HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET AND FINANCE AGENDA 08-09-04 ' Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, Ca 94553 (925)228-9500 www.centralsan.org BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Monday, August 9, 2004 3:30 p.m. CSO Conference Room 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, California 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS 3. OLD BUSINESS 4. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT 5. REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS 6. REVIEW EXPENDITURES 7. ADJOURNMENT Recycled Paper t r Central Contra Costa Sanitary District August 6, 2004 TO: BOARD FINANCE COMMITTEE FROM: RANDY MUSGRAVES DEBBIE RATCLIFF z3<. SUBJECT: JULY 129 2004 FINANCE COMMITTEE QUESTIONS Inquires were made at the last Board Finance Committee meeting that required subsequent staff research. The questions and answers are provided below: 1. Paye 3, 150772 Air Science Technoiogies This payment was for a converter efficiency test on a CEM analyzer. What is a CEM analyzer and what does the efficiency test do? The CEM (continuous emissions monitor) is a chemiluminescence analyzer that measures the NOx (Nitrous Oxide) emissions in our Cogeneration Turbine exhaust stack to insure compliance with our Bay Area Air Quality Management District operating permit. The operation of the analyzer is based on the principal that Nitric Oxide and Ozone react to produce a luminescence (infrared light) with an intensity linearly proportional to the Nitric Oxide concentration. The purpose of the Converter is to convert the Nitrogen Dioxide in the exhaust stream to Nitric Oxide so it can be measured as described above and be counted in the o verall N Ox (Nitrous O xide) m easurement w hich i s w hat o ur p ermit I imits a re based on. The Converter efficiency must be 96% (or better) for the analyzer to attain the required accuracy. To check the efficiency requires prohibitively expensive equipment so the District contracts this work out to Air Science Technologies who perform the test quarterly. A Converter costs approximately $2,075 and lasts about 2 years. S:WDMIMRATCUFFTinance Committee Response Memo 07-04.DOC 2a Pam 4, 150782, cal Bay Industrial for Boat sampling of outfall. What is the sampling protocol? Our NPDES Permit requires us to monitor the Bay, the receivingwater, once a month. There are six sampling stations near our outfall specified by the Permit. In addition to certain atmospheric and general observations, the samples collected from these stations are analyzed for several chemical and microbiological parameters. This required fieldwork can be accomplished safely only by the rental boat. 3. Page 8 150813 Harris and Associates Explain again about Pipe Users Group. What is our roll? What do they do? What is the benefit to the District to belong to this Group? The Pipe Users Group is a forum of pipeline system owners, engineers, and 9 consultants dedicated to: • Discussing and evaluating rehabilitation methods • Improving the design, construction, and operation of pipeline systems • Pooling resources. Membership in PUG is open to public agencies, consulting engineering firms, and g g consulting firms involved in the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of pipeline systems. As a member, CCCSD sends one or two people to the regular monthlymeetings is g where projects and issues are discussed. These discussions allow District engineers to hear issues from other agencies, offer advice and suggestions, and receive advice and suggestions on the various issues. District engineers also participate in PUC committees writing guide technical specifications. Annual dues for membership have been $250 per year and have increased to $350 per year for the 2004-05 fiscal year. Currently Michael Penny, District Associate Engineer, is the Treasurer of PUC and the District keeps the funds. During the year membership dues and the PUG Annual Sharing Technologies Seminar fees a re deposited with the District and funds a re disbursed for lunches for monthly meetings, Program Management b Harris and g Y Associates, and seminar fees. SAADMINIRATCLIFFIFinance Committee Response Memo 07-04.DOC 4. Page 14 150893 Water Environment Research What will we get for our$10,000 contribution to F.R.O. ? Fats, roots, oil and grease cause about 90% of CCCSD's sewer overflows and most of the overflows in the nation. Our$10,000 contribution to WERF makes us a funding partner to a $300,000 study that will address these issues the wastewater industry is struggling with. WERF provides a coordinated, leveraged stud to help g Y p address these issues. As a funding partner WERF will: Submit a copy of the draft project scope of work SOW to CCCSD for comment. Include a representative from CCCSD on the Project Steering Committee. Keep CCCSD informed of progress on the research and, inp articular inform of any delays, and the reasons for them. Inform CCCSD of any proposed changes to thea reed SOW and/or reporting g P 9 procedures for the research, and allow CCCSD to comment on these before the are initiated. Provide CCCSD with draft reports of the research upon request, Comments from p q m CCCSD will be provided to the Project Sub-Committee for consideration. Provide copy of final report to CCCSD. A consultant that will be managed by WERF and the Project Steering Committee ee w' ll perform this effort. The Project Steering Committee will select the consultant. 5. Pa-e 35 US Filter Envirex Purchased 252 chain loops at 200 each What are they and what are they used for? Whydo we need to inventory? ry? "Chain Loops" is actually Loop Chain. Each of the 252 items is a 10-foot length of Long g fiberglass chain that operates the Lon Flight Collectors on our four Primary Sedimentation Tanks. Each tank has two tracks of 18-foot fiberglass g s flights that are chain driven, riding on rails in the bottom of the tank collectingthe settled sludge at one end for removal. Each tank requires about 2,400 feet of chain. The chain is a wear item that eventually needs replacing (this chain is for replacing the chain in the #4 t . g tank next month}. It is also subject to breakage, especially during wet weather. . p Y g er. We stock enough chain to replace one side of a tank in case of an emergency. T ' . he delivery time is variable and uncertain as the chain is produced in production run . p sand may not always be available on short notice SHAW NIRATCLi FF71nance committee Response Memo 07.04.Doc 0., Page 38 28830 Raines Helton & carella Page 4126847 Dodson Enc Oneers. These are both for Lower Grinda PS. They seem similar. What are we having done by each of these companies? At the December 4, 2003 Board meeting staff presented an award position paper and recommended retaining two different consultants for civil/mechanical construction support. This is somewhat unusual, but the work has been divided between these two consultants such that there is no duplication of effort. G. S. Dodson was the consultant responsible for the design of the project. To maintain the continuation of the design concept, GS Dodson was retained to provide selected construction support services. This includes review of selected critical submittals, providing design clarifications, and limited assistance in other areas. Due to some responsiveness issues with G.S. Dodson, staff determined that it would be in our best interests to hire another firm for the day to day engineering support activities not directly tied to design intent. Raines, Melton & Carella, Inc. (RMC) will provide normal civil and mechanical construction support. RMC provided some similar support on the Grinda Crossroads and Moraga Pumping Stations assisting with the installation of the different configurations of the Morris pumps and we were satisfied with their performance. The construction support services will include reviewing selected shop drawings and submittals, evaluating requests for substitutions and change order requests, and performing site visits to verify compliance with the project documents. . vEF — Do we take advantage of research grants offered? Are there any we can apply for? We have taken advantage of research grants in two ways: We have directly benefited through work at our facility, for example the UV pilot Plant, the furnace emissions study, and the cyanide detection limits study. Indirectly, we have benefited through applied information WERF developed here at Central San such -as sewer system maintenance procedures. 8. Analysis of Nextel accessories purchased over the past fiscal year. This is being researched and will be reported at a later date. 9. cell Phone Reimbursement The Committee asked for a review of the cell phone policy. Is it necessary for all managers to carry cell phones and therefore be reimbursed? Staff is researching this issue and will report back to the Committee at a later date. S:IADMIMRATCLIFFTinance Committee Response Memo 07-04.DOC Central Contra Costa Sanitary District July 30, 2004 TO: BOARD BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE FROM: ANN E. FARREL4AOOO� SUBJECT: CAPITAL PROJECT UPDATE Attached are our monthly reports for bidding and construction for the month of July. As you can see from the bidding status report, three projects were bid in June. one of these, Rossmoor, was a rebid of a project bid in May. The three new projects were bid late in the month and very little work has occurred to date. They will be added to the projects in construction report for the month of July. There are now approximately 17 projects under construction and staff is extremely busy in the field supervising the work. All construction management and inspection is being provided by District staff. Consultant help is only being utilized for review of submittals and answering of questions having to do with design intent. If you have any questions, please call. Cc: Randy M usg raves Debbie Ratcliff HABoard Finance Comm June reportCentraf Contra Costa Sanitary District.doc a , JUNE 2004 BIDDING STATUS --CAPITAL PROJECTS IN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FY 2003-04 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET r ��• gz n A � a r P-A P ZA t, W Lower Orinda, DP 5448 11/03 $6,100,000 11/19/03 5,696,000Pacific Mechanical Corp. TP Safety Enhancements DP 7219 01/04 $11011000 01/21/04 143,369 Valentine Corporation TP Electrical Cable Replacement, DP 7214 03/04 $1,200,000 03/17/04 1,047,700 Con.J.Franke Electric,Inc. TP Protective Coating, Phase 2, DP 7221 03104 $8001000 03/16/04 1,177,622 Kaweah Construction Company Walnut Creek North Main, DP 5700 03104 $200,000 03/15/04 324,657 McGuire&Hester Acacia Force Main, DP 5727 04104 $1-001000 04123/04 89,000 Soares Pipeline Happy Valley Road, DP 5659 04/04 $4001000 04/12/04 5001000 Ranger Pipeline(2) PHRI Phase 5, DP 5659 04104 $2,200,000 04/12/04 41110,061 Ranger Pipeline(2) Carmel Creek Crossing, DP 5499 05104 $100,000 05/21/04 92,000 Robison-Prezioso M3 Sag, DP 5630 05104 $3509000 05/25/04 628,000 K.J.Woods Pipe Renovations and Replacement, DP 7208 05104 $450,000 05/18/04 836,638 Kaweak Construction Company Pleasant Hill Rd. East, DP 5553 05104 $1,900,000 05/04/04 1,567,081 Mountain Cascade, Inc. Rossmoor 9, DP 5724 05104 $375,000 05/04/04 218,000 K.J.woods Walnut Creek 2, DP 5709 05104 $1,100,000 05111104 1,015,352 D'Arcy&Harty Construction Cow Creek Renovation, DP 5672 06104 $35,000 06/30/04 39,665 Pacific General Engr. District Wide TV, DP 5547 06/04 $1,000,000 06118/04 693,491 Roto Rooter Rossmoor 9(Rebid), DP 5724 06104 $375,000 06/22/04 337,892 Pfister Excavating Inc. ,. Influent Diversion Structure Rehabilitation, DP 7209 12104 $200,000 C I P P 12104 $6009000 Contra Costa Rehabilitation 2 12/04 $2,000,000 M4 A 04105- $110001000 Delayed 1 year Vessing Phase 1, DP 5646 04105 $1,000,000 Delayed 1 year Morello Bridges unknown $100,000 Deferred by Martinez g" fil 1.Construction contract estimate as shown in the Capital Improvement Budget and not necessarily the engineer's estimate at time of bid. 2.Happy Valley1PHRl PH5/Recycled Water/City of Pleasant Hill projects bid together as one large project. JUNE 2004 SUMMARY OF CAPITAL PROJECTS IN CONSTRUCTION FY 2003-04 DISTRICT PROJECT NAME 1 CM ORIGINAL #of $value of amt pd to %complete MAJOR EVENTS PROJECT NO. STAFF CONTRACT change change contractor VALUE orders orders •rr r r 5448 Lower Orinda Pumping 5,696,000 1 26,1'18 448,760 '150%/6tContractor installed forms and rebar for pump room, and electrical room Station/A.Antkowiak tensions. 5499 Carmel Creek Crossing/T. 92,000 0 0 0 0% Board of Directors awarded protect on June 17th. The Notice of Award Godsey was mailed out June 18th. 5553 Pleasant Hill Road East 1,557,081 0 0 0 0% Pre-construction meeting held, NTP will be scheduled 7/12104. Improvements IA. Rozul Reviewing submittals. 5630 M3 Sag/A.Antkowiak 628,000 0 0 0 0% Project awarded on June 3,2004. Work can not start until August 9, 2004 per Contra Costa County Permit. 5659 Pleasant Hill Relief 4,110,061 0 0 0 8% Field work commenced at Happy Valley Road on June 14, and is Interceptor Phase 5 and ongoing at the present time. Field work on reclaimed water lines near Happy Valley Road Sewer Pleasant Hill Middle School and Pleasant Oak Park commenced on July Renovation/M.Husain 6,and is also ongoing at this time. 5700 Walnut Creek North Main 324,657 0 0 2771947 99% Contract work 99%complete. Negotiating extra work and credit items Street Sewer with contractors. ReplacementlM. Husain 5709 Walnut Creek 21A. 1 1015,352 0 0 0 0% Project awarded on May 30,2004. Construction will begin on July 30, Antkowiak 2004. 5727 Acacia Force Main/A. 89,000 0 0 0 0% Completed force main installation. Contractor working on valve box. Antkowiak 6127 Pumping Stations SCADA 1,471,628 8 110,816 1$ 57,346 86%The Orinda Crossroads Pumping Station was cutover. The backup Project/W. Brennan dialer system is being installed at the pumping stations. Demolition and punch list work is being performed. The San Ramon PS remains to have its new program installed. No progress payment processed this month. 7208 Pipe Renovations and 836,638 0 0 0 5% Board of Directors-awarded the construction contract to Kaweah Replacement/G. Construction Company on June 3,2004. Rathunde 7214 Treatment Plant Electric 1,047,700 0 0 0 5°16 Long lead time on electrical cable. Cable expected 819104. Reviewing Cable Replacement/A. submittals. Rozu l 7219 Treatment Plant Safety 1439369 1 51242 22,876 40% Contractor completed 2 out of 5 sites. Enhancements/C.Shima 3 a DISTRICT PROJECT NAME I CM ORIGINAL #of Value of amt pd to %complete MAJOR EVENTS PROJECT NO. STAFF CONTRACT change change contractor VALUE orders orders 7221 Treatment Plant 11177,622 0 0 0 5% North Clarifiers#3&#4 shutdown and coating work started. AIN tank- Protective Coating/A. 1AIB cleaned and construction joints in air plenums sealed Rozu! 7167 Recycled Water 257,150 8 551772 306,013 98% Contractor will upsize Conco(IT)meter. Distinct will be reimbursed by Connections 1 D. Berger Conco. *Note: Projects that have been accepted will remain on the report until the close of the current fiscal year. Legal Expenditure Summary U%M - -� SELF INSURANCE FUND F7Ch.e.rk.'#j,-Chweck$ Vendor Name Account# case#- Case Title 1 102128 $1,455.00 Benchmark Environmental 003-0000-991.14-22 $1,260.00M32 Brown (WC) overflow-!ns edon and Air Sampling 003-0000-991.14-22 $195.00Brown WC overflow-Cancellation fee 2 102129 $4,502.15 Meyers, Nave, Riback Silver 003-0000-993.14-21 $1,581.57 CCCSD v Dickerson,William 003-0000-991.14-21 $1,192.23 Dickerson, William v CCCSD 003-0000-991.14-21 $1,728.35 Suzanne Brown s 3 102130 $12,286.95 Oakwood Corporate Housing 003-0000-991.14-20 $4,050.00 32 Brown (Vyc),overflow-Housing B302 4126-5125 rT $4,128.95 32 Brown WC overflow-Housin B302 5126-6124 $4,108.00 32 Brown WC overflow-Housing B307 6114-7113 4 102131 $312.99 Skill Clean Inc. 003-0000-991.14-22 $312.99 38 Greg's Muffler aO overflow-Water services 4 5 102133 $4,183.12 Oakwood Corporate Housin 003-0000-991.14-20 $4,183.12 32 Brown WC overflow-Housing B307 7114-8112 RUNNING EXPENSE FTcheck# Check $ Vendor Name Account# Account.$ CL# Department- Division - Description 6 151264 $9,590.45 Hanson Brid et# 001-0120-400.08-03 $1,119.00 ADM- H.R. -Labor-General $4,645.25 ADM-H.R.-Harrasment Training $60.30 ADM-H.R.-K. Huff v. CCCSD $606.40 ADM-H.R. -Local 1 -T. Fon Ste 4 Appeal $341.00 ADM-H.R.-Local 1 -Prov. Operator Grievance $2,475.70 ADM-H.R. -Local 1 -D. Rolley Disci lina Hearin $155.00 ADM -H.R.-Local 1 -PERB Charge Provisional Ops $186.80 ADM-H.R. -Local 1 -T. Potter 7 1151286 $21,135.66 Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver 001-0100-400.08-02 $3,683.69 ADM-Board Activi -Board Meetings, Retainer Sery 001-0100-400.08-03 $1,211.28 ADM-Agenda Review 001-0140-400.08-03 $2,181.44 ADM-Purchasing 001-0150.400.08-03 $121.13 ADM-Risk Management 001-0200-420.08-03 $9,109.59 ES-Legal Work Auth., Retainer Sery 001-0200-750.08-03 $2,348.50 ES-Reclaimed Water 001-0300-410.08-03 $121.13 CSO-Admin 001-0400-410.08-03 $2,358.91 POD-Misc, Retainer Services 8 151426 $87.50 Trucker Huss 001-0110-400.08-03 $87.50 ADM-Finance-Cafeteria Plan -I:lSDreads heetslLegailLgBi11040SJun04.wb3 08/05/04 Legal Expenditure Summary •- PROJECTS IF7Check_#I- Check $ Vendor- Marne Account# Account $--ICL# Pro'ects a92 898 $5,133.10 Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver 8192PQ.08-96 $1,547.06 Treatment plant Projects 8192PQ.08-97 $3,586.04 Collection System Ero'ects CL#-Claim Log Number GL-General Liability Claims AC-Auto Claims :18preadsheetslLegallLgBi110416SJun04.wb3 2 08/05/04 2004-OS OVERFLOWS AND PLUMBING REIMBURSEMENT CLAIMS DOL A d ess P& Claimant Type Reserve Paid to Date Paid to ,Clalm Totals Com 1 7171004 1042 Brown Avenue Lafayette Aspen BuElding Technvlogles-Gregg, Pd Plug in line caused oft Into business open area approx 180Q�sq,ft of carpet and pad 2 07112►04 34 Barbara Road Orinda Gilbert Defrenna will need to be replaced In addidan to clean uo costs. Mav need to remove some drywall. PL $1,602.04 Skill Clean ON from Rl flowed onto back patio.Patio needs to be pressure washed and sanitized. No 3 personal or real property loss;cleaning only. 4 Total-overflows $0.00 $1,002.04 $1,60204 2003-04 OVERFLOWS AN PLU MBIN REI M8U E ENT C LAI MS DOL Address I:laim.arlit TVjpe Resery Paled to Date Paid to Claim TotaIs r- 1 07/06M 69 Mulberry Lane Walnut Greek Brian Smith PL $194.04 EJ rte n Srrt�fth $194:04 Plumbing b9[l reEl�b uraamant 2 07111 M3 2846 Kfnney Orhm Walnut Creek Meryr June Reeves PL $175.13 Mary.cane Reeves $175.13 Plumbinn bill relmlaumernent 3 07rAM3 620 Las Juntas met Martin oz L1pperw Or4alop m ant PD $3,807-22 Lipp aw C uvela p rennet $3.807.22 Atter replace rent pro]met contractor faGad to ho ok up I ataral to ma I n 4 08MIRM3 121 Barberry Lana San Ramon Ta n la Qladde n PL $114.50 To nla Gladden 5114,50 Plu mbin p bill ralm bu rsum ant 5 =19M3 2513 Venad o Ca min o Walnut Creek Jahn o athl PD 31,924.2£ John Gatti 51.924.25 Hydro crew cl eanEng;p ras5u re caused backup th reugh lateral;1F2 both affected-replace wallpaper s {Dan 3 En"2S,Gold anra In Walnut C reek{Rasa mat 1 st WC AA=al CRF(Rosam ria r) PO S3,002.60 SRII(Clean S3.002.W Outs Ide laundry NC911ty affected-clee n fn g and baseb oa rd reptacement 7 087!03 U37 ML Diablo Bfwd_ Lata @tW C omm Plaza II(Denlsa Mares) PD $2,W2.20 Restoration Management Crew res pondad to standin B me n ho I a,n of awa ra of alf Into Lena nts e C I eanl ns and min a r p spent da mage fdra 1 I)In base ment areal PD $0°00 Desco Plaza 11(De manh) $2,602.20 8 0912=3 17 tion Gabriel Way Ornda LerMann PC $i 467e.O0 Lan Dann Plugged fin a disposal and places of the In I loner orerf lowed out of cieanoul In hack,m Inor paFa ana 1 prop ei#y damage;cleaning of Patin&yafda $1,434.04 Rulon Management $1,991.04 9 MW33 190t Caela frees Martinez Teff Pa etk-Au 00ASM) Po Z3,060 M Jeff 1p`a u(tenant) Plugged lino,l pfwfgra;�sa Q 257_ Flooded entry,garage.Rvin g roa rn,and hall_ $452,99 Cori Vyrarren&Co. $3,454,76 RestoraWn Management $175.00 Enviro nmeta 1 M.crab ka1 ogy Lab Bruce Strohma n(prop.owner)r) P C $3,776,26 Bruce Stroh m an(prop.ow $10.909.B1 14 1 0;13M3 137 Las Lomas Way Walnut Creek S har D hada PL $17&13 Sha r B h.atfa $175.13 Plum>aln p b Ill reimbursement 11 11 tum 04 Terrace Road Walnut Creek Iia nn Mcl<s slck PL M,50 Karen M cKlas)ck $254.SE]Plumbing hill reEm b u rse rn ant 12 11102M3 3S53 Fast view DrKre Latayeft Thomas Kozel PL MO.00 Thomas Kozel $ 0.0'0 Plumbing b AI relrn bu rsa m ant � 13 11 03{03 2575.Buena Vista Avenk 1 (nut Creph Joan Larsen PL $1,(*1e00 Joan Larsen $1,061.00 felmbursement of sural plumbing bill,%due to District related project 14 11f1nM3 12 Arlene Court Walnut creak Marr-ha Eiler PL 9185.#4 Marcia Eller $195.O0 Plumbing b111 raimbursement 15 1111 Oi03 140 Brookwood Road Oflnda Brookwood P rape rtl a&0.ftp►alka PL $650.00 Bronkwnod Prop antes SE 6Oe 0I}P 1 u m b Ing hill retrnbursament pald to proMfty man ag ement co m pang 16 11/11M3 82 Bates 8W- Q&da James McNair PL 56:5.82 James McNair 7«65:82 Re lmbureem ent far rental of equip to c I ew backup due to mal fu n Tion of Bates BW Pure S1 17 1210 1 M3 2314 Mallard Drive Wain ut Creek Mark 8.f ody Poeta PO 52DO,00 Mark 8 Jody Pa cta 5200.010 orf d u a to roots In I In&. Aff ucted two s h ours rs'Interto r.b ut rm n p parent real $912.16 Resta raW n Management 31,112.76 prep arty darn age;maylan some personal p rap erty d'ama a e 18 12116103 1500 H omesUad Ave Wal nut Creek Beatrice chionloo PL &2.893-50 Beatrl c a Ch ern a S2,863-50 PI u m bl ng bU I ra ImbUranme nt 19 1 910 3616 Mt DlabJo Shod, L.aFayrede Nmmqrm LRM`f' odi"Is PO $4s9_00 Mike Sand S46 8 eO0 Busfneas Interruptta n(2-4 hours),em ptay+ees'wages 3618 Mt Diablo Blvd- Lafayette MV=VWCWwahY PD $0.130 Clay Ramsey Minor damage to bath,ro orrVcvntcnt3(11 any) 3M Mt Dhb I a shed- 1-alayntfe Lams PO $6.092-33 Lora Esh erwoo d Carpet,ca ntent9 d a rnarge,bus Ines%Interruption,some wall repair $190.13 R oto-Route r 3624A Mt_blab Io BNd. Lafayette Dennis Harte l lus PES $8,510.413 Michael Stead Porache 2002 Po.rac he Carerra-tl r bot rdlp ass Ible electt"l s}rse.Damage:rental vah_,mise 97,0E02.14 Reffta m an Man-agement 122,363.00 213 12,30{03 99 Carat L rW (.aide Rose maryr Astro n g PCS 530.5.00 SUI.Clean 33O&00 Ill omrllowed at 85 Cum I Into M ra.eArrnsta'ong yrard;debrWde adorLre;an zymes 21 D1/1-J/D4 1551 Boulevard Way Wallowt Crag U nnne 1 Lynch PL $126.7 5 Roto-Rooter 5126.75 Afte r C-SO crew cleanIng In th a street.a ho me owne r repa rte d"p D p ped tot let and slow draiW 22 01<f20/1}4 206 Estates Dene DWWMV Clench Lund PD $5 16.00 Dana I!,Undl L u d Some min o r persona 1 prope rty dame g e a n d plumbirl g b UI ..` re.ee ee eeee ee ee„.ee.eeee e_.ee.e,° a'. re 5,5e5eeeeee e.ee eeee eeee re ee.e. e l -. M13,40 0,t..4L.00.. .RT_..es_t.a.r��.at:FoFTny..M.....a.:.n..vagarnwA „; ::• ..:-...Yee.e ................ ----- 5 _ '. ... 5 `�- . +. _ a a _ ....a rreeeee +5+ 24M11[)4 7Lau Walnut C0dan Pa S ,26 �ld0gerMinor oF nnaty extarlo,some Insde �rnalCa a of carpet cea.re-_-d_-and n_'amd 25 _•pad {e',ep+aa,eea'ale i�ar'c�e 25 02X6M4 1661 Hamad Onele P lead Ho Lucy Flann er PD S1, 1 a" P estoratfon Managemerrt M Ina r ave rflaw"mete ria r c liianoA Atf acted afde}card and basement area. 26 QVIW 3363 t ref d rim Lafayetz Paul Tledsma.n PD SM,47 Paul Tleda rnan Plug In line;mostly Warlar affected_ FSC had,h Igh-cost fab Mc`cover on drhwway. $M.34 Ra°staration Ma n$gernent $1.572.81 27 0?J15104 2648 Wewt Neral l Avail Wa 1 n ut Creek SUara n Scharf PL $11,7:5 Susan Scharf S 151 a 78 Plumbing bil l r9lmhurs ament 29 ..eec.....vec..v+$.Ty�yL�y•',L-_:-L;:L_:+0-l- 1if 6�i-!�-V�4-F-:---..--�--�---ti5ryJ7 lJ0�9�..i■/1c.e1�c oyFF_..da._.Ra ua.aa..a.d{ P..l.e.ca.c.s.e.a•eene;,•eee-7,te',eeee 1-1111.'e lalfi, P.erck.Doyle oble �s.:L,:Ler:.Lr:r;d.';r.:S'.:L�.:L.,:L'.r_.•:-.L.vL:_-_-----.- ------:-:-J"'-:_r.PL '-a:a- ''••••:-- Duyle u�Tl_ .Ci a l� --a_....r i - --:::::.:.-•------------- ----------------1�----- ---------..... ........ d....,e,e e e.........°...-.S.r.r.r.�.c.' e e •a•..r bu _ �2Oe QO P I u rn bin bill fefm raerleellt 100 Joe Fie $ 30 03111 fQ4 1510�roalCe S# Walnut Gretk J Harnm � 3 ,�. 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'i e... a r5+......_L_L_______.., r_r: �af _ ________. a+ a.+a�� �e,r r•�_______.________ +` tie e e e dd.d......:���;rr•wr:r:;�+ r •. r:.. e..,r-.r. + �� ,'� �.S..d.e e e e�e.....�.rrr--:` ::':.��'. _ .. 33 712�Mad Lefty O fijWi Idovrru P{} 1 ,. Clef fie Idr w++h,l a. rrtr t 34 0"71U 2456 Bob@ AmL C'Q=P d Ran/Kan Beard of IM A*=MT� PU I,��D.l Nwa Abatement& tr- onsu ctla n ft owr w-gbi pro,prrrt+�,aft+ ng�water treatment equ Ipment. $1,1150.0 Fenn 0th R-Bead $3.125,59 35 0 3 20 McGWre We VVNIMA C Ik John&Malum PhIlflos PID _ .06 lRoffWratilun M Vara $5,7 � c tot uvej gorage_ ra W4 offac"d CC ,' J .c.•..•...Lc.c..c L v..-LL_e_L -.._:}nc}'+y a.}c :cc c c c c c c c, 1, 5N.L ......._ ....... rc a_ _ �J_. .,eeeee ---- '-' _ � .. ..e e e �,t.,r __,..: ..........a �:�r.':'.`-L' d.�'S'e' .}d �' .•t`.•.-.`.•:::_ L,e i`.`.55` e'rrre '_,'e._.. 5cf, � 5 e e e e 5 - (LVW`:�`:::_•.•.•.'.'.'.'.5 LL+.LL,.'.+.�''','.'.`J.s`.}_�___�. _ as e.' �� _.... e e e ":::::•';':'• � � e e e� .. ........ .------...... f _ ff_� e •_________ce,_ .4 F .',"4LUL+.•.•.•.•.•.-,,_ _ti.•_ rr: .•f _ _ _ __ ... e. �e a dr rre e e _._,e e.e e e e e {�,-_..,L .•.`..._. :r_.. .. _ d4. c c c c,c,c,c,c,a,c,c c,c,c;t LL°', L-L!!�A`_LLL°J__\_}r..._}r...M_.i , c•�?U 44..4.. _ LL444 e��i 'A __-___ rc} .............._._._ ..,.c.c'c'c` {{ _ __Y:r rr___: .e;�i°e, , �+s-- `.b. •: � ,r. v.•::. y •n: �°t.?4c.•.c.�c.�c.c.c.c.c.c.c..L_.L-L---LL0.........tir_t..._ti...}.ck}',}{r. �c teL4.....4........... .':}.}c ._ ti. •a� a5 erre _-- --------�� __ :._ �.'. .};:,:�=: See,eeeee ee•___._._____L_______________.....`........__: 5ti�-e eeeee5eeed,r _. r_a ar,+.•.'e'e'e'e'e�. .' hw'rr fr'.'::d4'rrr:rrr'F_:r= r.5�t{'tti ,+�aaee5'eer.,�er.eee'e55 eYe'e+_. ;--:+r;.4�L.eeeeeeeee•'•Y-'.'L �.. de r;ee°e'e're'e'e'�e'e'e'eti,�r=;;:r':_::::=d"h-Nr'fR-:.-.-:�:.•.•.•.•.e.L-:f-L---- `t`�`af!55.�'e`:a}''e'e5`h1'.5i'h5�rd55re 5rd'.'e rere'e','e'e'eL+:,.::f:::.-::.•.•.•.•.•.•:•:•:•�'�,�}:-_ 5ti'.'.'e'e':.�.�. s e e re e r a-- 37 0 3 4 2797 al-nut Byrd. WaIMA 'Mc ElLrubuth A>_boor PL $MO5 Ettmbath a4.Naar Plumb"bM ralmburmmmM 36 DW71D4 3l1rwM Mt Diablo ONd a Lafayette OMO Ceonti-Greys Muffler PD 5312 Skfl Clean I I d( krto marflet r*P. tat drone into a U veparatu r tank and na ads to be treated as 3337 Mt CW halo 8W. l rafayatta IM92 ReMaradon M onag amens Co. lerhkflOm hazar+rftus woft and hauled to Aftwe for dJspmrala(2n d aR was from ciean Ing) U n hooses Envlra mental $6,912-91 39 06,+7 SM 2890 North Main StraM WalnLa Creek Saff SWmg a of W"m @a Keyea PL 3MM Self SW rag a of VVC Pl u m b1n g NJ t rel rr bursiamenit Total-overflows MOOD.00 $143.217,35 #199'217.36 2003-04 GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-OTHER 54 East Attarinda Drive OrMda Patricia Warner 1319.34 Patricia Warner Reimbursement for tree removal and replacement due to CSO sewer repair. 1 01/20/04 Reimbursement for repair of driveway 2 03101104 131 Domy Drive Pleasant HUI Don Newcomer $2.400.00 Dan Newcomer 3 03/01/04 137 Doray Drive Pleasant HUI Mr.&Mrs.Jeff Del Bono $1.700.00 En 3 Mrs.Jeff Del Bona Reimbursement -HHNCF forkldriveway t b being operated by L.Staggs dropped car batteries on 4 03/19/04 4797 Imhoff Place Martinez Enterprise Rent-ArCar/Blackwoodf 1.Knox Si.ZZ7.38 Enterprise Ren�ArCar tollgate of renes ick(J.Knox) Total-GL Other $0.00 se,wi 7Z 2003-04 2003-04 AUTO C LAI M S DOL Location Veh De!S Name Reserve Paid Comments 1 09/22/03 Filter Plant #208 2003 Chevy SlIvere Garth Williams $1.255.25 backed into light pole while turning trunk around 2 04!02104 914 Old Hawthorne Roe 2001 Toyota Camry Daisy Padlila $5,772.36 Dist Rodder Truck#133(J.Muh)backed Into parked car $95.00 Cal-West Appraisal 3 06/01/04 Hwy 24 Olinda Exit #2D2 2002 Chevy 25001 Robert Maroon $2,288.01 rear window shattered when unsecured load slid forward In the truck bed. 4 46/14/04 CSO 9133 Don Bartlett 4574.95 Davetme truck struck parked Dist vehicle 5 Reserve Paid-to-date Total-Auto Claims $0.00 $0.00 $80835.67