HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.a. Approve minutes of 06-16-16 Board meeting 1 0 . a . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District MINUTES TES BOARD OF DIRECTORS: TAD J PILECKI President SPECIAL BOARD MEETING PAUL H.CAUSE President Pro Tem Thursday, June 16, 2016 MICHAEL R.MCc/LL 8:00 a.m. — Closed Session JAMES A.NT.JEDLY DAVID R. WILLIAMS 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. — Open Session DRAFT Closed Session Caucus Room - 8:00 a.m. 1 . ROLL CALL A special meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by President Pilecki at 8:00 a.m. in the Caucus Room. Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme called roll: PRESENT: Members: Causey, McGill, Williams, Pilecki ABSENT: Members: Nejedly 2. ANNOUNCE CLOSED SESSION (pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.7) District Counsel Kent Alm announced that a closed session would be held for Item 4.a. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT None. 4. CLOSED SESSION a. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation - significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2). • One potential case. 5. RECESS TO OPEN SESSION The Board recessed at 8:03 a.m. and reconvened in open session in the Multi- Purpose Room. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT June 16, 2016 Special Board Meeting Minutes - Page 2 Open Session Multi-Purpose Room - 8:30 a.m. 6. ROLL CALL A special meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by President Pilecki at 8:22 a.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme called roll: PRESENT.' Members: Causey, McGill (arrived at the start of Item 11.d), Williams, Pilecki ABSENT.' Members: Nejedly 7. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION With regard to the Closed Session held in the Caucus Room immediately prior to the open session, District Counsel Kent Alm reported that direction was given to staff. 8. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD No comments. 9. REQUESTS TO CONSIDER MATTERS OUT OF ORDER None. 10. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Approve minutes of Board meetings held: 1) May 19, 2016; and 2) June 2, 2016. b. Approve updated salary schedule for all District job classifications effective April 18, 2016 to meet disclosure requirements of a "publicly available pay schedule" under the Public Employees' Pension Reform Act (PEPRA). Approval recommended by Administration Committee. C. Authorize the General Manager to amend an existing agreement with Woolpert, Inc. to increase the cost ceiling by $120,000, from $400,000 to $520,000, for professional services for the Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Replacement, District Project 8242. Approval recommended by Engineering & Operations Committee. d. Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with DTN Engineers, Inc. for professional engineering design services in an amount not to exceed $150,000 for the treatment plant Fire Protection System CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT June 16, 2016 Special Board Meeting Minutes - Page 3 Improvements, Phase 2, District Project 7322. Approval recommended by Engineering & Operations Committee. e. Award a three-year contract in the total amount of $2,389,790 to Overmiller, Inc. DBA: Roto-Rooter Sewer Service, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the District-Wide Sewer Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Inspection Project; find that the project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and authorize the General Manager to execute the contract documents subject to submittal requirements. Approval recommended by Engineering & Operations Committee. f. Set a public hearing for July 21, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. to consider placing the following items on the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Contra Costa County Tax Roll for collection: 1) Fiscal Year 2016-17 Sewer Service Charge; 2) Fiscal Year 2016-17 Capacity Use Charges; 3) Fiscal Year 2016-17 Assessments for: • Contractual Assessment Districts (CADs); • Alhambra Valley Assessment Districts (AVADs); and • Other fee installment payment programs. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Causey and seconded by Member Williams to adopt the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board: AYES: Members: Causey, Williams, Pilecki NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: McGill, Nejedly 11. REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS a. General Manager 1) Announcements a) Public bidding for the Fairview and Maltby Pumping Stations Pump Rebuild, District Project 5941 b) Public bidding for the Residential Fill Station Improvements Project, District Project 7350 c) Central San to host the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA)/California Water Environment Association (CWEA) Biosolids and Renewable Energy Specialty Workshop on July 19, 2016 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT June 16, 2016 Special Board Meeting Minutes - Page 4 d) Update on Local Area Formation Commission (LAFCO) election to fill special district representative seat for four-year term e) District staff to participate at the Esri User Conference in San Diego from June 27 to July 1, 2016 f) State Water Resources Control Board adopts new Recycled Water General Order No further announcements were made at the meeting. BOARD ACTION: Received the announcements. b. Counsel for the District — No report. C. Secretary of the District — No report. Member McGill joined the meeting. d. Board Members 1) Committee Minutes a) May 31, 2016 — Finance Committee meeting — President Pilecki and Member Causey. b) June 6, 2016 —Administration Committee meeting — Member Williams and Member McGill. c) June 7, 2016 — Engineering & Operations Committee meeting — Member Causey and President Pilecki. BOARD ACTION: Received the minutes. 2) Reports and Announcements - Board Member reports on recent meetings or conferences for which they received the stipend or for which the District paid their expenses. Member Williams — No report. Member Causey • June 3, 2016 — Board Liaison Southern Area Briefing in San Ramon. Member Causey reported that the Southern Area Briefing was well received; most of the questions related to the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT June 16, 2016 Special Board Meeting Minutes - Page 5 demonstration satellite water recycling facility (SWRF)proposed for the Diablo Country Club (DCC). Member Causey announced that he will be attending next week's meeting of the East Bay Leadership Council (EBLC) Water Task Force. Member McGill • May 5, 2016 — Contra Costa County Mayors' Conference hosted by the City of Pleasant Hill. Topic: Driverless vehicles and their impact on economic development in Contra Costa County. Member McGill announced that he will be giving a Board Liaison briefing to the City of Pleasant Hill at next Monday's City Council meeting. Member McGill also noted that at a recent meeting of the EBLC Land Use Task Force an item from the Governor's budget that has a trailer bill with a proposal to allow low and moderate income housing to develop by right if the land is already zoned for it, and there is no allowance for any conditions to be attached. He suggested the bill be added to the District's watch list. Member McGill announced that he will be meeting with Tom Terrill of DCC this afternoon and attending next week's meeting of the EBLC Water Task Force. President Pilecki — No report. BOARD ACTION: Received the reports. 3) Requests for Stipend/Reimbursement or Conference Attendance — Authorization to receive a stipend for meeting attendance or expense reimbursement not specifically addressed in the current Board Compensation Resolution, or authorization for conference attendance not previously approved by the Board. No requests. 12. COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN (CWMP) WORKSHOP Outside Consultants Present for the CWMP Workshop: Carollo Engineers, Inc. Mike Britten, Jim Hagstrom, Jamie Pigott, Tim Loper CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT June 16, 2016 Special Board Meeting Minutes - Page 6 CH2M: Peter Burrowes, Summer Bundy, Irina Lukicheva Raftelis Financial Consultants: Sudhir Pardiwala Katz& Associates: Katy Horn General Manager Roger S. Bailey explained that the CWMP Workshop was an opportunity for the Board to provide feedback on some of the issues that staff and the District's consultants have been working on, including consideration by the Board of two potential policy issues regarding an energy policy and a policy concerning private sewer laterals. a. Treatment Plant Master Plan Update Director of Engineering and Technical Services Jean-Marc Petit said that staff and the consultants have worked closely together over the past year to develop the key findings and recommendations set forth in the agenda materials. Based on the Board's feedback during the workshop, staff should be able to have a better defined Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the November CWMP Workshop. Mr. Petit then presented the PowerPoint included with the agenda materials focusing on the issues set forth below: • Master Plan Drivers and Goals Mr. Petit presented the four main drivers impacting the treatment plant. 1. Aging infrastructure 2. Capacity 3. Regulatory 4. Sustainability, resiliency and energy He also explained that the CWMP goals and associated levels of service discussed by the Board last December were used as a reference when evaluating alternatives. • Key Findings and Preliminary Recommendations Key Finding #1 —Aging Infrastructure The CWMP will include replacement of aging assets over the next 20 years. Asset replacement for the next 10 years will be included as part of the updated 10-Year CIP that will be presented at the November workshop. The CWMP team noted the overall condition of concrete in CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT June 16, 2016 Special Board Meeting Minutes-Page 7 the treatment plant appeared to be good and that District staff have done a good job of maintaining existing facilities and equipment. Member Williams asked if analyses have been made to address flow disruptions in the aftermath of an earthquake. Member Causey suggested a contingency plan be developed for solids handling and especially for the multiple hearth furnaces. Key Findinq #2— Site Constraints After a discussion on options for addressing contaminated soil on parts of the plant site, Member Causey suggested contacting the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DISC) prior to the November workshop. He also wondered if using contaminated soil to raise the level of Basin A might eliminate the need for higher levees. Staff will contact DTSC to confirm their previous guidance that on-site consolidation was preferred, but did not think the use of contaminated soils for the levees or flood protection would be feasible. Member Pilecki suggested it may be prudent to proceed with this project in the near future to avoid rising costs and potential changes in regulations. Member Williams noted that it may make more sense to adjust the timing of this project to make sure that the land is indeed required for future treatment processes to avoid unnecessary cost to the District. Overall, the Board was in agreement with the recommendations to leave the material on site, and to include Alternative A — On-Site Consolidation in the CWMP. Staff will re-evaluate the timing of this project for the updated 10-Year CIP to be presented at the November workshop. Key Findinq #3— Liquid Stream Capacity Limitations The following projected year 2035 flows have been used in the CWMP: Average Dry Weather Flow was estimated at 41 million gallons per day (mgd); Maximum Month Wet Weather Flow was estimated at 74 mgd; and the Peak Hourly Wet Weather Flow was currently estimated at 270 mgd pending the results of the calibrated collection system dynamic InfoWorks model. Mr. Petit indicated that there were no average dry flow capacity limitations for the projected 41 mgd that required capital improvements. However, some capital improvements will be required to address the projected Maximum Month Wet Weather Flow and the Peak Hourly Wet Weather Flow. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT June 16, 2016 Special Board Meeting Minutes-Page 8 Member Causey inquired about peak hourly wet weather flows, asking for the basis of the 20-year event. Mr. Petit indicated that a 20-year event (i.e. 5 percent chance that the flow would occur each year) has been the District standard for planning and design. Due to changes in service area growth assumptions, reduced per capita water usage, more available historical rainfall data, and updated I/I (Infiltration and Inflow) information for the District's collection system, the 20-year peak hourly wet weather flow has decreased significantly over the last 30 years (from 400 mgd in the 1980s to 270 mgd for the CWMP. Member Causey requested additional information on the design criteria for the peak hourly wet weather flow as he felt that some of the assumptions may be too conservative and may make these flows unreasonable. Mr. Bailey said staff will explore criteria used by other Bay Area agencies for wet weather management for both treatment plants and collection systems and will bring the topic back for discussion at a future Board meeting. Key Findinq#4 — Impact of Future Regulations Identified in the CWMP Mr. Petit provided a high-level overview of potential future regulations that could impact the District and described the regulatory impact on the CWMP. The CWMP will rely on the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) Nutrient Optimization/Upgrade Scoping and Evaluation Plan for potential future nutrient limits; will comply with any future virus-based design criteria required for the design of future Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection facilities; will plan for liquids and solids alternatives that are able to maintain the District's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions below the Califomia Air Resources Board Cap And Trade Threshold Value of 25,000 Metric Tons CO2/year; will plan for future air emission requirements regarding the use of incinerators; and will plan for Class A Biosolids when evaluating solids handling alternatives that require land application for biosolids disposal. Overall, the Board was in agreement with the recommendations. Key Finding #5— Nutrient Removal Potential Regulations and Recycled Water Demands Nexus Mr. Petit provided a high-level overview describing the impact of potential nutrient regulations and also presented potential recycled water opportunities and their respective possible water quality requirements. Most of the demand for recycled water would possibly require nutrient removal and some level of reverse osmosis. He explained the nexus between nutrient removal and recycled water drivers and the CWMP Goals (meet future regulatory requirements and evaluate how the District could reach zero discharge and maximize use of recycled water). CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT June 16, 2016 Special Board Meeting Minutes-Page 9 Member McGill said it is his understanding that canal water is becoming more and more salty and he asked staff to look into that. President Pilecki said he would be interested in receiving more information from staff on the impact of solids alternatives (S-1, S-2, and S-3) on the two remaining liquid treatment alternatives (L-1 and L 2). Mr. Petit referred the Board Members to attachments included in the additional information package summarizing information for each of the solids and liquid alternatives. Liquid Alternatives L-1 and L-2 were discussed as part of Key Findings #5. Solids options were discussed in more detail under Key Findings #6. Mr. Petit said that Liquid Alternative L-2, which has higher estimated costs, was recommended because of its modular nature that provides the District a more flexible approach given uncertainties regarding the timing of nutrient removal and the timing and quantity of recycled water demands. Member Williams said it should be kept in mind that there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding nutrient removal. If nutrient removal is not implemented for a number of years, more knowledge will have been gathered, nutrient removal requirements may change or not be required, and newer technologies may become available. Mr. Petit explained that staff has and will continue to track the development of innovative technologies and implement pilot projects to continue to explore and refine alternatives that look promising for the District. However, for planning purposes, proven technologies must be included in the CWMP as placeholders to ensure the District has a plan that uses a proven approach that will meet the potential future nutrient limits and fits within existing site constraints. Member McGill asked about the cost of reverse osmosis versus the cost of constructing a pipeline to Delta Mendota Canal. Senior Engineer Dan Frost said that District staff could provide that information at a later Board meeting. The cost of the pipeline was previously presented in the RMC Water& Environment's Recycled Water Wholesale Opportunities Study. President Pilecki said he is averse to refurbishing the filters because previous attempts have been less successful than planned. He suggested other options be explored such as tertiary membranes. Mr. Petit indicated that tertiary membranes have been evaluated in the CWMP but they require higher capital and operations and maintenance (O&M) costs. The CWMP recommends refurbishing the existing filters with new equipment and media for Title 22 customers. However, CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT June 16, 2016 Special Board Meeting Minutes-Page 10 tertiary membrane technologies are being included to address future recycled water demands such as the refineries that have higher quality recycled water requirements that the existing filters cannot meet. Overall, the Board was in agreement with the recommendations to include Liquid Alternative L-2 as part of the CWMP and to continue the pilot testing program to identify and evaluate liquid treatment alternatives for nutrient removal which could prove to be more economical and more energy efficient. Key Findinq #6— Need for Developinq a Plan for Replacement of Multiple Hearth Furnaces Mr. Petit presented several drivers that justify the need to develop a plan for starting replacement of the existing multiple hearth furnaces within the 20-year planning window of the CWMP. Mr. Petit briefly presented the three Solids Handling Alternatives S-1, S-2 and S-3. Mr. Petit again referred the Board Members to attachments included in the additional information package describing each alternative. He also said that Solids Alternative S-2 (fluidized bed incineration followed by anaerobic digestion) will be recommended in the CWMP because it has the lowest capital and net present value cost, requires less energy than the current systems, produces fewer GHG emissions, does not require biosolids disposal and development of a biosolids marketing program, provides an opportunity for improving the District's energy profile using cogeneration and waste heat-to-energy, and provides multiple solids disposal options providing a more reliable long-term solids handling approach. In response to an inquiry from Member Causey about potential damage to the multiple hearth furnaces in the event of an earthquake, it was noted that a report will be made to the Board in the future addressing the District's Emergency Operations Plan and Business Continuity Plan. Member Williams noted that the comparative costs for the three alternatives relate solely to capital costs. Before any final decisions are made, he said it is important to consider O&M costs and ongoing energy improvements associated with the various alternatives. Mr. Petit stated that capital costs, O&M costs, net present value costs, and energy requirements were provided for all three solids alternatives in the additional information provided in the Board packet. Alternative S-2 was selected as the preferred alternative after considering costs CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT June 16, 2016 Special Board Meeting Minutes-Page 11 and energy. Additional information regarding the energy profile of each alternative was also included under the discussion of Item 12.c.1) regarding a potential energy policy. Overall, the Board was in agreement with the recommendations to include developing a plan to replace the multiple hearth furnaces within the CWMP planning period, to assume Solids Alternative S-2 for the future CIP development, and to continue the applied research/pilot program to identify and evaluate other solids handling alternatives, such as pyrolysis or gasification, which could potentially be more economical and more energy efficient. Key Finding #7— Energy Improvements for Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection and Steam Blower Systems Mr. Petit noted that the CWMP includes recommendations to replace the existing UV disinfection system with a more energy efficient and more modern system. He also stated that the CWMP recommends converting from a waste heat-to-steam system to a waste heat-to- electric power system that will be more energy efficient. It further recommends replacing the steam-driven aeration system with a more reliable and energy efficient electric blower system. Mr. Petit explained that the current steam system has resulted in direct links between the liquid treatment process and solids handling and energy processes. If disruptions occur in any one process, they can have a ripple effect on the treatment plant. The recommended approach will improve overall reliability. Overall, the Board was in agreement with the two energy improvements for the future CIP development. Key Findinq #8— Net Zero Energy Goals Requires Import of Carbon and Alternative Renewable Energy Sources This material was covered during the discussion of Item 12.c.2). • Master Plan Recommendations for the Plant of the Future Mr. Petit presented a draft treatment plant site plan showing potential projects that would be recommended in the CWMP for the next 20-plus years, and that will be the basis for developing an update to the District's CIP. Potential improvements were shown on a site map, reflecting approximate locations, footprint requirements, and noting the main CIP driver that justifies the proposed improvements. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT June 16, 2016 Special Board Meeting Minutes-Page 12 • Preliminary Updated Capital Improvement Program Costs —Treatment Plant Only Mr. Petit presented a preliminary, high-level update of the CIP for the treatment plant program. Member Causey said he would like information on the replacement rate of assets for both the treatment plant and the collection system because he is concerned that the needs of the District's aging infrastructure may be underestimated and he does not want the District to be in a position of having to do reactive replacement of assets, which generally costs more. Mr. Petit stated that this proposed CIP is for the treatment plant only. Mr. Bailey stated that the treatment plant asset replacement is based on the condition assessments, and other work that the CWMP team and experts have developed over the past year. A separate CIP is being developed for the collection system and will be presented at a future Board meeting/workshop. Member Williams stated that he felt that the treatment plant CIP for asset replacement currently being shown at over$400 million (in 2016 dollars) for the next 20 years seemed reasonable knowing that the total treatment plant assets are currently valued at about $750 million. A more detailed CIP update will be presented to the Board at a workshop in November 2016. • Next Steps Member Causey suggested that another workshop be held before November regarding design criteria for both the treatment plant and the collection system, and some of the risks. In his opinion, the District has over-sized its collection system pipes. In the interest of time, Mr. Petit said Item 12.b. on the collection system will be postponed to the next CWMP Workshop. b. Collection System Master Plan Update Discussion of Item 12.b. was tabled to the next CWMP Workshop. C. New Board Policies Discussions and Considerations 1) Consider new Board Policy on energy Mr. Frost presented the PowerPoint included with the agenda materials, stating that it was staffs recommendation to develop a net zero energy policy for the treatment plant defined as follows: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT June 16, 2016 Special Board Meeting Minutes-Page 13 'A Net Zero Energy Plant of the Future for the District's wastewater treatment plant campus would use enough renewable energy to meet its own annual energy consumption requirements." Mr. Frost showed both the current energy and electrical demand for the existing plant, then showed future demands for the proposed recommend Liquid Alternative L-2, and then compared the three solids alternatives previously presented. Mr. Frost also showed several strategies for striving towards net zero energy in the future, including co-digestion, solar power, and wind power. He then presented the possible energy and power offset for each solids alternative. These examples showed that reaching net zero energy to meet the treatment plant's future energy demand appears to be feasible, especially for alternatives that include anaerobic digestion. Mr. Frost said that it is likely that a combination of co-digestion with alternative energy would be required to achieve net zero energy for future treatment plant and recycled water energy demands. Mr. Frost noted that it would be very difficult to achieve net zero energy for all future energy demands if those energy demands included a 20-mgd recycled water project using reverse osmosis. Member Causey asked if staff had evaluated alternatives to reach net zero energy on the current operation, and if solar was being considered. Member Causey also asked if staff knew the size and the power being generated at West County. Mr. Frost said the West County solar project was a 1-megawatt power purchase agreement. President Pilecki inquired about the viability of using wind energy. Mr. Frost said the District's CWMP consultant, CH2M, looked at wind viability and their preliminary findings were that it appears viable, which was different from previous District reports. The CWMP team will confirm the viability of wind power prior to finalizing its recommendations. Member Causey requested that copies of the previous wind study be provided to the Board Members. When asked if the Board Members wanted staff to develop a policy on energy, it was the general consensus of the Board to proceed with a draft policy using the following guidelines: a) Use the following Net Zero Energy definition as the guideline for developing an Energy policy. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARYDISTRICT June 16, 2016 Special Board Meeting Minutes-Page 14 'A Net Zero Energy Plant of the Future for the District's wastewater treatment plant campus would use enough renewable energy to meet its own annual energy consumption requirements." b) Include a program for co-digestion of high-strength waste (e.g. FOG (fats, oils and grease) or other high-strength industrial wastes), if anaerobic digestion is implemented in the District's future. c) Further explore the feasibility of renewable energy (e.g. solar and/or wind). d) As projects arise, staff should make recommendations as to whether energy projects should be District-owned versus using power purchase agreements. e) Define a time period for achieving Net Zero Energy to the extent that it is financially viable. Staff should make a recommendation as to what is an acceptable payback period for projects that require capital investment and recommendations for acceptable economic benefits for power purchase agreements. Once the Energy policy is drafted, it was agreed that the General Manager may decide whether or not to have the draft policy reviewed by the Administration Committee prior to presenting it to the full Board. 2) Consider new Board Policy on private sewer laterals Assistant Engineer Justin Waples presented an introduction to private sewer laterals. The question of responsibility of ownership of the private sewer laterals was briefly discussed. Member McGill favored maintaining the status quo unless problems develop that would require a change to the District's current approach. Member Williams noted that the private sewer laterals in the District's service area are deteriorating over time and likely experiencing increasing infiltration issues similar to other agencies. For this reason, he was willing to look into the matter. Member Causey agreed with Member Williams, stating that at a minimum he would be open to Option A, which would implement an ordinance requiring lateral inspection/repair/replacement upon sale of property, major renovation, and/or change in water meter size. He said it should be recognized that homeowners have a responsibility for their private sewer laterals, and that it is important for the District to CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT June 16, 2016 Special Board Meeting Minutes-Page 15 demonstrate that it is concerned about potential issues that may arise from their deteriorating private sewer laterals. President Pilecki said that he was inclined to agree with Member McGill but noted that further discussion with the full Board was warranted for this matter. This item will be discussed in more detail at the next CWMP workshop. BOARD ACTION: Held CWMP Workshop and provided input to staff. 13. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS None. 14. REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None. 15. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 2:06 p.m. Tad J. Pilecki President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Elaine R. Boehme, CMC Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California