HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET AND FINANCE AGENDA 05-17-04 ' Centrad Contra costa ict
5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez,Ca 94553 (925)228-9500 www.centralsan.org
May 17, 2004
3:30 p.m.
CSO Conference Room
1250 Springbrook Road
Walnut Creek, California
Recycled Paper
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
May 13, 2004
The following questions were asked at the last Board Finance Committee.
1. What did we purchase from Hellan Strainer for$18,420?
This was for a strainer to be used with the wet scrubber pumps. It is used to strain
plastic out of the final effluent before it reaches the scrubber so that it will not clog
the nozzle. Title 5 requires this.
2. What was covered by the two payments to City of San Ramon?
The first payment for$11,000 was for City of San Ramon inspectors to make
inspections at the San Ramon Pump Station over the time period of May 2003,
through January 2004.The second payment of$4000 was for fog seal (which is
black paint) at the point in the road where there is the most impact. We asked the
city to do this work to avoid CCCSD trucks returning to the neighborhood as not to
upset homeowners again.
3. What was covered by the $'1800 invoice from Paul A. Pitt, Environmental Engineers?
This was for final edits to a report which covered the impacts on the Treatment Plant
should the possible need arise to decrease the quantity of nitrogen in the outfall.
4. What type of discount do we get from office Depot?
We receive a discount of 45% to 53% off the manufacturer's listP rice.
5. What are the charges from McGill, Martin, Self and does the District get reimbursed
for these charges?
These charges are for annexation maps and legals. They are all over the District in
terms of geographic location. The District is reimbursed through the annexation
charge that is collected when a customer connects to the sewer.
6. What work is Raines, Melton & Carella, Inc. doing for the District?
The $870 payment is a progress payment for the preparation of a Technical
Memorandum to review wet weather capacity throughout the plant. This report will
include bypass solutions, recommendations and improvements to the Treatment
Plant. Their work includes investigating existing reports, performing hydraulic
calculations, flow estimates, and gathering of data for the Technical Memorandum.
7. Agilent Technologies repaired the Mass Spectrometer. What was covered by the
$5,532 charge?
The repair technician traveled from Pleasanton and back and was at the District for
two hours. $800 was charged for travel and labor. The remaining $4,732 was to
replace the turbo pump in the Mass Spectrometer.
S:IADM1NIRATCL1FFIF1nance Committee Response Memo 05-04.doc
Legal ExpenditureSummary
JCheck## Check $ Vendor Name Account#
Account $ Case#- Case Title
1 1102102 $4,810.97 Me ers, Nave, Riback, Silver 093-0000-991.14-21 $7.73-
_Barcla v CCCSD Oct
Rate Adjustment 003-0000-991.14-21 $133.59 BarclaY v CCCSD-Nov
003-0000-993.14-21 $255.85 CCCSD v Dickerson-Nov
003-0000-991.14-21 $105.08 Barclay v CCCSD-Dec
003-0000-993.14-21 $243.08 CCCSD v Dickerson- Dec
003-0000-991.14-21 $15.85 Dickerson v CCCSD-Dec
2 102103 $4,050.00 Oakwood Corporate Housin 003-0000-991
.14-20 $4,050.00 Brown WC Overflow Claim-Tem ora Housing Services
Check# Check
$'-T Vendor Name Account •
# Account$ Department- Division �- Description
31150164 $8,833.08
Meye Nave, Riback, Silver 001-0100-400.08-02 ---$840.48
ADM_Board Activi -Board Meetin s, Retainer Sery-Oct 2003
11 Rate Adjustment 001-0100-400.08-03 $317.86 ADM-Agenda Review
001-0140-400.08-03 $429.92 ADM-Purchasing
001-0150-400.08-03 $55.03 ADM-Risk Management
001-0200-420.08-03 $1,2331.27 ES-Legal Work Auth. Retainer Senr
501-0300-410.08-03 $55.03 CSO-Admin
001-0400-410.08-03 $73.54 POD-Misc Retainer Services
001-0100-400.08-02 $845.19 ADM-Board Activit -Board Meetings, Retainer Sere_
Nov 2003 s
001-0100-400.08-03 $284.87 ADM-Agenda Review
001-0140-400.08-03 $396.94 ADM-Purchasing
001-0150-404.08-03 $50.74 ADM-Risk Management
001-4200-420.08-03 $1,201.82 ES-Legal Work Auth. Retainer ner Sery
001-0200-890.08-03 $19.98 ES-H HW Facility
941-0300-410.08-03 $56.03 CSO-Admin
001-0400-410.08-03 $56.03 POD- 'M�sc, Retainer Services
001-0100-400.08-42 $844.83 ADM-Board Activity-Board Meetings, Retainer Sere_
Dec 2003
001-0100-400.08-03 $296.10 ADM-Agenda Review
1 001-0140-400.08-03 $397.65 ADM-Purchasing
H:1Spreadsheets\Legal\S U M MARY\ExpDS u m May202OO4.wb3
Legal Expenditure Summary
001-0150-400.08-03 $52.78 ADN!-Risk Management
001-0200-420.08-03 $1,172.45 ES-Legal Work Auth. Retainer Sery
001-0300410.08-03 $67.16 CSO-Admin
001-0400-410.08-03 $65.30 POD-Mist Retainer Services
4 150192 $11,569.66 Hanson Brid eu 001-0120-400.08-03 - -
$5,471.50 ADM H.R. R. Hernandez v CCCSD DFEH cha e
$155.00 ADM-H.R.-D. Rolley Disc. Hrg.
$1,393.00 ADM-H.R.-Local 1 PERB Charge
$43550.16 ADM-H.R. Labor-General _
5 150240 $736.95 Wallace Esq. Lee Ann La Fra 001-0120400-08-03 _ _ i
0120-400.08 03 $736.95 ADM H.R. Legal Services-M. Diaz
check#-I- Check$ Vendor Name Account# Account$
Pro acts
6 26703 $838.15 Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silveri8192PQ.08-97 $607.57 Collection System Projects-
Nov 2003
Rate Adjustment 8192PQ.08-96 $96.05 Treatment plant Projects- Dec 2003
8192PQ.08-97 $134.53 Collection System Projects-Dec 2003
DOL Address l lai rmant Typ ReseM FAL4Lo Date PBld to Clakn Tc is Gomm ants
1 07MEM 59 Mu I berry.Larne Walnut C reek B ria n Smith PL SIS4-04 B ria n Sm Ith $194.04 Plumbing bill ra1mbu ream ent
2 07111103 2A46 KI-nney Drhm Walnut Creek Mary Jane Reeves PL $176.13 Mary,lane Rem $175-13 PI u mb Inp bIJI ralrn bu rsemant
3 137/=03 15-bD Las Junlan,by fft Maut nz Lip p ow p evnlopm ant PD $3,807-22 Llppow Deval oprrrnist 53,SD7.22 Aftr rep I aoem ent proj act,co ntractor NI ad to h oox u P lateral to mai n
4 aWW13 121 Barberry Lane San Ramon Torah Glad dery PL $114.50 Tore G I adden $114.50 P I u m bLnp hill reJm feu nzament
5 DBd14103 2-513 Ven ado CarriEn o Walnut Ci elk John Getd Pp $1,924-26 John G atll $1,924.26 Hydras crew rl as n Ing,pressure oau!g&d backu P t#rough lateral,1 t2 bath affected-,teplaee
6 GN2=3 Entry.25,0olde n rain Walnut Creek(Ross momq 1 Mutual GRIM(Riossmoorl PO $3,.602.60 Skil[Clean $3.1302 60 IDS Ide la u nd ry far-El Ry aRecW;cleanin g and baseb oa rd re p I ace m ent
7 0t703 3587 Mt Diable SW. Lafay n" Omea Ply R(Denise Martlrt) PC S2.602-20 Raftration Management Grew mpo nded to standing manholIN i aware of o.N InfD to nta nts CIeaning and minor
pTopeM dam ape(d nFwa 111 in hasem s ae ax
PD $0MD Delco Plaza 11(0.Martin) 11,602-20
a 0912WD3 17 Don Gabrfel Way C'rind-a Larry Mann 57.DD Larry Mann PJ ugged I In e:d Isposal.and places of ire In I Iver Chre rf1mved€gut of c Ieanorrrt In bash,m Ino r
perso real p rope rty damage-,oiea n Ing of patio&+hard.
$1,434.D4 RestoratLijn Managnmera $1,891.44
9 W3=3 1001 Gastro Strict Martinez Jeff Pastkau ftaenant) PD 53,0 ,00 .Jeff Paaeticau(tenant) Plugged I In e,Pape r1grease a 266- Flooded entry,garage,I bring room,and hall.
$452.99 Carl Warren&Co.
$3.454.76 Restaratfon Iia nag a mens
5175.00 EnvirunmetaI M lcmblaI agy Lab
Bruce Strohma n(prop.mer) PD S3,776.25 Bruce Strohm an(prop:ov $10,903.01
10 1 0A)9W 187 Las Larnas My Wa Inut Creek Sha r Bhatm P L $175.13 Sha r Bh aft $175.13 Plumbiir p bll I relm b uraerne nt
11 t 101)3 84 Terrace Road Wal-n ut Greek Karen Mcl£lsslck F L $264.50 Karen M cKbslCk $264.50 Plumbing bill relrnb ursem ant
I VOM 3553 East Vow orhre Lairaye m Thomas Kozel P L S250.40 Th o mas Kozel 50_DO Plumbing bill relmbursem ent
13 1 1103M3. 2575 0 ulna Vtft Aran a Wal n ut Greek Joan Iia rs en P L $1,.061,0 0 J oaer Larsen 31,0!51.00 reWnhursem ent of stearal p I u m Bing Nis date to D Wcl reiate d project
14 1 111QW 13 Arlene Go ur# M In ut Greek Marcia EJIe r PL $195.1013 Marcla Eil or 31 R5,00 Plumbing bill reimbursement
1$ 111#03 140 Brackwood$Road Grin da Bro nkwuo d Pro p ertlasM.Pope I k FL 11350,00 Smakwood Properties 3690.00 Plumbing hall rel m b urs em ant paid t1D property mzna g n Hera company
16 t VI 1182 6latas Bye Crinda James McNair PL 3fa,5. J arnes M cNalr M,52 R:eirn leu rsnment for rental of a q ulp to cyan backup d uaa to malfu n Won of Bates Sled P um p Sr
17 12M1l03 2314 Me IJar"d Dry Walnut Creek Mark&Jody dy Po ctd PO $2(X.00 Mark&Jody Pocta $ OD CA due to roots In LI"rre: Affecwd tym showers filter ,hor,bort no a p parent real
$a 12-711 X1,11275 pfnp"damage;rnaybe soma personal property da mage
15 IVIC43 1500 Ha rnestead Ave 1 'a I n ut Gree k Beatrice D hero n e PL $2,1 .50 Beatrice Chero a $2883 50 Plumbing hill relrraburaeme nt
10 IZQ9103 3618 Mt Mabl a Blvd. Lafayette N u mero D no Taqua Alla PD 546A.On Mlle Saari S46&00 Busln ems I nterrupWn(2-4 ha u r s),employees'wag es
3618 NVL Dlia bI a Blvd. LaNyette Antfg ua DOOF Company PD $0.00 CJay Ramsey Minor darn-age to bath oomlconta rats(d any)
3620 ML Diablo Blvd. Lafaye le Lora'e Geos at P0 36.0" Lora Isherwood Carpet.cpntpnt!;damage,b ua lness I nterruptJon,som a wall repair
31 9M 13 koto-Rootrar
36M Mt_D la b Io B h+d_ Latayette Dennis H artslWs PO $6,610.40 Michael Stead Pw"a 21102 Porsche Carerra-fir boa rdlposs Ible electrical sys.Dam-age:rental veh_,,rnWC
VAI RestDration M 21na l" t W,36100
20 1Zr3;W 89 Coral DrNn Crinda R.gsaMatrl ry Anumnq PD 5305.00 SUICl van M.00 R I oro rflowie d at 8S Cflra1 into Mrs_Armstrong yard:d eh Wdeo d ofteraymes
1 01/13104 1581 Boulevard Way Wa In ut Creep Donne(LyMO PL $126.75 Roto-Ra wer $120-75,fitter CS0 crew cI Ban Ing In the street a h.umnowner repoftd'papped fiOAet and slow dllrll
22 0 206 Estates Drhra Da nal I Ie Clhdl Lund PD $61&00 Dana a Qndl LwW Some m Irro r pumnal property damage and plumb ling bbl
$770.40 Restnr�Mm riagam"t
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cleaned and pad replaesed.
25 OZON4 1651 Bwn*M G Pleasant Hili
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27 OW15M X648 West N swell Aven Walnut Crack Susan scnarf PL $151.75 Susan Sahaerf $151 r M FlUmbl ng bill re IrnbU4erat
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Til overfly $11Qy"ILM MN4.86 $1 K3Z4.66
1 01!20104 54 East Altarinda Drive Orinda Patricia Werner $319.34 Patricia Werner Reimbursement for tree removal and replacement due to CSO sewer repair.
2 03/01/04 131 Doray Drive Pleasant Hill Don Newcomer $2,400.00 Don Newcomer Reimbursement for repair of driveway
3 03/01/04 137 Domy Drive Pleasant Hill Mr.&Mrs.Jeff Del Bono $2,700.00 Mr.&Mrs.Jeff Dei Bono Reimbursement for repair of driveway
4 03/18/04 4797 Imhoff Place Martinez Enterprise Rent A-Car/Blackwood/J.Knox $1,227.38 Enterprise Rent-A-Car vehicle damage-HHWCF forklift being operated by L Staggs dropped car batteries on
tailgate of rented truck(J.Knox)
Total-GL Other $0.00 $8,64&72
# DOL Location Veh� Name Reserve Paid Comm
1 09122103 Filter Plant #208 2043 Chevy Silverado Garth Williams $1.255.25 backed Into light pole while turning trunk around
2 04/02/04 914 Old Hawthorne Roe 2001 Toyota Camry Daisy Padilla $5,772.36 Dist Rodder Truck#133(J.Muir)backed into parked car
$95.40 Cal-West Appraisal
Reserve PaWto-date
Total-Auto Claims $0.00 ;0.00 $7,122.61