HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET AND FINANCE AGENDA 03-01-04 ' Central Contra [testa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, Ca 94553 (925) 228-9500 www.centralsan.orgi BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE March 1, 2004 3:30 p.m. CSO Conference Room 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, California 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS 3. OLD BUSINESS 4. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT 5. REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS 6. REVIEW EXPENDITURES 7. ADJOURNMENT Recyced Paper To: Finance Committee From: Randall Musgraves Debbie Ratcliff Subject: Finance Committee Meeting-February 16, 2004 There were several outstanding questions from the last Finance Committee Meeting: 1. Is Larry Hazard related to Jim Hazard at Kent Aim's old firm, Sellar, Hazard? Yes,they are brothers. 2. Was the claim on Blvd Way in Orinda? No. Staff inadvertently put the city of Orinda. The correct city is Walnut Creek. (See attached map) 3. Do we get a special price for the lab work that EBMUI3 does for us? No. In fact,they were the only lab that had the proper equipment and training to do the lab tests required by the Regional Board. We now have this specialized equipment and knowledge to do these tests in-house and may even do some testing for other agencies as well. 4. What service did Geovision Geophysical Service provide on the Aeration Air Leaks Renovation Project? This company provided ground penetrating radar imaging on the cement floors of the tanks. They then took the data and entered it into a computer model and produced a final report. Their work on this project is complete. Later ette,'') ' �y Vb v •P, +� <1co X co NW I'. rz �d �► :4ha do Y Dr 56 1,Bo evard 1Afty -v, pro d 4 ror. t ti � wP m '4 rip 36 Walnut Creek 150 m 6.00 ft 0 2W3 Rand Mr.Naiy S C mvany Q Z3 Navigaticn Techs Legal Expenditure Summary RUINING EXPENSE FUND Check# Check$ Vendor Name I Account# Account$ CL# Case#-Case Title 1 148880 $65.82 James McNair 001-0150-400.12-07 65.82 15 McNair(Orinda) Overflow Claim- Reimbursement for rental of equipment to clear lateral. 2 148909 $126.75 Roto-Rooter Sewer Service 001-0150-400.12-07 $126.75 20 Thurston(WC) Overflow Claim-Payment for clearing lateral. H:ISpreadsheetslLegaI1SUMMARYIEXPDSUMFeb04.wb3 02/27104 2003-04 ■ OVERFLOWS D PLUMBING ]EI MBU I E ENT CLAIMS 11 2M driess _Claimant hM Resqrve Paled to Date Paid to Claim Totals comments 1 0717 73 59 M u I berry La.n a Walnut Creek B ria n 5m 1117 PL $194.04 'Dtta n 5m tth 5194.04 Plumb leap bill refrnb u rseme nt 0711 t0l 2845 Kinney Drive Walnut Creek Mary Jane Reaves Pi 5175.13 Mary Jane Reeves $175,13 Plumbing bill relmburserrient 3 07129M 626 Las Juntas Street fel artln ez LI p pow CkNel o pment FID S3,507-22 LI p pcfw b erveloprn n git S3,807.22 Afte r re p Iacernont project contractor fai led to h ook u p I ate ral to main 4 D 4ln;VI2 121 Barbeny Lane San Ramon Ton ka Gladden PL 5114.54 Ton ka Gladden $114-51)Plumbing bill relrri b u rs gime nt 5 0E,+1910 2513 Ven ado Cam I no Walnut Creek John Gatti PD $1,924.26 John Gard $1.924-26 Hydra crew cleaning;piE-is u re cauSed backup th ra ug h lateral,11P,bath affecbe'd,replace wallpaper 6 0812W3 3 Entry 26.0 olde n rat n W a I nut D ree k(Rossma o 1 st WC Mutual 6 RF(Ros5mu or) PD $3.50Z60 S;kIll C Iia n $3,3.02.60 outs Ide lau n dry fael14 aft' Cdr-f in g an d base boa rd repl ac eme nt 7 09 7r<03 3607 Mt_D labio Btv d. Lafayette beseo P Iam 1;(lie n be Mar n) PD $2.W2,20 Festa ratIo n Managiamerat Crew resporkled 11)sUnding ffor'i#io1e;n of aware of Qft Into tentant5. C Ieanin g a nd m1no r _ e •eee. e F eF e e e e e...... .. ... __.._ __.. .•r::..::_a=__ Pro ap� � ea Ment a roe) e ee e•eeeee e .e ., \��� e,�e,e�e,a e e e e 5. .e .... .,er ,,•e_e.. .e,...ee,,,,e e..eee....e..e ,....ee.ee..... ..._- _ ----- �eeee -:-.: r .. ..........._......_.......... 4.44_==�!�.} r: .• .. w ,e,eeee .ee.. e �. f tis ....... ,. ... ........_."...., ........ _....... _ _..4444V+IT .. S 0912= 17 Bon Ga bfiel Way Orinda LAM l rin $457.DO Lon Marin F9ugged 9ne;d6posal and p Ieces of We in litre. Ove r1tawed out of c Tela nowt I n b ack,m I nor perso n all pro p m1y darn age,dean I r)g of patio&yfa rd. $1,434.04 Restorabon Management $101-04 9 CD3 1801 Castes Street Alta rb nez e if b to(tanant) RD $3,0.50.n Jeff laaet3cau(tenant) Plugged IIne-pape dgrease P 4Z. Flooded entry,garage,Liwin g room,and tali, $452.99 Ca N Warren 8 Ga. $3,454.715 Resturattan Mama*Merft $175.GD Environmelal MlicimbWo9y Lab Bruce St7ohman(prop.ovmer) PEI $3,776.2E5 Bruce hrran(pr .ovr S10,+909.01 10 1 Wn9103 137 Lan Lamas Way 4W In ut Creek Shar Bh atra PL $175.13 Spar Bh aft 5175.13 Plumbing bill roErntwrsament 0 11 111+02103 84 Tcrraca Road Wal nut Creek Karen M rXhisir-k PL $264.5-0 Kase-n M cKEss ick $264.60 P I u m b I ng bell re"bu regiment 12 11102M3 3553 East View ariwe Lafay ette Thomas Kozel PL MD.D 0 Thomas bozo 1 $250.00 P 1 u m bl ng bill re"bu ement 13 11�OW03 2575 Buena Vista Avenr Walnut Creek (Joan Larsen PL 11,061.D11 Jean Larsen $1^061.00 reimbursement of several plumbing bills due to Drstilct related projeut 14 :1110413 17 Arlene Court Walnut Creek Marcra Eller PL $#85.1)0 Marcia EIIefi $185.00 Plumbing bill reimbursement 15 1V11103 32 Bates B fwd. O tin d a James McNair PL M6.82 James McNair $65.62 fie Imb u rs ement for recital of eq u Ip to of can ba cku p d ue to mah`u nct on of Bates`Stud Pump M 16 12MV03 2314 Mallard Drhm Walnut Creek Mark&d o-dy Pow Pik $200.00 Mark 8 Jody Pa c a off due to roots in line acted tiro showers InU!Y or,but no a p parent real $912.76 Restoration Management $1^112.76 property damage;maybe some pgirsonal property damage 17 12/16{03 1500 Fl ed Ave L Inut geek Pekoe Dherene PL F2,863.50 Beatrice C h ere n e $2,893_:0 P 1 urn bI ng bill term b u rse meat 18 12/29103 ,361$Mt Dfabl o Blvd N atm era U-no Ta4u aril la PID $468.00 0 Mike Saul $45B_00 Business Interruption(2-4 hours),em pl ayees'gages 3618 mt Diablo Blvd. La h"m Antiq u a Door Company P0 $0110 Clay Ramsey Minor dam-age to hatho o m1conterits r any) 3M Mt Diablo B hid. Lgfayoft Lore's Dfo rA# Fib $6,092.33 Lora Isherwood CSL cants da mapo,b"neess I nWrUpUq n,Some waI I repair ._._.............:.........•.... '_- _---- -- $191.1 . 444444•4_4_44L444 :=JfJSJFLJF.. •.•.. � � � ' • :•f• • Y•.- -X+r44.{4t4r4y44. � ..e.eee..^eee {_i - - : �= �---------.._........................:......•...-_---^.^........................_..._..ee: � :__ _ . '"' ..................- eee.....---------- . ,Y�, . , _ e erL1�' � .�...... 14 Restoration 14�t#11a�11'11�'r'rt +�.7 , J!fxx. 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Total-overflows $17,200.00 $48,541.55 $65,741.55 2003-04 GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-OTHER 1 01/20/04 54 East Altarinda Drive Crinda Patricia Werner $319.34 Patricia Wemer Reimbursement for tree removal and replacement due to CSD sewer repair. 2 3 4 Total-GL Other $0.00 $319.34 0 2003-04 2003-04 AUTO CLAIMS OL Location Veh Desc. Name Reserve Paid Comments RL 1 09/22103 Filter Plant #208 2003 Chevy Silverado Garth Williams $1.25525 backed into light pole while taming trunk around 2 3 4 5 Resen►e Paid-tD-date Total-Auto Claims $0.00 $0.00 $1255.25