HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET AND FINANCE AGENDA 03-15-04 ' Central Contra Costa SanlotarDistrict 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, Ca 94553 (925) 228-9500 e wwwcentralsan-OrAgy BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE March 15, 2004 3:30 p.m. CSO Conference Room 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, California 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS 3. OLD BUSINESS 4. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT 5. REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS 6. REVIEW EXPENDITURES 7. ADJOURNMENT Recycled Paper 0 To: Board Finance Committee From: Randal Musgraves 44/94 Debbie Ratcliff Subject: Answers to Questions at the March 1, 2004 Finance Committee Meeting 1. What was covered by the MCI invoice for Internet charges? The MCI invoice is for an old DSL line that is used for all incoming E-Mails district wide. Eventually, this service will be connected to our network, and the DSL line will be eliminated. The cost for all Internet Services monthly for both MCI and SBC is $875. (See attached memo from Mark Greenawalt) 2. Why do we cut a check to CCCSD for the Pipe Users Group Conference? We received an invoice from the Pipe Users Group to send several of our employees to their conference. Since CCCSD acts as their Treasurer, we have to cut the check back to CCCSD,however, in the accounting records, this check is applied to the Pipe User Group's"account". 3. What was the invoice from the county for microwave services for? We lease space on their Microwave antennae tower for our radio antennas. They simply call it microwave serves as apposed to rental fees. 4. How often does Aqua Science do Effluent Toxic Testing for the District? Our permits require us to test our effluent on Abalone every other month and the Regional Board requires us to do certain tests for pesticides every month. We used to test on Echinoderms,but in 2001, the requirements changed to Abalone testing. 5. What projects are being worked on by MWH and what is their status? This invoice covered three different projects. The first was for attendance at two construction meetings associated with the San Ramon Pumping Station Renovation Project. Also, it included the charges from PGA Design, the landscape architect, to write a letter to the city of San Ramon. All work on this project is complete. The second project was for the design and preparation of a preliminary design technical memorandum for the Plant Control System Improvements Project. $180,000 was authorized for this project and $110,000 has been spent to date. MWH will be writing an RFP for software,hardware, and system integration in the next 4-6 months. The third project is the Treatment Plant Electrical Cable Replacement Project where MWH was asked to review the design by ATS Engineering ti i Services to ensure it was done correctly. This work is almost complete as the bid is scheduled for March 17''. 6. What service was provided by GeoSyntec for the Treatment Plant Soil Remediation Project? GeoSyntec prepared a report for Quality Assurance and Implementation. Also, every six months they check the ground water as part of an agreement with DTSC. A position paper and presentation regarding Basin A will be presented to the Board at the April 1 Board Meeting. 7. What was the Title search for through Placer Title Company? During the outfall project,we were approached by Boyd Olney through his attorney to purchase a parcel of land North of our site and adjacent to Conco. We believed our emergency discharge channel to be on this parcel. We had a title search conducted to determine the boundaries of this property and what our actual discharge rights were. We were surprised to find as a result of this title search, that our emergency discharge channel was actually on the property already owned by Conco. Based on this information, as well as the asking price for the parcel,we did not pursue purchase of the parcel, which was later purchased by Conco. 8. There were four different checks written to PG&E in this month's expenditures. What were they for?Also,was the gas charge paid to PG&E for a transfer fee? Yes, the gas charge from PG&E is a transportation fee from the common transfer point(City Gate)to our plant and home office facility. This is about $14,235 per month. All our natural gas is purchased from Coral Energy Resources. The cost is made up of two factors: NYMEX Price-Gas cost Basis-Between 5 and 15 cents per decatherm. This basis is the charge for Coral Energy to transport the gas to the City Gate. The other three invoices were as follows: $25,400-This was for electricity in the plant and HOB for the month of January, 2004. $26,140 - This was for three months in 2002 for electricity at the pump stations. $26,415—This was for electricity at the San Ramon Pump station from July 2003 to January 2004. x These outstanding amounts are due to the process that PG&E uses to read their meters. They estimate the usage and bill the District. Every three months or so, they then take a meter reading. The District is rebilled for the difference that we owe or they could owe us as well. o Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 11, 2004 TO: DEBBIE RATCLIFF, CONTROLLER FROM: MARK GREENAWALT, MIS ADMINISTRATOR SUBJECT: BREAKDOWN OF INTERNET COSTS SBC Pacific Bell The District's primary access to the Internet in through a T1 communication line (1.2Mb) to the Internet Services Provider (ISP) which is SBC Pacific Bell. This service provides Internet access for staff and transfer outgoing Internet email. T1 Communication Line & Internet Services $ 679 / month Individual Internet dialup accounts (much like AOL) may be purchased for remote sites that do not have access to the District's network such as the San Ramon office or the Martinez Pumping Station. San Ramon Internet Dialup Services $ 20 / month MCI WorldCom The District's original ISP was WorldCom using a DSL line (128kb). Several years ago, this limited bandwidth was found to be inadequate and replaced with the T1 communication line for addition speed and bandwidth. The WorldCom DSL line was retained for two reasons. First, at the time it was very difficult to redirect our Internet email address (centralsan.dst.ca.us) from one ISP to another. This process could take several weeks and completely disrupt Internet email delivery. Second, it was felt that for the limited cost per month for the DSL line allowed us a good solution to distributing the Internet use between the two communication lines. The resolute provided relatively good Internet speed and bandwidth without requiring us to purchase an additional T1 communication line. DSL Communication Line & Internet Services $149 / month Martinez Pump Station Internet Dialup Services $ 25 / month It is intended to eliminate all the MCI WorldCom services in the next several months. Our incoming Internet email address will be redirected through SBC Pacific Bell and the Martinez Pumping Station will have District network access through the SCADA communication lines. Legal Expenditure Summary SELF INSURANCE FUND __ j Check# Check$ Vendor Name Account# Account$1 CL#I Case#-Case Title 1- 102079 $6,092.33 James and Lora Isherwood 003-0000-991.14-20 $6,092.33 18 Lora's Closet La Overflow Claim-Settlement a ment 2 102080 $1,620.65 Restoration Management Co. 003-0000-991.14-22 $850.25 23 0 don WC Overflow Claim-Sewage Damage Services 003-0000-991.14-22 $770.40 21 Lund Dan Overflow Claim-Restoration services 3 102082 $1,421.88 Restoration Management Co. 003-0000-991.14-22 $1,421.88 24 Flanner(PH)_Overflow Claim-Sewage Damage Services RUNNING EXPENSE FUND Check# Check$ Vendor Name Account# Account$ CL#1 Case#-Case Title 4 149040 $15,220.56 IHanson Bridgett 001-0120-400.08-03 $6,004.51 ADM-H.R. -Labor-General Dec bill 001-0120400.08-03 $708.00 ADM-H.R. -Local 1 R. Hernandez Arbitration#2 Dec bill 001-0120-400.08-03 $2,412.25 ADM-H.R. -Local 1 R. Hernandez Arbitration#2 Jan bill 001-0120400.08-03 $6,095.80 ADM- H.R. -Labor-General Jan bill 5 149104 $200.00 Robert Mark Pocta 001-0150-400.12-07 $200.00 16 Pocta WC Overflow Claim- Restoration services 0 H:1SpreadsheeLslLegaI1SUMMARYIEXPDSUMMar04.wb3 03112/04 OVERFLOWS AND PLUMBING REIMBURSEMENT CLAIMS DOL Addresslmai n#n# T Rgserve Paid to Date P�I� CWin,T is fir+rets 1 07M6M3 59 Mulberry Lane Walnut Cmehc Brian Smith PL $194-04 grEan Smith SMA4 Pium bInp bill relm bu rse m iant 2 071111/33 2146 KIn n eg Drt+re n-t Creek Mary Jane Reasms PL. 5175-13 Mary y.lane Reuves $17&0 Plum b[ng bill reimbursement 3 07rAt 3 620 Lae J u ntas Streat Martin ez Uppow Detelop m ant lab S3,807- Lipp nw D ftelopm n at $3,807}22 After replacement probe ,con tracts r Ial ed tEl h oak Up fmrteral in maln 4 01YOM 121 Bor'berty Lane San Ra m cn Tanta Glad-darn PL 5114-50 Tania Gladden $114.50 PkimbIno bill reimbursement 5 0811 9M3 2513 Venado Gamin o Wal n rpt Cres K JO rf Gatti Pn $1,024.26 .Jahn Gatti S1.924.25 Norm crew c lea n In g:pnnsrjre caused brackup through[star ,Ir2 bath affected.,replace vallbaper 6 011251133 Entry 26,Go Ident-alA Wal nut Creek(Ron oflr) 1 at WC Mutual G RF(Rassmoor) PD S:3.802-60 S kirrmean $3,1 60 OWtsft laundry fa cPly aff acte d,cIffanin g and t2amboard fepla cern ent 7 12 7M3 3687 Mt D Fiblo Blvd. LaUyatte Delco Playa r1(Denise Ma rtfn) PI7 $2,607-20 Restorat lon Managament Crew responded to,standln g manhole;n of romm of off Intu tentants. C[maanf ng and m[nor Rro 0 ertY do mane(mirvwal 11 to basem a nt area) PD $D.00 Desco Plaza 11(D.Martn,) 002213 8 139j70103 17 Dan Gabriel Way Orinda La rTy Mann PO $457.DO Lara+Mann Plugged r1 ne,dfsposa I a n d p laces of Life f n Iln e, Chmffluwu d c ut of cl ea nout In back m[nor pe rson al property d arnage;clean Ing or;ratio&yard. 9 MOM $1,434.04 Restnrat[on Management $1,891.64 1901 t M artlne Jed Pa e�ftu{tona-tit) PD $3,05 p,p0 Jeff Fll-aeUm u Mona nt) P I ug g ab rine,papa rlgrease Q 25Z, Flo oded entry,gara g a,]Mr<g roo m,a nd hart, 5452.09 Cad Mrm n&Co. $3,454.73 Restoration Management - 3175.00 Envlronmet'all Mleroblology Lab Brace 544 h man(prop,ewner) PES $3.776-26 BrUce Strnhmian(prop-oar 310.M.01 10 10liMi5 137 Las Lomas My oval nut Creek Sh ar 8 haw PL $175.13 Shan Bhatla 3175,13 Plumbtn fl bH l reimbursement 11 11OM 84 Terrace Road Walnut Creek Karen M rXisslc k PrL S°264.50 X2ren McKbmIck 5264.50 Plumbing bfl l relmbursomont 0 12 11MMI 3553 East View Drive Lafayette Thomas Kozel 1t S250.Do Tha oras Kozel S250-OD Plumbing b[I I ria Imbursem a of 13 11913M 2575 Duna 1i1 Avenm WaInut Greek Joan Larsen PL $1,1351.DO Joan Larsen S1.G 1+015 re Imburse ment nf swmraI plumbing b11Ia d u a to Di la related pro]ed 14 11t10M U Mnn a Court Wa In ut Creek March@ E}lar 1t S 185,DO Marcia Elter S 1 .00 Plum bIng bl ll reJm burse m er t 15 1111 I 3 92 Butos BN d. Orinda James McNair PL $65.82 Jo rnes Mr-Ne $6.82 Rekmbursem ant for renta I of eq u Ip to cI can backup d u e to rnaffu ncdomry of Baha 8W Pmt SO 1$ 1 VDIM 2314 M21.1ard DrNe W-aInut Creek mark&.body Pow PO S20100 Mark&Jody Pocta OP d u a to root's in Ilna. Aftct&d two showom Intortor,but n apparent real $912.76 Rerstoriadan Management $1,1 fZ718 prop i5q do mage;maybe acme persone I props rty damag e 17 17JIW 1500 Flomentead Arra VIPsInut Creek Beatke Charene PL $7,863-50 Beatrica Cherimne $2.863-50 Plumbing bU1 reimbursement 18 1 9 361-6 tt Orlabia Blvd- Num em Una Taqu Dril la PO $468-00 Mike Sae ri $468.05 B u r-hnew[nte rru p5on -4 hours),emploVe esr wages 3613 Mt,131abla Blvd- Laf aym mn Antig u a Cho or Company PD $0.00 Clay Ramsey Mf nor{dam age to batho omloo ntanN(if any) 3t 0 Imo.Diabla Bhvd. LaNyn ft Loma"s UoBet PD '16,[x9 33 Lora 1s henmx d Carpet,,contanta dam ,.buallnew Intitrrupt[o n r some W211 re patr S190.13 Rvto-Rooter ._-••••••••••••-.r-rr+�rrrrrrrrr,rr.,,,,�-°,°-e,.e.... .'•• .:..afire{:,}•r_ ._,_,--�,-'e.,...-...'..........:..............i.. ++••• • e,,,r„.... °�� a�.,,CC..yy��.����.aa��.'' ��- V. - .. .''1"1'1• ............ 20 �y v. .. ..•a a°�`+-r-+......., .:, '�����'i e c a v v v v 1.as:v a.v v.a ...... ........v' v'v 'a 'V �y,� •`��-�� -A'-- LW 1 Gerard Wary I nut Gr k l�onrW Lyrvch 112L "28,75 I o-RmAW $126.75 Af6sr CSCE crew cle gain In the a ho a owner ra orted" f i� � p RoAp ed�n[1�et armrl s[v� 21 0� 205 Estates D rive banvil la CIMN Lund PD $616,00 Dana&Cirldl fund Some wren or p ersr l Pr4pelt+�d bmap aid p I u rn h Ing h III ....E.....T;; f ••. 5 ..._._� of •✓•..x.'."' NW ��/V 1,38 . - ... ......•. , ..o.�..-_'.,_...•.•....•-:----•- � 4. 5555°.5'.•.•.•.•.'.•.S` vL�=!!• f 5•.5515'.t'.`ds'rrr� :.�.I��'Ga _ _ r�Management mTt S s�O .. _f...7N ___... ;� f•.5 TT.ST.T.r,,,, +,L', _ •FA�.i F.=•. i,__ ... .-:.�,_ -.•'Luf _ ..... 55.5....... Z" �'' .,• 5'..•r4'�°Vit' `. ._iLt'.•:.•.•.•.•.•.•.'.•...................• 'r• ''.5 �... ..�....� 5...........__ 5{5w5 .. ,'4;•'-;'{.�,.... ..�. ��_______________-.°_�,�, ...,......5...5511 +....•:•:•:....... ''++IY.����. _���1•RQ_= -_-:•_• 23 01 1I 4 725 Laurel Drt 1-mut C reek DavMd'%dmamrsmall __ ....'.'.'....'.'.'..'.'-'.'.'.� ........ ........ vv..•. S .?.5 Ogden MMn�r o,►��exterio r,so m�e[nsrtfd e_ srn a I I area of ca rp et cim►ketlod m1r'rmd pami mph . .., - X0 1651 as rn� .' le ..,PI easa nt H R! Fianna ........ ....-rY $1. 1- _..c.._..."....,. .S..S:.......................'-..-.-.-.-.`.-.-.............. . .•.,..,.:.:.........._._..-...t_.---° .-5. .,..,.._......_•.........�.�_r_,_ f_................... L ...... �.......r_. r.:.4_Management LLf Mlrmr o fm exte-tor cleanout f.'.e4'�.�•.4•fF --slide yard and bammnmt vreL -" ., ? ..................... � W- ........... .................... ... . .� f --------------------------------------- ....... .�� j��• r_7J .:1.' .... d� Total-overflows $22,700.00 $48,541.55 $711,241.55 r do 2003-04 GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-OTHER 1 01/20/04 54 East Altarfnda Drhm Orinda Patricia Werner $319.34 Patricia Werner Reimbursement for tree'removal and replacement due to CSO sewer repay 2 3 4 - Total-GL Other $0.00 $319.34 r 2003-04 i do 2003-04 AUTO CLAIMS 4b # DOL Location Ve� Name Reserve Paid Comments I MUM Filter Plant #208 2003 Chevy Silverado Garth Williams $1,255.25 backed Into light pole while turning trunk around 2 3 4 5 Reserve Paid-to-date Total-Auto Claims $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.28 F