damage-HHWCF forklift being operated by L.Staggs dropped car batteries on
tailgate of rented track(J.Knox)
Total-GL Other $0.00 $6,648.72
2003-04 IP
# QDL_ Location Veh Dose.. Name Reserve Paid Comments
1 0912M Filter Plant #208 2003 Chevy Silveri Garth Williams $1,255.25 backed into light pole while turning trunk around
2 04/02/04 914 Old Hawthorne Ros 2001 Toyota Camry Dalsy Padilla $5,772.36 Dist Rodder Truck#133(J.Muir)backed Into parked car
$95.00 Cal-West Appraisal
3 06/01/04 Hwy 24 Orinda Exit #202 2002 Chevy 25001 Robert Maroon $2,288.01 rear window shattered when unsecured load slid forward In the truck bed.
4 MINN CSO #133 Don Bartlett 4574.95 Davey Tree truck struck parked Dist vehicle
Reserve Paid-to-date
Total-Auto Claims $0.00 $0.00 $8,835.67