HomeMy WebLinkAbout05. Review draft resonse to Grand Jury Report No. 16065.
The following is the District's response to the FINDINGS:
F3. State matching grants and low-interest loans are available for small indirect
potable reuse projects, which could potentially increase water supply.
The respondent agrees with the finding.
CCCSD is aware of the grant funding and low-inte
reuse (IPR) projects. In order to implement an l
need the cooperation and participation of a dr?'.,
recently completed a Wholesale Recycled,.
evaluated IPR Project opportunities with Contra Co
sst loans for indirect potable
roject, the District would
water agency. CCCSD
portunities Study that
0 -Water District (CCWD)
and East Bay Municipal Utilities District (EBMUD) and f as made both agencies
aware of the findings of that study.
F4. Indirect potable reuse projects are ideal for areas in the Coun
water sources are unavailable.
The respondent partially di :with the fin
here other new
IPR projects can be ideal for areas in the ounty where other new sources are
unavailable, if there is a suitable reservoir (surface or groundwater) available for
the required environmental storage me (6 months minimum).
F5. It is difficult to develop Targe recycled water projects without the cooperation and
commitment of water purveyors and customers.
The respondent agrees with the fin
Since drinking water agencies have the primary responsibility of providing an
adequate water supply to the areas they serve, it is not possible for wastewater -
only agencies, like CCCSD, to move forward with large recycled water projects
without the cooperation, commitment and financial participation of the water
purveyor. As well, a willing customer is essential for moving forward with any
size recycled water project.
F6. Where recycled water can be wheeled to one customer, it could "free up" an
equivalent amount of fresh water that could then be wheeled to another customer
who might be willing to pay more, thus creating "win-win" results for recycled
water projects.
The respondent agrees with the finding.
CCCSD has been discussing this potential mechanism for moving water supply
to where it is needed with both CCWD and EBMUD.
F9. Satellite wastewater treatment plants are feasible in situations where the user is
distant from existing recycled water distribution systems, needs water for
irrigation, and is able to meet the costs to build and operate the plant.
The respondent agrees with the finding.
Satellite water recycling facilities can be a potentialsolution to serve irrigation
demand that is distant from existing recycled waterdistribution systems, if an
adequate supply of wastewater exists near the potential recycled water
customer. It is also necessary to have customers telling to pay for the capital,
operations and maintenance costs associated with a satellite water recycling
facility. It should be noted that satellite wastewater treatment plants only
represent a seasonal demand of recycled water, where IPRand industrial
recycled water projects use recycled water year-round.
The following is the District's response to the R CO ENDATIONS
R2. CCCSD and CCWD should explore the feasibility of cooperatively developing an
IPR Injection Well Project.
The recommendation will not be implemented.
As part of CCCSD's Wholesale: Recycled Water Opportunities Study, options for
1PR projects, using existing groundwater basins were evaluated. The only
usable groundwater basin in CCWD'sservice area is the Clayton groundwater
basin, which is an unmanaged basin. Water supplies are not secure in
unmanaged groundwater basins, so there would be no way to ensure that the 6 -
month minimum retention time for injected recycled water would be met.
R3. CCCSD, CCWD and DSRSD should consider the formation of a JPA to expand
CCCSD's tertiary treatment capacity in order to free up fresh water for domestic
and commercial customers.
The recommendation requires further analysis.
CCCSD has had separate discussions with CCWD and DSRSD regarding
opportunities to utilize CCCSD's potential water supply. If a project is identified
that involves CCWD and DSRSD, forming a JPA may be appropriate, however,
there are other potential partners that CCCSD could partner with to achieve this
goal. CCCSD will continue talking with Bay Area water agencies in an effort to
develop projects for CCCSD's potential supply of recycled water.
R7. The District should consider facilitating the use of satellite wastewater treatment
plants, where appropriate.
The recommendation has been implemented.
CCCSD supports facilitating the use of satellite water recycling facilities where
appropriate. CCCSD supports the implementation of a demonstration satellite
water recycling facility at the Diablo Country Club, and has also entered into a
Memorandum of Understanding to evaluate the feasibility of a satellite plant at
Moraga Country Club.
R9. The County and Districts should consider meetingfo discuss each District's need
for land for demonstration of scaled -up recycling and desalination projects using
green technologies, which may qualify for State grafi money, and the County's
ability to lease such land.
The recommendation requires further analysis.
CCCSD would be happy to meet with the
wastewater districts to dis.st, this concep
recycling demonstration project /' award, it wou
financial support of the applicable w
supports such a project, a willig.custa
identified to determine the size and wate
water facilities and their land requirremern
find other water and
rder to move a scaled -up water
first need the approval and
If a water purveyor
staffers) would need to be
requirements of the recycled
oval funding would likely be
(or cu
needed, as state grants for recycled water projects require a local match.