HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET AND FINANCE AGENDA 05-03-04 [antral Contra Costa Sanitary Diestrict fflnEw M-as 19.1 BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE May 3, 2004 3:30 p.m. CSO Conference Room 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, California �. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS 3. OLD BUSINESS 4. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT 5. REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS 6. REVIEW EXPENDITURES 7. ADJOURNMENT Recy:ed Paper 4 4 Central Contra.Costa Sanitary 'District 5-03-04 TO: Board Finance Committee FROM: Debbie Ratcliff Randall Musgraves SUBJECT: Answers to Questions from the 4-12-0 • 4 Finance Committee Meeting The following questions were asked at the last Bo ' Board Finance Committee. 1. What were the public information ads for in the Contra Costa Newspapers? The ads, which are attached, were for a Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off event and a Healthy Gardening Workshop. 2. How did we discover that City of Martinez Water over-charged us last September? Bill Echols routinely reviews all of the invoices ' for this service. He thought the cost seemed too high based on CS G's usage. He called to have ' the Invoice checked and what he found was that City on Martinez used the wrong A credit was then issued. 3. General information was requested on Kleinfelder Inc. The web address is attached along with print outs of information about the firm from their web site. 4. General information was requested on J.D. Hicks Consulting. nsulting. Jeff Hicks has a Master's degree in education and was the Youth Programs Coordinator for the Lindsey Wildlife Museum for a number of years. He has been teaching Sewer Science with us for about four ears and he is • years, pursuing the same course with other interested agencies. Jeff has been responsible for many y water quality monitoring programs with local high school students and also does work for a number of local non- profit youth and environmental organizations. 5. Information was requested on the technical work being done by Larry Walker Associates and the Qualifications of Thomas Grovhoug who works f i or Larry Walker Associates. Attached s his resume. Larry Walker Associates is working on an Anti-de • . g gradation Report. This has to do with interpreting data about the quantity of dilution in our effluent. r r F �. What are the number of retirees and the total • cost of Retiree Medicare. There are 165 retirees and the total cost of Retire • Retiree Medicare Part B reimbursements over the last year was approximately$75,000. 4 f " e r. Fr Dro ff --ve i nt P�10 Residents of Alamo,Blackhawk,Danville,Diablo, , Odnda,Momma,Walnut Creek,and San Ramon un drop off paint,pestlades,motor oil,and other household chemicals at this one-day collection everrt. Saturday APHI 24 {F *an Ramon .s ~' You must make an appointment prior to noon on Monday, April 19. .µ Call e event nt ��t to .8ft2(}� or at maks X222 A �pointmen �shown t. � int Io�vg N In� e��d °n�!!bye aper"n Your r loner ma Von. Cenral Conft Costa Sanitary WsWiff ■ x f Y a't:Y yk oil A AP Y r �' tae •„ .•4.• ''.' s f -# f, 0'7+ 1:. a i ,r e4— y, L yo'u like to lea homer too mu common home andar pests den I � anis ap hills snails and . more - without the use Of toxic chemicals. Grow a healthy, pest resi stant lawn and arden? Attract benefldal insects toyourgarden? d opotential health risks associated with the use ofpesticides? • Help r. protect our environment? F all of this and more by attendir� -- - ee "Healthy Gardening" hop! This 90-minute, educai�onal &hop 'is taught b a u.C,Coopera�ive ExtensiQn faster Gardener wi#h extensivtraining in good gardening pracdces and less-toxic pest management. You'll receive great information, helpful handouts and handy gardening aids.—ail designed to help you create and maintain a healthy'gardeni Reservations are notrequired --just mark your calendar, slip and save the schedule below, and aftend the workshop that's most convenient for you! sigma" tes and Locations Kwh Z I0tV-!-- .._ May i, 1030—Noon Undsay VAId*MwWum,Casstoom A 06nda Library, Garden Rm t93# tut Avao-I W41"Ut Cred 24 Odnda Way, Orinda Mirth 2A, 9:30- 11 am. M2 , Z 3,3o p.m. Gardens at Heather Farm San Raman Cbmmunity Center Downstairs Classroom Terrace Rm 154U Marchbank5 Dr., Walnut Creek 12501 A(cxDsta ft- do$&m Ramon Apra 3, 1030�-*00..--~. June 5, 10:30-Noon OrIndA LIWM,�i Itm Danville Library,M#. Diablo Rm 24 Odnda 400 Front 5t., Danville April 17, f —Noon Ime 12$ 9tlI a.m. Ygnacia Valley Library Gudem at Heather Farm I Oak Grow Rd.,Walnut Geek4d 24,1 otio Dpmt� !]arrAlle Ubfwy,Mt Dla fin Walnut Creek lot* 4U0 Frost St., _D�I� lune i9. 10:30-Noon May 1, 10:30—Maan Concord library LindsayWidlife Museum, Classroom A 2900 5alvio 5t., Con cvrd 1931 First Ave.,Walnut Creek 7hts workshop was developed to help protect water qualIiy by prov€dlng in[nmiabvn on fess-taxis pest management techNques.It is co-sponsored by; ' ,navtaury o,cu.Uoa u coaPar.,-mc mann Central Contra Costa eRxTR+coszn arasrFx GARDENERS Sanitary District "•"`•"°..�"".""...��""�"" 4neCSim Kumon City of QonMtd Kleinfelder Geotechnical Enginepripg Page I of 1 KLE I NFELDER .y� Mrs$WW r oxwes AT \ r H C" found thent .: lam, flnditmo MWOV,mow Ir Jim Kleinfelder Our people are committed to providing superior projectdelivery delive service and getting results for our clients. Whether we are providing a single service or managing a project from Inception to completion, our professionals s p j � P strive to add value and surpass our clients expectations by using innovative technology and proven management skills. for Kleinfelder promotes an environment to continually enhance professional development, Initiative and community involvement for our em ILployees. Kleinfelder is an employee-owned company that provides management, engineering, environmental science and construction related services throughout the western United States. Kleinfelder consists of The Kielnfelder Group, Inc.; Kleinfelder, Inc.; Kleinfelder Mexico, S.A. de C.V.; Spectrum Exploration, Inc., and GeoSystems/Klelnfelder. Q Kleinfelder, Inc. 2000 All rights reserved. design by arc digital designs hftp://Www.kleinfelder.com/indexM.httnl 411312004 KLeinfelder In the News! 0 Page 1 of 2 KLE IN FEL DER **at's new At I'vC, 11ro,vide more. r servt "As an employee-owned company, we have a unique and d important culture. Every one of us has a vested Interest in the success of your project." Gerry Salontal, President&CED,The Kleinfelder Grour Media Contact: tech I 1a'r G a 4rn__eli Kleinfelder.Inc. (916) 366-1701 diwt 1h* Awards &Accolades M"SVe mmer o )erry_WgathersFleeted En ineer.of the Year(2/5/04) o Kleinfelder wins EBI Business Achievement Award 1/12/04 o K1 ` } e�nfetder NNer�c es.with S_q4-ker Assaciates!(12/1/03) o Kleinfelder Laborata Receives C _ __ ry Re CSE Validation (11/5/03) o Kleinfelder Attains to Third Place In CE News Best Firms Work For (10/15/03) o Jeff Dunn Php p, E to loin Geo-Strata Editorial Board 10 1 0 �+ _t 1 1 3) 'r -� o CE News Cover Sto : H _. orizontal Directional Drillin §Byv Kleinfelder s . S auber and Johnson (9/15/03) K4%-)� o Ste hen{ :w .Boil Discusses California Jobs with ENR_(8/11/03)► '' o Ste hen Boll Discusses CA Bud et Crisis with ENR t7/2=/�3} o ENReCover Article onwCvrporate Governance Features Kleinfelder (7/21/03) o Gerry Salontai Featured In En ineerinq,, Inc. (6/1/43) o Four Kleinfelder Protects Win_AGC_0utstanding Construction Awards {May 03} o Kleinfelder Moves to #55 In ENR's500 Design Firms" Rankin (4/21/03) o Kleinfelder'.Moves to #100 in ENR's"Tap 200.EnNironmental Firms" RankingJApril 03} o Kleinfelder.Ranked #4 and #13 bv SDBJ In Top 25 En ineering Firms, Environmental Consultancies (4/21/03) Project Highlights o St. Charles Medical Center Ex ansion -- Bend DR(8/1/03) o RobertMueller Municipal Airport Redevelopment_Au_stin�TX (7/11/03) o Brazos River Authority Master EnQineerinQ Agreement- WacoLAustin. TX (7/03) o EI Dorado Irrigation°District On-Call Contract-- Sacramento,_CA (6/1/03) Kleinfelder News http://Www.kleinfelder.com/new.html d11 1 IP)nnA KLeinfelder In the News 0 X Page 2 of 2 o Mike Ma'chrrak'�, Mold Article Featured.in GeaStrata (4/1/03} o Bruce Hilton Offers "Pers active" for GeOTimes (3/1/03) o Ronald Smith Ph.D. P.E.1, Discusses Microtunnelin Igghnolo_qy in CE NVews__Feature Article (3/11/02) o Structural Enr�rneer Features Geotechnical En ineerin Aspects of Portof Lon,-Beach Pier a colder st❑ b Lawrence Perko, P.EL GSE.: YQ ash Prashar,�P.E, ^and Zia Zaflr Ph.D. P,1 2 Kleinfelder� Inc. 26 ___t_ E � l02} Cc Kleinfelder,Inc. 2000 All rights reserved. http://Www.kleinfelder.com/new.htrnl 4/13/204 Kleinfelder Services • Page 1 of 1 a lilt KLE I NFELDER **at is rwwwe provide 111ore.1 _ At Kleilifelder : _.P.i. •.ter_:. Kleinfelder Services OwXes ` r - Klelnfelder offers comprehensive engineering and management services to meet all your project needs. wfir Genera! Services dim ltr o Materials Test n & En ineerin� ■ Pro Q raonst ucti_o-n_Ma.na a ement ■ Geotechnical EnglneerM%weng ■ En in-q_Geology • Environmental5ervices R Kleinfelder, Inc. 2000 All rights reserved. it 'Pe w Op '' r http://www.kleinfelder.com/servic es.html 411312004 Kleinfelder Offices 'Throughout t West • Page 1 of 3 K L E F E L D E R PL fillle all( IWW - ti .. r" Click the state to view a list of Kleinfelder offices in the area. e Arizona 0 Northern California a Southern California 0 Colorado o Idaho a Kansas makw mow 0 Missouri • Nebraska Nevada camlem New Mx' � e_ eco ,�'�, • Oklahoma 9-Lqg on • Texas � WO Utah i Washington Corporate_Cffi ce ■ a http://Www.kleinfelder.com/offices.html 411312004 Kleinfelder Offices Throughout West • Page 1 of 3 0 KLE I NFELDER On t "m I's newAt Kleideldej,. Click the state to view a list of Kleinfelder offices in the area. Northern California offices offices ■ Arizona Click the Office Location to send an email. tech lawmy a Northern California • Southern Cali Ba kersfield F fornia kersfield a Colorado diml fi t ■ Idaho5880 District Blvd. Suite 24 e Kansas Bakersfield, CA 93313 m*u ■ Missouri (661) 831-2155 � • Nebraska Fax: (661) 831-1937 Nevada Fairfield • New Mexico • Oklahoma 780 Chadbourne Rd. +� • Oregon Suite D Fairfield, CA 94534 ■ Texas 707 429-40701 • ,� a Utah Fax: (707) 429-4162 i ■ Washington OR a Co_ rparate Off ce Fresno P 1410 F Street Fresno, CA 93705 (559) 486-0750 Fax: (559) 442-5081 Hanford 330 E. 4th Street Suite A Hanford, CA 93230 (559) 582-4451 Fax: (559) 582-4394 Merced 1577 West Main Street Merced, CA 95340 (209) 384-7552 Fax: (209) 384-8218 Modesto 1224 6th Street Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 577-4333 Fax: (209) 575-3444 h4://Www.kleinfelder.com/offices.html 411312004 Kleinfelder Offices Throughout the_west • Page 2 of 3 0 Oakland 1970 Broadway Suite 710 Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 628-9000 Fax: (510) 628-9009 Pittsbur 981 Garcia Avenue Suite A Pittsburg, CA 94565 (925) 427-6477 Fax: (925) 427-6478 Pleasanton 7133 Koll Center Pkwy. Suite 100 Pleasanton, CA 94566 (925) 484-1700 Fax: (925)484-5838 &E��dln 9530 Crossroads Drive Redding, CA 96003 (530) 222-7203 Fax: (530) 222-3053 Sacramento 3077 Fite Circle Sacramento, CA 95827 (916) 366-1701 Fax: (916) 366-7013 Salinas 365 Victor Street Suite L Salinas, CA 93907 (831) 755-7900 Fax: (831) 755-7909 San )ose 1362 Ridder Park Drive San Jose, CA 95131 (408) 436-1155 Fax: (408) 436•-1771 San Rafael 45 Mitchell Blvd. Suite 18 hq://Www.kleinfelder.com/offices.htrnl 411312004 Meinfelder Offices Throughout the Nest Page 3 of 3 San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 472-6770 Fax: (415) 472-6773 Santa Rosa 2240 North Point Pkwy, Santa Rosa, CA 95407 (707) 571-1883 Fax: (707) 571-7813 5tockton 2825 East Myrtle Street Stockton, CA 95205 (209) 948-1345 Fax: (209) 948-0621 .Sectru m Exp ration Inc., a division of Klelnfelder, Inc. Geotechnical, environmental and water resources drilling services 2365 wigwam Drive Stockton, CA 95205 (209) 465-8712 Fax: (209) 465-8773 http://Www.kleinfelder.com/offices.htnl 411312004 xleintelder 0 Page 1 of 1 111K. LEINFELDER WW's new .K9ei_ nfelder s Technical Library & Awards einfelder s Technical Library, a selection of special and award- winning presentations: t h1w . o AUGER PRESSURE GROUTED DISPLACEMENT PILES: An dient 1k* Acceptable Alternative a o Port ofLong Beach Transforms ' ' � `� Itself to NMaintain he C❑ et t�e E o PetroRrUhic Analysis of Hardened Concrete and Related Materials r; a Kleinfelder, Inc. 2000 All rights reserved. i ti X IPA V � hq://Www.kleinfelder.com/techLib.htnfl 411312004 THOMAS R. GROVHOUG, Vice President Larry Walker Associates EDUCATION: Master of Science, Civil Engineering, 1975,University of California, Davis Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, 1973,University of California, Davis REGIS'I'RATION: Civil Engineering, State of California,No. 27901 PROFESSIQNAL EXPERIENCE: Mr. Grovhoug has primary responsibility for management of water quality management projects at LWA. His work has included watershed management program development and implementation; water quality attainment strategy development; water quality and environmental impact studies; site-specific water quality objective studies; regional ambient water quality monitoring program development and implementation;policy analysis for statewide and regional water quality control plans;NPDES permit analysis and negotiation;planning and design of water and wastewater facilities; construction support services; and financial studies. He has managed major projects from inception to completion, including scoping,budgeting, scheduling, contracts,regulatory agency contacts,public presentations, coordination of subcontractors and supervision of LWA project teams. He has led major water quality studies in San Francisco Bay,the Sacramento River watershed,and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Central Valley since 1982. He has served as project manager of major water quality studies for Sacramento County,the City of Stockton, the City of San Jose, City of Sunnyvale,Bay Area Clean Water Agencies,Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority, City of Lathrop, City of Tracy, City of Petaluma and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Mr. Grovhoug has significant experience in Clean Water Act and California Water Code regulatory issues,with extensive experience involving NPDES discharge permits in California. He has provided NPDES pernut assistance for Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, City of Los Angeles, City of San Jose,Delta Diablo Sanitation District, South Bayside System Authority, City of Palo Alto, Mountain View Sanitary District, Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, City of West Sacramento, City of Manteca,Novato Sanitary District, and others.Mr. Grovhoug provides ongoing technical and regulatory policy analysis for the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies and Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, dealing with multiple issues ranging from NPDES permitting, Basin Planning, California Toxics Rule, State Implementation Plan, 303(d)listings, f k i Thomas Grovhoug Page 2 TMDL development and water quality standards. Representative project management assignments have included: 0 Sacramento River Watershed Program,Water Quality Monitoring Program and Strategic Plan for Mercury Risk Reduction in the Sacramento River Watershed Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District Mercury Offset Project Feasibility Study, Sacramento Regional County tY Sanitation Distract Central Valley Drinking Water Policy Work Group, g Consulting services Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District and California Urban Water Agencies Water quality impacts analysis and anti-degradation analysis in Suisun Marsh Fairfield Suisun Sewer Distract • TMDL development in Calleguas Creek watershed, Calleguas Creek water District TMDL development in San Francisco Bay, Clean Estuary Partnership Sacramento Coordinated Water Quality Monitoring Program, Ci�and County of Sacramento. * NPDES Effluent and Receiving Water Quality Monitoring Program for Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant discharge to Sacramento River, Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District. NPDES water quality monitorinY g programs in South San Francisco Ba for City of San Jose and City of Sunnyvale. • Site-specific Objectives for Copper and Nickel North of Dumbarton Bridge, Clean Estuary Partnership Site Specific Objectives for Cyanide for San Francisco Bay, Y Ba Area Clean Water Agencies Development of Site Specific Water Quality Objectives for four trace metals in San Francisco Bay, Cities of San Jose, Sunnyvale and Palo Alto. • NPDES water quality monitoring program for mercury in the San Joaquin River City of Stockton. Water quality and beneficial use impacts analysis for alternative wastewater disposal options in San Francisco Bay, Supplemental EIR for Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority a Thomas Grovhoug Page 3 Water quality impacts analysis and anti-degradation analysis in South San Francisco Bay, EIR for South Bayside System Authority. Water quality impacts study for wastewater effluent discharge to Sacramento River, EIR for City of West Sacramento. Water quality impacts study for wastewater effluent discharge to Sacramento River,Master Plan EIR for Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District. Site-specific water quality objectives for ammonia in Los � City Angeles River Ci of g Los Angeles and City of Burbank Water quality impact analysis for tertiary effluent discharge to San Joaquin q River,Master Plan EIR for City of Lathrop Water quality impact analysis for tertiary effluent discharge to Old River Master Plan EIR for City of Tracy Water quality impact analysis for effluent discharge to Petaluma River, Master Plan EIR for City of Petaluma ■ Local Limits and industrial pretreatment program development for City of West Sacramento. Residential metals study to identify sources and control measures for trace metals in residential wastewater, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Waste minimization program development, South Bayside System Authority. Mr. Grovhoug has also managed the following water and wastewater design projects: Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements, Gibson Creek Plant, City of Vacaville Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements, City of Davis • Wastewater treatment facilities upgrade for the Soledad Correctional Training Facility, California Department of Corrections. Expansion of wastewater treatment plant, City of Newman. Wastewater treatment plant improvements for the California State Prison- Solano, California Department of Corrections. Water treatment plant expansion and water storage tank for the Sierra Thomas Grovhoug Page 4 Conservation Center, California Department of Corrections. Prior to joining LWA in 1982,Mr. Grovhoug worked for a national engineering consulting firm responsible for planning and design of water and wastewater facilities and for the California State Water Resources Control Board in the Clean Water Grant Program. Mr. Grovhoug has presented numerous technical papers on water quality management topics at professional conferences at the national, state and regional level. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: Member,Water Environment Federation Member, California Water Environment Association Member, Tri-TAC Associate Member, California Association of Sanitation Agencies rM Central Contra Costa Sanitary District April 23, 2004 TO: BOARD BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE FROM: ANNE. FARRELL SUBJECT: CAPITAL PROJECT UPDATE Attached are our monthly reports for bidding and construction for the month of March. As you can see from the bidding status report, we are entering the busy g bidd�in season. As of the end of March, we had bid five of our projects for this construction season and will be bidding over 15 additional projects over the next 6 months. You will note on the report on projects in construction, that we are starting on a new group of projects for this construction season. This report will grow in length as the months o b and . . g Y additional projects are bid. If you have any questions, please call. Cc: Randy Musgraves Debbie Ratcliff HABoard Finance Comm Mar reportCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District.doc MARCH 2004 BIDDING STATUS -- CAPITAL PROJECTS IN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FY 2003-04 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET t ------------ ti F. '.10 r_jim ++��;y���� a Lower Orinda 11103• $6,100,000 11/19/03 5,696,000•Pacific•mechanical Corp. TP Safety Enhancements DP 7219 01104 $110,000 01/21/04 143,369 Valentine Corporation North Main, DP 5700 03104 $200,000 03/15/04 324,657 McGuire&Hester TP Electrical Cable Replacement, DP 7214 03104 $11200,000 03117/04 1,047,700 Con.J.Franke Electric,Inc. TP Protective Coating, Phase 2, DP 7221 03104 $800,000 03/16104 1,177,622 Kaweah Construction Company Acacia, FM 04104 $100,000 Happy Valley Road, DP 04104 $4009000 PHRI Phase 5 04104 $21200,000 Pleasant Hill Rd. East, DP 5553 04104 $119001000 Carmel Creek Crossing, DP 5499 05104 $100,000 M3 Sag 05104 $350,000 M4 A 05104 $1,000,000 Delayed I year Pipe Renovations and Replacement, DP 7208, 05104 $450,000 Rossmoor 9 05104 $375,000 Walnut Creek 2 05104 $19100,000 District Wide TV 06104 $1,000,000 Influent Division Structure Rehabilitation, DP 7209 12104 $2009000 Vessing Phase 1, DP 5646 06104 $16000,000 Scrubber Pumps Renovation, DP7223 10104 $40,000 CI PP 12104 $600,000 Contra Costa Rehabilitation 2 12104 $21000,000 St. Mary's Trash Rack, DP 5464 -- $100,0001 Done as a change order, St.Stephens Slide Repair, DP 5600 -- $100,000 Done by homeowner Morello Bridges unknown $100,000 Bid defered by Martinez 1.Construction contract estimate as shown in the Capital Improvement Budget and not necessarily the engineers estimate at time of bid. MARCH 2004 SUMMARY-OF CAPITAL PROJECTS Illi CONSTRUCTION FY 2003-04 - T NO. PROJECT NAME 1 ORIGINAL #of $value of amt pd to %complete MAJOR EVENTS CM STAFF CONTRACT change change contractor VALUE orders orders 5448 Lower Orinda 5,696,00❑ 0 0 0 0%Current/ in shop dr ' y p awing submittal and review phase Pumping Station/A. Working with PG&E to relocate ole next to existin. ower g Antkowiak P p buiiding. w 5700 Walnut Creek North 324,657 ❑ 0 0 10% Board of Directors awarded the construction contract to Main Street Sewer McGuire and Hester on March 18,2004. The Notice to Replacement Proceed was issued to the contractor with an effective date of 3/30/04 5661 Lafayette Sewer 1,098,800 15 279,393 1,214,847 99%18 sites complete. New sites were identified by CSO and work Renovation Phase at these sites was completed as change order work. 41M. Husain 6127 Pumping Stations 11471,628 7 649203 11301,216 84010 Terminations,loop testing,telephone hookup,and trainin9 of SCADA Project/M. District personnel is in progress. SCADA Central is Husain communicating with eighteen(18)pump stations at the present time. Fourteen(14)pump stations have been cut over to the SCADA system. 7214 Treatment Plant 1,047,700 0 0 0 0%Contract was awarded April 1 Electric Cable ReplacementlA. Rozu I 7221 Treatment Plant 1,177,622 0 0 0 0%Contract was awarded April 1 Protective Coating/A. Rozul 72'19 Treatment Plant 1439369 0 0 0 0%Notice to Proceed was issued March 10,2004. Safety Improvements/C. Shima 111111 11111!!111 11g, 1111F Will 7167 Recycled water 257,150 8 551772 306,013 98%Contractor is installing electronic"touch read"meter sending Connections 1 D. devices on several difficult to access meters as a safety and Berger accuracy improvement. Next connection to be completed is Taylor Blvd.Medians. *Note: Projects that have been accepted will remain on the report until the close of the current fiscal year. Legai Expenditure Summary SELF INSURANCE FUND Check check $ Vendor Name Ac ` count# Account$ CL#. Cage# 111020881 $95.00 Cal IN Case True West Consolidated, Inc. 003-0000-991.14-20 $95.00 LAC_2 p • ais Padilla vehicle accident-damage appraisal report 2 102089 $5,772.36 Daisy Padilla 003-0000-991-14-20 . $5,772.36 AC-2 Dais Padilla vehicle - oaccident Settlement payment 3 102090 $2,400.00 .Don Newcomer 003-0000-991-14-20 $2,409.00 GL-2 Newcomer Claim-Settle i merit payment for driveway repair 4 102091 $1,227.38 Enterprise Rent-A-Car 003-0000-991-14-20 � $1,227.38 GL-4 Enterprise Rent-A-Car vehicle damage-Settlement payment 5 102092 $3,450.00 Kofoed Law Office 003-0 - - 00D 991.14 20 $3,450.00 95006 CCCSD v OMDS- Lomow fi 102093 $2,700.00 Kris&Jeff DeIGL-3 Del Bopayment .. Bono 003-0000-991.14-20 $2,700.00 . Bono Claim- Settlement for dnvewa re air 7 102094 $20,446.47_ Meyers, Nave, Riback Silver 003-0 - - 000 991.14 21 $10,542.39 'Barclay v CCCSD 003-0000-993.14-21 $9,788.18CCCSD v Dickerson, •lN�lli am 003-0000-991.14-21 $115.90 Dickerson William v CCCSD 8 102495 $4,241.29 Meyers, Nave Riback Silver - - - 003 0000 993.14 21 $49.85 95006 OMDS 403-0000-991.14-21 $1,276.79 Barclay v CCCSD 003-0000-993.14-21 $2,862.78 CCCSD v Dickerson . William 003-0000-991.14-21 $51.87 Dickerson William v CCCSD 9102096 $8,610.40 Michael Stead Porsche 443-0000-991.14-20 $8,610.40 19 Harteli us La "Overflo -Payment for vehicle repair r 10 102098 $2,360.66 Meyers, Nave, Riback Silver 003-0000-993.14-21 $124.63 9500. 6 OMDS 003-0000-991.14-21 $519.02 Barclay v CCCSD 003-0000-993.14-21 $778.08 CCCSD v Dickerson, William 003-0000-991.14-21 $938.93 Dickerson William v CCCSD 11 102099 $4,050.00 .Oakwood Corporate to Hous�n $4,050.00 32 BrownMQ overflow-Tem ora Housing Services 12 102104 $624.37 Restoration Consultants 003-0000-991-14-22 $624.37 32 Brown C Overflow- . Restoration consultation 'IS p rea d s h eetslLeg a l l Lg B i I 10413 m o n th Lg l Exp.wb 3 04/28/04 LegalExpenditure Summary RUNNING EXPENSE Check#T Check $. Vendor Name � . . . Account# Account$ GL# Department _ . F,4A 149738 $7,566.60 Division Description Hanson Bdd ett 001-0110-40o.oS-0 _ 3 $7,566.50 ADM H.R.-General-Labor ._1149804 $660.00 'Brookwood Proerne001-0150-400.12-07 _ s $880.00 15 140 Brookwood Road . ad -Plumbing reimbursement 115 149850 $17,839.60 Meyers, Nave Riback Silver 001-0100-400-08-02 . $3,633.84 ADM-Board Active Board Meetin s, Retainer Sere February 001-0100-400.08-03 1 $13211-28 A -Agenda Review 001-0140-400.08-03 $2,299.38 A • DM-Purchasing 001-0150-400.08-03 $121.13 ADM-Risk Management - 001-0200-420.08-03 $101531.72 ES-Legal work Auth. Retainer ner Sery 001-0300-410.08-03 $121.13 CSO-Admin - 001-0400-410.08-03 $121.13 P - i �❑ Misc, Retainer Services 18 14985 $18,959.59 Meyers, Nave Riba - . . ck, Silver 001 0100-400.08-02 $3,883.89 ADM-Board Actin - � Board Meetings, Retainer Sery Jan ua 001-0100-400.08-03 $2,691.80 ADM-Agenda nda Review 001-0140-400.08-03 $1,528.32 ADM-Pu ' rchasin 001-0150400.08-03 $122.42 ADM-Risk Mana ement 001-0200-420.08-03 $10,491.80 ES-Legal Work Auth., Retainer Sery 001-0300.410.08-03 $320.54 CSO-Admin 001-0400-410.08-03 $121.13-- Eldowu D-Misc, Retainer Services 17 149884 $319.50 Ola'ire Idowu _ - 001 0150-400.12 07 $319.50 33 (LaO Back_up Claim-Plumbing reimbursement 18 149887 $151.75 Susan Scharf 001-0150-400.12-07 $151.75 27 Scharf UVC Backup Claim-Plumbing reimbursement s 19 149978 $15,890.54 Meyers Nave Riback Silver - .. • • - 001 0100-400.08 02 $3,783.40 ADM-Board Active -Board Meehn s, Retainer Sery Larch 001-0100400.08-03 $1,387.20 ADM-Agenda Review 001-0140-400.08-03 $1,475.47 ADM-Purchasing 001-0150-400.08-03 $559.50 ADM-Risk Management 001-0200420.08-03 $8,329.72 ES-Legal Work Auth. ' Retainer Sery 001-0300410.08-03 $121.13 CSO-Admin 001-0400410.08-03 $121.13 POD-Misc Retainer Services :\Spreadsheets\Legal\LgBill04l3monthLglExp.wb3 2 04128/04 e al� Expenditure Summary PROJECTS Check# Check $ Vendor Name A ccoun## Account $ C L# tojects20 26fi54 $2,702.93 Nave, Riback, Silver 5436DE.08-1 • 1 $209.61 Sha elllVlr�ndemere A reementlV ineH�!! Investors February 8192PQ.08-96 1 $2,317.40 Treatment plan Projects 8192PQ.08-97 $175.92 Collection S ' stem Pro ects 21 26655 $101496.74 Mee - rs, Nave, Riback, i Silver: 8192PQ.08-96 $4,183.35Treatment •Plant Projects January 8192PQ.08-97 $6,313-39 Collection System Pro• ects 22 26678 $2,389.39 Meyers, Nave Riback u s , Silver 8192PQ.08 96 $831.11 Treatment plant Pro acts March 8192PQ.08-97 $1s558.28Collection •System Pro acts ZN*L#-Claim Log Number 0L-General Liability Claims %C-Auto Claims s 1SpreadsheetslLegallLgBilI0413monthLglExp.wb3 3 X4128«4 OVERFLOWS AND PLUMBING REIMBURSEMENT ENT CLAIMS 1 0711361M 59 Mulberry Lana 9ft Claimant warn ut Creek ��e �e+� Paid to��#� Pam _r�rm totals��Jta 2 0711 2&+�6 ney D1Jn�rt Creek Brtan�mJt1�r ;i9�r 0� Brtan�m Fb, 07. 3 a ,lane Rowes PL 1 _�4 Pfu m h Ind hill lobo bu rsernent 62� !�JUntas Sit Maw ez S 1�'J�,13 Mari Jan e Revves �f75.73 Plumbir��b01 rahndur�ement 1 7 BerbeFr Lade n Ramer, LJPP 0"lopm ant ISD $3.807-22 Lfppaw Develop m n et Tonka Gladden JAL $3.�7- Yet reel aepm ant prgnct contractor fad ed to hoc k up J�tera I to m airn DWI 2513 Van ado m Ino Walnut Creel. John Gatti $114.50 Ton la at dden $114_ A umh]ng bill tioUn h u rsernent RD' 31, �.2R; John�atb J5 5f3 Entry 25,Gald enrafn WaJnut C raek(Poaremoar) ist 1 lir,&GRI=f R m car, �� $1,924.26 Hydra crew oraan tng;P re"u ra caused backup th raugh faterar;1 bath of fe�dF�p 1 ace 7 DUN 3187 Mt 0121310 8W. $3.80Z60 Skulcl mn wa I Iipaper Lafayette P 11 Me Marlon) PD ,SD2 GO Outside Jaundry f`acnity efface;ardaning and ba•seboa rd m P Iacem en't 20 Rin Manag emanl; Crew mpo raded W abnQ log man h Qla;not NwOF0!o1r ofl eta tiantant3r C1aa n la9 a n d fn Ivor Drop art*damage(dry 11)in basement areal � 09Qli�3 17 Dart Gabrtal 41�ay Orin da La Dann PD MAO Dem J�Jaz`a 11(D,Martin) .60�2i] � P D 7_00 Larry Dann Rugged IJn a disposal and phKm of ble in tine, fl b out of cl aanoul N baok,minor 9 snow 1801 Cantu St're Bt $1, 4.04 F�a�rati n Man egamenf personail propnq da mage;clear�Jng of patio&yard, J�ertfnez left�eti�u���,ant� p� �f,8s 1•I 33,%0-00 J BIT Pa u(tanant) PlVg1;l ed f f no:"Perla rease Q 252'_ Flooded antral,9 Drage•11VIng Morn,and hall, 5152-99 Garl Yfarren&C-o- $3. 4.76 Restoration Manaprtm ent Bruc8 Rtrobman(prop,amer) PO $175, avtnDnmdtW Mlefobfofogy Lah 10 10109M 137 Las Lomas way Minut Crook Sh or Bh eta x.20 Etrr�.ce Stroh m a r� prop.ow $10,9l 9.01 I 1 11� 8#recce Road PL ~ Walnut n ut Croak Jaren 1Ac141ss�CJ� ��7�,13 Sher J�Jtiaf�•a 5175.�3 l�mil In p h UI riBirn balsam ant 12 1 yld� �East n w D rf m Lr�afaynne Thomas Kozel FAL �_J Karen MuKL%s kk 13 1 1M3M 2575 Buena VleW Avenr Wa In ut CFeak Pt r; Plumbing bN I ref�rtib umement J�n Larsen 5250.� Thomas f�o�al .OQ J�ru m h I��b Di.elm burse m®rpt 14 ?Ill 0!03 12 Alf one hurt V�Inrrt C PL S11,061-DO J'oan Lerman J�tt �r[�0 rafmbur•aem cot of$a+�rsll prurnbin$h fll9 Q ue�� 15 11111 3 1'40 Smakwoo d Raa.d Orin da M arca Eller PL 518'.5.00 Marcia r1 l er fs rM related prof BrvoKm ad Prcpe rtk+eso.Popal k PL $195.0 Plumb Ing h 01 rain burse m ant i 0 71�111�3 82$atrts BW. �rCrrda Ja m ea I�c�latr 5 .00 oro OkWver�Pra�per#es r Numbing bill rerfmb wn9emant paFd to ro man. 17 7?1Q110i 1 Mallard[]rove 1a f n tdt geek PL $95.82 ,Jama-w McNa Ir A Jam+ Qa m ar t Company Marr&Judy P�acU Pp brs In# urn aro Un D Taque I'llla R� 0.n0 Mark Lf o d Pum x.82 ReL mbursem int fa r re rital of eq ulp to cl carlor�but no apparent lea an backup d u e 10 me Minctton of lJafes H P FIS due to raot r fn Itne. A?fecWd twvn sueLmW 81 18 16103 1500 Prom&5%ad Ave !nut Creek Beaticu Che+rene $912.76 $1,11Z76 ro 19 12J29/0 3816 Mt Diablo 15W. Lafa�'etta PL 52,a ' 63,50 Beate�h arena a .' �'A u I'r5�hln$01 reFm h ursement nh damage,ma��e some persar,al prapeity damag a 3618 Mt Diablo Wvdr Lafaya ft AnN Wa DOor Gomp2 ny PD $44.00 MJke Saeri $468,00 Buarnmw Jnterrupthn( hours).errs plo+yes--e wag es 0 Mt Diablo BW 1_af ayetLe Lore a C Ion J?D $0.00 Cf ay Ra.mse} Manor damage tO bath0or0conlonts(Y ally) li } _:_ ... { -• ••+, .r.,. + ° .Y ��' _ __.. Carpet;cm ntsnts d a „ m 0 ra fshe rw�d �r a e '" ___ r�� ::. Y pion ��+� '�r r=-A__ X7.90 13 J�_o�-Jgor � ,lrprtreWaY Jr e•rrr... rr �. ... r rr ____, .__:-} S't.'t rf. _......,grer._.. f_v ;�" 1 r'�. ��•, •_q'..r ' r r:...•.•�•'•'•r rS. r __....grer r r.:...,...,, r ---,-,f,)fa_•____, ,r r_____ ___.. „ �!, _:A`LA { rr --L'+r r'_ ':A�0.tr_ ..,'r._::: ......'rrr.'-_•:.•_,_�}•r-::::_•,� 5 rr__"-'- 'r."-6"-:- '•'l ,•r-:.•:_•-' �:_ �FFa }: „rL.rr--'� -•-"ALL' - ��r-----L Fr S- .. '-'Lr'r of s; - -: { _ +'•` .L', �• �•r.i.----- ...r'r'r r".1 � � '' �''' ---- rrr: ��_�:':a _' ^�-_.•::. :..... .s f_.-.... t_-- : a 1 a -ti��''r���i i i i--___�_: J _J_J• ` r ,�ry... eti.'.'.'.r.",�e°� \ - ' 'r�'•'•'e'•'•',',',',' .'r' �r'Y � ' '.'.'.'.'r' --.+.• -__�_ 'r•'.. J •. r.0., f rr;;:-•-- ,�' 20 21 01113/D4 MJ9 Coral orho da Roeernary Armgtru i7, 1 F e rattQn Me n ageme rlii 3 . 'r'r'r'....., ___;. r r.... :s�A,;Y_ � +., -rrr:,_ r r r>...._ }; =5-CD SkJJIClea n 1 _ 22 15�1 Ba u Ird 1�Y•ay� 4�4`alnuC C�k Janne I Lynch �� 5305-DO Ri otirenfl Awed at g5 Coral-into#Nrs.Artna�n rd•cteta- 01125/04 2l b"DrW die 5126,75 RotcA outer 5126.75 Alter t]crew creanlri�In fie r a�Orne�r+5mer re Wde o ri?�enrVrnes � _ rr,l.� Un nd � _ dome mlrtiar personal pro Po d mpopped 1�lfet�d Blow�dra�' Lund �• ' T�" _ ,.r.....e,' 0,4.0 esrtarat da'"ge and plumbIng hfil YFI',/��Y�' ,� aaa- i. 1i!r+y•_,,,,�i '__-:_• _.rY'••' `+�}�'f�..:�� �;r .: ' •L'ee r�i'_..:.-_L'' _�.4�.:. - �F •413 LarrreJ bavfd don rrr.. .6, 1651 Bar'r� t CkWe p °`+Or 2 Dated ._r..._ der1 rrr r.r. ► r t I JF�anr�er Minor o�mosb 1 r Ga'r soma- - := ., ,,r r y rnst#iam* '' ,��'� _._,,' �._.-,;,_L'-Y �,. .-_+L-.5g5tir.-.-.-:.'.•ri` 1 _�4 RezfltL! a` 4car °r`.S1bdt✓.'.... -- rrr _ _ : -:.-.''.5'.'.-.'.-.'.-.'."..,. r r.. ,-_-'''f.• r r ��� d rH laced. ,�y MIMI, _ _...r� ,krere••'•'.'..',',',';'�....L r..f.� J:..Y _ � ',5'.SLL*r� �'1•-,. �+Ra., M 1r�o r o�+e�J�rxY�r fro m ercterfo F c�ea A n QIP Alfa, and •,Y.._e..__.:..."_._...'......'......__'......__'_r-,..__r.r-,.._.r.r.-.fJrr.•-•r."5rr..'r.-_�.._.:..._....._.._.._Y..,..1_...._.L.-_.,^�,LLa.''�.....'_,Lr._._._...--__._r.--_-...•.--___-..•.--_S-__-.._--g-_. _-.}.�•.-.___._.'__..J._..'rrr,^J.rrr.rrrrrr.rrS....ti•_...}:_.:...F y rrrrrrr.5rra_r.:.-___..,__..._r.rf.r__ti_M...rrrr...rrrr_.r-5rr_r�rr..ae....�.._.._._.._.....,,,.._�.1..+..r�.,rl.rf:________r__J_...__.:.r_..0.rr_r. -0.rr.•r5rrrarr'.rrrr.:.._r..-_..r.:.-_.fi..'......�_'..-..._''r_.',_ .rr.lrfairrr�__r__._____.____.__L... _-_r-__-.r-__-.r-__-f.-e_. r____:_._:_.r:..r_r.�rrL r+..`•..rf..{ti-..1..'--•_.....:'_-.._.._.-•___•..rr__.•..r•r_-.r "rr•..r rr_rra_.5a_.'_..r'....r'....r_tr_�.`r�''f•.r'r.•n_'r r•rr'_r rr're..5'.,`...5'....,''.ee..,'...;',S..;.:r,r......_•:.:-fJ�r5+ e-____ r ._rr4r,___r,_•sr'_.. r_' .'of.0._"ff:f_•:'�_,�r r-..._:.�'. r._ C316fQuI ry 5 rn Sc�a, 5� .... ' _ n ° 5 pd Road NMr 5. Plumbing b�1 relrursement T p� koyle re e- Plumbing iliiI re[mburemerfr� xu �men rr°_..... ... r.�...''''.... � �! urr��_:_:_.. •-.__ � � r rrre-r____ �..... xrrrr.... .,_...._. ___ 5........ .rrrrr.. __ r" ti'.'�` •till 'r �} ...., .._____ .. rre.... rrrr,:___.. rr..__.'t_ r .____ �rS...... r r... `•S'r �. r5r r'T,+'' _ -' . t5L._,_.r''CC_._.Lrr�._-_M.r,___�5rt.__-_._..-__�rrrrL-__-...r.,_I_lrS...-_A..._I tiV.__..___-_..�.__,_...y-_J....r___�_-_..L--__r____.._l;`._-....--.'...__....+_�_r�ti._-...-5A"__......„,:_.._-..-_.._......r.�__.r_-rrr,._..__....___..•_-rrr__...__.1r..5�_r.._-kLrr,f_...r_...r__..r__.r.__......._,rrr___.rr.rrr.r-___...�,..r___rrrr'�r...t._.......r...__-_rrrrr._.r___s.rrr.....__-_rrr.r___..-__..r._.....___-rr.r__....f..r.........__ti;Sr.._..L.__:......__._rr.._..ee_.r........._}....r-,L,...r...r.....r,.,9_...rrr_:....r..r�?-_.-•__...•rr_.._.....,.._'.r..-_...rrr,.:'_._......rr.r...'__..Lr:_..'._....r..___...r...__....r.___..ra..____...r_____rr..___..rr____r___f...._,-:__4r__fJ...._,-__xrr._____..r_-_rr..___h,rr.._-_\er..L___f,:r._,-ti.°,.r.._..•......:�ti'._:_,k.....°..___......__...._____..__..�.__�___r�__f__.�__._.r_.__,'_tr_.s__s._r__._�r�__:r_�r r fr+_:r�r�.._r_�....__..r___.,._.._r_r.r�.._..___rrL�_.....:__rrrr:-_AJrr____rrr1-•__._.r__��.r.,,__.:."_�_,q_._...__r.r,_r.....k_r�...____.._____..,�___..,_._.._l.___......-?__.._..t':..__r..rrti____....�.__.L_rrr..�.f�_..._.°._S..rrr�:...PM1_._r.._-__rrr_rr..„:....r.rr..•.-__rr1�,rr...._....rr...r_-_rrrr.,a.___.J..r...._r_-rrra,_..____.rr.r..._r_-r0.ar....__/.:r..._,._rrr.�.._.___1.r..lr._rrr...__r�F__..rr�_r.q,r0.rr....r'....F.,..�T„r....Lrr_.....+_.....rrr_1.:.....rR_..'..-r...rr__.'....-,e-+.4...a}_...-rrAA_.".....r.+._..r._..__..._,__r__..-..r___..-�a._____....__...r.,.__.._...__...S_1___r_._-ti._....,._rrre...�....____rrrrr._.._...'__.rrrr._...r_.__.rrr.......rr'.__r_S.._:_..._rr...5r...._....:..rr......_..f......_rr.:.....r.r..__rrr.e.....rr...�...._.-rr..r....r..r..•'...r...r....r....r-.....:.H_r..rr,...,.L...rrr'.ti...errr•....'r'....r•r.=.r.0.'..._...rrrr_r_rr'_...'..,____�•..__.r..___rrr-•. __....__.r„•.__�rr...._.r•_r.�.._.'.r.rr..�_........_..,r_..,,...rrr_-..rr..rrr.__..r.L'.rr..,_....._'.L�..___...Y�__L..___...�,__L„:.._____..,___�rr.�_A__r__°v_rL__..-_.,L°.,r__-.-__,�5___°�r_-_r___�-_�r___�._,:__.____•..:__,__.J_'_rL__..-_+_rr_..__�r•._r.__rr-.•._r._-_._aar-....�._.-.__rr._:--....r_...-..rr.._.._.r,.r.._.r_.rr-._.r_'rr.�._r rSL...rr•r.y._...._.._...:....L...-....:......-...._'_.�_.rr_-'"..rr_-'._r._-'..i.._-�..•r..�°__.�.l:._.rL:.r..lr:•r..•+ti_._'l_..•Y.___..rf__f...r__5...�T,__+}__...'_S.rrq_-__.._��'--_rr--_f..r�,rr----..Sr."'...L_s..-.-°,_-'.r_:.hr:.rl.r..,h��k''-f r-r r,'tr�_1.,rSrr J r1�r 5S5it!•`.+.'f�At�J�''�S.':L'S'_ -_�,rler•r_�f-•_'_•_�`__TLi�,Lr•rY,y+r.+r-°_,_-r•_'.:..+r.e-.�''-i�-!'..��'.Lr�.F'r-/.�_:''�J_'�.''.•v{,f�L'r'e,-•�•r.e_rr-••r,'.l rr�•••_a`:•..r._••g-,•..---:..•1.:'-':x•,:__.•� 55s,..-.;5:�•._.:.-r f'.'.,..-•r�'..._.-•r.__'._.._-..--..r..��'_�f.-r-r..4��•'-..�r•".'r -.tir•'_r.'.��,r-.•.•'.,.-_r•'..'_..:•-.r_-�.:•-rr•.-•.:rr_:-r�5:�_-•:-�._�.•.r_�rti'_'-.S,':��'-�r :}f'_•:a:}rr1.l:_'-rr-..�'-Fi-i'�-:..•0.�•_:-;t.,yrt_•'F_0._�r;.�a•r�-_'.L'•"ti+__-...T,+�`--_'.�-•.'T:_..,.:1-_'r-=:.''l_:'-rrr__:�=.��-'r_••r�:•--5'_r'�-::_r:.r-i�SSr_r•r_�.'r ✓� r.-_. �ti:=e:•-�-._.'' -'�..:ir4rf.R'tti+r."'`'_1._:4'--f'.._:•t°'�:.=••�''5'lL_:_•i_.SS'__:'.�r',_J.'..rrtir5'r_:'rr;lxr_5Sr_'r_'�`'. 'rr'rrl'r:'"._�r�_-'__-._-5'_-,''.-:'_L.-:.--�':',A.:,•-_'rrL_':','r_'0.rr'__:'r_--r.r '�_:'.'•i_,_''_!•��'•''r�.'.Z.�_ ':��ti'�-:.'L_:,"L_�.,'_�F.+'=:,.._•+�'-_rr '..•�'rrr�':qi-,••r'_�''.r°'.r_..rr.35,'-:.:._...'_•+_.+.'�^tir'.+f..'�rL'..:''' _.''r•_r._ =__er,-}: i-.�•_{•::'•__._•. _,.'+_'-__•_�.:._�-_:-_�-_�r�'_'r.'_'';'°'r.e•-,..' ," ------ - ,• . _____... .. .__ ..... :..: •r ,,�r.+-'e._.'.r•.L-t":':_:`.a,_.•.._..:s'. :.rrr'L..r.--rr5.�';•._rr r-_';rrrr:•°.''.._•.,�/St.-r_'.._;'..k__--r,r_ •.✓�:•.', r,_�`r_�r-:�r.�r.• 'r.ti'-•r.' v._•''•�'L�_.•''rr':'r ._.�•,?+''i''r4 -:_:•i'5'l':._S'�'rk,:.h�-�'' •:..9-"'''�•:.�r,"�' r__,_.... ...r � l�,{ _ __._r --- °i ...... ...._A - ..: rrr ,,..•:: $319050 37 712 M ��RoadOr rd�, ...... �owY :'' + urimmwK �0.•'_.•:.hrrr"''5�r�•:' rr°�w•`.r.r '•rrit...5e-'r4'••.::._r�-... _-'r•_"••__•rer'_..a�'•e_••, 5:r'•.' .r r° f:r r'te °a�t•r'°�_- .� r �r rr_ � -• W Yatw-Cvvarfl r ....... `.r � �rr 20D3-W GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-OTHER 9 01/20/04 54 East Altarinda Drive Orfnda Patricia Werner .34 2 03101!04 931 Doray Drive Pleasant HAl $390.00 Patricia WarnerDon Newcomer Reimbursement for tree removal and replacement due to CSO sewer repair. 3 03/09/04 137 Doray privy Pleasant HAI x,400.00 Don Newcomer Reimbursement for repair of driveway 4 03/98/04 4797 Imhoff Place Martinez Mr.b Mrs.Jeff Del Bona $2,700.00 Mr,b Mrs.Jeff Del Bono Reimbursement for repair of driveway Enterprise Rent-A-Car/Blackwood/J.Knox $1,227.38 Enterprise Rent-A-Car vehkie damage-HHWCF forklift being operated b L.Sty s tailgate of rented truck(J.Knox) Y 89 dropped car batteries on Total-GL Other $0.00 $8,64$,Y2 zaa3-a4 2003-04 AUTO CLAIMS • DOL Location Veh Desi. Name Reserve Paid Comments 1 09122W Filter Plant #=2003 Chevy Silverado Garth Williams $18255.25 backed Into light pole while turning trunk around • 2 04102f04 914 Old Hawthorne Roe 2001 Toyota Camry Dalsy Padilla $5,772.36 Dist Rodder Truck 9133(J.Muir)backed Into parked car 3 $95.a0 Cal-West Appraisal 4 5 Reserve Paid-to-date Total-Auto Claims $0.00 $0.00 $7,122.61