HomeMy WebLinkAbout03. Draft Position Paper to award contract for District-wide Sewer CCTV Inspection projectCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 16, 2016 Subject: 3. AWARD A CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH OVERMILLER, INC. DBA: ROTO -ROOTER SEWER SERVICE FOR THE DISTRICT -WIDE SEWER CCTV INSPECTION PROJECT Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div.: Alex Rozul Operations/Collection System Operations Senior Engineer Division REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: P. Seitz — CSO Division Manager E. Lopez — Capital Projects Division Manager A. Sasaki — Deputy General Manager Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE: On June 1, 2016, two sealed bids were received and opened for the District -Wide Sewer Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Inspection Project. The Board of Directors must award the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. Authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to SUBMITTAL requirements. BACKGROUND: The District began the Sewer CCTV Inspection program in 2002. The program goal is to assess the condition of the collection system through video inspection. In addition, the video and data collected is used by the Collection System Operations Division (CSOD) to identify pipes in need of urgent cleaning and to optimize cleaning schedules. Unlike previous CCTV inspection projects, this project has a three-year duration and combines inspection for asset management with on-call inspection for pre -design for sewer renovation projects. District staff prepared the plans and specifications for the project. The Engineer's estimate for the District -Wide Sewer CCTV Inspection Project is $2,820,000. This project was advertised on May 11 and 16, 2016. Two sealed bids ranging from $2,389,790 to $4,544,890 were received and publicly opened on June 1, 2016. CSOD conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that Overmiller, Inc. DBA: Roto -Rooter Sewer Service is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder with a bid amount of $2,389,790. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 1. The District will administer the contract and provide contract administration, inspection, and submittal review. FLP Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 16, 2016 Subject AWARD A CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WITH OVERMILLER, INC. DBA: ROTO -ROOTER SEWER SERVICE FOR THE DISTRICT -WIDE SEWER CCTV INSPECTION PROJECT CEQA: Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from CEQA under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15262, since it will provide information for design of sewer improvements and will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. Authorization of the award of the contract for this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: Reject all bids, which is not recommended. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total agreement amount may reach up to $2,389,790 at the end of the third year. The annual expenditure for this project is estimated at $940,000 and is included in the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Operations and Maintenance budget and Capital Improvement Program budget. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this project at its meeting on June 7, 2016, and recommended award of the project. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Staff recommends the following: 1. Find that the project is exempt from CEQA, 2. Award a contract in the amount of $2,389,790 for the District -Wide Sewer CCTV Inspection Project to Overmiller, Inc. DBA: Roto -Rooter Sewer Service, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, and 3. Authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to SUBMITTAL requirements. Attached Suoportina Document: 1. Summary of Bids Page 2 of 3 ATTACHMENT 1 DISTRICT -WIDE SEWER CCTV INSPECTION PROJECT SUMMARY OF BIDS DATE: JUNE 1, 2016 PROJECT NAME: DISTRICT -WIDE SEWER CCTV INSPECTION PROJECT NO. OF ADDENDA: 0 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: $2,820,000 NO. BIDDER BID PRICE Overmiller, Inc. 1 DBA: Roto -Rooter Sewer Service $2,389,790 Concord, CA 94520 2 Pipe and Plant Solutions, Inc. $4,544,890 Berkeley, CA 94710 BIDS OPENED BY: Elaine R. Boehme, CMC DATE June 1, 2016 Page 3 of 3